Atlanta tri-weekly journal. (Atlanta, GA.) 1920-19??, November 20, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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8 efSIR SIDNGY 5 PEAK’S VGRtA fjG? F> YERRIBLYA C WHAT SeGMp| _ OF M-Y PUpuTTY S|4i6HLY OF jeFF’S FORGETFUL. THAMES; A FoRGo T T&PAYMfr k -k ability “re cult luATe tcn bucks. D6*/ou mutt: troublg.You \ L can’t j ICAD’ ! o-ng's memory. I iHiMk You cam look t JI ppmcmßfr. ( / , uHi * 1 ™ I | I V , > j--- ' \ reßß.Buf \ ? <3/£ JEFF HAS mh ■ jJw I MMUO ■ 'JT Jb ' getting Mfe" • Ml MhJp % a Mfe away with HK SOMETHING. »M|. Y IwKY *" I* ’KB! IWMtefiS evidently sMK I iSSSBF W WJs-’l w-'iSH iwail BWra j Nr < 4BBTsv?'.n BYBUDFISHEI BO M --" .. D fSTOMACH ON i I A STRIKE j _ • j “Pape’s Diapepsin” puts • ? J Sour, Gassy, Acid Stomachs | in order at once ! j • '• • ■.".l'. • • Wonder what upset your stomach —which portion of the food did the damage—do you? Well, don’t bother. If your stomach is in a revolt; if sick, gassy and upset, and what you Just ate has fermented and turned sour; head dizzy and aches, belch gases and acids and eructate undi gested food—just eat a tablet or two of Pape’s Diapepsin to help neutral ize acidity and in five minutes you wonder what became of the indiges tion and distress. If your stomach doesn’t take care of your liberal limit without rebel v lion; if your food is a damage in stead of a help, remember the quick est. surest, most harmless antacid is Pape’s Diapepsin, which costs so lit tle at drug stores. — (Advt.) When Feed Beesn'tDigest Give the Stomach a Rational Rest by Proper Aid, Not by Harsh Starvation Methods. Use / Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets A sdur stomach mav indicate an scid Condition that calls for an alkaline effect. This you will get from one or two Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets after a meal. Sour risings, gassiness, a heavy bloated feeling and such dis tress due to indigestion or dyspep sia are usually only temporary. And yet they may lead to serious disord er. The regular use of Stuart’s * Dyspepsia Tablets after meals re flects to a high degree the intelli gent selection of preventative meas ures. pne cannot always select or in spect the quality of food to be eat* en nor its method or manner of 1 preparation. But it is possible to ' avoid the acidity that is so aften the ; result. And it is a far better plan i to eat without worry over what may ; happen, than to starve for fear it i will happen. Many physicians rec- - ommend these tablets for stomach ' distress due to indigestion or dys- ! pepsia. They are sold by all druggists everywhere at 60 cents a box. (Advt.) I ARE YOU SICK? If you are suffering from Blood or Nerve Disorders, Rheumatic Symptoms, Stomach or Bowel trouble. Skin Broken out or rough and sore. Sore Mouth or Tongue, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Loss of Appetite, Weak, Ner vous or a General Rundown Condition—these are danger signals that you should heed. Write at once for the most reliable and val uable information on how to rid your sys tem of these troubles and regain strong, vigorous health. We want you to prove for yourself, as thousands of other sufferers have pjoven. that th% ARGALLEP TREATMENT is the most pleasant, simplest and safest method of getting permanent relief. Don't take chances. These troubles may indicate that you are suffering from PELLAGRA, ANAEMIA, CHLORO SIS, DEBILITY, NEURASTHENIA cr some other serious derangement of the system that needs immediate treatment. No matter -what doctors or others have told you—no matter what yon have tried—all we is a chance to show you what the ARGALLEP TREATMENT will do. It costs you nothing for this FREE PROOF. We will send to you FREE and Prepaid, without obligation on your part, a FULL SIZED $2.00 TREATMENT FREE Thousands of sufferers have accepted this generous offer and write us that tiiey are amazed at their rapid recovery to health. Just send your name and address—NO MONEY—we will send you the $2.00 AR GALLEP TREATMENT, full directions, and valuable and important information—all free —in plain wrapper. ARGALLEP COMPANY , CARBON, HILL. Ala. Dept. 802. ■■■■■n&l6^«i^^^Ki£;?4&?: bend no money Just ask cb to eend you either of three wonderful dazzling genuine Tifnite Gem nnga to wear for 10 days If you can tea it from a diamond, send it bark Re.l. Solid gold No .2 Solid -old No. 3. Solid sold mounting Eight- Ladies newest six-prong tooth c^Jr^ <le j At fl£lt mounting Has a mounting Guar- wide band. Almost guaranteed genu- anteed genuineTif. ? guaran- jne Tifnite Gem. nite Gem, almost ■ teea Tifnite gem. almost a carat. carat in size. In sending send strip of paper fitting around second joint rr nagei lav only $4.60 upon arrival; then pay only 53.00 per month ur u toe price sl6 50 is paid fcr either one Otherwise return ' ng within ten days and wt vill refund any pay. mentm-.j. This offer io limited. f hile it bolds good. • Vo. t Dept* 1056 Chicago, 111. THE ATLANTA TRLWEEKLY JOURNAL. BITUMINOUS COAL SUPPLY EXCEEDS DEMAND,' CLAIM t WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.—The bi tuminous CQaI supply is outstripping the demand, production promises to reach ne wrecords and prices con tinue dropping, coal men and gov ernment officials agreed today. While a less optimistic vie.w is taken of the anthracite situation, the belief is expressed here that it also will recover from the effects of the recent outlaw strike and right itself by the first of the year. Officials of the National Coal asso ciation, an organization of operators, today said the supply of bituminous coal is steadily improving and that the production for the present week may set a new record. Prices at the mines, they said, continued to drop and there is no shortage except spo radic cases in scattered localities which are rapidly being corrected. At the American Wholesale Coal association, it was said, the bintu minous coal situationY» satisfactory in every way and that prices con tinue to decline all along the line. The United States geological sur vey today cited figures to sffbw that coal production so far this year is rapidly approaching the production at this time in 1918, a record year, when in face of a heavy demand there was a surplus carried over. So far this year the production has been about 464,331,000 tons; at the same time last year it was 405,344,- 000 tons and in 1918 505,021,000 tons. If present rates of production are kept up the production by the end of this year may equal or even ex ceed the 1918 production, it is be lieved here. Throughout October and the latter part of September produc tion ran more than 12,000’ tons a week for four successive weeks. It fell below this mark only last week due to the Armistice day holiday. Thief Returns Bonds Finding Them Worthless SOUTH BEND, Ind. The thief who stole $8,500 worth of bonds from Martin Payne’s room was con siderate enough to return them by parcel post, when he found they were of no value to him. Cotton Yield Better Than In 1919 in Terrell > DAWSON, Ga., Nov. 18.—According to the last government report there had been ginned in Terrell county prior to November 1, 21,279 bales of cotton as compared with 15,786 bales the corresponding date last year. Os the cotton ginned this season the Dawson warehouses havq received to date 13,025 bales. The above figures show a difference of 5,703 bales in favor of this year’s crop. The estimate at the beginning of the season was placed at 22,000 bales, but due to unfavorable conditions a little later the estimate was lowered to between 18,000 and 19,000 bales. According to the last government report Terrell county will probably go over the estimate set at the be ginning of the season. The acreage in cotton this year is 10 to 15 per cent greater than last, and it seems that the production this season will exceed that of last year by about 5.000 to 6,000 bales. The crop in this section is practically gathered and most all of it has b.een ginned anrd stored. CAMEO,- E? BROOCH F B i L With This Beautiful, Stylish Serge Skirt Send Io Money! pB STUNNING BARGAIN! * This beautiful smartly styled Serge Skirt sent to you without one penny in advance. So sure are we this is the greatest bargain you have seen that we want to send it to you at our