The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, July 19, 1886, Image 4

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Melons on Ice! < AT DONEHOO’S PataMMarW 9 EAST ALABAMA ST. Tel> phone 266. t DODSON'S BOOK BINDER! and PRINTING OFFICE, No.M Broad Street. BLANK BOOKS lot Bankers, Merchants, Inmiranos and Railroad men at New Yorti Prices. All work guaranteed sat isfactory or no charge. Head quarters for Railroad and Coan merdal Piintlna. ATLANTA.GA* Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, CANES. ETC., ETC. STILSON. 53 Whitehall St. Fair Weather. Washington, July 19.—Indications for Geor gia to-day: Fair weather, stationary tempera ture. _______ JACKMIN HILL NOTES. Bosche 4 Donahue, painters, 10 Marietta. E. W. McNeal h Co., decorators and design ers, sell wall-paper and picture rods. Call on them at 52 H. Broad st. New man of Atlanta ji-st out. Price 25c. For sale by Jonn M. Miller, 31 Marietta street. A fine business opportunity is offered a young man in our “P. C.” column. Hennd orders for Pretiels to Blietn 4 Leyh, Vienna Pretzel Bakery, the largest in the South, at 143 W. Peters street, Atlanta, Ga. Free delivery to all parts of the city. Little Miss Edith Nelson is visiting Social Circle. Miss Lula McCord has returned home. Mr. Gue Blackman is home again, from a visit tn North Georgia: Mr. W. T. Gentry moves into his new home on Simpson street, this week. Mr. H. Lewis is having an additional story added to his recent purchase, the Mickleberry place, on Jackson street. Mr. A. M. Reinhardt, this morning, com menced the work of tearing away a portion of his old house, upon the side of which he will build a handsome two-story residence. Mr. L. B. Nelson is improving the sppear snce of his elegant grounds by the- laying of artificial stone walks. He is also having his house repainted. The Gate City street cars conveyed a hun dred passengers out to the Hill from church yesterday. One of the saddest deaths that The Capitol has been called upon to chronicle is that of Capt. R. H. Atkinson, which occurred very un ezpectedly at his home, on Jackson street, on Saturday evening, at 7:30 o’clock. Captain Atkinson has been a sufferer from rhuematism for the last two years, and he seemed to recog nize the fact that bis end was near, for he made all the arrangements for the funeral a short time ago. He had been slightly ailing all day Saturday, but no worse than usual, but at dark he grew suddenly worse, and died before his family could be summoned to his bedside. He was born in Louisville, Ga., about the year 1838,and graduated at the Georgia Military Institute, in 1860. He entered the war as a lieutenant and served until the last gun was fired. He was a member of the Confederate Veterans Associa tion which body was present at the funeral yesterday afternoon. The body was interred in West View. He was the only surviving child of his aged mother, who resided with him. He leavea a wjfe aud six children to mourn hia loss. situation and Invealment. A young man wishing to get a situation ard having some money to invest can learn of one by reading our I*. C. column or calling on E. M. Roberts 4 Co. CONTRACTORS BUILDERS AND MERCHANTS, You can Have money by buy ing your Grattß, Tiles, Slate. Iron aud Wood Mantels of Hunnicutt & Bellingrath. Coal, Coal. Coal. We are receiving Glen Mary coal daily and selling at summer rates. Send in your orders now. J, C. Wilson 4 Co., sole -gents, 7 Spring street. Dr. Calhoun’s Liver Pills for sale by Hutchison A Bro., Theo. Schuman, Pin eon & Dozier, and all first-class druggists. Glen Mary Hod Aah Coal is the be-t. Now at summer rates. J. C. Wil son A Co., sole agents, 7 Spring street. Use Roughton’s Specific for all bowel trou bles, and use no other. Remember Mynatt is a man of the people, and not one who does not know your wants. t alhoun s Liver Pills cure most disea ses incident to this climate. Natlce te Contractors and Builders. 