Atlanta tri-weekly journal. (Atlanta, GA.) 1920-19??, October 21, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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2 NEWS OF THE SOUTHLAND TOLD IN SNAPPY PARAGRAPHS t I.: ALABAMA — State high- ♦ wh-.V commission lets contracts total ' (ng, $1,000,000 for roads in Calhoun. , ‘ Fayette, Perry and Covington conn jl ties. BIRMINGHAM. Flat increase of •S-lii per month for every member of r police and fire department, is pro vided in new municipal budget. ,7 '’SHEFFIELD. News of jvith \.<j[awal by Henry Ford of his offer Lt o r Muscle Shoals project cau .es -.much excitement in Tri-Cities, but r usiness is not affected by announce ment. PRATTVILLE—Morgan M. Shiith, 74, member of Alabama constitution al convention of 19(11. dies at his home, “Forrester,” here. t —— 1 * GADSDEN. Mrs. Margaret Ann ■Riddle, 83, wife of S. W. Riddle, former postmaster of Gadsden, dies H ;>.t home at Summerall. Interment takes place in Gadsden. MONTGOMERY. Articles of im peachment are filed in supreme court against Sheriff Paul Cazalas, of county. !U AKRON. Rev. Henry Cowles Moore, retired Presbyterian minis ter, dies at his home here. MOBILE—Mrs. Lyman C. Dor gan, widow of late Lyman C. Dor gafh prominent in social and church life, dies at home of daugh ter. Mrs. William S. Webster, in Birmingham. ' ANNISTON.—United states Cast Iron Pipe company will 'build addi tion to plant here to cost $20,000. * • MONTGOMERY. Governor W. W. Brandon returns from speaking tour of New England states in in terest of national Democratic tick et. He says John W. Davis’ chance , of carrying east is growing better. VERBENA. —P.owell Dansby, of Verbena, ends his own life at Rivet- Junction, Fla. Remains are interred here. .. FLORENCE.— County Agent Deal says deliveries to cotton pool are 25 per cent above normal. SHEFFIELD. Sheffield Baptist church extends call to Rev. J. D. Thompson, of Birmingham. • BIRMINGHAM. John Watson, „-Birmingham's master burglar, called by police Kant Ketchu," pleaded . guilty to four burglary indictments arid is given from ten to twenty years in each case. TUSCALOOSA. —Proposi 1 ions from eleven textile manufacturers and one • pulp maker seeking locations here, are received by chamber of com merce-. BANGOR.—Mrs. Helen S. Wood ruff, 45, well-known author and phi lanthropical worker, who committed suicide in New York City, was born and reared here. Before her mar riage she was Miss Helen Smith. BI RMINGIIAM .—Alaha ma I’ower company is willing to take'ove. - from federal government Mu.eJ'e Shoals project, on basis proposed by it, since Henry Ford has withdrawn bid, ac cording to Thomas W. Martini, of Birmingham, president of Alabama x'ovmr company. GADSDEN.—irE7Fifts, chief of police, is fined $5 and five days in jail by Judge W. L. Parks, for con tempt of court. He is locked up. He| is charged with interfering with « witnesses. DECATUR. — Ellis Lanier, member if fpijUpll team of Decatur High <chopt;g«iffers brokra leg in game at rusdtimbia. HARTSET. LE7—6v7r 3,000 bales if cotton are marketed here. Mor gan county will make good crop. TUSCUMBI a77 •ha'rles Wa t kins, .’2, is dead and Hogart Shirley, in 'liranee man, is held without bond, is result of fight. HARTSELLE. — Farmers in .this c-ction have produced much hay this season. It is finding good market ■ere at $25 a ton. TROY. —New meat-curing and ■old storage plant of Purity Ice com >:iny, with capacity of 400,000 >ounds of meat, is completed. NEW HOPeTTmFss Christiana feel, 92, one of oldest residents of Madison county, dies at her home tere. ABBEVILLE.—Mrs. J. W. Craw ’ord, fit, wife of J. W. Crawford, imminent business man and Con (•derate veteran, dies at home here. GADSDEN.—tlplly Midgley. 34, me of Gadsden's most prominent roung business men, is dead. MONTGO M E RY.—A la ba ma Fa rm ’ureati Cotton association is ma li ng rapid strides towards its goal >f 100,000 bales this season. EUTAW. Congressman W. B. ''liver, of Sixth district, is elected noderat or of Alabama synod of '’resbyterian church in session here, le succeeds Dr. Dunbar H. Ogden, >f BIRMINGHAM. Campaign to •aise $25,000 which, it is believed, vill assure Alabama place among ending exhibitors at Southern expo ition. is decided upon at meeting <f state officials and industrial lead <rs here. AsPl Rl N SAY “BAYER ASPIRIN’’ and INSIST! Unless you sec the ‘‘Bayer Cross” on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for —\ Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia • Toothache Lumbago \ Vn— Neuritis Rheumatism ■ Accept only * B.i \ er’’ package which contains proven directions. H»tidy “Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and inn—Drngg>ts A.