Atlanta tri-weekly journal. (Atlanta, GA.) 1920-19??, November 18, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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DQDSOH WfflS CWELMi It’s Mercury! Attacks the Bones, Salivates and Makes You Sick There’s no reason why a person should take sickening’, salivating cal omel when a few cents buys a large bo;tie of Dodson’s Liver Tone —a per fect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn’t make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson’s Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty calomel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don't lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dod son's Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, sluggish ness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your drugefst says if you don’t find Dodson’s Liver Tone acts .better than horrible calomel your money is waiting for you.— (Advt.) IMWatay Not a penny to send now and you get thia startling bar te in I IfShoes fe,-- EgL&x? Women, don ’t miiß thia. E A wonderful shoe, yours E on thig si*** lll offer j Fine ■ black cabretta kid finiih- '<7«d high-cut lace shoe*. Circular vamps and heel foxing. Imitation stitched tip and medal . 7 lion - Strong flexible lea- Xn0.... . ther soles. New IH-in, walking heels. Smartest ffr'AWpstvla. Sizes 2M to B.Wide widths. At our bargain price, but no money to send no w - only ««. Great Special BARGAIN! Don't Miss This! t?. 7:477<.Sseh° w yoc eet * Wts Psir -1 women’s ■§ an d l men’son sis St- k’ Y * this special Sa(tfe»< ? offer. We bought at a price which U gave ue an unusual -,T-7~ , wholesale bargain price. And not only the lace shoes but these Men’s Dress Shoes. Sensational value. Only 54.54 to pay for this stunning dress shoe. Fine quality black gun metal veal leather. Hi toe Blueher. Strong • jJas-;# leather soles. Low -=>l7 3 z broad heels. New c ‘ Broadway last.* Sizes 6 to 12. Wide widths. K-Sj. ' With every pair ofF77 these Dress Shoes at $4.84 you get the Women ’ <• iyUc. :<zlyl Shoes put in at $2.80-totai <‘S®S onlvS7.fc4BOTH PAIRS gzrs£3 forONE price— a record ks smashing bargain. Sent! Coupon No PuW’ now. Jwt •end :■ s$ coupon Pa r<k theba-»rain pne? J 7.54 Sap and posture when %-r: fT'j? tf&SW 'gr both jr.i.-e arrive. Wa Then :f not eans- /■ fled. return both J?* . pairs and as tlvely refur d mon <jr> not »«ll W_ _S£mSS Leonard -Morton £ & Company £. • ,s®??/ 8ert.8045 Chicago r ’ ; * *; Send me Woman** Shoei F‘ ? .r -? Men’s Itfta Show -1 wiil pay f. 7.04 and poit- f . < for both pair* on «• >- \V-7z. V r’J* rivai, and examine then ? . carefully. If.l am no’ i-7 ■ . * . ’ will send both pain ’■•>B - *i>. •7 bank and yon will refund my money Ord * r No - Ax " 7 Sizf, Size. ■' Women’■ Men’s Name..... AdJrws Lun^sWesk? Generous Offer to Tuberculosis Sufferers of Trial of SAN 031 N SANOLEUM Embracing Europe's Remarkable Expectorant, SANO SIN Noted medical scientists—-Doctors Dane lius. Sommertield, Wolff, Noel, Gauthier, Essers—deciare SANOSIN most valuable treatment for Pulmonary ailments. Felix Wolff, Court Pliysfeian, Director of the Sanitarium for Consumptives in Reibolds grun, Germany, highly recommends it. SANOSIN has been officially recommended to the Berlin Medical Association. Dr. C. W. A. Essers, Amsterdam, Holland, de clares it a “Moral obligation to make SANOSIN known to the whole human race.” American sufferers, rich or poor, can use this remarkable home treatment that has met with such success in Europe. SANO SIN SANOLEUM is designed to produce calm, restful sleep without Morphium or similar deadening drugs, and to bring al most immediate relief from coughing, blood spitting and night sweats. SANOSIN SANOLEUM is an inexpensive home treat ment of genuine merit and is proving a blessing to all suffering from Tuberculosis, Bronchitis. Asthma, Catarrahs, Whooping Cough, etc. Send for FREE BOOKLET (with testimonials) explaining this treat ment and how a trial can be made in your own home at our risk. Address SANOSIN SANOLEUM, 222 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111., Dept. 597. SHOW THIS TO SOME UNFORTUNATE (Advt.) CATARRH TREATED FREE ’.O days to prove this treat- N ment gives relief to catarrh ak of nose, head and air pas- I sages. I bad catarrh, deaf. ’/ ness, head noises, had two f surgical operations, found a I treatment that gave complete / relief. Thousands have usee it. Believe *t will relieve any case. Want you to try it tree. Write DR. W. 0. COFI'EE, Dept X-7 Davenport, lowa. THIS WOMAN FOUND RE- I IEF Men and women suffering from L’ . • pains, stiff and swollen jo nts, lameness and sore ness, will be glad to read how one woman found relief from kidney and bladder trouble. Mrs. G. Hyde, Homestead, Mich., writes: "I have been troubled with weak kidneys; and several times in the last ten years I had that terrible backache and tired out feeling, scarcely able to do my work. Foley Kidney Pills made me feel like a new person.