risk. You will wonder at such superb value for so little money. The rea son is we have just a small, special lot of these handsome Serge Skirts—so you must rush your order. Just send your name and size—not one cent of money! BLUE ©R BLACK SERGE SHIBI S2LSS Prepaid Made of finely-woven, splendid quality, mix- ed serge. Full cut in season's latest de ■ sign. Two stylish pockets trimmed with K. ♦•4'k r\ J' v buttons and braid. Helt lined with sateen; large buttons in front. Back fini .bed with soft shirring. You will be absolutely de lighted with the appearance and wonderful quality of this skirt. The unheard-of lon price will astound yot#! Think of it—only ?2.95 when the skirt arrives—not a penny now. You simply cannot afford to mists ■ this sensational bargain. Write your name address, waist size, skirt length and color desired on coupon or letter and mail To DAY - Flips are extra full. The picture does not do justice to the beauty of the style. Yu; must try it on to really appreciate it. Snap this bargain up now—while it lasts. ALL SIZES \ Sizes 22 to 4G waist, 34 to 40 length. Extra waist size from 31 to 39—85 centSkextra. Special extra size from 40 up—-95e extra. These made to order. I” sure to state color desired, waist and length size. This, with your name and address on the coupon, is all we require. Don't send a penny with the coupon. Remember, you can send this skirt back by Insured Mail at our expense if you don’t think it is the greatest skirt value ever offered. Atl. T.-W. Journal | Order Coupon | Nov. 16, 18, 20, 1920 V. S. Supply Co., Skirt Dept., Atlanta, Ga. Send Skirt prepaid by return mall, C. 0. D. (Cameo-Brooch Free). I will pay • n arrival, but will return if not satisfactory. Waist Length ..'.' Color ». Name Address Town ..: World’s Richest Man D— IA? X i I I i > MwWMML ■< ft am I ! ■J on Ki D. t=acy F~Pt. Here is the latest pnotograpn of John D. Rockefeller, snapped as the aged oil magnate went to the polling place to n'* ,: s ballot in the presi dential election. Tamer Takes Nap With His Lions GENEVA. —When a lion tamer was missed, police searched all the cages. Finally found him asleep in, a cage with two of his lions. After eight hours of snooze he walked out and went home to his wit’a and break fast. France to Get Her Flags Back PARTS.—Under an article In the treaty of, Versailles, the French flags of garrison Metz, which the Ger mans got when the city fell on Octo ber 27, 1870, are to be handed back to France. OIP/ 7 New Questions 1. I have never seen an Indian with mustache or whiskers. Are they a beardless race?, 2. What are a child’s chances of recovery from diphtheria? 3. How long will a person to whom tetanus antitoxin is given be im mune from lockjaw? 4. If the Old Testament was writ ten Without vowels being indicated, how and when were there vowel points added? 5. Has the sale 'of war supplies brought in much money? 6. When were rolls, such as those used in a rolling mill, first used? 7. Give a quick way to make apple sauce. 8. How is papier mache made? 9. Os what kind of wood is a deal table made? 10. Do thunder and lightning storms always pass in the same di rection? Questions Answered 1. Q. —When a train is going around a curve, is most of the weight on the high rail or the low rail? A. —The bureau of standards says the proportion of weight on the two rails will depend altogether on the elevation of the outer rail and the speed of the train. If there |s no super elevation of the curve and the train is traveling at a compara tively high rate of speed the centri fugal force will, of course, put the greater weight upon the outside rail, but it is the universal custom to ele vate the outer raffs so as to pre serve the equal distribution of weight at the speeds at which trains usually run. 2. Q. —Please give names of govern ment hospitals where disabled sol deirs of the late war can receive treatment. A. The war department Says that the chain of army hospitals where rehabilitation cases are being treated is to be reduced to four hospitals during October. These will be army and navy general hospital, Hot Springs, Ark.; Walter Reed general hospital, Takoma Park. D. C.; Fitz simmons general hospital, Denver, Col.; Letterman general hospital, San Francisco, Cal. 3. Q. —When was rural free de livery instituted? A.