Atlanta tri-weekly journal. (Atlanta, GA.) 1920-19??, April 20, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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2 Adjusted —To Positions Llil —To Temperature fflll . '/Il -rTo Isochronism Jj W UIiHOW Ln 1 SASO M Jn Month I r —l6 Site Thin Model —25 Year Gold Caao —Double Roller , w®/ -Solid Gold Settings -Send No Money! Ask For It On Approval You don’t risk a cent. If you send your name and address now (postal will do), we will place this superb 19 Jewel in your own hands for free examination. You will then know that it is the kind of a Watch you want—a real Watch of Railroad quality. Now is the time to own one at our Special low price and easy terms, and to prove all we say, we will send it on 30 Days Free Trial You take absolutely no chances. Our Special Price is rock-bottom. We guarantee to refund your money if you can beat it for spot cash. Our 20 years ex perience and large volume of business ena bles us to make this remarkable offer to wage earners everywhere and throw in our easy terms for good measure. But this Special Offer Will not last always. The price may go up. The factory guarantees it will not go down. So write today for our FK9FF Catalog and full infor ■ mation on this Big Special Offer. Remember, we sell all kinds of Watches and Diamonds on easy payments but It you want this suporb 19 Jewel at this month’s bargain pries, act now. Harris-Goar Co. 13 kansascih,mo. a wo Do Ao Wo Advertise “16799 DIED in New York City alone from kid ney trouble last year. Don’t allow yourself to become a victim by neglecting pains and aches. Guard against trouble by taking GOLD MEDAL The world’s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Holland’s national remedy since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation RHEUMATISM RECIPE I will gladly send any Rheumatism suf ferer a Simple Herb Recipe Absolutely Free that Completely Cured me of a terrible at tack of muscular and inflammatory Rheu matism of long standing after everything else I tried had failed me. I have given it to many sufferers who believed their cases hopeless, yet they found relief from their suffering by taking these simple herbs. It also relieves Sciatica promptly as well as Neuralgia, and is a wonderful blood puri fier. You are also welcome to this Herb Recipe if you will send for it at once. I believe you will consider it a God Send after you have put it to the test. There is nothing injurious contained in it, and you can see for yourself exactly what you are taking. I will gladly send this Recipe— absolutely free—to any sufferer who will send name and address plainly written. W. G, SUTTON, 2650 Magnolia Ave. Los Angeles, California. (Advt.) GETTING GRAY?"I It’s no longer necessary to use hair dyes to bring your gray hairs back to natural color and we intend to prove it to thousands in every part of the United States at our risk, nothing to pay unless Kolor-Bak brings your gray hairs back to their original color, no matter what th e color was. Not a dye or stain—not greasy, mussy or muddy, abso lutely stainless, colorless and guaranteed harmless and that is more than can be said of any hair dye. Guaranteed to cure dan druff in two applications, stop falling hair and it’s the simplest treatment in the world. The discovery was made that gray hair, dan druff and falling hair are produced by the same cause, inert follicles and pigments. Results come astonishingly quick. Write Hygienic Laboratories, 3334-3338 West 38th street, Dept. 466-A, Chicago, for free book which explains everything and gives positive proof.—(Advt.) FITS! •‘Let those that don’t believe write me,” nays G. A. Duckworth, Norwood, Ga., telling what Dr. Grant's Treatment for Epilepsy, Fits and Falling Sickness did for his son. Used for over 20 years with great success. Many who had given up all hope say Dr. Grant’s Treatment cured them. Scores of .imilar letters from all parts of the country, $2.00 FREE bottle »f this wonderful treatment sent to every man, woman and child suffering from this terrible affliction. Write at once, giving tge, how long afflicted, full name and ex press office. Send today. DR. F. E. GRANT CO., Dept. 308 Kansas City, Mo. \ Money back without question \ 1 if HUNT’S Salve fails in the 11 treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTER or /*■ jf py other itching skin diseases, I AJ J A Try a 25 cent box at our ** risk. AU druggists. ■ ai BWnSWTOg A new Illustrated book in 42 chapters. Tells the provocation that led up to the most daring gun fight WP ou record, where they shoot the Judge, Sheriff, State’s attorney, 3 Jurors, and 8 others tn the Hillsville A— Court Boom. All crimes have a woman back of it -j and BOYS. this one is __-jr—ig- worth reading. Large bound n >ok in plain wrapper for TEN CENTS. ROYAL BOOK CO.. Dept. 66 