The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, August 17, 1886, Image 4

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D ONEHOO’S Market ! OYSTER FISH SEASON Opens Aug. 14th. 9 EAST ALABAMA ST. Telephone 266. t~~" DODSON'S BOOK BINDER! •nd PRINTING OFFICE, No.M Broad Street. BLANK BOOKS** Bankera, Merchant*, Inrurano* •nd Railroad men at Naw York Prkei. AU work guaranteed mF lafactory or no charge. Head quartan for Railroad and Co* martial Priatlno. New Flour and Feed Siwe! WM. DEMPSTER, 176 Marietta Street, Offer* gr«at inducement* tu purchasers of FLOUR, MEAL, CORN. OATS. HAY and STOCK FEED. Wholesale and retail orders solicited. Mixed Feed a Specialty. jpsSF 31 Whitehall St. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE. JEWELRY, CANES, ETC., ETC. STILSON, 53 Whitehall St. Fair Wen I her. WaBatNOTON, August 14. —Indications for Georgia to-day, fair weather, nearly stationary temperature. CAPITOL CHAFF. Agaric a stimulative nerve tonic Sparkling Grape Milk, Non-Alcoholic. Grape Milk is pure grape juice, unfermented, theretore non-alcoholic. Sold by the glass. Try >t. Also domestic wines by the quart or in bulk. Philip Breitenbuoher, 32 Marietta street. 52 bbls Northern Apples—all kinds, just re ceived, by 11. Y. Snow, 11 Forsyth. E. W. McNeal A Co., decorators and design ers, sell wall-paper and picture rods. Call on them at t>2 S. Broad st. Telephone 552. New map of Atlanta jrst out. Price 25c. For •ale by Jolin M. Miller, 31 Marietta street. Meeting Notice. n ’ eni * , erß of the l ""^’ , * r '"' | a lodges of O ld <r Fellows in this city are requested to meet at the Odd Fel lows’ hall, corner Whitehall and Ala bama streets, on Wednesday morning at 8 o’clock prompt, to receive aud escort the Grand Lodge of Oda Fellows to Concordia hall, where a public reception will take place. By order of the joint committee. 8. C. Moblkt, A. 8. Dyab, Chairman. Secretary. St'BscKißKßs who do not get their Capitol regularly will confer a favor by reporting the fact to headquarters, 48 8. Broad, either in per son or by postal. Honeea mid Lots on luatallmcnta. Sam’l W. Goods. We are Now Manufacturing The beet patent dry-air refrigerators, milk and water coolers and ice savers ever invented. We want everybody to see them befoie buying. Moncrief Bros, and W. R. Jester, VO South Broad and 25 East Hunter streets. Livery. Fine carriages by the hour can be had at the Kimball House. Excellent tournouts of everv description, to hire, at our stables. Best ac commodations for boarding horses in the city. Chambers A Co. “The Southern Triumph Remedy” has no equal. All kinds of furniture very cheap. John Nea A Co.. 7 and V South Broad. There will be a meeting of Coneerva tive Citizen*’ Association at DeGive’s ooers house at 8 p. m. to-night (Tuesday), August 17. All feeling an interest in Atlanta’s welfare should at tend. Ladies especially invited. “Dr. Binder’s Southern Triumph Remedy.” Infallibly cures. It triumphs after other reme dies fail. Mer’s Comb Bitters for coughs, colds, c-Aup, sore throat, a«th« oa and all broncbfi 'ioU». Acte on the liver and ton tains no opium. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Prepared only by the FISCHKR COUGH RITHtRS CO.. 1 w Atlanta, (h Notice* To those requiring the services of a dentist, and especially my old patients, I take pleasure In commending Dr. W. M. Norwood, who will be found in my old office, No. 22\ Marietta. G. W. Harris. Read Thorn’s Grocery “ad." and save money. Mcßride’s Grand closing out sale of China, Crockery, Cutlery, 850,000. No foolishness; the goods are going fast. irj our pncee oa furniture* John Neal A ‘Co . t and v aoutb Broad. THB EVENING CAPITOL: ATLANTA, ft A., TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1886 LODGE LORE. K. OP O. B. Tallulah Lodge, No. 3, meets to-night. Let no brother forget it, and every member be on hand. I. O. O. T. A social reunion by the Georgia Lodge Inde pendent Order of Good Templars at their hall, 65)4 Whitehall street, was largely attended laat night. Professor Leon was amoug those pres ent and addressed the