The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, July 17, 1886, Image 3

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\ v WK —■ \Mh ira\«»*WC-\5y3A -r 1 \ | y kZX f.AJ ■<» CORDIAL FOR THE BOWELS&CHILDRENTEETHING It is THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY ’Tor tbe bowels. It is one of tbe most pleasant and efficacious remedies for all summer com- Btaints.8 taints. At a season when violent attacks of the owelsaresofrequent.somespeedy relief should ■be at hand. The wearied mother, losing sleep in nursing the little one teething, should use this ■medicine. 50cts. a bottle. Send 2c. stamp to Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga., for Biddle Book. Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure Coughs, Croup, and Consumption. Price 25c. and <1 a bottle. H. Crankshaw A Co., 175 S. Forsyth, Finish ng and Rough Lumber, Laths and Shingles. TOWN TALK. Melons on Ice, Donehoo’s Palace Market. Ice cream for families supplied in any quan tity. Exclusively ice cream and water ices, at Massa’s. If you wish fresh meats and the best in the city telephone or send to Echols A Richards, at the Fulton Market, 86 Peachtree street. A fine business opportunity is offered a young -man in our “P. C.” column. For best meats, remem berßauschenburg. Dr. Hawthorne will preach to-morrow at the First Baptist church from the subject, “ Foolish djuestions in Religion.” Parker’s Brigsde Band will play on the streets to-day for Col. Hammond and in the interests of his meeting to-night. Mr. Dickey’s house, corner Peachtree and Currier streets, is being moved back and a new house will be built. Dr. Hawthorne went up to Cartersville this morning. Dr. Woolley is preparing to erect two band some new dwellings on Forest avenue near Cal houn street. Plenty of young partridges in the fields not withstanding the rain. A wild turkey was seen one day this week in A large tract of woods three miles from the car shed on tbe Air-Line railroad. Two little boys about 8 years old engaged in a regular fist a skull fight, yesterday, on White hall street, at tbe corner of Brotherton, much to the amusement of a half dozen spectators. Yesterday was an off day with base ball, only one game being played, and that between ■Charleston and Memphis. A pony for sale, cheap, at G. C, Ooelze, 117 Whitehall street. Read Thorn’s Grocery “ad.” and save money. McCONNELT&JAMES have just received 3000 Gents Scarfs at 15c each, worth from 35c to 75c each. A warm welcome will be accorded Hon N J. Hammond on the occasion of his address on Saturday night at -the opera house, just after early candle light. Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, Silver Plated Ware, China Goods, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, LAMPS, At lowest prices ever offered in At lanta. Best goods and most goods for the least money. Watch repairing a Dollar store, 7 Peachtree street. Removal, Removal. Before moving to our new store we are deter mined to close out our entire stock. Eiseman Bros., 55 Whitehall st. The time has come to eat watermelons and •santeloupes, and Carlton A Son’s is the place to get them. Corner Forsyth and Walton streets. Another lot of Ladies’ French Ribbed Hose at 25 cents a pair have j ust been opened at McConnell & James. I For Preserving Fruit. ■ Granite. Iron and Porcelain lined D Preserving Kettles; also, Tin Cans fl lor putting up Fruit. ■ HUNNICUTT & RELLINGRATH. ■ Soda Water Syrups AND PURE CandieS G. E. Johnson. Special Inducement Offered DURING THE SUMMER SEASON TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Until the rush of fa 1 trade, I will DYE or CLEAN all kinds of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING, BED BLAN KETS,SPREADS,CARPETS, LAUE CURTAINS, Etc., at 25 per cent Reduction. Now is your time. Drop a postal card and I will call for and deliver city orders without charge. Goods made like new. JACOB E. KRIES, 7 W.PETERS STREET. THE EVENING CAPITOL: ATLANTA. GA. SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1886. SOCIETY