S. Norwalk, Conn. Draws Like Hot Flax-Seed Poultice REAIS STUBBORN OLD SOBES EBOM BOTTOM UF. Just like a hot flaxseed poultice, Allen « Ulcerine Salve draws out poisons and germ* from boils, sores and wounds and heals them from the bottom up. It heals in one-tniro time that common salvts and liniments take. Allen’s Ulcerine Salve is one of the oldest remedies in America, and since 186 V has been known as the only salve powerful enough to reach chronic ulcers and old sores of long standing. Because it draws out the poisons and heals from the bottom up it seldom leaves a scar, and relief is usually perma nent By mail 65c. Book free. J. P. Allen Medicine Co., Dept. 82, St. Paul, Minn. Ira Davis, Avery. Tex., writes: “1 bad .i rbronlc sore on my foot for years and doctors said it would never heal without scraping the bone. One box of Allen's Ulcerine Salvr drew out pieces of bine and lots of pus, and it up permanently.”—(Advt.) THE ATLANTA TRI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. $50,000 Knitting Mill For Coweta County MORELAND, Ga., April 17.—A $50,000 company has been formed at Moreland for knitting ladies’ hosiery. The machinery is now being installed and operations will begin about May 15, 1920. Electric power will be furnished by the Columbus Power company. W. F. Hetrick, of Marietta, Ga.. has been elected vice president and general manager, E. M. Camp, president, and D. C. Owen, secretary and treasury. HAD NERVOUS BREAKDOWN But Health Restored to Tex as Lady, Who Is Now Well and Strong—Able to Do All Her Housework and More Rosebud, Texas.—-Mrs. Annie Lange, of R. F. D. No. 4, this place, writes as follows regarding her experience with Cardui: “Some time ago I had a nervous break-down of some kind. ... I was very weak, and so nerv ous. It all seemed to come from . . . trouble, for at ... I had faint ing spells and suffered a great deal, but more from the weak, tremblv. no-account feeling than anything else. I knew I needed a tonic, and needed It badly. “I began the use of Cardui, to see if I couldn’t get some strength, as I knew of other cases that had been helped by its use. I felt better . . . I soon saw a great improvement, so kept it up. “I used seven bottles of Cardui, and can say the money was well spent, for I grew well and strong. Now able to do all my house work and a great deal of work besides." If you are run-down, weak, nerv ous, and suffer from the ailments peculiar to women, it Is very likely thr.t Cardui will help you, in the way it has helped thousands of others, during the past 40 years. Take Cardui, the woman’s tonic. - (Advt.) Uric Acid Treatment 75c Bottle (32 doses)FREE Just because you start the day worried and tired, with aching head, burning and bearing down pains in the back— worn out before the day begins—do not think you have to stay in that condition. Be strong and well. Get rid of the pains, stiff joints, sore muscles, rheumatic suffering, aching back or kidney trouble caused by Acids. Get more sleep. If your rest Is broken half a dozen times a night, you will appreciate the comfort and strength this treatment gives. Rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles, and all other ailments due to excessive acid, no matter how chronic or stubborn, yield to The Williams Treatment. Send this notice and 10 cents to pay part cost of postage, packing, etc., to The Dr. D. A. Williams Co., S 1103 P. O. Bldg., East Hampton, Conn. You will receive a 75c bottle (32 doses) free, by parcel post. No further obligation on your part. Only one free bottle to any family or address.—(Advt.) HELPED HER LITTLE GIRL Children need all their strength for growing. A lingering cold weakens them so that the system is opeii to attack by more serious sickness. Mrs. Amanda Flint, Route 4, New Phila delphia, 0., writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar cured my little girl of the worst tickling cough. I had tried many things and found nothing to help until I got Foley’s Honey and Tar.” Gives immediate relief from distressing, racking, tearing coughs; soothes and heals. Good for colds, croup and whooping coughs. Sold everywhere.—(Advt.) YOUR HEART a Try Dr. Kinsman’s Heart Tablet* In use 25 years. 1000 References Feraisbel SI.OO per box at druggists. Tria treatment mailed free. Address Dr. F. G. Kinsman, Box 865, Augusta, Maine ZS Guaranteed Treatment tor PELLAGRA Can Pellagra Be Cured?