The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, May 12, 1886, Image 1

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fOL. IV. lelail Hamler Issued To-Day, • S,BOO letaal Number Issued la Subscribers, 5,328 Limited by Capacity of Press. Anyone having an item of personal mention or news happening, will confer a favor by handing it to one of Tn Capitol staff, each of whom wears a silver sac simile of the above signet* Second Edition. Amons the valuable and practical members of the city council of Atlanta is Mr. A. L. Green. Attentive to duty, devoted to the public inter est and conscientious he is winning the public esteem. Mrs. W. H. Felton, whose reputation as a writer is well established, will beeome contribu tor to the Atlanta Working World, the Knights of Labor organ. Has this anything to do with Dr. Felton’s candidacy for Governor? Our society column contains a notice of the approaching nuptials of City Councilman W. M. Middlebrooks and Miss Mattie L. Turner, of Hamilton, Ga. This will leave but two unmar ried men in the General Council, Aiderman Hutchinson and Councilman James Bell. They will have to rise and explain. The Capitol reiterates its confidence in the integrity of Dr. H. H. Cary. He came yester day to Atlanta and gave a SSOO bond for ap pearance on the 21st for a preliminary trial. Dr. Cary has been postmaster at Ant’och, ten miles from LaGrange, for twenty-seven years. He resigned in 1885. He had an assistant all the time. The charge against him is making returns of longer business than was done and using stamps to buy goods. Major D. N. Speer went on his bond and many others offered. Merry Wedding Belle. The marriage of Miss Blanche Lieberman, of this city, to Victor Kriegshaber, of Louisville, Kentucky, took place yesterday, at the resi dence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Isidor Band mann, 23 Baltimore Place, the Rev. Dr. Jaeob son officiating. The wedding party was com posed of the relatives of the happy couple and a few close friends, and was in every respect a recherche affair. The groom is a prominent civil engineer in Louisville, formerly in the construction depart ment of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, but now in charge of the great Bridge Works Company of that city. The bride, although a resident of this city only a few years, is well and favorably known as one of the city’s most accomplished teachers, being at the time that her approaching marriage necessitated her resignation, in charge of one of the advanced classes in our public high school. One of the most graceful tributes to her worth, and a beautiful manifestation of the high esteem in which she is held, was the presentation by the scholars of her late class of a beautiful silver ladle encased in a handsome plush case with a complimentary inscription engraved thereon. In addition to this tribute of their love, they sent her a mag nificent display of choice flowers, which were displayed and'scattered throughout the resi dence, adding largely to the ornamenta tion of the same. Surely the bride’s cup of joy must have been full at these tokens of love and affection. Con gratulatory telegrams poured in almost the en tire day, among the many being one from an eminent divine of Louisville expressing among other wishes “perennial happiness to both vic tor and vanguished.” The bridal pair left for their home in Nash ville, on the 5 o’clock train. We wish them joy and happiness everlasting. For goodness sake read Thorn’s “Ad.” J. C. Parham The gentleman whose name heads this notice, requests us to state to his friends in and out of the city that he was not the Mr. Parham who played' the principal part in the tragedy of “ejectment” at the Opera House last Monday eveuing. Ed, B. Fletcher, agent for Browning, King & Co., New York. Clothing made to order. 9 Whitehall street. The rapid popularity that Moxie has attained in this city, proves the excellence of the food. Price only 50c quart bottle. Chamberlin, John son & Co., Impor ters, Deal direct ly with first hands in Dry Goods, Car pets, Millinery. Shoes and Dress making. Prices and quality guar anteed. In Se«sion|To-Day. Members of Pbarmacheutical Board of Geor gia: Dr. J. S. Pemberton, Dr. E. S. Lyndon, Mr. Oceola Butler, Mr. John Ingalls, secretary; Dr. Charles Barry, chairman. They are in session for the examination of candidates for Pbarmacheutical license. Read Thorn’s Grocery “ad.” and save money. Spanish Mackerel ■at Donehoo’s. For the finest turnouts in the city call on W. D. Sandwich A Co., 27 and 29 Ivy street. The best saddle horse in the city for ladies to ride. W. D. Sandwich A Co., 27 and 29 Ivy street. Telephone 