— (Advt.) Watch, Chain and Two Rings Genuine American 5 VVatch.giinraniued h\ B f S7l a ma I. er. an d all th j < |i J jewpjry mvrnt nr sri I- V • yjk 8 »’•!« only 40 packets 7/, ’" i 7 \\ v 5 Garden Seeds it roc t’ 9 fl *?ach Manyotherpre- S mi urns Writetoday II The Wilson Seed Co. Dcpt.c. 14 Tyrone, Pa. 4 ■■- (JKELEL7 FREE I ■; z * ne Ukelele mahogany tin ishdd. f air gut strings, bra -; f -. w ‘-nd ’istruction lw-4: a I given for yelling 25 Jewelry Novelties at 10c each Eaqle Watch Co.. Dent. 462 East Clsl Solid Gold Birdhstone Sing For selling only one dozen boxes White Cloverine Salve at 2cc with Free pictures.*: Write qm-k Tha Wilwa Cbeuical Co., R s»2 Tycoae, Pa. THE ATLANTA TRI-WEEKLY JOURNAL. ‘Mother -in-Law Plant’ Silences the Tongue ' ”7 L -I , Sa : This rare nlant has been named by Supt. George Hess, of the na tional botanical -ardens in Wash ington, D. C., the “mother-in-law plant.” When the human tongue comes in contact with the spines of this plant the tongue swells so that the victim is unable to speak. The dura tion of silence is given as nine days. The plant pictured above is one at the botanical gardens, and prob ably Is the only one in this coun try. Fireman Hurt in $ 10,000 Warehouse Fire MARIETTA. Ga„ Nov. 16.—A loss of ten thousand dollars or more was the result of the fourth fire shat broke out in Marietta Saturday night when the warehouse of All good-Frey-Shaw company was part ly burned. Three alarms had been turned in from diferent parts of me city and the fire department had been suc cessful in extinguishing the flames efore any considerable damage was done. About 10:30 a fire was lo cated in the warehouse just after the department had returned from a fire on Atlanta street. The depart ment rushed out again and thi s time the flames had made sufficient head way to cause a large loss, and it required more than an nour to get the flames under control, • George Gumas, one of the fire man, was painfully injured when a Piate glass window broke and fell on his arm, seriously cutting his wrist. Early Sunday morning, another alarm was turned in, and the fire department reached E. F. March man’ home on Atlanta street in time to prevent serious damage. A blaze had started on the roof and burned a small hole. Ih IRiHS Sib isl | [Safa Ko IMoisey | \\ /Jmi send the Coupon below # FII send the Glasses i // at once I // I | 9 print, thread the finest needle, see fa. e or ne M- They win protect yunr eyeß - I till preventing eye strain and headaches. I These Large size “True Vision’’ l(i J §3 » karat gold-filled glasses are the fines, £ and most durable spectacles and will give years of satisfaction. DON’T SEND A PENNY 5 I TRUS7 YOU I ask you to send no money, sininly your name and ad- Jt/'" S dress. I know that these scientifically ground I I g will give you sueti /j *.. V I ’ision’’ and splen- rF-. .0, \ i satisfaction that 1 ’* L— t on sending them X £ i’REE TRIAL, so ' can see what a re- w f table bargain 1 V t ’. When they ar- L«Y’? | put them on nnd IL, ill " with what ease ZMgJll, 18w #.s?!?>■ It • comfort they will 'Ws.llA ft '•u’& le you to read, work and sew, see clearly at a distance oi E close np, by daylight or lamplight. Note E how easily you can read the fine print in ? your Bible.. You’ll be amazed and delighted w Try Them NOW—They are SENT FREE | Sit right dawn this very minute and fill out KI the coupon. Mail it at once. Your own S 3 postman will deliver the glasses to you post age prepaid, free of all cost. They wilt eome packed in a beautifully velveteen- M lined, spring-back Pocket Book Spectacle case. Try them for 10 full days at my £3 risk and expense. Send the coupon now.' SEND NO MONEY. |—> CHICAGO SPECTACLE HOUSE <£— a Dept. A-382, 14C2-tH-e6 W. Madison St., Chicago, Hl. 9 1 enclose herewith this coupon, which entitles me, by mail, to a pair of your ® 10-Karat Gold-filled Large Size “True Vision” Spectacles complete, also a fine S£l B leatherette, velveteen-lined, spring-back, pocketbook spectacle case, without a penny of cost to me. so I can try them out. under your own offer, of a full ten ffl days’ actual test. This free trial is not to cost me one