— Our experience in treating over 10,000 cases of Pellagra convinces us that it can be cured, and we show our faith in our treat ment by giving each patient the following iron-clad guarantee: Guarantee We guarantee that the treatment will not cost you more than THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS (535.00). If you are not permanently re lieved of Pellagra to your own satisfaction after taking the Dr. W. J. McCrary Home Treatment for Pellagra for six continuous months, we guarantee that all money you have paid us, with eight per cent, interest, will be returned to you promptly. The Dr. W. J. McCrary Home Treatment for Pellagra has proven to be a complete and permanently efficient treatment for Pellagra in the great majority of cases treated. If you have any symptoms of the return of Pellagra within one year from date of last treatment, we agree to treat you free of any additional charge. treatment is Successful — The treatment is taken in the privacy of the . ome and has proven wonderfully successful in restoring to health those as -1 icted with Pellagra. If it was not giving satisfaction this company could not con- Jnue in business under the liberal guarantee given each patient. The cost is small and terms so easy as to place it within the reach of all. Symptoms of Pellagra— Tired, sleepy, depressed, indolent feeling; consti pation or bowels running off; headaches; indigestion; rough, inflamed, sore or .■rupted skin; hands red like sunburn; mouth and throat sore; lips and tongue red; mind affected. If you have even one of these symptoms write for our booklet and Free Diagnosis blank. CainiONi CAUTION I—The Dr. W. J. McCrary Home Treatment for Pel lagra is prepared from the formula of a licensed physician who was recognized as a Pellagra specialist, and is given under the direction of a licensed physician who treats each case as the individual symptoms indicate. Before taking any treatment you should know whether or not it is given under the direction of a licensed phy sician. Write for FRET Booklet— We will be glad to send our 50-page booklet ex plaining the cause and treatment of Pellagra to all who write for it, also our blank for free diagnosis of your case. All correspondence confidential and liter ature sent in plain sealed envelope. Write for FREE booklet today. Ms. J. McCrary, Snc,, KSept, K-2 Carboi, Hill, Alabama PAPERS MUST CUT 50 PER CENT OR STOP PUBLICATION The necessity for drastic curtail ment in the use of print paper by all Georgia dailies and weeklies if suspension is to be avoided in many instances is stressed in a state ment issued by Royal Daniel, editor of the Quitman Free Press, who con ferred with publishers of the state's largest dailies this week as head of u special committee appointed by the Georgia Press association witli the view of attempting to relieve the present paper shortage. Mr. Daniel’s statement of the sit uation follows: “To the members of the Georgia Press association: “After a two days’ conference with the publishers of the big daily pa pers. representatives of newsprint producing mills and jobbers of news print, 1 find two very salient facts which cannot be contradicted: "If Georgia newspapers are to con tinue publication uninterruptedly, every sheet of newsprint must bs conserved, and conservation means, under existing conditions, certainly a reduction of fifty per cent. “Unless you have a contract for your year’s tonnage, all purchases for the remainder of the year must be made in an open market at prices practically prohibitive and almost daily going higher. “I find the big dailies of the state anxious to do anything in their pow er to assist the smaller dailies ahd weeklies, but they are facing the identical problems, probably exag gerated, which now confront the state press outside of the big cities “Members of the Georgia Press as sociation, outside of the big cities, need practically 750 tons for the re mainder of the year. It will be im possible, in my opinion, for all this amount of tonnage to be secured ar. any price. “The unauthorized railroad strike has greatly added to the gravity or the newsprint famine and unless quickly settled it will force paper mills to shut down because of a shortage of raw material. "ROYAL DANIEL, Special Agent, "Georgia Press Association.’* There is a possibility that consid erable replanting of corn will be necessary. Select enough good seed corn to make a second planting if such should become advisable. LOOK! HERE IS GENUINE ASPIRIN Safe, proper directions in each ‘‘Bayer” package The “Bayer Cross” marked on tab lets means you are getting the genuine “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,” proved safe by millions of people. In the Bayer package are proper directions for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumastism, Lumbago,. Sciatica, Neuritis and for Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost only a few cents. Druggists also sell larger Bayer packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufact ure of Monoaceticacidester of Salicy licacid.