-plrtn It the Wada ciark cf Bayer Manufacture cf M'noaeetleaeidester cf Ss'..cyl.'« ji HF. I It! v» Jutn/iAl' WEDOWEE. —Melvin Edwards, of Newell community, is dead and Lee I Kettle and Milton Edwards are in : jail, as result of shooting affray. ; Milton Edwards is brother of dead I man. LEIGHTON. John Michal and his two sons, 14 and 16, and Ruth Borden, of near here, are arrested and locked up in Colbert county jail, at Tuscumbia, on charge of murder, in connection with killing of Posey Robertson here. TUSCUMBIA. —“Sissie” Twitty 40, inmate of county poor farm for past ; two years, mysteriously disappears > and no trace of her can be found. ANNISTON. Small branch from j five-year-old apple tree, bearing clus- i ter of 39 apples, is exhibited here by W. A. Waddell, of near Eqlaton. ANNISTON. lmpeachment ac- : tiqn against C. W. Whiteside, Cal- j houn county tax collector, is con- ! tinned subject to call of J. B. San- | ford, circuit solicitor. GADSDEN. —Etowah county citi- ! zens agree to pay one-fourth of cost ■ of erecting $300,000 traffic bridge across Coosa river here. State high way commission adopts resolution favoring project and places it on 1925 calendar. SHEFFIELD —Colbert county will have' approximately $102,000 to spend for educational purposes this i year, according to statement of county superintendent. GADSDEN.—CharIes Rufus Ter kins, forty-three, member of one of , Gadsden's most prominent families, is dead. . • - ATHENS.—Athens’ city govern- I ment is placed on firm financial basis, having overcome deficit of two years ago. MONTGOMERY.—Suburban mer- I chants are protesting against pas- I sage of proposed city ordinance re- ! quiring special license for sale of ; patent medicines. MERTON.—Mrs. Annie Isom, one ■ of most prominent citizens of this county, dies at her home here. TUSCALOOSA. Cogan Shirley, arrested in connection with shoot- I ing of Charlie Watkins, is released i under SI,OOO bond. SOUTH CAROLINA SPARTANBURG.—WiII Johnson, 35, is bound over to court of general , sessions by Magistrate Jennings, on charge of arson, in connection with burning of barn of J. A. Foster, of Roebuck, September 15, 1923. ANDERSON. Plumer Sanders, 18-year-old boy, is killed by cousin, Hobson Vickery, in quarrel over who will drive car. ANDERSON.—Three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Milton, falls from bale of cotton and breaks neck. Dies immediately. Parents‘were in field at time. SPARTANBLIRgT- Floyd Mat thew, 20, Tucapau mill operative, is in hospital, suffering with wound inflicted by unknown hand, when he and John Lawrence, 22, were out ’possum hunting near Inman. CLINTON. — Rev. H. Tucker Gra ham, of Florence, is elected modera tor of Presbyterian Synod, meeting here, and question of relocation of Columbia Theological Seminary is one of important matters of busi ness. CROSS ANCHOrT—Bank of Cross Anchor, closed two months ago, and now in hands of State Bank Exami ner W. W. Bradley, appoints Claude Arnold, of Woodruff, collector, and , prospects are depositors will be paid ' in full. COLUMBIA.—New record for de liveries of cotton to co-operative as sociation is made, when 2.000 bales are turned in by members in one day. Deliveries are pouring in. COLUMBIA.—Supreme court de clares Columbia canal case is one for Richland county and not Saluda county, as held by circuit judge. COLUMBIA. Governor McLeod honors requisition of Gov. Clifford Walker, of Georgia, for return to that state of Cleve Dixon, wanted at his home town of Sylvania on charge of pointing pistol at another. Sheriff .1. J. Griffin, of Screven county, was named as agent to take prisoner back to Sylvania. COLUMBIA.—Chief Justice E. B. Gary, prevented from attending pres ent session of supreme court, be cause of ill health, attends as private citizen and is congratulated by friends on improved condition. G R EEN WOOD.