The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, June 16, 1886, Image 4

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DONEHOO’S Lake Salmon, Blue Pickerel, Black Fish, Red Snapper, Raspberries, Ice at Retail. PALACE MARKET, 8 EAST ALABAMA ST. HENRY FrEMERY Wholesale and Retail liealer in ICE I FISH I • • Pure Ice and Fresh Fish of all variet ea from Ocean Gulf and Lakes. Nos, 5, 1 & 9 West Wall Street, (Natloni.l Hotel Buihifnir ) Telephone4o9 Diamonds, Watcnes, Clocks, SILVERWARE. JEWELRY, CANES, ETC., ETC. STILSON, 53 Whitehall St. DODSON'S PRINTING OFFICE and BOOK BINDERY, 83 Bioad Street. Every description of Printing, Ruling and Binding in the best xtylo and at aatlnfactory prices. Railroad and Commer- WBKCa etal work a apecialty. PHOTOGRAPHER, fine Work. Low Prices. 13 Marietta St. * ■<=-21 Whitehall St. * ATLANTA, GA* I,weal Hnlna. Washington, I). C. —June 16.—Indications lor Georgia to-day: Local rains, nearly sta tionary temperature. Heport No. If. Ladies' ice cream parlori. E. IL A M. Co., 43 Feachtree. CAPITOL CHAFF. Boache A Donahue, the popular painters, are doing aome fine work on Broad street. Boache A Donahue, painters, 10 Marietta at. McNeal Bros., Decorators and Designers, sella Wall Paper and Picture roda, 62 Broad street. Ask your groce for "stick 'em fly paper." It catches them all. 47 8. Broad street. Short hair for young ladies ia becoming fash ionable again. Pleas. McClung, the third baseman of tie Chattanoogas, ia a nephew of McClung, the wholesale dry goods king of the South, located at Knoxville, Tenn. The farmer who was borrowing money from wholesale merchants yesterday, is absent from the city. The second number of the Young Men of At lanta hss made its appesrance, and is bright spicy and neway. The men who wear "blue badges” are the electric doctors. A beer keg saved a man’s life, Sunday, at Ponce de Leon pond. An anti-tobacco society was suggested for Atlanta young men by a friend, Sunday. The school commencements are numerous and interesting. The cyclone did not appear as predieted for yesterday afternoon by the knowing ones. Peachtree property continues to increase in value. New additions and improvements con tinue to go on daily. Have yon ever seen Tallulah Falls? If not, go Wednesday, June 23d. You will never regret it. It is one of nature's grandest wonders, and the coat ia so small, only $1.50. Mitchell & Parker, Lumber Dealers. 813 Marietta St. Telephone 332. Ice Cream Soda Sc., Bramlett’s. All kinds of furniture very cheap. John Neal A Co., 7 and 9 South Broad.' Fruita and vegetables in abundance fresh daily at Culberson A Cameron's, 106 White hall. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE. One fine cowered platform spring wagon for sale at a bargain, or will exchange for a buggy. J. M. STEWART, 110 Peachtree Street, Washington Market. l.oek ! Lime and I.atbs Cheap. J. C. Wilson, 7 Spring street. Pclk lUL! Finest Gas Fixtures, BEST ICE CREAM FREEZERS, Refrigerator and Water Coolers, Mantels and Grates, eall on nt'NNICVTT 4k BELLIIWRATH. Wassah’s Christian Temperance Vnien. The regular weekly meeting occurs Thursday afternoon, at 4 o’clock, at the Y. M. C. A. Any lady wishing to know just what we believe, have done and are doing, will be cheerfully informed and furnished with a copy of our minutes. FISH AND ICE! Prompt Delivery. G. C. GOELZE, 117 Whitehall Street. Tklbphokb 430. THE EVENING CAPITOL: ATLANTA GA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16. 1886 CITY NEWS. Afternoon Items Hol led Down From This mornins’s Paper. “Uncle” Zion Bridweli is, perhaps, the oldest printer in Georgia working at the case. Yes terday was the 88th anniversary of his birth, and the compositors of the Constitution pre sented their old comrade with a handsome cane. Chief Connolly left Atlanta yesterday on a 10 days’ furlough, granted by the police commis sioners, night before last. He went to Augus ta, where be will remain a few days. He will then go to Cumberland Island. During the chief’s absence Capt. Crim, the senior officer, will act as chief. Steve Johnson, of the Queen A Crescent, shipped bis first load of watermelons, yester- Mittie Floyd, a seven-year-old colored girl, was 'un over on Peters st. Yesterday was the fifteenth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. Walter C. Henderson, the faithful foreman of the Constitution composing room. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson’s married life has been a happy one, and they are both highly esteemed by all who know them. Mr. Edgar L. LaFontaine and Miss Josie R. Heinz were married at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Charles Heinz, No. 213 Whitehall street, at 6 o’clock last evening, Rev. Virgil Norcross officiating. The bride is the cn y daughter of Mr. Charles Heinz, one of our oldest and most respected citizens. Mr. LaFon taine has for some time been connected with the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad shops at Atlanta. CAL VARNADOE FABDONKD. Governor McDaniel granted a pardon, yester day afternoon, to Cal Varnadoe, who killed As bury Whitehead on the 18th of December, 1883. Varnadoe’s trial resulted in his conviction upon the charge of voluntary manslaughter,and he was sentenced to spend five years in the penitentiary. A motion for a new trial was overruled, and the case was carried to the Su preme Court, where the judgment was affirmed. Very great interest has been felt in Varna doe’s fate, and bis pardon was asked by Judge Richard JI. Clarke, of the Superior Court; Judge Calhoun, Ordinary; Mayor George Hill yer, and a large number of the best citizens of Fulton county. Among the latter were included other officials ot prominence. The Executive order, after the formal intro ductory, says: ((Whereas, It appears that the Chief Justice from the bendh, while not formally dissenting from the decision which affirmed the judgment of conviction, expressed emphatically his doubt as to the guilt of the accused; and Whereas, It appears that his counsel had wit nes'Hes summoned, and in attendance at the trial to prove pryor threats by the person killed against the life of the accused, which had been commuuicated to the latter, and thinking the State had not made out a case for conviction of nny offense, and wishing to obtain the conclud ing argument, refused to introduce said wit nesses, over the protest of defendant: and Whereas, Affidavits have been tiled by said witnesses proving the fact of such threats, and also affidavits from respectable and well known citizens sustaining the character of these wit nesses for truth; and Whereas, It appears that the deceased was the older and larger, and was the assailant in the fatal rencounter, and had the accused down upon the ground under him at the time the fatal stabs were inflicted; and Whereas, It is doubtful whether these stabs were inflicted with the knife of the accused, or with the knife of the deceased, wrenched from his hand by the latter as the latter was also slightly cut; and Whereas, A strong petition signed by a num ber of the best citizens of the community, has been presented to me urging clemency in behalf of said Varnadoe; and Whereas, After carefully considering the same, it appears that said Varnadoe should be pardoned, it is therefore ordered: That said Carroll Varnadoe be, and is hereby, fullv pardoned of said offense, and that he be forthwith discharged. BANE BALL. The home club met the Chattanoogas the sec ond time, yesterday, and they are ours. The boys got onto Hart and batted at will. They hit hard and free, except Cub, who hit bard but not safe. The Chattanoogas could do nothing with Wells. He proved very effective. Both clubs played fine fielding game, with one excep tion. McClung, of the Chattanoogas was ex ceedingly off. His playing was very bad. Man ager Levi’s presence was badly missed. He should by all means play. BCORK BY INNINGS. Atlanta 0 3 10 4 10 1 3—14 Chattanooga 00000001 •—1 GAMXB KLBXWBKRIt Charleston—Macon 6, Charleston 2. Memphis—Rain. Savannah—Rain. New York—Philadelphia I, New York 5. Brooklyn—Brooklyns 7, Metropolitans 10. Boston—Boston Cincinnati—ChicagoO, St. Louis 0. Baltimore— 3, Atheletics 2. Detroit—Detroit 7, Kansas City 5. GA Ml GOSSIP. Lyons made four hits yesterday. A great slugger. Miss Management, so says the Cincinnati Enquirer, has injured the Cincinnati