cent. And if I like tlm E glasses nnd keep them, I am to pay you $2.95 only. But if, for any reason S 3 whatsoever, Ido not want to keep them (and I alone am to be the sole judge) U I will return them to you without paying you a single cent for them as yoii ta agreed. Do not fail to answer the following questions: 9 How old are you? How many years have you used glasses (if any)?.... H S Name « Post Office 2’ R ’ Box No stnte B KWf EH PW BJJ !T™| m Jffl |R Iffl SI n m 8:h, chain and two d no money—simply natoe and address—merely give away M ihil Art Pictures wttb 12 Boxes of our famous White e.whichyou sdl at 25ceach. UewillsendvouthisGenmne atch. also Cham and two Gold Shell Rmgs. accordmg to gl/ remium Catalogue which you receive with the Salve. Millions are using ra for cuts, | * niTQ I YOU CAN ALSO EARN u e ’ c A BEAUTIFUL DINNER SET ' OT SIX LACE CURTAINS J and many other beautiful premiums. Our plan is the easiest and absolutely square. Wnte quick—Pictures and Salve sent promptly, post-patd. Be hist in your town. THE WILSON CHEMICAL CO., aSHCOWKISSIOK TO ACEMTS Dept , L 2„ Tyrone Ptv PELLAGRA MISSISSIPPI BOY CURED Doctors of Laurel and Hattiesburg who waited on the son of J. T. Chil ders, gave him up to die. He had open sores on his face, hands and legs. His throat was inflamed and full of scabs. He suffered terrific IMin in ihe stomach, arms ami le s But the boy’s parents heard of Baughn’s Pellagra Treatment and decided to try- it. Soon after the treatment was started an improve-' ment was noticed Th? pain was relieved and the sores started to heal. In a few months the patient was completely cured. If you suffer from pellagra as this ' Grim Skeletons Make Clock Strike One of the strangest of all clocks is found in India and is called the “Resurrection’Clock.” It nas no dial, a gong being suspend ed in its place. Beneath this gong scattered on the ground, lie enough skulls and bones to make 12 com plete skeletons. At 1 o’clock, enough bones to form one skeleton* come together with a snap, the skeleton springs up and seizes a mallet and strikes the gong one blow. This done, it returns to the pile and again falls to pieces. At 2 o’clock two skeletons spring up and strike two blows. At noon and midnight, all I*2 skel etons assemble and strike the gong, one after another, and again fall to pieces. EX-CROWN PRINCE OFGERMANYPLANS TO REJOIN FAMILY BY GEORGE WITTE Special Crblo to the Chicago Daily News Foreign Service, hy Ijtnsed Wire to The Atlanta Journal,) (Copyright. 11)20.) BERLIN, Germany, Nov. 6. —For- mer Crown I’rince Frederick Wil liam is preparing to leave* his exile on Wierengen Island on the Dutch coast and rejmn his family, which now is in Silesia. This information was received today from a former staff officer who has been in close touch with the former crown prince even during, the exile. One of Frderick Williams’ adju tants will arrive in Berlin next week to get in touch with the government and learn whether it will interpose any objection to the reunion of the former crown prince and his wife and children. What the attitude of the government on the matter is cannot be learned at the moment, but it is expected that a large ma jority of the social democratic del egation in the reichstag, as well as the independent socialists and other left wing parties, will fight the project bitterly, especially if there should be any inclination on the part of the government to grant permis sion to the exiled prince to settle permanently in Germany. The right wing factions, of course, would greet the former prince’s re turn with joy. The majority of the people in the street probably are in different. Among the working classes, however, there are some rad ical elements that might use vio lence to prevent the return. Signs Point That Way Fond Mamma—Do yon think he’ll propose soon, Doris? Daughter—Jies, mamma; he’s been mak ing so many complimentary remarks about you. ! boy did, by all means investigate i this treatment. Baughn’s Pellagra Treatment was discovered by a big-hearted man, living in Jasper, Ala., who is devot i ing his life to the relief of pellagra | n ng his neighbors He is gi .<i i help you- He has written a booklet ion "Pellasia and How to Treat It.” I which we would like to send you. It ' will help you effect a cure in your case. Send your name and ad ' dress and we’ll send the booklet : without obligation to you. Ameri j can Compounding Co., Box 587-L, I Jasper, Ala.