—State Democrat ic executive committee orders county committee to recount votes of recent primary in race for county treasurer, in which R. A. Jjlllison asked recount, George N. Burnett having won on face of returns. GREENVILLE.—James B. Mahon, prominent farmer of Gantt township, dies at age of 73. COLUMBIA. — David Gunnell, ten year-old lad of Columbia, lately student at John de la Howe school. McCormick county, drowns when in swimming in creek near school!. GREENWOOD. Ernest Jenkins, former resident of Greenwood, falls under train at Elberton, Ga., and loses arm and leg. SPARTA NBURG—Only*l,7so bales of cotton had been 'ginned in Spar tanburg county up to OctoTier 1, much less than same period last year. WOODRUFF. Seed house of Woodruff Oil and Fertilizer com pany is burned, with loss of SIO,OOO worth of cotton seed. COLUMBIA—A. M. Scarborough, superintendent of state penitentiary, takes steps to have Edmund D. Big ham, condemned to die for murder of brother, moved back to Horry county, as law provides that pris oner under death sentence shall re main in county where sentenced until twenty days before date of ex ecution, Bigham's death sentence for October 31. having been stayed bv notice of appeal to supreme court. COLUMBIA. —Appropriations for state institutions and functions of Well, Here They Are Our 1924-25 Bargain Offers AFTER much wrestling with the other publishers we are able to' an nounce what we believe to be the best list of clubbing combinations ever offered by a Southern farm newspaper, at prices which represent a dis tinct saving to every subscriber. When we began these negotiations, it appeared that all prices would be much higher this year than previous. Yet when we got down to talking about our ability to produce a big volume of business for other papers, some of the publishers saw the light and at the last minute made price reductions which make our clubs even more at tractive than in the past. It is true that we have no more A- 4’s with nine papers included for only $1.50, but when it comes to class, coupled with economy, you’ll find the real stuff listed below. Study them over, compare them with what other papers are offering, and send in your subscription to the good old Tri-Weekly Journal. Combination B l Combination B-5 W 1 $1 fifi " 4 ti rn SIJ)0 Tri-Weekly^ Journal ' (p | .Vv SI.OO Tri-Weekly Journal J) | .3v .50 Southerly Ruralist > All H 1.00 Progressive Farmer <AII ’l’~ JJ onie J.'*' I'® 1 '® Four jBL .50 Weekly Commercial- Three M .2a Larin Life for Appeal for A “ On,y Only $2.00 . $2.50 > (You save SI.OO and get 201 issues.) ... .... , , . ' • (You save SI.OO and get 200 issues.) Combination B 2 . Tri-Weekly Journal for eighteen d* j n r Price' r months, 234 issues <pl»Zi3 SI.OO Triweekly Journal Q Tri-Weeklj’ Journal one year and Three-In- an “ . a jljf One Shopping Bag, the most satis- or .50 Southern Ruralist I t H * factory premium we have ever used «P 1 odD .2a Home Circle r All ■ * 4 ’ iirin J" 1 ~ Six Ss Tri-Weekly Journal for eighteen months, I’°”*' tol 1 l< «z- -i lor 234 issues, and Three-in-One Shop- d» i rn l..rm ..nd H.e S .<le o| , |y ping Bag ”.$1.50 (You save $1.20 and get 228 issues.) USE THIS COUPON Combination B-3 ; - 1 ” J Tri-Weekly Journal, SI.OO Tri-Weekly Journal I Atlanta, Ga. kin I ’ » The Tri- .50 Southern Ruralist l ive .?.> Farm Life Only Weekly Journal formonths and $2.75 y (You save $1.35 and get 211 issues.) Combination B-4 Regular SI.OO Tri-Weekly Journal Qa Name .50 Weekly Commercial- <0 Appeal I * H .50 Southern Ruralist | H Postoffice .25 Farm Life Five •” Home Circlß [j’Jiy Route State $2.50 J (You save SI.OO and get 256 issues.) No stamps accepted except ones or twos protected by wax paper. Be sure to make check or money order payable to Tri-Weekly Journal. government, aside from pure gov ernmental operations, are SIBO,OOO higher this year than last, according to statement by Comptroller Gen eral Walter E. Duncan, but work of each department, has increased more rapidly than cost. COLUMBIA. Mayor Goleman heads large delegation, representing all churches and city’s business in terests, to Presbyterian synod at Clinton, urging retention for Colum bia of Columbia Theological semi nary. COLUMBIA. Dr. Butler K. 11. Kreps, prominent physician, dies suddenly