MELANGE. Mr. Chase Bass left the city this morning to spend a few days at Salt Springs. Mrs. W.'T. Wilson has returned from a de lightful trip of two weeks to the mountains. Miss Hattie Goldsmith, a charming young lady of Greenville, S. C., is visiting friends in the city. Noble C. W. Williams has a noble little son, and he calls him a prohibition boy. He is one day old. * 11. H. Russey, with his wife and son, leave for Salt Springs to-day to take a breath of country air for a month. Mr. H. P. Grant, manager of the popular “New Home,” arrived home last night from a business trip to Charleston and Savannah. Miss Vickie Simpson, after a pleasant and continued visit to friends and relatives in the Gate City, left yesterday for her home in Ellen wood, much to the regret of her admirers here. The Capitol said recently that Hugh V. Washington, of Macon, was in the city with his wife. Hugh has never yet taken unto himself a wife, hence our informant must have made a mistake. Mr. T. A. Sewell arrived home_this morning from a ten days’ pleasure trip, rtr pronounces Morehead city and other points ot interest in North Carolina, as being the grandest spots on earth. A young gentleman called to see his sweet heart last evening, but on approaching the house and discovering that there was a prayer meeting being held in the parlor he withdrew from the premises quietly and quickly. Mis. Blanche Roughton, nee Miss Blanche Heathe, left Atlanta yesterday, accompanied by her son for a prolonged visit to friends and rela tives in Ellenwood. She will spend quite a while there, being the guest of Sheriff Simpson and others. There was a brilliant game of ball by ama teurs yesterday morning at Athletic Park, be tween the Crescents and Ligbtfeet, which re sulted in a victory for the latter by a score of 11 to 2. -The battery for the Lightfeet were Tom Dean, pitcher, and Brooker Cox catcher. The ladies of the Sixth Baptist Church will give an entertainment on Tuesday night at the residence of Mrs. Pounds, corner Davis and Foundry. Refreshments in abundance will be served. The programme will consist of music and recitations. Come and enjoy yourself and help a worthy cause. Miss Mollie O’Donnell, who has been on a visit to Atlanta from her home in Indiana for three months past, left a few days ago in com pany with Mrs. Dr. Couch and others for an ex tended pleasure trip to parts of Alabama. Miss O’Donnell has found many friends in the Gate City who are glad to know that she will soon re turn to Atlanta and spend another while before returning to ner home in Jeffersonville,lndiana. THE Wil I.IAJIS CONCERT. A Grand Time Last Thursday Night at the Fifth Baptist Mission. The musical concert and ice cream festival given by the Williams Musical Club, at the Fifth Baptist Mission, night before last, was some thing highly entertaining. Under the auspices of Miss Haile and Mis. Elise Mohr, the programme was very nice, and composed of beautiful recitations, pleasant sing ing, dialogues, etc., and kept the audience for a season. The programme: Address of Welcome—Murray Ray. Recitation, “Sister and I”—Minnie Madox. Speech—Bessie Watts, “New Church Or gan.” Recitation —“Landlady’s Mother,” Miss Mamie Haile. “Snider’s Nose,” by the accomplished Mrs. Mohr. Recitation, by Miss Allice Buchanan. Speech—Miss Lula Maddox. Dialogue, by Miss Alice Buchanan and Mr. Willie Baker. After the close of the programme Mr. McLean announced that all were invited to the lawn where there was an abundance of ice cream, and the crowd gathered in the pretty moonlight to feast upon melons, lemonade and ice cream until about midnight. Tbe affair was a complete success, and would be heartily enjoyed should it be repeated. The proceeds amounted to over a hundred dollars. First arrival of Celebrated Nixon Can taloupes at Donehoo’s. Order quick. Working ijien, look to your interests and hear Colonel Arnold and others to night at o’clock at 21 S. Broad street. Business of importance. The Markham House. I desire to remind the public that