The daily press. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1894-1???, November 02, 1894, Image 4
11l view of the fact that cotton has gone so low and Warrenton is over steened wit h clothing and dress goods, 1 will sol! in,v entire stock of clothing anti worsted dress goods AT COST to avoid carrying them over to another season, and will continue to sell other goods 10 to 20 per cent below nil com petitors, and guarantee everything us represented or refund your money. Hadaway. The cut price eash dealer of Warrenton, Ga. Arrested for Assault. W. .1. I'itts and George Kyle, two well known young white men became involved in a difficulty yesterday which resulted in Pitts taking out a warrant against Kyle charging him with assault uud battery. The trial will probably occur this afternoon before Justice of the Peace Landrum. DeGIYEVIHEATRES. ‘•CHARLEY’S Al NT” Tonight al .the Grand O|>br;« HollM'. The newest and greatest of comedies, “V hurley's Aunt," will be put on to night at the Grand. "Charley's Aunt" is sent to us by Manager ' < baric . Frohman. whose splendid productions of "Wilkinson's Widows." "Tlic Charity Ball.” and others, have been so well received by our theatre-goers. The fame and good name of ‘•Char ley's Aunt" has preceded it here and every one is anxious to see this spark ling end brilliant comedy. A play must indeed be good to draw crowded bouses for nights in New York City, and sucli is the record which "Charley s Aunt" made last year. "Charley's Aunt" is uut of farce comedy style, but is legitimate comedy full of wholesome fun which pleases everybody am! shocks none. The engagement will include a mati nee Saturday. ♦•ALABAMA.” At The Grand Monday \ud Tuesday. The announcement of "Alabama" ’ thia season is coupled with the cheerful news that the cast will contain the best talent that was in the company last year and the addition of several well known aetors ao<l actresses, milking the strongest aggregation of talent t hat has ever been Mien in the piece. Mr. Bainbridge has spared neither t'uie nor money to make this production of Mr. Thomas' masterpiece a memorable cue. The fact that Clement Cambridge. Frank C. Bungs, Odell Williams and Ethel Irving, form the nucleus of the organisation should be enough to guar antee the quality of the performance. The piece will be presented with the original scenic effects designed for its production at the Madison bqunre Theatre. 'ldiere will be a matinee Tuesdav. L SERIOUS QUESTION OLVEID IX KENOI.I 11ONN OF TENTER DAT. AFFECTS THE SOUTHERN. Mr. Branch (him* That the Neuthern Kail wnj NjsCcin I* hii Illegal One. The resolution introduced vestcrdav by Mr. M. I. Branch, populist of Columbia, but. which wan credited to Mr. Bush. is of vastly more importance than a casual reading would imply. H, in fact, involves the validity of the Southern Railroad Company and their work of reorganizing the railroads of Georgia and th<- south. The resolution calls the governor’s attention to article 4. section 2, para graph 4, of the constitution, which for bids a corporation from buying shares in a rival corporation or making con tracts looking to lessening or defeating competitors and encouraging monoo »>ly. The last paragraph of the resolution resolves that when ths governor is sat isfied that the above mentioned clause of the constitution is being violated, he shall declare all transactions in viola tion thereof null and void. This is directed toward the Southern Railway in its purchase of the. East Tennessee system some time ago. This system came directly in competition with Richmond and Danville portion of the Southern system, and Mr. Branch claims t.hat it is a plain violation of law. The question was raised at the time, but the officer:, evidently attached no import to it and the plan of reor ganization was carried out. I f the as sembly sustain Mr. Branch it will re sult in breaking up this gigantic rail- monopoly us far as Georgia is con cerned. The resolutions also have a bearing on the Central railroad which the Southern proposes to control through its holdings of stock. If the Southern is allowed to retain the East Tennessee Mr. Branch claims it will be a flagrant cont-mpt. of the law. Altogether the resolutions will stir up things in railroad circles and the outcome will bo watched with interest. N E w’p y Tlll AN IA > I ><; E To Be Known ns West End Lutlge No, 14. Last night in the Knights of Pythias hall in the Kiser building Grand Chan cellor Hamilton Dougins organized the West End Lodge K. O. No. 71. Seven teen members of the new lodge wore initiated last night, and initiation of other members will follow. The lodge is composed of Pythian# living nt West End and will have, at least sixty members at the outset with a nteady growth in prospect. Mr. J. j). Frazer, was elected