Newspaper Page Text
A Polity ail Rrtn.’.j'Mt-Charros Garfli ld
With T reft?hery—Harrison’*’Corrupt Bar-
A (can — .Arthur’® Non'.?..alien C<iuk!tn;’a
Whim to Annoy JI ayes.
The i rir ; • . tl: ■■ jealousies and the
faSd Ii::- ‘ • ’ half emtury of
Amerk 1.1 . ate. .'-ift are revealed in the
fierce J: pb: i1 at criticism in "John
fchermi a.’s Rccollectit us of Forty Years •
In tire Mouse, Senaite and Cabinet,’* •
which Iris b<-n pubk.-htsi recently.
The liar that the i n■-ruble senator ■
won Id ■' weal secrets long kept from the (
public i n hiaforthes mingwork has been
to an e.ctent realized. Grant, Garfield, ,
Blaine, Arthur, Harrison and other Ro
publicist leaders are spoken of with un- i
stinted praise for their high personal
worth of statesmanship, but each is, in
guarded and covert language, shown
in the less commendable light of a
scheming politician. The criticism is
almost invariably implied rather than
direct, but it stands out clearly in the
work art a whole.
As was anticipated, the feature of the
book is its extrema frankness, the stylo !
in which Mr. Sherman has expressed ;
hiinse'if showing the statesman rather j
than tdie professional bookmaker. Tho
work Us marked by clearcut sentences
and blunt expressions of opinion, and
but little attempt at literary grace is j
made. The book is very evidently in- ;
tended by the author as an exposition i
of the financial policy of the Republican I
party, which, to a great extent, is his
own, and about the extensive and elab
orate history of American finance are
woven anecdotes and personal reminis
cences replete with interest to every
student of politics.
Th® Uarfield Nomination.
Owing io the close association of Mr.
Sherman and James A. Garfield, the
criticism of the nomination of the l itter
for president of the United States is
perhaps one of the most striking fea
tures of the bock. The author, while
carefully avoiding a direct charge of
ceachery on tho part of Garfield, very
significantly makes it plain that ho was i
nominated nt. a convention to which he
hod gone as the trusted leader of the |
Sherman forces. After showing, by the ‘
publication of private letters covering a ;
period of years of close political and i 1
personal association, that Mr. Gurtiokl ,
was in reality his political protege, 1
Mr. Bhermau gives in detail the history
of the national convention of 181; J.
Following the account of his own strug
gle for the nomination, ho says:
In time I beenmo thoroughly advised of what ;
occurred at the Chloago convention find Iml ■
become cntii ly reconciled to the result,
though frequently afi rwnrd 1 heard incidents
and detuih which occasioned mu gr< at jraui,
and which see mod to <. tablHh the want or Mtn
eerily on the part of some of the defagatoJ and
tended to th<»w that for Home tinw before tho
meeting of th ■ < « nv» nt ion the nomination of
General Garth Id hud been agreed upon’
The sting of GarfleJd’n defection in
;880 in inadvertently shown by a senti
ment exproraod during the diFcussiou of
the national convention of 1892, where
the senator remark*: *
From Inter <l< v<-lepraent•«, 1 became satisfied
thulftarrtam <• ml.i not be eh (rd; that Platt
nnd a powerful N w York influence would de
ft -at him if i.ujui.!•-tod. 1 therefor pr« ,< rred
tho nomination of a new n an, meh tv* William
McKinley, but ho had com ml tied him** If to
Harrison, and accord ug to my oof? of honor,
could not t -'pt a nomination, even if t n
dired him®
When it was remembered that Blaine
was also a candidate for the presidency
before the convention that nominated
Garfield, the hignificance of tho follow
ing explana: ion on tho part of Senator
Sherman of why he waanot reappointed
by President Garfield um secretary of the
treasury is readiiy understood.
In the latter part of November, 1880, Genera)
Garfield c.u>; to Washington and calk'd upon
Mr. Blidm , who, it u.pi understood, was to be
Secretary of auto. Garfield cam*' to my house
directly from I.lain: *h and informed me that
ho had leadc-rcd that office to Eliiino and that
it was aoceptvd. He » iid thnt Blaine thought j
it would not I*’ politic to continue mo ns arc- 1
rrteryof tho tv-aoury, its it would be regarded ’
un unfriendly discrimiastiun by other mem* J
beta of the lioye- cabin t. 1 promptly ropli. 4
that 1 agreed with th * opinion of Bluino and 1
was a candidate for tl. .* acuate.
Again the anthvr reverts to tho Chi- 1
cago convent ion in diseu-dug tho char
acter of Fit .orient Garfield. Os his per. 1
sonulity anil eloquence lie speaks iu (be
highest terms. His will power, ho said, 1
wiw not up to hi., personal maguotiom. ’
Ho adds that his opinion changed eas
ily. In this connection ho says:
When 1 pro|K»t tl to him tn bo udt legate nt )
large to tho <Yik ug i oor.vcnHon, ho no doubt <
meant in ic h! faith t > support my nomination, i
PlatVa Corrupt Bargain.
Something of tho political scheming
that again re ilti d in the deft at. of tho
Ohio state.-!.;e.i in tho national conven
tion of lljSb and about the '
nomination of ex-Presidcut Harrison I
can easily be read between the lines in i
that part of tho work devoted to this
-struggle. Ju dr -tii-sing the result Mr.
Sherman si.js tiiai he be a:ne satisfied
that one delegate from New York con
trolled the entire dolfgution from that
state, mid between Saturday night—
when the n. i.i.iie.'ion teined certain to
go to Sherman —and Monday morning,
when the Ude turned in favor of Harri
son. a corrupt bargain was made in the
iuteresw of the lat ter which secured him |
the support of New York and gave him i
the nomination.
Continuing, the author-states in fair
ness to the ex-prenideut:
It is to th® ersdit < f General Harrison to aay ;
that if the n-puUxi i-..rvain waa made it was I
without his consent at the time.
On the eve of another national cam
paign. iu which ex President Harrison
is expected to figure prominently, Mr.
Sherman does not hesitate to state that i
in 1893 he did not consider Harrison a
strong candidate. To his cold and abrupt I
manner lie attributes his unpopularity
at that time.
Spate ;s devoted by the anther to an |,
account of the important events of each | (
administration. In this connection Mr. i
Sbennaii lays bare many of the jealous- '
fes, political bickerings and clash of
ambitious that disturb the harmony of ;
the party in power.
Os Grant’s administration, he says it .
was a period of scandal aud slander. !
Perhaps the severest criticism of Gen- 1
eral Grant’s statesmanship is found iu .
the following extract from Mr. Sher
man’s work:
Duvier the entire period of Grant’sadminte- -
tration 1 wpe cl.uinn*n of lb< eonimittee on J
Caunee of ,he ■ -nnle :>;>•! hud to act ui -n all !
aue=<ti«n of taxation, debt, bnaldns or finance |
and had «x»i . n to talk with th.- preaSdent
Ijpua such lueiu arvs, hut h* rarely expressed |
any opinion or took any interest in them.
Conkling*. Whim.
At the «g<- of 72 years Senator Sher
man rocnl’., v.- th much feeiirg the us- '
fair over th-- attempt remove C' ester
A. Arthur from the coJJectorship of tho
]!rtcf New York. The correspondence
bearing < n the controversy, never before ‘
published, is given in full, and Mr.