at home here, of heart trouble. COLUMBIA. Chancellor com manders. Knights of Pythias, and district Knights gather in state-wide session here, with A. B. Langley, of Columbia, presiding. CHARLESTON. Second annual convention of South Carolina branch of National Congress of Parent- Teacher associations opens here, with Mrs. George R. Lunz, presiding. CHARLESTON. —Charleston plans big celebration of “Navy day,” Octo ber 27, and arrangements are made for battleship Arkansas and tug Boboling to take part. CAMDEN. —Klection ordered for vote ds to whether Wateree mill sec tion would secede from city is call ed off, and courts will decide validity of contract between town and mill, as to ordering election. FLORENCE~=Atex"Pitts is indict ed for killing father. T. K. Pitts, but following "true bill” fi-oni grand jury, case is postponed. Y’oung Pitts claims he shot to defend mother. F. Edge claims he was kidnaped by band of masked men and forced to marry young woman. He denies charge made by mob and declares he will go to court to have marriage an nulled. GAFFNEY.—L. D. McCraw and his sister. Miss Euphra McCraw, are pinned under overturned tour ing car in which they had been rid ing. Rescued later by passers-by they are given medical attention, but found not to be injured se riously. FLORENCE.—In address to Ki wanis' club here. Dr. W. D. Melton, president ot University of South Carolina, pleads for support ot $lO.- state bond issue for educa tional, charitable and penal institu tions. ) COLUMBIA.—McBeth Young, of I'nion, is named by state Democratic executive committee as presiden tial elector in place of C. Frank Cly burn, of Kershaw, resigned. (’AM I TEN L. Roj ' Perrj . Eddie Lewis, Boyse Lewis and Frank Caro- I lina, young white men, are lodged I in county jail here, charged with series of store robberies in this com munity recently. W1 NNSBORtj—Floyd E. Propst, prominent retired merchant, dies at home of son, Louis L. Propst, in Columbia. COLUMBIA. State - Insurance Commissioner John J. McMahan gives notice of appeal to supreme court from order of Judge W. H. i Townsend, in circuit court, enjoin ; ing insurance commissioner from en : forcing his recent order for discon- I tinuance of operations of Southeast ( ern Underwriters’ association and i South Carolina Inspection and Rat- : | ing bureau here. COLUMBlA.—Sentence ot John L. ‘ | George, Lexington county man, con ! victed in 1921 of killing Engineer Brown, ot Southern railway, in Edgefield county, and sent to state I prison for five years, is suspended ; by Governor McLeod on condition ot ' good behavior, COLUMBIA. Twelve hundred ’ gallon still is raided near here and ; four men, Curley Clay, Melton ; Mitchell, Joe Dav;s and Neezer Mc- Lemore, are arrested. GAFFNEY.—Mayor R. A. Jones | receives word in hour ot' serious ill i ness, with operations of two chil- | dren, daughter, Mrs. C. D. Buckner, 1 | in Greensboro, N. C., and son, Dr. 1 Charles Jones, of Baden, Ohio. Nffl METHOD HE#LS BIIPTOHI Kansas City Doctor's Discov ery Makes Truss or Oper ation Unnecessary ————— Kansas City, Mo.—(Special.)—A ■ i new discovery, which, experts agree, ■ has no equal for curative effects in all rupture cases, is the latest ac- I complishment of Dr. Andrews, the j well-known Hernia specialist of this ■ city. The extraordinary success of this new method proves that it holds and heals a rupture, it weighs only a few ounces. Has no hard, goug ing pads, no elastic belt, no leg i straps, no steel bands, and is as comfortable as a light garment. It has enabled hundreds ot persons Ito throw away trusses and declare. ■ their rupture absolutely healed. Many of these had serious double I ruptures, from which they had suf- I sered for years. It is Dr. Andrews’ i ambition to have every ruptured per i son enjoy the quick relief, comfort i and healing power of his discovery, i and he will send it on free trial to i any reader of The Tri-Weekly Jour i nal who writes him at his office, 1211 Koch Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. He wants one person in each neigh j borhood to whom he can refer. If i you wish to be rid of rupture for; i good, without an operation, take’isp of the doctor's free offor. | NORTH CAROLINA G«R EE NS BORO.