The Atlanta post-appeal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 188?-188?, June 19, 1882, Image 3

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Atlanta Post-Office. \KBIVAL ANU DEPARTURE OF MAILS , ] _ | Mails i Mails Trains Aailroaas , Ma,ls. I Arrive. | Cl.-?e. Leave. W. & A...|W.& T. 8.30 p.m, 1.15p.m 2.40 pm W. & A... W.&T. 1.15p.m 8.00p.m 7.00 am W. A A... Th’ngh 4.30 a.m 8.00p.m 12.10 am Air-Line.. W. AT 12.05 ami 1.15 p.m 2.15 pm Air-Line. W. A T 1.45 p.m 8.00 p.m 5.00 *m A. &W. P't: W.A T. 1.45 p.m' 1.15p.m 2.20 pm A. &W. P’t W. &T. 3.30 a.m.! 8.00 p.m 12.50 am Central. ..:W.r. 12.50p.m; 1.150. m 2.15 pm Central...lTh’ngh 3.40 a-m 8.00p.m 12.20 am Georgia.. IW.&T. 5.40 p.m| 7.30 a.m 8.30 am Georgia . * W. AT. 500 a.m 8.00 p.m 8.30 pm *Way mail only to Greensboro, Madison, Social Circle, Conyers, and Covington. Douglasville, Daily (except Sunday)—Ar rives 3 p.m; closes 7 a.m. Den Hill and Sandtown—Arrives 5 p.m. Wed nesday and Saturday; closes 7 a.m. Wednesday and Saturday Sunday all mails close at 10 o’clock i.w. OFFICE HOURS. Mail Department 5 30 a-m. to 8.00 p.m .'toney O der Department.9.oo a.m. to 4.00 p.m Registry Department 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m General Delivery 7.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m Stump Department 7.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m BENJ. CONLEY,P M. Atlanta. Ga.. May 19,1882. Arrival and Departure* of Trains. 1. —Western and Atlantic—for Chattanooga— Mail and express leave 5:10 a.m., duly; arrive 1:15 p.m. Passenger, leave 8 a.m; arrive on freight schedule; mail and express, leave 2:40 p.m; arrive 8:30 p.m. Kingston accommodation, leave 5:10 p.m; arrive 10:05; nusenger, leave 12:05 a.m; arrive 4:40 a.m 2. Central, tor Macon and Savannah—Mail and express, leave2:ls p.m; arrive 12:50 p.m. Barnesville accommodation, leave 5 p.m; arrive 9 a.m; night accommodation, leave 12:20 a.m; arrive 3:40 a.m. 3. —Georgia Road, for Augusta—Mail and ex press, leave 8:30 a.m; arrive 5:45 p.m; nighs express, leave 8:45 p.m;arrive 0:40 a.m. Cov ington accommodation, leave 6:00 p.m; ar ri™3 8 a.m. 4—. .inta and West Point, for Columbus and Montgomery —Mail and express, leave 2 p.m: arrive 1:55 p.m; night mail express, leave 12:50 am; arrive 3:50 n.m. 6.—Richrm nd and Danville, for Charlotte— Mail and express, leave 2:40 p.m; arrive 1:40 p.m; mail and express, leave 5 a.m; arrive 11 a.m; ;im;l, leave 7:00 turn; arrive 12:05 a.m. Suwanee accommodation, leave 5 p.m; arrive 8:45 a in. The figures I, 2,3, 4 and 5 designate the tracks iu .heir order, numbering from the track nearest the waiting room. Atlanta, Ga., June 17, 1882. h’ORi’HBASIERN 11. h OF GEORGIA. Sdpsbjnt e> de vr’s Offiok. Athens. Ga., May 7. 1882. FAST MAIL TRAIN. On and after Monday, May 8, train? ou the Ndrthenstem R. R. will ran as follows: Trains. ’ ~~T 'N-J."sx"njfa7l7" Leave Athens . . .. | 6:35 a.m. I 2:50 p.m Arrive at Labi i 9:00 a.m. 5:22 p.m Arrive at l larksville... 10:35 a.m. | Arrive at Atlanta I 1:30 p.m I 12:50 a.m TRAINS. | NO. 51. | NO. 53. Leave Atlanta.. : 2:40 p.m. i 4:00 a.m Arrive at Lula i 5:35 p.m. 6:50 a.m Arare at Athena | 8:00 p.m. I 1:10 p.m All trains daily except Sunday. Trams make close connection with all East and West bound Passenger Trains on the Air-Line Railroad. H. R. BERNARD, Acting Bupt., Athens. W. J. HOUSTON, G. P - 'i' T AgenLAtlHotu Ilevisod Schedule. Increased Sex-vice. Reduced Rates. The Atlanta and Gainesville Accommodation Train “AIR-LINE BELLE." For the Summer of 1882. In effect May Ist, running daily, except Sunday, between Atlanta and Gainesville: lieava Gainesville ....6 25 a.m. Arrive at Atlanta 8 50 a.m. Ixjave Atlanta 5 00 p.m. Arrive at Gainesville 7 32 p.m. Stopping to put off and take on passengers at all points where there are station boards. Upon this train special Round Trip Tickets are •sold between Atlanta and all stations embraced in its schedule good for three days. Also, commuta tion School and Family Tickets at especially at tractive rates. Also, Round Trip Tickets between all said stations and Atlanta, good only for date of s .de and npon this train only. For all information call pn Ticket Agent Union Depot, all station agents between Atlanta and ti-ainesville, or the undersigned. A. POPE, Agent. JV. J - HOUSTON, A. G. P. Agent. 4-2-ts GEORGIA RAILROAD. Georgia, Railroad Co., Office General Manager Augcsta, Ga., June 3, 1882. Commencing Sunday 4th inst, the following passenger schedule will be operated: No. 2, East Daily.] [No. 1, West Dally.] Lv Atlanta..B:3o a.m Lv Augusta... 