Sherman’s part as secretary of the |
treasury jw in detail. Arthur is!
shown up In an unenviable light, and
the'- s.f luwoe Conkling r.w: . d
the president is cat.-stically ' ■ >n< n: d :
up ii. The fornn-r’s noniinatirn as vice
presidt nt, tho Ohio statesman says, w: s
the whim of Conkling to annoy Pr< i- !
dent liny .
Throughout that part of tho work I
relating to President Hayes Mr. Sin r- J
man ipenl.-.s in tho highest praise of ilia :
chief executive of tho nation. Tho fol
lowing interesting incident, which cc- \
enned near the dose of the President
Hayas administration, is related :
When n< ar tho flow. < f his term, ho (Hnyr-s,
Knv th" usn;;l dinn-r to tho members <-f the
outgoing Bl <1 the incoming cabinets. It wts
purely un official dinner, hut Hayes said there
were two gr<m< n pr< wnt who were not in
office. We 1< bed around to sou who tho un
happy two were and found they were Gsrficld
aird soys' If. Garfield lied not yet Ix-oonm orcs
id' lst, und I had resigned as secretary the day
bwforc. Tl. ' happened to bo th*-only day that
I was not in p-.iblti offiet sinus Kareh 4,185 G.
Boyhood Days.
There is less of a personal narrativo
in the book than might be expected. Mr. j
Sheriiian speaks modestly of his bey
days, of Jiis fmuijy nnd of his first ■
appearance in public life. Many of his ■
important public addresses during the
slavery agitation and during tho polit- :
leal campaigns in which he took part J
are embodied in the book. His account j
of tho civil war and of his association
with Abraham Lincoln is full of inter
est as u narrative and as a historical .
record of the stirring events of that ,
In writing about himself Mr. Sher- i
man is candid to tho point, of self criti- i
cisin. For instance, he states that at :
tho ago of 19 years ho got into bad com- j
pany and was on several occasions con- ;
scions of being intoxicated. In relating
the incident which influenced his whole
life in this respect he says:
On onr* oecnalon, in the fall of 1830, I went
home very Mok from drinking. My mother re- ’
i chived me with much surprise and Morrow, |
but licit h r complained nor acoidod. and with .
tho utmost kindn«MM put me to bed and
witched over and eared for ma. I was not :
onoMifh stupefied be unconscious of my deg
radation aii l her affection, and then and there
resolved never to be in auch condition again.
Os his wealth aud tho various per
sonal aud political attacks that have
been made upon him ho makes Ulis
statement, after giving his reply to an
accuHation on that score made years ago:
I have often smeo laxm Hcciwed of tho crime
of “being rich,” hut uh nearly all my poMses-
Hions are visihb» to tho naked eye, and their
hi and acquisition nr«. known to k<» many,
1 think 1 am not required to prove that I have
not ro&de thorn n« tho result of icgiHlation or
iny holding of public trusts.
Ho gives tho following statement as
made by him at the time tho impeach
ment proceedings against President
Johnson were instituted:
The truth in, ho is a slave tohiupassions and
resentments. No man can confide in him. I
regard him an a foolish and stubborn man, do
ing vv( n right things in a wrong w ay, and in
a poHitjon where tho evil that ho dues is im
mensely increased by his manner of doing it.
lii 1876 Mr. Sherman prepared and
delivered a speech on the repeal of tho
resumption ct of 1876, which, ho says,
is tho best presentation ho has over been
able to ofl’er in support of the financial '
policy of the government, and especially •
in support of tho resumption of specie
His Theory of Money.
These extracts from the address are;
quoted as indicating JVlr. Sherman’s
theory of money:
All intelligent- mon agree that every great I
commercial nation must have both a mt tallio i
currency und u paper currency; the one as the
standard us lulur by which till things aro
mtasured, which daily measures your bonds
and not< ans it nieanurea wheat, cotton and I
laud, and also a or credit currency,
which, from its convenience of handling or ;
trun-for, riuut be tho medium of exchanges in
the great body of tousinctw life.
I tun < no of those who believe that a United
States note, issued directly by the government
and convertible on demand into gold coin, or
a government bond equal iu value to gold, is
the best currency wo can adopt; that it into
bo tho currency of the future, not only in tho
United States, but in Great Britain as well,
and that such a currency might properly con
tinue to Im* a h'l’nl tender, except when coin is
Hpociilcally stipulated for.
Another extract from the utterances
of tho author defines iu a word his po
sition on the silver question. After re
lating his axioms of sound finance he
Koth it for all practical purposes we may re
gard gold a.. th<' only true standard, tho true
money of the »\orld, by which the value of all
property, of nil productions, of all credits, and i
of every medium of exchange and especially of pajwr money, iu tested.
—New York World.
Choice corned beef
made daily. Atlanta
A/larket Co., 13 N.
A Cauiltd Critic.
Y is no* gtworally known that- th. 1
present stiuh of Persia is not only e
prose writer of considerable merit, but
has nlso jome pretensions to the eharae
ter vCa poet. Like the German king
who, according to Carlyle, declared
himself lo bo above grammar, so dees
the Pcr-uui monarch co-.siri -r himself
above ci’iticism. Yet, like all poets, he
is glad to lend an ear to it when it is
One day, however, having completed
a poem which particularly delighted
him. lie deigned to read it to one of the -
most prominent men of letters attached
to li is Konsehold.
"Wha! do you think es it? - ’ he asked
after reading Ids verses aloud.
”1 do nut altogether like the poem,”
was the candid reply.
"What tin uss you are to say so!” re
plied tho offended sovereign, und there
was certainly much wisdom in the royal
words, for the misguided critic was
forthwith ordered to the stable® to be
A few days later tho shah, having .
written another poem, onco more desir
ed to hear the opinion of the learned
scribe w hom he had consulted before.
Hardly had he read a few lines of bis
latest Incubation when the learned man
turned abruptly away and prepared to
run out of the room.
"Where are you going?” thundered
his majesty.
“Back to the stables.’’cried the critic
in desperation, bo amused was the king
of kings by this repartee that he forgave
the delinquent and foroboreto have him
flogged a second time.—Exchange.
I ‘
A FEW Facts
ii Treating’ Catarrh and How it is
Bejng Treated.
Most of th*- p--* pie -ir- 'nin<r sprays,
salt water anil forcing ,liiF-.-r, ki.-i'.'s
-o' liquids in tl)<- li'-c.d which nature d.-d
I not intend. If you w.-.s to try and lift
your?.-If over a fen* <- by Ihe straps of
your bouts, hew long won!*! it Lake
i you? Well, just ■(> l*>*:z it will tak* to
■ ure Catarrh, or Astf. by the at*,-,e
:rcr.trn* nt *. l> • you u<*. k* -v.v it io I, -
n fact, that, there arc more i -ir*'- ::ia*h
by changing cli.-uate-, hnn there is by
Tie above treatment«. Then is it. n*>t
tin-air that readies r.'l the dix-axed
parts of the air pas. ;ig.»s. I think you
will agree with me i hat it is
I1! I’liLl E< T<' I TARftH < I ItE
and the remedies used arc carried di
rectly to the <li-c,-i-ii! surfaces by a
strong current of medicated air, form
ing a hi-al ->g and -ootliitig coating
overall inf! lined <*r irritated parti* ns
of Ih - iniu-as in -inbrm-e, thi-r*-liy re
moving th*- <-au • and .-ding nul ir* in
restoring the organs to I heir m Final
condition, thoroughly softening and |
removing all hardened secretions, heal- i
ing ulcerated surfaces, reducing Urick- |
ened membranes, and correcting foul
and oil* nsive breath. -The cure is per
fect, safe ami permanent. It is a
j strictly vegetable compound.