176. Bzaaey repairs Old Hats, 2 1-2 Mari etta street. I But H yit o t THE GREAT CHIEFS IN SESSION FOR THE TRIBES OF GEORGIA. Business Transacted—To-Day's Programme—A Banouei To-Niat. THE RED MEN ON THE ATLANTA HLNTI.VG GROUNDS. The Bed Men have the possession of At lanta. The Capitol yesterday gave a full ac count of the great gatherings up to the time of going to press except the business transacted by the Great Council- The reporter was afraid to do much prying around. He is a married man his scalp is already loose and he knows it wouldn’t take much for him to lose it. This morning, however, he caught an old brave by himself and obtained a few facts about the work done in the wigwam of the Council. The mighty chieftains assembled at 10 o'clock and held two sessions yesterday. The first from 10 to 12 and the second from 3 to 6 o’clock. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The report of the Great Sachem, James Hum phries, was read. It showed that there were at present eight tribes in Georgia, with a member ship amounting to between 700 and 800 brothers, rnd that the order was growing rapidly. The Great Keeper of Records, Jacob Emmel, read bis report, and the finances were found to be in an excellent condition. The Great Council had a cash balance, and each of the tribes have a plenty of wampum in their belts. Each of the tribes were reportedgrowing rapidly. The Great Keeper of Wampum, W. J. Fletch er, showed a belt full, and no trouble to collect more when needed. Each of the District Deputy Great Sachems reported the Tribes under them enjoying great blessings. Resolutions were adopted by the Great Coun cil effecting the laws of the Order, and certain matters concerning the tribes of Augusta re ferred to the proper committees. LAST NIGHT. The exercises of last night were real love feasts. Not that there was any love making exactly, but it was all in the order of love. The three cardinal virtues of the order are Freedom, Friendship and Charity. Upon the second name, Friendship, may have been based the whole proceedings of last night. The point of meeting was at the wigwam and with the brave Mohawks. The wigwam was crowded full; not a vacant sitting place anywhere. An adoption was gone through with hand somely and entertainingly and then after some routine business, the good of the order was reached and the fun opened. A most eloquent speech was delivered by the Great Incobonee, W. H. Hyronemus and was enthusiastically received. We made careful note of what he said and re produce it here in very nearly his same lan guage: I am at a loss for words sufficient to express my thanks for this kind, cordial and gracious welcome. My eyes are filled with admiration and delight; my heart overflows with gratitude at this outpouring of Red Men. I am neither an orator or public speaker, and not experienced by niy calling in life to express myself as one. But I have always had a sufficient interest in the advancement of our noble order to enable me to express the conviction of my mind on what commanded my affections and met my ap probation; and I know when I appear here to say that I commend and propose to practice the doctrines in my life, the principles accepted and adopted in the creed of the Impro red Order of Red Men, I shall find a ready acceptance in the heart of each Red Man here present. Who are we? What are we? Every Red Man in his improved condi tion can well answer and be not afraid. Do we mean Freedom, Friendship and Chari ty? Yes. We mean all that is good, that was taught by the greatest intellects that have overlived since there has been a record of human beings, and rules of action prescribed for their conduct. We have heard of the origin of the Masonic Fraternity, founded, as tradition tells us, in the days of Solomen, of celebrated Jewish history, now nearly 3,000 years ago; we have seen and know the good and evil effects of that institution in our own land. Masonry, then, comes from the Eastern world. Later yet we have heard of the beautiful teachings of Confucius in China. We heard and read of the beautiful and equißite teachings of Christ,whose delightful religion and morals are to be found chiefly in the four Sy noptics of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and still further expounded in the Acts of the Apostles and the writings of St. Paul. We have heard too of the wonderful establishment of Mahomet, some 500 years af ter Christ, which has attempted to supply a re ligion and a charity that is supposed to supply a remedy for all the “ills which flesh is heir to” unto those who have embraced their creed. All creeds, all faith, all hopes, which the human mind and feeling