the Mark ham House is still open for their accommoda tion, and through all the changes and vicissi tudes of the day the table is kept up to its usual good standard, and will continue to be, while the rooms are in their superior condition, though not so high up as they are in some more pretentions houses, but are as comfortable in every respect, and the guests of tte house may rely upon the most courteous treatment at the office and from servants, and good order about the house. No law of the State or city will be vio lated by the proprietor to make the hotel com plete, or to pander to the rabble, or dudes to occupy the most prominent places in or about the house, but every effort will be made to sat isfy our guests and make them feel comfort able and at borne during their sojourn, whose patronage is respectfully solicited with kind thanks for past favors. Wm. Markham. July 15, 1886. For Congress: ' PRYOR L. MYNATT. Delegates: AARON HAAS, MARTIN H. DOOLY, D. C. BLACK, J.G. WOODWARD, THOS. J. BOYD, BENJ. F. McDUFFIE, J. T. JORDAN, ZACH H. SMITH, YOUNG M. IRWIN, WHEELER MANGUM, J. J. BARNES, A. P. STEWART. The following delegates, if elected, will sup port the Hon. N. J. Hammond for Congress at the convention to be held in Atlanta on Wed nesday, the Ist day of September, 1883: T. P. WESTMORELAND, JOHN H. ELLSWORTH, JOHN B. GOODWIN, JOHN S. BROOMHEAD, FRANK M. sOTTS. E. W. MARTIN, JACK J. SPALDING, C. J HANCOCK, J.M. McGUIRK, SEABORN JONES, P. F. CLARKE, JaCOB HAAS. Let every merchant come out to the business meeting of the Mynatt and working men’s club to-night at 7)£ o’clock at 21 S. Broad street. Great Bargains in Atlanta Beal Estate. Sam’l W. Gsodb. Ham and eggs for everybody at Carlton A Son’s. Cost Au Lonsiaeraiisn. We are determined to close out our entire stock before our removal. Eiseman Bros., 55 Whitehall street. 1,800 acres Barton county land, on W. and A. railroad, this side Kingston, for $3 per acre. Owner must sell. Sam’l W. Goode. IRYA GLASS Os the delicious Moxie Nerve 'Food at Beerman’s Soda Water Palace, Broad field & Ware’s, Nunnally & Rawson’s Schumann’s Pharmacy, Goldsmith & 00, INJUNCTION DISMISSED- I THE KIMBALL HOUSE SAEOON WANTS PEACE. Will Promise to Allow No Drinking on Ike Premises, if toe Quart Business is Not Molested. There was a large crowd in the Superior Court room this morning to bear the injunction case brought by the Kimball House saloon pro prietors against the city, to restrain the au thorities from interferring with their liquor business. The Kimball House has for many days ceased the semi-retail trade and has not allowed any liquor drank on, or about the premises. Mr. Mabra, to whom the quart license had been issued, had taken the advice of his attor neys, and shut off' all business except a regular honest quart trade. This was done as it was thought the prohibitionists only wanted TO STOP DRINKINO in an open saloon, and were willing to let Mr. Mabra go on with a legitimate sale until his licenses expired. When court convened this morning Mr. Hoke Smith, counsel for the plaintiff, arose and ad dressed the court as follows: “May it please your honor: Mr. Mabry began business at the Kimball House with the opinion of the city officers that he had tbe right to allow liquors sold and drank on tbe premises. At the time the bill was filed liquors were drank so near to the ' premises occupied by Mr. Mabry that perhaps 1 he would possibly be held to have allowed the use of the liquors on the premises which he controlled, believing that the law allowed it. Since last Saturday, under the advice of his counsel, mb. mabra has refused to allow drinking either in his store or near his store. He has yielded to the wishes of many ' citizens, and has endeavored to place his busi ’ ness upon a line which cannot be questioned. ' He intends to conduct his business,if unmolest ' ed, until October 9th, and to finally give it up, j as his license will then expire. As his business 1 is now strictly within the law, he hopes no fur ther effort will be made by tbe city