Newspaper Page Text
Don’t streak or ruin your material
In a poor dye. Insist on “Diamond
Dyes.” Easy directions in package,
! |
j Lemons Whiten and Double t
? Beauty of the Skin |
Squeeze the juice of two lemons
into a bottle containing three ounces
of Orchard White which can be had
at any drug store, shake well and
you vc a quarter pint of harmless
and delightful lemon bleach for few
Massage this sweetly fragrant lo
tion into the face, neck, arms and
hands each day, then shortly note
..the beauty of your skin.
Famous stage beauties use lemon
juice to bleach and bring that soft,
clear, rosy-white complexion. Lemons
have always beet used as a freckle,
sunburn and tan remover. Make
this ip and try it.— (Advt.)
“There can be no success or hap
fitness without the rich, red blood—
ull of iron—that always goes with
health,” says Dr. James Francis Sul
livan, formerly physician of Bellevue
Hospital (Out door Dept.), New Yofk
and the Westchester County Hospital.
“You can tell the men and women
with iron in their blood; they are the
strong vigorous, successful ones brim
ming over with life and energy. I
■ strongly advise every man or woman
! who is fagged out by worry, work
; and other strains to build up strength,
energy and endurance by taking some
form of organic iron—Nuxated Iron
for I consider it one of the foremost
blood and body builders; the best to
which I have ever had recourse.”
You are only as good as your stomach.
If it is out of order from any cause you
cannot enjoy good health. Set your stom
ach right with our special remedy “A”—
no charge if it fails. Has brought health
and happiness to thousands. Let it do the
same for you. Write today for proof and
special free trial offer.
Thousands Kave Tape Worm
But Don't Know It
Thousands of people who think they have
stomach trouble really have tape worm or
other worms in the stomach. If you have
failed to get permanent relief your trouble
may be due to worms. We guarantee our
Special Remedy “A” to remove any kind of
worms and correct any stomach disorder ex
cept ulcers or cancer or there is no charge.
Be fair to your stomach. Send letter or
post card today for our Special Free Trial
W. A. REISNER, Box C-64, Milwaukee,
Bte quick for this arrax
chirt bargain. Only
ited lot. Wonderfol
liis’ity fine count per
cale. Record breaking
cut price. Guarantee
58.60 value for only
g.WC. O. D.
Send No Money
Just your none and
leckband sire on postal
letter for tlieae three
: extra large, roomy
iholea. This season's
st black, blue or laven
stripe effects on white
kgTOund. Guaranteed
t color. Best quality
rl buttons, soft French
n back cuffs, finest
gurrante* to refund you’
j tli is astounding off er is
•drawn. Wc my dehyerr
■ges. You pay only Jo.oo.
t send your, as drew
neckband si=c.
Dept. R 303. 900 West Van Buren St.. Chicago
Rpst only one of doz-
ens that we are offer
,n(l Absolutely Free. We
gWh’JfdSa make this sacrifice juat to
Xgg’JMM prove our “Wonder-Value*"
l* n R* nu >ne mado-to-meeiure
ta iioring.
' fWO Everything Free
Latest style belt loops and
all extras free. “No Extra
W irJl/J Charges” for anything.
\z* J | in your*naretimeand your clothes
Vw« are Send us your name on
Wf a dostel —we will send you the “Big
1 Money Making Outfit” with rich woolen
Eunplea to chccee from. Everything
Kl22t sent FRKIE,
I Spwncar Mead Campany, Wholesale Talkwe
| Sn ' Chicago, Illinois
t J*fF) Vegetable Seeds
Itc i»*f large pecK- ™
•ml! /I If J KH. EARN B‘C MOfttT od W#
Lncattcr, Fa.
Bex 54
* 1 fa'W"
’9s jP** EPILEPSY ’
To al! sufferers from Fits, Epilepsy, Falling
Sickness or Nervous Troubles will be sent AB
SOLUTELY FREE a large bottle of W. H. Peeke’s Trub
Bent For thirty years, thousands of sufferers have used W. H.
Peeke's Treatment with excellent results. Give Express and P. 0.
Address, W. H. PEEKE, 9 Cedar Street, N. Y.
/ /* X-- -,v Caw Mahogany fir.ith enameled perit
* , *° nxiwr get oU ct order, exc«!len
T' # ~*9 reproducer, enjoyment lor all Sell lg
> "*** " '*a I bnxea Menlno-Nova Salve, great 10.