can aspire to, and has aspired to, we have heard and we have aspired to. In all these faiths human beings of every age, sex and condition bare lived and died, and gone to their last and final resting place, and either as new-made creatures are happy and blessed, or enduring the sufferings and punish ments incident to another and different state of existence. All considered, we find much good and some evil, much to bless and much to cheer, many things to commend in their creeds, and some things to reject and discard. But of divinity accepted, moral maxims to be embraced ana practiced, we find none better or purer than those inculcated and practiced by the Improved Order of Red Men. Glorious Red Man m your improved state, you are worthy of the life that is, and thrice worthy of the life to come. Blessed in your practices and pursuits on earth, you can but aspire for the hopes and bless ings of the future. Who is the Red man? Dis covered long afrer Chinese, Jewish, Roman and Greek orders and establishments had been founded and wasted, long after Egyptian, As syrian and Chaldee empires bad been construct ed and gone to decay. Discovered when French, Spanish and European greatness were in their gloom and glow, the Red man stood upon bis native shores and in American ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 12. 1886. forests, a wonder and surprise in God’s creation, to the Eastern and Western continent. Curious man in the organixation of his nation to them he was v His tribe, his wigwam, his camp-fires and his council tires, and curious in his language, his symbols and his faith. He had no story of a dark and suffering march through the wilderness for forty years. He had no stories of cities, of battles, of empires and conquests. He had no story of empires founded and lost in battle. He had no story of Cain and Able telling of the slaughter of a brother by a brother. He had no story of condemnation like that of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He bad but one story : Belief in the Great Kitche Manitou. His wampum belt wes not sifted by Republicans, Democrats, Greenback ers, Butlerites, or the more modern St. John. The Indian was simply a child of Nature, in deed. He was true to his Chief, his Tribe his squaw, his papooses, he kept time by the sun, moon, run and breath. He lived and died, and the west wind was his sweet fan in life and death as he journied still west to the happy hunting ground of sis fathers. The Great Spirit cared for him in life, and in death. In that grand hereafter he hoped for mercy and love. Improving on the Indian as we believe we do, let us hope that we are teach ing freedom,friendship and charity. The brothers spoke some in jest some in so ber seriousness, and two hours sped swiftly by. The Haymakers was announced after the quenching of the council fires of Mohawk and Etowah Haymakers Association No. con vened at the sound of the gavel. Thirteen new members were received into this order of fun and good fellowship and enjoyed one of the rich est treats of /.he week. Special conveyances were provided to take the members of the Great Council to their hotel. THE MEETING THIS MORNING convened at 9 o’clock, and soon after went into the election of officers, with the following re sult : Great Sachem, T. D. Bell, of Cherokee No. 1, Atlanta. Great Senior Sagamore, L. D. Duval,of Osce ola No. 9, Augusta. Great Junior Sagamore, P. B. Springer, Chippewa Tribe No. 4, Savannah. Great Chief of Records, Jacob Emmel, Cher okee No. 1, Atlanta. Great Prophet James Humphries, of Osceola No. 9, Augusta. Great Guard of the Wigwam, James A'fred, Comanche No. 6, Atlanta. Great Guard of the Forest, T. A. Asbell, of Creek Tribe, No. 11, Columbus. Great Sannap, G. A. Cooper, Mohawk No. 2, Atlanta. Great Misbinnewa, G. T. R. Jackson, Coman che No. 6, Atlanta. Great Representative to the Supreme Council of the United States, James Humphries, of Os ceola No. 9, Augusta. There were several resolutions passed. The committee on several changes of the laws made adverse reports. A vote of thanks was passed thanking the Great Incohonee, for his visit and his valuable information. A vote of thankt was passed to James Hum phries for his impartial rulings and for his faith ful discharge of the duties of the year. Resolutions of thanks to the tribes in the city for courtesies extended. Resolved, that this Great Council extend a vote of thanks to Bro. C.S. Atwood for the inter est be has manifested in maintaining the mem bers of this body, and to his paper, The Even-: ing Capitol, for its kindly and liberal notices of our meetings. Just before the closing of the great council Gt. Sr. Sag. L. D. Duval