chan cellor of the now«lodge last night and win inducted into office by Chancellor Douglas. •Joint I>lscutwiuil. , There will bo u public discussion at Tucker, Ga.. by John N. Sims, populist and Dr. J. H. Guss, democrat, on Sat urday, November 3d, beginning at 2 p. tn. Everybody invited. Issues <lft the day to be discussed Petition for Charter. C1 EOiIGIA, Fulton County—To the N" Superior Court of said county : The petition of B. Llorens, S. A, Nicholes and John Carey respectfully shows that they desire for themselves, their assocmts and successors, to bo in corporated for a period of twenty years with privilege of renewal, under the name and style of I.A CAHOXA IMI’ICHIAL CHIAII FACfOItY. The object of said corporation is pe cuniary gain and its principal business dealing in tobacco, cigars and lands, but it desires authority to deal in mer merchundise of all kinds, and other property deemed desirable in the trans action of its business, by buying, sell ing, renting, mortgaging, trading in. disposing of and pledging the sumo, and in any other wav to deal there with as fully as an individual might do. Said corporation desires to begin business with a capital stock of Ten Thousand Dollars, divided intq/sharcs of One Hundred Dollars each, fully paid up in the laud, buildings, tobacco, cigars, notes, accounts and other prop erty belonging to Lu Carona Imperial Cigar Factory, now conducted as a part nership, with power to increase said stock at any time to any sum not ex ceeding One Hundred Thousand Dol lars, divided into shares of like denom ination ; that said capital stock may be paid for with money or any property it is authorized to deal in: and that it shall have the right to receive its own stock in payment for property sold to an amount not exceeding one-half of the value of the property so sold. It is further desired that said corpo ration have authority to borrow money ami execute such notes, bills ’or bonds, and to secure the same by such mort gages. deeds of trust or other encum brance upon its property and fran chises, as may lie deemed to its inter est ; and that said corporation have all the powers specified in section 1679 of tlie Code of |BS2. mul nil other powers mentioned in said Code, and all such other powers as are incident to like corporations- 'file place of business and chief office or said corporation to be in said Fulton county, with the right to carry on busi ness iu said county, or elsewhere as it may wish. The affairs of said corporation are to be managed by a board of directors, to consist of not less than three and not more than nine persons, themselves stockholders in their tjwn right, a ma jority of,whom shall constitute a quo rum The first Itoard shall l>e elected, at a meeting to be held for organiza tion after granting this charter, and thereafter at such time and place as may be fixed by the by-laws, and sue’i time and place shall be published at least ten day before, an anno si meeting. Said directors shall hold their offices until their sucres .ors are elected. They shall elect one of their number presi dent. another secretary and another treasurer, with the authority to com bine either two of such offices which may be held by one person. tVbevefore the petitioners pray that this petition stia.l ba filed, recorded and published as the law requires, and i that afterwards an order be granted in I corporatinr them as aforesaid, with all 'of the rights, powers and privileges I aforesaid, us well as all rights, powers I and privileges necessary to the purp.ux* J of its organization aud necessary for ' the legitimate execution of such pur pose. And petitioners will over pray. Win. A. Hat goop. Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in office this hist day ot Octo ber. I MM. G. U. Tax x o’, C, S. C. The above is a true copy of an appli cation for a charter for La Caruna Imperial Cigar Company, of tile in this office. This Slst day of October, IS'.H G. H. Taxhek," Clerk Superior Court. THE DAILY PRESS. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. FRIDAY EVENING. NOYEMBER -2. 1894. SILVER IS DOWNED! I KKNOI.ITIOX TOIMBfTI GATE EXTRA FKtS PAID STATE’S ATTORNEY. A Drmurralic Bill for Fair Eire* tkHM.—Mr. Horan'* In route Tax Bill. I Tomorrow the memlwrz of ths gene ■ rai asMsinbly will frolic around Macon viewing tne attractions offend by the ■ Dixie Interstate Eair Th-- bills introduced in the house this i morning included several of import am—. Awtrey. democrat. of Cobb, in i troduce j a bill looking towards fail . elections. A bih was also presented conferring lon the governor anl senate th- power to appoint judges and solicitor- t-f the ! superior court. 