If I L-' ~~i * | cute, burns, influenza, etc. Return $;
T | I I I end the macluoe u yours. Guaranteed
'L ’ | I . Records free. Older today. Au drew
V” \ U. S. CO.. Box 464,
Greenville, Pa.
rn£L ouTFiTir
To you interested in magic I’m going L
to gave you a fine magicians outfit go that
you can perform wonderful startling,
mysterious tricks to entertain yoor friends if/ Jp
and acquaintance This outfit contains a
number of high class tricks that will amaze
your acquaintances and i’m going to give *TY-«//Tt *i
the outfit to you for only a littlo work. v/\\
Particulars FREE V/rite
Cask S 3 1411 Wyond&itw Street, Kansas City, Mq.
These 5 pieces of Jewelry, guar&nteeo
bye art. given FREE for eeiheg 12 boxes
/ of RtkSf-lnid SLtveat 25cperbcjL House
hold remedy for burns, tetter, sores, piles,
cajtarrh, corns, bunions, etc We send salve
postpaid fm, credit, thistyou until sold. BIC CATALOG
other premiums, witches, curtains, phonographs, etc.
sent with salve Write today and get started.
Police in Airplane
Spy on Crap Games
PlTTSßUßG.—because of the
failure of the police to break up
crap games for high stakes played
every Sunday on a high, thickly
wooded ridge in Penn Township,
the county officials have engaged
an aviator to fly over the section
where the big games are run and
after locating the players swoop
down on them.
Owing to the toporaphy of the
country near Lincoln avenue, the
gamesters, aided by lookouts, have
been able to frustrate efforts to
break up the games. Lookouts
with powerful glasses spot the
detectives a mile off, and the crap
shooters are mere picnickers when
the detectives reach them.
The highways in the vicinity of
the big games are crowded every
Sunday with motor cars, whose
owners come from all sections of
Western Pennsylvania to play. In
yesterday’s game more than $50,-
000 changed hands, according to
one of the bankers.
CLEVELAND, O„ Sept. 80— After
one hour of tumultuous and acri
monious debate, the American Legion
convention here Wednesday defeated
an attempt to plunge the organiza
tion into politics. The delegates de
feated by an overwhelming majority
the majority report of the committee
on the constitutional amendments
calling for adoption of an interpre
tative resolution.
The. interpretation permitted the
questioning of candidates for polit
ical office by the various posts. John
F. L. Herbert, of Massachusetts, led
the attack. In an impassioned ad
dress, he warned the delegates that
the adoption of the report would
mean the eventual entrance of the
Legion into the field of active poli
tics, and with it the loss of public
“This is merely an opening wedge
and it will split this organization
wide open,” he said. Delegate Price,
of West Virginia, said adoption of
the measure would result in destruc
tion of the legion.
The Georgia delegation pleaded for
the measure, so as to enable it to
“keep its eyes for the next six years
on a man who has turned the people
of the state against our legion.”
“That man is Thomas E. Watson,
senator from Georgia,” the spokes
man cried.
A roll-call wa sstarted, but the
measure W , as defeated by a viva voce
vote after the roll had proceeded far
enough to show that its passage was
F. W. Galbraith, Jr., of Cincinnati,
was elected national commander of
the organization.
J. W. Gailbraith, Jr., of Cincinnati,
was unanimously elected national
commander of the Legion.
A resolution which puts the Amer
ican Legion on record as being in
favor of the rigorous exclusion of
Japanese as immgirants adopted.
The Japanese question came up in
the morning session, when the com
mittee on Americanization presented
its report. This report stated:
“Be it resolved. That we go on
record as being in favor of the can
cellation of the so-called 'gentlemen’s
agreement’ with Japan; exclusion of
‘picture brides,’ and rigorous exclu
sion of Japanese as immigrants.
‘‘And that we enter a vigorous pro
test against the demand of Japan
that naturalization rights be granted
to its nationals now located in the
United States and that we earnestly
request the state department of the
United States in its setlement of this
question not to consider any propo
sition which will grant rights of nat
uralization to this unassimilable peo
On recommendation of the Amer
icanization committee the convention
voted that the national Americanism
commissipn be adequately financed,
that its activities be concentrated
on a nation-wide, educational, Amer
icanization and pro-American work
and propaganda, adequately financed
and that its office be moved from
New York to legion headquarters at
Nobility Estates
Being Restored
PRAGUE.—It is stated that the
Hapsburg, Hohenbergs, Schwarzen
burgs, Furstenburgs and other fam
ilies of former Bohemian nobility,
are having their estates, taken away
during the war, restored to them.