—A nn ual west ern North Carolina Methodist Episcopal conference is convened by Bishop E. : Collins Denny for third successive • year. Several hundred delegates are J provided for by committee headed | by Rev. J. H. Barnhart. RALEIGH. —Shortage of unskilled | labor in several important sections | of state is reported by state-federal I employment service for week ended October 15, during which 7,000 per sons were placed. Textile mills are reported employing many additional workers. / WAS!IINGTON.—SeveraI hundred delegates attend 111th annual ses sion of North Carolina synod of ; Southern Presbyterian church, Rev. ; J. H. Hinderlite,! of Gastonia, retir j ing moderator, preaching opening i sermon. Synod includes 520 churches i in 86 of state's 100 counties divided into nine presbyteries with member ship of 71,000. BABIN. - Governor McLeod, of South Carolina, joins state Demo cratic party's effort tn carry doubt ful sections by delivering address at rally here, coming from Charlotte, where he .conferred with state par ty leaders. WILMINGTON.—W. C. Fields, state gasoline inspector, reports sav ing himself from being robbed at night on lonely road by shooting out light of lantern held by one of two robbers. His car is badly damaged by running into telephone pole sud denly dropped across road. RALEIGH.—Senator-elect Blease, of South Carolina, is accorded en thusiastic reception at Democratic rally when he urged voters to ter minate “Republican reign of cor ruption,” advocates states’ rights doctrine and denounces federal curb ing of “personal privileges.” MOUNT HOLLY.—H. T. Griffin, of Wilmington, is instantly killed and Robert S. Mason, of Culpepper, Va., is gravely injured when small car in which they are riding meets heavy motor truck in collision. ROANOKE RAPIDS.—Every in dustrial plant here is again operat ing at full speed after periods of in activity. CH AR LOTTE. —C. W. Jones, 59, well-known business man, dies after short illness. RALElGH.—Replying to state ment of Isaac W. Mekins, Repub lican gubernatorial nominee, state corporation commission asks him to name banks he referred to in al leged statement that “half of banks in North Carolina should be closed” and characterizes Meekins’ utterance es “prenicious partizanry." Juror S. S. Mintz is stricken with malarial fever and doubt is expressed that trial of C. W. Stewart and son, Elmer, charged with ambushing and slay ing Federal Deputy Marshal Lilly and Detective George, of Wilming ton. qan be completed at this term of superior court. KlNSTON.—Highway damage in recent floods in this section is esti mated at about $250,000, says John E. Cameron, state highway commis sioner. Wayne county suffers worst damage. MAXTON.—"w S? Coursey is named temp-‘'~:’.ry of Bank of Maxton, closed after heavy with drawals by depositors. Officials ot institution claim it is solvent, with liabilities of $622,000 and loans of about soonnoq. jn addition to r<?al assets TVKHIIAY, ()( ToBER 21, I»2L RALEIGH. Attorney General ' Manning holds in error ruling by : state board of pharmacy that pare ' goric is poison ‘and 24 counties ex empted in law passed by rerent ex ; tra. legislature authorizing licensing ' <>f paregoric dealers other than drug ! stores, are rendered “wide open” j while 74 counties which wanted open sale are partly restricted by . this decision in complicated • con troversy in which Federal Revenue : Commissioner Blair played im- I portant role. RALEIGH. After pll-day hear ing of representatives of towns on Durham-Keyesville line of Southern l railway in protest against railway’s ! proposal to discontinue two of four daily passenger trains, state cor- • poration commission defers decision i on railway's application, which gives bus line competition as compelling action. RALEIGH. W. T. Underwood driver of car colliding with ear oc j cupied by .Hubert Drew and Ludldw ' Moore,'both of whom were killed in ■ accident near here, is found not guil : ty in Wake county sperior court aft ; er trial on charge of manslaughter. RALEIGH. Declaring “ am still profoundly' convinced of the wisdom i and effectiveness of the proposition,” I United States Senator F. M. Sim i mons, of this state, sets at rest in : statement intimations that he was • lukewarm oward Governor Mor j rison's port commission proposal. CHAR LOTTE.