Remember we do not claim to cure all
I diseases by this medium, but treat only
: i hose connected with tiie breathing or-
I t-nns by using it- 30 days, and it not
| satisfied ■ ith th*-results, they can re
-1 Hirn it to our office and we will refund
them their money in lull. The price
of ibis treatment is only $1.25.
Addn ss all orders to Hr. M. C. Beebe.
Mention this paper.
sold by the following druggists:
We-tnmreland Pharmacy Scliumaun’s
i corner, Elkin-Watson Ding Co , Charles
I A Moian Pharmacy, sbaip Bros., J.
Stovali Smith, aud Jacobs’ Pharmacy.
I T®® —U»wir wwwrTWTO®■■ — rawrwrjrr-aw— ■
ft t
» »’• 7^r’
—MlOii>lTii>riiTimr rv.rTT ■ iihiiw
■T 1 i NtnnT iucsday ’ wcancsaay
i “ i'n Hl fl 1 an* Thursday Nights.
Matinees Tuesday and Thursday.
Positively First Appearance Here.
RICE’S c as..,,
Th. axvt .i 4 ? ing
Oiftinol IllliSWlt Picture,
Bess’e Bonehill.
woXf nl Richard Hariow
Superb *•oriumes and Scenory and Ou-li'-tra
of dotofata.
Rnals cn eale at Grand box office Friday, Octo-
ber is: Ii
In uwmOwui
a U"Slsbll I s'sna/p 1 .
Absolutely the Greatest sensation Ever
Presented Here.
The Strangj and I’cculiarly Fascinating Pre.
mentations of
And their Superb Company cf
High Class Entertainers,
Prices: 25, CO, 75 and SLOO Seats at Miller’.-
under Columbia theater.
It Im iu Kentucky nnd Is Drawn by Mules
to and From the Trustee’s House. •
In Madison county. Kr , tho home of
Congressman Junies B. McCreary, there
is a schoolhouse built ou wheels. When
night comes, n pair of mules pulls it to
tho heme of the trustee, and the next
morning it is rirawu back to its daytime
location. The mules go and come on
schedule time, and if the school be a
little slow about dismissing in the aft
ernoon tho whole outfit is avt to bo giv
,u a free ride.
A day's supply of water and wood ia
put aboard by tho trustees every morn
ing before the sehooHiouso sets at upon
its journey. Tho teacher boards with
the trustee and needs no carriage. At
night a bulldog is chained beneath the
little frame building, and a bad man
armed with it winchester sleeps inside
of it.
All of this, it is said, camo about be
come some eno threatened to burn tho
schcolhc.uro. Why the trustee did not
have the building located in his own
yard and save the tremble of hauling it
back and forth is not known, unless it
is to comply with noma legal technical
itv.—St Louis Globe-Dcmoei-it.
Exposition Trains.
Fast and Frequent
via Southern Railway.
Fare, 10 cents adults.
5 cents children be
tween 5 and 1 5 years.
Trains leave oppo
site east end Union
depot every few min
utes for Exposition
grounds direct. Time
7 minutes. Seats for
I j
r*-.r „
1 G -AND I R-’-MAfIC. F SF V L.
Clas-ienl Tr--*!y for One L*:;ire W eek, ■
, **ruf>H \s xv.
? •*< r. H a % ? JT ' i
r =. wskk
Kupporh’d b . u *»ip - *rb T’-opk ’•
!n Muiri/I ’•> oi
Shokfj«{-4areiiii an*'. ‘ lassicai i’iuvs
j • »;!*.; J B'l'
“I/H’JS Lilt* qi .•. <?, production* of
ts r'rdy . v-r n • i In Atlanta.
• '.l* H Vil . •.’’ton:■ rio’-v, Thursday and
- I Saturday nt'fh’s. '
‘•RiCJIELII? W- ln -lay night.
“HAMLEV F’ridn.v ni"ht.
1 “Ai LECH'.yr or VENICE ” Saturday ,
I matinee only.
j Price.*—‘y>c, "x’C. 75c, IL L7> for box scata. ,
| Scats n sale at Harry Silverman’s
cigar store.
j \t attraction, two nieii - and Tuosdav
! mndtKo. romweuHng Wo. Jay. ’h-tober 28th
i T-Chari(j» lx. Da’. Is, in “Aivin .joxlia.” (
- ... . -M ? mC
A Program of Brilliant Exec Hence!
A Superb Performance!
, The Best Show in the City! •
i T?ie .Myriad Dancer.
T he Salambos,
Living Dynamos.
Basco and Roberta,
Eccentric Comedians.
Cora Rou*t
Bland Sisters,
Rocognfzed Stars on the Vnudi ville Stage.
May Cook,
The Lady Cornet Virtuoso.
Mlle Olivette,
The RemnrkiUjJo Mind Render, Assisted by
Bryant and Saville
The Funuhgrt Musical Comedians,and
prawee. '
The Famous Juggler,
Aflernonnsui -2:30. Evenings at 8:15. I
Afternoons, 25c. Evenings, 50. Balcony seats ’
Hescrved for Ladies and Escorts, 30c. Ite
t served urchomrn Chairs. 75c. Box Heats, sl.
REBTA t’KA?»T open al dy. Erne, xcept '
during VaudeWJe pt rftirmaiice Excellent
Near tine Equitable Bolding,
For a Sho t Seas ~ On'y,
$100.01:0 NOVELTY
Comes to Atlanta >d'ier a 0 weeks in \cw
York direst from l.ondou, England.
UROPEaN steam
The ” os’ <!• Ils’ d’nl and lo sensation 1
atnußcinent of(the re«ent. -nre. A eri’abh
•ch- oi of horse*, c • bl < •. tied in gold an < color
oving up bil . down dai«*. w i hall the reans i<
movement- of the r <•• pH cha»ors.
Opening*!' dth . Popn’ar p’ic-’.to all.
Admission t<agrounds f-ce.
ICJO tons of machinery
Regular He use of Worship In a Big Of
fice Dnilding.
Although New York has many huge
office buildings, it is safe to say that
the number us them containing a chapel
! or place of worship is extremely small.
In all probability the Methodist build
ing, at Twentieth street and Fifth ave
nue, is the ,only office building in the
city which has such a place set apart
exclusively for religious worship and
iu which services are held every Sun
day. Looking at the building, with its
' numerous business signs staring down
at the street from the windows, one
would little imagine that on the third
floor is ona of tiie prettiest chapels in
New York. But such is the fact.
The of’ito of the secretary of tho
Methodist Opiseopal Missionary yeeiaty
is on the ftird floor on the Fifth ave
nue side of the building. One afternoon
re.-, iitiy a reporter called there and ask
ed tho secretary if ho could take a look
at the chapel. Receiving a courteous
reply in the affirmative, he stepped into
the chapel, which lies directly in the
rear of tho secretary’s office.