10:30 a.m Ar Athens. ..3:45 p.m “ Macon 7:10 a.m “ Wash’ton 2:55 p.m “ MiU’gville. .9 :05 a.m “ Camak.. 2:00 p.m “ Camak... .12:29 p.m “ Mill’gvi’c4:49 p.m “ Wash’ton. .11:20 a.m “ Macon... 6:45 p.m “ Athens 9:30 a.m “ Augusta. 8:55 p.m Ar Atlanta... .5:45 p.m Close connections to and from Washington on Sunday. COVINGTON ACCOMMODATION, [Daily except Sunday.] L’v Atlanta.. .6:00 p.m | L’»Covingtons:4o a.m Ar. Covington 8:20 p.m I Ar. Atlanta.. .8:00.a.m DECATUR ACCOMMODATION. [Daily Except Sundays.] L’v Atlanta. .12:20 p.m I L’v Decatur. .2:00 a.m Ar. Decatur... 1:00 p.m I Ar. Atlanta. .2:30 p.m [No. 4, East Daily.] [No. 3, West Daily] L’v Atlanta.. .8:45 p.m I L’v Augusta..B:so p,m Ar. Athens....Soo a.m I “ Athens.. .7:00 p.m “ Augusta... .6:30 a.m | Ar. Atlanta. ..6:40 a.m Trains No. 2,1, 4 and 3 will stop, if signalled at regularly schedule flag Station. Connects at Augusta for all points East and Northeast. John W. Green, £. R. Dorsey, General Manaper. Gen’l Pass. Ag RICHMOND AND DANVILLE R. R. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. art and after SUNDAY. May 21st, 1882, VJ Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line Division will be as fol lows: MAIL AND EXPRESS. MAIL. Eastward — No, 51. No. 53 Leave Atlanta. 2.40 pm.... 4:00 am Arrive Gainesville 5:04 pm.... 6:19 am “ Lula 5:35pm.... 6:soam “ Rabun Gap June. 6;14 pm.... 7:41 am “ Toccoa 6:55p,m.... B:l7am Seneca 8:16pm..., 9:26am ” Greenville 10:06pm...,11:03pm “ Spartanburg 11 ;40 pm.... 12:24 pm “ Gastonia. 2:06 am.... 2:50 pm “ Charlotte 8:15am.... 4:oopm MAIL AND KXPBXSB. MAIL. Westward —No. 50. No. 52. Leave Charlotte 1:00 am.... 12i50 pm Arrive Gastonia 2:02 am.... I:47cm “ Spartanburg 4:31am.... 4:o6pm “ Greenville 5:59am.... 5:29pm Seneca 7:43am.... 7:lopm ” Toocoa 9:18am.... B:39pm “ Rabun Gap June. • 10:00 am.... 9:17 pm “ Lulu 10:37 am.... 9:51 pm “ Gainesville 11:06 am... .10:24 pm “ Atlanta 1:30 pm... .12:50 am T. M. R. TALCUi f, General Manager. J. Y. SAGE, Superintendent. A. POPE General Passenger and Ticket Agent. 3-1-ts Z’AZAICIF TIME TABLES. I 5 CINCINNATI, NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS PACIFIC RAILWAY. . TIME I IDLE—IX EFFECT MAY 14, 1882. 1 j Cincinnati Southern Division. , Head JJou-nmu-d.\ Heed Upward. 'ja X I s’ ' 1 5Z . -g-.s:?. STATIONS. imh :z;- ' JgK < l i ; j * A.M. P.M. P.M. * P.M. A.M. j A.M. 5..45 4.. W; Lv. Cincinnati Ari 7..4010..25 7..00 11.28 6..4-5; 11..01>i u Georgetown Lvj 5..26 7..34 11.. 7..10i11..35l “ Lexington 5..05 7..05 4..05 1 12..26 7..40>12..05 “ Nicholasville “ 4..32 6..32 3..32 12.. 8..12;12..25! “ High Bridge “ 4..10 6..10-0..11 i 1..16 8..40j12,.55i “ Danville , “ 3..45 5..40 2..43 i 3..00; ■ 2..40} ‘‘Somerset ’ u i 2..10 ! 1..00 . 3..45i ! 3„0U! “ Pt. Burnside 1..52 12..40 3.. ; 6..10; “ Rockwood “-10..10 8..37 L 8-33: • G.. 4G 1 , ‘ 4 Spring City “I 9..3S 7..50 1 B,.3o|Ar.Chattanooga “j 7..40! G.. 00 ■ ' Alabjuna Grcftt Southern. 9.. a.m...Leave...Chattanooga...Arrive... 6..00 a.m. ' 12..55 “ ,k ...Atlanta Leave... 2..20 “ 310 “ “ ...Birmingham... “ ...11..50 u 5.. “ “ ...Tuscaloosa “ ... 9..10 “ 10..00 “ Arrive... Meridian “ ... 4..30 “ JOHN SCOTT, V. T. and Gen’l Man. Cin. Sou. Ry, Cincinnati, O. E. P. WILSON, G. F. and P. A. Cin. Sou. Rv, Cincinnati, O. H. COLLBRAN, G. P. A. Ala. Gt, Sou. Rv, Chattanooga, Tenn. X HARDY, ' <J. P. A. Va. A M. R. R„ Vicksburg, Miss. 1 JOS. F. McGUIRE, i G. P. A. Va., S. & P. R. R., Monroe, La. G-2-ts GEORGIA, PACIFIC BAILROAD. SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) Atlanta, May 13,1882. j On and after May 15th, the following schedule i will take effect between Atlanta and Douglassville: ; Tri-weekly---Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. > No. I—Leave Atlanta 7:30 a.m. Arrive Douglassville 9:55 a.m. ( No. 2—Leave Douglassville 4:25 p.m. Arrive Atlanta 7:00 p.m. Trainswill arrive and depart from the Georgia Pacific Railway Depot grounds in Atlanta. 5-15-ts I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent. WESTERN AND ATLANTIC BAIL ROAD— KENNESAW BOUTE. The following Time Card went into effect. Mav 14, 1882: NORTH BOUND. no. 3 WESTERN kxpress—Daily. Leave Atlanta 700 am : Arrive Marietta 747 am '• Cartersville .’ 8 54 am “ Kingston “ 9 20 am Dahon 10 53 am “ Chattanooga 12 30 am no. I—fast express—Daily. ; Leave Atlanta 2 40 pm . Arrive Marietta 3 27 pm >• “ Cartersville 429 pm “ Dalton G 22 pm “ Chattanooga 800 pm no. 11—limited express—Daily except. Saturdays Leave Atlanta 12 50 am Arrive Marietta 1 40 am “ Acworth 2 13 am . “ Cartersville 2 4G am “ Kingston 3 14 am Dalton 4 46 am Chattanooga 6 22 am local express—north—Daily except Sutdays. , Leave Atlanta .