arose and presented Gt. Sachem Humphries with a Past Great Sa chem’s regalia—an elegant affair. Brother Humphries was so overcome that after he arose to speak, his emotions so overcame him that he cried and was obliged to sit down. The scene was an impressive one. Committees were appointed, the names of which we will give to morrow. The Great Council will meet in Savannah in Flower moon, second Tuesday G. S. D. 396. The secret work was exemplified by the Great Incohonee. Past Sachem Williams, of Comanche, made one of the finest oratorical efforts of the day. There were other speeches, and the Council ad journed at 2 p. m. TO-NIGHT. The banquet at Concordia Hall to-night prom ises to be a grand success. An elegant repast will be spread, fine music will be discoursed and distinguished speakers will respond to the toasts of the evening. The ladies will be in the hall to see that the warriors and braves and all the brothers have all they wish. After the supper the dance of peace will be engaged in until nimble feet grow weary. The Red Men are enjoying their holiday and yvill long remember the meeting of Great Coun cil in Atlanta. NOTES AND PERSONAL MENTION. The pale faces tremble. The week has been an eventful one in Red manship. The strawberry banquet and soiree to-night will be a grand success. Comanche will give a fine exemplification of the adoption work to-morrow (Thursday) night. Let every Red Man go. W. J. Davidson and 8. C. Griffin, of Osceola Tribe, Augusta, arrived this morning, and wrote tbeii' names clear and full on the Markham House register. W. M. Waller, of Papoose Tribe, of Aususta, is the “ Peck’s Bad Boy ” of the gang. He is the assistant foreman of King’s mills, and an Indian who has the war paint on, and has it bad. Geo. P. Hall, the visitor from Osceola, is an overseer of Riverside mills. He is one of the boys, and as whole souled and clever as he is little. He has mixed and mingled with the chiefs of this reservation promiscuously. Great Incohonee Hyronemus has endeared himself to the hearts of the Red Men of Georgia by his simple, unaffected manner, and by his appearance of solid worth and up rightness. He will always be welcomed to these hunting grounds. Brother Pickles, of Augusta, is the leaven of the whole lump. He is “chock” full of fun, is witty and versatile and makes more friends to the square inch than any man of his size in America. He is jocularly called “ Mixed Pickles.” The incoming great representative Brother Humphries, of Augusta, will fill his office with credit and ability. He is a man of pointed views and clear intelligence, and he has the fac ulty of saying what he has to say in «. few well chosen words. All of the delegated are men of character and means and high standing. They have impress ed Red Men and pale faces alike with their in tegrity and true worth. They are members that any order might well feel proud of and their visit here will result in much good to the Older. Wonderful but Nevetbeleaa True. W. H. Brotherton’s sells figured lace bunting in delicate shades solid colored chambrays, in all colors, checked lace bunting 12%c., solid colored bunting 10c., checked nainsock Bc., crinkle seersucker prints 7c., crinkle seersucker, cream color, 10c.; plaid ginghams 5c., ladies’ and misses’ shoes 75c., child’s and misses’ shoes, in brcnze and cresm colors, 50c.; ladies’ serge slippers 25c., 2,000 pieces ribbons at your own price, men’s and boys’ clothing greatly reduced, 4 ounces zephyr for 25c., men’s and boys’ straw hats very cheap, fine parasols at your own price to close out, ladies’ and misses’ kid gloves 25e., striped dress silk 25c., colored satins, all shades, 25c. TELEGRAPHIC THE ULSTER ORANGEMEN ARM— THE CRISIS IN GREECE UNSETTLED. Grecian Crisis Continues. Associated Press to Capitol. Athens, Greece, May 12. —The Ministerial crisis continues. The Greek fleet is effectually blockaded. Comte LeMouy, French Minister to Greece, denies the report put in circulation here that he has been recalled to Paris. Irishmen Arming. Associated Press to Capitol. Dublin, May 12.