officers to i break it up. He hopes that theater of a re- • straining order is no longer necessary, and we • therefore dismiss the bill set for hearing this ■ morning.” i So Judge Clark dismissed tbe injunction and i the matter was ended. It is known what action the city will take, but i it is thought that the suggestions offered by The Capitol a few evenings since will Be fol, lowed, and there will be no more law suits, but a legitimate sale of liquors will be alh wed un der al' the quart licenses until they expire, and . then everybody will join hand in hand and help enforce the law. I Wanted, i By a young unmarried man, one furnished room; must be within three blocks of Artesian well. Address, stating terms, T., care Capitol j office. A Gard to the Public. 1 The price of shaving has been reduced from 15 to 10 cents at No. 11 Marietta street, next door to P. H. Snook. This shop is no hole in ‘ the wall, cellar or sweat-box, but a first-class shop, cool and pleasant, on the ground floor, 1 where you can be served by good barbers, clean towels, and all the accommodations first-class ■ in every respect. Call and be convinced. Georoe Bennett. We have founnd that it is true that Carlton A • Son are selling groceries cheap for cash. Many Customers. 1 PREPARE FOB WINTER. Now is the time to lay in your sup -1 ply of coal for winter. Don’t forget . the old and reliable coal and wood dealer, W. E. Hoyle, is still in the field and will now sell you the celebrated Montevallo and best Jellico Mountain • coal at lowest summer prices. Office and yard corner Whitehall and Gar nett streets. Telephone 427. Art. J. T. Willis teaches the most excellent sys tem of Crayon drawing ’and painting in oil. Terms reasonable, and competion defied. Send in your orders and he will call at your residence and exhibthis samnles. Office 361 West Peters street. Orders by mail preferred. Hon. N. J. Hammond will Bpoak at the Opera House, Saurday night. Let all go and hear him. Hon. N. J. Hammond, representative in Con , gress from this, the sth congressional district, will address the citizens of Fulton county upon the issues now pending, on Saturday, 17th inst., at 8:30 o’clock p. m., at DeGive’s Opera House. The people put confidence in N. J. Hammond will give him a warm wel come Saturday night at the opera house. We are Now manufacturing The best patent dry-air refrigerators, milk and water coolers and ice savers ever invented. We want everybody to see them befoie buying. Moncrief Bros, and W. R. Jester, 90 South Broad and 25 East Hunter streets. Bring your advertised price lists to Carlton A Son, the Cheap Cash Grocers, and get them dis counted 10 per cent. Fischer’s Coijh Bitters for coughs, colds, sore throat, astb- na and all bronchi t . Acts on the liver and on tai ns no opium. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Prepared only by the FISCHER COUGH BITTERS CO., Office 264 Decatur street. Atlants. Ga. Clothing Below C'OMt. To close out our entire stock before moving to our new store. Eiseman Bros., 55 Whitehall street. Short Sermons are Beat. There is no use for much talk. If you want good bread buy the famous Water Ground Pat ent Flour sold only by Carlton & Son, tbe cheapest grocers, corner Forsyth and Walton streets. As the season is far advanced I am obliged to make room for my Fall Stock, therefore I will sell for the next 30 days my entire Summer Stock BEGABDLESS OF COST. Call and get bargains. PAUL FRANKLIN, Bee-Hive, 18 Whitehall. PICTURE FRAMES Made to order by Sam Walker. 2X Marietta atreet. Hams as fine and cheap as ever at Carlton A i Son’s Cheap Cash Grocery, corner Forsyth and Walton streets. Clean mouth. Tbe use of Delectalave imparts such an agree able sensation to the mouth and teeth, as to make it a pleasure to children as well as adults. Use Delectalave when you perform your daily ablutions. The habitual use will preserve the teeth in a healthy ' condition during life. For sale by druggists. For goodness sake read Thorn’s ad. THE BARGAINS GROW Better 1 Better AT J. M. HIGH’S! 10,000 yards chocolate Prints at 3c. a yard. 10 cases new linen Lawns at 3 JJc. • 100 pieces splendid Satteens at sc. yd. 300 pieces crinkled Seersuckers at $1.50 black Silks at sl. 100 pieces French Cashmeres at 25c. a Yard! 1,000 pieces very fine grade white In dia Linon de Inde at 12JXc. a yard. The celebrated Diamond SHIRTS! at 75 cents. 