—The postoffice department says that on March 31, 1893, congress made an appropriation of SIO,OOO for experimenting witn rural free de livery, but the sum was deemed in adequate and was not used by the department. January 9, 1896, an ad ditional SIO,OOO was voted, and on October 1, 1896, rural free delivery was attempted off three routes,— .Charlestown, Uvilla and Halltown, all of West Virginia. 4. Q. —What is the winter season as recorded by the weather bureau? A. —The weather bureau says that the winter season is recorded from December of one year to February of the following year. 5. Q. —How many ounces of silver bullion has the government pur chased under the Pittman act? A.—The office o£ the director of the mint says that approximately 17,000,000 ounces of silver have been -purchased under the Pittman act. 6. Q. —Are there any states where children do not have to go to school? A.,—The bureau of education says that all of the states have compul sory attendance laws, requiring that children attend school at least until they are fourteen years of age. 7. Q.—When was the subway built in New York City? A. Underground rapid transit In New York City was first provided for by a commission in January, 1900. Work was begun in that year, and a road constructed from one end of Manhattan «to the other. /It was opened to the public on October 24, 1904. the cost being $40,000,000. An extension to Brooklyn was decided upon in May, 1901, and finished short ly after the Manhattan line. 8. Q. —Why was the maple leaf chosen as the emblem of Canada? A.—A poetical reason given for choosing the maple leaf is that it endures the frosts of misfortune with added color and beauty. 9. Q. —What is a white city? A. —This name is generally given to a pleasure resort where there are merry-go-rounds, roller coasters, shooting galleries, etc.—so-called be cause the structures are usually painted white. 10. Q. —Have various woods the same heating value? How does heat value of wood compare with that of coal? A. —Practically all wood fiber has the same fuel value per unit weight In comparison with coal the heating value of wood is a little more than one-half as great as that of coal. HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS Boss 'Low HE: Got a~? Min' T' KILIj. MAH OLE coon-dawg but dis Ain' no time t* talk boot killin' a good COON- dawg , yvi D COTTON I AT DE PRICE 'TIS [[/-J jew BP* Cepnight. 192. Q by McClui. Syndicate. Train Bandits Foiled; One Wounded in Fight DENVER, Col., Nov. 17.—Porfce are searching today for armed men who last night attempted to hold up and rob Union Pacific passenger train No. 104, eastbound, at Sandow, six miles east of Denver. Eighteen shots were fired by the bandits and members of the traip crew, wno, since the Carlisle trafn robbery in Wyoming, have been armed. One of the bandits Is believed to have been wounded. They escaped in an automobile which was waiting near the siding. Three of the bandit party, believed to have numbered sixlmen, flagged the and as it pulled to a stop they approached the baggage car. When the bandits opened fire the train crew returned it with shotguns. In the meantime. Rock Island train No. 6, eastbound on the same tracks, came up behind. The Rock Island train’s rear coaches were de railed as it passed the Sandow switch. Railroad officials believe the switch was pulled while the train was passing over it. Prices We Welcome a “Quality for Quality” Price Comparison With any'Phonograph on the Market Never before have prices received keener atten- * tion from buyers than at the present time. This is the natural reaction to a market readjustment after>an extended period of high prices. Such careful scrutiny of values is welcomed by the merchant whose goods will stand the acid test of “price comparison.” We invite a "quality for qualit of the SILVERTONE with any phonograph on the mar ket. And we are so confident of the outcome of such a , comparison that we guar- <g antee to take back without question any SILVERTONE fe Phonograph on which the M buyer is not convinced that he t-S has saved from 25 to 50 per L, cent. This offer is open to g everyone. If you want to Ss make the comparison, let us 8g send you a SILVERTONE .