—Denying he sought ; to curry favor when he said Sena ! tor Simmons is as good senator as ■ any North Carolina Democrat could be, Isaac M. Meekins, Republican in ; campaign speech, declares failure I of A. YV. McLean, Democrat oppo i nent for governorship, “to grasp j point” indicates McLtean “is not only , supid but dumb.” j CHARLOTTE. Pearson Cald ! well, 65 accountant, well-known, dies i suddenly at home while in throes of i attack of asthma. CHARLOTTE. C. E. Moore, as I agent, buys for Mrs. Cameron Mor ' iison from I. Heckcnbleikner 23 acres ! cf land adjoining exclusive Xlvers I Park suburb for $23,000 and adjoin ; ing tract of 19 acres from W. H. j Jackson for $7,500, on which she | expects to build fine home. CHAPEL HILL. —• John Pender graft and Tom Sparrow, high school boys, risk lives in attempt to save, life of fine dog running in front of machine and their car turns over twice. Youths are taken to Univer sity infirmary, where Pendergrast is found suffering from concussion of brain. Both will recover. NORWOOD. Little daughter, Margaret, aged two, sees father, J. P. Lowder, returning home '■n wag on and she runs under wheels un seen by him. Wagon passes over body lengthwise, causing severe in juries. ! YYILMINGTON. Mrs. Katherine 1 M. Cowhn, recently elected mayor ! to fill unexpired term of husband, delivers first official address when she welcomes 35th annual conven i tion of Kings’ Daughters of state. TARBORO.—Judge ~H. D. Hardi son, of superior court, forecasts aug mentation of county’s road forces when he declares before grand jury that fining" violators of liquor laws is system of legal licensing of ille gality. SPENCER.—-Construction is be- gun on underpass to cost $150,000, | whereby railway proposes to elimi nate dangerous grade crossing be j tween Spencer and East Spencer. ROCKY MOUNT?—Scottish Rite Masons of valley of Enfield hold reunion October 15-16. River Baptist, association, including 65 churches, with membership of 10,000, holds !)4th annual meeting, votes to meet next year at Vaughan, and elects J. Edwards Allen, of Warrenton, j moderator. Meeting is held at. | Mount Zion church, near here, and • five of delegates attending meeting ' there 40 years ago are present. DURHAM.—Robert Marshall, a well known East Durham man, goes on trial on charge of arson, it be ing alleged that he hired I. G. Finch, tenant, to burn Marshall’s home, that owner might collect in surance; that Mrs. Finch actually fired house. Finch is fugitive. GREENSBORO. —Jesse W. Bow den, 93, dies at Masonic and Eastern Star home, where he had lived five years. He was member of lodge at | Silver City. BURLINGTON.—W. A. Hall, 82, I commander of local camp of United. I Confederate Veterans, United States) i commissioner, former mayor, lead ing citizen, dies at home of daugh j ter, Mrs. D. E. Sellers. HIGH. POINT. —Declaring that “disaster has followed low tariff," Frederick W. Dallinger, of Eighth Massachusetts congressional district, j tells audience that south cannot ex pect its industries to prosper and develop under policies favored by one voting Democratic ticket. ASHEVILLE~Levi Ballard, of Skyland, thought to have been de ’ mented, is killed in pitched battle ) with sheriff’s posse near Buena Vis ) ta. Arthur McDowell, special offi j cer, few’ hours previously had been ’ shot and severely wounded when he I went to Ballard’s home to serve war- A Vegetable Relief For Constipation Nature’s Remedy (N? Tab lets) a vegetable laxative with a pleasant, near-to nature action. Relieves and prevents biliousness, constipation and sick headaches. Tones and strengthens the digestion and assimilation. Get a 25e Uted for over 30 J1 ""Mfr off +he o,d Block ' ** JUNIORS—LittIe hRs JM The same bP —in one-third I ■'doses, candy-coated. For children and adults. SOLD BY YOUR DRUGGIST ASTHMA Cured iseiui’c You 1 I will send yon aJI 25 bottle of lAACS Treatr ton FREE trial. When eomplrte’y eured send me i th*»s’.2s O‘herw’"R. your report cancels D. J. Lane, >72 Dine Bids.. St. Marys. Kan«. rant charging assault on Sam Sum mer. CHARLOTTE.—W. A. Means, of Concord, brother of Gaston Means, who figured prominently in senate Daugherty inquiry, is one of nine persons convicted in federal district court of violating prohibition laws. Means is fined SIOO. GREENSBORO.