—(Advt.) SELLS MILLIONS OF WORMS AS FISHERMAN’S BAIT x- ——7 l tt t rls H ERM AMI f;-. ■ i ■’ - “'' c ''7 7 I : - Ali ?ji ' BA :=:*•: kt A M t 1 • a m B UUH E a a > 7 i i KrMaS Cl - T < - ’ ' ' 'l7 <7 ri’:Rj r T -> | 7-7 ■ -As •'■ ' Peter, the fishernan, at the door of his little shack under the sidewalk on one of San Francisco’s busiest waterfront streets and the sign near which he has sat for thirty-five years. Each New Year ne changes the number in the center of the board and inventory is completed for another year’s business.' SAN FRANCISCO Thirty-five years on the waterfront, in which time he figures he has sold more than 15,330,000 fish worms, have made Peter the Fisherman, a wealthy man. One of the few remaining char acters of the old San Francisco waterfront, for more than three decades Petqr has spent his days from dawn to dark on his little cane chair in the midst of his slimy, slippery stock in trade, wait ing for the ambitious angler, too indolent to “dig his own.” Prices are high, but “times ain’t what they used to be,” says the old Shoots Mystic Crystal Globe When Fortune Doesn’t Suit M’OBILE, Ala.—Fortune-telling is in a slump in Mobile. Rajah, Indian seer, who casts an occult eye over the pasts and into the future for the edification of Mobilians, cannot guarantee that his predictions for the future will lUC-. t ..-•A be pleasing to his clients. Therefore the slump. Henry Sayers, of this city, went to the rajah to have his past re viewed and to obtain a working plan of the future. Sayers and the rajah gathered ’round a mystic crystal and the seer drew therefrom b.ints of a wicked past and an omi nous future. Sayers listened In silence, left in a rage and returned with a gun. WAVE OF CRIME IN PHILADELPHIA STIRS OFFICIALS PHILADELPHIA.—Fifty hold-ups I in one day and numerous murders marking a crime wave in this city ; have caused George T. Cortelyou. di rector of public safety, to ask the city council for an appropriation of $1,500,000 to equip the police depart- ! ment to deal with the emergency. ! The city’s criminals have shown an ever increasing disregard of human life, with a disposition to shoot on the slightest show of resistance. ' The $1,500,000 appropriation is to , be used in employing extra policemen ! and giving them the means to stop i the orgy of crime. It is proposed to purchase a fleet I of automobiles in which policemen ; armed with rifles are to be stationed : at strategical street intersections in ! a position to halt motor bandits. The i police in the machines will be on duty day and night. In addition it is planned to purchase 150 side-car motorcycles and to have riflemen in the side cars. These will be an aux iliary to the motorcycle force al ready in service. An extra force of 250 uniformed policemen will be employed, and Di rector Cortelyou will order every clerk in the police bureau into uni form for street duty. .The depart mental bureaus will run with skele ton forces. The red light system used in Buf falo and a number of western cities and which has been in operation for ■ more than a year in one Philadelphia ! police district eventually will be ex- i tended to the entire city as part of the new plan. The signals are hung ; high on telephone poles and are vis ible from any corner in the district. At present it is proposed to install the system in the eighth tenderloin district, in which highway robber ies and burglaries have been espe cially numerous. Red light signals summoning pa trolmen to the telephone are flashed all through the police districts in an • emergency by the house sergeant, who presses a button which brings the police to the patrol boxes in a hurry. They immediately “call in” and find out what the alarm is about. A general red light call last week resulted in a round up of a gang of thieves, the patrolmen having cut in and received the alarm simulta neously. Superintendent of Police Mills made his draft for the new bandit chasing squad this afternoon, when ie recalled fifty members of the de •artment to active duty from offices n the city hall, where they were mjfloyed as clerks and messengers. Women Start Move bor Government Care Os Mothers and Babies NEW YORK, Nov. 16. —Plans for creating public sentiment in favor j of a bill to be submitted-to the next i session of congress providing for j nroper care of mothers and new-born t babies today occupied the attention i Os 200 women delegates to the first i conference of the second region of I the National League of Women | Voter's, which will close with a din- I ner this evening. “Unless <ve can get the bill passed by this congress,” declared Mrs. Maud Wood Park, chairman of the league, “more than 500,000 mothers and