The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, August 16, 1886, Image 4

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Diamonds, Watches, Glocks, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, CANES, ETC., ETC. STILSON. 53 Whitehall St. “DONEHOO’S Market I OYSTER AID FISH SEASON Opens Aug. 14th. 9 EAST ALABAMA ST. Telephone 266. DODSON'S PRINTING OFFICE MCiY. and BOOK BINDERY, 83 Bi<j*<l Street. Every description ol Printing, Ruling and Binding In the best style end at satisfactory prices. Railroad and Commer WSr' J elal work a special Ur. New Flout and feed Store! WM. DEMPSTER, 176 Marietta Street, OfTer. great Inducements tv ar . sernof FLOUR, MEAL, COBN, OATS, HAY and STOCK FEED. Wholesale and retail orders solicited. Mixed Feed a Specialty. * ATLANTA, GA* Fair Weather. W ahhinoton, August 14.—Indications for Georgia to-day, fair weather, nearly stationary temperature. CAPITOL CHAFF. Agaric a stimulative nerve tonic Sparkling Grape Milk, Non-Alcoholic. Grape Milk is pure grape juice, unfermented, therelore non-alcoholic. Sold by the glass. Try it. Aleo domestic wines by the quart or in bulk. Philip Breitenbueher, 32 Marietta street. ’-yl. Northern Apples—all kinds, just re ceived, by H. Y. Snow, II Forsyth. E. W. McNeal A Co., decorators and design ers, sell wall-paper and picture rods. Call on them at 52 8. Broad st. Telephone 552. New map of Atlanta jest out. Price 25c. For sale by John M. Miller, 31 Marietta street. Watermelons are exceedingly well flavored this summer, most of them being will ripe and few green ones. The Gale City street cars are now running a fifteen minute schedule since Ponce de Leon cars have been discontinued. Washwomen are scared to death almost since the antis have issued a rumor that they will bo taxed. Officer Hunter wishes the fact understood that it is s violation of the city law to run a dray or back without a number. "Wx will down the Metropolitan line when we get our lines through to Grant Park," savs the old slow going, old fogy, unenterprising Atlanta street car line in the Constitution this morning. Yea they might down the Metropolitan and its far-seeing president, but not in anything except it be unwillingness to help pay for bands or handing out water or some other equally small policy. Tin fruit cans at A. P. Stewart A Co,’s, 69 Whitehall street. Subscribers who do not get their Capitol regularly will confer a favor by reporting the fact to headquarters, 48 8. Broad, either in per son or by postal. Livery. Fine carriages by the hour can be had at the Kimball House. Excellent tournouts of every description, to hire, at our stables. Best ac commodations for boarding horses in the city. Chambers A Co. Granite, iron, porcelain llined preserving kettles. A. P. Stewsrt A Co., 39 Whitehall street. "The Southern Triumph Remedy” has no equal. The Charter Oak is the finest baking stove made. A. P. Stewart A Co., 69 Whitehall St. All kinds of furniture very cheap. John Nea A Co., 7 and V South Broad. FOR RFNT E. NI. Huberts de t o , HO ’Hurth Rruud. tamer ol Walton Street. 8-room bouse, 59 East Harris, $25.00 6 " “ 57 Cone, 25.00 6 “ “ 66 Laid, 18.00 5 “ “ 75 West Simpson, 10.00 5 “ “ 2 Luckie, 20.00 S “ “ 56 Rock, 6.00 and many cottages, stores, etc., for rent, in all parts of the city. Come and look at our rent fist. E. M. Roberts A Co , 20 North Broad Street. "Dr. Binder’s Southern Triumph Remedy.” Infallibly cures. It triumphs after other reme dies fail. Mason’s Improved and Gem Fruit Jars for sale by A. P. Stewart A Co., 69 Whitehall street. Nulls Which sold readily with us for $ 15, $16.50 and $lB, all go now at 12. You can save money as long as they las’. Eiseman Bros., 55 White hall street. New building in course of erection 17 and 19 Whitehall street, one door below Ala bama. Contractors and m e r c h ants can save money by buying grates and mantels of Hunni cutt& Belltngrath It Tver pnee» o* furaitars. Jobs Neal A 00.. 