—Rev. P. H. Glea son. of Greensboro, is elected by an nual conference as superintendent of southern district of Pilgrim Holi ness church, succeeding Rev. S. M. Strikeleather. REIDSVILLE.—City government levies tax of S2OO on individuals pro moting each public dance where any admission is charged, In consequence of vigorous anti-dancing agitation. SILER ClTY.—Biggest fire in Si ler City's history results in destruc tion of Oval Oalc Manufacturing company’s warehouse, logs being es timated at $17,000. Volunteer fire men manage to save refiner’s great oil storage tanks nearby. 4 Convict, Shot While Escaping, Surrenders After 2 Weeks’ Liberty MOULTRIE, Ga., Oct. IS.—Getty Reid, a negro convict, who flecf from the Cook county chaingang and was shot four times, returned to the stockade yesterday and surrendered after two weeks’ freedom. He said his conscience troubled him because he hadn’t treated the warden right, who had been kind to him. That the negro, whose serious wound received no medical attention, managed to survive is amazing, ac cording to physicians. Three bullits struck Reid in the back and one pen etrated his neck. . That night it began raining and rained steadily for nearly three days. Reid was out in the downpour. The onlj r food he had was peanuts and sweet potatoes which he gathered raw in the fields. New York Bank Employes Conceded Right to Organize NEW YORK, Oct. 20.—Four New York banka including the Federal Reserve bank, have conceded the right of employes to organize in la bor unions, according to a statement Issued by Ernest Bohm, secretary of the Bookkeepers, Stenographers and Accountants union. American Drowns in Hawaii HONOLULU, Oct. 2Or—(By the As sociated Press.)—WilHam T. Carden, United States district attorney for Hawaii, was drowned yesterday when he Was caught in the under tow while swimming at Waimea beach. His body was washed out to sea. More'than fifty persons have been drowned near where Mr. Car den lost his life. MOTHER! J “California Fig Syrup” Dependable Laxative for Sick Baby or Child X \ / I Hurry Mother! Even constipated, bilious, feverish, or sick, colic Babies and Children love to take genuine “California Fig Syrup.’’ No other laxative regulates the tender little bowels so nicely. It sweetens the stomach and starts the liver and bowels without griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say “California” to your druggist and avoid counterfeits. Insist upon gen uine “California. Fig Syrup’’ which contains directions. (Advertisement.) Stop Rheumatism In 48 Hours Don’t suffer from those terrible stabbing pains of Rheumatism, sciatica, neuritis, gout and swollen joints. No matter how much you suffer, or how old or stubborn your case—no matter what you have tried—l confidently predict your trouble will yield to my famous Anti-Rumatix treatment, and your pain will vanish seemingly like magic. Many sufferers get amazing relief in only a few hours. To prove it. J am offering to send a $1 treatment absolutely free and postpaid to every sufferer who writes me. Since this never costs y6u anything and does not obligate you in any Way. write for the free treatment today, and prove at. my risk that you can be rid of Rheumatism. AUGUST HYSSEJ.L, Dept. 211, Eyssell Laboratories, Kansas City, Mo. 44 FREE! aft Ws- Handsome. Dressed, Sleep ing Doll sent prepaid for selling ONLY SIX PACKETS r! WMv Highly Perfumed Sachet at ioc. ’ This is a SPECIAL of jM-rPUR to introduce our sachet. [■■Yh-.T J-l'- tl We also give Mama Dolls Walking Dolls, and premiums for boys. UNION NOVELTY CO. Dept. 51. Pawtucket. R. I. W-P«GIVEN.k. Merply Give Away Free Art Pictures with 12 boxes of our Famous White Cloverine Salve which you rz!l at 25c each and we will send you this Beautiful Dinner Set according- to offer in our Big Premium Catalog which you receive with Salve, Millions use Cloverine for Chap ped Face and Lips, Bums, Cuts. Our Plan Easiest and Squarest. Write quick for pictures and salve. Our 29th year. We arc reliable. Be first in your town. WILSON CHEMICAL CO., Dept. SDSIO Tyrone. Pa. COMFORT BATTS I.UU —in sheets 72x84 inches, | weight three pounds. Suf ficient for one r. -Lfd. Soft, clean sac tarv. I*ostage prepaid $1.98, west Mississippi $2.08. Caph with order. WOOL BATT CO., Dept. “J” B<ix 1323. Charlotte. N