The room is large and high, well
lighted, and tastefully and appropriately
furnished. It was originally intended
for a boardroom for the members of the
missionary board, but has since come tc
be used as a chapel, or, more properly,
it is St .Paul’s Methodist Episcopal
ehurch. Services are conducted here
every Sunday morning by the pastor,
the Rev. Dr. A. J. Palmer. —New York
—■ . ...l. ; |
Atlanta’s Lawyers.
aTndekson, j. a.,
I Boom ?9Gate City Baakjbuilding.
I 9 Whilehiil street.
pT.ACKRVKN, K. 8..
87-48 Inm-AE b-.:ild : ng.
Felder ,t- davis.
Rooms 11 12 and 13 Grant B’ld’g.
Glen . a i;-k nti:f.e.
tki -«S Gate City Bank building.
Goodwin &
*23 1-2 Whitehall street.
King a anderson,
iviOßi 503 Equitable Building,
i i
A I’L \5 1 A —As marshal of the city nf Atktll*
t Will h -J ’ef 'ty i»»f» court house door «.>!
j~ , ‘or • -i .;v. wL’.ln tiie leq-d bourse!*sale
<;■ first, j uo.- say in November next. th<
jnr !< •>! prop.--;y hereinafter described
" * ‘ t-’e br -h levied on by i>• under exe
c ’ »<. issoed In l iv.-r of the city of Atlants
f id prnperTy for pu\ ing and curb!ns
■ / ilk in fr< nt «»f s.xjd property Witt
» vrruJl' and for paving the road-
-'r ■ >per in fn r.t of Raid propertj
" ' docKx. an !th • owner ofeach oi
■ : - : pr»>;>r:rtj. o« the tenants in pos
•: ' !'• i ' saitl i>;c-ccis of propertj
z been li gally r.-itificd of buch lovirktC
A’.h- at same time and place the follow-
K-. j jritxG.t properiy to wi; : A certain citj
< »t m ♦ii. city of Atlanta in ward 4, land 10l
Bln tlieia-h distrie. >1 Fulton county. Ga®
* i'- h; : ••ion tin’south sitle of Hig-'t
• L Hl A\ • . r- Iw. -11 S I - ps-in aud R. A D. H. R
an ; ruiui; >vi< ]*>'fuet mure or lews hi fl
>” .. . 'L.’-ctioa, tii.- same being vncjanl
J’'”! i’iy tn th*-city of Atlanta, Georgia, ad-
J * di*'; D '• < IL R. L-vi.-d on as the
» - rt;. of W. ■!. • :t, to satisfy a fl. fa. hi
invor of tn. < iiy of Atlanta avxnst said lo’
lout against 'a M. scoit !->r the propor
tion •••-io, paving tin* ro ulway or street
I’ pt-rof Hi-Jiiu id Ave. will; granite block*
la».lLilly chav- ’.;bif- to said 101.
A: o at same rim * and place the follov.-
ing dt-s-ribed i roptToy to wk; A certain ci >
!u ' 1 ■> •*! A liitn. ward tj, land lot •
in th 'ii.h disirjct of Fulton •••ountv, G
f. .rithiu > ’l-ifi* i o.i the c • it side of Fiedmu I
A v*. »x-. . c-i! ..enkins s;ieetund Edgeivo. ;
Ave.,and ruiotiiig b <•;; 147 f<*et more oi* less
in xi vaster./ direction, tne house on s idiot
ki. »wn us So. 7Jo i ; street according tc
a ' t numbers, tn • -unic b ing improve.]
} -perLy hi i u-city of Atlanta, < Borgia, ad
joiT.i. ' i ii-.mjisoii. Lev cd on as the proper-
I, a o’ F. X. Bliley to s«»t*> y a 11. fa. in l.avorol
tn city of Atlanta against said lot and
o ’n' - a ; 'i F. X. BHley ->r the propo.M'xu j
co-, of paving the loud way or stiver propel
ol >’ e <mont Aw. witn granite blocks lawful
,ly elnugeublc to said lot.
Ah jit > une tiino and place tho follow
in:. '■ 4 *4n d property to wi - .: A certain city
Tot in the ci,\v of Atlaina. in ward 2, land lot
G. in •'■.<? lß.fi < o! Fuhoa county, <»u.
fronting V > f.-vi on the w.-st side of Washlng
to., street between Binning and V’assat
Btreet.s,.. 1 running back ;*•) feet more or les>
in < w- sterly dire< tfoh, the same being vacanl
Pt* P«:l'La u the city of Atlanta,
join ng Zdor.-ie, Levied on as the pnipertyol
. •' 1 - Sc -* »<t to satisfy h fi. fa. In favor of the
c 1 \ v-. aguinH said at and against
tai l aa . M. Scott the proportion of cost oi
1;• »’ii)'.: the roadwnt* <>r street proper ol
V asiongt-on street with granite blocks laav
fuily chargeable to said lot.
A <» at same time and place the follow*
t. vd' seribed property to wit; a certain city
lot in the cit; ot Atlanta, in ward !, land lot
ri. n the H’h district of b t<i(on county.Geor
,irouting71 >lo fceLon ti» ? northeast cornel
f 11• a®;id Chapel streets, and running
1 !<■!' cet more or loss in a northerly di-
ree .) .no no,; . on said lot known as num-
:aiid street according to street num
•’ *• 1 -a.-n boing improved propiTty in
, f -‘laniH, < in--rgiu, adjoining still
' n Levie ’ on as the property
’ •' A .'re tosa.ify u fl. fn. in favor ol
f- •’ eiiy .j Atle’.ita a ainst sail lot and
a, *ni afil J. M. M.-A!'•••■ for the proportion
ol ci. t <>f j-jiving b' i< noway or street prop
vr<. ;a ~-!i!H :- t .i wi i granite blocks law-
H. I> ' hm lf-i’J>lc to stud lot.
\l<? *:•: same ti n ! and place the follow
ing .u . , i.K-d property to wit: A certain city
lo* i.i un* cit a >1 Atla ita, ward 1, land lotSt,
Iu .be I Uh district of Fulton county, Georgia,
f’on.iug si feet on tho south side of Fair
strer: >-tween Walker und Chapel streets,
an * runnhi'i oack IM feet more or less in a
south, rly direction, the house on said iot
kn .’.it as number 25 on said street accordin"
t'» ‘-treot numbers, the same being improved
prop •-t v in ihe city of Atlanta, Ge<,»r<>bi.nd-
Rlckligiiter. Levied on ns the prop
erty of I r -,i i: ickllghter t • satisfy a 11. fa. in
f:\or of the <ipvof Atlanta against said lot
and against »aid Fred Kirk lighter for the
proport jn of cost of pavi’.v*'Liie roadway or
Ma te* prop- r of west Fair street with granite
blocks lawfully chargeable to said lot.
Also nt same time and place the fohow-
I ing described property to wit; A certain city
■ lot In the cita of Atlanta, in ward 5, land lot
«9, in th'* 14th district of Fulton county, Geor
gia. fronting F 2 feet on tin- east side of Ven
able street b ’ween Hunnicutt and Mann's
, alley, and running buck liM) feet more or Icms
in an easterly direction, the houses on said lot
| known as numbers HW and 168 on said street
; according to street num tiers, the same being
improved property in the city of Atlanta,
Georgia, adjoining R McHenry and Hunnl
(_oh stre-'ts. Levied on us the property of
Jew M<Tlcnry to satisfy a 11. fi-. in favor ol
tie ci y of Atlanta, against said lot and
azaim*; said J- tl’ M' Hemy for the proportion
of cos; t,i paving tiie roadway or <‘.r.-*ei prop
er of Venafi.'e street with g.ahite blocks law
fully chargeable to said lot.
