The Atlanta post-appeal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 188?-188?, February 10, 1882, Image 3

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Atlanta Post-Office. aUiTvAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS j Mnilf j Mails t Trains Railroads ; Mails. Arrive. ■ Close. I Leave. W.A A....W.4T. 8.15p.m 2.20 p.m j 2.50 pm I I i ' W. .V A... W. AT. 12.15p.rn 8.00p.m; 5.10 am j W. A A...lTh’ugh 3.&5a.m. B.< 112.15 ain i ! Air-Line.. W.AT! 2.45 pm 1 i Air-Line., jW.& T. 11.00 a.m 8.00 p.m i 4.00 am ( I A. AW.P’tiW.&T. 1.45 pm 1.30p.m! 2.00 pm I A. AVV.P’t W.AT. 3.39 a. in ‘ 8.00 p.m p 2.50 am Central... W.A r. 12.50 p.m: 1.45 p.m■ 2.15 pm Central. .. Th’ugh 3.40 8.00p.m,12.20 am Georgia.. W.&T. 5.40p.mj 7.30 a.m! 8.30 am Georgia .*| W. AT. 500 a. ml 8.00 p.m 8.30 pm *\Vay mail only to Greensboro, Madison. Social Circle, Conyers, ard Covington. Daily (except Sunday)—Ar- ; rivt« 3 p.m; closes? a.m. Ben HillandSandtown—Arrives 5 p.m. Wed nesday stud Saturday; closes 7 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday Bunday all maib close at 10 o’clock A.M. OFFICE HOURS. Motiey Older Department.9.oo a.m. to 4.00 p.m Registry Department9.oo a.m. to 4.00 p.m Gen* ral Delivery.7.(o a.m. to 7.0 C p.m Stomp Department7.3o a.m. to 6.00 p.m BEN J. CONLEY, P. M. Atlanta, Ga., December 24, 1881. Arrival and Departure of Trains. 1. Western and Atlantic— for Chattanooga— Mail an t express leave 5:10 a.w., a iiy; arrive 12:45 p.m. Passenger, leave 8 a.m; arrive on freight schedule; mail and express, leave 2:15 p.m; arrive 8:15 p.m. Kingston accommodation, leave 5 p.m; arrive 10:05; passenger, leave 12:15 a.m; arrive 4 a.m. 2. —Central, lor Macon and Savannah—Mail and express, leave2:ls p.m; arrive 12:15 p.m. Barnesville accommodation, leave 5 p.m: arrive 9 a.m; night accommodation, leave 12:20 a.m; arrive 3:40 a.m. 3 —Georgia Road, for Augusta—Mail and ex press, leave 8:30 a.m; arrive 5:45 p.m; night express, leave 8:30 p.m; arrive 5 a.m Cov ington accommodation, leave 4:55 p.m; ar ri'’“ 8 a,m. 4. £«.. Anta and West Point, for Columbus and Montgomery —Mail a d express, leave 2 p.m; arrive 1:55 p.m; night mail and express, leave 12:50 a ni; arrive 4 a.m. 5. —Richmond and Danville, for Charlotte- Mail and express, leave 2:45 p.m; arrive 12:30 p.m; mail and express, leave 4 a.m; arrive 11 a.m; mail, leave 7:00 a.m; arrive 12:05 am. Gainesville accommodation, leave 5 p.m; arrive 8:45 a m. The figures 1, 2. 3. 4 and 5 designate the tracks m their order, numbering from the track nearest the waiting room. /Xy ■ ? a *s\ I ; J . Cathartic Pills Combine t’m choicest, cathartic principles in medicine, in proportion.i aeeurati ly ad justed to secure activi'.', certainty, ami uniformity of effect. Th.-y arc the r .-.ttH r!:ref y ■■y ■ p -riment. andjtf emit eaectitnl rein cftyyef discover ~?M; , v-, yy .y ‘ thAi .AwlMB ? re f! l' e ' ciiillv nppHcillrtfl to bi” class of diseases. They act 'directly on t!i:> di' esfivo and assimilative process -s. ; I restore n-gii- ■ iar liealtliy action. Their e::toasivo use by physicians in their practiri, and by all civilized nations, is o.i.i of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative iiedieilie. Being compounded of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable substances, they are positively free from calomel or any injurious properties, and can be administered to children with perfect safety. Ayek’s Pills are an effectual cure lor Constipation or Costiveness, Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach and Breath, Dizzi ness, Headache, Loss of Memory, Numbness, Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors,. Worms, Neuralgia, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases result ing from a disordered state of the diges tive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. While gentle in their action, these Pills are the most thorough and search ing cathartic that can be employed, and never give pain unless the bowels are in flamed, and tiien their influence is heal ing. They stimulate the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart re newed health and vigor to the whole system. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER &. CO., Practical and Analytical Ch. mists, Lowell, Mass. t>LD BY ALL DBUUUISTS EVEI’T WUBBS. decl-5m Metta! Dr. J. M. Johnson begs to say that he is again at his post, and hopes he may remain the rest of the season. New Firm. Doctors jno. m. Johnson, ‘(of this city.; and Dr. George T. Maxwell, (late of Tal lahassee, Fla.) have formed a co-partnership for the purpose of practicing Medicine and Surgery. Their office sin the Grant building, No. 48, Marietta Street, up stairs. Dr. Max well’s residence is at the Kimball House: Dr. Johnson’s, No. 72 Marietta street, as heretofore. Office hours: 7 to 9 o’clock a. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 7 p. m. N. B. —I take pleasure in f commending Dr. Maxwell to the public as a man of ability, and experience—the peer of any man have irctfn the practice of Medicine. JNO. M. JOHNSON McKinley & mann, SIGKLT, . Banner, Transjarency, Fresco, —AND h Ornamental Painting. No. 8% Decatur Street. 6-23-ts Washington Street Lots. T WILL SELL AT PUBLIC OUTCRY ON -1 the premises, at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Ist March. 1802. Fourteen Choice I ots. seven on the west and seven >n the east side of . . Washington street, between Clarke ant Fulton streets. Washington street is one of the most fashionable avenues of the city, and these lots are the only vacant property on it within easy access of the street cars. Elegant residences adjoin this vrop< rty and several expensive mansions will be erected on this street in close proximity this spring. Offers before sale day “ will be entertained. Title perfect. Terms half cash, balance in six and twelve months, with 8 per cent interest. R. H. KNAPP, Real Estate Agent, 10 East Alabama street l-14-mtd A Ptirliameiitary Precedent. South Carolina Furnishes an Election Context Which is Entirely' Unique. Washington. Feb. 9.—The House com mittee on elec i ni reached a decision, which will be voted upon in a day or two, in the contested election case con i ig f o:n the Second B<-uth Carolina district. The points made in the case are entire y new in our legislative history. At the general election, 0 Cftinor, Democrat, was declared elected and received the certificate. Mackey, his Radical opponent, filed notice of contest. While the two were taking the testimony, O'Connor died. The Gov ernor ordered a special elected to fill the vacancy. Dibble received the Democratic nomination, but Mackey declined to make a second canvass for the seat, holding that, as O'Connor was not really elected, but that he (Mackev) was, there was no va- I cancy. Dibble was of course unaniomously elected, and received a certificate on the usual form. Mackey declining even to recognize the validity of the election so far as to give him notice of contest. When the House assembled in December, a mo tion was made that Dibbles stand aside, and that his certificate be referred to the committee on elections, together with the papers in the contest of Mackey against O’Connor. The House, however, seated Dibble in the prima facie evidence of the governor’s certifieats. Thereupon Dibble claimed that, having been seated without a contestant by a direct vote of the House, and that vote being followed by a motion to reconsider, which would require a unan imous vote of the House, or by being ex pelled, which would require a two-thirds vote. -In the consideration of this claim, search has been made for a precedent in the history cf congress and that of all our Stat e legislatures, but none has been found. Ihe committee will decide, however, against the claim of Dibble, and report that he must take O'Connor's place in the contest for the seat. The consideration of the report will bling out a fine legal fight in the House. Henry’s Carbolic Sa vie, The BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, .Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptions, Freckles and Pimples. The salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Be sure you get HENRY’S CARBOLIC SALVE, as all others are but imitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Dr. Green's Oxygcncrateil Bitter is the oldest and best reniedy'for Dyspep sia, Biliousness, Malaria, Indigestion, all disorders of the stomach, and all diseases indicating an impure condition of the Blood, Kidneys. Liver. Skin, etc. BORNO’S CATARRH SNUFF cures Ca tarrh and all affections of the mucous mem brane. DR. MOT’l’B LIVER PILLS are the bes Cathartic Regulators. 4-6-ly ’ A Coal-Stealing Editor. Milwaukee, Wrs, Feb. B.—A. E Vanderpool, of Bayview, a justice of the peace and editor of the Bayville paper, was arrested to day on a charge of stealing coal. Vanderpool was formerly a bright light in the Wisconsin Editorial Associa tion. > . ’ A My-lcrious Triple Murder. ■ Lawhmncevili.e, 111., Feb. 8. —A col ‘diOi raitn reached town yesterday after noon, breathless with fright and excite ment, and stated that he had found three dead bodies in the woods 7 miles above hero, near the bank of the Embarrass river. The bodies were decomposed and unrecog nizable. A posse of citizens immediately left for the place. Two Italians Killed" by Another. Denver, Feb. B.—The Tribune’s Georgetown special says that last night two Italians, Piter Chialero and Domingue Massey were severely injured by an explo sion of giant powder in a cook stove', placed there maliciously by another Italian, whom the sheriff is now in pursuit of. It was intended for Massey, but Chialero re ceived the most severe injuries, and both men will probably die. Fine Lnnch Will be set every day at the Arcade Sa loon from 10 to 2 o’clock. The choicest assortment of imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars constantly on hand. Pilsner Lager on draught. John McGee, 2-6-1 in Proprietor. EVERY MAN HIS OWN VENNOR. A. J. DeVoe, the weather prophet of Hackensack, N. J., says some time ago a gentleman of Chicago sent him this ques tion: ‘‘How can a peison foretell changes in the weather without the aid of the tele graph or scientific instruments?” to which he replies: Ist. When you see a bank of thin hazy clouds along the northwest, and it is clear over the rest of the heavens, then the wind will be from the southeast on the morrow, the temperature will rise, and it will rain in less than forty-eight hours. 2d. When there is a dark ring around the sun, there is a storm forming to the south of you; and on the morrow the windi will be from the northeast with snow. 3d. When the sky looks very black and the stars shine unusually bright, a storm will advance suddenly from the southeast, beginning with snow and followed by rain. If a person living in any section of our country can cite an instance when these rules did not operate as I have stated, I shall be pleased to hear from him. Rescued from Death. The following statement of William J. Coughlin, of Somerville, Mass., is so re markable that we beg to r»k for it the atten tion o! our readers. He says: ‘ln the fall of 1876 I was taken with a violent bleeding of the lungs, followed by a sivere cough. I soon began to lose my appetiie and flesh. I was so weak at one time that I could not leave my bed. In the summer of 1877 I was admitted to the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung as’big as a half dollar. I expended ever a hundred dollars in doctors and medi cines. I was so far gone at one time a re port went around that I was dead, I gave up hope, but a friend told me of DR. WM. HALL’S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I laughed at my friends, thinking that my case was incurable, but I got a bottle to satisfy them, when to my surprise and gratification, I commenced to feel better. My hope, once dead, began to revive, and to-day I feel in belter spirits than I have the past three years. •'1 write this hoping yon will publish it, so that every one afflicted with diseased lungs, will be induced to-take DR. WM. HALL’S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS, and be cocvincect that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. I have taken two bottles and can positively say that it has dono more good than all the other medicines I have taken since my sickness. My cough has almost entirely disappeared and I shall soon be able to go to work.” Sold by druggists. 