1,000 white Quilts at 50, 75 and $1; worth double. 200 pieces printed linen Lawns at 12} 2 ' and 11c; regular 20 and 25c. goods. 300 pieces white plaid DRESS GOODS AT 10c. BEGULAB PBICE 18c. New lot of Parasols and Fans. Special Bargains in 200 box Suits at $1.75, $2. 25 and $2.80. 5,000 ladies’ straw Hats at 15, 25 and 35c. J. M. HIGH. THE Dictator of Prices, 46, 48 and 50 Whitehall. CHURCH SERVICES FOR TO-MORROW. BAPTIST. Sixth Baptist—J. H. Weaver, pastor. S. S. 9:30 a. in. Preaching at 11 am. and Bp. m. Young peo ple’s meeting Monday night. Prayer meeting Wednes day night, invited. Fifth Baptist—Preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. 8. S. at 9 :30 a. ra. r FiasT Baptist—Corner Forsyth and Walton streets, Rev. J. B. Hawthorne, D. D., pastor. Preaching at 11 a.m. by the pastor. Subject,: “Frolish Questions in Religion.” No preaching at i ifht. S.B. 9:30 a.m. Young men’s meeting at 8p m. Monday. Prayer meeting, with lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. f EPISCOPAL. St. Philips Mission of the Redeemer—Evening prayer, 8:00 p. m. Sunday-school 3:45 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS. R. R. Y. M. C. A.—Gospel service at the R. R. Y. M. C. A. rooms, to morrow at 3:30 p m., will be conducted by H. Von Werder, lute of Birmingham, Ala. 'Ladies and gentlemen cordially ihvited to this meeting. PRESBYTERIAN. Central Presbyterian.—Rev. G. B. Strickler, pastor Preaching at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. by the pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at, 8 o’clock. Young men’s prayer meeting Thurd'ay eveng at B o’clock. Sunday-school at Rankin’s Chapel 3 ;30 p.m. Third Pperbttrrian Church. —N. Keff Smith pastor. Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednes day evening. METHODIST. St. Paul’s Church —Rev. J. M. White, pastor. Class meeting 9>£ a.m. Preaching at 11 a.m. by Rev. W. A. Simmons; 8 p.m. by Rev. C. D. Christian. Sabbath school at 3% p.m. GREAT bush At Northrop’s to get pleated bosom shirts made to order. Ladies’ pleated linen bosoms with collars attached, made to order, at Nor throp’s, 13 Peachtree street. Gone Flailing. Several young men and ladies from tbe east ern part of town have gone fishing to-day to the Cbattonooga river, and as they desire to keep their names from tbe paper, they will probably consume their fish without tbe aid of their neighbors to-morrow. Dr. Calhoun’s Liver Pills the only cer tain remedy for this climate. Dreiiinaking At 61 Cone street. Perfect fit and entire satis faction guaranteed. Call and see. Before We Move to our new store, we will close out our new stock regardless of cost. Eiseman Bros., 55 White hall street. Cancers. without the knife or io*s of blood. Vastlj superior to ali other method*. Hundreds of cases c,. red Debcriptive pamphlet sent free. Address DR. E. 11. GREECE, *1 U 2 Peachtree Rt., Atlanta- Ga POTTS & HADLEY. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS. Hard Wood Finishing a Specialty. Refers to H. W. Grady, E. P. Howell and Julius L. Brown. 43 SOUTH BROAD STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Teas—Coffees—Teas. Do not be prejudiced nor misled. Just give me ONE TRIAL. Let me S’ve you better goods for Less Money. > sure and read my advertisement another column. Chas. C. Thorn, 118 Whitehall St. / —— "■> JACK’S New Process BREAD! The Imperial CREAM Machine Made BREAD Is the FINEST, Purest —AND— BEST! If yon want tho BEST and SWEETEST, LIGHTEST as well as the PUREST, then buy Jack’s New Process Cream Bread. -All orders out and in the city solicited. Prompt attention given. Fresh Bread Shipped Daily. Capitol City Steam Bakery Mfg. Co 68 and 70 ALABAMA