-5, 525 pm Arrive Bolton 5 43 pm Gilmore 5 49 pm “ Vinings 5 53 pm Melvor’s 5 5G pm “ Smyrna GO4 pm > “ Marietta 620 pm “ Big Shanty 641 pm - ‘‘ Acworth G 57 pm '• Allatoona 715 pm • “ Stegalls 727 pm 1 u Cartersville 739 pm 1 “ Rogers 748 pm ‘ Cass 7 53 pm 1 “ Kingston 8 07 pm - No. » carries Fullman Cars from Atlanta to . Louisville, Atlanta to Cincinnati, New Orleans to 1 Washington. t No. 11 carries Pullman Cars from Atlanta to Rockwood, which is open to receive passengers at ? the Union Depot at 9 p.m. 1 SOUTH BOUND. NO. 4—FAST EXPRESS. Leave Chattanooga 8 00 am Dalton 9 44 am “ Kingston 11 14 am “ Cartersville 11 41 am “ Marietta 12 46 pm Arrive Atlanta ; 1 40 pm EXPRESS. Leave Chattanooga... 255 pm “ Dalton 4 30 pm u Kingston 602 pm “ Cartersville G3l pm “ Marietta 747 pm , Arrive Atlanta 840 pm no. 12—limited express—Daily except Sunday. Leave Chattanooga 10 45 pm i Arrive Dalton 12 15 am “ Kingston 1 41 am ’ “ Cartersville 2 08 am “ Marietta 3 10 am “ Atlanta 3 58 am local express soutii—Daily except Sundays. Leave Kingston 7 00 am Arrive Cass 7 16 am ( “ Rogers 7 21 am “ Cartersville : 7 33 aim “ Stegalls 7 49 am , “ Allatoona 7 58 am . “ Acworth 8 15 am “ Big Shanty 8 35 am i “ Marietta 8 57 ani “ Ruffs j ‘ Smyrna 9 1.8 am 1 “ Mclvors 9 23 am . “ Vinings 9 27 am “ Gilmore 9 32 am 1 “ Belton 9 40 am f “ Atlanta .• 10 05 am No. 4 carries Pullman Cars from Cincinnati to 1 Atlanta, Washington to New Orleans. 1 No. 12 carries Pullman Cars from Louisville*to Atlanta, Rockwood to Atlanta. B. W. WRENN, Gen. Pass. Agt. R. A. ANDERSON, Superintendent. 6-3-tf' CINCINNATI SOUTHEBN BAILWAY' ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, APRIL 30, 1882, Trains will run as follows: J Trains Soutii. j STATIONS. £'a && 1 KW LEAVE. IBS. A.M. P.M. P.M. 1 CINCINNATI... (1) 845 4 00 840 1 Walton 17 930 452 926 1 Crittenden 25 951 509 940 3 Williamstown 35 10 15 53510 02 n Sadieville 54 10 58 0 16 10 42 Georgetown 67 11 28 6 44 11 09 LEX ING TON... (2) 79 11 55 7 10 11 35 Nicholasville 91 12 26 7 45 12 05 HIGH 8R1DGE....(3) 100 12 48 8 12 12 25 o HARRODSBURG JUNC... (4). 107 101 82812 38 o Danville 114 1 16 84512 53 DANVILLE JUNC...(S) 118 125 102 Somerset 158 3 00 2 25 Q Tateville 167 3 50 250 0 Greenwood 176 4 II 308 Cumberland Falls 180 > 5 Chitwood 201 5 10 a. m. 357 0 Glen Mary 223 603 Nols 443 „ ’Rockwood 265 7 40 7 00 6 08 “ Spring City 280 833 730 640 J Dayton 297 908 8 11 7 14 Boyce 330 10 20 9 35 8 15 f ARRIVE. CHATTANOOGA...(6) 335 10 35 9 45 8 30 Trains North. STATIONS. ]£? -! LEAVE. : ms. A. M. P. M. P. M. > CHATTANOOGA...(6) 6 00 5 00 7 60 1 Boyce I 5610510 7 10 - Dayton ; 38 714 630 819 Spring City 55 7 50 7 10 8 52 ’Rockwood 70 8 30 7 45 9 21 Glen Mary 112 10 26 110 55 Chitwood 134 11 17 11 45 1 Cumberland Fa 115..,.. 155 1 Greenwood 159 12 14 12 39 1 Tateville 168 12 34 12 58 1 Somerset 177 1 15 1 20 ! ’Norwood 183 1 31 1 37 . DANVILLE J UNC...(5) 217 246 245 . Danville 221 255 253 1 HARRODSBURGJUNC..J4). 228 3 08 3 07 3 HIGH 8R1DGE...(3) 235 3 20 320 3 Nicholasville 244 3 41 341 1 LEXINGTON... (2) 256 4 05 405 Georgetown 268 4 32 4 32 [ Sadieville 281 458 4,58 Williamstown 300 5 35 5 37 3 Crittenden 310 557 559 3 Walton 318 6 12 6 14 3 ARRIVE. a CINC T NNATI..,(I) 335 7 00 7 00 „ Where time is not given trains do not stop. ’Meal Stations. Q (1) Connects with all railroads centering at Cin- Q einnati, for the North, East and West. (2) Con o nects with L. C. &D. and K. C. roads. (3) Ken n tucky River Bridge. (4) Connects with 8. W. R. It. for Harrodsburg. (5) Connects with L. &O. 8. 11. R. (6) Connects with all diverging lines for all points in the South, Southeast and Southwest. Night Express and Accommodation run di;Jly; other trains daily except Sundays. 8. WObDWARD, Supt. E. P. WILSON, Geh’l Pass. Agt. 3-1-ts I EAILWAY TIME TABLES. CENTRAL AND SOUTHWESTERN R. B Savannah, Ga , February 18,1882. On and after SUNDAY, February 19tb, 1882 Passenger Trains on the Central SSouthwesterr Railroads and branches will run as follows : BEAD DOWN. ’ HEAL) DOWN No. 1. I’ROM SAVANNAH. No. 23. 920 am Lv... .Savannah.........Lv 780 pn> 4 45 pm Ar.... Augusta Ar 5 20 am 6 45 pm Ar.... Macon Ar 7 20 am 3 40 am Ar.... Atlaurta Ar 12 50 pni 3 00 am Ar ...Columbus Ar 1 40 pm 7 17 am Ar ...Eufaula Ar 2 40 pm 8 40 am Ar.... Albany Ar 1 03 pus Ar.... Milledgeville...... Ar 944 am Ar.... Eatonton Ar 11 30 art No. 13 _ FROM ACOUSTA. No. 15. 