babies will be lost.” She said at least 20,000 mothers and babies die ' every month for want of proper care ! during maternity and infancy. Mrs. Park announced a conference i of representative women throughout i the country called to meet next Mon day in Washington to discuss meth ods of promulgating the bill. Among them will be representatives from ; the General Federation of Women's | clubs. Woman’s ’frade Uii'on League. I Mothers and \ Parent-Teacher asso ciation, Council of Jewish Women. Consumers’ League. Women’s Chris tian Temperance Union, Collegiate A'ur nae association, and the Na- ' ticnal Council of Women. » merchant who is reputed to own several of San Francisco’s most valuable business sites, acquired in the days when land was cheap. Ten cents a dozen is Peter’s standard price now, whether you be governor with new steel rod or newsboy with a willow branch. But concrete piles and oil burning steam ers are making life a hard row now. Because most of Peter’s stock in trade comes from the worms found around the wooden piles. And the oil from the steamers is killing the fish. “If there ain’t no' fish people don’t want no worms,” as Peter puts it. The rajah was In a rear compart ment of his tent, located on the outskirts of the city, when the dis satisfied Sayers entered the mystic chamber. In the half light of the tent the crystal gleamed from its royal purple setting on a tabla Sayers drew a bead on the crystal and fired. Untold numbe »s of un told fortunes were destroyed with the crystal and so rajah has tem porarily ceased operations until the police judge orders Sayers to sup ply funds with which to provide another gazing glass. Meanwhile, Mobilians must con tinue to live as ignorant of the stores of the future as they were before the arrival of the rajah. GEORGIANS LEAVE ON INDUSTRIAL TOUR WEDNESDAY A special train carrying 150 promi nent business men and educators of Georgia left the Terminal sta tion Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock bound for Cincinnati, the first big stop on their industrial tour of ! the large centers of American busi ness. The party will visit Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, Boston, New York and Washington, and will return to Atlanta on Thanks giving day, November 25. j The tour is. under the auspices of j the Greater Georgia Tech Movement, i Governor Dorsey and President K ;G. Matheson, of Tech, will lead the : party, which will be composed of : representatives from Atlanta and : nearly every Georgia city and town. , Due to the cancellation of several reservations on account of sickness of some of the delegates, there are several places remaining, and it is expected that applications to fill these will be accepted Tuesday aft ernoon. The tour has occasioned great In terest in the northern cities to be visited. In every case, a great deal of publicity has been given the trip, and the chambers of commerce in the big cities have prepared to en tertain the Georgians in great style. The mayor of Cincinnatti and a delegation from the chamber of com merce will meet the train from At lanta Thursday morning. An auto- I mobile tour through the industrial ■ and residential sections of the city I has been arranged, and among other things, the Georgia business men will have the opportunity of inspect ing the giant plant of Proctor & Gamble, manufacturers of soap prod ucts. The day will be concluded by a banquet tendered by the Cincinnati business men. In Pittsburg, the delegation will be met at the station by a big group of business men and the whole city .will be turned over to them. At noon they will be the guests of the presi dent of the Westinghouse Electric company at' a luncheon, and their trip through the industrial sections will be concluded by a big banquet at the chamber of commerce. Mes sages have also been received an nouncing splendid entertainment from the other cities. I The party will come back to At lanta from Washington, and will be the guests of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce at a “w'elcotne home” luncheon Thanksgiving day. In the afternoon the whole group will at tend the Tech-Auburn football game as guests of the Georgia Tech Ath letic association. Additional members of the Geor gia delegation who joined the party at the beginning of the week are as follows: Hugh Richardson. B. J. W. Graham and R. W. Mattox, of At lanta; George 11. Sessions, of Mari etta; R. H. Harris, of Woodberrv; C. W. Matthews, of Woodland: J. M Thrash, of Douglas; John Hopkins. I of Waycross, and P. M. Young, a ; representative of the Kiwanisi club, I of Columbus. ! H. S. Dunson, mayor of LaGrange j IY. S. Hill, of Pelham, and Howard > Ashburn, of Moultrie, will be unable i to go on the trip because of illness. Question Unanswered ! “Minima, when tlie fire goes out where ? ' s it go to?" “My <lnnr boy, I don’t know. Yon might f ns well ask me where your father goes a be goes ent.” Bringing About Harmony First I’olitirlnn—ls anything being done I re to promote party harmony? I Sooond Politician—Yps sure! We’ve or- ■ a mandolin and glop club. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. n Use For Over 30 years Always bears i Signature of THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1020. Bullet in Brain Doesn’t Stop Him EMPORIA, Kan. A bullet ! through the brain eight years ago I has not handicapped Harold Tai- | bot in perfecting his education. He j is now a junior in the Kansas I State normal here, specializing in English with the intention of en tering newspaper work after grad uation. Physicians have declared Talbot’s recovery from the bullet would be “almost unparalleled in’ medical annals.” Talbot was accidentally shot by a playmate eight years ago, the bullet of a rifle penetrating his left eyebrow, plowing through his brain and lodging at the rear of the skull. As a result Talbot’s left side was paralyzed and he lost the sight of his left eye. But gradual restoration of these lost powers has been noticeable since the accident. GEORGIA RANKS THIRD IN SOUTH ON STATE BANKS Statistics showing the comparative resources of state banks through out the country recently compiled by the Chemical National bank, of New York, show that Georgia ranks third in the south. On the national list Georgia ranks eighteenth. The figures given out accredit Tex as a total of $400,832.676; Louisiana, $304,652,825, and Georgia, $359,04.231. The tables compiled also proved that the state banks throughout the coun try exceeded the national banks in resources by more than $6,000,000. The returns from the state banks of New York showed a total in re sources of over seven billion. This leads the country. Massachusetts ranks second to New York, and Penn sylvania ranks third. California, Il linois, Michigan and Ohio also rank in the billion-dollar class. The following shows the southern state banks’ resources: State: Resources. Alabama '55136,352,180 Arkansas 184,146.676 Florida 116,525,680 Georgia 359,038,231 Kentucky 225,566,654 Louisiana 364,652,825 Mississippi 200.539,549 North Carolina ~ 284,888,919 0k1ah0ma211,912,178 South Carolina Tennessee 258.702,060 Texas 400,832,678 V i r g i nia 201.5 69,262 A Dutiful Wife Mr. Pester—You've gone and bought an other SSO hat on my account. Why didn’t you ask my permission before indulging in such extravagance? His Wife Because T didn’t want to <to anything contrary to your expressed wishes. Oh! my baclt! OUCH! MOW IT PAINS! “OH, IT’S THERE! ||' 17 I Right Across Small of the ; 1 ,3 Back or Over the Kidneys” LU M BAG O, RHEUMATISM, J GOUT, SWOLLEN AND PAINFUL FEET ’ Due to Faulty Kidney Elimination \ All signals of distress. The kidneys have too much work to l/y iHVI perform. Uric acid accumu- a m H kites in the system in the form w pIWL of urate salts. | W Obtain at your nearest drug JU| store that newest discovery of Dr. Pierce’s, called “Anuric” ' (anti-uric-acid). “Anuric” is ' J more potent than lithia and dis solves uric acid as hot water does sugar. The best kidney , O remedy known. AUBURN, GA.—"For many years I have been doing much heavy work and my suffering from kidney trouble seemed almost unbear able at times. I had tried many kinds of medicine for it, but in vain. Several months ago I sent for a bottle of Dr. Pierce’s Anuric Tablets and since I have taken them I have felt like a new woman and the kidney action is now normal. I highly recommend Dr. Pierce’s Anuric Tablets to all sufferers from kidney trouble.”