The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, September 09, 1886, Image 4

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* W,r.*TOKE«, 1.. E. GU INN, E.t.bH bed IS6<) SOO W«« Pe er# st., Geueral Partner. W. F. STOKES & CO., Auctioneers AND— General Commission MERCHANTS. No. 15 MARIETTA ST., Cor. Broad. We guarantee Quick Sales and Prompt Re turns. Advances made on Cons'igotneuis. * ATLANTA, GA* aLZ DODSON'S PRINTING OFFICE and BOOK BI NDERY, 83 Btmul Street. Every description ol S*® Printing, Ruling and Binding In th* bent *tyl* aud at natlsfaetory mU price*. Railroad and Comm** **** • special ty. DONEHOO’B Market I Oysters, Cribs, Shrimp AND RICE BIRDS RECEIVE!) DAILY. 8 EAST ALABAMA ST. Telephone 266. Coa«l Kain*. Wabhinoton, September 9.—lndications for Georgia to-day, fair weather, eacept on the coast; local rains with stationary temperature. CAPITOL. CHAFF. Echola A Richard., choice mcatn, 8(> Peach tree atreet. Telephone No. 098. Meats kept on ice and delivered promptly. “Dr. Binder’s Southern Triumph Remedy.’’ Infallibly cures. It triumphs after other reme dies fail. E. W. McNeal A Co., decorators and design ers, sell wall-paper and picture rods. Call on them at 53 8. Broad st. Telephone 552. Yesterday Reuben Daniel, who was arrested in Cherokee county about two weeks ago for violating the internal revenue laws, appeared before Commissioner Haight the second lime and was released. The revival services at Herean church con tinue to grow in interest and the attendance in creases. The flrat dance of the season will take place at the residence of Ordinary Calhoun, on Wash ington street. The demand for bird dogs is on the increase as the bunting season approaches. The precincts on Broad street where the vot ing is going on, to-day, presents quite a lively appearance. H. T. Nash, who was killed on the Central railroad, last night, was driving a street car on the Gale City line, a few weeks ago. Where have flown the clouds? Rain is much needed to settle the very disagreeable dust. The dog wagon has gone into winter quarters, or at lea t it has vanished from our streets. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks. •ILVEKWARE, JEWELRY, CANES, ETC., ETC. STILSON. 53 Whitehall St. Announcement*. W. are authorised to announce the name of WELLBORN BRAY as a candidate for the Boase of Representatives, subject tn the action of th* Democratic party of Fulton county. F*r the i.eglelatwre. SAMVEL WEIL, Esq., is hereby announced a* a candidate for the Legislature from Fulton eonnty, subject to the Democratic nomination. F*r Mayer. J. T. COWPER. For Aldirmsn —John Mecaslin W. J. Gar rett. Cot’NClL—lst Ward—D. W. Pope. « 2 “ W. W. McAfee. “ 3 “ George Carsin. “ 4 “ J. L. McClendon. “ 5 •• A. Konts. “ “ •• W. J. Campbell. CITISIN. Go to Washington Market, 110 Peach tree street, in the morning, for some of the flneat beef ever put on the Atlanta market. The Qsteen mid Crescent Route, The short line from Atlanta to Cincinnati and Louisville, is offering round-trip tickets at one fare, good for twenty days, for visitors to the great industrial and art' exhibitions, commen cing in Cincinnati September Ist and continuing five weeks, and in Louisville from August 28th to October 23d. Mr. Steve R. Johnston, general agent, or Mr. W. E. Remolds, assistant agent, of the above line, 15 Kimball bouse, will take pleasure in giving all particulars. Washington Market, 110 Peachtree street, is the place, and to-monow morning is time, to get some of tbe finest beef ever offered to the Atlanta people. Ladies, use Dr. Calhoun’s Female Bit ters for all female diseases —the l>est thing in the world for constipation. They will cure von. For sale by Hutchison A Bro., Bradfield A Ware and Pinson & Dozier. Mcßride will clean out lock, stock and barrel before October Ist if he keeps on as he has the past week. It is a reg ular bonanza for housekeepers. TH3 EVENING CAPITOL: ATLANTA. BA- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1886 A COLORED BAPTIZING* One of the ReaulUof (he Subterrean Disturbance** Learned men may spring tbe : r new Tangled theories upon an innocent and ignorant public as to the cause of tbe recent quake, and we may read column after column in tbe da ly papers as to tbe effect it has exerted upon tbe peop'e, but I wilt relate the great effect it has shown upon tbe colored population. Revival meetings bare been in progress for more than a month at sev eral ot the churches in tbe c’Ly, but tbe hearts of the dusay s’nners bad become hardened in tbeir bosoms and