—(Advt.) Don’t lose sleepL because of an| itching skin Resinoll will make it well* How can you expect to sleep | tonight unless you do something | to relieve the trouble? Eczema I and other itching skin troubles I don’t often heal themselves. But it is surprising how quickly Resinol does heal them. Almost daily we hear from a skin-sufferer who says, “Resinol Ointment stopped my itching at once and I got the first good night’s sleep I had had in weeks. Now my skin is well.** At all druggists. How to Make Lore (NEW BOOK) Tells bow to Acquainted; How to Be- Sin Courtship; How to Court ? jQyi a Bashful Girl; to Woo a ]/ Widow; to win an Heiress; if ~ r'/sn how to catch a Rich Bache- I lor; how to manage your beau IWa.?li ~ J **~ /• to make him propose; bow to make your fellow or girl love 1 you; what to do before and after the wedding. Tells other tilings necessary for Ixivers to know. Sample copy by mail 10 cents. Royal Book Co., Box 33. S. Norwalk, Conn. BLOODLESS BALLOT IS HOPE OF MEXICAN BUSMESSINTERESTS BY DAVID LAWRENCE (Copyright, 1920. for The Atlanta Journal.) WASHINGTON, April 17.—Mexico is experiencing a recurrence of the trouble that started the present era jf revolution ten years ago. After a reign oi three decades of peace under 1 orforio Diaz, the latter as sumed to use his presidential office in the elections of June, 1910, to defeat Francisco Madero and the country took up arms and drove out the dic tator. Now after live years of pain ful reconstruction under Venustiano Carranza, the presidential elections again are scheduled and this time the supporters of General Alvaro Obregon, one pf the principal candi dates and a hero of the revolution, are outspoken in their charges that President Carranza is manipulating the machirery of the government in the interest of Ignacio Bonillas, his candidate. The secession of Sonora —General Obregon’s home state—from the Mex ican union is a symptom of wide spread revolt, though not necessarily conclusive evidence that civil war and bloodshed will follow. The peo ple in Mexico don’t want another era of destruction and the effort to con duct a fair election will be supported by all the business elements as well as the influential citizenry who are not under the thumb of any of the government officials or candidates. The realization that the cards have been stacked against Obregon has driven his supporters to extremes. Stories of high-handed tactics in sup pressing electoral freedom have reached here and done no end of damage to Mexico, for there always is a party in our national capital who accepts every cloud that hangs over Mexico as justification tor American interference. Friends of Mexico have not lost hope that she will go through the election crisis without a revolution. • Manifesto Issued But from Mexico City itself come advices that a manifesto has been is sued to the nation, signed by forty eight members of the house of depu ties and sixteen members of the Mexican senate, bluntly charging President Carranza with having ex ceeded his constitutional power and v ith having “violated the constitu tional promises which induced the Mexican people to take up arms and engage in a bloody civil war.” This is all the more resented be cause the original revolution of 1910, the principles of which the Carranza regime nas professed to support, was waged with the slogan “effective suffrage—and no re-elec tion,” there follow a series of rea sons for the movement in behalf of Obregon, among them violations of the ballot, the packing of state gov ernorships, irregularity in the munic ipal elections in Mexico City, con clave of governors presumably to forward the desires of President Car ranza in handling the election ma chinery, the resort by the executive to methods of coercion, including the arrest of partisans of Obregon, im prisoning members of congress on trumped up charges, and the attempt to entangle Obregon himself in court proceedings “so as to incapaci tate 1 ' in the electoral struggle.” The manifesto which was drawn up in the green room of the cham ber of deputies closes with a warn ing that the responsibility for the evils that may grow out of the pres ent situation will rest solely upon President Carranza and his asso ci ates. Washington On Alert Meanwhile the Washington gov ernment is keeping a watchful eye on events below the Rio Grande and anticipates trouble along the inter national line if Chihuahua, which al ways has been a hotbed of revolt, should decide to accompany the state of Sonora in the secession movement. Naturally the Carranza government wants to transport troops through American territory so as to reach into the northern states of Mexico from the American border states, but there is very little doubt of what the decision of the United States gov ernment will be. How to Heal Leg Sores A WONDERFUL treatment that heals leg sores or Varicose Ulcers without pain or knife is described in a new book which the readers may get free by writing a card or letter to Dr. H. J. Whittier, Suite 229, 1100 Mcgee, Kansas City, Mo.