160,000 good hand-made brick for sale, also full stock fresh lime, lumber,lathsand shingles, cheap. Bills cut to order on short notice at mill prices. J. C. Wilson, 7 Spring street. Prohibition did not close the Na tional Hotel billiard room. Pool half price. Anneunceaaents. We are authorized to announce the name of WELLBORN BRAY as a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic party of Fulton county. Do you want a representative in Congress who will work as well as talk? Vote for Mynatt. Let every laboring man rally to the support port of Mynatt. He is their man and will work well to their interests in the legislature. Remember every vote counts, and as this election in Fulton county promises to be a close one, your voto may decide the contest. Be sure and go to the poll* to-morrow and vote for Col. Mynatt. L’se Dr. Calhoun’s Liver Pills. VOTE FOR MYNATT. BECAUSE HR WILL REPHEKENJ TOL'IC INTEREST IN COMGHESS. Some Reasons Why the Citizens of Fnlton County snoutd Vote for a Man of the Peuple, To-Morrow the people of Fulton county will be called upon to cast their vote for a represent ative to the next Congress, or at least, for the Democratic nominee for thatoflice. Who shall it be? That’s a question that each voter must an swer for himself. And when the question is being answered, don’t listen to the pleadings of party or men, but ask yourself, “who is the best man to rep resent rrv intere-ts?” There are but two men before the people of Fulton county. Col. Pryor L. Mvnatt, A MAN OK THE rXOPLIC, and Mr. N.J. Hammond, the present encum bent. Both candidates have addressed the people. Col. Mynatt stated what his position was on various questions and showed exactly how and where he stood, so that the people might know how he would represent them if elected. Mr. Hammond claimed to have done all he could and failed at times because he could heli, it. The rest of bis talk in making excuses for not doing certain things which the people required of him. Mr. Hammond has done all he could do. Any man would have done all he could do in eight years. • Every man has a certain amount of ideas and plans, and Mr. Hammond has long ago car ried out all of his, and now it is time that a new man WITH NEW IDKAS and new plans was sent to Congress from this district. Mr. Hammond is a good man. But that is not the only requisite for a repre sentative in Congress. Mr. Hammond is a smart man. But that is not the only requisite for a repre sentative in Congress. A man may be brilliant and good, and yet do his people no good in Congress. Is this not Mr. Hammond’s case ? Col. Mynatt is a good man and a smart man, and he will “work,” that is it—work for the good of the people. In eight long years what has Mr. Ham mond done for Atlanta while she was OKOANINO AND STRUGGLING under the oppression of the railroads, while every line entering the city was discriminating against her? He enters into lengthy explana tions of “why nots,” but what has he done? Yon have beard Col. Mynatt speak, is not his position on this question the position of every merchant in Atlanta? Will he not do something for the good of the people in this direction? Most surely he will. Bow does Mr. Hammond stand on the labor ing question? When a representative of Congress takes his seat to represent the people, is it not supposed he will represent the laboring men? Are not they a large portion of our population? Has Mr. Hammond ever taken care of their interests? Has he represented them? * If not, has he done his whole duty? Can the LABORING MIN SUPPORT HIM, and do justice to themselves? Certainly they cannot, and it is not surprising that they will vote solid for Col. Mynatt. Who is running themost straight forward and most honest campaign? Who packed the courthouse convention? Why did they do it? Simply because Douglas county acts Thurs day and will go for Mynatt, and the Hammond men were afraid if "that county voted before Fulton it might have a bad effect. So they packed the convention and appointed to-morrow as the day to hold the primary elec tion in this county. What will the people do about such trickery? Just cast their vote against it and give Col. Mynatt a rousing majority. NO ARGUMINTS ARI NEEDED to convince a sensible, clea - -minded man that be should vote for Col. P. L. Myuatt. That