WARNING! Unless you see the name “Bayer on
tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians for 20 years and proved- safe by millions.
Name “Bayer” has same meaning as 14 Karat on gold.
SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an ‘unbroken package” of
genuine “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,” which contains proper direc
tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheuma
tism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and for pain generally. Strict’y American!
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents —Larger packages,
splrln Is thn trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacla
(Alm caned Tcttsr. Salt Rheum. Pruritus. Milk-Crust, Weeping Skin, etc.)
RCZCMA CAN M CUNEO TO STAY, end when IU7 eared. I mean jo«t what I aar-C-U-B-E-D, and not F
merely patched op for awhile, to return worse than before. Noe. Ido not care what all you bare uaed nor how g
many do*tnra have told you that yog ecold not bo cured—all I aak Io just a chanre to ohow yon that I know wbat K
lam talking about. If you will write me TODAY, I will send you a FREC TRIAL of my mild, soothing, guarac* E
teed cure that will convince yon more io a day than lor anyone else eould in a month’s time If you are disgvsted E
and diacor.raged, I dare you to gira me a chance to prove mv claims. By writing? me today yon will enjoy more real vc
fa comfort than you bad ever thought thu world holds for you. Just try it, and you wilt see lam tailing you the truth, It
I 1164 Park Square SEDALIA* MO. |
Reference*! Third N-ittonal Oeald ree de a better act than to .end thta ootic* to eeme 13
u Bant*. BedaUa. Mo. poor •offer** *f EcmoaaT
I a 11 I W> I-""V
If you suffer from Pellagra, get jf many southern people, rich and
this remarkable free book on Pel- 1 " or , alike, after thousands had been
X ra f A s ?°di d Cl<?ar Discusslon of ea Penlrra a can y be®" cured. If you
nis fearful disease, written so any doubt, this book will convince you
ne can understand it. Tells how a And it will show you the way to a
>ig-hearted man has successfully personal cure. If you are a Pellagra
reated Pellagra after it baffled sufferer, or if you know of a Pella
cience for 200 years. Describes all gra sufferer, then for humanity’s
die symptoms and complications, sake, let this book bring new courage
■hows how Pellagra can be checked and valuable knowledge. It will be
m early stages. Tells of the cures sent Free for the asking.
'merican Compounding/Co., Box 587-L, Ja&per, A*-
Paradise Island! That Is, for Men!
So Many Lonely Woman Here They
Fight for Masculine Affections
/ ///N / ir ‘Ua- — . N
—.j ./p? x
Trorn Photo © Hfy' ‘ '■ . i * t• : V'X "3 »'».*
The loneliest place in the world isn’t lonely at all—that is, if you’re a man! The South Sea
Island of Rapa is 1,000 miles from any other and its population is 150 women and 20 men. It’s
always open season for a husband here and the women lie awake at nights studying methods of cap
turing the affections of the masculine population. The best way to a man’s heart is through his sum
ach, and hence no man here has to soil his hands by dipping them into the food bowl. There always
a woman or two on hand to feed him. Rapa is on the Tropic of Capricorn, off the west coast of South
America. Boats visit the place once in two years, and it was only recently that the Rapans learned
that the war was over. The man in the picture is one of the first foreigners to visit the island. The
native women showered him with attention —even feeding him with hands.
RICHMOND, Va., Sept. 29.—Ivy
W. West, alias Ben W. Franklin,
aged twenty-four, chai I with be
ing one of the three men who rol ’ ed
a mail car recently of $300,000 in
Liberty bonds and a number of un
set diamonds, was arrested at the
home of his wife here yesterday by
postoffice inspecto’-s. The robbery
occurred near Cornelia, between At
lanta and Charlotte, N. C.
The other two allleged robbers, C.
C. Monroe and Rufus Kight, both
were arrested shortly after the crime
and are now in jail in Atlanta.
From Monroe and Kight the in
spectors declared was recovered all
but $16,500 of the bonds and several
of the diamonds. After the arrest of
West, Postal Inspector W. J. Dixon
recovered at a local pawn shop a
SSOO Liberty bond which had been
sold for S4OO, and a diamond ring
valued at 750, which had been
pawned for $250. On West’s persoi
was found ' ‘ween SB,OOO and $9,000
in cash.
West is a native of Amelia county,
Va., where his parents live. He came
to Richmond last night from ’lti
more. Several out-of-town special
agents of the government had been
following his movements and these
men all concentrated In Richmond
this morning
Ivy W. 'West, mentioned In the
above dispatch, is according to local
postoffice inspectors, the third man
for whom inspectors have been
searching ever since the robbery.