ST. MS" Free Delivery at your doors. MANUFACTURERS OF Crackers & Candies. SCIST BROS., MILLERS. Our Fancy Bolted Meal is drawing the trade. Buy it and try it and your customers will have no other. Our Graham Flour is made fresh to order. Stock and Cattle deal ers will save money in many ways by calling for our Germ Meal mix ed with Ground Oats. We have exclusive sale for the Minnesota Celebrated *• SILVER KING” Flour. Askyouir grocer for it. Every sack guaranteed equal to best made and no chances on giving it a trial. Be sure you call for Zachry Bros. Bolted Meal and “ Silver King” Flour. TELEPHONE 331. A. L DELKIN, WHOLESALE Watches, Clacks aal Jewelry Manufactures all kinds of gold and silver medals and badges, diamond setting, plain ana ornamental engrav ing. Monograms a specialty. Fly Fan material, Clock material, Engravers’ Tools, etc. Whitehall Street. Gate City Ice Company, ATLANTA, GA. Ice Vault and Office, corner of Wall and Pryor stieets WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ice made from pure well water. Factory at the old Union stock yard. Chas C. Thorn Cheap Casii Un 118 Whitehall St. TELEPHONE 451. 11 pounds O K Lardl 00 15 pounds Granulated Sugarl (X --60 pounos Grits 1 00 50 pouunds any Patent Flour, come to my store. Beans Eagle Cond. Milkl 00 15 pounds Head Rice 1 00 20 pounds Fine Rice 1 (0 Maple Sy nip, per gallon 85 Arbuckle's and Levering’a Coffee, per pound 15 Prunes, per found 7 Dried Beef, whole, per pound 14 Dried Beef, chipped 15 Water ground Meal, peck 15 Dove brand Hams 12 Oat Meal, per lb 5 Cracked Wheat, per lb 6 Graham Flour 25 lb sack 80 Plum Preserves 7% Plum Butter .. ...• 7% Apple Butter 6 Pear Butter f 6 Red Hasplx-rry Jam 7U Best Black Teas, per 1b45 to 60 Best Gunpowder Teas4o to 80 Genuine Tokio Tea Os Royal Baking Powder, 1 lb cans 45 Price’s Baking Powder, 1 lb cans 45 I am determined to give fresh goods cheaper than the lewest f r the cash. I keep no books, credit no one, lose no money, a*-d save you 20 per cent. Just c»me one time and be convinced. Be sure of my number—llß Whitehall street. Chas. C. Thorn, GERMAN WHOOPING COUGH REMEDY PRICE, 25 CENTS. Safe, Reliable, Sure and Pleasant to take! Can be Given Youngest Infan BY ALL DRUGGISTS and at Schumann’s Pharmacy. THE POPULAR CHEAP COLUMN. For Kent by E. ffl. Kobertv Co, 20 I\. Broad* Corner Walton. Bjroom houte, 57 Cone, by year 27 50 6 “ “ 172 Havnes 12 50 5 ” “ 93 Spring 20 00 4 “ “ 88 Alexander 800 4 “ “ 47 McAfee 6 00 3 “ “ 5 Mills 900 Call at our office before renting. BUFIIW VS. ■\T OU have paid enough rent to have bought a home. I 1 will sell you a lot, build you such a house as you want, one-fourth cash, balance on monthly or quarterly installments. Ask A. W. Marlin, C. B Powers, R. H. Huzza, Thomas A. ClontK, A. J. Haygood, Mrs. L. J. Born, Rowan B. Evant., J. M. Dixon, and others owning lots bought trom me,what they think of Anderson street. Wm. A. Haygood, Peachtree street. BCMINEHN OPPOHTIMTIES. REPORTER with SSOO to 11 vest can get situation. Solid company, established paying paper in live city. Address “ Salary ” care Capitol. OUNG MAN with sr,ot)oMl .500 to Invest in solid’ stock company paying handsomely and wishing a situation as bookkeeper and accountant, can learn of excellent chance and further particulars by calling on E. M Heberts &• Co.. Agen r. 20 N. Broad street YWKEIt I’o EQ A ft. ~~ IOANS on real estate and collateral. Buys ap» j proved commercial and negotiable paper. L. Sni der, Loan and Banking Offlice 6>£ Whitehall wtreet. MONEY advanced liberally on watcher, diamonds jewelry, etc., business steictly confidential. Aba Fry, broker, 4 Peachtree street.■ CHEAPER THAN EVER— Sash, blinds and doors Lumber, shingles and laths. W. S. Bell, 25 Ivy St HtttSALh 1?