, Also at same tim? and place the follow
ing des ribed property to wit: % certain city
lot iu ineciry of Atlanta, in ward 2,land lot
! 74, i »e iuh iiß ri.-toi Fulton county, Geor
go . > oting 7 > feet on the av st side of south
i'ry >. n’.- ’vi b*twpvn Im. iui Vista »ve. and
c‘i limits, and ruan; iy o.ick 150 feet mor? ot
• m a westerly <lir •••tlo.j, th* same being
l:n irowd propene i;i the city of Atlauti.
G • ■ ii, ;■ \pd .ii-,/ ’lol .'‘nd und Bu-na Vlsp»
n'-u Levied o.i a <h • pri' i. ity of M’. ’I.
Jen a on m satisfy a fl m. in t : vor of the city
. A la:i.a against said iot aud
agai.i.-; said W. M. Johnson for tho of cost of p ivlng th<« roadway or
Mr.« t proper of south Pryor street with gran
ite bio a s lawfully chargeable to said iot.
iso at anno time and place tiie follow
ing d* ■■••ri'icj property to wit: A certain < ity
lot In t.!•-<•;,>* of Atlanta, in ward 4, land io;
51. in th; i;:h district of Fulton county,
fronting iU teuton the east side of Courtland
s'reet between EdgeAvood a venue aud Auinirn
avenue, ami running back 207 feet more or
less in an easterly directjo.i, the house on
said lot known as number ill on said street
according to street numbers, the same being
improved ■property in the city of Atlanta,
Georgia, adjoining Dunlap. LevF'd on as the
property of \V. A. Downs to satisfy a fl. fa. in
favor of the city of Atlanta against said lot
and .tgains: said W. A. Downs for the propor
tion of cost of leaving the roadway or street
proper of Cour ila nd street with granite
blocks lawfully chargeable to said lot.
Also at siM’i- time and place the follow
ing described pioperty to wit: z\. certain city
lot in h* cLy of Atlanta, ward 2, .and lot S 5,
iu the . Hit district of Fulton county, Georgia
fronting 52 feeton the north side of McDan
iel street between Glenn ami Crumley streets,
and running back 100 feet more or less in a
northerly direction, the same being improved
property in tiie city of Atlanta, Georgia, ad
joining Todd Jt W. P. limian. Levied on as
the property or J. A. Carey. Jr., to satisfy a 11.
fa. in favor of the city of .Atlanta against *
J. . Carey Jr., for the proportion of cost of
paving the roadway or street proper of Mc-
Daniel street atith granite block lawfully
chargeable to said lot.
Also nt same time and place the folloAA'-
ing de.Mcri’oed proper yto wit: 4 certain city
lot in the city of Atlanm. in ward 2, land lot
7*;, in the ll’h district of Fulton county. Geor
gia, front ing 162 feet on the north east corner
of Pryor street an 1 Vi-iodward avenue, be
twe *n Pryor and Loyd streets and running
bach 50 feet inore or less in an easterly direc
tion, the house on said lot known as number
21 Mon said street according to street numbers,
the saint* being improved property in tiie
city of Atlanta. Georgia, adjoining Boyd.
I'v‘ed onus the property of Mrs. M. A. Mc-
Guire to sat isty a 11. fa. in favor of the city of
A.'uuta against said iot and against said
M . s. M. .V M. 'Guire for the proportion of cost
of paving the roadway or street proper of
Woodward avenue with granite blocks law
fully chargeable to said lot.
Also at same time and place the folloAV
ing des ribed property to wit: A < erlain city
lot in tiie city of Atlanta in ward 5 land lot 7*B
in th • 14th district of Fulton county Georgia,
fronting 99 5-1 U feet on the north Aide of West.
Baker street between HajMen und Orme
streers jid i running back 10J feet more or less
In a northerly direction, the houses on said lot
known a> numbers 117-121 on said street accor
ding to street numbers, the same being im
proved propertv in the city of tian to, Geor
gia. adjoining Hanlon.Levied on as t!ie prop
erty of Fat Sullivan to satisfy a fi fa in favot
of tho city of Atlanta against said lot aud
against said Pat Sullivan for the proportion
of cost of paving the roadway or street prop
er of West Baker street with granite blocks
lawfully chargeable to said lot.
Also nt same time and place the follow
ing described property to wit: A certain city
lot in th? city of Atlanta in ward 5 land lot7i
in tho 14th district of Fulton county Georgia
fror.Sng 100 feet on the south side of Mill!
street between Orme and Williams strceti
and running back 200 feet more or less ins
Hvutherly direction, the same being improv
ed property in the city of Atlanta Georgisuad
j 'j lin/ Mrs. s. Bussey and Orme st. Levied or
a-the property of Black and Mclntosh tc
‘*itixf\ a;i 11 j-? favor of the city of Atlanu
a? '.'nst raid lot and against said Black und
M i.iu.-h to satisfy n fi fa. in favor of the city
oi A’iauta against said lot and against said
1 • • s • nd Mclntosh for the proportion <»f cort
<•: V'.iVirg the roadway or street proper ol
Mi' ' • • with granite blocks lawfully
chargeable to said lot.
Also at same time and place the follow
in; dr< ribed property to wit: A certain city
lot In the city of Atlanta iu ward 6 land lot 7S
ia th? 11th district us Fulton county Georgia
fr 'itlni, <2 feet on the south sld** of Mills
street <<twetu William and Spring sireeu
fi. I running back 2«» f* ■ more or L*ss inn
southerly direction, the aatue being improved
property in the city of Atlanta Georgia ad-
J fining Swansea and J.tL. Bally. Levied on
a* the. property of Black. Mclntosh and Por
t- .. s.d!sty it fl fa ia favor of rhe citv ofAt
lantaagainst said lot and mmiu>t said Black,
Mclntosh and Porter for the proportion of
cost <>f paving the roadway or street pro|>erof
Mills street with grauit© blocks lawfully
chargeable to said luL
Also at. same, time arc! place the follow-,
ingdescribed properly m wit: A certain city s
lot in th£_city q£ ktlanladn ward 6 land lot 79 ; t
in t'r "-«*-} filsurlci of Fulton county Georgia, 1
fronting #4 feet Qii the runh Mrtr- of Alexan- i
dor street between Sjring and Williams J
streets and running back fert more or less i
In a northerly direction the house on said lot <
known as number 19og said street according r
to street numbers, th?tame being improved J
property in the city ft Atlanta Geprgin al- *
Joining Bum*ned waom. Levied on as th< *
property pf Black Mclntosh and W. B Portcf. ’
lo satisfy a fl fi in of the city* of Atlanta
against said lot and a, r ;ddst said "Black M •-
Intosh and W. B. I’crtcr for the proportion IJ
of cost of paving the roadwav or streetproper 1
of lexmulcr street with gran’tc blocks law- {
fully Chargeable to slid !ou
Also nt same tint? and place the follow- J
Ing described property to wit: A certain city , 1
lot in the city of Atlsntn in want 5 land lot 79 *
in tho 14th district of Fulton county Georgia, ■
fronting 100 f<--t on Mie north iir of Ak.xnn
d r srrret Orme ami Willimnsstreeti j
and running ba *k 2JO more or loss in a
northerly direct InL the same being improv
ed property In flic 1 City df At’s-nta Georgia 1
adjoining Bussey. Lcvieil on as th?pfoperiY *
of Porter Bros, and Black to sati.sfV a fi fa in
favor of the city <f Atlanta against said lot
and against said Barter Bros, and Black lor
tho proportion of’cost of paving rhe road-j
way or street pn>pcr of Alexander street',
with granite block lawfully chargeable to 1 '
eaid lot.