—(Advt.) Russian and Japanese Forces Lose Heavily in Battle at Khabarovsk VLADIVOSTOK, April 10.— (By the Associated Press.) —Heavy fight ing between Russian and Japanese forces continues at Khabarovsk, on the south of the Amur river, and casualties suffered by each side are heavy, according to reports received here. Towns along the Ussuri river of the Trans-Siberian rail road, north of here, are all in the hands of the Japanese, but hundreds of Russians are fleeing to the hills, and again have started guerrilla war fare. Arrests of Russians by Japanese in this city continue, but government buildings are being returned to Rus sians and the red flag is reappearing. General Krakovetsky, commander of the provisional government’s troops here, has resigned, and has been succeeded by General Soldereff. former commander-in-chief under the All-Russian government at Omsk, who resigned his post when Admiral Kolchak assumed power there. Gen eral Antonovitch, who acted as chief of staff with General Rozanoff, will act in the same capacity with Gen eral Soldereff. German Ships Will Be Divided June 15 WASHINGTON. April 17.—Former German ships taken over by the al lied and associated powers under the armistice and the peace treaty will be divided on and after June 15, the state department announced today. Notification to this effect has been received from the reparations com mission. Dont Send a Penny payment, for examination and try on. Dont send a penny—just your name, address and size, and we will send your choice of these stylish black Hi-Cut Boots or brown or black low heel Oxfords. If after thorough examination you are not satisfied with remarkable value, return shoes; you’ll not be out a cent. w a /Pfra IT Women’s Extra-Fine y OS“W wl I OVV I Quality Black Kid Finished An extremely attractive offer typical of the wonderful shoe values put out by the great Mail Onder House of Leonard-Morton & Co. Fashionable Hi-Cut Boots, 1 ' acc style, of fine quality soft black kid finished leather on the very latest French VBJw?!®* last and with thenew popular IX-inch walking heel. Light weight flexible leather V. i -fe flfi soles - Just the sort °f footwear a woman possesses with a feeling of pnde Hl '-t' lo kind that adds to a reputation as a stylish dresser. You can only appreciate the high °I service and the quiet elegance l®a:j£g‘'^aS : ''m':'which are combined in this shoe by seeing A 1 VKSsotM"them on your feet. Wide widths. Sizes, J ts«sggg2gj& to 8. Order by No. AIOBO, pay . j Postman only $3.98, our low bargain f SSeSWls®:!« Price for shoes on arrival. Dont miss B? aie Os SWMiIIW Today lifcß Women’s gmo" Oxfords In these Oxfords is to be found a combination of smart style and Batisfac- WSr-sWU tory service usually found only in shoes at much higher prices. Extra x fine quality dark brown or black, soft, glove fitting, kid finished leather. V Light weight flexible leather sole and stylish new IM-inch walking heel. Send for these shoes at once. Their look, feel and wear will *<£■ more than satisfy you. Wide widths. Sizes, to 8. Order Black by No. Al5B. Order Brown by No. Al 59. Pay 1 postman only $3.98 for Oxfords on delivery—as wonder- ful a bargain in shoes as you ever saw! w« Rf Dont miss these splendid shoebar- ilPr&S&it IvUMr gains which will be sent at our risk. Dont overlook this unusual opportunity to secure a fine pair of shoes at a genuine low bargain pruie. Just send your name and address and the number of the shoes wanted. Examine them on arrival. Try them on. Ixiok at their stylish appearance. Compare them with ahoes selling for much more money. Then decide. If they are not all that you expect, return them and we will refund your money. Order now! Leoraard-fifiorion & Co., Dept. 6059 Chicago, 111. Senator Harris Dictation To County Committees Brings Stinging Rebuke Junior Senator Advises Com mittees to Name Delegates Favorable to League of Nations Without Reserva tions, Regardless of Who Carries the County A remarkable letter written by Senator William J. Harris to the county committees in Georgia, the text of which was made public i.t Washington Saturday night by the junior senator, was made the sub ject of the following statement by the Hoke Smith campaign commit tee “Realizing the hopelessness of A. Mitchell Palmer’s candidacy in Geor gia and the coming repudiation of Senator Harris’ own vote on the treaty, the junior senator has issued an amazing statement which will be read with indignation and aston ishment. “He has in actual words asked the county committees to violate their solemn oaths and to -totally disre gard the wishes of the sovereign vot ers themselves by appointing dele gates to the state convention favor able to his and the president’s views regardless of what candidate carries the county. "Surely some other than a Geor gia mind must have conceive the words that Senator