930 am Lv.... Augusta Lv 830 pn: 3 45 pm Ar.... Savannah Ar 7 15 an: 645 pm Ar.... Macon Ar 720 art 340 am Ar.... Atlanta Ar 12 50 pm 3 (X) am Ar ...Columbus Ar 1 40 pn: 7 07 am Ar... .Eufaula Ax 240 pm 8 40 am Ar.... Albany ....Ar 1 03 pm Ar... .Milledgeville Ar 9 44 am Ar.... Eatonton Ar 11 30 am No. 2. ruOM MACON. No. 4. 710 am Lv.... aiaeor. >Lv 735 pm 8 45 pm Ar .. .Savannah Ar 7 15 am 445 pm Ar... .Augusta. Ar 520 am 944 am Ar... .Milledgeville . Ar 11 30 am Ar... .Eatonton Ar 7 45 am Lv.... Macon Lv 8 30 pm 2 40 pm Ar....Eufaula Ar 7 17 am 1 03 pm Ar.... Albany Ar 8 40 am No. 3. FROM MACON. No. 13. 8 15 am Lv.... Macou. I.v 8 00 pm 1 40 pm Ar. ■ ■ .Colqmhua Ar 3 00 am No. 2 FROM macon. No. 4. 6 00 am Lv.... Macon Lv 8 15 pm 12 50 pm Ar.... Atlanta Ar 3 40 am _ No. 1. FROM ATLANTA. No. 3. 2 15 pm Lv.... Atlanta Lv 12 20 am 655 pm Ar.... Macon .Ar 630 am 717 am Ar... .Eufaula Ar 240 pm 840 am Ar.... Albany Ar 103 pm 330 am Ar.... Columbus Ar 140 pm Ar.... Eatonton Ar 11 30 am 520 am Ar... .Angusta Ar 445 pm 715 am Ar.... Savannah Ar 3,45 pm N<f, 4. FROM COLUMBUS. No. 14. 11 50 am Lv... .’Columbus Lv 12 00 am 510 pm Ar.... Macon Ar 645 am 340 am Ar... .Atlanta Ar 12 50 pm 7 17 am Ar....Eufaula Ar 2 40 pm 8 40 am Ar.... Albany Ar 1 03 pm Ar... .Milledgeville Ar 944 am Ar... .Eatonton.. .7 Ar 11 30 am 520 am Ar.... Augusta -.Ar 445 pm 715 am Ar... .Savannah ...Ar 345 pm No. 2, FROM EUFAULA. No. 6. 12 05 pm Lv... .Eufaula Lv 710 pm 428 pm Ar... .Albany Ar 840 am 7 10 pm Ar.... Macon Ar 6 00 an: 300 atn Ar.... Columbus Ar 140 pni 340 am Ar.... Atlanta Ar 12 50 pin 520 am Ar.... Augusta Ar 445 pm 715 am Ar.... Savannah Ar 345 pm No. 18. FROM ALBANY. No. 20, 10 25 am Lv....Albany Lv 1 46 pni 2 40 pm Ar. n. Eufaula .Ar 7 10 pm Ar....Mscon Ar 7 10 pm 300 pm Ar... .Columbus Ar 300 ana 340 am Ar... .Atlanta Ar 340 am Ar.... Mil!edgeville Ar Ar.... Eatonton Ar 520 am Ar... .Augusta Ar 5.20 am 7 15 am Ar. Ar 7 15 am No. 17. FROM EATONTON AND Mn.LEDGF.VI LLE. 2 15 pm Lv... .Eatonton 358 pm Lv.... Milledgeville 645 pm Ar.... Macon ... 300 am Ar... .Columbus 840 am Ar... .Albany 3 40 am Ar.... Atlanta 5 20 am Ar.... Augusta 7 15 am Ar... .Savannah Local Sleeping Cars on nil Night ; ruins be. tween Savannah and Augusta, and Savanna! and Atlanta. CONNECTIONS. Eufanla trains connect at Fort Valley foi Perry daily (except Sunday), and at Cuthberi for Fort Gaines daily, except Sunday. The Albany and Blakely train runs daily be tween Smithville and Albany, and daily (exoep' Sunday) between Albany and Blakely. The Albany Accommodation train runs dailj (except Monday) from Smithville to Albany and daily (except Sunday) from Albany t< Smithville. a At Savannah, with Florida and Western Railway, at Augusta, with all liner, fc North and East, at Atlanta with Air-Line and Kennesaw routes lo all points North, Bust and West. Pullman Sleeper from Augusta to Wr ailing, ton without change. Bertha in Sleeping Cars can be secured al SCHREINER’S, 127 Congress street. G. A. Whitehead, William Rooebb, Gen. Pass’r Ag’t. Gen. Sup’t, Savannah J. C. Shaw, W. F. Shellman, Gen. Trav. Ag’t. Sup’t B.W.R.R, Macon, Gn 3-1-ts PROrisSIONAL CARDS. _ DR.- J. P. HUNTLEY, DENTIST, PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA. 6-3-6 m MECHANICAL liNGINEER A DRAUGHTBMAN T. F. WYNNE, MECHANICAL ENGINEER AND DRAUGHTSMAN Plans, Estimates and Details of Mills, Machiner; and Buildings furnished on short notice and reas enable terms. Drawings for the Patent Olliee : specialty. Address 6-3-3 m ;r. F. WYNNE, Atlanta, Ga. — ATTOKNEYH AT LAW. JAMES A. GRAY, ATTORNEY AND COUNS ELLO It, NO. WHITEHALL STREET. ~ , 6-8-1 m SAM B. BPENCHR. .TNO. O. COLDWELL SPENCEB & COLDWELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Prompt attention to all business. Office: 16} Whitehall street; G-8-lrn LOUIS W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: Rooms 3 and 4 over Atlanta Nationa Bank, Alabama-street, Atlanta, Ga. Will practic in all State and Federal Courts. -l-24-3m O. H. B. BLOODWORTH ATTORNEY AT LA AV, FORSYTH, GA. Corporation and Cornmercia Law. _ 1-18-ts PHYSICIANS. DR. F. F. TABER. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Office, 82 Decatur Street, Atlanta, Gs Chronic Diseases a snecialtv. 11-26-ts B li O W TN ’ S. NATIONAL HOTEL NEARLY OPPOSITB PASSENGER DEPOT, - - - - Grcoi’fyia. RATES .... $2.00 PER DAY E. E. BROWN & SON, Proprietors. fi-ii-tf ________ Lodge Notices. I. O. O. F.