1 l,« house opened with the routine , ceremony promptly at 10 o'clock. After the roll-call the roll of the house was called for the intro luetiun of bills, and ths following were pre sented Mr. Hopkins, of Thomas- A bill to amend paragraph 1. section 12, article «, of the constitution, so that the sec tion will empower the governor to ap point judges of the superior court and solicitors general, with tne advice and confirmation of the senate. The bill provided for the ratification of the amendment at the next general election. Fnlwood, of Polk - An act to regu late the manner of witnessing official papers by placing the date on the paper and fixing penalties tor a failure to comply with the requirements. Income lax Bill. Bogan, of Lincoln* An act establish ing a graduated income tax on all per , sons natural or artificial, said tax to be graduated as follows: From *2.001 to *10,060. 3 per cent .: ?16.000 to §20,000, 4 per cent: 820.000 to *40,000, 5 per cent; 840,0 W to 8100,800. <1 per cent; 8100.000 to *20.1.000. 10 per cent; *206,000 to *400,000, 15 per cent ; over §400,000, 20 per cent. Referred to finance com mittee. Walden, of Glrscock —An act making life insurance policeies taxable when held by ndministralorsor assigns. Re ferred to the finance committee. Wright, of Rome —An act giving to the judges of the city courts the power to appoint and remove official stenog raphers, if such act does not cons! Ct with local laws. Referred to the gene ral judiciary committee. Hall, of Coweta—An act regulating the manner of procedure in the fore closure o! mortgages in the state. Re ferred to the general judiciary com mittee. Awtrey. of Cobb, (democrat ): Au act to regulate the. holding of elections and consolidation of election returns. The bill provides that in tne absence of a justice of the peace a free holder may be sworn in by any regular con stable and said free-holder will then exeerciso the functions of presiding of ficer. ,'i'hc bill also provides that each and every party winch has candidates to be voted for shall have representa tives on the board of managers and on the consolidation board. Tne bill also - provides for the consolidation of the re turns on tneday following theeloction. Mr. Awtrey explained that the bill was necessary, owing to the great dis satisfaction over the. present election methods. The bill was referred to the general judiciary. Boynton, of Calhoun, introduced the bi-annual general appropriation bill for the years 1895-96, the amounts being left blank. The general tax and deficiency bill was introduced in the house this morn ing by Mr. Boynton, of Calhoun. It is a very lengthy document, its main fea tures being to levy and collect a tax for the support of the state govern ment and the public institutions; for educational purposes iu instructing children in the elementary branches of an English education only : to pay the interest on the public debt and to pay maimed confederate soldiers and widows of confederates such amounts as are allowed by law for caeo of the fiscal years 1895 and 1896, and to prescribe what persons, profes sions, and property arc liable to taxa tion; to prescribe the method of re ceiving and collecting said taxes: to prescribe the method of ascertaining the property of this state subject to taxation; prescribe additional ques tions to be propoundek to taxpayers, and to provide penalties and forfei tures for non-payment of taxes and for other purposes. Mr. Moore, of Bulloch, introduced a bill to make slander and oral defama tion a penal offense. Mr. Fnlwood. of Polk, wants $300,000 appropriated to the quarterly pay ment of teachers. Mr. Pittman’s silver coinage resolu tion was taken from the table for dis position. Motions to commit were to the com mittee on the state of the Republie. to defer to a later day and to postpone indefinitely. On this latter motion the ayes and uays were called, and re sulted, ayes 24, nays 99. The other motions to defer till a later day were voted down without discus sion, and the motion to send to the com mittee on the state of the republic finally prevailed The granting of leaves for Tuesday brought ou same discussion, and they were referred to the rules committee. The house adjourned at 12:5'4 till Monday at 10 a. m. Branch'* Keauhition. The flrat part of the resolutions point out the fact that the law requires ' that the attorney -general shall repre sent the state in all eases before the i supreme court and elsewhere when re- I q lined by the governor: that he shall i receive §5,000 per annum for his soi i vices; that solicitors shall receive SWJ per annum, and then proceeds as fix lows : "Whereas. In the vase of the stated Georgia against W. > Beresford, other wise Lascelles in which D. 13. Hamil : ton. attorney at lav. represented Georgia in the supreme court of the United States, ami the fee aud expenses were paid him by the state, aud. "Whereas. J. M. Terrell, attorney ; general of the state of Georgia, was paid a fee and'expenses in said case. • and. "Whereas. In the esse of the Colum : bus Southern Railroad vs. IV. Wrignt, ! comptroller of the state of Georgia in ; volvmgthe constitutionality of the law ■ : known as the Glenn bill taxing rail roads by counties in which the state ' was reprewntc-i by Clifford Anderson attorney tor which a fee of SSOOO was I paid or agreed to lie paid to suit! Ander ; son and Hlierea-. J. M. Terrell, attorney general of the state had not parti -ipaied tn the case iu anyway whatever, aud Whereas, after the cas-s reached the supreme court of the I nitcd States aid J. M. Terrell wa“ employed ami paid a I fee aud expeneses in said case and Whereas tn other euaea in which the state of Georgia was interested fees Cveuuuv4 In Slxlu Cvlunis. AND IT IS BACON ! NOMINAIHJ BN THE FIMNT BALLOT. WALSH FOR SHORT TERN. lArniorrnlic Fawns BM J>tti«k AVork.-Tbe Rin; Ruled. Honell Knife* WaKh. The democratic caucus is over and ' ! ooutiary to expectations a nomination ■ effected <>e the first ballot Major A " liar, i received 93 votes. ; a majority of all ballots cast, ami was j 1 thereforedeclared the nomine- of the ' ‘ party. j 1 in- result of the caucus impresses : j more strongly than ever before the , I necessity of a purification of the infa- ' , mons and degrading tactics of the "men | A'ho control. ‘ Uacjn was essentially a rintf candi date and his nomination cleariy shows ; , that when the hiad of the ring was : fraudulently placed in the guberna- ‘ ' torial chair, the other, mem Iters like , I ths oft referred to "Mary s lamb tol- ' lowed their leader. It will be remembered that when j Senator Walsh addressed the legisla tors. he. declared himself une ' qutvocilly on the fioanc al ques- I non as being in favor of a free and un limited coinage of s Her at a ratio of 16 to 1. Mr L. 1. Garrard, of Colum bus. who was also a candidate, declared flatly for free silver coinage at the ratio of 16 to 1. Hon. H. G. Turner has always been in sympathy with the administration iufi -"pretation of the financial piauk of the party platform, and when he addressed the assembly he reiterated his former allegiance to the goldbug wing of the party. But w hat did Bacon do when he. dis cussed the financial question ? Did he commit himself to any position ? Not a bit of it. He had the ring and several demijohns of good mountain dew be hind his candidacy and he knew that he was the leader in the race, But he wanted to conciliate the silver men. so he said that hv was in favor of the free coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1, Then he talked to his goldbug friends and said he was in favor of such coin age if legislative safeguards could be thrown around it so as to maintain a parity of debt paying and purchasing power between the two metals, The question of safeguard was a Chinese puzzle to both wings of the party and they are still working iit it. The silver men claim he is on their side of the fence ; the gold men claim he is on their side while Bacon calmly sits astraddle the fence aud winks slyly at first one aud then the other. To sum the caucus result up in its entirety it was due of the most infa mom,s cases of political wire pulling, trading and douole dealing tnat lias ever been eonsumated in Georgia. It began as The Daily Press stated at the time with the. election of judges and solictors and ended with Bacon's nomination for senator when there are nut one thousand honest democrats in Georgia who will endorse him. As a political trader. Hopper and lob byist, Bacon can give Dick Croker cards and spades and beat him at his own game. His double dealings on the financial question are but an index to tile predominating trait of his nature, whiqh has cropped out on several pre vious occasions. It must indeed be au aggravated case when a nan will forsake his friend for a man who, while not opposed to him on the interpretation of the question uppermost in the minds of the people, will not declare with him. And yet Evan P. Howell goes on record as vot ing for a man who refuses to endorse his financial views unequivocally, in preference to two other candidates who are with him ou the minutest details. The Constitution. of which Mr. Howell is the editor-in- chief, has been yelling for free silver as lustily as a four-months old babe cries for milk when it is hungry. Yet he voted for Bacon ! who qualified his silver ten dencies in such away as to destroy the effect of all he had previously said. 