Harris gives out. Georgians are not accustomed to having their rights pilfered at the ballot box; they are not accustomed to taking dictation as to their votes from anyone. however high ana mighty he may be, certainly not ifrom the junior senator from Geor gia. "Members of the county executive committees will receive, with the strong indignation and contempt it deserves, the suggestion that they would select as delegates to the state convention men other than the friends of the candidate who carries the county, whether it is carried by Senator Smith. Mr. Palmer or Mr. Watson. To adopt any other course would be a violation not only of the rules of the state executive commit tee. but would rob the voters of their right to a free choice. Why hold a primary at all if the delegates are to be named in advance by Mr. Harris?" “Senator Harris’ reiterated state ment that he is taking no paijt be tween candidates in the Georgia pres idential primary is characteristic of the man. Indeed he is taking upon himself a mighty role. He is at tempting to save himself by prac tically admonishing the county com mutes to steal the ballot of free born red-blooded Democrats. It will be recalled that Senator Harris, with Senator Reed, voted against the rat ification of the peace treaty a few weeks ago, and that Senator Smith with twenty-three other Democrats, representing every doubtful state, voted for the peace treaty with res ervations that Americanize it and saved the right of the citizens of the United States guaranteed by the constitution. That the voters of Georgia will resent and repudiate this high-handed dictation from 220 DEMOCRATS, 208 REPUBLICANS TO BE SELECTED WASHINGTON, April 18.—An suing fortnight will be the most strenuous of the pre-convention cam paigns to date. In that period the Republicans will hold eleven pri maries and state conventions, and Democrats eight. Two hundred and eight Republican and 220 Democratic delegates will be selected. The Republican schedule shows: April 20—Delaware convention (six delegates); Nebraska primary (16 delegates). April 22—10 w a convention (26 del- S April 23 —Montana primary (8 del- April 24—Navada convention (six delegates). April 27 —Idaho convention (S delegates); Massachusetts primary 35 delegates); New Jersey primary (28 delegates); Ohio primary (48 delegates); Washington convention (14 delegates). April 28 —Arkansas convention (13 delegates). On the Democratic program there are: April 20 —Georgia primary (2S delegates), Nebraska primary (16 delegates). April 22 —Kansas convention (20 delegates); Missouri convention (36 delegates). April 23 —Montana primary (8 delegates). April 27 —Massachusetts primary (26 delegates), New Jersey primary (28 delegates); Ohio primary (48 d e 1 e g atesj*. $200,000 for Teachers NEWARK, N. J.—The Newark Board of Education, having found a surplus of $200.- 000 in its funds, has decided to give the whole of it to teachers. It will be dis tributed in the form of a SIOO bonus at the end of the school year in June. Why Druggists Recommend Swamp-Root For many years druggists have watched with much interest the re markable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kid ney, liver and bladder medicine. It is a physician’s prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medicine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder do the work nature in tended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so. many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y„ for a sample bottle. When writ ing be sure and mention The Atlanta Tri-Weekly Journal.—(Advt.) Washington through its junior sena tor goes without saying. “Under Mr. Harris’ dictation to the coupnty committees they must take from Senator Smiththe counties car ried by him by the votes of the peo ple in the primary and deliver them For More Than Forty Years Cotton Growers have known that POTASH PAYS More than 11,651,200 Tons of Potash Salts had been imported and used in the United States in the 20 years previous to January, 1915, when shipments ceased. Os this 6,460,- 700 Tons consisted of KAINIT which the cotton grower knew was both a plant food and a preventive of blight and rust,< —with it came also 1,312,400 Tons of 20 per cent MANURE SALT which has the same effects on Cotton, but which was used mainly in mixed fertilizers. Shipments of both Kainit and Manure Salt have been resumed but the shortage of coal and cars and high freight rates make it more desirable to ship Manure Salt, which CONTAINS 20 PER CENT OF ACTUAL POTASH, instead of Kainit, which con tains less than 13 per cent actual Potash. MANURE SALT can be used as a side dressing on Cotton in just the same way as Kainit and will give the same results. Where you used 100 pounds of Kainit, you need to use but 62 pounds of Manure Salt, or 100 pounds of Manure Salt