® on our liberal two weeks' trial offer explained below. This K trial will not cost you one cent £ nor obligate you in any way. 8 When you receive the instru- ZJ ment, compare it, feature for ES feature, with any other phono- E? graph on the market. If, after & this comparison, you are not p satisfied that, ‘‘quality for fc quality”, the SILVERTONE g is the lowest priced instru- ® ment of its kind, simply notify gj us and we will take it away at SB our own expense. The trial ga will have cost you nothing. M Why SILVERTONE . | Price* Are Lowest Manufacturing phono graphs in great numbers, as we have to do in order to meet g the demands of seven million customers, enables us to keep the manufacturing cost per phonograph down to the very minimum. Complete factories i tiiiijW^lf ~ j I 1 —ii — an “ value. We will accept your de cision without question. Mr IbSI I IB!® ® We Invite Wli| .Fl Mm Thi ‘ Te “ Wfe wjaPatl?] -..i .SUMhRHmBKr When you receive ’Btei OgHhl.F j V~~ I your SILVER- IpfeH if! « A TONE we want you WX „ ill Mwwlwu W -’-’S to make thia test: '1 : Place SILVER- iL'.l wHapHrai' > * i'J= iU ' TONE alongside any * BWsHlrjX N'll i ill H!S Other machine of any fl tWOagl make or any price. Play the same record, first on I;' ■ ? 4 mfcW machine, then on the bL B aiSJgggaff; other. Judge for yourself ii V W&ißSßgalg l vllich machine has the Wf U better tone. Unless you are KfcJ smOMUJ rl-i fully convinced that the s^sowa“*?7 e * & SILVERTONE has aW Gclearer, sweeter, purer tone M WWAju.iH 'm/ 3 w V ‘han any other machine, O p ® Model J L °P U e i r , iod V you are under no obligation Mahogany, Walnut or Fumed Oik Yt * Mcirth • Specifications. Gold Plated Metal Parts ~~ -9? Height, 43’4 i Specifications. . ‘P I ’ * n ;’ Height, 46’4 inches; width, 21 Inches; -d4wZjlß> 7^j-g;in : depth, 21J4 inches. Net weight, ready to P* g y Ay? Z» play, about 85 pounds. Price, $165.00, pay- r'Y- ' y I jS.OO, pa able $6.00 a month* |SILVERTONE RECORDS] |Of = are made for and sold exclusively by Sears, Roebuck = JEsijfagJt-llfj fj s and Co. They are 10-inch double disc records and g I v: 1 .'.5^.y = are made by artists of well known ability and = a- -7/■ ; = reputation. The list below comprises the most pop- = F = ular vocal, instrumental, dance and other records = IVXOael U =of recent production and offers a selection from = a_ AA a * = which you can choose a comprehensive repeltoire for = V < L/U A = trial with your SILVERTONE Phonograph. = Month = Silvertone Records will play on any disc phonograph, E • , ' 3,1> < - no matter what kind, no special attachment of any kind = Mahogany or Golden Oak Y#/?’ ’'•/'■X I = being necessary, except with the Edison or Pathe. = Specification.. = At our low price the Silvertone Records represent a = ,‘4 inches: width, = worth while saving over other records of the same = J; inches; depth. 20ys Inches. = high quality. = Net weight, ready to play, 40 = = pounds. Price. $55.00, pay- aiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia able $3.00 a month. «KHL_. K3OHI «Z4&*sß HTV’-w MMKW STWES® sagEQfl; ■BD* BRSW SfOSS WSO* tOtBOi ££K£W OEM KS2QI ■>»»»> - B (X) in the squares provided for the purpos «and a detac” I Mail Your Order to the Nearest of Our Four Stores I □ Mahogany. H this list, with the order blank at the right, and mail both eo*so Golden Oak. S ■to Sears, Roebuck and Co. 58A42 price, 555.00 “ II 1 I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles. Hart and] 5019 SEARS, ROEBUCK ANDTO. Date 192 Payment 0 II Shaw tenor and baritone duet. ( 10->n- You may ship me the SILVERTONE Phonograph and Records which I have marked with an (X), without $3.00 a month, i ■ When You Look in the Heart of a Rose. I 69c any obligation on my part to buy unless lam perfectly satisfied. ... " I Louts James, tenor. J If. after two weeks’ trial. I decide to keep and use the instrument. I .will send you the first payment for the Mnd.l G a o . . w , , » p.l