West, local officials state, worked in
Atlanta for two years as a street c4’*
conductor, under an alias of Ben W.
Franklin. The inspectors believe he
is the man who planned and insti
gated the mail robbery. They say he
will be brought to Atlanta to stand
Federal Agents Say That
International Swindlers
Make Haul of $250,000
NEW YORK.—Four alleged mem
bers of the international band of
swindlers who are said to have ob
tained more than $250,000 from New
Y’ork banks by using forged bills of
lading have been arrested by agents
of the department of justice.
George . D. Ptetotis, charged with
being the leader, who directed the
scheme which swindled several large
Greek companies out of large sums
of money for fake shipments of
sugar, was the first member of the
band to be arrested.
Pteriotis returned ‘recently from
England, where he has lived since
he left this country last June 5.
Agents of the department of justice
had been informed that he was on
the steamer and he was arrested on
a warrant issued on a secret indict
ment returned against him by the
August grand jury. Pteriotis is re
ported to have planned to return to
this country to continue his opera
tions and is said to have solicited
large contributions from Greeks in
London, whom he promised to make
Greek Firms Victims
Pteriotis! is twenty-six years old,
and is "the former president of the
Is Your Left Ear For Sale?
Here’s $2,009 Offer for It
HAVANA.—Frank S. Cusada, twen
ty-nine years old. son of a sugar
planter at Manzanillo, Cuba, is will
ing to pay $2,000 or atever the
owner thinks is a fr '•e for a
medium sized, healtl ear. The
ear is to be attached Cusada's
head to replace one thav norse step
ped on down in Cuba and wrenched
off almost entirely.
As Mr. Cusada is perfectly able
to hear with his right ear—the one
that is left, so to speak—he wants
the additional auricle solely for pur
pose of art and symmetry. Since he
took the fateful ride that ended in
the horse attempting a somersault
and his being trampled under foot
by the ear, Mr. Cusada has been
searching among the medical profes
sion for relief.
He tried tin ears and other devices
of shrewd manufacturers who supply
humans with missing parts, but the
appearance always was unsatisfac
tory, and when he brushed his hair
the contraption was likely to fall off.
He also was referred to old Dr.
Dempsey for a cauliflower ear, but
Dr. Dempsey had already contracted
for his entire supply.
Two weeks ago Mr. Cusado ar-
Relay Rocket, to Reach
Moon, to Be Tested
Within Few Months
WORCESTER, Mass. - Professor
Robert H. Goodard, who a few
months ago attracted wide attention
by declaring his belief that a rocket
capable of soaring from the earth
to the moon was feasible, announced
tonight that a working model of such
a projectile would be given a test
within a month’s time.
The basic principle of his inven
tion provides for the detonation of
successive charges of explosives
within the rocket, thus renewing its
momentum at regular intervals. In
his statement tonight Professor God
dard said.:
“The present tests are being made
for the purpose of demonstrating that
successive charges can be fired in
this way in an apparatus that is
practicable. No attempt is being
made to obtain a great altitude, to
make the proportion of powder large,
or to construct a large apparatus
for the simple reason that the funds
available from the Smithsonian insti
tution will nermit the completion of
only a small model of about six
pounds weight, with a capacity of
about sixty charges, with no attempt
to attain great lightness of construc
“The important point is that the
demonstration of such a device as
this will remove the possibility of
any doubt as to the practicability of
the method and also as to the pos
sibility of attaining as great alti
tudes as may be desired.”
Pays Lawyer’s Fee
From Victim’s Purse
John Hartman, of New York city,
accused of stealing a pocketbook
containing $lO from the home of
Hose Avey, near Bryant, Ind., was
acquitted when tried before Justice
of the Peace Whiteman, of Bryant.
As soon as the decision was reach
ed. Hartman produced a pocketbook
and took $2 from it to pay his at
torney, Urban Bonifas, a young man
recently admitted to the bar.
“Why, that is my pocketbook,”
Mr. Avey said, when he saw Hart
man produce it and the money. He
was right, but Hartman could not
be placed in jeopardy twice for the
same offense, and he left town $8
o the good.
American Company of Commerce,
which! for a time maintained a small
office at No. 79 Wall street. From
this office letters were mailed to
prominent firms in Greece offering
them the opportunity to purchase
sugar at a price far below the mar
ket quotation for sugar in this coun
Before any replies were received
from Greece, however, the company,
it is charged, was transferred into
the hands of dummies and new of
fices were obtained at No. 4 West
42nd street. The the 42d street of
fice the company continued to use
the expensive engraved stationery
bearing the Wall street address.