is, if he wants a true representative in Congress. If he wants a man to talk and then come home aud make excuses, Col. Mynatt is not the gen tleman he is looking for. But if he wants a man to work and work hard, let him by all means cast his ballot to morrow for Col. Mynatt. Col. Mynatt is the people’s candidate, and is not run ny rings and cliques. The old wire pulling politicians of the county are not his sup porters. Then let the people rally to his support to morrow and give him a handsome majority. A DESTUCTIVE BLAZE. Six Hou ace Valued at *IO,OOO Destroy ed by Fire Saturday Nifflat. Saturday night about ten o’clock, just after a meeting of the Lone Star Lodge, of the Knights of Labor, in Loftis Hall, a blaze was seen issuing from one of the front windows. An alarm was turned in and soon the fire de partment were rattling over the stones on their wav toward the bright blaze in the northwest. A Capitol reporter was soon on hand applying the repertorial gimlet. The origin of the tire was supposed to be the explosion of a lamp left burning in the hall. The following is a list of those burned out: Mr. Jas. Loftis lost his store, a large two story building, the upper part used as a hall, lie also lost part of his stock of goods, pnd bis dwelling just adjoining. The loss falls very heavily upon him rs he buried a daughter 13 vears old on Friday. He was completely over come and was removed from the scene of his loss bv his friends. Mr. Robert Thomas lost two houses, one oc cupied by himself and the other by Mr. Y augbn as a store. Mr. Jordan’s residence was the next to catch and soon after the house occupied by Mrs. Wooten was enveloped in the devouring Hanies. On account of the distance from water, the tire men were well-nigh powerless. They succeeded, however, in getting one stream upon the flames, and thus held the fire iu check. NOTES. Three thousand two hundred feet of hose were required to reach the fire. Hacks were in great demand, as a great many were under the impression that some of the large manufactories were on fire. A special squad of police were employed to guard the goods piled up on the opposite side of the street, from the hands of pilfering darkies. Mr. J. S. Allen, while busily engaged in re moving some goods, had his watch stolen by a darkey who picked it off and disappeared in the crowd. The Merchanla fan Ferget. The merchants of Atlanta cannot get over Hammond's ignoring the “Cullom Bill.” Merchants, if you want laws made for the management of the railroads so that they can not discriminate against vou, be sure and cast your vote to-morrow for r. L. Mynatt. The merchants of Atlanta are not In faror of Hammoad’s re-election, because he is careless about her mercantile interest. Will vou countenance the courthouse business of last Monday night ? Mr. Hammond is pretty good on speech-mak ing, but Col. Mynatt can talk just as well, and will back his words with “work.” Has Mr. Hammond done this ? Laboring men of Atlanta, now the opportunity is offered you to have a representative in ton , gress. Will you avail yourself of it ? TUB EVENING CAPITOL; ATLANTA. SA- MONDAY, JULY 19, 1886 LODGELOKE. K. AND L. OF 11. Crystal Lodge, 1,140, meets every Monday evening at the corner of Broad and Alabama streets. I. O. O. F. Atlanta Lodge meets to-night. Let every member be on hand. Schiller Lodge meets to-night at Odd Fellows Hall. A full meeting is expected. IMF. o. R M. The Cherokees will kindle a council fire this sleep and the braves should all be present, as there is important work to be done. Put on vour war paint and eagle feathers when you hear the war whoop, to-night. K. OF L. Fnterpise Assembly, 3209, meets to-night at 358 Marietta street. It is earnestly desired that every member be present. Important business. Belmont, Gibraltar, Friendship and Fulton Assemblies meet to-morrow night. This evening Atlanta Assembly,2sl4, will hold its regular weekly session at Union Hall. X OF G. E. The new lodge, Tallulah, will meet in K. of H. hall, corner Alabama and Broad, to-morrow night to institute Castle. The Great High Chief will be present to institute the charter members. No one who is not present then can come in under charter membership price. “Pride of Atlanta,” K. of G. E., will be institu ted to night. “Pride of Atlanta” ho. 2, K. of G. E , will meet at Iwin’s Hall to-night for installation, Loftis Hall having burned down. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Howard Douglas, of Cincinnati, who was re cently elected .Supreme Chancellor Commander of the world at Toronto, Ont., was initiated a member of the Knights of Pythias in May. 1869, and took such an active interest in the workings of the order that in December of the same year he formed Douglass Lodge, named in honor of its organizer. This lodge is to-day one of the strongest in membership and wealth in the State of Ohio. He was elected Past Grand Chancel lor for merritorious services in 1870, and at the session of the Grand Lodge in the same year was made Supreme Representative; and in 1883, at the Supreme Council in New Orleans, he was honored with the Vice Chancellorship. MASONS. A Masonic journal, in answer to the question, “What are lodges to do?” says: “Make their balls tidy and attractive; put competent men in office; do good work. If King Solomon is rep resented—represent him consistently, as they would do in a chapter, etc , and cause Hiram to be appropriately clothed. It would be esteem ed absurd for a man to play the part of Richard 111., while dressed in a business suit, dusty boots and slouch hats; and yet lodges do just such inappropriate things. A master describes a dirty cotton apron as a lamb skin—the em blem of purity I and presents .it to the candi date, only to take it from him a moment after wards I These are but samples of the absurdi ■ ties practiced in the lodge, and yet we wonder why men seek the ‘higher degrees’ where they partake of the beauties of consistency and ne glect the incongruous mixture that is found in the lodge.” CI TY NEWS. Afternoon Items Boiled Down From This Hornlng’l Paper. There was not a case of drunkenness yester day. A fire alarm box has been place! at the Ful ton Cotton Spinning Mills. The first quarterly meeting of the Fulton County Veterans’ Association will be held to night at the courthouse at half-past seven o’clock. Water from the artesian well has been pump ed into the mains, and is now ready for use. The wife of conductor Moore of the East Ten nessee road is dead. Miss Almeda Williams, who fell through the grating on Whitehall street, is improving. THE EFFECTS. TIME, 12:45. Place: Alabama Street, Just West ot Broad. "Colonel, what are those four gay red wagons doing there?” and the stranger pointed to four red wagons drawn up in line on the side of Ala bama, at the time and place spoken of in the head. “Why do you ask?” “I did not know but that it was a funeral pro cession of the Red Antis preparing for the fun eral of the dram shops.” “Why no my kind sir; those are delivery wag ons for a live grocery house. Swing around this way and you can read the man’s sign.** They did so, and upon the sides of the wag ons were “T. C. Mayson, groceries, etc., 3 and 5 Marietta.” Well, well, well; I was mistaken sure enough,” said the stranger. “I thought it might be con nected with the red badge veterans, but does Mayson use all those wagons for his little store?" "Little! well that’s heavy. His store is small, but it is crammed full of the nicest, purest, freshest, cheapest groceries, staple and fancy, that there is in the city. He has more goods in that store than anv of the big store grocers.” “You don’t say?’ “Y es, but I do, though, and talk about four wagons. He just keeps them on the trot all day long except at this hour, when the stock is get ting dinner.” “His trade is big for a fact to keep four teams. What is the cause?” “That question is one not easily answered briefly, but it can perhaps be summed up in the fact that he has been in the business for many years, and when he tells you anything about the quality or prices of the goods he sells the pub lic know they can rely upon it ” “And then, stranger, there is another thing Atlanta has gained, her reputation with such men as him. A fine grocery store selling pure goods, a great variety of all fancy, as well as staple articles, at reasonable prices does a great deal towards building up a city. Y'ou can get at bis store all table delicacies relishes and appetizing specialties, pure Jersey butter, de licious hams, breakfast bacon and Fulton mar ket boneless corned beef, fresh vegetables of all kinds: a plenty of I*. P. P., Diamond Patent and all other first-class brands of flour, and almost anything you can call for.” Here the Colonel stopped, wiped the perspira tion from bis heated brow, and after a moment said : “ I beg pardon, stranger, but when I get to talking about men like him, I But what are you doing in the city ? ‘‘l am prospecting.” “For business or for for a home?” “Both.” “I wish you Iqck. Shall be glad to assist you," and the Colonel handed the stranger his card and bid him good day. FORAN Y STYLE Ot Picture Frames, go to Sam Walker. 2q Marietta street. Roughton’s Specific is a speedy and positive cure for diarrhoea and dysentery. It is the b«.st. Use no other. Hams as fine and cheap as ever at Carlton 4 Son’s Cheap Cash Grocery, cirner Forsyth and Walton streets. For goodness sake read Thorn’s ad. GREaT rush At Northrop's to get pleated bosom shirts made to order. Ladies' pleated linen bosoms with collars attached, made to order, at Nor throp's, 13 Peachtree street. Dr. Calhoun's Liver Pills the only cer tain remedy for this climate. The time has come to eat watermelons and canteloupes. and Carlton A Son's is the place to get them. Corner Forsyth and Walton streets. Always ills Best OF ALL KINDS OF Family Groceries, Produce Provisions, and the Celebrated Diamond Patent Flour Everything nice and Chean B. F. Mffl, 201 E. Hunter Street. Buy the Fowler Spring Bed. Call and see the McKinley Hot Air Engine running at the office of the Hope Iron Works, No. 16 North Broad Street. Wanted, By a young unmarried man, one furnished room; must be within three blocks of Artesian well. Address, stating terms, T., care Capitol office. A Card to tbe Public. The price of shaving has been reduced from 15 to 10 cents at No. 11 Marietta street, next door to P. H. Snook. This shop is no hole in the wall, cellar or sweat-box, but a first-class shop, cool and pleasant, on the ground floor, where you can be sei*ved by good barbers, clean towels, and all the accommodations first-class in every respect. Call and be convinced. George Bennett. We have founnd that it is true that Carlton 4 Son are selling groceries cheap for cash. Many Customers. Mer’s Coijh Bitters for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, sore throat, asth aa and allbroncbii. ’itwuies. Acts on the liver and on tains no opium. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Prepared only by the FISCHER COUGH BITTERS CO., Office 264 Decatur street. Atlanta. Ga. Short Sermons are Best. There is no use for much talk. If you want good bread buy th.e famous Water Ground Pat ent Flour sold only by Carlton 4 Son, the cheapest grocers, corner Forsyth and Walton streets. Art. J. T. Willis teaches the most excellent sys tem of Crayon drawing ’and painting in oil. Terms reasonable, and competion defied. Send in your orders and be will call at your residence and exhibthis samples. Office 361 West Peters street. Orders by mail preferred. We are Now Manufacturing The best patent dry-air refrigerators, milk and water coolers and ice savers ever invented. We want everybody to see them before buying. Moncrief Bros, and W. R. Jester, 90 South Broad and 25 East Hunter streets. Bring your advertised price lists to Carlton 4 Son, the Cheap Cash Grocers, and get them dis counted 10 per cent. Dreszmaking At 61 Cone street. Perfect fit and entire satis faction guaranteed. Call and see. Legal assistance is not needed to show yon that Carlton 4 Son sell cheaper than the cheap est. Try them for your own good. For Congress: PRYOR L. MYNATT. Delegates: AARON HAAS, MARTIN H. DOOLY’, D. C. BLACK, J.G. WOODWARD, THOS. J. BOYD, BENJ. F. McDUFFIE, J. T. JORDAN. ZACH H. SMITH, YOUNG M. IRWIN, WHEELER MANGUM, J. J. BARNES, A. P. STEWART. The following