4-6-lv For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, g Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Bron- g chitis,Whooping Cough, Incipient g : Consumption and for the relief of g consumptive persons in advanced I stages of the Disease. For Sale I \ by all Druggists.—Price, 25 cents. I 12-10-3 m This space will be occu pied by one of Atlanta's most enterprising Mer chants. - ■' - 53KDBSIIIL ® I THE GREAT. rat/ ERMMEMEBI RHBUBTKI, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera! Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs On as a safe, sure, simple and cheap Externa) H-medy A trial entails but the comparative!) t i a ing outlay of 50 C’euts, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of it?- • ’.aims. Directions in Eleven Languages. <nLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGBLiER & CO., Haltimore, Md., U. jan27-ly i iriirj j 12-l-ts UNDERTAKER No. 9 Ivy Street. 5,16t0j&.l PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATHiRMtre ,41 . V. B. YOUNG. C. EBWIX. YOUNG & ERWIN, ATTORNEYS and COUNSI I.kURS AT LAW Kouui 6, No. 48 Marietta I Ga. Will practice in all the Courts U»» State and the Supreme Court of the States. 1-17-1 m ' I O. H. B. AT TORN EV A ’ W, FORSYTH, GA. I Collections. Corporate si and Commercial Law.- 1-18-ts DR. F. F. T3.BER. HOMEOPATHIC PjH YSIC 1A N . Office, 82 Decatur Stre'rt, Atlanta. Ga, Chronic Diseases a specialist r t - DR. O. N. BRADBURY. PHYSICIAN AMylJfcHplON. Specialty—Diseases of W<£n«w.vnd Children Office hours 9to 12 a.m., Ito 5 p.m. Resi dence and Private Office, 781 uckie street. I- t . Established SSCO. A. ERGENSNGER, 12 E. HUNTER SA'IiEET. TTI’HOLSTERY IN Al£t?§> BRANCHES I Bedding and Mattresses of every descrip .ion; Water-proof oiled Calvas Goods; Tar paulins, etc; Tents and Awf ings of every de scription. . -oct29-2m REAL ESJ’ATE In the City ant Country. VACANT LOTS. HOUSE, AND FARMS. PROPERTY RENTED. ’> | R. H. KN AFP, Rea. Estate Agent, II- 10 East AIabIHBASt., Atlanta,Ga ELAM JOHNSON Headquarters FOII FLORIDA ORANGES, TENNESSEE PRODUCE, APPLES, FAMILY GROCERIES, GRAIN, FL(mR, Etc. N. Broad St Atlanta,Ga Eacitive Call for Bank Betas. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) STATE GP GEORGIA, > Atlanta, Ga., -jannary 7, 1882. ) Ordered, that every banking institution in thia State, and branch there-if, do make returns to the Governor, under of the several presidents and cashiers, ftfjLheir respective con ditions on the 31st day of December, 1881, and that such returns be transmitted to this depart ment within thirty days after this date. The several returns^iu st be in strict ac cordance with sections Iffjjj. 14G7 and 1468 of the Revised Code of Special atten tion is called to yefj uiring the -•riruy tbo v<Jr ju' vss a?nWmisrtuWßWWtne p»iblication of the same with the otUKr return s, copy of which publication must tie 1 urnished this office. Special attention is alfrn called to the fact that the oath of the officers must conform to the law, and state that thpir respective banks have not olated any obligation imposed by law, either by itself, its officers or agents. It is further I Ordered, That this order Ac published three times a week for two weeks. ALFRED H. COLQUITT, Governor. By the Governor: I. W. Avery. Secretary Executive Department. l-7-tu-w-fri-3w This space will be occu pied by one of Atlanta's most enterprising Mer chants. / Lodge Notices. I. O. O. F. —Ramen No. 55, meets Friday evenings. o’clock corner Whitehall and Ala bama streets. IL G. HUTCHISON, N, G. H. IL Jackson. R. 8. I. O. O. F.—Capital No. 60. meets Thursday evenings o’clock, corner Whitehall »nd Ala bama streets. J. E. CHAMBERS, N. G. L. C. Brri.Kß, K. 8. K. P.