The daily press. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1894-1???, July 04, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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2 Burner Gasolene Stoves, $5. 3 Burner Gasolene Stoves, $7. 1 Burner Gas Hot Plates, 75c. The Best Gas Ranges on the market at very low prices- 2 Qt. Ice Cream Freezers, SI.OO 3 Qt. Ice Cream Freezers, $1.35 Water Coolers, • . . SI.OO Wafer Irons, Ice Shaves, Re- frigerators, Knife Clean ers, Bread Knives, Alcohol Stoves, Lamp Stoves, and Wrought Iron Ranges. The largest assortment of Hard-Wood Mantles, Tile and Grates, South. Gas and Electric Fixtures, Plumbing, Steam Heat ing, Galvanized Iron Cornice and Sheet Metal Work A. SPECIALTY. «■ Send for Prices. Hunnicutt & Bellingrafh Co., ATLANTA, GA. j4-lt [he Clarke Hardware Co. * CjP ft P a < la- > * Lawn Tennis supplies of all kinds, Rockets, Nets, Poles, Ball Etc. Base Balls, Bats, Masks, Mits, and all the necessary articles for Base Ball players. Athletic Goods of every description, CATALOGUE FREE. Special Agents for OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS. Light and Heavy Hardware. Write us for prices. Cor. Peachtree and Edgewood Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. It Southern Railway Company, (Piedmont Air Line.) This Great System has prepared a list of extraordinarily low rates to the most attractive points for special occasions. For example: To As bury Park, N. J., July 6th—l3th; the Knights of Pythias Conclave at Washington, D. C., August 27th to September sth, and the American Baptist Young People’s Union at Toronto, Canada, July 17th-18th, and in addition thereto special sum mer excursion tickets will be on sale to all resorts in North Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia. “ The Southern ” operates the only Vestibuled Limited Train, composed of Pullman cars, between Atlanta and New York, and dining car. Al so the U. S. Fast Mail between At lanta and all points east. B.H. HARDWICK, Asst. Gen’l Pass’;,- Agt. W. H. TAY LOE, District Passenger Agt. WE ARE THE PEOPLE! And the people know we sell more DRY GOODS than any house in the South lor the Dollar. I). 11. I )OTJ<3rII<£ItCr Y, 4G, 48 and 50 wiiitohii II St., JVtlanto, Ga. • , - I THE DAILY PRESS: ALLAN THE ATLANI.A Housefurnishing Co. 57 PEACHTREE STREET. i Crockery, Glassware, Tinware and House,burnishing Goods going at greatly reduced prices. Bargains in Haviland, Carlsbad, Eug- | lish and American China. We are over-' stocked with fine Breakfast. Dinner and I Tea Sets, which we will sell at exceed- 1 ingly low prices. Bargains in elegant \ LAMPS, Lamp Shades and all lamp goods. We are determined to deserve success by giving our friends the best goods at the lowest prices. We keep no shoddy and worthless stock. Every article is first-class. Dinner Sets. Beautiful Dinner Sets in Haviland and China, decorated in forget me-nots, fancy edges, 116 pieces, S4B 50 Carlsbad Dinner Sets, H. & Co. decorations 22 50 Royal Blue Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Sets, combined, 103 pieces, 25 00 There is nothing like these goods in the market. Get a set. Utopian Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Sets, 102 pieces, a great bargain at .sl9 75 Blue and Gold Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Sets, 114 pieces, only 12 50 lea Sets. Carlsbad China and Tea Sets, beautiful decorations, 56 pieces, $7 98 Utopian Porcelain Tea Sets, rich brown decorations, 56 pieces, . 7 50’ Haviland China Tea Sets of 56 pieces we offer at the very lowest prices. Chamber Sets. Chamber Sets, decorated in pink, brown and blue flowers, 10 pieces, $ 250 12-piece Chamber Sets, including slop jar, decorated, .... 450 Elegant Chamber Sets, decorated in narcissus, gold stippled, 10 pieces, onlys 50 Chamber Sets, violet decorations, gold finish, worth SB, at . . .6 00 12 piece Sets, latest shapes, white and gold 9 50 Elegant Sets, with handsomest decorations, worth $27.50, at . 