lodge. His address was a happy eflfort. I. O. O. F. Much interest was manifested in the meetings of Atlanta and Schiller Lodges last evening, owing to the session of the Grand Lodge of the State being so near at hand. * Elsewhere will bo found an account of the grand encampment in full. k. or L. Belmont, Friendship, Gibraltar and Fulton assemblies meet to-night. Let every ball be full. The members of these assemblies owe it as a dutv to attend these meetings, and no one should shirk such an obligation. Atlanta, 2514, and Enterprise, 3209, both held full and interesting meetings last evening. These assemblies are in a flourishing condition. Organized Labor. Eiutob Capitol: The changes in Congres sional nominations, Carlton vs. Reese, Htewart vs. Hammond, are undoubtedly to a great ex tent owing to the efforts of the K. of L. The convention in the 6th district tendering the nomination to Hon. J. H. Blount, passed reso lutions, of which the following is part: “That the thanks • » • » are d ue j, f(. Blount for his long and faithful service to his district, to his state and to his country, and he has espe cially shown himself to be apatriotand a states man in preferring the general welfare of his people to that of corporations and monopolists. » • » We are gratified that there is no op position to his return,” etc. These things certainly indicate a new factor and power in our State politics. Wise is the ollicer and candidate who heeds the demands of organized labor. Legislators and legislation in the interest of the people in preference to that of monopolies. ** ■1A81.11A1.1,. Atlanta and Savannah Mint Out llieir Opponents—Wells Holds the Charlestons Down Without a Hit or Kun. The game at the park yesterday was a great one on the part of the Atlantas. They played an errorless game. Wells, the little wonder, pitched the game of his life, not allowing the Charlestons a hit or a run. Only one man got on first, and he got his bases on balls. Only two balls were knocked out of the diamond, ilolacber was hit hard by the home club. The Charleston’s played hard to win, until after the sixth inning, when their playing disgusted the audience. Atlanta appreciates good ball play ing, and not burlesque games, such as Charles ton has played here. SCOHK BY INNINOS. Atlantas 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 I—6 Charleston - -- -00000000 o—o Memphis—Memphis 0, Savannah 9. Savannah is coming, and scare the big beads Fields, Hotaling, Collins aud O’Day, the Big (head) Four. Cline will hit O’Day hard. Moriarity will pitch two games against At lanta. Savannah is pale around the gills over loos ing three games in Memphis. Savannah is coming and everything is being placed in readiness for their reception and a grand one it will be, too. Whoop ’em up boys. Khert Ntopa. “Tug" Arundel says that Atlanta shall not beat the Savannah club. The Savannahs have not pitched Moriarity or Shreve for two weeks, as they are saving them for the great Atlanta games. Shafer, the great Atlanta pitcher, will occupy the box against Savannah Wednesday. New, Front the Old Capitol. Special correspondence of Capitol. MiLLkvasviLLß, August 17, 1886. Court adjourned Saturday night, after two weeks of bard labor. There is talk of having water and gas works in Milledgeville. Already Mr. T. L. McComb has placed a hydraulic ram at Jaratt’s spring •nd is pumping water to his magnificent resi denos on the corner of Green street. The Milledgeville Business Union,in company with the City Council, are trying hard to se cure the Technological school,' Messrs. L. H. Thomas and A. J. Carr have returned from New York, where they purchased a complete stock of groceries and provisions. A large crowd attended campmeeting at Cal verton last week. Several persons from here have signified their intention to visit Atlanta during the series of games between Atlanta and Savannah. Most of them would like to see Savannah win the pennant. There is some talk here of building a $25,000 hotel. Mayor Walker is progressing finely with his artesian well. John Davis, the popular butcher, has built