—Barnes No. 55, meet", Frida; evenings, 7X o’clock corner Whitehall and Ala bama streeta. H. G. HUTCHISON, N, G. H. H. Jackson. R. S. I. O. O. F.—C uital No. 60, meets Thuxsda; evenings 7% o'c' ck, corner Whitehall and Ala bama streets. J. E. CHAMBERS, N. G. L. 0. Butler, R. 8. K. P.—Atlanta No. 20, meets every Tuosda; evening, at 8 o'clock at K. P. Hall, junctioi of Peachtree and Broad streets. C. L. MANGUM, C. C. W. E. MoAi listeb, K. of li. and 8 AN IMPORTANT EVENT. The Coming Transit of Venus from a Scientific Standpoint. ; Providence Journal. The great importance of the coming transit of the 6th of December, in the estimate of the men of science, may be seen in the preparations now being made for its observation. Forty expe ditions to witness it arc already pro jected, and the number will be largely increased by those of the United States, Italy, and Austria, which have not yet been announced. The French Govern ment will send eight expeditions to the following points: Four in north latitude and four in south latitude. Inthe north the- stations chosen are the coast of Florida, under the charge of Col. Per rier; Cuba, under M. d’Abbadle; the coast of Ttfexico, under M. Bouquet de laGrye; Martinique, An island of the French. Antilles, under M. In the south the stations chosen are Santiago, in Chili, under M. Leclerc; Santa Cruz, a river of Patagonia, under M. Fleurials; Rio Negro, the northern boundary of Patagonia, under Al. Per rotin, and Port Desire or Chnbutt, also in Patagonia, under Al. Hatt. The members of all the expeditions are now preparing for their work at the observa tory in Paris, wheft?, by means -of a model Venus and a model sun, they are practicing on imaginary transits, in hopes of being able to observe with scientific accuracy the passage of the real Venus over the real sun in Decem ber. They will start, for their destina tions in tlie month of July, and spend the intervening time after' their arrival in diligent, preparation for the event. The object of this great expenditure of time, labor, money and-brains is the hope that the observers may determine with an accuracy never before attained, the earth’s distance from the sun. For this is the unit of celestial measure ment, and as long as the doubt concern ing its accuracy exists, so long there is doubt in the estimate of celestial dis tances. But a cloudy day will render mouths of unremitting labor of no avail. It is estimated that the weather at hall’ the stations will be unfavorable, but a great deal may be learned from the ob servations made at theotherhnlf, where the favorable conditions prevail, accord ing to the law of average::. > Thu four Southern stations of the French expedi tion are in the south tempejate zone, and the 6th of December will he near their summer solstice, like the 6th of June at the north. The localities favor ed with a clear sky on this meridian at the time of the transit, will be specially fortunate, for the short winter days are not hopeful in their conditions. A transit of Venus is not. a glorious phe nomenon like a total solar eclipse. It is simply the passage of a round black ball over the sun’s bright lace. But it is visible all over our western world, and no human eye that nqw looks up ward to the stars will ever again behold its recurrence. It is the lasi, chance for trying this method of estimating the sun’s distance until the year 2004. IT id JX i, iq V’ S FUKNITUBE FAUIO.RY 331 DECATUR STREET I.UmNITUBE DEALERS AND < THERB Dl< I. SIRING uuytliiug in my line will do well to call ut my new Furniture Maiiufaeb.i'y, examine my Goods and get my Prices. I an: prepared to till orders at, short notice for Parlor, Diuing Room, Chamber, Kitchen, also, Office and Store Furni ture. Special attention given to t-lio inpni>Cuctore of Cano, Rattan 1 Veranda th'ders solicited frvhi JLo ,JiLpighout the country. Address UJnLEY. 6-7-2ni 331 Decatur street, Aflanta, Ga. — ——— iFstablislied ISGO and 1882. | A. ERGENZINGER. (UPHOLSTERY A/ A' . ' IN Al ( ITS lIIIISCUTIS. I- A. • ■ Bedding and Mattresses ip-:. Tents and Awnings. Go-rls Cost More Than li r,, P rsf laiitulUm. ... 1$ FAST HUNTER STREET. oct29-tf fPARKER'S HAlHmsml The Best, Cleanest and B B most Economical Hair K S Dosing. I Nsvei rails io Restore p the youthful color to grey g s * * oc n (1 " 1 2 i: I '' l '' H Fiorcston Cologne. | a '''Z A ne,v fra- g B grant and h.-ting perfume. ■ PricF 25 and-’is'-. PAMKERIS GINGERTONIC fl Pure Family Medicine that Never Intoxicates. If you are a-mechanic or farmer, worn out with ! overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try Parker’s Gingkr Tonic. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use Parker’s Ginger Tonic. If you have Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaints,‘or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs. stomach. boweis, blood or nerves you can be cured by Parker’s Ginger Tonic. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakness and i eeptire a stimulant take Ginger. Tonic at once; it will invigorate and build you up from tiie first dose but will never intoxicate. It .has saved hundreds of lives it may save yours. M HISCOX & CO.. Ifi3 William St.. Yurk. and M 6U2 dollar sizes, at all dealer* in meiuiine.-. | GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. pty. 3icanY?oriabfe' i!r,g:r.9s,."vil FOR CIUCUBAR SAW' MILLS?i| ; /.Fra pMhs'TZ Swr’’ Coak . -Arfdfc'ss.. Tayfor Manf’g Ct>|| ‘ MB. . ’ Native Mineral Water. THE CELEBRATED I? OCI£I3 1< 11> Gt 1C VA. ALUM W.Vl’Eli. Bottled from the Springs in its Natural State. No Artificial Gases or Salt. C U RE S DYSPEPSIA, - INDIGESTION, TORPID LIVER, CHRONIC DIARRHOEA, I) YSENTERY, SCROF ULA, CHRONIC SKIN DISEASES, Etc. It is an active Alterative Tonic, and is Anti- Malarial in its effects. Read certifieatos from eminent-Physicians In oiir I’ainphlets. Price per half gallon bottle, 60c. For sale by prominent Druggist >4. R a day nt home easily I £ made. Costly outfit free. Address Tbuk & Co., Augusta, Me. 12-20-wly THRESHER MEN AND SAW MILL MEN! IN stoke and for sale One 15 IT !" c-power Engine, on wheels. One 10 Horse-power Engine, on wheels. Two 6 H<( -power Engines, on wheels. Five 4 Engines, on wheels. Four 3 Horse-power Engines, on wheels. Two 2 Horse-power Engine’, on sills. SEPAIWrOHS. Eight 24 inch Separators, on 4 wheels; six 24 inch Separators, on 2 wheels; one 22 inch Separators, on 4 wheels; four 24 inch Separators, on 4 wheels, with stocks; one 28 inch Separator, on 4 wheels, with stocks; two liege’s Saw Mills; three Corn Mills,. 22, 24 and 28 inch stones; Belting, Circular Saws, solid and chisel Tooth, Etc., Etc. Give me a call before von purchase, and send for Price List to .J. 11. 'AJNDEHSON, 5-l!)-eod-lni <>!> Broad. Street, Atlanta, Ga. Ose Lawrence & Martin’s ‘"“““"SH For COUGHS. COLDS SORE THROAT BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, PNEU MONIA CONSUMPTION, Diseases of THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS. USB SB Has alwavs been one of the most important y 0 I WB Bl fi IL T |S weapons wielded by the MEDICAL FACULTY Bg Ba 0 bw fej Bal* R sei g I againsttheencroaelimentsof COUGHS,COLDS, BtfO&nW’lHliiß yg S ULO BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, SORE THROAT, CONSUMPTION in its Incipient and advanced stages, and all diseases ol the THKOAT.CHEST and LUNGS, but jt has never been so advantageously compounded as in the TOLU, KOCK ami RYE. Its soothing Balsamic properties afford a diffusive stimulant and tonic to build tin the system alter the cough lias been relieved. Quart size bottles, Price SI.OO. A 9 3 B E45 T Do not be deceived by dealers who try to palm off Kock and Kye VMM 3 g O tri ! in place of our TOLU, ROCK AND RYE, which is the ONLY MEDICATED article—the genuine has a Private Die Proprietary Stamp on each bottle, which permits It to be Sold by Druggists, Grocers and Beaters Everywhere, es> WITHOUT SPECIAL TAX OR LICENSE. Ths TOLU, ROCK AND RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 River St, Chicago, 111. LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMAR, Atlanta, Geoi'gia. 4-l-6m THE EXCELSIOR STOVE HOUSE. ■ . A* y v % A zn ife . ■ y ■ • FNifiy '. K xW 1 Ow V7R y o•- vs) xEy A? We have beyond doubt the Largest Assortment of STOVES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, STEAM and GAS FITTINGS and FIXTURES, BATH RUBBER HOSE. HOSE KEELS, LAWN SPRINKLERS, BABY CARRIAGES, REFRIGERATORS. WATERCOOLERS, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. SLATE and MAHBLEIZED IRON MANTELS and GRATES— aII at the lowest CASH PRICES. Call, gamine and be convinced. Marblcized Iron Mantles and Grates a Specialty. PRICES GUARANTEED. AGENTS FOR THE .Adams <&; Westlake Oil Stove. The only Stove Awarded a Premium at our Grate International Cotton Exposition. Knowles’ Steam Pump, Mack’s Patent Injector. HUNNICUTT & BELLINGRATH, 36 and 38 Peachtree Street, Corner Walton, Atlanta 4-15-3 tn w NEW CODE. To the People of Georgia. By authority of the general as sembly we have prepared a New, Revised