they heeded not the cry of Ibe preacher to “Flee the wrath to come.” Night after night they occupied tbeir accustomed places in tbe church, but refused a!! overtures of grace and mercy. The earth, as if in answer to tbe prayer of the preacher, “0 Lord, come now,” began to rock and then followed a mighty commotion in the building. D’d I say commo tion? Yes, even worse. It was confusion worse confounded. Each vied with b>s neigh bor as to who would first reach terra firm a, or rather 13rra quaking. There was one darkey who carried the sash and frame with him as be sprang through the window. I questioned another darkey about this Co-day and asked if it was not a joke. “No, sir,” he very emphatically replied; “bit’s a God’s irufe.” “Who did tbe jumping,” I then inquired. “Boss, we’s got him spotted, but we ainter callin’ no names, tie’s a great big yaller nig ger, weighin’ ’bout a bund’ed an’eighty pouns.” The next night a'ter the earthquake mourn ers flocked to the altar, and the result of last week’s meetings was an addition of twelve members to the church. They were baptized Sunday. How shall 1 describe the scene? It was truly a compound of ibe sublime and the ridiculous. A tiny little rivulet trickling between two hills furnished the waler that tilled the Ellie bapti mat hint, a square box sunk into tbe bed of the stream, and a little over knee deep in water. Around the I.tile pool and on the neighboring hills fully one thousand blacks bad gathered and perhaps a ball dozen whites to witness the ceremony. They are coming. Listen to the weird wild melody of the good old hymn, “Jesus, my all, to heaven has gone.” A long procession starts I Firm the church, headed by the preacher, arrayed in a laded calico Mother Hubbard tied around bis waist w<lh a string. Around him are tbe deacons, and just behind are the candi dates for baptism, ten women and two men. The deacons are carried away with their gong, and the good sisters are just running over with hap piness. The utillness of tlie Sabbath air vibra ted with the weird notes from tbe tbroa s of these music loving people. A beautiful Jersey cow confined in a pasture near at hand did not seem to understand this sort of business, and with tail high in air rushed frantically around the enclosure, ever and anon giving vent to her astonishment in prolonged bellows. “On Ju'dan’s stormy banks I stand” floated across the bills in waves of melody. A prayer was next offered up, broken bv such exclamations as “Yes, Ma rater,” “Lord, hear!” “Dal’s right!” “Ugh-hugb!” The accent in this last exclamation being on tbe last syllable. The pronunciation of tbe “u” was like the sound ot “o” in noon and drawn ouf and raised to a higher key in the last syllable. The first baptized wasa middled aged woman, and she was so overcome that a good brother gently raised her in his arms and bore her to a house prepared for their reception. Every one behaved very quietly until four had passed be neath tbe waves. A young girl was the next candidate and her mother, a fat chunky little woman, drew near to throw the shawl around the shoulders of her child. But as soon as the waters covered her, the mother dropped the shawl, threw both bands into the air, gave a piercing shriek, upset several sisters in her mad haste and rushed pell-mell upon her daughter like a thousand of bricks. ThAg’rl was thrown down and (lie mother jumped astraddle of the form of her darling, hugged her tightly around tbe neck and filled her ears with tbe most pene trating screams. Aller several attempts they were finally separated, and proceeded towards the hack, which was safely reached. Here came the turn of a middle-aged woman whose conversion bad been caused by a dream she bad. She thought, she bad gone to hell and to use her words, “De ole debel Ink an’sot de hnun’s on me.” She thought it was high time to repent, with the earthquakes coming every day or so and she so mean that the devil wouldn’t have her. “Dais right, my brudder, you’se in de rite rode now,” she shouted back at a man who was being led into the water by tbe preacher. A piercing scream here draws every eye to the top of the hill whence it proceeded. The little squatty sister is happy again.