22 50 * REMEMBER THE HEADQUARTERS FOR GOODS4- The Atlanta Housefurnishing Co., 57 PEACHTREg'ST. F U R NIT U R E. LOOK FOR OUR BIG • * Cut Price Clearance Sale OF FURNITURE Stock to be sold at People’s Prices, beginning Mon day, July 9th. All Goods must be sold before we more. Rhodes-SnDok(£HamtyFuinituieCo SUCCESSORS TO P. IT. SNOOK & SON, 17 and 19 Marietta Street- j 4-lt THE CHILDREN’S FRIEND, x , Rev. J. I. Oxford, of Atlanta, says: “My baby wfw sick from its birch, and we expected it would die. At the age of nine months we began to give it ROYAL GERMATUER, The effects were magical. It began to improve at once, and is now fat and growing every dav.” J. J. Scruygs, of S*don. Mist, says: ■ ‘ Our little r'irl, nine months old, was in a very low state from SUMMER COMPLAINT and Germetuer made her fat as a pig.” I ftt<> thousands of homes it has carried blrssinvs th" sninn kind. P i-i the jzeat KING OF ALL REMEDIES for yhe iinh“ ones, and jmt ns g >od for their parents sl, 6 for $5. For sale by all ruggwt- 1 . . GEORGIA: .11 LY 1. 1894. Lamps, Lamps, Lamps. Glass Lamp’, |$ 20 Reflecting Lamps, 45 Table Lamp, decorated shade and bowl, complete 85 Nickel-plated .Lamps, Rochester burners, compete,l 50 Parlor Lamp, bisque shade and bowl, beautifiilly decorated, . 225 Hanging Lamp, complete, . . . 250 Library Hangitig Lamp, complete, 3 48 Wrought and inon piano Lamp, . 5 98 Hall Lamp, roie tints on globes, 3 chains, polished brass, only . . 3 25 We keep the finest Lamps. Our line is elegant. We are headquarters for Lamp Shades, Chimneys, Wicks and Burners. Miscellaneous Articles. Foot Tubs . ■ $ 48 Cuspidors 10 Dish Pans . 15 Carving Sets of 4 pieces .... 148 Umbrella Standsl 48 We keep a full line of Water Coolers, ce Cream Freezers, Toothpicks, Lemon Squeezers, Coffee Pots, Tinware of all kinds. Tin Water Sets only, .... $1 25 Tin Water Sets, heavy tin, all colors, gold decorations, 1 50 Glass, Glass. Two-gallon Fish Globes ... $1 75 Four Gallon Fish Globes , ... 2 75 Fruit Bowls Large Cake Stands Olive Dishes 35 Tumblers . 03 Full line of bar goods. We have just received an elegant line of rich Cut Glass, which we are selling at taking prices. I’ PlftNOS Tiles Hard I lORMNS MO “ LOW I t? only *so for a Superb Mason &C S g 5 HAMi.iNOrga- IsetsKeeds. jg F 3 lu Stops. Rica, Case. *5. cash £3 5, and S 3 moiJily. Reduced J from SUS. VlilTfcLs. Beautiful S-. Ei.i tNO Mirror Top Cg onlytOO. 1 so.-Reeds, 11 Stops. Id Write Us. til Lovely New s.yles at $65 and s? 875. Write'-8. ca i 3, Elegant New limos only $225. : Wontierfci al the Pkice. Cra I l§3 Write Us. J® ISi Tremendous i Tains in nearly * a new Pianos nd Organs, used a trifle only. Wane Us. Jig If you want nAUuo or Organ c Sj« now is the time to buy it right. White: Us. ' (S 5 Write us an'tiow. Trade is C 2, I Bi> dull and yo can t ask more CIS questions a.oul Pianos and Ay organs tbai wo want to an-C® [? ■» swer. Try it F*ea»e. A ® SAVANNAH, C. A. u J- SjiiaitiOiiSJef dltUoli' 1 abi- M(BH>tea!l!offiit“ ifii<W6 BELIEVE AXO LIVE, DISBELIEVE A-NZD YOU DIE. bald .nd .naranteed, In Atlanta, 4,000 ■< Swamp Angsl Madinina. Oulol '•>“'"JL“Jhw.tLSei’nro treated and using this wonderful preparation, then • lave been but two complaints. 1 P tIIfMMV pettnle, and only two, as the hooks will show, demanded the return of their money. OVER TWENTY THOUSAND BOTTLES SOLD AND WARRANTED. Practical test’ bv the above number of families show conclusively that bwamp Medicine stands in mad lct»l science where Merchenthaln type-setting machines stand m the printer s art—at the head, lhe people ay a the greatest pain destroyer and ge?m and microbe killer on earth. It » the or. y medicine of 9 l n e made without any acids. Swamp Angel Medicine is manufactured from the extractsof ro ots,ba bles, oils, alcohol, chloroform and gases. By practical experience it has