go as far as 161 pounds of Kainit. MANURE SALT has been coming forward in considerable amounts and cotton growers, who can not secure Kainit, should make an effort to get Manure Salt for side dressing to aid in making a big Cotton Crop. Muriate of Potash 50 per cent actual Potash, has been coming forward also, —100 pounds of Muriate are equivalent to 400 pounds of Kainit or 250 pounds of Manure Salt. These are the three Standard GERMAN Potash Salts that were always used in making cotton fertilizer* and have been used for all these years with great • profit and WITHOUT ANY DAMAGE TO THE CROP. The supply is not at present as large as in former years, but there is enough to greatly increase the Cotton Crop if you insist on your dealer making the necessary effort to get it for you. DO IT NOW Soil and Crop Service Potash Syndicate H. A. Huston, Manager 42 Broadway New York ITCH-ECZEMA (Also called Tetter. Salt Rheum. Pruritus, Milk-Crust. Weeping Skin, etc.) CCZRMA CAN BE CURED TO STAY, and when I say rared. I mean jo«t whet I ear-C-U-B-E-D, end not merely patched op for awhile. Io return wone than before. Now. Ido not ears what all yoo here need nor how many doctors hare told you that yna coaid not bt cured-all I a*k la just a ehenee to «how you that I know what I am talking about. If you will write rae TODAY. I will eend you a FREE TRIAL of my mild, soothing, guaran teed cure that will convince you more in a day than I or anyone e'ae could In a month’s time. If you are (Segoated and diecouraged, I dare you to give me a chnru*e to prove mv claims. By writing me today yon will enjoy more real a comfort than yon bad ever thought this world holds for you. Just try it, and you will see lam taUing you the truth. DR. J. E. CANNADAY I 1164 Park Square SEDALIA, MO. $ MO 0 "* 1 C-rtd fWld. . ctihen TUBERCU|UOSU x It was when physi- ■HfIA clans was tmpos ms'ble for J. M. Miller. ()hio Dru Ngist, to sur- Vive the ravages of Tu aK..'/.. V ‘ iierculoals, he began ex- ‘ perimenting on himself, s dnd d'scovered the Home x treatment, known as VDDILINE. Anyone vith COU Shs showing tu- * *0 Pounds 188 Pounds Latest Photo Jercular tendency or Tu- , . oerculosis, ’may use it send your name and address to under plaln directlons . ADDILINE, 194 Arcade Building, Columbus, Ohio S’ O X these ■ This Victory Red Persian Ivory / Pendant and Neck Chain, 30 inches P long; these 4 Gold plated Rings t and this lovely Gold plated Laval- 55/ Njfajswfr Here and Neck Chain will ALL be Given F r EE by us to anyone sell- inc only 12 pieces of Jewelry at 10 cents each. Victory Red is all the rage. “ B. D. MEAD MFG, CO ~ Providence, R, I. i . m ? tlir’ Goodness f»lffi KfislOt W? The exquisite fragrance of the Tube Rose is equalled only intr and pleasing effect of the famous Tube Rose Sweet Scotch Snuff. Tube Rose Snu exactly suits the taste! The more you use it the better you like it, because it and good. If your dealer does not handle it. give us a chance to convince you by sending 10c for a trial can. WILUAMSON ToEACC o Co.. Winston-Salem. N. C. TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1020. to Mr. A. Mitchell Palmer. In other words, Mr. Harris would run Mr. Pal mer before the county committees after the election and not before the people in the election. “The people of Georgia and the county committees will understand how to take Mr. Harris’ advice. The people will overwhelmingly elect Senator Smith, and the county com mittees will, of course, name dele gates favorable to him. “This eleventh-hour wail of despair is conclusive evidence that the news of the overwhelming defeat of A. Mitchell Palmer and his League of Nations, without the dotting of an i or the crossing of at, is already known in Washington, though the primary is two days off.” LEVIN CROT CHANGESPOTS Mr. Dodson, the “Liver Tone” Man Tells the Treachery of Calomel Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It's mercury; quicksilver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour biJj» like dyna mite, cramping and sickening you Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your sys tem. When you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked out and believe you need a dose of dangerous,' calomel just remember that your druggist sells for a few cents a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. Don’t take calomel! It can not be trusted any more than a leopard or a wild-cat. Take Dodson's Liver Tone which straightens you right up and makes you feel fine. Give it to the children because it is perfectly harmless and doesn’t gripe.