'Walsh, both in his speeches aud through his paper, the Augusta Chron icle. has warmly seconded the free sil ver doctrine as preached through .Mr. Howell's paper. In return «or this, whatdoes he get ? The answer is short, one word will suffice—knifed- The able editor of the so-called ‘‘champion of the people.” goes on rec ord us forsaking his political friend and ally for what only the Lord knows. Howell's election was directly on tho silver question and with the implied understanding that Walsh was his candidate for senator. But polities are uncertain and politicians are wily. The junior senator has probably been taught an unlooked-for but salutary lesson which may stand him in good stead, i. e., don’t buck against the ring —if vou want to commit suicide get a gun. ’ It's just as quick, and the humil iation of friendship broken will not be added to other misery. Atkinson, Gober. Clay. Brown, and the lesser lights—and A. O. Bacon. Fine gang, this. Such men as Gen. Clement A. Evans are not needed in affairs of state in Georgia. The vote fur senator stood: A. O. Bacon, , . . . . 93 H. G. Turner. .... 37 L. F. Garrard, 21 Pat Walsh 9 C, F. Cvish 1 Senator Walsh was nominated for tliq-uncxpired term. MK. HIEFNER GETS IT. • ‘ He Will Build the Bov's High School for $35,000. At a called meeting of the board of ' education held yesterday afternoon, it : was decided to commence work on the ' new Boy's High School building im i mediately and the contract fcr the erection of the structure was awarded : to J. T. Heifner, an Atlanta contractor, i who made the lowest bid for the work. Mr. Heifuer's bid was s3s.o<H\ and it ! was the lowest submitted. This gen ' tleman built the Williams Street school. ! and the board was highly pleased with | hb work there i The plans of Golucke & Stewart will ; be used in the erection of the building. Insurance Men Meet. The directors of the Southeastern Tariff Association of Insurance men arc now iu session in the Equitable ' building. There is a full attendance i of members and important business will be transacted. The association , will iu all probability be in session ! throe days. Governnient Architect Here. I Architect Hamilton, who will have : charge ot the erection of the govern- I m«nt building at the exposition is in the ei’.y fur the purpose us loosing over the grounds and getting some informa tion necessary for the liegiuuing of the work on Ute plan. The work on the government building w ill be cuiumen ced about January Ist. WILL CLOSE TODAY. TH I NPEEt HEN IX THE< ARR < ANE TfHIAT. THE END NOW IN SIGHT. i hr ( Mill Go Iu Ihc Jitrv To- «l.*t. —Noliritor Hili’* i losillg N|4Cf4'll. The case of the >tate vs. Alex < arr. the slaver of < aptain H. King, will go to the jury this afternoon. When court adjourned at !2:45 this afternoon for the dinner recess Solicitor General Charley Hilt was speaking and he will resume his argument this after noon. Yesterday afternoon was taken up with the conclusion of the argument of Mr. Ruehen Arnold, Jr , fcr the de fense. • aptain Ellis followed Mr. Arnold for the state and spoke until adjournment. Captain Ellis' speech was a masterly arraignment of Carr and his associates. The killing he declared was the culmi nation ot a conspiracy of which Carr was the. head and John Carr and Bailey were arch conspirators. When the court convened at 9 o'clock this morning Attorney Reuben Arnold. Sr., closed the argument for the defense with a speech of three hours’ duration. Mr. Arnold went over every bit of the evidence, and contended that the testi mony paoved beyond doubt that '• arr was insane at the time he killed King. Mr. Arnold showed that according to his view of the evidence insanitj* was inherited by Carr, aud while he was rational when cool and calm, yet the least excitement aroused him beyond all control. Mr. Arnold dwelt upon the fact that Carr had said that he was afraid King would kill him. that on this idea he had become crazy, and was in capable of restraining his maniacal de sire to kill King. At 12 o'clock the solicitor general opened the closing argument for the state. Solicitor Hill reviewed the evi dence step by step from his stay at Wimpey's mines in Paulding county down to the day of the killing. The solicitor contended that the defendant was sane enough to boss gangs of men and to obtain employment as a skilled engineer. The solicitor was speaking when the court adjourned for dinner, and he will resume his argument this afternoon. When he concludes, Judge Clark will charge the jury, and a verdict is ex pected this afternoon or tonight. Weather Observer Hunt Here Mr. George E. Hunt, who succeeds Mr. Park Morrill as weather observer at the local bureau, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon and will take up the work of the office today. Mr. Hunt has been in the weather bureau service since 1881, and of late he has been stationed at Omaha, Neb., in charge of the station at that point. Mr. Morrill, who has been in charge of the Atlanta station, leaves Saturday for Washington where he will enter the central office in a high