been found, in the above number of cases, that ’ SWAMP ANGEL MEDICINE t . Is the most magical medicine made for internal and external use. The above twenty thousand purchasers say » will cure, and the manufacturer guarantees it to cure CONSUMPTION. Asthma Catarrh Bronchitis, Throat Troubles, Sore Throat, Coughs. Cold and all Bronchial diseases, Rheuma tism Stiff Joints Swollen Limbs, Backache, Headache. Toothache, Neuralgia, Piles and Corns—a certain cure for In digestion Dyspepsia Colic in man or animal, Croup, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Flux, Cramps, or any unnatural pains in the Bowels or "toma’ch- removes cold, dead sensations of the limbs; cures cold feet and stops all paralytic tendencies. SwampPingel Medicine will almost instantly kill ail, Fleas, Lice, Bugs Bees Worms 5 Parasites Microbes or Germs of Life of every variety, and will therefore destroy .ill growing and fatty lumors, Goiters, wens, or sw len and enlarged Breasts and give immediate relief to bites f poisonous snakes and stings of insects. It is the fined liver medicine on earth, and will cure Womb Troubles, Fem de Irregularities, all Kidney and Liver Complaints, and never fails on Deafness. Full directions for using are wrapped around every bottle. OPINIONS Or EXPI RIS. * '.o December 13th, 1893, Dr. Herman M. Biggs, Bacteriologist of the Health Board of New York City, informed that body that consumption was caused by a small lons-, parasite or Rerm: that it was contagious and eat up the human lung On December 14th, 1893 (see New York World), the Health Board decided that Dr Big-s was correct In his diagnosis, and passed a resolution to isolate ad persons in the city suffering with consumption. Therefore, It is the bugs—simply the bugs—we have to light in cases of consumption. . . .. n. On February 11th. 1894, The Constitution, of Atlanta, published a six-column article giving the views of the best medical talent in Atlanta on this theory Three doctors showed the reporter, under their microscopes, this spe cific little germ or microbe, cuts of which appeared in the paper. ... .. In September, 1891, a medical board of Pennsylvania, appointed by the State to examine and specify the origin of consumption, submitted their report to the effect that consumption was a germ disease, and came from the diseased milk of cows. SCIENCE THROUGH THE MICROSCOPES Can distinctly sea these small germs or microbes eating the live fiber and warm blood-drops of man as with the naked eye vou can see a worm in a rose, or a caterpillar eating a green leaf. Therefore Dr. V. R. bcheck, Specialist, formerly of Atlanta, says: “That the only medicine of nature is that which will destroy the germs of disease. SI,OOO REWARD Will be paid to you to find a bug, worm, bee, snider, wasp, louse, or human parasite, germ or microbe that can live in Swamp Ano-el Medicine. Most of the above-named dis.« .s.»s are caused by germs or microbes. Hence the great astounding and wonderful cures made with Swamp Angel Medicine. Drop any consumption remedy or cough medi cine on a spider, a bee, or even a fly, ten to one that such an insect will commence to eat of your great and wonder ful medicine.” Then let a small portion of Swamp Angel Medicine strike the same insect, and instantly you have « corpse. Then let a small portion of Swamp Angel Medicine fall on a board three inches or more from a fly, and in stantly it commences a series of girations, an I soon falls over d ad, killed by the poisonous gases of swamp 4' n^e i Medicine. Then pour out thirty drops of Swamp Angel Medicine in sugar and swallow it, close your mouth and you can feel liquid fire and gases coming through every air-cell of your lungs and passing off through the nostrils. Com mon sense must thus show you that the same gases which are so deadly to the fly mus’ certainly have a similar effect on the “Tubercle Bacilli,” the moth-eating In December 1892,1 started from Georgia to Florida to die of consumption. The disease had been slowly creep ing on me for tiftee’n years. 