w». Marv Chaa Mari 1 ensn phonograph and records and pay the same amount each month, until paid in full; then the SIL.VBRTONE and * B | Oh I What s rsl Was Mary. t_naa.Hart. 5040 records become my property. Mahogany. B I 1 nut„ w R=n=ra 1 coL"’ Should I decide, after two weeks’ trial, that the SILVERTONE Is not satisfactory, I will notify you, and you Q Walnut. Ohio. Geo. w. canards tenor. J 69c are to give me instructions so that I may send the outfit back at your expense. \ou are also to return to me any r n lden Oalu 5 | | Mickey. Henry Burr, tenor. ] 5014 transportation and cartage charges I have paid. ’ , , , f , — 1 v *° , H I j How ’Ya Gonna Keep ’Em Down on the> 10-in. I have always been faithful in paying my obligations and am making this statement for the purpooe of inducing Q Fumed Oek. g Farm? Byron G. Harlan, tenor.J 69c you to grant me these terms, and I give you my pledge that you may feel safe in trusting me to pay as agreed. Price, ft 115-00 B B I I Silver Threads Among the Gold. Harry] 5041 c . t> ti n Payment ■ The C ‘Henry Burr, tenor. } ’wj?' No._J No. and No $4.50 a month, fl ! SmiUs. Hart and Shaw, tenor and baritone! 5912 h--d artfully. If under age. some member of your family who Is of age and „ | 1 Tears of Love. Chas. Hart, tenor. j 69c * Mahogany. B II 1 I’m a Twelve o’Clock Fellow in a Ninel 5004 Postoffice ~,. .County State O Walout. a I o’Clock Town. B. G. Harlan. i in.-in. rrice, $135-00 a I’m All Bound Round With the Maeon-j 69c A c. ♦- Pavment Dixon Lino. John Myers, baritone. J Shipping Point ■■■hi ■.. ■■ ■■■ County. rate . ■ —— 55.00 a month. ■ | 1 Cohen on the Telephone. Harry Marks.] 5023 - ■— I J Backyard Con versation Between Two/ 10-in. I have been located In If less than 5 yeare. Model J. ■ Jealous Irish Washerwomen. J.T. Kelly.J 69c thia town since ———■ ■■■■■ give former address. . —— Mahogany. ■ 11 I THl'we*Me°t"Again. Both. Hawaiian guij My business, occupation Do you wish shipment made □ Walnut. tars. Toots Paka Troupe. I 69c or profession is., . by express or freight (State which) L “ Funned Oak. BFI v W R e ?i- H tr aii K n I IPlease give name of head of household to prevent ' Pric, $165.00 I lil Kohala Both, Hawaiian guitars, > 10-ln. mistakes and simplify the keeping of our records. Payment. fl Toots Paka T ronpe.! 69c NAME OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD 56.00 a month. 3 I 1 Dardanella. (Fox Trot.) Orlando's Dance 5036 oETruCR/r’E’C. 77 —. 777 I Orchestra. 10-in. (Please give names of TWO references.) Kt.l Model K Spacial. * I My Isle' of Golden Dreamt. (Waltz.) Or- 69c Na^ ————— Address Business or Occupation Quarter Sawed 1 lando s Dance Orchestra.“ c - Fum.d O.k. | I —l Patches. (Fox Trot.) Green's Novelty! 5038 «-ro nn I Dance Orchestra. I 10-in. rrlce. t ZO.OO Q LMy Baby’s Arms. (Fox Trot.) Green's! 69a £2J lDen *’ a Novelty Dance Orchestra. * J , . —■ ■ . .... 54.00 a month. I Alaskan Air Mail Service Seems Slow SEATTLE, Wash. Atmospheric mail connection with Alaska may be good and then again maybe not so good, opine some chamber of commerce members here. Thorulf Lehmann, president of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, sent a let ter of greeting by airplane to the chamber here. It arrived nine weeks later. Nobody knows what cloud the aviator tarried on. Vote Is Cast by Members Oldest Family WHEELING, W. Va.—When the seven members of the Wass family went to the polls it was revealed that their combined age totaled 591 years. The oldest was Mrs. Betsy, 91, none of her six brothers and sis ters were under 75. are devoted to the production of single parts of the SILVERTONE. We are thus able to produce these parts at much lower cost per unit than would be possible "ifej were we required to have them made up in small jt quantities from time to time. We buy our raw materials |i in such large lots that we are always able to secure lock bottom prices. These manufacturing economies enable us to put J Ity price comparison more quality into SILVERTONE Phonographs per dollar of manufacturing cost J than would be possible if they 9 iafev were made under limited pro- J duction conditions. This 7 saving is passed on to you {■{ K'tV *. F- * n ,he form of lower selling j'.f P riccs - hi '-i hjS ® Bi & y jfi Direct From Factory ||j ® fe-tT?.? to You—Only Ono » Ws Profit Added J S' »■- Our economical method of * distributing SILVERTONE I? x/:;i; 7\ Phonographs direct from sac- By ; 5 ’%G A".