()R SALE—Five acres of land at Constitution, Ga. 1 Good stand for country store. Will sell on long lime or exchange for horses dr mules. Right at depot with railroad front. Apply to C. K. Buzbee, 102 Peachtree street. IpOR SALE—One 5-stamp gold-mill, made by Porter 1 A- Meakin; also, one turbine water wheel, new, 15- inch, at a bargain. Apply to' Pritchell & Winter, Marietta street. JNK —Green, Violet, Scarlet, Black, 25 cents a pint; P. 0. stamps taken; sent free; satisfaction guaran teed or no charge. Guignon Ink Co., 3806 Cook ayenue, St. Louis, Mo. FOR HEM ' 1 THIRST-CLASS brick house, “ A No. 1,” near the cen ? ter, to rent by Smith & Dallas. FURNISHED HOUSE—Elegant new 7-room house, modern style and conveniences, splendidly furn ished, te rent for two or thiee monthH to tbe right party, by Smith Dallas rpHE very best Boarding honse, having a very supe -1 rlor location, 16 rooms, where money cen be made, to rem by Smith A Dallas. A FURNISHED house near postoflice for rem cheap Address.! X , this office. I 3OR RENT—S-Room house, 429 W hiteh'all street, |ls a month. W. M Middlebrooks, 861 W. eters st. TpORRENT —A seven room house, No 33 Luckle st. JP gas, water, etc. Apply to R. C. Mitchell, 313 Ma rletta h! . Ipt)R RENT- 43 South Forsyth street, steam power, and machine shop. Now occupiel by Smith i Fenn. Central and very derirable for good run of work Apply to James P. Harrison A Co.. 32 West Alabar.ia, WANTS—II iMcellaneoiiM* WaN'l BD —One good horse suitable for light dray age purposes. Apply at Capitol office. WANTED— A good restaurant couk and waiter at 38 South Bro"d st. Call at once I WANT a comfortable 4or 5 room house, Southside preferred, will take If for a y-jar or longer; must have a stable and ho He for horse and buggy. 8., Cap itol office WANTED —Good, strong, second-hand dray. Ap ply at 47 S. Broad street. WANTED —A good cook at 42 Gilmer. Good wages paid. Ronin on lot.. Apply at once. WANTED— 13.500 for five years on gilt-edge central property A. Z., Capitol office WANTED— Those Wishing to acquire the art of short hand writing will find it to their advantage to call on or address H. B. Deas, stenographer, 65 South Broad street. Munson’s system. Terms reasonable, and success guaranteed if instructions followed. TRAYEDOR STOLEN— A black cow, with white horns, and some white in the flank. Any word of said cow, will be reasonably rewarded at 155 Davia street. JERSEYS— Ready for service, Bulls of the best butter strains. Apply to or address W. W. Boyd, 214 Ma rietta street. Y. M. L. A, Tallulah Falls. Grand Excursion Yoons Men’s Library Assoclat’n. SATURDAY, JULY 24,1886. Fare, round trip, $1.50, returning same day; 12.00, returning Monday, July 26th. Hotel fare for persona remaining over, $1 50 per day. This is the last excursion to Tallulah of the season. Parties forming into groups of 60 can secure social car, Into which no other person will be admitted. If you want a special car for your party, apply to Martin F. Amorous, chairman Ente tainmentCommittee,telephone No. 486, or to J. H. Alexander, Tteastirer, telephone No. 379, Atlanta, or address Howard Van Epps, President Y. M. L. A., Atlanta. Parties can be formed in Mari etta, Griffin, Decatur, Covington, and othtr points, and secure rpecial cars on application. Refreshments wil' be furnished on the train at reas onable cost. Dinner at hotel 50 cents. Pro*essor Leon will perform on tight rope over the Grand Chasm, the grandest feat ever accomplished in the world. Fine music. Tbe best of order. Unlimited fun. Come, one and all, and help the library. 1886. 1886. ELDER HOUSE, Indian Springs, Ga. W. A. ELDER, ProD’r. Open Ju 13 Ist. The best mineral water in the South. Analysis sent on application. Every effort will be made to make guests comfortable. The tables will be mode a special feature. Cutro’s Orchestra is engaged for the season. RATES—Per day, ?2; per week, $lO. Special rate« to families. Conespondence solicited. ED. A. ELDER. Manager, Legal assistance is not needed to show you that Carlton A Son sell cheaper than the eheap, eat. Try them for your own good. I.ask ! 100,000 Brick for Sale I Also plenty fresh lime cheap. J. C. Wilson, T Spring street. Roughton’s Diarrhoea Specific is ths best for all bowel troubles. All kinds of furniture very cheap. John Neal k Co., 7 and 9 South Broad.