1 was a skeleton, 120 pounds—no dig * st.ion, no appetite, no ambition and no special desire to live. On mv wav south I became acquainted with an old medicine man. With his help and advice, I invented the Swamp An<rel Medicine. On March Ist, IS’.H. I had been using this medicine about fourteen months, from 100 to 300 drops a day On mv return to Atlanta, after an absence of !<• s than a year, selling this medicine, I stepped up to Mr. Wright Chief of the Detective Force in Atlanta, and one of the smartest men in Georgia in rem<-inhering laces, and extended my hand. He said; “Really, 1 don’t remember you; seems like 1 have seen you somewhere.” This is Dr. Swamp Angel, the man you saw three straight months every day, al 97 Deca ur street, selling medicine. Indeed! Indeed is that so? I never would have known you. How you have changed ! You look ten years younger. W hat on earth have you been doing to yourself?” “Takiing from IM to 300 drops of Swamp Angel Medicine,” was my reply. Mr. Brannan, chief clerk for city delivery for the Lamar, R ankin Drug Co., who waited on me for drugs ever v cay for three months, did not know me on tny return. I had a room rented on Cherry street, Macon, Ga., during 1892. I met the policeman of that beat, No. 44, a year after I had commenced me use of Swamp Angel Medicine. He said: “Surely you are not the man who was dying of that terrible cough and lung trouble in the rear ot Wings 1 rioting House’ Why when I passed your room at midnight, I heard that cough. I said to myself: ‘You are not long for this world And here you show up in the pink of health. What have you been doing to gain so rapidly and look so much younger/” My reply was the old story : “Swamp Angel Medicine.” In fact, kind reader, few people who knew me a year ago as a consumptive invalid can recognize me to-day. I weigh 150 pounds, have a good appetite and all the powers faculties and ambition of a man in the prime of life. No v, let me say to you, if you have symptoms of lung diseases don’t delay if you are not dying. Try Swamp Angel Medicine; it never fails. Over 100 remarkable cures of consumption are on my books and reported by letter. I can only give the names of a few. THEIR NAMES ARE MANY. Margaret Morton 45 Courtland street, down in bed six months with consumption. In less than one week after commencing the use of’Swarap Angel Medicine, she was walking around and attending night shows. In two weeks she was walking a mile in the hot August sun. J. W. McDonald, West End, Ga., suffered thirty years with throat and lung diseases. Cured sound and well with Swamp Angel Medicine. Dora Strickland, DeKalb county, down in bed three months with consumption. AVas walking about every where in a week after commencing the use of Swamp Angel Medicine. Isaac Harper, East Point, Ga.; J. 11. Timmons, J. H. Cooper. Mattie Tompkins, Aleck Haywood, all of Atlanta were cured with Swamp Angel Medicine of lung diseases. M. W. Connor, of AVrightsvllle, Ga., February 2 1894 writes: “Gave a consumptive Swamp Angel Medicine. He gained fifteen pounds in three weeks.” This beats the record Could add one hundred or more remarkable cures, but. space won’t admit. tne ecorn. RHEUMATISM CURED. Theodore Fletcher cured with two bottles of Swamp Angel Medicine after spending S2OO. T. J. Gaza cured with Swamp An<rel Medicine after suffering five years. Mrs. D. Bronvill cured a badly swollen and inflamed arm in one nie-ht with Swamp Angel Medicine. Ephraim Johnson, in bed 6 month with inflammatory rheumatism, cured in three weeks with Swamp Angel Medicine. G. W. Owens suffered since the war with rheumatism. Cured sound and well with Swamp Angel Medicine. W. S. Nunnally, rheumatism all over the body and partly paralyzed; cured sound and well with Swamp Angel Medicine in two weeks. The above people live in Atlanta. Mr. Kiker, of Buchanan, Ga., on crutches three months, commenced with Swamp Angel Medicine. In two days, threw his crutches away; in a week, out in the field at work. A late case is reported as follows : J. M. Jones, J. P., D ido. Ga., 3,14,1894, says— My wife has been in bed eight months with rheumatism, and one bottle of Swamp Angel Medicine had her nearly well So it goes c.