The Atlanta evening capitol. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1885-1???, February 17, 1887, Image 4

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Pure CANDIES! G. E. Johnson, NO. 24 EAST ALABAMA STREET. Telephone 285. WILLINGHAM & CO., THE Largest Lumber, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND DEALERS IN THE CITY. Ko. 64 Elliott Street, Atlanta, Ga, TELEPHONE 1,020. DOUBLE GLAZED VETRIFIED TERRA COTTA SEWER PIPE. In any QUANTITY, for sale by A. P. STEWART & CO.. 69 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. DONEHOO'S FINE OysterS. rGe shad, AND A GOOD VARIETY OF OTHER FISH Daily. 9 East Alabama Street. TELEPHONE 266. CAPITOL GOSSIP. Go to It 11. Crawford for choice roaetH, steak, fish, oysters, game, etc. Telephone 667. 79 Peachtree. E. W. McNeal A Co., decorators and design er!, sell wall-paper and picture rods. Call on them at 52 8. Broad st. Telephone 552. Sam Walker is the leading picture frame maker. See him for the finest and cheapest— sK Marietta street. STILSON JEWELER, 65 WHITEHALL STREET. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Clocks, Canes, 3tc. Reliable Goods, Fair Dealing, BOTTOM PRICES. WHEELS. Everything on Wheels. Just received and arriving, 150 elegant bug gies. Thia shipment, in addition to the large stock kept constantly on hand by the Standard Wagon Company, will give them the largest as sortment in the city. These goods are kept se curely packed in boxes ready for shipment, if you want a landau, buggy, wagon or road oart, call on the Standard Wagon Company, where yon will find everything on wheels. Harr ft loon dr Bro. keep Kate Gravely AS THE SEASONS ROLL AROUND Try Lagomarsino’s cocoaT biscuits F k *t FROM TIIK OVKN TWICE DAILY. There are but four of the Spring street houses left belonging to the Baltimore Syndicate, the following parties having purchased the others: Mrs. S. Hanna, W. A. Wimbish, Jas. A. Gray, Mrs.F. A. McCan dless, P. Cook. Jr , and Hon. W. H. Henderson. A small cash payment and a monthly install ment of S3O 00 will se cure one. JACOB HAAS. Gate City Bank Bldg. Zacbry Bros.’ meal is the best in the c ty. Telephone them your orders, 331. t*rea* ork. The Capitol ia now prepared to do pr«M work of all kinds, from a small quarto to an 8- page folded, pasted and trimmed paper. Prices ary low. 47 S Broad. flaUr's CinU Bitiurt sot cue<•.»*. coins, c r «»vp, ».»$• : •»». •a and JI brom bit om »<*s xct* 1 • Mvto u «r mat* <• no optutr SOLD BV ALL DRUCh- SY only by th ■ Ft STH IK C4»VG.m KIT! r.Rs ■ Gfftee IH4 ih-<* U- • »’>»•- »1 Yr- on> price on furnitnro John N.» * Co. 7 end 9 »oi>»’ ftpeclul Price on leortgrr*. Bring overslocked will print Dodgers: Be, 1 M, $1.50; 5 M, $4 50. 16s, I M, SI.OO. 5 M, $3 50. SJs, 1 M, 75c.; 5 M. $2.00. apitol Office 47 8. Broad -St. Pure Cider. Pu r e Confections, Pure Coffees, Fine Fruits, Fine Butter, All cheap at FORD’S, 69 PEACHTREE THE EVENING CAPITOL: ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1887. EAST ATLANTA DOTS. INTEHERTI’G ITEMS GATHERED FOR OI K HEADERS. What Bas Been Sall and Done in lie Eastern SoburDs Dnrlns the Past Week. The Air-Line pay train has not made its ap pearance this month, and the boys at the shops are becoming qui'e eager to hear that it will come soon and enable them to smoke a cigar, which they would pay cash for. A pleasant entertainment took place last night at the mission, corner of Moore and Decatur streets. It was given by the people of the Fifth Baptist church, and the attendance was very large. The receipts at the door netted a snug sum, and the affair was pronounced a splendid success, despite the inclement weather. The literary programme was one of unusual interest and fully amusing. Last Sunday morning, Miss Jane Pace was united in marriage to a Mr. McMillan. The ceremony was performed at 10 o’clock a. m. at the home of the bride’s parents on Howell street by Rev. Wm. Shaw. On Tuesday night the Williams Musical Club had an enjoyable time at the Fifth Baptist Mis sion, their place of meeting. The club continues to prosper and increase in number. The “Great London Shows” has been placed down on the piece of property at the corner of Butler and Hunter streets, and the people of this part of the city are geing to see the “big show” at night. Their performances are excel lent, their traiez works far superior to the usual. .ao students of the Eclectic Medical College