delegates, if elected, will sup port the Hon. N. J. Hammond for Congress at the convention to be held in Atlanta on Wed nesday,.the Ist day of September, 1883: T. P. YVESTMORELAND, JOHN H. ELLSWORTH, JOHN B. GOODWIN, JOHN S. BROOMHEAD, FRANK M. t OTTS. E. W. MARTIN, JACK J. SPALDING, C. J HANCOCK, J. M. McGUIRK, SEABORN JONES, P. F. CLARKE, JACOB HAAS. Ham and eggs for everybody at Carlton 4 Son’s. School of Ulionourapliy. A short course and moderate expense will fit vou for office and other amanuensis work. W. kay Tewskbury,47 Fitten building. (Take ele vator. ) a RY A GLASS Os the delicious Moxie Nerve Food at Beerman's Soda Water Palace, Broad field & Ware's, Nunnally & Rawson’s Schumann's Pharmacy, Goldsmith & Co. FINE MELIFON ICE G, C. fiOELZiniSH MARKET. Also PURE ICE at Retail. Prompt Deliverv. I 117 WHITEHALL. Telephone 430. P. P. P. Oil Ton Pl Majority Tote! THE PEOPLE Haye Decided By a majority vote that as JA A a candidate for popu- I j !ar favor W Perfect Pastry Patent Flour "" Is ahead of all ethers. /so. J hr iWiSF It is a Popular Candi- ffJlllJfit-. date because it is Reliable, Pure, and of Great Excel- I I lence. ] m \ Housewives who one try I it find that it makes such I /®/ | delicious Pastry. Biscuits, / Bf ® Light Rolls and Cakes that II ® they will have no other. IWI\ " Kept by all first-class lIUL~ , Grocers of the city. J 3, I I H B B Zw i yin —! H- /y “-w ■ ..MALkU:. The Ladder of Popularity—P.P.P. a Success G. O. WILLIAMS & BRO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHs, BRICK, LIME AND HAIR I And Anything Else You Need in the Way of building Material. It will be to your interest to get their prices before making your purchase. Office and Yard 234 Marietta Street. Telephone 328 BARGAIN HUNTERS FOR— Furniture and Carpets Will find our Styles the latest, our Stock ample, and our prices always as low as any reliable house. Both FUR NITURE and CARPETS have advanced recently, but our prices will not be until our present stock is exhausted. Mattings In great variety and at greatly reduced prices. We cal! special attention to OUR OWN MAKE of PARLOR SUITS and LOUNGES. Our styles and pricea in keeping with the LATEST aud LOWEST—East or West. When in need of such goods, be sure and call on. ANDREW. J. MILLER, Big 44 Peachtree St- FURNITURE! FURNITURE I WE ADVISE ALL THOSE WASTING FURNITURE OF ANY KIND TO GO TO JOHNNEAL&CO, Nos. 7 and 9 South Broad Street. As they keep a Full Line, which they are selling at LOWER PRICES than can be (had elsew room Sets frem $17.50 up, etc. Don’t forget our address. ml NO TRAP ! NO BAIT I advertise them. NO I CUT ON HAMS TO CATCH YOU ON FLOUR, but everything sold at the very closest I prices. Come and see, if prices don’t suit, don’t buy. Read this list: Meal 17#c» I Side Meat TXc, Dove Hams, 12c, best Lard 9c, New Mackerel, kit, 50c, Eggs best | Butter 20c, best Rice 7c, good Rice sc, Starch sc, Soda sc, Grits 2c, best Green Coflfee, best Parched Coffee 15c, Lady Jfeas. quart, sc, White Beans, quart, sc, One Spoon Powder, lb, 20c, f*nuff; per lb. 65c, Can Peaches 12&c, Salt, per lb, Ic. Candy, per lb, 10c, b st Syrup 50c. I sell Patent Flour atTfrilts. Good Flour 70c, Good Flour 65c, Hay, best. 90c, Bran 90c. Chickens, Eggs and Butter, Fruit Jars, Tinware» Glassware, and all sorts otSpices, Pickles, Jellies, Preserves at prices so all can live. Come one, come all. Yours truly, S. W. SULLIVAN, $ Cor. Thurman and Mangum Sta. IN ORDER TO MEET the requirements of the New Prohibition Law, I desire to dispose of my line of MEDICINAL LIQUORS, 'lmported Sherry and Claret Wine, FBENCH BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN. JAMAICA BUM, Etc., Etc., AT COST! AT Schnmann’s Pharmacy, CORNER WHITEBAIT and STS. W. H. PATTERSON, BOND AND Stock Broker; 24 PKV«K STKEET, Atlanta - - - Ga. 50 Cents Perlozen. KUHN’S Gem Photographs An elegant lot of New Scenery just arrived. The cheapest and finest Photographs in the city. S3 1 ., Whitehall. Situation and Investment. A young man wishing to get a situation and having some monev to invest can learn of one by reading our P. C. column or calling on E. M. R berts A Co.