-?i '•& tory to consumer makes pos- •>« ‘ sible still further reductions |'• in selling prices. We have no !j< expensive showrooms nor IQ high priced sales forces to ill -maintain. And there is only Issi JS|jK Sh'.-wa one profit added to the manu- factoring cost. This is the I; secret of low SILVERTONE IL, X A price and is the reason we are Jfiß Pi glad to invite price compari- U 3 v W' I son w * ,h any otlier instru- Yr S A \ ment on the market. ilij ft. J ■ S 1 § I c » us Prove to you that you U LS s % V J 9 k ’EPRj w can save from 25 to 50 per S_ vF K Ji I k cent by buying a SILVER- «s A TONE. Read about our lib eral no money down trial . Y •vL •’jLL-' g“Toffer, which makes it easy for 1<(l£ it k ’ t s isi 0 r’ ls you to examine one of these 12 J® gP 2 > 1 X-Ll ly. ywj * ’ ’Js instruments absolutely with- out a cent of expense to you. Make the price comparison 4 ? r»yourself, and if you are not convinced of the truth of our claims, simply send the instrument back ‘° us at °’ir expense. You are to be the Bo ’ e i ,ldKe of SILVERTONE quality SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1920. Robbers Get Big Sum NASHVILLE, Tenn., shoe store of Kuhn, 'Cooper & Geary was entered by robbers some time Wednesday night and jewelry worth approximately $3,000, together with $1,500 cash and several > notes whose value has not yet been de termined, were taken from the safe. What police believe to have been the same burglars entered Mannie Milders’, one of the leading willi ners, and took stock of fine coats and furns. Robbers also entered an other store in Nashville Tuesday night and worked the combination to the safe, but took only S3OO. De tectives believe this Is the work of an organized band of professionals. mer and white in winter. 4 The penguins of the Antarctic re gion are the most human of all the bird family. Arctic travelers have noticed that snow, when at a very low tempera ture, absorbs moisture and dries gar ments. In Nashville Store K®! ■ feSfcjiiV, IpT SOI i bii HI Mffi 'aasDfal I H I MUI I HI - J Mil ■ 9 Model “K Special” H Quarter Sawed Fumed Oak Ii *v depth, 21inches. Net weight, ready to . I P>ay. about 66 pounds. Price, $79.00, I ‘ ]|f payable $4.00 a month. ff Model H 1J 3<iMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiia s Louis XVI Period uw Mahogany = Plays All Disc Records g A M or Walnut | The SILVERTONE convertible = Month W = tone arm is so cdhstructed that it s “ 5 permits the playing of any make of = Specifications. = disc record, either vertical or lateral = Height. 45% inches; width, 20 inches; = cut. It is almost as easy to adjust = depth, 22 inches. Net weight, ready to = the reproducer for different I types = play, about 75 pounds. Price, $135.00, = o f records as it is to change needles. = payao e »j.uo a month. RiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimimiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiilllllim Let Us Send You a SILVERTONE Phonograph for TWO WEEKS’ TRIAL in Your Home Without Expense to You WE WANT you to try one of these beautiful SILVERTONE Phono graphs in your own home for two weeks without a ceoX of expense and without obligating you to buy iLyou are not fully satisfied with the instrument. We believe the home is the only place , where a musical instrument can be given a thorough and satisfactory test, and .that is why 3 we are making this liberal offer: Jj Select any SILVERTONE Phonograph shown on this page, refer to the list of •a Silvertone Records given below and check any number of selections you desire, « fill in the order blank and mail it to Sears, Roebuck and Co. today. VVe will ship SILVERTONE Phonograph and records on two weeks’ trial. You take abso tjj lately no risk, nor do you obligate yourself in any way by taking a SILVER > TONE on trial. All we ask you to do is to give the phonograph a thorough test. Examine its mechanical features, cabinet work, workmanship and finish. Try it with the Silvertone Records, or any other disc record you desire, and note its beauty of tone and fidelity of reproduction. Give it every test necessary 4 to pro<fc the truth of our claims for it. And then compare the price of the | SILVERTONE with that of any other phonograph of the same size, beauty and ,• musical excellence. You are to be the sple judge of SILVERTONE quality and value. . 