The letters were mailed to Greece
last September and before the end
of October the Greek firms had es
tablished credits in various New
York banks totaling more than sl,-
500,000 for the purchase of sugar. It
is charged, that Pteriotis, through
the American Company of Com
merce, offered sugar for sale at
prices ranging from 11 to 17 cents
per pound, always quoting several
cents under the prevailing market
rived here for a visit and upon the
advisement of his friends called upon
a surgeon of the West Side. The
surgeon looked over the small part
of ear Cusada still had and said
nothing could be simpler. He would
graft on a new ear and possibly
might succeed in connecting it with
Cusada’s hearing apparatus—but Cu
sada would have to provide the ear.
The planter’s son was so encour
aged that he decided to get an ear
directly. But there seemed to be
a shortage in the market. No one
had been so unfortunate as to have
an ear taken off by accident that
might by any chance be available,
and none of those still aliwe in hos
pitals, but failing, had an ear of
the exact size and contour that Mr.
Cusada required. He determined to
appear to the public for ears. The
deal is a straight out buy, and the
ear will be lost permanently if Mr.
Cusada declines jto buy it. But Mr.
Cusada seemed to be well supplied
with funds and said the ear giver
could name his price.
Mr. Cusada is stopping at 158 East
One Hundred and Twenty-second
Cow Arrested for
Disorderly Conduct
BRAINTREE. Mass.—A cow, out
for adventure, held up four trains
on the New Haven railroad and gave
Chief of Police Jerry Gallivan a
cross-country run before she was
safe in custody.
The chief was called to Washing
ton Park, where “Bossie’’ was hav
ing a picnic in the carefully-tended
gardens. When Gallivan got there
he was unable to find the cow, but
he did see a trail of ruined gardens
Then he neard a train come to a stop
amid the shrieking of its whistle
The cow was on the tracks. She
fled before the law to Granite Branch
railroad, where she stopped another
train. The cow doubled back and
finally landed on the main line again,
where she stopped two more trains
before being arrested for disorderly
Turns Grapes Into
“Prohibition” Bread
WASHINGTON.—From the fif
teenth annual congress against alco
holism comes the news that. Dr. Eudo
Monti, of Turin, Italy, who “has dis
covered many new uses for the Ital
ian wine grape,” has perfected a plan
whereby the grape, formerly devoted
to the usages of Bacchus, may now
be used to make bread. This does
not mean that there will be such a
thing as a booze sandwich to satisfy
the alcoholically hungry, for Dr.
Monti’s formula kills all alcoholic
His discovery is announced as al
ready having revolutionized the vini
culture of France and Italy, as it
allows those countries to enact pro
hibition without harming the eco
nomic interests of their great wine
'"•owing industry.
Warden Holds
Expensive Fire
TERRE HAUTE.—T. F. Butler,
game warden, held a $3,000 fire here
the other day. He burned fishing
nets confiscated this year. They were
taken because they did not conform
\v 7h l.b-o
Takes Bride at 100,
She Being Only 72
LOS ANGELES. —An aged cou
ple walked Into the marriage li
cense bureau here and asked the
city clerk to issue the necessary
The man gave his name as An
drew Malcolm Morrison and his
age as 100.
The blus ring bride-elect con
fessed to 72 years and gave hei
name as Mary Augusta Barney
Morrison said they were to be
married to day as the cyllmination
of a renewed romance of their
younger days.
The Boys’ and Girls’ club members
of Georgia will have an opportunity
to win thousands of dollars at the
Southeastern fair, to say nothing of
the extras in the way of trophies and
scholarships that are offered by col
leges and individuals, according to
announcement Thursday.
In the pig club division there are
prizes for Berkshires, Durocs, Poland
China, Hampshire and O. I. C„ and
each of the breeding associations are
offering special premiums to pigs
which do not win money prizes.
Three hundred dollars pf consolation
Nations"’ 111 be Paid ° Ut by the ass °-
The White Provision company has
joined with the Southeastern Fair as-
in offering S4OO to be di-
Chrnl T4n Wee 'l- the Duroc > Poland
China, Hampshire and Berkshire en-
V l6 ’ P a !L l S ers ' special sow and
litter class. There are six premi
ums in each class, which means hon
ors and money for twenty-four club
members in this class alone.