had their pictures taken in a group. The ladies were left out, and of those who were in the group there were forty-seven, softie of the mem bers of the class being absent. Mr. J. F. Robe has one of the nicest and most ( convenient cottages for a residence in the com munity. The rooms are very neatly and coove- i niently located, and arranged in modern style, while the verandas and halls are nicelv finished off with pretty and costly material. The whole residence presents a beautiful appearance. Mr. Robert Barton has his six-room new cot tage on Daniel street almost completed. The house will be painted in attractive colors, and will be an ornament to the settlement. Mr. Frank Holcomb, a brother to Mrs. Bates, came up a few days ago after an absence of ten years from all his relatives. Mr. Holcomb has been out West and there have been no com munications between him and his relatives dur ing bis absence, and consequently was lost. Mrs. Bates and her relatives here heard several years ago that her brother lived in Texas and had died there, which statement she, of course, gave credit, and never expected to see him again. To her utter astonishment he came walking up very unexpectedly, and she finds him to be the same brother Frank. A pair of the most popular young people in this community are expected to get married soon and w hen the event does take place many citizens will no doubt get a piece of nice cake. The Capitol, then, longs for the coming of the marriage. Rather late for mad dogs, but it is asserted that one was shot yesterday near the Fulton Cotton Mills, aud the boys have good reason to believe that the dog was mad because it was en gaged in a fight with others. Mr. James Christian, of Social Circle, has come here to make Atlanta his home. He says that farmers in that section are well up with their work, and young oats are looking fine. Mr. Christian is an ex-farmer, but will go into business in this city. Mr. Willie Bedford is suffering severely from a rising on his right arm near the shoulder. It was lanced yesterday and he hopes to be better soon. Mr. Hayes has returned home from Nashville, where he spent several months. Everything in society circles is quite dull and unusual to the season. HORNING PAPER CITY NEWS CONDENSED. In the City Court, yesterday William Cassell was tried for assault and battery. The jury, after remaining out only a few minutes, returned a verdict of “not guilty,” and the defendant was discharged. Yesterday a suit was instituted against the citv of Atlanta by Thomas A. Johnson for sl,- 0 tl damages. Ibe plaintiff alleged that he was injured by falling into an open ditch which the city had carelessly left uncovered. A suit for divorce has been filed in the Supe rior Court by Flora AnnGeirge against Madi son George. The plaintiff alleges that her hus band abused her fearfully. They were married March 16th, 1881. Rena Armstrong wants a divorce from her husband, Grennville Armstrong, because he maltreated her. They were married July 10th, 1879 They lived together until January Ist, 1887, when’ they separated. Since then they have not lived together. Yesterday Judge Calhoun granted homestead to Sara E. Gudkin. Amanda I. Tuttle was ap pointed guardian of the property of Annie E. Tuttle. Levi Brotherton was appointed perma nent guardian of Mis. Wm. E. McLean et al. Franc.s Hicks has brought suit airainst the Richmond and Danville railroad for $20,000. In December, 1881, when the plaintiff was a child only five years old, she was injured at a station called King’s Mountain. Her left foot was crushed, and she has never recovered from her i"jury. She claims that her hurt was produced b> the gross carelessness of the company’s em ployees. She is represented by Merrill A Mer rill’. In the superior court there has been filed a suit for $5 040 damages saainst the Atlanta Saw Works. The plaintiff is William J. Gar ner, aud he allenes that be was injured by the servants of the defendant, on the 14:h day of December, 1886, while he was passing along the street. He was struck by a bale of shavings, oon.monlv called “excelsior,” and was down ai d se> ii’uslr hurt. The plaintiff is repre sented by lliltver A Bro, ll ivgood A Marlin, as the att rtieys of Geor gia Walker. hare tiled a suit in 'he superior court against the Foot l'e'iue--'e, 1 ircinia and Georgia Ratlicud Company. The nlaintitf claims $10,400 damages, tin the I4th <>»r of last De cember the claimont was injured by a freight train while he was riding in a wagon just be voi <i the limi's of Atlanta lie sieges that the train was g ing at the r .te of thirty miles an hour, and it was owiugto the engineer’s esre less that he was hur . Matilda M.'selr, a i< : x rear old white girl, whose home is <m Pio > s'reet. neat the oid branch, was se ionsl’ burned yes erday af’er noon about the fa.