4 If, at the end of two you are not fully satisfied with the SILVER ■ TONE, if you do not believe tnat it is in every way the equal of any phonograph !'• on the market selling at prices irom 25 to 50 per cent higher than the SILVER g TONE, simply notify us and we will take away the phonograph and records at § our own expense and will return any transportation and cartage charges you have paid. The two weeks’ test will not have cost you one cent, nor placed you under any obligation. PLAY AS YOU PAY— VERY EASY TERMS E If, after two weeks’ trial, you are fully satisfied with the SILVERTONE (idr and desire to keep it, simply add the price of the records^ you have selected u.g to the price of the phonograph and send us this amount in equal monthly *8 payments until the total is paid. The amount of the monthly payment on each instrument is shown under the illustrations. The records you order with the SILVERTONE do not increase the y, amount of monthly payment. The Jag. price of the records is simply added in.. This Liberal No-Money-in-Advance Selling Plan Is the Best Guarantee of SILVERTONE Quality lbs. No effort or expense has been ?ay- spared to make the SILVERTONE ath. the best phonograph we could build, k Every refinement in ph mograph de- I sign and construction which would in I any way improve musical qualities or durability of the phonograph has been Incorporated in the SILVERTONE. I Cabinet designs have been refined until now they represent the most artistic, harmonious and dignified ! examples of period furniture. They I are made of none but the finest ! , selected woods and veneers and are l 'finished with that exquisite care and £ perfection which discriminating buy- * ers demand in their furniture. i SEARSeROEBUCK I* Chicago Philadelphia Dallas Seattle Hails Organization Os Export Company SAVANNAH, Ga., Nov. 18.—" It Is the dawn of a new day for the south,” said Courtney Thorpe, of the Savannah Bank and Trust In discussing the recently-organized Federal Foreign Banking company after the extraordinary session of ‘the Georgia Bankers’ association in Macon, “in the movement to finance the exportation of our own produc tion, cotton. ---Heretofore we have been dependent on the northern and eastern banks to finance southern production and while we are greatly indebted to them and very appre ciative of their assistance, the time has come for the south to help it self by marshaling her own resources to the end that they may be used in granting credit to foreign buyers, as against our own commodities, with the result of upholding the market and giving it an upward tendency.” Approximately $235,000 was sub scribed by the Savannah banks. to the price of the phonograph and th& whole amount paid at the monthly rate qdoted under the illustration of the instrument you select. Compare our terips with those offered on any other phonograph of the same high quality. The small monthly payment required on even the highest priced models makes it easy for you to own a really fine in strument without incurring a heavy financial burden. You can enjoy your phonograph to the utmost while paying for it. We know that the SILVERTONE Phonograph is right in every respect— mechanically, musically and in design and finish. That is why we can offer them on this liberal no money down trial basis. We know that when yon get a SILVERTONE Phonograph in your home for two weeks’ trial von will be convinced of its high quality and will agree with us that it is the best phonograph on the market at anywhere near the same price. We have sold over 340,000 SILVER TONE Phonographs, and the unani mous praise of their owners is the most convincing proof of SILVER TONE quality.