a new beef shop just above the ice depot. Messrs. T. L. Avant and Bro., will open a new grocery store in a day or two. The residence of Mrs. L. H. Davidson, on Wayne street is being handsomely painted. Miss Lula Trippe, the young lady who was ao seriously injured at the asylum, about a month ago, is better, and Dr. Calaway, her physician, says that she will be able to be on the streets in a day or so. Judge Lawson decided the liquor question in favor ot prohibition on Tuesday last. The “anti’s” will contest the election no further. Mr. E. N. Ennis, Jr., who was tried for the murder of Marshall Haygood during (the pro hibition election) has been acquitted. J. A. L. Avoid the Rush. Tickets to t h e big Atlanta-Sa vannah games will be on sale at book store of Jas. F. Lynch. Ladies will be charged admission. Tick ets 50 cents. All kinds of furniture very cheap. John Neal k Co., 7 and 9 South Broad. Mere Jleuth. If the use of your tooth*brush is painful, heal your mouth with DELECTALAYE For sale by druggute. AU kinds of furniture very cheap. John Seal A Co., * and 9 South Broad.' A WtHlI 886510.i1, Heit Not Characterized by Anything Like Heated Arguments. The General Council met yesterday afternoon and concluded it was too warm to transact any business but the most pressing. A petition was read from the Metropolitan street car company asking to build two lines,one on Georgia avenue and Glenn street and the other on Ormand and Pryor streets. Referred to street committee with power to act. Mr. Bell introduced an ordinance exempting lumber dealers, material men and manufactur ers from specific dray license, in cases where goods are delivered free of charge. Adopted. Mr. Cooper introduced an ordinance creating the office of seageant of police, with pay at the rate of $2.25 per day. Referred. Air. J. A. Ander-on, who was run over by Chief Joyner’s wagon while en route to a fire on Marietta street, several weeks ago, presented a petition for relief. The petition was referred to the relief committee. The following communication was read: Atlanta, Ga., August 13tb, 1886.—Hon. John R. Gramling, Chairman Finance Commit tee —Dear Sir: Below I hand you statement< f my c< llections for 1886, as compared with 1885, up to and including the 13th day of August of each year: 1886 $137,277 58 1885 136,024 91 $1,262 67 which shows up to this time over $1,200 col lected more than I did last year, and we also saved over $1,200 in discounts over last year. This is not a bad showing for Atlanta. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, D. A. Cook, City Tax Collector. The balance sheet showed the balance of the annual appropriations on band to be slßl,- 239.12. The finance payroll of audited accounts amounting to $9,619.53, was presented and pass ed up. A few petitions of minor importance were read and referred to the proper committees. MORNING PAPERTewFcOKDENSED. To-day is the last for returns for the Septem ber term of the superior court. Yesterday Mr. Julius L. Brown brought suit in the superior court against Messrs. Charles Beerman, Joseph Thompson, Jr., and Paul Jones for S3OO, which Mr. Mown claims is due him for legal services. His account filed with the suit states that the defendants agreed to pay him SI,OOO as counsel in the legal contest over the prohibition election. A credit of $ 00 is made on the account, and for the remaining S3OO claimed by Mr. Brown the pending suit is brought. The case will be tried at the Septem ber term of the court. Jim Edwards and Fielding Bruce, two ne gro men, engaged in a desperate and bloody fight last night on Hunterstreet, in which Bruce had his throat cut. The wound is not danger ous. Reid, colored, has been arrested for run ning a blind tiger on Calboun street. Commissioner of Agriculture J. T. Henderson will leave for the Farmers’ Congress at Minne apolis, Minn., on Sunday, the 22d instant. He will be accompanied by the delegates from Georgia. A horse belonging to B. C. Price, the butcher, rau away yesterday afternoon, on Peters street, i'ust West of Castleberry bill, and when near luck street, .ollided