* She throws her arms about in a frantic manner and a brother who had doubtless felt the powers of a woman’s scratches tried to catch her,but he was very care ful not tn approach two near the swinging arms. The shoutor started on a full run toward tbe pool, but see! another more active sister gives chase and catches her. There is a brief strug gle, a flying of hats and dowu they go, the little squatty one on the bottom. For a moment a streaked glare illumines the ground as they roll over and over. It is for a moment only, as two men come up and forcibly pick up tbe happy sister and replace her it* the hack by the side of her dripping and drooping daughter. The bene diction is pronounced and soon the hillside is cleared of its late occupants. Jackson Hill. A Preaperou• Sunday School. Payne’s chapel west side Mission Sunday school is in a very prosperous condition. On Sunday afternoon last there were present sixty five scholars and ten teachers, besides a num ber of visitors, manv of whom will hereafter be active members. Tbe mission is located just outside the citv limits, on the Mavsou and Tur ner Ferry road, and is sit tinted in a beautiful grove. On next Saturday afternoon, commenc ing about 5 o’clock, tbe school will give an in teresting entertainment and supper for the ben efit. of tbe mission, and everybody is invited to attend. Those who have been so fortunate as to partake of the hospitality of the neighborhood, only know what is in store for them. The price for the entire entertainment has been fixed at twenty-five cents for adults and ten cents for children. Go out and help a noble cause and spend a delightful evening with charming young ladies. The officers of the mission are: X. E. Stone, superintendent; Miss Olie Pickett, secretary; and Mr. Wesley Elliott, treasurer. Tin. Heeling K. ol L. A mass meeting ot the Knights of Labor will be held to-night at Mariella street, to dis cuss matters of gene al interest to the good of the order. All knights are urged to be prompt ly on baud. Books for Our Invealignlion. Senator Brown has sent to the agricultural department here several hundred agricultural and scientific publical’ons for distribution among tbe farmers. They are valuable and will be highly apprec’ated. ♦‘A Ml XEi> LAW’ Does Not “Hix- Jas. E. Little A Co* The article in Tuesday morning paper beaded, “A Mixed Law,” showing to souse extent what can and cannot be sold on Sundays in our city has caused considerable comment. A Capitol reporter met Mr. Little this morn ing and was shown through his place of busi ness. The bakery, which was an addition to the business formerly conducted at this place, is now in full blast, aiiri the trade which has been acquired for tbeir tine home-made bread, cakes, crackers, etc., requires it to be run to its full capacity. Their kachen is being enlarged and improved in order that their accommodations mar be ample enough to serve the demand macle on tbeir English Kitchen and Ladies’ Case. Arrangements . have been made to receive large daily shipments of oysters through the season. They are now re ceiving fres-h Savannah, Boloxi «ud (Mobile Plants and are prepared to serve cream stews and golden fries to all their patrons at any hour from morn till midnight. Tbeir ice cream parlors are still open and tbeir soda fountain continues to phiz. Remem ber J. E. Little A Co., when you want anything good in their several departments. 51 White hall street: Bramlett’s old stand. LODGE LORE. K. OF P. The “Knight” savs: “Those who know our order know full we'i tbai we war against no man's religious or poFl ca’ belief, that we band ourselves together r or lue promol on o' broth erly love, and the re es of erst "ess, and these are principles which it wou’o be we for our enemies to cultivate, instead of the bitter big otry which seems to pervade tbe’r whole na ture, to tbe exclus on of all charitable thought.” K. OF L. Progressive assembly, 3428, meets at Mover’s ball to-n gbt al 7:30 o’clock. A full attendance is earnestly desired. Rising Scar assemblv, 5288, meets to-night at South Broad. Let all the members be in attendance. IMP. O. R. M. The lime for tbe assembling of the Great Council of tbe United States in great sun coun cil is fast approaching, and within a few suns the smouldeiing brand will be fanned into a blaze and its light be shed over all the order. What ibat light will be is, we think, good news to our brethren, that tbe order is still advanc ing and that the ouitookis good for a prnper ous coming great sun. This, we believe, will be the case in ibe several reservations where Great Councils exist, but where the res ervations are the immediate control of the Great Council tbe condition oi the Order and the outlook for the future can only be learn ed when the reports of the Great Clrefs have been submitted. We fear, however, that tbe in crease in the number of Tribes and