—A dispatch from Coleraine to the Express says the Orangemen of Ulster are enrolling as volunteers. All the members are between the ages of 18 to 60 years, that the men will be supplied with arms and be drilled by the old army and navy and police officers and that it is hoped their numbers will be aug mented by volunteers from England, Scotland and Canada. The dispatch also says that ar rangements are being made to obtain arms and ammunition. Telegraphic Condensation. A resolution ta indemnify Chinese sufferers is considered in the House, and the Senate pro poses to negotiate the Chinese trouble. The Methodist Conference in Richmond seem unwilling to adopt Bishop McTeir’s Manual of Desclpline and refused to change order of Sab bath service. A great storm injured Missouri property, but too no lives. LATE LOCAL NEWS. ♦ Light Local News Picked Up This Rorning. WANTS A DIVORCE. Octavia McCarthy and Madison McCarthy, a colored couple, want to play quits; at least Oc tavia is'tired of the conjugal yoke. This morn ing she filed a suit for divorce. TOOK THE FLOOR. The city editor of the Constitution doesn’t like the chairs in the Superior Court clerk’s office. Testerday afternoon he sat upon one of them, when it suddenly rolled back and left him where gravitation got in its work quickly and effectually. "Jo” has ordered a cushion for his office ehair. FOB ATTEMTED MURDER. In the Superior Court, this morning, the case aggit st Walter Leonard for assault with intent todHATder was taken up. Leonard is charged wintry ing to ahoot another negro named Bur ton. ' - ' - TWO BURGLARS GONE UP. Two negro burglars were sent to the peniten tiary this morning in the Superior Court —Jim Lawshe for ten years, and Charles McKeever for three years. Both men were charged with burglarizing freight cars. A DOUBLE FIRE. An alarm was sent in this morning from box 62, corner of Pine and Marietta streets. Two small frame shanties, a block apart caught fire simultaneously from sparks from a locomotive. The damages were trifling. MALONE ON TRIAL. The case of Bill Malone charged with assault with intent to kill, was taken up in the Superior Court this morning. PERSONAL. M. M. Mauck, wall paper and paints. Dr. Catching, dentist, 36% Whitehall st. Duffy, 75 Peachtree street, keeps the best but ter in Atlanta. Best teas in the city for iceing at Duffy’s, 75 Peachtree street. Fresh meats, fish and oysters. Sign of the ed snapper. 94 W. Peters. Five gallons of the very best Kerosene oil at 75c at Duffy’s, 75 Peachtree street. Fine r at barns already dressed at Duffy’s every morning to order. 75 Peachtree street. Every kind of a vegetables, nice and fresh every morning at Duffy’s, 75 Peachtree street. If you want a delicious cup of coffee get a $1 worth of Duff)’s Java, Mohaand Rio mixed. 75 Peachtree street. Cheap chairs for sale. Used only at the Moody and Sankey meetings, at Bell street com press. Apply to James W. Harle. I will send for your order every mornine, de liver you nice fresh vegetables, dressed poultry and fish, water ice in time for dinner every day. Duffy, 75 Peachtree street. Uncanvassed Dove Hams, 11c. Thorn. POLITICAL PALAVER. E. L. HANES, JR., DECATUR. Georgia’s Bacon has been above par, but it will now rapidly decline, with Gordon in the field. The Gubernatorial campaign will be the most brilliant, as well as the bitterest, in the history of the State. We place, at our mast-head, this week, the name of the South’s most gallant son, John B. Gordon, for Governor of Georgia. There is no doubt about bis candidacy, and nomination. Gen. Gordon was, at one time, elected Governor of Georgia, but was defrauded of his rights. He will not only be overwhelmingly elected this time, but will be inaugurated. Gordon is the people’s elect. The W aycross Headlight says that Joel Sweat will be the new judge of the Brunswick circuit, to succeed Judge Mersbon, who is a candidate for Congress from bis district. It is said that Judge Thomas G. Lawson, of Putnam, will soon announce himself as a candi date for Congress from this, the Bth District, and that Hon. H. H. Carlton now has the matter under advisement, and will in a few days deter mine whether he will be in the race or not. There are several other counties yet to hear from. R. W. GRUBB, DABIEN. It is now thought that General Gordon will be a candidate for Governor. We sincerely hope that the General will wait until next time. He is a tree man and we would hate to oppose him. W. T. BEVILL, GREENVILLE. All four of the gubernatorial candidates— Revill, Gordon, Simmons and Bacon—were in Atlanta last Saturday. We told the friends of Gen. Gordon that we disliked very much to de feat the General, but should be compelled to do so. Had he become a candidate before we per fected our plans we might not have opposed the General. Being in the field we mast continue in the race and secure the prize. Ed. B. Fletcher makes all-wool pants at $5.25. 