club. Ramsey is hitting Hood in the Association. Moore ia a great favorite in Atlanta. He has a great many friends here. It is said that Purcell was born in France. French ball players are seldom seen in this country. Savannah has signed Dan Sullivan, late of the Pittsburg club. St. Louis will keep Cahill. Purcell has eaten a great deal of tough beef lately—enough to make any man bull-headed, is it not, “Blondie?” Joe Murphy wants to come to Atlanta. Augusta will strenthen her team in the box. Levis has signed a new pitcher. A left-hand ed man. Reach’s base balls and bats, masks, gloves, belts and caps at Mrs. Denicke’s, 69 Peachtree street. Genuine Ryan base balls, Harwood League base balls, Spalding bats, at Mrs. Denicke’s, 60 Peachtree street. The great amount of sickness in the city and the surrounding the country is no- doubt occa sioned principally the use of unripe or over-ripe fruit and by vegetables that are not strictly fresh. The injudicious use of these supplies for the table in connection with the hot a either we are now experiencing are the principal causes of so many cases of summer complaints, such as dis inter?, cholera morbus, etc. The remedy which every family should have on hand to meet these sudden and very often alarming cases, has recently been prepared by Dr. J. 8. Pemberton, who is well known all over the South for his great pharmaceutical skill and the remarkable merit of all his medical prepara tions. This latest production of the dorter’s is called “Gingeriue:” it is a verv pleasant tonic and cor dial stimulant for all affections of the stomach and bowels and far superior to the ordinary es sence or extract of Jamaica ginger. The enterprising drug firm of Pinson A Do xier have just purchased over 1,41'0 bottles of Gingerine, and are prepared to supply the large demand they anticipate for it. Hare you had a picnic occasion this summer? If not, go to Tallulah Falls Wednesday, June 23d—the only enjoyable time during the sum mer. EMk! Uladewi at 75c. J. C. Wilson, 7 Spring street. For the best pat eat dry air refrigera tor, water cooler and ice saver ever made, see Moncrief Bros., 90 South ■Broad, and W. R. Jectsr, 25 Eaat Hunter. LODGE LORE. X. OP G. X. Knights of the Golden Eagle meet at 210 Ma rietta street, Thursday the 17th, at Bp. m. A full attendance is desired. By order of the Noble Chief. ATTENTION, PATRIAKCDB MILITANT. Chevaliers of Canton Atlanta are hereby noti fied that a cantonment will be held at Odd Fel lows hall, corner Whitehall and Alabama streets, on Wednesday evening, June 16, 1886. Let every chevalier be present. i. a. o. f. At a meeting of the Odd Fellows of Savannah held June 11th, the following was adopted as expressive of the sentiments of the order in con nection with the death of Luther J. Glenn, of Atlanta, Ga. GLENN IS DEAD. Glenn, the master mind of Georgia in all that pertained to the laws, usages, or welfare of Odd Fellowship. Glenn, the honored citizen, the able lawyer and statesman, and last but by no means least, the tried, true and devoted Odd Fellow. Glenn—the noble-hearted Glenn—whose ge nial disposition, kind and courteous manner and sincere friendship endeared him to all. He has left us; he has gone beyond, and all American Odd Fellows now mourn the irrepara ble loss. 6 19X7; 4335, Banff Maid. “Good morning,” said Tub Capitol reporter to the agent of Helmes Railroad Mills Maccaboy snuff. “Got any news?” “No, not much, except that the Railroad Mac caboy snuff has become so very ponular that my main difficulty lies in keeping the jobbing trade supplied in stock." “How is that?” “I can’t well explain the secrets of success in any business, and being only a novice with eightyears’ experience in selling snuff, have not even reached the second rung of the ladder, but this I do know, that one Alabama street firm gave me their third order and their first order was received 30 days ago, and it was merely a trial order. This is the first week since the middle of April that jobbers can re port themselves with a stock equal to the de mands of the trade for Railroad Mills Maccaboy Snuff.” “Is this the only snuff your company manu factures?” “Why, no. We manufacture the