and Annotated Code of the State, which em braces the Statutes up to and including the Acts of the Legislature of 1880-1, with refer ences to all the decisions of the Supreme Court up to this time. This work was officially examined by the Attorney-General of the State, who made a most complimentary report in favor of the accuracy and thoroughness with which the work was executed/ and upon his report the General Assembly directed the publication of the book. We have contracted with Messrs. Jas. P. Har rison & Co. proprietors of the Franklin Steam Printing Mouse. Atlanta, Ga.. for the publica tion of the work. They will be the publishers, and will have the exclusive sale and delivery of the book. In view of the integrity, energy and skill of the gentlemen composing this firm, together with their abundant facilities for doing first class work, we do not hesitate to say that, in our judgment, the people of Geotgb will be furnished by them with a book which has never been surpassed for excellency of me chanical execution in the State. The printing and binding of the more recent volumes of the Georgia Reports is an evidence of the abil ity of Messrs. Harrison A Co. to do good work, the publication of the Code, which we have prepared, will be very exclusive, and we cannot afford to print' ii greateMiumber of copies than can be disposed of, and hence the edition will be limited accordingly. We therefore respectfully urge all persona who may desire a copy of the Code to forward their names, without delay, to Messrs. Jas. P. Harrison & Co., who will make up a list of sub scribers and supply them in regular order. The work of publication will begin at once, and be pressed to an early completion. No practicing lawyer in the State can trans act business without this Code; and with it. he has, in one book, the Statutes of the State, the Constitution and Rules of Practice, and what will be, in effect, a complete index to all the Georgia Reports up to date, besides numerous references to other standard authorities upon subjects in the Code. GEO. N. LESTER,) W. B. HILL, > Compilers, C. ROWELL, ) As stated in the foregoing circular, we have contracted with Messrs. Lester, Hill and Row ell to publish a new Code of Georgia, recently compiled by them, and adopted by the Legis lature as its last session. It is our intention to begin the work without delay, and complete it as soon as possible. The cost of publication will be very great, and the number of copies to be published will be limited by the demand therefor. The first who come will be the first served. Under our contract, we have the exclusive sale of the book. It will bo sold only by subscription, and can be had only by orders directed to us. Every one who wants this invaluable book, should subscribe at once. Price, $lO per copy. Respectfully, JAS. P. HARRISON A CO.. Atlanta, Ga. November 14,1881. 1-IG-tf BUSINESS tTVS UNIVERSITY, ATLANTA. GA , ’ ur.E an app!k jan4-ly NERVOUS DEBILITY. A CURE GUARANTEED. ba. E. C. West’s Nerve and Brain Treat ment: A specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul sions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of Meinorv, Spermatorrhoea, Impotency, Involun tary Emissions, Premature Old Age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month’s treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, ac companied with five dollars, we will send the pur chaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guaran tees issued only by Lamar, Rankin A Lamar, Druggists, Atlanta and Macon, Ga. Orders by mail at regular price. 4-17d&w-ly I' fA !' ■ i '- A 27 Stops. 10 Seis Read--. T Renttv* BEETHOVEN Oirnurmt.-- ;?* j X OoldenTongue Pceds. bT ops, V . t Case. 5 Octavo*,Metal Foot Pintvc.l 'rrJp-M G. i;,)-.-. .J.-,- Springs, Ump Stands, l’ork««, lot Pan- y;i: ; Kollers for moving, Beattvs Pau nt S'hn a v :- , NEW AN» NOV EL REFT Uh ; EWiniOUS NECX’ESP. Nr.Jr.-..v.r ,<(• :. demand increasing. Factory vorkhrr B' . I by 320 Edison’s Electric Li; his at N> !o f. • ... Cr.jh here. St oU. BookTfly wGV Ifpflrr ■inetr<t>- , 9 V ■ '•</ J - 'll j'ftinii-ttrclT.iitth :,tr IV''.'- i? - C . i <'«?•/* nivl cxiunlro t !ie r -ieMKHT.; J. • v.* f. BiuvUy or Chri4<». her ft. I’ciin, n. p-■ ‘ <i I . n (fare, exenrsMti wdy r leave ’■ . n , 6.30 p. m. arriving in n. V. rtf j . »;»■/• routes front Chicuim, Birin.;<> •••♦, Phu. . “Beatty’sExcursionr«»(rte< r.i.iiot,. -i expenses if you b<••>«:» •.