with a heavy two-horse wagon. The collision w»s with force, the horse’s right hind leg was broken. The injuries were so serious that it was found necessary to shoot the horse. The animal was worth probably $l5O. The Atlanta Gun Club was out yesterday af ternoon, and for an hour or more the members enjoyed themselves very much. The score stood: Mr. W. A. Hemphill, fifteen; Mr. Black, fourteen; Mr. Arnold, thirteen; Mr. Calhoun, eleven; Mr. Clark, nine; Mr. Leonard, eleven; Mr. Boyd, nine; Mr. Austin, ten; Mr. Patter son, ten. The club meets twice each week— Monday afternoon and Thursday afternoon— back of Peters Park. Mr. W r . R. Allen, travelling man for Frank E. Block, broke a bone in his right leg while play ing base ball at the Park, early yesterday morn ing- ' Wanted, by a young man, board and room in private family. Must be loca ted within six blocks of the postoffice. References given. Address “A. J. 0.,” this office. FOU 84LE..REAL ESTATE. T. A. FRIERSON. W. M. SCOTT. Frierson A Scott, Heal Estate. Have for sale all kinds of city property, also farms, mills, mineral lands, etc. Office No. 1 8. Pryor street, Atlanta, Ga.; office No. 634 Market street, Chattanooga, Tenn. They offer this week some special bar gains in and near Chattanooga, among which are, a first-class boarding house in Chattanooga, with four years lease ; brick building containing 16 rooms with furni ture and fixtures complete, located in a fashionable and central part of the citv, has a full bouse and is paying well, only $1,500 on easy terms. A good opening for the right party to make money. Proprie tor has private reasons for selling. Restaurant and confectionery, well lo cated and paying $175 a month net, only SI,OOO. This will pay to investigate. Owner is in bad health and wishes to re tire. Waldens Ridge Hotel, ten miles from Chattanooga, on the top of Waldens ridge, altitude 2,500 feet, tine view and beautiful scenery, chalybeate and freestone springs, 22 rooms in main building, halls, porches, besides other cottages and out-buildings. House is now running and can be filled all the while. This is a rare opportunity for a hotel man to make money. Price only $3,000; possession now; look after this. Frierson & Scott. Now’s Your Time $50,000 worth Crockery, China, Cutlery, Lamps, Glassware, regard less of cost. All goods being mark ed down at Mc- Bride’s. Announce men I a. We are authorized to announce the name of WBLLBORN BRAY as a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic partv of Fulton county. For the t.effiaiature. SAMUEL WEIL. Esq., is hereby announced as a candidate for the Legislature from Fulton eountv, subject to the Democratic nomination. Dr. Binder’s “Southern Triumph Remedy” is an important discovery of medical science. Try it. For'goodnasa sake read Thorn’s ad. Always the Best OF EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF FAMILY GROCERIES, Produce, Provisions, Country Produce, Chickens, Eggs, Jersey Butter, English Gloucester Cheese. Diamond Patent Flour ETC., ETC., ETC. ISAAC S. MITCHELL, Cor. Whitehall and Peter Sts. t j^p*11. 11l .—I—I , MCTS MILLS Office and mills on line W. & A. R. R., near cotton fac tory, Zachry Bros , Propr’s. We are offering to the trade our High Grade Do f “SILVER KING” & “GOLD LEAS” made from New Wheat. Send us your orders. Our association with the city trade for a num ber of years puts us in a position to know its wants, and we can sup ply you with regular grades and uniform quality, at reasonable prices. TELEPHONE 331. Belted Meal and Kiln Dried Pearl Grits, A SPECIALTY. Instantaneous Photoarapiis. EDWARDS! DORMAN, B6>s WHITEHALL ST. (Over M. Rich & Bros.’ dry goods store.) Prices Reduced. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Children’s pictures taken in ONE SECOND. Copies of ail kinds of pictures, all sizes, and colored in oil, water or crayon, at reduced prices. Family groups taken in front of your residence. Views of residences, stores, etc., a specialty. Call at the gallery, or mail us a postal, and we will show you samples of our work at your residence. Our motto—First-class pictures at cheap prices. Give us a trial. Views of Atlanta for sale. Cancers, s (IKEDw. kpiy the knife or loss of blood. Vastlj Miperivr to all oftier methods. Hundreds of cases Cured Descriptive pamphlet scut free. Address DR. E. H. GREENE, *1 L 2 Peachtree St., Atlanta. Ga “The Best Made!” DRY AIR REFRIGERATORS. MADE TO ORDER ANY SIZE. MONCRIEF BROS. & W. R. JESTER, 90 S. Broad and 25 F ,3cntkr. Wheal's Rheumatic Cure Positively cures *ll kinds of Rheumatism, Blood and Kidney Diseases. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT, Or call and see us at the Chamber of Commerce Build ing- WHEALS, KOERNER & CO. Means’ High School FOR BOYS. 76 N. FORSYTH, ATLANTA, GA. Instruction thorough and practical. For catalogue address T. MEANS. Gate City Ice Company, ATLANTA, GA. Ice Vault and Office, corner of Wall and Pryor st-ieete WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ice made from pure well water. Factory at the ok Union stock yard. Lucy Cobb Institute. ATHENS, GEORGIA. THE exercises of this Schon will be resumed W.dnes day, September 2911., All letters and appli cations for Catalogues will be promptly answered, if addressed to Miss M. RUTHERFORD. Principal. REAL ESTATE. T. A. FRISSON. W. M. SCOTT Frierson & Scott. All ktods of city property. Also. farms, mills and mining property. Correspondence solicited. (Enclose stamp. Office No. 1 S Pryor street. Atlanta. Ga. *• 634 Market St., Chattanooga, Ten CHARLES C. THORN, 18 WHITEHALL STREET. Cold, Cold, ZB EEK, I On Draught from Keg or Botiled by the Quart. COOLEST BEER IN THE CITY. I keep the Purest Rve and best Corn Whiskies in 'he city, without any exception. Try my 50 ct. Corn and 75 ct. Rye. IW-Will give 3 cents apiece for all full quart Flasks and 4 cents apiece for full quart Flint Bottles. BE SURE AND CALL ON ME. CHAS. C. THORN, 118 Whitehall St. P. P. P. 01 Ton liy Hart if I THE PEOPLE Have Decided By a majority vote that as I A a candidate for popu- | I lar favor Perfect Pastry Patent Flour ’ 1 \ Is ahead of all others. fa. f hr Az v It is a Popular Candi- date because it is Reliable, -7- Pure, and of Great Excel- Im! /*lr~ lence. '/ff/mf Housewives who one try iH/l V \ I it find that it makes such I Zfflr W delicious Pastry, Biscuits, Zl'T W Light Rolls and Cakes that II HI they will have no other. IIU\ ® Kept by all first-class 11/IBY I I The Ladder of Popularity—P.P.P. a Success FURNITURE! FURNITURE! WE ADVISE ALL THOSE WANTING FURNITURE OF ANY KIND TO GO TO JOHN NEAL & CO., Nos. 7 and 9 South Broad Street. As they keep a Full Line, which they are selling at LOWER PRICES than can be had elsew Sets from $17.50 up, etc. Don’t forget our address. BARGAIN HUNTERS . FOR— Furniture and Carpets Will find our Styles the latest, our Stock ample, and our prices always as low as any reliable house. Both FUB» NITURE and CARPETS have advanced recently, but our prices will not be until our present stock is exhausted. Mattings In great variety and at greatly reduced prices. We call special attention to OUR OWN MAKE of PARLOR SUITS and LOUNGES. Our styles and prices ar© in keeping with the LATEST and LOWEST—Ea tor West. When in need of such goods, be sure and call on. ANDREW. J. MILLER, Big 44 Peachtree St. G. O. WILLIAMS & BRO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHs, BRICK, LIME AND HAIR And Anything Else You Need in the Way of building Material. It will be to your interest to get their prices before making your purchase. Office and Y ar( i 234 Marietta Street. Telephone 328 NEW SHOPSHN FUITBLASTj A. A, DeLOACH & BRO. Have leased the shops formerly owned by the Georgia Machinery Company, and in addition to the maaufactor. of their Water Wheels, Portable Mills, Millstones, Mill Gearing of all kinds, Shafting. Pulleys, etc., are fully prepared to do all kinds of Job and Repair work both in Iron and wood. Planing Lumber for Lumber Dealers a Specialty. We are now in a position to serve our home people, and solicit theii patronage, and premise Prompt Attention and Satisfactory Work. OFFICE AND WORKS: SOI to 873 Marietta St. Telephone 307. Office