position. In the competitive examination held re cently in Washington between the weather bureau observers. Mr. Morril stood first and consequently gained promotion. Petition for Charter. GEORGIA, Fulton county—To the Superior Gourt of said County : The petition of R. E. Watson, Aaron Guthman, Peter F. Clarke and Aaron Haas respectfully shows that they de sire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incorporated for a period of twenty years, with privi lege of renewal, under the name and style of THE METROPOLITAN COMPANY. The object of said corporation is pe cuniary gain, and its principal business dealin lauds, merchandise of all kinds and other property deemed desirable in the transaction of its business by buying, sell’ng, renting, mortgaging, trading in, disposing of and pledging the same aud in any other way to deal therewith as fully as an individual might do. Said corporation desires to begin business with a capital stock of fifteen thousand divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, of which ten per cent shall be paid in before beginning business, with power to increase the same at any time to any sum not ex ceeding fifty thousand dollars each, di vided into shares of like denomination; that said capital stock may be paid for with money or any property it is au thorized to deal in; and that it shall have the right to receive its own stock in payment for property sold to an amount not exceeding one half of the value of the. property so sold. It is fur ther desired that said corporation have authority to borrow money and to execute such notes, bills or bonds, aud to secure the same by such mortgages, deeds of trust or other encumbrance upon its property aud franchises as may be deemed to its interest: and that said corporation shall have all the powers specified in section lt>79 of the code of 1882, or elsewhere therein, and all such other papers as are common to corporations under the law. The affairs of said corporation are to be managed by a board of directors, to consist of not less than three nor more than nine persons, themselves stockholders in their own rights, a ma jority of whom shall constitute a quo rum. The first board shall be elected at a meeting to be held for organiza tion after granting this charter, and thereafter at sueh time and place as may be fixed by the by-laws, and such time and place shall be published at least ten days before an annual meet ing. Said directors shall hold their offices until their successors are elected. They shall elect one of their number president, another secretary and an other treasurer, with the authority to combine either two of such offices w hich may be held by one person- The place of business and chief office of said corporation to be in Fulton county, with the right to carry on busi ness in said county, or elsewhere as it may wish. Wherefore the petitioners pray that this petition shall be tiled, recorded and published as the law requires, and that afterwards an order be granted in corporating them as aforesaid, w ith all of the rights, powers and privileges aforesaid, as well as all rights, powers and privileges necessary to the purpose of its organization and necessary for the legitimate execution of sueh pur pose. f And petitioners will ever pray. Wm. A. Haygoop. Attorney for Petitioners. Fifed in office this ."-Otis day of Octo bei. IStH. 11. H. Tanner. C. S. t. Tiie foregoing is a correct copy of the original petition of The Metkoi-olitan Company, as appears of file in this office. Witness my hand and seal of said court this :wth day of October, ISim. G. H. Tannkk. Clerk superior Court of Fulton t'o , Ga. Subscribe for The Daily Preea. Cw6aiw4 Cat leave leva paid Clifford A**d*-r'on when : bol.liag the offiea us attorney general. I thfrrftM* Im* it Hr the* Ihmjmj of rvprvweu’B’ i tKcfc. That J. M. TerrHL allurnejr* I U hereby to lay be* | tori’ thia laxly a i.latriXH Ut Khoxx the and «»thrt*N übilc huidttii? the office of I attorney-general, in exisw* of §2.000. I the natltulioeal Milarv. and author- | itv for receiving the same, also give I dafi-w of payment. a*'Mt *. The cvnate met at the usual h-vur. I Mr. Harris, of the Twenty-second, informed the body that a conference of the bouse and wnatc vvcuiM ascertain what leaves would lie granted tor next Tucaciay. This i> the day set apart to elect a senator, and also the election us congressmen. Many democratic senators have evinced a desire to go hume and vote, believing their party is in dirciul need of every stray voter they can corral. Mercer, of the Ninth, offered a neso- Intion that the senate go into the elec tion of d Fnited States senator at s:3u p. m. Tuesday, <>th inst. Mr. Monro, of the Twenty-fourth, moved to amend by inserting 10 a. iu. instead of 8:30 p. m. In support of