-e and tiMids The child was siaudu gin front of the tire pi ce, in whicn there was quite a big fire, rocking back and forth on a r end stick In rirki g she lost her balance, and fell face t irword i ito the tire. Be fore she c it’d ncover herself the leftside of her face I ad b-en b<dl« burned, as well as her hands, w hich she placed in the fir., in her fran tic etlaris to e hets If. Dr Johnson was called in and dressed the wounds. The child’s irju-ies are considered quite serious, but not fatal. _ »SOO for Vnrism l.r-s Feet, Calhoun street, between Baker and Har ris stteels. Sam’l W. Goofle & Co. WANTED To buy. pood no tee not connected with real estate or to make loans on good coll ■ teral THE TOLLESON COMMISSION CO., 28 S Pryor St. Bussell A Co. keep Kate Gravely For Wall Paper Decorations. Picture Moulding ar d Hooka. Painting. Grain ing, Ac., call on E. W. McNeal A Co.. 52 8 Broad street. Telephone 652. AT THE OPERA. The Wonderful Kellar Combination. To-Night. An unique entertainment comes to the Opera House, next to-day in the shape of the marvelous Kellar combination, which has.been entertaining the Philadelphia, New York and Chicago public for the past three seasons. In these cities Kellar has made an unparralleled record, playing at first-class theatres for a longer consecutive period than any other theatrical attraction ever before the American public. He perplexed Philadelphia for just 323 consecutive performances at the beautiful Temple theatre. He amused New York for 179 consecutive performances at the popular Comedy theatre on Broadway. And at the Grand Opera House and cosy Madison street theatre in Chicago, be found it worth bis while this summer to give 103 consecutive perform ances. The principal pait of Kellar’s enter tainment consists of rare and all startling phe nomena to which his own original and collective brain has given existence. His work seemingly sets at naught all natural laws. It is replete with mysticism and those occult deeds ordinary ascribed to the redoubtable Prince of Darkness. Yet everything is simply done and Kellar frankly disclaims any supernatural agencies. ' he remainder of tbe combination is composed of a lot of unexceptionahly clever people. D’Alvini, who heads the list, is an Ori ental equilibrist of rare powers as an exponent of all that is new and difficult in Japanese jug glery. This is his first season in America, and he has been pronounced tbe most clever and brilliant equilibrist now before the public. Chisi Kitchi does an exceedingly picture-que Austrian act, while the noted organist, John R. Clemons, combines in himself the music and properties of an entire orchestra. Miss Eva M. Hewitt, the cernetist of the organization, is a big favorite among Eastern audiences, 't he Kellar manage- I ment. promise a novel and brilliant entertain ment. M’lle. Rhea. This charming French society ar' will ap pear in Atlanta next Friday and Saturday, at night and matinee. She will play Friday, “Adrienne Lecouvreur,’ the great role in which she captured this city at the first visit. At the matiuee she will give “Fairy Fingers,” and Saturday night, “The Widow,” two plays of the finest order and which have been very highly appreciated this season everywhere. The Richmond Dispatch, of last January, con tains the following enthusiastic notice of the distinguished actress: “An audience that testified their delight at every available opportunity, witnessed the per formance of Adrienne Lecouvreur at the theatre last night. M’lle Rhea, as Adrienne, was sub lime. She gave an ideal portrait; that will be forever engraven on our memory. The many phases of character required bv the role received from M’lle Rhea the treatment of a great artiste No one can equal her enthusiasm when relating her rescue by Maurice de Saxe; and what can be more delightful than the reading of the fable of “The Two Pigeons?” One can hardly realize the power Rhea can throw into her tragic scenes. She electrified her audience