The Southern Rurallst offers a sil
ver cup valued at SSO to the winner
ot the champion sow and litter, all
breeds competing, and the Atlanta
Constitution will give a silver loving
cup to the club member showing the
best pure-bred hog.
Fulton county leads all others in
the state in its club work, the com
missioners offering SI,OOO in prize
money which is divided up among the
recognized pure breeds exhibiting at
the fair. There are eighty-four op
portunities for winning money in the
different classes.
The calf clubs come next in im
portance because one of the great
national efforts now is the increase
of our meat supply. through better
animals, -without increasing their
number. There are thirty-two money
premiums offered, with special premi
ums offered by the Herford, Short
horn and Aberdeen Angus associa
tions, and the Central of Georgia spe
cial scholarship, the winner to have
the choice of going either to Athens,
Ua„ or Auburn, Ala.
The Fulton county commissioners'
nave offered fifteen prizes ranging
from sls to SSO for Fulton county
members. Then there are the poul
try and canning club members who
have scores of prizes to compete for,
to say nothing of the corn club and
boys’ fair school members, all oi
whom must be club members to get
the great benefits of these features.
Referring to the educational work
being carried on by the Southeastern
fair. President Hastings said: “If
those who come to the fair and are
impressed by nothing but our amuse
ment features will take the trouble to
visit our cattle and swine barns, ag
ricultural and woman’s building with
their acres of roof covering millions
of dollars’ worth of farm products,
they will realize that our contention
that the Southeastern fair is 90 per
cent educational is every word true.”
Thieves Drug Fowls
Before Nabbing Them
COLUMBUS, Ind.—Poultry fan
ciers—that is, those who have a
fancy for other persons’ poultry—
have hit upon a new silencer to
be applied when removing fowls from
Hen houses. To squelch the squawks
they use chloroform!
At the home of Samuel Sharp,
county superintendent of schools, all
except two of his large flock of
purebred chickens were stolen and
the two that remained were stupid
from the effects of the drug ad
ministered by the chloroform ban
Calomel salivates! It’s mercury. /IK
Calomel acts like dynamite on a sluggish [MI /
liver. When calomel comes into contact )I! /
with sour bile it crashes into it, causing I Ij /
cramping and nausea. \ /
Take “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Instead;
"Dodson’s Liver Tone” is a pleas- Take a uose of nasty calomel today
ant vegetable liouid which starts and y Ol > wiU feel weak ’ , sic , k an<l
ant, vegetable liquid wnicn starts nauseate( j tomorrow Don’t lose a
your liver just as surely as calomel, day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dod
but doesn’t make you sick and can son’s Liver Tone Instead and you
will wake up feeling great No more
not salivate. , biliousness, constipation, sluggish-
Children and grown folks can take ness, headache, coated tongue or sour
Dodson’s Liver Tone, because it Is stomach. Your druggist says if you
perfectly harmless. don’t find Dodson’s Liver Tone acts
Calomel is a dangerous drug. It Is better than horrible calomel your
mercury and attacks your bones money is wating for you.— (Advt.l
No man can fight the battles of life and hold his own if
his blood is not pure, for rich red blood is what strength is
based upon. When you see a strong, vigorous man, who
never knows when he is licked, you may wager that such a
man has coursing through his. veins rich, red blood. Many
people have thin, pale blood. They are weak, tire easily,
become discouraged quickly, and sometimes feel like giving
up the struggle. Such folks need Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medi
cal Discovery, which is sold by druggists in liquid or tablet
It adds vigor to the heart beats and tones up the nerves
in a wonderful way. This “Medical Discovery” of Dr. Pierce’s
is made from Blood root, Oregon Grape root, Stone root,
contains no alcohol —yet tones up the stomach, stimulates the
liver and puts the blood making glands in the best of condi
tion. Many people write Dr. Pierce at the Invalids’ Hotel in
Buffalo, N. Y., as follows:
ORLANDO, FLA.—“I had exposed myself to every inclement
weather -while doing my farm -work. I was not a strong man, and
was in a run-down condition. Had tired, wornout feelings all the
time, and my debility was such as to make my daily duties very
laborious. The only relief I got’ was from Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Medical Discovery, and I am pleased to recommend it to others.” —
l ' ' ' 401 Long Street. — (Adv£.) !
HAS 18,674 IN
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.—The cen
sus bureau today announced the fol
lowing 1920 population results: Bes
semer, Ala., 18,674; Maysville, Ky„
6,107; Marksville, La., 1,185; Higbee,
Mo., 1,400; Moberly, Mo., 12,808; Max
well, N. M., 384; Dresden, N. Y.,
295; Pennyan, N. Y., 4,517; Paines
ville, 0., 7,272.