«0.„ et i.. 1 „-»o. s . jA AND Ixn ,' GEST ; o! , Swamp Angel Medicine is a wonderful tonic, and therefore never fails on Dyspepsia and Indigestion. This trouble is simply fermentation in the stomach. Fermentation is regeneration. See yeast working and milk souring through a microscope. Millions of bugs are visible. So with dyspepsia, indigestion and sour belches: the gastric juices have failed to force digestion. One dose of Swamp Angel Medicine puts an immediate stop to all fermentation In the stomach. It. kills the bugs. Cures, in Atlanta, on J. T. Timmons, W. S. Webb, J. H. Ray, O. K. Hornby, W. G. Gibson. J. J. Reid, John Stegall, and 100 more in Atlanta alone. ’ ’ DEAFNESS CURED IN ATLANTA. C. G. Tit tenden was cured of deafness of fifteen years’ standing. Celia White and Mary Caswell cured with Swamn Angel Medicine. Have never known it to fail on a case of deafness. P 6 SWOLLEN BREASTS, TUMORS, GOITERS, WENS AND SWELLINGS Are caused by parasites. The milk in a mothers’breast will sour arid ferment. Then commences the mischief. Kill this trouble every time with Swamp Angel Mediciue. Goiters, tumors and! wins are developing worms. Kill them every time with Swamp Angel Medicine. Wail Chapman, Sam Jones, colored, Mollie Dixon, H. Temple, all of Atlanta, al] cured of bad cases of tumors and goiters. Sam Jones, especially, was being choked to death with a large goiter on the neck. One month was wearing a collar and necktie—same as other people. Swamp Angel Medicine did the work. Could add fifty cases. Space won’t admit. GOUiaauon y KIDNEY, BLADER AND LIVER TROUBLES. Swamp Angel Medicine acts most effectively on the kidneys. The urine often smells of the medicine, especially when taken in large doses. G. W. McWilliams, president of the sub-alliance at Stockbridge, Ga., could not stoop and pick up a pin. After using Swamp Angel Medicine three weeks could pick up 130 pounds. Made him a new man; better than he had been in twenty years. James Jackson, Atlanta, suffered for years with diabetes; cured with two bottles of Swamp Angel Medicine. Russell Whaley, Atlanta, cured of intiamation of the bladder in one week with Swamp Angel Medicine. ASTHMA AND CATARRH, Conceded by the best medical experts to be caused by parasites, gum or microbes. Swamp Angel Medicine never fails to kill the Luu's. Mrs. Spinks, living on J. J. Brogdin’s place, near Lawrenceville, Ga , had been propped up in bed six months with asthma. In a week, after commencing the use of Swamp Angel Medicine, she was up and doing her own housework. Could give you many remarkable cures of both catarrh and asthma. Swamp Angel Medicine will cure If you give it a trial. ERYSIPELAS, DIARRHOEA AND COLIC Are all caused by germs, microbes or parasites. John Daniels, Atlanta, struck with a baseball bat. A gash In the cheek and three teeth out. Erysipelas set in. Three days after, his face was a horrible sight. Saturday night com menced with Swamp Angel Medicine. Monday morning no symptom of a swollen face. J. R. Clower, Atlanta, at mid night said: “Oh I I will die before day I” Congestion of the stomach. Dr. Swamp Angel pumped five doses, or IM drops’ into this gentleman in twenty minutes. He was up and walking about in one hour. N. H. Cheshire, a large farme’r of Fulton county, says: “My mule was sick from 3a. m. till 5 p.m. I then drenched with two tablespoonsfial of Swamp Angel Medicine. In twenty minutes that mule was up eating oats.” Miss Ella Clower, Atlanta, says : “Not one of the ten children