last night. Her death-scene was a study so realistic that a silence, as if, indeed, one was in the shadow of death, spell-bound tbe audience, which as a tribute was more complimentary than the loudest plaudits. All who witnessed last night’s performance were delighted, and the remarks of the audience as they left the theatre—“lsn’t she great? ’ “Wasn’t she mag nificent?” —were spoken truly. The support was excellent, Mr. Forrest, Mr. Wilson, and Miss Waterman contributing to make a perfect performance.” ADVICE FOK SICK FOLKS. Ilciuarka on Remedies Il.efnl to Those Who Need Them. t Bathing in warm water produces a chapped skin. Filth near a well renders its water very un healthy. The best remedy for “carbuncles” is to paint them with iodine. A very good linament can be made of No. 6, turpentine and alcoho 1 , equal parts. A few drops of sweet oil put in the ear will often remove any foreign substance. Prusic acid is a deadly poison. One drop on the tongue will instantlv kill. It exists in the cherry, laurel, dogwood, etc. Equal parts of tr. arnica, number six and turpentine, is excellent to apply to a sprained ankle, wrist or any other part. For hard corns, take salycylic acid twenty grains, calladian and canabis indica each a drahm, mix and apply four nights, then bathe in warm water. This preparation is generally the substance of great corn remedies and people have made fortunes on it. If properly put up and applied the corns will be easily removed without pain. Anv druggist can fix it. Try it aud give credit to The Capitol for re suits. Atlanta Medical College. Invitations are out for the graduating exer cises of tbe Atlanta Medical College on the Ith of March, at DeGive's Opera House. Rev. Dr. H. 0. Morrison will be the orator of the evening. The valedictorian will be J. C. Johnson, of Georgia. The cards es invitation are models oi neatness aud beauty. The exercises will prove unusually interesting to those who may attend. The lloyal Mnaentn of Anatomy. A representative of Tub Capitol has again visited the Museum of Anatomy, finding she place so very interesting and so highly instruc tive the first time. Wa advise every adult lady and gentleman of Atlanta aud vicinity, to pav this museum a visit before it leaves. There is so much to be seen and so much to to be learned in this place that cannot be seen or learned tn any other institution that even the highest standing scientists fairly tiock there. Every thing is so plain that one needs no college edu cation to ttndersUnd tbe thousands of exhibits. To-morrow (Friday) is the second ladies’ day, from 1 to it p. nt.; and it was learned that hun dreds of our best ladies have visited it. Last Friday, on tbe first ladies' day, 345 ladies were at the Musentn, ami the professor told our re porter that he would deliver a lecture of special interest to the fair sex next Friday. We do not doubt bis word, judging from the highly inter esting lecture we iiad the pleasure of hearing, space will net allow us to dwell on the subject, but we say, by all means go. feS.OOV for I store Late on Vlnriettn Street, 3 blocks from postoffiee; each lot ■_’dx 100 feet to alley. Sam’l W. Goode & Co. _ They Are Singers. Imported Canaries, just received by L. J Daniel Will be sold atotic- for low prices 3 Fryor Street, Kimball Hous Block Mx c ini I’ruee on Job W ork. Being overloaded with stock tn some lines the Capitol j 4> print rooms will offer the following prices: Bill Heads, 6’s. per M. $1.40 to $2.25. “ “ 4’s. “ “ $1.70 m 52.50. Note Heads, fair palter, per M. $1.45. “ “ good *’ “ “ $1.60. “ “ extra “ “ " $1.75 to $3.00. Letter Heads, fair, per M. $2.00. “ “ good “ “ $2.50. “ “ extra “ “ $2.75 to $4.00. Dodgers, S’s., 1 M. $1.50, 5 M. $5 50. “ 16‘s., “ SI.OO, “ $3.40. 32’s , “ .75, “ $2.00. nvelopes, 6’s., per I M. $1.75. ’ “ “ $2.00, SM. $7.50. »eaiug Capitol Office,47 S. Broad St. Special Price «n Dodgers. Being overstocked will print Dodgers: Bs. 1 M,51.50; 5 M. $5.50. 16s, IM, $1.00; 5 M, $3.50. 325, IM, 7 ' ;5 M, $2.00. Capitol Offlc 47 S. Broad St, LODGE LORE. I. O. O. F. The members of Central Lodge, No 28, I. O. 0. F., are cordially and urgently requested to be present at the mass meeting of the order, to be held in the Odd Fellows Hall, Thursday evening at 7:45, to receive D. G. S. J. C. Underwood, N. G. W. R. Dimmock, Sec'y. Canton A tian’a No. 2, Patriarchs Militant, had the distinguished honor on last evening of entertaining their commander in chief, Lieut. G-n. Jno C. Underwood, of Kentucky. Gen.