1 u 4 * svsU Broeu. THB EVENING CAPITOL: ATLANTA, BA« MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1880 LODGE LORE. I. O. O. P. Atlanta Lodge will meet in regular session to-night, as will also Schiller Lodge. There is important business ahead of the members, ow ing to the Grand Encampment to be held in At lanta this week. Let no member absent him self. Great preparations are still going on for the Grand Encampment this week. The next two days will be memorable ones t I the order in Atlanta. x. op o. x. Tallulah Lodge, No. 3, meets to-morrow even ing at the Knights of Honor Hall, corner Broad and Alabama streets. X. OP L. Atlanta Assembly, 2514, meets to-night at Cnion Hall. A full meeting is looked for. To-night Enterprise Assembly, 3208, holds its regular weekly session at 358 Marietta street. Every member should be on hand. Belmont, Gibraltar, Fulton and Friendship Assemblies meet to-morrow night. IMP. O. X. M. To-night will witness the kindling of a coun cil fire by the Cherokee Tribe, and that means a large gathering of braves, and a most inter esting meeting. MORNING PAPER NEWS CONDENSED. A large crowd visited Grant park yesterday afternoon. * The little child of Patrolman Garvey died yesterday morning, after an illnesx of several weeks. This is the third child Mr. Garvey bast lost within the Isst year. The "traveler” at the capilol building broke down Friday. New machinery has been tele graphed for and the machine will be in working order in a few days. Captain Russell, of the police force, received a leiegUck yesterday announcing the death of his lather at McDonough. - Mr. J. W. Speiker, one F. E. Wck’a trav eling men, had hit right,ftot severely mashed on the Rome train At Kingston Saturday. Ter.jantin Conroy, who han been an inmate of the Benevolent Rome for two years past, was discharged Friday, and he was given work by Captain J. W. English at the brickyard. Con roy went back to the home, intending to lea’-e on yesterday’s tram for the brickyard. About one o’clock y esterday evening he was stricken with paralysis and is in a precarious condition. The trip of the Atlanta wheelmen to Marietta and up Kennesaw Mountain yesterday was one of the most enjoyable excursions ever made by the club. I’he following are the names of those who went: Messrs. Chalfont, E. M. Durant, Thatcher, Cooney, Osborn, Stoffregin, and H. It. Durant.. They were met at Marietta by Mr. Charlie Freyer, who acted as guide for the par ty during the day. Cars run no longer to Ponce de Leon. Mr. Peters, superintendent of the Atlanta Street Railway Company, will try to build a line to Grant Park. Mr. Paul Jones says he has no intention of leaving Atlanta, and will always make this city his home. Tin fruit cans at A. P. Stewart A Co.’s, 69 Whitehall street. Claaalc City Dota. Athens, Ga., August 14.—Yesterday morn ing the Daily Banner-Watchman published the names of the Athenians who have volunteered to assist Texas in the coming unpleasantness. The list contains nearly two hundred namea and is headed by that of our Mayor R. K. Reaves. They met Saturday night and f irmed a company and elected officers. We are voting to-day whether Athens shall issue bonds to the amount of $35,000 to secure the location of the Technological School in Ath ens. As it requires a two-thirds vote, or rather two thirds of the registered votes of last year to carry the measure, and even if it is carried the amount and the inducements Athens can offer may not be sufficient, so it does not seem cer tain by any means, that we will secure this boon. Politics are rather dull and it does not seem as though the stirring scenes of last year will be repeated It is pretty generally conceded that Mr. W. 8. Wood, the Knights of Labor candidate for mayor, will have no opposition. For sheriff of Clarke county, there are two can didates in the field, Mr. Jack Weir, the present incumbent, and Mr. M. T). Browsing, and it is rumored that a dark horse will bo introduced before the close of the race. Hon. R. B. Rus sell will be sent to represent his county for the third time in the lower House of Representa tive. B. Granite Iron Cook Books with price lists, free on application. A. P. Stewart. A Co., 69 White hall street, Atlanta, Ga. Wann u Dlvoce. Mrs. Lillie W. Faulkner has filed a suit for divorce against her husband, B. F. Faulkner, for desertion and cruel treatment. Notice, To those requiring the services of a dentist, and especially my old patients, I take pleasure