—MßS. A. R. CLACK, Route 1. Simply ask your favorite druggist for Doctor Pierce’s BJjfefe ,'Q 3y G L fjvEn 4 000 y r r / ThU hfalth. Endurance Look around at the men and women you meet in a single day. One glance is enough ''- 1 to tell the ones with plenty, of rich, red blood, strength and physical energy to back run-down people in two weeks’ timr up their mental power and make them e It is conservatively estimated that Nuxatec success in whatever they undertake. Iron is now being used by over four million Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly pb.y people annually, and it has been used and sician of Bellevue HospitaKOutdoor Dept.), endorsed by such men as Ignace Jan Fade- New York, and the Westchester County rewski, Ex-Premier of Poland and Master Hospital, says that to help make strong, Pianist; United States Judge G. W. Atkinson, keen, red-blooded Americans there is of the Court of Claims of Washington; also nothing so valuable as organic iron- former Health Commissioner Wm. R. Kerr, Nuxated Iron. It often increases the of Chicago, and others. Nuxated Iron Is strength end endurance of weak* nervous* dispensed by all cood druggists everywhere WONDERFUL PHONOGRAPH m CRFF Here is our New Style E. D. L. Phonograph—the latest’i’.: ’igli gioßa no provenr nt—without the horn The lightest, most durab. w l .',--.mwen ■n<l compact practical phonograph ever produced. it l> JKewf.Li Til - M.sSWW beautifully finished, tone arm black japanned. nick" winding eiinik. accurately constructed, 7S| a smooth running spring motor, which plays ''r? '■ 7 ‘ "L. K 2 to 3 records nt one winding, speed regu intor, stop lever ami felt-covered turn table -T ' New. improved sound box with mi a cli.i B*. 'Y phragm. which makes perfect reproduction-. ?4—i—— ■’"'tl f all kinds of music—bnffrl pieces talkfn ' pieces, instrnu'ental, orchestra, vocal, etc EK-;lv' 'I ■■ u T s/h Dis- oeor 7 B O 'V_i properlv. Puis machine is sumply vvondi U-T- ■'* f" - '■■ I'd—not to lie cou pared with any other ■ B^-77Li’i'U ' j,.-7 ■! this kind. Will give you more entertaii ir.Tit' . »' I '-nt .anything you ever ovvrv'd. Strut' . c. 37. • .v'd durable. Small and compact with fei ■'? . • -r* tz 7 tL7I 77 . a-tn to eot out of order. I ; '1 EVURY MACHINE REGULATED AND 7;’i.-// TESTED g ~•■/■■■ .:K* ‘a»s •■■fore it haves the f.tct-.ry and guaranty . /. ;! ' / in every way. Are l t Imnorraph, not fer';7- ’•W' 'fe ” ■■’.v. yet small and light enough to be cn GiiGJ'i' 'v' 7 id to camps, excursions, etc. Gives a w “ A—rw ' jjF lenrness and volume of tone not sur- passed by most high-priced insTutncnts. FREE TO YOU—SEND NO MONEY fust your name and we will send you 24 of our Art Pictures to dispose of on special d fer at 25 cents eitch.' Send us die $6 you collect and for your trouble we will send this new improved E. D. L. Phonograph and a selection of 6 records, free for yout ’rouble. You can dispose of pictures and earn this great machine and the records in a few hours’ time. Address. E. D. LIFE, 337 W. Madison St., UT7O, CHICAGO Buried in Midair :*:J ; i • • -<7 This picture, just received from Siberia, shows how the Buriat na tives bury their dead. Instead, of digging graves, which often is im possible in the frozen ground, they erect posts and lay the dead in roughly-made boxes nailed to the posts. Scatter His Ashes Cn Stormy Sea NEW YORK. —An unusual Ma sonic funeral service took place when the ashes of Robert Weems, whose body was cremated more than two years ago, were deposited in the ocean, one mile off Jones inlet, by members of his lodge. Weems, who was a resident of the village of Hempstead, staetd in his will that he wished his ashes either scattered to the four winds or over the surface of the ocean. His wish was carried out by Henry Turner, master of Anglo-Saxon lodge, of Brooklyn, and Past Masters Arthur H. Myers, Charles H, Engstrom and Howard Wood. In the yacht of D. Baldwin Sanne man, a member of Lexington lodge, the party went outside the line of breakers. A fairly heavy sea was running, and rain was falling as the ashes were lowered overboard just at nightfall, while the Masonic fu neral service for committal to the sea was recited. Bull Gores Two Horses to Death ABBEVILLE, Nov. 16.—A bull be 1< aging to Johnny Gibbs got out o. his pasture one day last week ami broke into H. T. Brown’s pasture, and gored and killed two horses be longing to Colonel N. M. Patten. The horses had been sent out to Mr. ’Brown’s pasture to graze. The bull killed one Friday and the other one Saturday. Resinol will soothe that itching skin The first application of Resinol usu ally takes the itch p.nd burn right out o£ eczema and similar skin-affections. This gentle, healing ointment seems t?> get right at the root of the restoring the skin to health in a sur prisingly short time. All druggists sell Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soan. For free sample, write Dept. 6-R, Resinol; Baltimore, Md. »j* Horrt.S'mctde 4?cn?-sJy <« X Stops Cougiis Quickly £ X ? j The bent coagh medicine yon ever 1 *;* used. A family supply easily and y ’»♦ quickly made. Saves about $2. ■'♦**** *.