- Tnderwood is also Deputy Grand Sire of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. Gen. Un derwood wwll be escorted to tbe Odd Fellows hall this evening by Canton Atlanta. As has already been announced the Odd Fellows will assemble in mass meeting to do honor to their worthy Deputy Grand Sire. imp. o. R M. Comance Tribe will kindle a council fire to night, and a full mee’ing is expected. Let all theUraves be on hand and raise a warwhoop that, will make the pale faces tremble in their boots. There will be four adoptions to-night. K OF G. E. All Past Chiefs should be present at Tallulah Castle, K. of G. E., next Monday night, as a resolution will be considered affecting them. Be sure not to be absent. The second degree will be conferred. K. AND L. OF H. Crystal Lodge, No. 1140, will hold a grand re ception this evening at their hall, corner of Ala bama and Broad streets, commencing at 7:30 o’clock. The friends of the lodg<s have been in vited, and the evening’s programme will be in teresting and ! An I ti» al id’* Story* Swift’s Specific Company Atlanta, Ga —Gentlemen : For eighteen years I had eczema. During the last live years tlie physicians pronounced my disease chronic psoriosis eczema. Three years ago the coming June, I was so weak and reduced that I had to goto bed, where I lay helpness for six months. At this time my feet, legs, neck and body were much swollen. My whole body resembled a deatl fish, the scales dry, dead flesh fall ing from me in thick flakes. My itching at night during this six months was a ter rible torture. Often, so great was my sufferii g, that I would lose my mind, and I would get out of bed and tramp the road at the dead of night Many times I would fall down exhausted on the public road, and wearied out by scratching and tramp ing, I would fall asleep. Many a night I have not been able to lie in my bed an hour at a time. No human being can imagine the real agony of those nights, when my body would itch so. I felt as if I were on fire. When I would scratch the scales would fall from me in quantity. So bad a sight did I present, being reduced from 152 pounds to about 100, and with my flesh tough and scaly, that when I fell on the road once several of my friends who saw me fall would not come to my rescue, because they thought, as did many of my ncquantances, that I had leprosy. At this time a physician of Macon un dertook to cure me, guaranteeing that for SSO he would cure me in sou months. He was unable to give me any permanent re lief, but 1 had to mortgage my home, a house and lot, to pay him fifty dollars. Finally the disease seemed, inflect my bones. My bones were all stiff and sore, and the flesh about the joints hardened and seemed to leave the bones. The dis ease got into my head and my hair was all ’matted, and it worked under my finger and toe nails, and scales formed there. At this time my body was so entirely under the influence of the foul disease that I smelled very disagreeable. Last Christ mas a year ago I went blind, and my sight did not return for some time. This sad plight continued right along, except that occasionally I would manage to get a day or so at a time, until last spring Colonel H. J. Lamar, for whom I had often done work, met me and gave me some S.S.S. I began taking the Specific at once, and have continued it tin to now, when I am well. In that time I have not taken more than two dozen bottles. After I had taken the medicine two or three weeks 1 noticed a change for the bet ter. The mending was comparatively slow for the first two months, when I went on improving rapidly. To-day my skin is as clear, as pliable and as oily as ever. My pains are entirely gone, and, more, I am again able to earn my living. At one time I preserved the scales that fell from my body, and they amounted to five pounds in one week. It is in gratitude for my wonderful cure of the most horrible torture for years, by Swift’s Specific, that I cheerfully send you this letter in the hope oi benefitting my fellow man. Very respectfully, R. N. Mitchell. Macon, Ga., February 8, 1887. —I have known R N. Mitchell many years. The last two years or more he has been a char ity inmate of the Bibb county hospital, and the facts as stated by him in the above are true and correct. S. S. Harmon, Sup’t Bibb County Hospital. Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed tree. Thb Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa. “KOI till O’* PILF.N.” Whr suffer Piles ? Immediate relief and com plete cure guaranteed. Ask for “Rough on Piles.” Sure cure for itching, protruding, bleeding, or any form o’ Piles. 50c. At Drug gists or mailed. SKINM YIEN. Wells’ “Health Renewer” restores health and rigor, cu-es Dyspepsia, Impotence, Nervous De bility. For Weak Men, Delicate Women. sl. WEI.IN’ HA IK B.AI.NAM, If gray, restores to original color. An elegant, dressing, softens and beautifies. No oil nor grease. Atonic Restorative. Stops hair com ing out; strengthens, cleanses, heals scalp. 50c. Get Your C'ash Heady for Bale Os the “Sims property,” on Forsyth st., corner Poplar st. Sam’l W. Goode & Co. p she Old Hook Store.” Century and Harpers’ magazines bought and sold; supplying back numbers a specialty. Wanted to purchase—All manner of saleable books: school books a specialty; Lovell and Seaside Libraries; Confedsrate money, war relics and Indian curiosties ; 60,000 miscellane ous volumes in stock to select from, away be low regular prices. Special—We will order any book published, and furnish on short notice. Catalogues from every publisher on band, classified. Lovell’s Libraries now at one-half price. Choicest novels—new, best authors—2 for sc. Full line staple stationery, very low. A Doctor’s Conviction. Dr. E. J. Hale, the well known drug gist and physician, of Nashville, Howard county, Ark., writes: “Having some knowledge as to what S.S.S. is composed of, I can safely recommend it as the great remedy for all skin diseases, it matters not what the name may be.” I AM AT THE “OLD STAND” AND Ready For Spring Trade, HAVE FRESH HYE OF CHOICE GROCERIES! Fresh Eggs, Butter and Chickens ALWAYS ON HAND. Vegetables. Stock Feed and Meal. GOOD CHEESE AND THE CELEBRATED DM Patent FLOUR! COME AND SEE ME E. C. MURPHY, COR. PULLIAM & JONES STS. FINANCIAL. THE GATE CITY NATiOSAL SMI OF AT! ANTA 4iA UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL & SUPDUS $300,06*. ISSUES CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT I’AYABI ON DEMAND WITB INTEREST Three per cem. per annum if left! four months. Buar p» cent, per annum if left six months, nor cent. annum if left t welve months. The Tolleson Commission Company, 28 South Pryor Street, —BROKERS IN — Stocks, Bonds, Money and Securities. WILL MAKE LOANS ON GOOD COLLATERALS. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W. fi. PATTERSON, BOND AND Stock Broker. I.». 24 FRYAR STREET, Atlanta Gfe Hffll MN, R. R. Ticket Broker AND Ocean Steamship Agent! 30 Wall Street, OPPOSITE CAR-SHED Every Family Needs It! P. P. K. Everybody Buys that Sees It! P. P. K. The Ladies Favorite! It is the best and purest ever made for cleansing gold, silver, plated ware, white metal, nickle and brasa. I rr-fer to all of our well-known ladies who use it. Ev ery one of them will say that it is the best they ever used. Ask your merchant for it. If he does not keep it, ask him to send out and get it for you. There is nothing that will equal it. For sale at John M. Miller, 31 Marie 1 ta. H. L. Atwater, 34, 41 and 43 W. T. Justin, 146 Marietta. Decatur. C. J. Kamper, 369 Peach- W J. Wood, The Stovier. tree. Surprise Store, Whitehall. A.W Farlingler, 257 Peach- W. G. Rosser, junction For- t r ee. syth and Whitehall C. K. Busbee, Peachtree. E.T. Plummer,l6 Whitehall. W, L. Tappan,4B Peachtree. M. Teitlebaum, 195 Iftbite- L. Sha* & Co.,'Capitol Ave. hall. Orders promptly filled at the manufactory, 121 Pul Ham ntieet. J. N. SMYTH. Agent. P H. SMITH, At 64 Decatur street, Receives Live Chickens Daily. Also a large and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries. Kggs, 15c per dozen. Goods delivered free of charge to all parts of the city. Telephone 112 Cancers, sr t 1 iit. 2* •* iihont tiie knife or loss of blood Vast; vuperio’ t>> aU other nieth xis. Hundreds of cases cur*'’ pamphlet sent free Address »K. i£. fi ’>l2 Peachtree St s Laurel Wreath Seminary 233 WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA.GZ. Exercises of this School win be resumed September ; Full corps of Teachers. Music and Painting with lar literary course veil tausht For terms, apply to XIBB BI7NNIF LOVR. FINE MANTLES Wood, Slate and Marbelized Iron. Plain and Fancy Grates pAJces. Hunnicutt & Bellingrath. Pure Turkish NiOiU!GA~T! Made Fresh Every Day at LAGOMARSINO’S. ' AMUSEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday <fc Thursday, ) ( SPECIAL February 16 and 17. j (Thues’y Matinee 2 :36 First Appearance in Atlanta of KELLAR, THE NECROMANCER. KELLAR! KELLAR The Illust ions American Sorcerer; the Monarch ot HlirH CLASS PRESTIDIGITATION ; SUPPORTED BY KELLAR’S Wing Phenomena Combination OF ARTISTS; Coming South after a Successful Run of 605 Nights in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. Prices—2sc., 50c. and SI.OO. Reserved seats at Miller’s. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 18 and 19. Saturday Matinee, 2;30. The Distinguished Society Actress, M’lle. RHEA Supported by Mr. Arthur Forrest And an Unexcelled Company, in Adrienne Lecouvreur, Friday Night. THE WIDOW, Saturday Night. FAIRY FINGERS, Saturday Matinee. With the Most Exquisite Toilettes of the Season Prices—sl.oo, 5Cc, 25c, Reserved Seats 25c extra a Miller’s NOW OPEN. ——— PBOF. t. STRASSBURGER'S ROYAL MUSEUM OF ANATOMY, 42 Marietta St. Opposite Opera House. The largest and most costly Museum in the World. The first complete Museum that has ever visited Atlan ta. Thousands of Models showing tbe construction of the human body. New York’s and Boston’s greatest success. Visited by thousands ladies and gentlemen during six months stay in each of these cities. The wonderfully interesting lectures alone repay for a visit, though no c.arge is made for this. Open daily from 8 a m . to 10 p m. for Gentlemen. FRIDAY AFTERNOON from I to 6 pm. for LADIES EXCLUSIVELY. Special lectures for ladies. ITUe Orly Fire Annlhilator IN THE WOLD! WHICH DOESITS WOPK PERFECTLY Simplicity, Effectiveness and Durability ( ombimd—Perfection in Mechani ci-1 Cot struction Secured. It th ows its chemical contents 30 to 4t> feet, cpeiates in mediately, is entire ly safe, c- nvei-i»nt and > i.ways relia ble ! > woman or child can use it. It will mt change nor kese its power by lapse of time. It can be ncharsedat oi ce by any one and used continuously. No home on earth can afford to do without one. They are endorsed and recommended as the best by Chief*- of Fire* Depart-* merits. Underwriters, scientific and prac ica 1 men throughout the South. All property ow ners should secure the piouction it sup plies. It should be in every place vln re a fire is liable to occur. His Excellency Governor Gordon says: ‘lt srupasses “in efficiency any Extinguisher 1 have ever seen. It is “better than represented.” * C hies Joynet, of ti e Atlanta Fire Department, says: “It is by far the best Ex inguisher I have ever seen. “Having such confidence in it, shall use them in my de partment ” Live, active am* energetic n er wanted ir. ever} coun ty as agents. Liberal term*- and exclusive territory gi\en. All orders filled and imormatioii given by ad dressing, THE HAND FIRE ANNIHILATOR COMPANY, 66% Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. WINDSOR HOTEL, WINTER RESORT, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. i One of the most comfortable and home-like hotels in tbe United States. The Windsor was enlarged and im proved last season, and has accommodations for four hundred guests. Its location, facing east on the City Park, south on Mon r oe street, and north on Duval street, is the finest in Jacksonvi le. It is provided with all modern i provements Rooms wth bath, parlor suites, elevator, steam heat, gas etc. Music afternoon and evening. F. H. ORVIS. EQUINOX HOUSE, SUMMER RESORT, Manchester, ... - Vermont. DOGS NOT TAKEN. I. B. P. Dr. H. Hawkins’ Indian Blood Purifier takes the lead of all blood medicine in the w<rld for curing Chronic D seases, affecting cures deemed mysterious and won derful; used in ail Chronic Diseases, except Consump tion. Cancers, Tumors and Organic Heart Lisease. 14 roots, herbs and b rks in each package, making a month’s medicine for $2, 3 month's $5, 6 month’s for $lO. Sent to all parts of the world ty maii on receipt of price by P. O. order or r*g srered letter Use Dr. H. Haw’-ins’ Lightning Linime: t. It cures all pain in one min. e and chills a ever. Pricesoc. and $1 per bottle. Cut this out and address DR. H. HAWKINS, 101 Deca tur street. At anta. Ga. / \ PHIM *> 1 a »1 1 U Ji. Ulauta. La, «■, Reii&bl*- ’-•.jdenre given ana r WHISKY ■ 10 "urea patient an* \ y 4 1 physicians. Habits Core Watches, Clocks, Jewrely, Silverware, SPECTACLES, ETC. WM. BOLLMAN, 10 WHITEHALL ST.