In commending Dr. W. M. Norwood, who will be found in my old office, No. 22V,' Marietta. G. W. Harris. Read Thorn’s Grocery “ad.” and save money. We are Now manufacturing The beat patent dry-air refrigerators, milk and water coolers and ice savers ever invented. We waut everybody to see them befoie buying. Moncrief Bros, and W. R. Jester, 90 South Broad and 25 Eaat Hunter streets. Graaite Iron Cook Books with price lists, free on application. A. P. Stewart A Co., 69 White hall street, Atlanta, Ga. Mcßride’s Grand closing out sale of China, Crockery, Cutlery, $50,000. No foolishness; the goods are going fast. Granite, iron, porcelain lined preserving ket tles. A. P. Stewart A Co., 60 Whitehall street. It’s hot, but the Great Singer IS STILL ALIVE AND ITS SWEET SONG OF "STITCH, STICH, STITCH,” IS HEARD ABROAD IN THE LAND AND EVER SHALL BE IN EVERY’ HOME WHERE ECONOMY' DVRABILITY' AND ELEGANCE ARE CON SIDERED. E. 8. LATHROP, 34 Peachtree street. Call and see the elegant sample line of wall paper, lace curtains, silk por tieres. Holland shades, etc., etc.—the latest, best and cheapest. WILSON * STIFF, 34 Peachtree street. Mackanaw Trout and White Fish, Donehoo’s. CHURCHES YESTERDAY. Berean>>Cougregat lenal. As usual, the services at this church yester day, were interesting and largely attended de spite the intense heat and dust. The wife of the pastor continues to improve in health, and Rev. Mr. Shaw was able to occu py the pulpit at both services. At night be spoke from the subject, “Hope,” -n<l bis discourse was an able one. Hope creates a desire for everything and makes all efforts of man. By hope the laborer toils patiently and ac complishes his efforts. By hope the world moves on and all evolu tions takes place. Hope carries all people to church, no matter what that hope is for. A person has no power in this life and no in fluence over bis fellow-men when be has no hopes. By hope is faith and this will carry you to a better world. NOTES. The congregation was a large one. The attendance is not the least retarded on account of the hot weather. All societies connected with the church are doing a grand work. The services will soon be removed and held in the basement. The Willing Workers Society will give a de lightful moonlight entertainment to-night at the residence <>t Mrs. Harris nt ar the church. A very large crowd will be present. Grace Cliurcli. I Last night, Rev. Mr. Christian spoke ably from the 2d verse of the 12th chapter of He brews, having spoken from the first verse of the same chapter at the morning service. Text: "Looking unto Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith,” etc. Mr. Christian said that the hercules in the oriental countries had a manner of running ra ces for a prize. After it had been placed at one end of the race track the contestants would start at the other end and ke p their eyes on the prize to prevent going over unnecessary ground in running outside the track. This is the way that people must run the race to Jesus; must look unto Him. One person must nut try to im itate another, for by so doing they imitate only their falses and wrongs. Never take your eyes off the prize for which you are running, lest you get out of the track and lose in the race. No man must try to take steps after another, but run on bis own accord. He who loses confidence in himself is the one who will get left, but at the same time be must not have too much self-confidence. NOTES. A crowded church. The singing is always good. The membership continues to increase. Dr. Palmer will preach here to-morrow night. An entertainment was announced to take place at the Ffth Baptist mission on Thursday night. Mr. Christian improves in his manner of speech and seems to have a graat influence over the audience at large. A NOTABLE FAJIIFY REUNION. Children and Grandchildren at the Home of Hr. and Nir*. Manford Bell, Near t aloova Springs One of the enjoyable events of the year 'B6, was that at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford L. Bell, near Catoosa Springs, yesterday, in which numbers of children and friends of this aged pair gathered and a family reunion was celebrated. Among those of the family connections was Mrs. Harbin, the