Increase since 1910: Bessemer,
Ala., 7,810, or 71.9 per cent; Marks
ville, La., 109, or 10.1 per cent; Higbee,
Mo., 185, or 15.2 per cent; Moberly,
Mo., 1,885, or 17.3 per cent; Paines
ville, 0., 1,771, or 32.2 per cent.
Decrease: Maysville, Ky., 34, or
0.6 per cent; Dresden, N. Y., 50, or
14.5 per cent; Pennyan, N. Y., 80, or
1.7 per cent.
Marksville, La., revised figure pre
viously announced as 2,484; Higbee,
Mo., revised previously announced as
1,350; Moberly, Mo., revised, pre
viously announced as 12,789; Dres
den, N. Y., revised, previously an
nounced as 621; Pennyan, N. Y., re
vised, previously announced as 5,215;
Painesville, 0., revised, previously an
nounced as 6,886.
Maxwell, N. M., no comparison, in
corporated since 1910.
County populations:
James City, Va., 6,138; Coffee, Ala.,
30,070; Escambia, Ala., 22,464; Hale,
Ala., 24,289; Moore, N. C., 21,388.
Increase: Moore, 4,378 or 25.7 per
cent; Coffee, 3,951 or 15.1 per cent;
Escambia, 3,575 or 18 9 per cent.
Decrease: Hale, 3,594 or 12.9 per
cent; James City, 200 or 3.2 per cent.
Alabama places: Elba 1.681, En
terprise 3,013, Atmore 1.775, Brew
ton 2,682, Greensboro 1,809.
Wi 1 liamsburg, Va.. 2,462.
Members of the city and county
police Thursday were engaged in a
search for two men who are alleged
to have induced two young women
to ride with them in an automobile
on the Pace’s Ferry road and then
are alleged to have attacked and rob
bed them. The young women claim
that after the men had taken their
monev, amounting to about $75 in
all, they were then thrown into the
road and the cai- sped away.
The two girls gave their names
to the police as Miss Ella Dick
erson, and Miss Gladys Hodges
It is said that they are em
ployed in the stationery depart
ment of the Georgia Railway
and Power company. According to
the police the girls stated that they
met the two men Wednesday eve
ning and accepted their invitation
to ride. . „ ,
While driving along the Pace s
Ferry road the girls told the police,
one of the men asked them how
much money they had. Instead of
making any reply, they said, they
tried to get out of the car, but were
prevented from doing so by the
men, who, the girls claim, choked
and beat them and then pushed them
out of the car into the road. Miss
Dickerson claims that she was re
lieved of $24 and Miss Hodges de
clared she was robbed of ssl.
Chesapeake Hermit.
Indorses Solitude
After 10-Year Test
NORFOLK, Va., Sept. 27.-—“ Lone
some Charlie” is returning to civili
zation this week. He has spent ter 1
years of his life as a hermit on a
tiny island in Chesapeake bay.
“Lonesome Charlie’s” full name is
Charles S. Hardenburg, of Trenton,
New Jersey. .
He was 24 when he became tne
sole occupant of Watt’s island, 17
miles from the mainland. As a stu
dent at Princeton, his health broke
and he was advised to take a long
rest. He wagered college friends he
could spend ten years without the
companionship of man or woman
with study for a diversion.
Hardenburg has come to the main
land once a year, to buy supplies.
“Solitude is the greatest medicine
a man can take.” he says.
does wonders for
poor complexions
la your appearance marred by un
sightly patches of eruption? There is
no need of enduring such discomfort
because,unless it is due to some serious
internal condition, Resinol Ointment is
almost sure to clear the trouble away—
promptly, easily, and at little expense.
Sold by nil druggists and dealers in toilet good*.
Trial free. Write Dept. 4-S, Resinol,Baltimore, Md.
A Simple, Safe, Inexpensive
Method That Clears Out
the Head, Nose and Throat
There is no disease more offensive
or disagreeable or no disease that
will lead to as much serious trouble
as catarrh. You can now get rid of
it by a simple, safe, pleasant home
remedy discovered by Dr. Blosser, a
catarrh specialist.
Dr. Blosser’s Remedy is composed
of medicinal herbs, flowers and bsr
ries, which you smoke in a dainty
pipe or cigarette. The smoke-vapor
is inhaled into all the air passages
of the head, nose, throat and lungs.
It contains no cubebs or tobacco and
may be used by women and children
as well as men.