Also nt same time and place the fol- !
lowing described pr iperty to wit: A certain 1
city’ lot in th** city of Atlanta in ward 1 land •*
lot 84 in Ihn Hth district oi Fulton county ‘
G« orgku fronting feet on the south ride dl <
street between Wa‘k.-r and C’han*
el s’meta and running 4>nrk lUO feet more br ■
less in a southerly’ direction, the house on
snid lot known n" number 52 and 56 on said
street according io street numbers, the same!
being improved property in the. city of Allan- i
ta Georgia adjoining Dodge. Levied on as the ’ 1
property of a. Foote Agu to satisfy afifa in
favor or tne city or Atlanta against said lot 1
and against said T. A. Foote, Agt. for the pro
portion of cost of pavingthe roadway or sire.*t '
proper of StO’.c Wall Blrt-vl with granite block
lawfully chargeable to said lot.
Also at same time and place th? follow
lowing described property to wit: A certain ,
city lot in tiie city of A anta, in ward 5, lan.l ,
lot 79, in the 14th district of Fulton county,
Georgia, fronting 81.5 feet On the uoj tli side of ;
Mills street between Fowler and Lovejoy
s. • eots and running back 150 feet more or less
in a i.or heriy direetion, 'he sain? being ini- I
proved oropertv in th? city of Atlanta. Geor
gia. ad oiuiog McDado and Fowler st.. Levied
on as the property of Mrs. L. M. Williams to
satisfy u n. fa. in favor of the city of Atlanta
against said lot and against safe! Mrs. L. M.
Williams for tho proportion of cost of paving
the roadway or street proper of Mlib;
street with granite block lawfully changeable
to said lot.
Also at same time and place the follow
ing described property to wit: A certain city
lot in the city of Atlanta, ward-S hind lot 79 in
the 14th district of Fulton county Ga., front
ing 78 5-10 feet on the east side of Fowler
street between Hunnicutt and Mills streets
and running back I'Ai feet m<y? or less in an
easterly direction, the same l>edng improved
property in the city of Atlanta, adjoining the
nroperry of Williams and Sims Bros.. lev
ied on as the property us Mrs. L. M. Wllliai if
to satisfy a fi fa, against said Mrs. L. M. Wil-
Hams aud Raid property for me ccst of curb
ing the sidewalk in front us said property
■ with granite.
Also at. same time and place the follow
ing describe 1 property to wit: A certain city
lot in the city of ilanta, ward 4 land lot 47 in
the 14th district of Fulton county Ga , fron
ting 44 s-10 feet on the west side of Summitav
enue between Forrest ami Angier avenuesand
runuing back 150 feet more or less in a wes
terly direction, the same being Improved prop
er: ,v in thechyof Atlanta, adjoining the prop
erty of Prefab and Stribling. Levied on as the
property of John V. Bishop to satisfy a fl fa
against said John V. Bishop and said proper
ty for the cost ol curbing tiie sidewalk In
front of said property with granite.
Also ?.t same time and place the follow
ing described property to wit: A certain city
lot in the city of Atlanta, ward 5 land iot 79 in
the 14th district of Fulton county Ga., fron
ting 697-10 fc?t on me east si<io of Fowler
street between Mil’s and Hunnicutt streets
and running 150 feet more or less in an easterly
direction, the Mme-being improved property
in the city’ of Atlanta, adjoining the property
of Mills street and Willianr*. Levied on jvG
’ the property of Mrs. L. M. Williams to satisfy
a fi ra against said Mrs. L. M. Williams and |
! said property for the cost of curbing the side
! walk in front of said property with granite. I
A’»o at *fvne tim * and place the following’
i described property to wit: A ceristn <*ity lot 11 I
thee tv of At anta, want 4 land at rd intliMi hi
district of Fa ion county, Georgia, fronting G»j
’ &—lO icet on the sou'h sd? of Cain ftirtet lie [
I tweon Valentin* and ewman st - eta and run-1
I mng bsok t? 0 f’et mor-? o*- loss in a di- |
i rcc'ton, the bon**? o ssid ’ot known A- m inb. t 1
183 r.n Raid sccord'ng to street JntimnerZ. I
* th? same being improved prope ty in /he city of
Atl »nta. adjoining tho prop-rty of Vale tine |
street and .lo? Tanks Levied on as the prop
erty cf ue (.am-, s to sat sfv a fi fa. against
said Ane Ga.n san', said property for the cost
ot cm bins t> o Midewalk in front of said proper
ty with grani e.
A'so at same time and place the foilow
ing property tn wit: A certain city
lot yi the city of Atlanta, ward 5. land iot €l, n
tho I4th disi’ict of Fi'R ut county. Geoigia.
front ng fe» t< u the west si : e of Sts e
s:reet* between Fourth aid He” phill atresia
and running hack I*o font more nr a wes
terly dhft tiou, th? h'tu-e on said oh known ar
number 161 on said street according to street
rutnhors, the same being improved property iu
tho city of AUftnt i. adjoining the p-oper.y ol
Jac sou and Hardaway, Bi t. Levied nn a< th?
pio-'Crty of Mra S. Landes to rausfy a fi. fa
agamst'sai'f Mr*. S Lt n le< and s id p operty
for ti»? co t of curbing ’ he sidewalk in front ol
said property with granite.
Also at same time and place tbe following de
; scribed prop Arty to wit: A certain city lot in
theory of Atlanta, ward 4 <nnd lot 61. in th?
14th lirt ict'»f Fulto county, G? rgia, fronting
fO feeton the s->uth side ot Harris street hetw??n
Bm’er and F rt streets, and runningback Issi
fort more or less in a southerly '<ire«*tion, th
-me in-tag improved piopert in the city < i
At an»a, nßjcfin ng the peoperty of Fort Hiro?
and Fairer, levied on aa tn® property of At
lanta Exchange X* Banking (’•-». to satisfy a fi.
fa against said At ants Exchange dr B.nkit-.g
Co a'»d said property for the c- st f emb ng
the -idewaik in front of Slid property with
g aniie.
Also at same time and place the followi
deser bed property to wit: A certain c»t lot n '
the city of At'anta Ward 5, land lot 81. in hfi
Hr ii diet ict of 1 niton county,» eorgia. iron'd >•*
' IW.'dj fe-t on tiie west *»de of S ate -treet be
' tween F *n-?h nnd Hemphill ay*nu*B, and r. v
nmg back 206 feet mor*- or : e«s In a westerly di
rect i«n, the same leing vac«nt property in ( s
‘ city of Atlanta adjoining the pronrry of Ba’ r
■ & Kendrick. Le»»ed o ns the property of ft r
i ton Smith to satisfy a fi fa. against Bur n
Bmith and said , reperty f r rh* cost of curb ng
the sidewalk in front of said property wi b
A’so at >am* Line and place the following da
scribed property to wit: A certain city lot n
the city nf Atlants, ward 1, lan I lot 81, in the 14 li
' dinirictof Fulton county, Georgia, fronting Jj
‘ 8-10 feet on the north side <«f Green?f.*»ry av •
mt*j between « hapel ami Villard streets and
running back 60 f-et ore or ?-s in a northe y
* direction, the ho> se on raid lot known as
number 13 ou said str-et according to gue»t
numbers, the same being improved property tn
; tn»- city of A 1 lama, adjoining the rrmterty ot
'nf . Levied on as the property of P F. Hogan
to satisfy a fi fa. Ag&i>.Bt said P. F Hogan a d
i said droperty for the cogr nf curbing the side-
I walk in tront of said property with granite.