aged mother of Mrs. Bell, who has witnessed the trials of thia life for 82 sum mers. She has twenty great grand children. Mr. and Mrs. Bell has seven children and nine grand children who were all present, and this made the crowd a large and pleasant one. It has been four years since this family has met before, and this made|the occasion on yesterday more enjoyable. Mr. Bell is well-known as one of the oldest and most popular conductors on the Western and Atlantic road, and on yesterday his moth er in-law could but realize his ripening age as she looked over the faces of 25 of her children and grandchildren. Among Mr. Bell’s children’s children were Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Taylor with their two little gons, Willie and Frankie, of Atlanta; Mr. C. N. Bell, wife and child; Mr. G. W. Glaze, wife and children, of Dalton; Rev. E. B. Robinson, wife and children, of Raytown, Tenn.; T. A. Bell and wife, of the East Tennessee railroad, Knoxville; Mr. Clifford Bell, who has just returned from Behms Commercial College at Chattanooga; Master Conner Bell, who is still under his fath er’s roof; Mrs. M. J. Church, Mr. Bozard, of the R. R. Y’. M. C. A.; J. A. Lyons, Charles Spinks, Miss Nelia Evans, and a Capitol re porter. The whole day passed off most enjoyably and the affair was one of rare occurrence. The services at the campmeeting grounds for the past week have been of the highest interest and largely attended. Mr. Bel! is a popular citizen in his section as be is a railroad contractor, being a large and successful farmer. Everybody who were fortunate enough to be present on this memorable occasion cannot ex press too many thanks for the kind and hospit able treatment received by Mr. and Mrs. Bell at their home on yesterday. The greater portion of the crowd were from Atlanta, except those who were related to the family. Most of the attendants returned yes terday, while some remained over until to-day. A Used Hevetnent. Some three or four weeks ago, some of the members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union met and organized a Gospel and temper ance society for young people, at Middlebrooks hall,on West Peters street. Several meetings have been held, which take place every Monday night, and the movement promises to be very beneficial to this part of the city. The object of these meetings is to further the cause of tem perance and Christianity, and all those inter ested, both young and old, are invited to attend and take part in this grand work. Now’s Your Time $50,000 worth Crockery, China, Cutlery, Lamps, Glassware, regard less of cost. All goods being mark ed down at Mc- Bride’s. All kinds of furniture very cheap. John Neal k Co., 7 and 9 South Broad. Fischer's Couth Bitters M cough*. colds, c’-'vp, sore throat, astb- •a and allbroncbh. Acta on the liver and tdotaina no opium. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Prepared only bj the VISCHBR COUGH HITTERS CO., I fOSc. 3M iMcatw atran. Allaau U*. Always the Best OF EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF FAMILY GROCERIES, Produce, Provisions, Country Produce, Chickens, Eggs, Jersey Butter, English Gloucester Cheese, Diamond Patent Flour ETC., ETC., ETC. ISAAC S. MITCHELL, Cor. Whitehall and Peter Sts. ZACK’S MILLS Office and mills on line W. & A. R. R., near cotton fac tory, Zachry Bros , Propr’s. We are offering to the trade our High Grade Patents, "SILVER KING” & “GOLD LEAS” made from New Wheat. Send us your orders. Our association with the city trade for a num ber of years puts us in a position to know its wants, and we can sup ply you with regular grades and uniform quality, at reasonable prices. TELEPHONE 331. Bolted Meal and Kiln Dried Pearl Grits, A SPECIALTY. Instantaneous PhoWajlis. EDWARDS! DORMAN, WHITEHALL ST. (Over M. Rich A Bros.’ dry goods store.) Prices Reduced. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Children’s pictures taken in ONE SECOND. Copies of all kinds of pictures, all sizes, and colored in oil, water or crayon, at reduced prices. Family groups taken In front of your residence. Views of residences, stores, etc., a specialty. Call at the gahery, or mail us a postal, and we will show you samples of our work at your residence. Our motto —First-class pictures at cheap prices. Give us a trial. Views of Atlanta for sale. OANGERS, s <'•’ Kt£l> w.thout the knife or loss of blood. Vastlj 'Uperiur to all other methods. Hundreds of cases Cu red Descriptive pamphlet sent free. Address I>K. E. H. GREENE, ’1 U 2 Peachtree St. $ Atlanta. Ga 9 y ' Reliable evidence given anc I n whisky; reftrence to cured patients anc ‘ /end for my Book on th« lidUllo bulo i Habits and their Cure. Free “The Best Made I” DRY AIR REFRIGERATORS. MADE TO ORDER ANY SIZE. MONCRIEF BROS. & W. R. JESTER, 90 S. Broad and 25 F .Huntxb. First of the Season. Kenny & Jones, Tailors and Furn ishers, 13 White hall street. Their stock for the coming season is now complete. The latest styles and finest goods ever brought to the city. Their old customers and the citizens generally are invited to ex amine same. P. P. P. On Top Pi Majority We I THE PEOPLE -fRr Haye Decided Jpx IVYk * By a majority vote that as | . A. A a candidate for popu- ] 1 tar favor Perfect Pastry Patent Flour • w"** Is ahead of all others. Zu J Jf It is a Popular Candi- / date because it is Reliable, '* ~im'uL ' Pure, and of Great Excel- Ima lence. nßg Housewives who one try Zw/ . I jHj l it find that it makes such sM- |r U S 3 delicious Pastry. Biscuits, Light Bolls and Cakes that j kl ' j.l they will have no other. I . //2y SB Kept by all first-class W Grocers of the city. J" I W J ~1 ” sr BL Vt ■ U H 3. rS- 1 — awSKmiM. M n'Mkjiii iL, The Ladder of Popularity--RP.P. a Success FURNITURE! FURNITURE! WE ADVISE ALL THOSE WANTING FURNITURE OF ANY KIND TO GO TO JOHN NEAL & CO., Nos. 7 and 9 South Broad Street. As they keep a Full Line, which they are selling at LOWER PRICES than can be had ekew Sets from $17.50 up. etc. Don’t forget our address. CHARLES C. THORN, 118 Whitehall Street. Until the expiration of my license (September 23, 1886,) I will sell my Stock of Family Wines and Liquors at extremely lo w prices and advise those wishing to supply themselves with PURE and UNADULTERATED GOODS, to give me a call. I have in Stock only old and pure Goods. Will sell only first-class brands, of which the following are a few: Genuine Old Baker Rye. Old Imperial Cabinet Rye. Gibson’s Old Cabinet. Paul Jones XXXX Monongahala. Gibson’s Rip Van Wiiikle Rye. Old Schuylkill Pure Malt Whisky. Old Standard Rye. Pure Copper Distilled Cherokee County Corn Whisky. Imported Cognac Brandy and Imported Port and Sherry Wines. Kentucky Pure Rye Whisky, Worth $1.25, for 75 cents. Will sell by the quart or gallon. Cool Beer by ths quart. Bottled Beer on Ice. Orders sent from a distance will receive prompt attention. Be sure and give me a call before buying. I will give 4 cts apiece for full Quart Flint Bottles. CHAS. C. THORN, 118 Whitehall. BARGAIN HUNTERS FOR— Furniture and Carpets Will find our Styles the latest, our Stock ample, and our prices always as low as any reliable house. Both FUR NITURE and CARPETS have advanced recently, but our prices will not be until our present stock is exhausted.. Mattings In great variety and at greatly reduced prices. We call special attention to OUR OWN MAKE ot PARLOR SUITS and LOUNGES. Our styles and prices ar* in keeping with the LATEST and LOWEST—Ea tor West. When in need ol such goods, be sure and call on. ANDREW. J. MILLER, Big 44 Peachtree St. G. O. WILLIAMS & BRO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER, SHINGLES, LHHs, BRICK, LIME AND HAIR And Anything Else You Need in the Way of building Material. It will bo to your interest to get tbeir prices before making your purchase. Office and Y ar( i 234 Marietta Street. Telephone 328 NEW SHOPS IN FULL BLAST! A. A. DeLOACH & BRO. Have leased the shops formerly owned by the Georgia Machinery Company, and in addition to the manufacture of their Water Wheels, Portable Mills, Millstones, Mill Gearing of all kinds. Shafting, Pulleys, etc., are fully prepared to do all kinds of Job and Repair work both in Iron and wood. Planing Lumber for Lumber Dealers a Specialty. We are now in a position to serve our home people, and solicit theil patronage, and promise Prompt Attention and Satisfactory Work. OFFICE AND WORKS: 381 to 873 Marietta St. Telephone 307.