♦%**♦• *♦* ’+' *♦* *+* *** *** *** *♦**♦”♦' *♦* *♦* *♦* *♦* *♦* *♦’ ’♦**♦**J* You might be surprised to know ' that the best thing you can use fur a severe cough, is a remedy which is easily prepared at home in just a few moments. It’s cheap, but for prompt results it beats anything else you ever tried. Usually stops the ordinary cough or chest cold in 24 hours. Tastes pleasant, too—children like it—and it is pure ami good. Pour 2% ounces of Pinex in a pint bottle; then fill it up with plain granulated sugar syrup. Or use clari- f lied molasses, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup, if desired. Thus you make a full pint—a family supply—but costing no more than a small bottle of ready-made cough syrup. And as a cough medicine, there is really nothing better‘to be had-at any price. It goes right to the spot and gives quick, lasting relief. It promptly heals the inilamed mem branes that line the throat and air passages, stops the annoying throat tickle, loosens the phlegm, and soon your cough entirely. Splendid for bronchit',, croup, hoarseness and bronchial a*thma. Pinex i;i highly concentrated com pound of Norway pine extraot,- famous for healing the membranes. To avoid disappointment ask'your druggist for ounces of Pinex” with directions and don’t accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. MovmgPictureMachme Given Boys, here is your EEr-; L\ chance to have a £'7 I ' 14 real movingpicture ft’ Om 84 scHnboxesfamous Z ® Rr-wy WhiteCloverinc : T! kt’ W' Sa,ve B,j,!c w \ ,hFr r gfcl 7’ l - kS-'y ' pictures according to '"'■*l offe’innremi'inwatnlog. Be fir»tin ynurt own Tlio WnsosCheMles!Co., MP 77 Tyrone. P*. s-5* /Alcner Tubes FREE v 1 Positively greatest tire offer ever IV“4 i madel Sensational value sweeps A ' *»w«2y all competition. 6,000 milafl i or mora guarantee cl from our select j ks ’M cd rebuilt Standard Make Tires. - S Cr r.cir *ijVaJO Free with each tire, fejltaey Not a cent in advance! Pay on ar ' [2.: ; rival of goods. Afterexemination if 7cCs*w F ’ you are not fully Batisfled with the 7>.|i liomcndaus bargain value, return pv'4 shipment and we will refund your -’■ Y * i'yi money. Lew Prices lOO* /1 Price iactutfc. Tiro and Tubo !< S!Z® PXICS SIZE IT.JCB VU'7 5 Mxs sii.M Vl-Y £ SOr'iJi 7A5 12.95 wgZ, W 3 B?-xSJi 9.15 35XCJ4 1?.« Slxl WJS 8B:G« H.M g 32x4 >0.69 35x5 15.05 V r 83** 1145 87x5 ,3X ’ Order aS once to set lowest prices ever made 0.1 tires of such nualhv. tetßt< Xcmember. DO money now—pay only ou arrival. One Innci Tube with eneb Tire ordered. MIFCHKL!. TrtiE & RUBBER CO. y.»s Car* 3oets St-set Went. 311 CtitcaßO, 111. " D S S _ Perfect hearing is now being restored in every ?l ’»dition of deafness c defective hearing from iLIWyFT-rift r causes such as L'atarrliai JI IVv Deafness, Relaxed oi Sunken Drums, Thickened Drums, Roaring and Ills* ' ing Sounds, Perforated. «- Wholly or Partially De stroyed brums, Discharge from Ears, etc. WILSON COMMON-SENSE EAR DRUME “Little Wiroless Phoney for the Ears," re quire no medicine, bti effectively replact what is lacking or defective in the natural ear drums. They are simple devices, which the wearer easily fits into the ears, where they are invisible. Soft, safe and comfort able. Write today for our 168-page FREE book on DEAFNESS, giving you full particulars and testimonials. WILSON EAR DRUM CO,, Incorporated, 324 Inter-Southern Bldg., Louisville, Ky. 31-Piece Dfrmer Set Given Full size dinner * \ against V J b ure white color. N. y Every piece dec. 77-77 *7_?~ 1 -rated with I I r I 77*Y M o.yal blue band ' \ SJ) and your initial S, hT-AK "Z4~ stamped in pure ® coin gold - just - £C ij 4O packet* Garden Seeds at ioc, according to offer in catalog. Send your name The Wilson Seed Cu.» Dapl. DI WTyrono, Pa, CMeTSs Whe I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally I got hold of something that quickly and completely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture lias never re turned, although 1 am doing hard work as a carpenter. There was no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full information about how you ntay fjnd a complete cure without'oper ation, if you write to me. Eugene M. Pnllen. Carpenter, P-P-G Marcelltis avenue, Manas quan, N. J. Better cut out this notice and show it to any others who are ruptured you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation. (Advt.) 26-Piece Silveroid Set Given O—Full size for,family use; will never tar. nishi b ® au I tifu l pattern. Simply sell T-r 40 packets Garden ■^7^— Seeds at loc. Many valuable premi uni* given. Write toa>v. TheWilsonSeedCo.,D?pz. 354 Tyrone,Pa, [■:7L 11 CA’i.-TG CUU, r.OJTtq, etc S. WPPIT C#«MIIT,£M 3J4 Srmnii,, F# , 3