C Beauty f A Gleamy Mass of Hair, t ■ 35c “Dandcrine” docs Wonders for Any Girl’s Hair Girls! Try this; When combing and dressing your hair, just mvisten your hair-brush with a little “Dana* derine” and brush it through #ouf hair. The effect is startling! You can do your hair up immediately and it will appear twice as thick and heavy—a mass of gleamy hair, sparkling with life and possessing that incomparable softness, fresh ness and luxuriance. While beautifying the hair “Dan derine’’ is also toning and stimulat ing each single hair to grow thick, long and strong. Hair stops fall ing out and dandruff disappears. Get a bottle of “Danderine” at any drug or toilet counter a.nd just see how healthy and youthful your hair appears after this delightful, re freshing dressing. —(Advertisement.) Rugs at Factory Prices Sq WK WANT Bep- resentatives In WfflWffnW/ ia'Sn I ever Y district. wEaeßLy -W t Y,,u Big TT wyj I Profits. Sample mI £8 *2? outfit Free. Men iyxL-WL'3 cr women: Our B r,, K" »• J J i" sight. Every —* house a pros- pect. Every sale brings repeat orders. Write today for particulars. MAISLEY-PAYNE MFB. CO.. 604 Snefbury St., Boston, Mass, MONEY IN GRAIN $12.50 buys guarantee option on 10.000 busheln of when tor corn. No Further Ritk. A move ment. of 5c from option price gives you an opportunity to take $500:4c, $400; tic, S3OO, etc. WRITE TODAY FOR PARTICULARS and FREE MARKET LETTER. Investors Dally Guide, S. W. Branch, Dept. C ‘ l# j 010 Baltimo-e Ave.. Kansas City, Mo. WORRIED MOTHERS WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN CORRECIT Bed-Wetting Children—FßEE Write Today for Trial and Advice. 1 <3lrn Age. Hui Missouri Remedy Co..Office 33,5 t. Louis. Mo. PELLAGRA Can Be Cured • 1 50-Page Book Free - 1 ' Have You These Symptoms? Tired and drowsy feelings, accompanied by headaches, depression or state of In dolence; roughness ot skin; breaking out or eruptions; sore mouth, tongue, Rpa and throat flaming red; much mucus and choking: indigestion and nausea: diar rhea or constipation; mind affected and many others. Do hot wait for all these symptoms to appear. If you suffer from one or more, write for your copy of the book today. It is FREE and mailed in plain sealed wrapper. DR. W. J. McCRARY, INC. Dept. 88. Carbon Hill. Alabama. Wc will send a STERLING rarer on 30 days trial. » If satM factory, costs $1.97. *lf not, costs nothing. - Fine Horsehidel Strop FREE ([ ~ BALTIMORE. A Mftl 11 i fl m Mil iriuUahh PRICE for RAZOR and STROP SI.SS A trial costa you nothing. After trial yoo then decide to eithy buy or return. If you are entirely satisfied with the razor and ■end ua 91.95 promptly after 10 days free trial we will send you without further cost a good rarer strop made by ua eapeelally for Dixie razors. You could not bay a better quality razor and strop for J 5.00. Try the razor—then decide for yourself. Order today on coupon below. DIXIE M’FG CO., UNION CITY. OA. Send razor on trial as per offer above, NAME ..•...•••• M. rt*. • ... • > H. ■ ....KM * .M.W.M* I P. O. .....W.. , STATE R.P.D BOZ..—>. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS Free Trial of a Method That Any one Can Use Without Discom fort or Loss of Time. We have a method for the control of Asthma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether y° ur case is of long standing or recent devel opment, whether it is present as occa sional or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial ot our method. No matter in what climate you live, no mat ter what your age or occupation, it you are troubled with asthmc our method should relieve you prompt!-/ We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forme of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, “patent smokes." etc., have failed. We v.ant to show everyone at our ex pense, that our method is designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms. This free offer is too important to neg lect a single day. Write now and begin thn method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupon below. Do It Today —you do not even pay postage. FREE TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room .3880 Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buffalo, New York. Send free trial of your method to: (Advertisement.)