— (Advt.) Rheumatism A Home Cure Given By One Who Had It In the spring of 1893 I was attacked by Muscular and Inflammatory Rheu matism. I suffered as only those who have it know, for over three years. I tried remedy after remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such relief as I re ceived was only temporary. Finally, I found a remedy that cured me com pletely, _ and it has never returned. I have given it to a number who were terribly afflicted and even bedridden with Rheumatism, and it effected a cure in every case. I want every sufferer from any form of rheumatic trouble to try this mar velous healing power. Don’t send a cent; simply mail your name and ad dress and I will send it free to try. After you have used it and it has proven itself to be that long-looked-for means of curing your rheumatism, you may send the'price of it, one dollar, but understand, I do not want your money Sunless you are perfectly satisfied to send it. Isn’t that fair? Why suffer any longer when positive relief is thus offered you free? Don’t delay. Write today. Mark H. Jackson, No. 243-F Gurney Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. Jackson is responsible. Above statement true.—(Advt.) CATARRH TREATED FREE &1O days to prove that my treatment gives relief. I had catarrh, deafness, head noises; had two surgical op erations; originated a new treatment that cured it, restored hearing, stopped head noises; have treated thousands; believe it will cure any case of catarrh; want you to try it 10 days free; see quick relief. Treated catarrh and ears 37 years. Am responsible. Write for this free treat ment. DR. W. 0. COMEE, X-7, Davenport, lowa Mother and Babe Every Mother Should Have This Book Tells Just what to do the instant baby is sick, be- iiffiTT- fore the doctor arrives. Take no chances losing baby. Every —WKS® year thousands of little v ML fIWF suffer or die cause the mother . -dSLtuar/.&hy didn’t know what to do. 500 JK-rifT "7 1 pages. Fully illustrated, beautifully bound. Only 50 cents. Entirely new. Advice for expectant mothers and mid-wives. Send for it today. Money back if not satisfied. World’s Medical Press, No. 662& Washington Street, Buffalo, New York.—(Advt.) “I Treat Eozema FREE" Just to prove that my scientific discovery actually benefits eczema sufferers, I will send you enough FREE to give you more relief than you have had in years. Write me today. DR. ADKISSON, Dept. W, Beau mont, Tex. KERVOUS DISORDERS ■JKp*' [f yotf suffer with Epilepsy, Spasms or Nervous Disorders, I no matter how bad, write to-day lot a large I bottle oi W. H. Peeke’s Treatment, ABSO- I LUTELY FREE. t . I W.H. Peeke. 9.C«hrgt. New York. J YOUR Free Suit Take thia fine Mado-to- Quality Meaauro Sult and don’t «n*Flt pay ua eno cent for It. iu»r»n. Wo want you to get one of our high- ' class suits, absolutely Free, so i can chow it to your friends. It will be a big adverti’cment for ua. a. YSvVT If you have a litt Io epare time, s you can easily make from *35 to 3 5Omar week and beeidea that be the beat- far t dressed mania your town. It's an opportunity you cannot ailord to '» 1 jRM overlook. Don't delay a minute. 0f...>1: Writ* for this Rig Offer at OnQaUjnMl Dropus a lino oreend us your name VS| wKfl on a postal card and wo will send VS] wig you absolutely Free, our wonderful Ui |U stylo book, containing dozens of cam- IM pies and fachion platee tochooßefrom.Uß |H Write Now. Everything sent Free W W and postage prepaid. THC PROGREM TAILORING CO. K DepL db& _ 2 LACE CURTAINS given for selling 8 boxes of Prof. Smith’s Headache and Neuralgia Tab lets at 25 cents a box. Cata logue of other premiums sent with goods. SMITH DRUG 00., Dept. S7, Woodboro. Md. I -atreduced These tires are virtually new ohm not rebuilt-only slightly rUNCIUKt| I used on demonstration cars. DD/'"'lf'lC Customers get up to 8,000 ' ' •'\s\Ji miles service. Each tire In- | IXIETI’ eludes free puncture - proof lIIMI K liner, reusable in different __ ?.**** casings. Ki K>Ei K, 5,000 MILE GUARANTEE | KE.E. Your money back If not sat- ~ isfied. Note these prices: ..• Site Tire Tube Size Tire * Tube 30x3 »7.00 12.20 34x4 (12.40 (8.60 35x254 8.30 2.45 84x454 13.00 4.40 82x854 9.25 2.85 35x454 18.75 4.60 31x4 10.00 8.15 86x454 14.75 4.80 32x4 10.75 8.40 35x5 14.90 4.70 33x4 11.60 8.50 37x5 15.90 4.75 | Actual Saving of 33% to 50% in tire cost. Tubes are new. A/O State whether 8. 8,,C1., plain treed B or non-ekid desired. Send $2.00 de fl- FUNQTUKLS p oßit f oreech tireordered. Balance ftj • A/O C. 9. D. after examination. 6 per B cent epeclal discount if full amount H LOW'OUTS accompanies order. Order Today. GUARANTEE TIRIMMMD fzl/G W EQUIPMENT COMPANY b"Jr '”**-’• mi«ns~i*..««. y\X>’ yr On* 45 jCHicAao K&SAWRI6 Dow Introductory offer puts this new saw-rir •<<. within reach of all, at email part of coat ( ■yryi—of other rigs Saws year xS-i ( *• winter’s wood In few hours Powerful 4-cycle motor Pat. JJ'tU/’Z?— 3 £“2 to operate, light t< Appl’d move 30 days’ trial tc For prove our claims. 010-yeai I ' guarantee. Send today for L--—FREE BOOK of FACTS OTTAWA MFC. co., 106 Main SL, Ottawa, Kan*