» Also at s-me time and place the following de*
scribed property to wit: A certain ci-y lot in |
the city of Atlanta, ward 2, land lot 86 in tne 14 h
di trict of Fulion county Georgia, fronting 4
fret on «he ea«t side o- McDaniei street between
Eads street aud Georgia avenue, and running
back 100 feet more or less in an ea< erly din
ti<-n. the i on said lot known as 2U6 on said
* street according to street numbers, the san.e c
' ing improved property in the city of Atlanta,
adjoining the property of Mitchell. Levied on
‘ as the property of Harry Wooten to satisfy an.
* fa against said Hsrrv Wooten end said proper
ty fur the cos ofcL'F-’ing tiie sidewalk in front
us said property with granite.
Also at same time and place the following de
scribed property io wit: A certain city lot in
be city of AiLama, ward 4. land lot 01. in the 14 h
district ofFu’ton cou Ay. Georgit, fronting 70.5
feet on the north side of Ellis street l«twecn
Fort nnd Valentine streets and running back
125 feet more or Jesa in a nortlieny direction, the
>a»nr being improved propertv in the city of
Atlanta, adjoining tho poperty of Wai’s nnd
►*aQ<rrson. Levied on as the propertv ol Wrn.
Smith to satisfy a fl. ra *gai ex sa ’d Wm.
Smith and said property for i : *» cost nf curbing
the »idewalk in f.unt of said property witu
Also at same time and place tb* 4 following de- I
scribed property to wit: A certain city lot in
the City of Atlanta, ward 2. Inna lo» 7G in the
lith district Fuito.i countv. Goorgis, fronting
IcO feet .»n ’he east Hi e of Loyd mr?et betweea
Richardson and Alice streets, aud runningback
- 2a fast more or ie«s in an easterly direction, 'he
i same b**tng vacant property in the ci v of At-
* lauta, adjoining he property »*f Richardson and
I M. Rich A Bro. Levied ou a* ti e property of
Perkins Machine O to «*tt*ty efi fa against
said Perkins .Machine to. and said pronertv tor •
• the cost o f earatng the sidewa k m front us sail
property with granite.
I Also at same time and place the following th*
scril/rd proneny to wi:: A tvruin city lot in
1 the city of Atlanta, ward 5. land lot 81. in the Hth .
i district <»f Fulton comity. Georgia, fronting ♦-">
i feet on the northeast cornertPo iler Ave. anti .’trd I
I street a»i<i running ba<*k 200 fret more or lea* hi
anensteriy direction, the h<»UM» on said lot known
i as number Mon said street according to street
numtiers. the same lieing improved property in
the city nf Atlanta, adjoining the property of
Foster. h?Ged on a? the property of Paul L.
j Tugjrfe tn «ati«fy a fi. fa. against avid Paul L. ,
I Tuggle and -aid property for tin* <*o*t of curl ing
r the sidewalk in front "of said property with (
Also at same time and plrce the following d<i
scribed property to wit: a certain city-lot fa
the city of Atlanta, ward 4. land lor 10, in the
lirh district of Fulton countv. Georgia, front
ing 444 feet on the south side’of Highland Ave.
between Sampson and R. &D. R. R and run
nine back 1 • • fee’ mor? or let*? in a southerly*
•lirection, the same being vacant property in
rhe city of Atlanta, adjoining the property of
Doane."levied on as tho property of W. M. Scnjt
to satisfy a fi. fa against said "W. M. Scott and
su’d property for the cost of curbing the side*-
w;«!k iu front of said property with granite.
AF-n a? the same time and place the following
described property, ro-wit: A certain city lot in
the city of Atlanta, ward 5, land lot 79, in the ’.4th
district of Fulton county, (Georgia, fronting 9?
7-19 feet on the cast side of Lovejoy street, be
t wePh and Pine streets, and running back
1.7 feet more or Jess in an easterly direction, the
house on >uid lot known as number 127 and .13
on said street according to street numbers, tha
same being improved property in the city of At
lanta. adjoining the property of Stovall and
Daxidson. Levied on as thepropwtyof F. M.
Wallace, to satisfy a fi. fa. against said F. M-
Wallace and said property for the cost of curb
ing the sidewalk in front of said property with
Alsd at the same time and place the following
described property to-wit: A certain city lot in
l he city cf Atlanta. Ward 2, land lot 76, in the 14th
district of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting K-9
3-10 feet on the N. E. corner of Pryor and
Woodward streets, between Woodward and
Loyd streets, and running back 50 feet more or
less in an easterly direction, the house <m said lot
known as number2H on said street according to
street numbers tke same being improved prop
erty in’the city of Atlanta, adjoining the prop
erty- f Boyd." Levied on as the property <»f
Mrs M. a*. Maguire, to satisfy a fl. fa a<rnin«r.
said Mrs. M A. Maguire and said property for
the cost of curbing the sidewalk in irout ut *»aid
pioperty with granite.
Also at the same time and place the following
- described property to-wit: \ cer ain city lot in
•hecity of Atlanta,ward 1. land lot 58in the Hth
(.i'trivc of I’ulton county, Georgia, fronting VO
feet on the west side <>f Hili avenue, between
< ".’ii • ! and Peters struts, and runningback lUO
feel up re or less in a westerly direction.the house
on sui«; lor known as ninnbcr RO and 56 on said
t<> street nurulHjrs, the same
l»ei :g improve*! property in the city of Atlanta,
i adj"im .g the property of Shaip estate. Levied
jon 'lie property of Geo. Thompson to satisfy
j ii fa. against said Geo. Tlh.mpMon and said
' property for the cost of curbing rhe sidewalk
! in front of said property with granite.
Al m> at tho same time and place the following
1 escribed property to-wit: A • tain city lot n*
ihe city of Atlanta,ward 4, lam*-ot 16. in the Hth
i triut of Fulton countv. Georgia, fronting •W
•‘. rt on tiie west side oi ‘ Howell street between
k fid Wheat and (rwhi streets and running back
1-* • feet more or le:-.° in a westerly direction, the
.viti-e on said lot known as number 145 on said
s roe according to street numbers, the same
being improved property in the city of Atlanta,
adjoining »he i roperu of Parker Levied on as
lie property - f J 11. Lawrance to satisfy a fl.
fa. again >aid J. H. Lawrance and said prop
erty * for the cost of curbing the sidewalk m
from of aid property with granite.
Also at the same time anil place the following
>scribe<i proper y to-wit: A certain city lot in
he «-»ty of At'anta,waid 4,land lot 19, in the Hth
iK.riu’t oi Fulton county, Georgia, fronting .35
-10 f.-et on the ease side "of Randolph street be
ween Go.spero and Irwin streets and running
;».ick 1. 0 feet more or less in an easterly direc
ion, the house ou said lo*. known as number 79
>:i said street according to strev; numbers, the
-ame l-eii’g improved property i t rhe city of
\tlanta, adjoining the projerf of Geter &’
erkins. Levied on as il»e ] uiperrv of John
■mith to sati-fy afi fa.agai s aid John Smith
i:u! .-aid property for Hie cost of curbing the
>:dcv,’ii!k in front of sgid property with granite.