—Atlanta No. 20, meets every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock at K. H Hall, junction of Peachtree and Broad streets' C. L. MANGUM, 0.0 W. E. McAllistbb, K. of R. and 8. . I ♦ This space will be occu pied by one of Atlanta's most enterprising Mer chants. NEW CODE. To the People of Georgia. By authority of the general as sembly we have prepared a New, Revised and Annotated Code of the State, which em braces the Statutes up to and including the Acts of the Legislature of 1880-1, with refer ences to all the decisions of the Supreme Court up to this time. This work was officially examined by the Attorney General of the State, who made a most complimentary report in favor of the accuracy and thoroughness with which the work was executed, and upon his report the General Assembly directed the publication of the book. We have contracted with Messrs. Jas. P. Har rison & Co. proprietors of the Franklin Steam Printing House. Atlanta, Ga., for the publica tion of the work. They will be the publishers, and will have the exclusive sale and delivery of the book. In view of the integrity, energy and skill of the gentlemen composing this firm, together with their abundant facilities for doing first class work, we do not hesitate to say that, in our judgment, the people of Geotgi» will be furnished by them with a book which has never been surpassed for excellency of me chanical execution in the State. The printing and binding of the more recent volumes of the Georgia Reports is an evidence of the abil ity of Messrs. Harrison & Co. to do good work. The publication of the Code, which we have prepared, will be very exclusive, and we cannot afford to print a greater number of copies than can be-disposed of, and hence tjie edition will be limited accordingly. We therefore respectfully urge all persons who may desire a copy of the Code to forward their names, without delay, to Messrs. Jas. P. Harrison & Co., who will make up a list of sub scribers and supply them in regular order. The work of publication will begin at once, and be pressed to an early completion. No practicing lawyer in the State can trans act business without this Code; and with it, he has, in one book, the Statutes of the State, the Constitution and Rules of Practice, and what will be. in effect, a complete index to all the Georgia RePorts up to date, besides numerous references to other standard authorities upon subjects in the Code. GEO. N. LESTER,) W. B. HILL, /Compilers. C. ROWELL, ) As stated in the foregoing circular, we have contracted with Messrs. Lester, Hill and Row ell to publish a new Code of Georgia, recently compiled by them, and adopted by the Legis lature as its last session. It is our intention to begin the work without delay, and complete it as soon as possible. The cost of publication will be very great, and the number of copies to be published will be limited by the demand therefor. The first who come will be the first served. Uader our contract, we have the exclusive sale of the book. It will be sold only by subscription, and can be had only by orders directed to us. Every one who wants this invaluable book, should subscribe at once. Price, $lO per copy. Respectfully, JAS. P. HARRISON & CO.. Atlanta, Ga. November 14, 1881. 1-16-ts a/ ! " - xXXSiaKSKh tr J . If you want the best Saw for the lest mon ey, send for price list and circulars. oetl-am&t i. DR. HUTCHINSON’S SPECIFIC. The Unrivaled Restorative In all forms of Nervous Debility, Loss of Mem ory, Sleeplessness, Frightful Dreams, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Manhood, Premature Decay, and every kind of Weakness of Mind or Body, produced by Overwork, Anxiety. Early Indis cretions, Excesses, etc, NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Has received the endorsement of the highest medical author ity. Price reduced to $1 per package, six foi $5. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent by mail securely sealed, on receipt of price. Cure guaranteed or money refunded. Valuabh Circular sent free to all who write for it. A-l dress WILLIAM CLARKE & CO., oh'.nv IR2 Frank' - ' - st.. New York OPIUM M y B - M ' WOOLLEY At er api - r lanta, Ga. Reliable evidence , ffiven. and reference to cured CUH E. patients and physicians. Send for my Book on The Habit and its Cura Free. Office, 83X Whitehall street 6-12-t A. ZP. TZRIZPOZD Sign, Fresco and House Painter, 13 SOUTH BROAD STREET. —DEALER IN— Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Artists Material, Etc., sept4-tf R. C. BOSCHE & CO., SIGN PAINTERS, No- 6 WAIL STREET. Uader Kirab??? sept 2-4 mos New Livery, Feed and Sale Str’’? COR. HUNTER AND FORSYTH STREETS. Unsurpassed facilities and accommodations for boarder stock. And having disposed of my Hack Line have refitted and added to my livery pome ot H.e newest and latest styles of Buggies and Carriages, with polite and careful drivers. Z. £• T-A. sTjLo. - .’-4, 12-29-3 m Agent. McBRIDE & CO., Crockery and China Merchants, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. GATE CITi WATER FILTER. SETH THOMAS’ CLOCKS, BACCARAT CUT GLASS, SILVER-FLA TED WAI®, SALOON FIXTURES, CUTLERY. SHOW CASES. PEARL CUTLERY, HALL AND PARLOR LAMPS, ELECTRIC BRUSHES, FLORENTINE STATUARY, CHURNS, TUBS, BLUE DAISY DINNER SETS, FINE MIRRORS, FISH SETS, GAME SETS, WEDDING SETS. v . SETS, VASES, AT — McBRIDE'S CJIIIIN A I’A AC.. If you Buy Before you Get Mcßride’s Prices, you Vt ill Regret It. 11-26-ts WALL AND CEILING PAPERS We have added to our stock oueof the most hsn .. chaste and elegant selections of the above goods, ev. . c . sered to the public. All of the latest patterns, : : : Frescoes, French Velvets, and all of then.'. - t <'t goods, as well as a full asflortmer.t of the y. pers. Don’t fail to see our stock before you purchase DUCK & CO., 35 Broad Street. ALABASTIJTE I A naturial material for finishing walls and ceilings. Ready for use by .A'A n t water. Call and get a sample card of tints see vhy Alabastiwc Is t;, ri><: ' i somine. Every pacage guaranteed. We are sole agents for Atlanta. i'n j 55 cents a package and same amount does twice the work of Kalsomine. Georgia Yellow Ochre. We control the product of the Georgia Ochre works for the Southern States. It < r much finer, and is a brighter color than Rochelle Ochre. Prices equal to any other ma,. in the United States. Send for sample and price. DUCK & CO., 35 Broad Street jE.. We are headquarters for Lubricating Oils, as we receive them direct from producers on c : signment, with orders to sell at best prices we can get. We will ship in car lots from p<-i. 1 production, where freight is an object. Our special agency for these goods consists of V Virginia or Black Oil, Parafine. Golden Machine and Spindle Oil. We also deal in all kinds of Oils. DUCK & CO., 35 Broad Stn . PLATE GLASS AGENCY. Office DePAU’S AMERICAN PLATE GLASS WORKS, NEW ALBANY, IND., November 10,1880. MESSRS. DUCK A CO., Atlanta, Ga.: Dears Sirs: —Parties in your city are very desirous of having the Exclusive Agency of Plate Glass in your city. We prefer to have you handle it if you will take hold of it and push it. What say you ? If you will accept the agency, will sell no one else in your city but yourselves. Yours truly, N. P. DePAU, Cashier. -•••••• • • •••••••• .•..*. » : WINDOW GLASS. : All manufacturers say that we keep the best and largest assortment of any house i i this section of country. Our prices arc ery reasonable. VALENTINE’S and NOBLES & HOARE’S VARNISHES. We keep a full stock ot Valentine’s Varnishes at manufacturer’s price. Also Nobles & IE re a of London, England, for whom we are exclusive agents in this section. DUCK & CO., 35 Broad Street. We understand that parties are offering Green Seal White Lend in this market. ' snrh is pure or genuine except that made by Davis, Chambers A Co., of Pittsburg. Pa., and ; i we are SOLE AGENTS. ctt:" ——— - - ■ Nervous Weakness, Jss ’JT. ’> ’ ■ * Sensa of Tasfe 'nd Smell, N&uraWa, ■ s' dealings, Disgust.. o ..Joes, Xx''"' , ' x \ Weak Sight, Sore Throat, Coughs, 1 ” '’ ’ j Bronchitis, Asthma, and all Dis- r _^ \ i eases of Respiratory Organc, & A. • y ■ v Eureka Catarrh Cure, Ww / A SURE RELIEF AND A SPEEDY CURE z'S/AC .. '1 for Circulars, Terms, etc., to 3 Z J J. W. GURLEY, k. )., Atlanta 'kt. C ■ —' ■■ ■ __ LO 6 12 7m • .