>* > j. . . Free t’tiaeh poPu* ;:ft ? • j.f >, .. -. • . OtherOjyansi :• I Beaut I hil llludmled Gituhifae JYi'e. „ DANIEL I'. EEATTY, VZaslih:; toil, New J< ;5 0 .7 CARD. C. K. MADDOX, WITH— I. Y. SAWTELL & SON. Heal Estate.: Wild Land and Mining Agents. WE HAVE FOR SALE CENTRAL RESI DENCES, Central Vacant Lots, Suburban Homes, Suburban Vacant Property, and Business Houses and Lots in Atlanta; also, Dairy, Fruit ami Vegetable Farms; Edgewood, Kirkwood and Decatur Property; Mill and Manufacturing Sites, Water Powers, Tan Yards,-Farms, Timbered Lands, Gold Mines, Etc., Etc. Send for our advertised list. 5-15-3 tn REAL ESTATE Zn the City and Country. VACANT LOTS. HOUSES AND FARMS. PROPERTY RENTED. R. H. KNAPP. Real Estate Agent, 11-26-ts 10 East Alabama St., Atlanta, Ga. ANTED- TO PURCHASE A Vacant Lot in a good portion of the City, containing one or more acres. Will pay cash. COOK A WILLIAMS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Go South Broad Street. • WANTED -TO BUI’ SEVERAL Acres of Good Land immediately outside of the City Limits. COOK & WILLIAMS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, 65 South Broad Street. 3-14-1 j r The American Popular Dictionary, SI.OO This useful and ele* • volume is a com* : <?1 i* ! cte Library and K’icy c1 o paedia, as i " - wr!l M the best Die- • *•» -•"rid. ■MESST ■ Illy bound In HmKji T aid gilt. 1T CON. T .IN.3LV! RY WORD Jj Tin: ENGLISH LAN. ' «.r..r,;-. with its trua - • ih.-.ii:.’::". derivation, ■ •.j. 'K' -A 'M-eHingand pronoun- WjfeUiiKWilH 'IA- ’;A.'?X--z i 4L? > /\ ,, bv<lon and a vast ai.i< i:nt of absolutely ’l cc ■■ nrv Information 1 ' .- x up • i nee, MythoL ffiw'hi®' 'w rTt'JU■•?'•.' "-' t Hl trrnphy, Am- KFW.itr, History, Laws. K. **’•' ’ b?lns< a perfect Library <>f reference. Dictionary - ■ ” 'h'-t-J and tha L - . -■’V American Pop- r r > ular dictionary '. costson’y S|. “worth ton ti ohm the money.” N.Y. Alias. “We bavo never seen its eci’.u.l ’ • rln price, finish ;r con tents.”—Th-? Advocate. *•>. - t .• i ic*-. J>t< tionary undlibrary of reference”—l.c-H.' s i . « N. Y. Ono copy of the American Popular Di if>i,-..ry (l!l,r;triited), the great est and best book over puhlulici'. po«t paid to any address on receipt of $J „ ®S*Entircsi:i: -icti a guarHntwed. Two copies postpaid s2 w Order a : onco. This offer is good for 60 da.ys<mly. und will u v.-i be made again. Bix copies fnr Five- Dell ars* Get.-., ci* y.ur friends to eend with you ai(d. you got your c . book ft est. World Maaulaot'oriat; Co., 120 Hassan £*., New York. Our readers ivill find this wonderful book the cheap est Dictionary The information it contains is worth many times the amount asked for it, and it should be in the possession of everybody. With this book in the library for refer ence, many other much more ex pensive works can be dispensed with, anti ignorance of his country, history, business, laws, etc,, is inexcusable in any mam Note the price, sl, post-paid. M. CARGILE, UNDERTAKER No. 9 Ivy Street. 5,16tqja.1 MENDELSSOHII 17 60S- pianos SBSO Square Grand Piano for Only $245. PIANO STYLE 31-2 gantly finished. 8 strings, 7 1-3 Octnves, full pat ent cantante agraffes, our new patent overstrung scale, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy serpen tine and large fancy moulding, full iron frame, French Grand Action, Grand Hammers, in fact, every improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the instrument, lias been added. >' Our price for this instrument, boxed and delivered on board cars at New York, with flue Piano (over. Stool and Book, only CO4.K Reduced from our late wholesale sac- T**• tory price, $295. for 00 days only, to have this beautil'nl Piano introduced. This is now, by far, the greatest bargain ever ottered the musical pub lic. Unprecedented success! Tremendous demand for tills style! Order at once. This Piano will be sent on 15 days test trial. Please send reference if you do not send money with order. Cash sent with order will be re funded and freight charges paid by us both ways if Piano is not Just as represented. Several other special Bargains: Pianos. SIOO np. Over 15,000 in use, and not one dissatisfied purchaser. Hand some Illustrated Catalogue, mailed free, giving the highest testimonials ever awarded any manufactu rer. Every Piano fully warranted for five years. SHEET ‘MUSIC % ‘price. Catalogue of 3,000 choice pieces sent for 3c stamp. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., 5-20-diwoowly Box 2058, N. Y. ( Eufnhl I ah »d Forßooir,waliHana Celungßiiiplaceofpiaster Bam ulee and catalogue mailed free. W. H. FAY.Camden.N.j