Als > at the same time and place the following
'ejci ibed property ro-wi : A certain citv lot in
he city of At lan a,ward 1, land lot. the 14th
is net of f niton county, Georgia, fronting 31
6 10 feet on the south side of Larkin s-rcet be
ween Chapel and Villard streets and running
•ack 60 feetmore or less in a southerly (iirec
;<»n, t be house on sni;l lot known as number 74
»n sai i street ficco-ditig to street nunjbers, the
•amc being improved property in the city of
Atlanta, adjoining the property of Tift. Levied
n as the proper y of I*. F. Hogan to satisfy a n.
•a. against said I’. F. Hogan and said property
■»r the cost of curbing the sidewalk in front of
aid property with granite.
Also at the same time and place the following
'escribed property to-wit: A certain city lot in
he city of Atlanta ward 3. land lot 20, in 14th
lisn ictof Fulton county, Georgia, fronting 67
‘ MO feet on the west side of I’owcll street be
•\<*en Tennelle and Waterhouse streets and run
ing back 100 feet, more or less in a westerly di
rection, the house on said iot known as number
I ..'<>a>aid street according to street numbers,
| he same being improved property in the city of
\Clanta, adjoining the property of Snook
j-v ic’ey Levied on as the property of E. IL
! ‘ fa- against said E. R.
I »our lass am! said property for the cost of enrb
i g the sidewalk in front of said property with
I ;r. ni’e. k \
I Also at same time and p.lace'the following de
-•(•rT'Cd property to-wit: A certain city lot in
I he city <»f .Atlanta, ward 2, land lot 76. in the
i 13th district of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting
>o feet on the ea-it side of Loyd street between
Crumley and Glenn streets and running back
.ti? f-et’more or less in an easterly direction, the
•ion ■ on saiil lot known as number 404 on saiil
- r reet according to street numbers, the same he
ii>p, improved pioperty in the city of Atlanta,
.id’oiofiig the property of Goldsmith, agent,
h-vied on as the property of John Gavin, agent,
. • satisfy a fi.fa.against said John Gavin, agent,
.mu said* proper.y for the cost of curbing the
.idcwalk in front "of said property with granite.
Also at same time and place the follow
’ng described property to wit : A certain city
lot in the city of Atlanta inward 5, land lot
•1 in the 14th district of Fulton county, Ga.,
routing 105 3-10 feet on the cast side of State st.
M*tv.-(>i*n North avenue and, Wallace street
•nd runningback 130 feet more or less in a
•astcrly direction, the ssime being ini prosed
uroperty in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, ad
oining* the property of Hinman Wright,
(.-•vied on as the property of Walter S. Saylor
<i satisfy n fi. fa.against said Walter S. Saylor
•.nd said property for the cost of curbing the
’dewjilk in front of said property with
Also at same time and placethefollow
ng described property to wit: A certain city
ot in the citv of .Atlanta in ward 6 land lot 51
a the 14th district of Fulton county Georgia,
routing 150 7-10 feet on the west side of
•jifTord street, between FJlis and Cain
streets and running buck 100 feet more or less
in a westerly direction, the same being im
proved property in the city of Atlanta,Go..,
• djoi’.iing the property of J. B. Peck and
: '.llls. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Mary
Hart u> satisfy a fi- fa. a <ra In st said Mrs.
Mary L. Hart and against said property for
Ju* cost of curbing the sidewalk in front of
aid property with granite.
Also at same time and place the follow
ing described prop- rty to wit: A certain city
-ot in the city of Atlanta, ward 5 land lot 78 in
he 14th district of Fulton county Ga., front
tig 101 feet on the south side of West Baker
treet between Bull and Hayden streets
and running back 2’)o feet more or less in a
southerly direction, licing improved
property in th? citv of Atlanta, adjoining the
Droperty of Gilbert aud Acton. Levied ou as
.'lie property of Atlanta Exchanged Banking
Co. to satisfy a fi fa, in favor of the city of At
lanta against said lot and against said At
lanta Exchange Banking Go., for the cost of
paving the sidewalk in front of said property
with brick.
Also at same tim<* and place the follow
ing ibed property to wit: A certain city
io: in the citv of tlanta, ward 4 land lot 51 in
i,hc Hth district of Fuiton county Ga , fron
ting co feet on the south side of Harris street
botw< < n Butler nnd Fort .«•!reels and running'
I r, k 150 feet more or less in a southerly dfrec
: ion. the same being improved property in tlta
' r-’ty of Atlanta, adjoining the property of
! Pharrow and Fort street. Levied on as tb<s
i roperty of .Atlanta Exchange <!t Banking Co.
■ r> satisfy a fi fa in favor of the city of Atlanta
■ against said lot and against said Atlanta Ex
' change «fc Banking Co. for the cost ot paving
ihe sidewalk in front of said property.
Also at same time and place the fnllow
: inz described property to wit: A certain city
!oi in the city of Atlanta, ward 5 land lot «1 in
the UtL district of Fulton county Gn.,fron-
■ ting L‘3 5-10 feeton the west side of State
<-irret between Fourth st. and Hemphill ave.
and runningback JjO feet more or less in a
westerly direction, tie* same being vacant
property in the city of Atlanta,adjoining the
propertv of Bakerand Kendrick. levied on as
the projM-rty of Burton Smith to satisfy
| :< fl fa in fr.vorof the city of Atlanta against
1 suid lot and against said Burton Smith
for th'* cost of paving the sidewalk in front
of said property with brick.
Also at same time and place the following
described property to wit: A certain city lot
in the citv of Atlanta, ward 5, land lot 79, ia
the 14th district of Fulton county, Georgia,
' fronting 1127-10 feet on the east side of Lovejoy
| street between Dairy and Fine streetsand run
ning hack 157 feet mon* or less in a easterly
i direction, rhe house on said lot known hs
nntnlh‘l 127 and 33 on said street according to
stw'ct iiuiH l “*rii. the '•nine being Improved
pioperty in the chy of Atlanta, adjoining the
property of Stovall and Davidson. Levied
on ns the property of F. M. Wallace to satisfy
a fi. favor of the city of Atlanta ugainft
saio lot and azainsf said F. M. AV allace for
the of paving the ride walk in front of
. said property with brick.
Also nt same tint? and place th? follow
ing d scribed property to wit: A certain city
iot in tin. city of Atlanta, in ward 5, land lot
xi. in the 14th district of Fulton county, Geor
. gia. fronting 1^53-10 b-v- on the east side of
State street between North avenue, and
I W:nla< <- y’.reels and running back 130 feet
more ur less in an ea*te-rly direction,
the same being improved property in the
city of Atlanta. Georgia, adjoining the pmper-
Itv <>f iiinmun and Wright. Leviw! on as the
projs-rtv of W;‘lt< r **. Saylor to satisfy a fi.
fa. lii favor of the city of Atlanta against said
lot and against *;dd Walter s. Saylor for the
cost of paving the sidewalk in frontof said
property. Jxo. W.Humphries,
City Marshal.