membership in such parts of our country under tbe control of the Great Council of the United Slates has not been very large, not as large in fact as was hoped for when the last Great Coun cil fire was quenched. The Grder under Stale Great Councils has done well, and in some Stales remarkably so. Keep the good work moving, brothers, and the membership of the Order ban easily climb up to 100,000. The Comanches will sound the war whoop to night. Let all tbe braves assemble at the kind ling of the council fire. There is much work to be done. i. o. 0. F. Capitol Lodge meets to-night. Will every member come out? That’s a question that each must answer for himself, and in answering it, let it be remembered that it is a duty you are called upon to perform. Business of impor tance will be transacted. K. AND L. OF n. Chrystal Lodge, I HO, meets to-night, and it is hoped all tbe members will be present. K. OF O. E. Pride of Atlanta Castle held its regular weekly session last night at Irwin’s Hall, on Ma rietta street. A full meeting is expected. K. G. E. and all other secret society pins, cuff buttons and watch charms. Cash or week ly payments. E. W. Blue, 77 Houston street. Meeting for Boys. All boys under seventeen years old are cor dially invited to attend a meeting for boys only in the parlors of tbe Young Men’s Christian As sociation, corner Walton and Forsvth streets, to-morrow (Friday )a/ternoon from Ito 5 o’clock. Mothers are earnestly requested to send their sons to this most important meet ng, that they may be trained in religious work. The best and cheapest rubber cloaks, for the school girls at Atlanta Rubber Co., 26 Marietta street. Do you like fine steak or roast? If so go to Washington Market, 110 Peachtree street, where J. M. Stewart will sell the finest ever offered to the people. For carpentering in all its branched,’ go to W. R. Jester, 25 E. Hunter street. Telephone 423. We are now Manufacturing The best patent dry-air refrigerators, milk and water coolers aud ice savers ever invented. We want everybody to see them before buying. Moncrief Bros, and W. R. Jester, 90 South Broad tnd 25 East Hunter streets. Mcßride’s Grand closing out sale of China, Crockery, Cutlery, 850,000. No foolishness; the goods are going fast. Pre.. Work. The Capitol is now prepared to do press work of all kinds, from a small quarto to an 8- page folded, pasted and trimmed paper. Prices very low. 47 8. Broad. Heitdnchc*. Decayed teeth cause indigestion, loss of appe tite, affect ions of the eyes, pains in the ears, headaches, neuralgias, and general disturbance of tbe health. Prevent all this by using Delectalave. For sale by druggists. All kinds of furniture very cheap. John Neal k Co., 7 and V South Broad. Dr. Binder’s “Southern Triumph Remedy” is an important discovery of medical science. Try it. Press Work. The Capitol is now prepared to do press work of all kinds, from a small quarto to an 8- page folded, pasted and trimmed paper. Prices very low. 47 S. Broad. A regular picnic for Housekeepers at Mcßride’s great Closing Out Sale. SCIPLE SONS, WE ARE STILL AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS JELLICO COAL And now is tbe ttme to lay in your wnter’s supply. It e give 2.000 pounds for a ton. No more, no less. All large tine lump. No dust and no slate. Our drivers have been with us for years and are reliable, and we make prompt deliveries. Ours is the most elegant Coal that comes to this market, and if you doubt it, try it and be convinced. LIME, PLASTERING HA IK, CYPRESS SHINCLKI CEMENT, MARRIK DCST, STOVE FLUES PLASTER PARIS, WHITE SAND, FIKE F.RICK AND SEWER PIPE, No. 8 Loyd St., near Markham House, Atlanta,Ga. STOCK FEED’ Best and Cheapest, SELECT FAMILY GROCERIES, Diamond Patent Flour Country Produce. Biilter, E® and CMctas! Everything Choice and Cheap! G. B. McCRAVY, 84 PEACHTREE STREET. ZlCffll’SllLLS Office and mills on line W. A A. R. R , near cotton fac tory, Zacbry Eros , Fropr’s. “SILVER KING,” AND “GOLD LEAF,” Don’t be Deceived, but Call for Them. Our orders for BOLT ED MEAL are increas ing largely. Try it. It is soft and white, and will please all lovers of water ground meal. TELEPHONE 331. Oats, Stock Feed, Mixed Feed and Bran ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. Metropolitan Undertakers. Metallic,Wood and Cloth-covered Cankets and Coffins Robes of all kinds. Natural Preserved Flowers for fu nerai purposes artistically designed* We are als< agents for the only burglar-proof xrave vaults in th< United States. TAYLOR, WYLIE A BLILEY, Frank X. Bliley, Manager. No. 26 W. Alabama street, next door to the Constitv tion. Building. Telephone 719. W. L. BRYAN, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 82 Dicatcb St., - - - ATLANTA, GA. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Short Notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Repairing ot Music Boxes, Brass Instruments aad Student Lamps a specialty. 12 years in business in At lanta. Instantaneous Fbotomlis. EDWARDS’# DORMAN, WHITEHALL ST. (Over M. Rich A Bros? dry goods store.) Prices Reduced. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Children’s pictures taken in ONE SECOND. Copies o* all kinds of pictures, all sizes, and colored In oil, water or crayon, at reduced prices. Family groups taken in front of your residence. Views ot residences, stores, etc., a specialty. Call at the gallery, or mail us a postal, and we will show you samples of our work at your residence. Our motto —First-clas’ pictures at cheap prices. Give ns a trial. Views of Atlanta for sale. Pure Domestic Wine BY THE QUART. ALBERT STAUB, Proprietor. 7 East Alabama Street; nothing bat first-class stock; patronage solicited. The finest wine in the United States, from 25 to 40 cents a quart. First class Rcstau rant attached. Mr. A. Asb’ey, late of the Anniston Inn as charge of this dep artme ut. BENJAMIN & CRONHEIM, BY THE GREATEST CAPE WE IXSfKB PatGllt MedidneS Accuracy § AT LOWEST PR,CES i G Our Stock ol Fancy and Toilet Articles In Compounding PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CL CANNOT BE EXCELLED, day and night and save you pl & Choice Line of Cigars. 25 TO 50 PER CENT. u I 101 WHITEHALL ST. Pure Dregs Used.] Accident Insurance Are You INSURE GOING AGAINST Anywhere ACCIDENT! The Employers’ Liability ASSURANCE CORPORATION, Os London, England—Capital, $2,500,000. Issues Policies for S3OOO at 25c per day, or $4.50 per month; For S2OOO at 17c per day, or $3.00 per month. SSOOO policies in Preferred Class issued for $17.75 Yearly Premium. For Full Particulars Apply to W. W. HASKELL, State Agt. 271-2 Whitehall St., Atlanta Ga. NEW SHOPHN FULL BLAST! A. A. DeLOACH & BRO. Have leased the shops formerly owned by the Georgia Machinery Company, and in addition to the manufacture of their Water Wheels, Portable Mills, Millstones, Mill Gearing of all kinds, Shafting. Pulleys, etc., are fully prepared to do all kinds of Job and Repair work both in Iron and wood. Planing Lumber, Scroll Sawing and all kinds of Wood Work a specialty. We are now in a position to serve our home people, and solicit theii patronage, and promise Prompt Attention and Satisfactory Work. Agents for the best Saw Mill, and two of the best makes of Engines in the United States, Eureka Smut Machine, Excelsior Bolting Cloth, and dealers in Flour Mill Suppliet of every dis cription, Belting, etc, etc. Office and Works: 361 to 373 Marietta street. Telephone 307. CHARLES C. THORN, 118 WHITEHALL STREET. Cold, Cold, On Draught from Keg or Bottled by the Quart COOLEST BEER IN THE CITY. I keep the Purest Rye and best Corn Whiskies in the city, without any exception. Try my 50 ct. Corn and 75 ct. Rye. Will give 3 cents apiece for all full quart Flasks and 4 cents apiece for full quart Flint Bottles. BE SURE AND CALL ON ME. CHAS. C. THORN, 118 Whitehall St. BARGAIN HUNTERS ~ = FOR— Furniture and Carpets Will find our Styles tbe latest, our Stock ample, and our prices always as low as any reliable house. Both FUR NITURE and CARPETS have advanced recently, but our prices will not be until our present stock is exhausted. Mattings In great variety and at greatly reduced prices. We call special attention to OUR OWN MAKE of PARLOR SUITS and LOUNGES. Our styles and prices are ’.n keeping wiih the LATEST aud I.OWEST —Ea tor West. When in need of such goods, be sure and call on. ANDREW. J. MILLER, Big 44 Peachtree St, FURNITURE I FURNITURE! WE ADVISE ALL THOSE WASTING FUENITTRE OF ANY KIND TO GO TO JOHN NEAL & CO., Nos. 7 and 9 South Broad Street. As they keen a Full Line, which they are selling at LOWER PRICES than can be had ehew Sets from $17.50 op. etc. Don*; forge: our address. Hard Wood Lumber HAVING PUT IN MACHINERY EXPRESSLY FOR WORKING HARD WOOD LUMBER, I iff now prepared to furnish the same Rough or Dressed as may be desired. I also do Wood Turning, Scrol Sawing, and Re-Sawing ia ihe b «t manner. Newels, Rails and Balusters Always on hand. Also Thin Wood for Bracket Sawing. I have two steam Dry .Kilns, and will be’reaeyff furnish Kiln "Hied Lumber whendeelred. Yard and Ali 11 9 40Collins St* J. C. PECK.