has had La Grippe, a cough or cold this winter. At the first symptoms of trouble, we give and take Swamp Angel Medicine.” ■ THE RETAIL DRUGGISTS SAY. Dr J C Cobb & Co., Buchanan, Ga., writes;, “Three hundred bottles of Swamp Angel Medicine sold and guar anteed here Only three complaints. She goes like a dandy and gives perfect satisfaction.” Dr. C. D. McDonald, McDonough Ga writes: “Sold 100 bottles of Swamp Angel Medicine under a guarantee. Only one complaint.” TUizwell Bros Lawrenceville, Ga„ writes: “Sold 160 bottles of Swamp Angel Medicine here. Guaranteed every Untile It gives general satisfaction.” Brooks & Ivy, Coving'on, Ga., writes: “Sold 100 bottles of Swamp Angel Medicine Guaranteed every bottle. I never had a bottle returned.” Win H. Lee & Son, Conyers, Ga., writes : “Sold Xhtv bottles of Swamp Angel Medicine here. Had one bottle returned.” “This certifies that I traveled with Dr. Swamp Alltel from September 4, 1893, till February 15,1894. I sold and guaranteed over 6,000 bottles of Swamp Angel Medicine during this time and only had to return the money for three bottles. Capt. Sam S. Pegg.” Could add over 100 letters from druggists of the same nature. SWAMP ANGEL MEDICINE Is sold bv all wholesale druggists in Georgia and the South. Insist on your druggist sending for a dozen bottlee el the medicine and one dozen cakes of soap. The medicine is put up in half pint and pinta and retails at $1 and $! a bottle twenty drops being a dose. If your druggist will not send for It, cut out this ticket and present it some druf store that will or send it either to Lamar, Rankin Drug Co., Atlanta, Dr. J. B. Daniels, Atlanta, or H. J. Lamar & Son, M.coo, or Iblo’ oooipony, »a you willU. MEmJtsg'cOMp'M B A. This ticket entitles the holder to the following reduction in prices: i I bar Swamp Angel Soap, 10c, or 1 box (12 bars)l W J bottle (half pint) Swamp Angel Medicine ™ I bott e (pint) Swamp Angel Medicine . . . . . . . • . • • • • • • • * l-2doz/i bottles (half pints) bwamp Angel Medicine ****•« 1 dozen bottles (half pints) Swamp Angel Medicine • 13 l-jj dozen bottles (pints) b«amp vu.cim AI j QE £ ME ’ D iojNE COMPANY, ATLANTA, GjL DR. W. J. TUCKER TREATS Piles, Fistula and Other Dis eases of the Rectum. Cure guaranteed in every case. ou need not pay until i you are cured. No knife used. No pain. If you are not able to pay will treat you free. 1 )r. Tucker has been in Atlanta fifteen years, and is responsi ble professionally, financially and individually. (Ifliee: 16 Nur th Broad Ntr>et. Consultation free and invited. Old Speactacles Made New. Yja? KES Frames polished, straightened and repaired- made as good as new. Also i lenses ground in to yonr frame to fit the ■ eve. at moderate cost at onr factory and salesroom. 1:1 Whitehall street. Eye sight t.-.-tv.l Tree. A. K. HAWKES, !.■ Whitehall Street. Atlanta, Ga. OSBORNE’S BUSINESS COLLEGE Augusta. Ga. One of the nu>st eom ilete Institutions in the South. Avtuai Business : College currency. Many gradutesin good paying positions, i-'nll course. 4 months. Shorthand and I'. re a riti:i r also tree trial lessons. Send for circular. BOES Y— —OUR Sunday-school need a new Song book ? You can now supply it with the popu lar book “The Revival,” for 812.00 per 100, in Round or Shaped notes, bound in durable Manilla. This is a rare chance—l44-page Note book at such a price. A car load already sold. A<F I dress, with cash, (forthat is the only ' wav they are sold.) Charles D. Tillman. 28 I'eachtree St.. Atlanta, Ga Mark W. Johnson Seed Co., 35 South Pryor Street — Turnip Seed now ready. Also all othei seasonable Seeds. Also Insect and ' Condition Powders. Davis Swing Churns, etc. j4-4t» Small Pictures copied and enlarged India Ink. Crayon, or Water Colors. Best grade, large size, elegant new styles White and Gold Gilt Frames, price 57.00. Address. Southern Copying Co., 15 1-2 Marietta street, Atlanta, G» j 4-vv.f.m.-2w MK 3