9 Whitehall street. Notice. F. A. Doyle has sold his interest in the firm of Doyle Bros, to E. B. Doyle, Jr. Ms’ Pharmacy In businesss, affairs as well .as in Natural Hestory. we are compelled at times to notice the lower forms of life. In this case we will term it vermin, and will extinguish them with JACOBS’ Bedbug Killer The promise to sell from 25 to 50 per cent, lower is the argument of both the fool and the knave. THE PEOPLE DEMAND PRICKS. Jacobs gives them. See his lists of cut prices in the different papers, circulars, Medical Journals, etc. Here endeth the first lesson. The next lesson will be COMPETENCY AND EXPERIENCE. THE DRUG STORE OF Benjamin SCronheim Is Doing an Enormous Business. In Prescriptions, because the people are finding out that they can obtain Pure and Fresh Drugs compounded by Competent Pharmacists, and save from 25 to 50 per cent. Patent Medicines a: Low as tie Loiest And no OVERCHARGE on Prescrip tions and Family Medicines to Make Up For It. Blue Mottled Castile, - -20 c per bar, Brown Mottled Castile, -10 c per lb., White Castile, - - - -15 c per lb., Toilet Soaps 40c. per doz. and upwards. Try a box of our “CREAM OF LILIES" Soap, only 20 cents, Telephone 670; NIGHT BELL. Packages delivered to any part of the city. Benjamin & Cronheim, 101 Whitehall St. Cor. Mitchell. Chairs used at Hill and Davis celebration for sale at 25 and 30 cents each. Apply cornel Hunter and Forsyth streets. Now that pretty weather is here get a fine turnout from W. D. Sandwich & Co., 27 and 29 Ivy street. Fine all-wool Worsted Pants made to order, $7.25. Ed. B. Fletcher. Agent Browning, King& Co., 9 Whitehall. Celebrated Base Ball Tobacco at Kimball House Confectionary. Also best 5 centrcigar in city. Try it. rilfi,D CAGEb cheap at MONCRIEF BROS. Ice Cream Freezers, Etc. Tin Roofing and Sheet Iron Work a specialty. 90 W. DBtOAP. Moxie is to the nervous system what beef steak is to the stomach. Proof Press. Wanted to buy a second hand proof press that is in good order. Will pay cash. Evening Capitol, 48 8. Broad. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Dr. Francis’s Tonic and Blood Purifier. Only 40c for a Quart Bottle. Read what Col. Baum says: “Acme Company, Atlanta, Go.—Gentlemeu: I have tried the Dr. Frances Tonic and Blood Purifier, manufactured by you, and consider it one of the finest bever ages that has be* n brought to rny notice, and with the roots and barks from which it is composed it must necessa rily be very efficient in purifying the Blood and for General Debility, Latitude and Nervous Prostration. Yours respectfully, JI. W. BALM.” jw. Phillips* co., 61 Broad Street, Atlanta, Georgia. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Georgia, Tennessee and Florida Produce onr Specialty. Our motto,Highest Prices and prompt return. Send along your “stuff “ Hard W ood Lumber HAVING PUT IN MACHINERY EXPRESSLY FOR WORKING HARD WOOD LUMBER, lam now prepared to furnish the same Rough or Dressed as may be desired. I also do Wood Turning, jSera) Sawing, and Re-Sawing in the b' «t manner Newels, Rails and Balusters Always on band. Also Thin Wood for Bracket Sawing. I have two steam Dry (Kilns, and famish Kiln Dried Lmnber wuen Mred. Yard and Mill, 40 Collins St. J. C. PECK. MAY 12. Now plant Irish Potatoes and Spring Chickens I Keep up the fence corners, and buy your Baby a New Carriage FROM W. J. WOOD, the Stovier. Look out for Domestic cyclones from the neighborhood of the kitchen, if your stove don’t work well. The best protection is not a storm-pit, but a new Range E Stove FROM W. J. WOOD, the Stovier. The quality of his stock is a safeguard against all dan gers. The finest line of Stoves and Ranges in the city. Let the song bird sing in the woodland in peace, but if you will cage him, get your cage from W. J. WOOD, the Stovier. Spooning season now opens. See that your front gate is well hinged, and varnibh up the parlor grate with Wood’s Grate Polish. Sold only by W. J. WOOD, the Stovier. 87 WHITEHALL ST. ffIJOLI REFRIGERATORS 1 Ice Cheats, Cream Freezers, Fly Fans, Bath Tubs— All Cheap. See the New “WOOD” BATH TUB. The ne plus ultra, ultima tbule, Erin go bragb, E pluribus unum of all Bath Tubs. Gives comfort and cleanliness. Don’t fail to ask for it. 100 Half-gallon water coolers, with nickel plated faucets, sl. Gas stoves, 75c. to $lO for regular family cooking. Electric lamps, $2. W. J. Wood. The Stovier, 87 Whitehall street. The Biggest and best line of Baby Carriages in Georgia. Don’t buy until you see our stock. AR T r MRS. ED. N. WOOD, 371 EAST FAIR STREET, Is now prepared to receive and teach any number of scholars in the art of Portrait and Landscape Crayon Drawing. Any one with common sense will be taught in three lessons to produce a picture that will be an ornament to any parlor. No pay received until pupil has made two landscapes, ana two life-sized portraits to their per fect satisfaction. Visitors invited to call and examine pictures of former pupils. Apply only to MRS. ED. WOOD, Take Fair St. Car. 371 E. Fair St. NO. SB