celebrated Railroad Mills Sweet Scotch Snuff. This goods is so popular in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida that our trouble lies in keeping sufficient stock to supply the demand for Railroad Sweet Scotch Snuff.” “Do vou have any competition?” “Well, yes, but it is only so in name. The original Railroad Mills 8. S. S. or Sweet Scotch Snuff has been continuously manufac l nr k i for the past 60 years and the name “Sweet Scotch” on a can of snuff can’t deceive a customer but once. Second time they go where they can get the Railroad Mills Sweet Scoth Snuff.” “There seems to be considerable variety in the styles and quality of snuff manufactured?” "Yes; it is a peculiar business, and might in America be called a matter of taste, for each State, and sometimes a section of country, de mand a different variety of snuff. But the Geo. W. Helms Co. manufacture goods suited to the tastes of all Europe, Great Britain and Ireland, and every State in the Union. The Railroad Mills Macoboy and Sweet Scotch snuffs are what the trade tributary to Atlanta wants, and the jobbing trade finds it profitable to deal in them.” Fine all-wool Worsted Pants made to order, $7.25. Ed. B. Fletcher, Agent Browning, King& Co., 9 Whitehall. We are Now Manufacturing The best patent dry-air refrigerators, milk and water coolers and ice savers ever invented. We want everybody to see them before buying. Moncrief Bros, and W. R. Jester, 90 South Broad and 25 East Hunter streets. VENABLES Soda Fountain! The king of all fountains and popular because uniformly kept up to the highest standard of excellence. All the noted reliable health giving Mineral Waters I Os the country on draught. Why spend so much money to go to the springs to get the benefit of the water, when you can buy it right at home? The following is a list of the waters sold and their special qualities. The rapidly increasing popular Salt spring water is excellent for the kidneys, for dyspep sia, the general system and various disorders. Tate springs are of world wide reputation for the liver, kidneys, digestive organs, a laxative and tonic for the system. Glenn springs and Rhea springs are splendid for chronic diarrhoea or dyspepsia. Saratoga high rock. Saratoga excelsior. Vichy, Seltzer, These waters are delightful beverages, are laxative in effect, and act splendidly upon the system. Kentucky Blue Lick, Known evervwhere as a splendid appetizer, and to build up the general system. Blue Ridge Springs, Celebrated evervwhere for dyspepsia. Buffalo Lithia, Farmville Lithia. These waters are unexcelled for the kidneys, for rheumatism, nervous troubles affections pe culiar to women, etc. We are now prepared to deliver to all kinds of mineral waters in syphons to families which is inexpensive but a verv convenient way of keep ing the water pure anil nice. The above waters are the most celebrated, but I have others and all of them can be bought by the glass or gallon. ’ The following is a list of some of the soda flavors Willis E. Venable keeps at his soda fount: SYBVPS. Lemon, Sarsaparilla, Vanilla, Claret, Strawberry, Catawba, Raspberry, Orange, I’ine Apple, Blackberry, Chocolate, Orget, Cream, Peach, Ginger, Nectar, Coffee. Ice cream soda, any flavor. Lemonade, always popular. Liateade, new but nice. E JJ phosphate, extra good. Coco-cola, very healthy. Apple cider, delightful. Peach cider, good. Crab cider, tine. Sweet milk, plain but cooling. Butter milk, ditto. Ginger ale, refreshing. Mead, always good. Venable’s Club Soda. Try some once. Milk Shake, all the rage. Raspberry Vinegar. Something choice. Lime Juice Cordial, with any flavor, very nice. Ginger Wine, a delicious summer beverage. Imported Ginger Ale by the bottle. Willis Venable’s Soda Fountain, No. 2 Marietta. Cor. Peachtree. THE BEST IS THE Cheapest. YOU WILL FIND AT MY STORE Choice Family Groceries, Country Produce, Diamond Patent Flour All of the Best Qual ity and most reasonable Prices. GEO. W. AKRIDGE, 43 Chapel Street. ZACHRY BROS., MILLERS. Kiln Dried Pearl Grits Granulated Roller Meal, Corn Flour, Graham Flour, Mixed Feed, Stock Meal, etc. Try our special brands of Flour. Our grades are equal to any. Telephone 