This medicated smoke carries med
icine where sprays, douches and oint
ments cannot possibly reach. Its ef
fect is soothing and healing and is
entirely harmless.
If you are a sufferer from catarrh,
asthma, catarrhal deafness or sub
ject to frequent colds, you should
try this remedy without delay. Send
ten cents (coin or stamps) to The
Blosser Co., MD 407, Atlanta, Ga.,
and you will receive, by return mail,
a trial package containing some of
this remedy made into cigarette, also
some of the powder and a neat little
t2SHo S4O » Week Spar* Time
Big Money Bo Your Own Bott
Tune ,ird*rn fm vUf Ruirtn'Mij n)»d*-
nr- men * r<n»hr» frwh large «»<»*<>»
JhlvL -«tn> for Toll.
/tn*’vhyML mou, wei* •M»atnr »«nc v
/WL wwl fr » ,F **
,i JKraJtjjlßlß RM- Year profit* nr** cl**» •••»<•**
wAOSWmB p*rfre« «att» far tine ever* ru*U"irr
I •• w* ,m * o* n n> *° ur
nipney You take ».u risk we buck DP
v-v'Sfflslfil We will furnish eipjvihmg tre* and
V A ///FEmI tr*»n »<’!» «r»<l *»*■ eaah
V (irofitw fK> what >«u h*v» hrrr Heing
'Ojwro bfl'-r- Ou* bit* JKF.F »•'»»*• eon
fImrZSS Ml tAin* full Alt* ficih O«*M.
ntaxJS/tnl ton. »>r»* tin*. orH*» Mank» wintinnei* *U
•**»rvthlnf rnmi.l*!* irt ruruonw t*lhng
■SaMbS I •M*<*t’* h ‘” fc to , * l '* bl| L2 r
I ® m BfNOHOCASH Th- nwmry-tBWnB
/ W W * vudli and •rwrrurfii.nw •»- »our« •b»rhit*lv
■'■’ -*5 Pit li-1 TMr t» vimit hl« rbancr jmw
''ll r W 1 bnnte *<mJ rMgh-m»kr«
gendent. Wdt* todav Don r Ue!a» Slmp’Y
y <a> ' Sand mr big free uOtAt I* tneaoa
F press moae* fur ynw Wrtu
Great Western Tailoring Co
« Walking Doll FREE!
This pretty Walking Doll is a foot taU
and you can make her walk as fast •»
y" u wish and her feet really move. Sh»
Latest Model $3.75
Watch prices smashed, send no money. Hera it
is. The watch you always wanted. Gents’ or
boys’ O. F. size, engraved or plain solid silver
oid case, stem wind and set, adjusted, regulat
ed. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
'' ,
Special offer: Send name and address and we
will send this beautiful watch by parcel post.
Pay 53.75 and watch Is yours. Owing to ad
vancing trices this offer for limited time only.
Free—A gold-plated chain and charm. FISH.
LEIGH WATCH CO., Dept. 114. Chicago, 111.
r— ASTHMA —i
Cured Before You Pay
1 will send you n $1.25 bottle of LANE'S
Treatment on FREE TRIAL. When com
pletely cured send me $1.25. Otherwise,
your report cancels the charge. D. J.
Lane, 372 Lane Bldg., St. Marys, Kans.
Genuine Song-o-phone comet, solid metal, highly
polished. Anyone can play it. Giveo for selling 25
Jewelry Novelties at 10c each.
Eagle Watch Co.. Dept. 461. East Benton. Mast.
I have an honest, proven remedy for S
goltr* (big neck). It checks the X k 1
growth at once, reduces the enlarge. A J \
ment, stops psln and distress and re- ’Nir
Ileves in a little while. Pay when well,
Tellyonrtrlendsabouttbls. Write
meatonco. OR. ROCK fc 9
Dept 27 $w737, Milwaukee, Wl«. "9
FREE Booklet explaining cause of this disease
and how it can be treated successfully at home.
Sent in plain, sealed envelope. Write for youra
today. Dept. F-2. Dr. W. J. McCrary, lno„
larbon Hill. Ala.
\ Money back without question
’■ “ biL if HUNT’S Salve fails in the
I I treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA,
r Jf ( r/ other itching skin diseases.
I II Try a 75 cent box at onr risk.
V f g o ia [,y a u druggists.
fe Fine Ukelele mahogany fln-
Ished, four gut strings, brass
frets and instruction book. All
?.en for selling 25 Jewelry Novelties at 10c each.
g,e Watch Cc„ Sept. 452 East Boston. Mast.