331. Mill on W. & A. R.R. near Cotton Factory. THE GATE CITY NATIONAL Bill OF ATLANTA GA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY, CAPITAL & SUPLUS $300,000. ISSUES CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT PAYABL ON DEMAND WITH INTEREST. Three per cent, per annum If left’four months. Four pe cent, per annum if left six months, per cent, annum if left twelve months. “new firm. Music, Hudson & Co, Cor. Hunter and Thompson Sts., Dealers in Dressed and Rough Lumber, Shingles, Laths, etc. Telephone 503 for prices. Orders receive prompt attention. Wheal’s Rheumatic Cure Positively cures all kinds of Rheumatism, Blood and Kidney Diseases. NO CURE NO PAY Call and see us at the Chamber of Commerce Build ng. Prices, 75c. and per bottle. WHEALS, KOERNER & CO. HAYE YOUR PICTURES TAKEN AT EDWARDS & DORMAN’S GALLERY, Os PiotograDllc Art. N 56 1-2 Whitehall st., OVER M. RICH A BROTHERS’ Dry Goods store. All styles of Photograph Pictures taken from a finger ring to life-site, plain or colored in any style. Views of Residences, Stores and Photographing Sam ples of Kerch anda specialty. Photograph Albums ana Frames tor sale. Call and examine Specimens and Prices. B ESTABLISHED 1860. A. ERGENZINGER, MANUFACTURER OF Awninp, Mosquito Nets, Tents, and Bedding. UPHOLSTERING DONE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Strictly first-class work at low prices for cash. 12 E. HUNTER STREET. W. H. PATTERSON, BOND AND Stock Broker, N». <4 PBI4K STREET, Atlanta - * Ga HARRY LYNAN, RAILROAD TICKET BROKER ASD STKAMSHI AGENT. 30 Wall Street, ; Just opposite entrance Union I epot. Member Amer-I an Tuk«t Brokers’ Assneiation. . BARGAIN HUNTERS . FOR— Furniture and Carpets NTTTTHV V eßt ’ °a T St<X ? am P , f’ a! ? d <ur always as low as any reliable house. Both FUR- MTLRE and CARPETS have advanced recently, but our prices will not De until uiir present st ck is exhausted Mattings In great variety and at greatly reduced prices. We ca’l sp-ciai attention to OUR OWN MAKE of PARLOR SUITS and LOUYGES. Our .tries and orices-w. in keeping with the LATEST and LOWEST—East or West. When in need of snch goods be sure and call on ANDREW. J. MILLER, Big 44 Peachtree St. FURNITURE I FURNITURE I WE ADVISE ALL THOSE WANTING FURNITURE OF ANY KIND TO GO TO JOHN NEAL & CO., Nos. 7 and 9 South Broad Street. As they keep a Full Line, which they are selling at LOWER PRICES than can be Ahad elsewhere. Bedroom Sets from $17.50 up, etc. Don’t forget our address. G. O. WILLIAMS & BRO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, BRICK, LIME AND HAIR I And Anything Else You Need in the Way of building Material. | It will be to your interest to get their prices before making your purchase. Office and Yard 234 Marietta Street. Telephone 338 CITI TAX. MY BOOK is now open for Collecting City Tax, and the City Council have athorized me to give a dis count of 2 percent until I have collected one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and then the discount closes. D. A. COOK. May 15, 1886. City Tax Collector. DYEHOUSE B. B. BRIGHTWELL, Proprietai Repairing a specialty. 115 Wheat Street. See my prices: Pants cleaned, 50c; pants dyed, 7f coats cleaned, 75c; coats dyed, $1; ladies’ dres e cleaned, 75c; ladies’ dresses dyed, $1.25; hats dyed, 25c; ladies’ hose, w JLfrepghw WINE COCA MARVELOUS INVIGORATGR-THE GREAT NERVE TONIC Delicious to the taste ; Sustains, Exhil eratesand Refreshes both Body and Brain; Cures Morphine and Opium Habits and Desire for Intoxicants. Sold ty all Druggists. Price $1 per bettie, or six for $5.. Read Pamphlet on the wonderful effects of Coca and Damiana and Wine Coca. PEMBERTON CHEMICAL CO. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. Atlanta, Ga. And Don’t Forgetit. The best and cheapest flour in the city is KNOXVIL LEADER PATENT. Have your grocer to send this brand and you will be pleased. Every sack guaranteed to please or money refunds AH FSJEM ENTS. Lawn Party I Lawn Party I Benefit Sts. Peter and Pauls church, corner Marietta and Alexander streets, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, June 16 and 17. On Beautiful Grounds adjoining the church. Ice Cream, Refreshments & Music. ADMISSION 10 CENTS. trim m Its * Cheap, very Cheap. JI have an elegant line of All Grades and styles, of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets for the summer, and I wish to close them out. Prices Reduced Accor dingly. Miss MaYy Ryan, 42 WHITEHALL ST. Metropolitaa Undertakers. Metallic,Wood and Cloth-covered Caskets and Coffins Robes of all kinds. Natural Preserved Flowers tor fur neral purposes artistically designed. We are ales agents for the only burglar-proof grave vaults in tint United States. TAYLOR, WYLIE <fc BLILEY, __ «« , Frank X. Bliley, Manager- No. 26 W. Alabama street, next door to the Constita tion. Building. Telephone 719. Mer’s Cffljli Bitters for coughs, colds, cr-rvp, bo—soaess, sore throat, «tb na and all bronchi., nodules. Acts on the liver aayi ontains no opium. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Prepared only bv the FISCHER COUGH BITTERS CO., Office 264 Decarnr street. Atlanta. Ga. Wanted Mt* for the MISSOURI steam JOHN C. EVANS, Stoutland, Mo., writes: “ I stand up and affirmtnat aWaeher eavee more hard labor and money in a large tamily than any Reaper and Mower that ever was put on any farm with Ims than 100 acres in cultivation. If you will get up any instrument thsbwill take aa much labor off of men as this Washer takes off the women, and save aa much money aa it does and coat no more, I could sell one at every house, if they had to take the feathers from under their wife and babies to pay for it” • R - DODGE. JR., jeweler. Normal, 111., writes: “You ask what I think of the Washer I bought last summer. Ist It is the best machine ever invented by man. 2d. We have just as good dinners on Monday ga on any ofner day. 3d. If you run short, you can not buy ours for $1000.” I will ship a sample to those desiring- an ageaey on a week’s trial on liberal terms. A thousand per eent the best washer 1b the world for saving labor, elothes and soap. Pays capable agents bls' money. Write for particulars. J. WORTH, ITIO Franklin Ave., St, Lonla.My NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Tm m. *Uo»ro4 trial dayt of vs. at W. x>re*« detakratad Voluuc Bolt Kaatfte Waapmaory AppUaaeaa far the ipMap zatW aarf panuaaat owa of Mwaow DrtlKl, foga a>4 4, a»4 ah klfdrod .reue-kA Ala.far Maw atSar iHa.aana. Caanal.te r«*ota tja® «• MaalA, Vigor aa4 Aaheod fl. (Mb laWwarraf ZUuatmtst paaspkls4 lu awi«t aaM. mMa< Ora. St aMaiaaiac TDLIAM UU Ct, MaEatall. M»k. Teas—Coffees—Teas. Do not be prejudiced nor misled.. Just give me ONE TRIAL. Let me give you better goods for Less Money. Be sure and read my advertisement another column. Chas. C. Thorn, GENTLEMEN, IF YOU WANT YOUR Clothing, Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired In a satisfactory manner at trivial expense, go to SOLOMON, the Tailor. 6 E. ALABAMA ST., under James’ Bank. OANCERS, S CUKE t> without the knife or loss of blood. Vastlj superior to all other methods. Hundreds of cases Descriptive pamphlet sent free. Address DR. E. H. GREENE, ’’l 102 Peachtree St., Atlanta. Gw The Atlanta Capitol Band E. C. FORD, LEADER E. C. FORD, solo b flat cornet. P. J. VOSS, Ist e flat cornet. SAMI EL ALBRIGHT, Ist b flat clarinet. J. OPPENSHAW. Ist b flat cornet. T. BELL, 2d bflat cornet. G. OPPENSHAW, 2d e flat alto. A. VERNOY, Ist e flat alto. JOE OPPENSHAW. 2d b flat tenor. JOHN MARSTON, baritone. W. L. BRYAN, tuba and bass. JAMES CALAHAN, bass drum and cymbals. H. SCHIPHORST, snare drum. The Atlanta Capitol Band plays for concerts or pa rades, either brass or string. Call on E. C. Ford at Spence’s carriage shop, 83 Decatur, for terms, etc. HOMES FOR ALL. The Capital City Land and Improve ment Company is prepared to sell va cant lots or to build such houses as purchasers may desire upon any va cant property the Company may own, on the installment plan. A small cash payment down and balance in monthly installments, being but little if any more than rent would be for similar yroperty. For further particulars ap ply to the Secretary, JACOB NAAS, Room 8, Gate City Bank. P. J. FALLON, Mason and Builder Brick and Frame Buildings Erected Sewers and Drain Pipes Laid. AU Work Promptly Attended to. jym-Oriera tlilSEm »r fr* WW