his resolution Mr. Mercer stated that a number of leaves had been granted for that day, and that they could get back by B:.'w p. m. and have session that night. The object of this resolution was to allow the senators to go home to vote. Mr. Harris, of the Twenty-second, did not know whether congress had named any hour to go into this elec tion since the compilation of the code of 1882, but it had uot up to that time, and he thought it well to inquire into that matter. Mr. Roberts, of the Twentieth, fol lowing up this suggestion, moved to refer the resolution to a special com mittee of three, which was done, and the president appointed Roberts. Har ris of the Twenty-second and Monro on tins committee. « Mr. Craigo wants to institute a dif ferent mode in revising the jury boxes. The present law empowers the judge of the. superior court to appoint com missioners to change this by appoint ing the notaries public and "justice of the peace to revise the jury lists iu their respective militia districts. Mr. Ryals, of the Fourteenth, intro duced a bill to create anew judicial cir cuit to be known as the Eastman. 11 is to be composed of the counties o£ Laurens, Dodge, Montgomery, Telfair and Coffee. The special committee, through Mr. Roberts, submitted their report that they found no legal obstacles in the way of adopting the resolution of Mr. Monro. The report was agreed to, and upon motion of its author it was laid on the table. Mr. Sharpe, populist, of the '“th. wants section 199 of the code enforced which declares that no journalizing, re cording, enrolling or engrossing clerk shall be appointed by the secretary of the senate or the clerk of tho house, until such clerk has been examined by the enrolling committee and certified as competent and qualified to discharge the duties assigned to them. Livingston at LaGrange. LaGrange, Ga., Nov., 2—(Special.)— L. F. Livingston spoke here yesterday for three hours to about 200 people. The burden of his Speech was a wail ing cry beseeching the aid of the voters of old Troup in his futile effort to lead Moses out of the wilderness. Democracy is at a low ebb in Troup county. Telephone Alarm. About 12:30 o'clock this afternoon a telephone alarm called the department to the residence of Major McCaslau, No. 278 Rawson street. The front portion of the house became ignited irom some unknown cause. The flames were extinguished before any serious damage was done. Information Wanted As to the. whereabouts of E. S. Greg ory. He left Orangebury county, S. C„ last January aud has not been heard from since. Please notify J. L. K. Gregory, care of Geo. J. Hackle, Summerville, Au gusta, Ga. Men’s Ready- Made Shirts. Our Shirts are noted for their perfect fit and good wearing qualities. It would be hard to find better. We have seen every Shirt that claims to be the best—seen the OUTSIDE, which is open to everybody, and the INSIDE, which only know-how eyes and fingers can get truly at. It isn’t in the cloth for any shirtmaker to get up a better Shirt than we can offer for the money. In ordering, give neck measure and length of sleeve, and state style of bosom desired. DON’T WEAK COLLARS. That will make you wrench your face awry every time you put it on. We thoroughly appreciate the necessities and niceties of the Collar business and only keep the proper sort. The facilities of several factories are at our command —hence our stock is rich and complete with the kind that are right. Eighteen styles of standing and nine styles of turn-down Collars All the fads in Cuffs. TalLF^R SffiboHS Daily Piper One Year and Stock in *-Our Publishing Company. There is no Tariff Reduction on cotton rags or printers’ ink, but we are going to place the paper in the reach of the men who grow 5 cent cotton. We Have Reduced the Price of THE DAILY PRESS, as follows: $5.00 per aunnui. $2.00 per 4 ntos. $2.50 per 6 inos. sl.(>o per 2 mos. We continue the offer of One-Half Share in stock to every annual subscriber. Send $5.00 and get a daily paper one year and invest something for the babies. The Daily Press, Atlanta, Ga. FORSAKING MR BLACK Bl SIX ENS MEN DEMAND A FAIR ELECTION! A WAR TO THE DEATH Btiweeii Augusta Politicians and Augusta's Staunch Business Mon.-Which Will Win! At PIMA. Gj., Nov. 2.—(Special-) The business men of Augusta are for saking Mr. Black. At last the manhood of the city has expressed itself. In that expression, the frauds of the past are condemned, and an hone-.t election is demanded. The largest and most influential busi ness houses of the city of Augusta ad mit fraud in the past, and ask for a fait election next Tuesday, when the Tenth district will choose a congressman. The petition circulated and signed by those houses, and prominent busi ness men, is taken as au admission that the election of l>-92. iu which Mr. Wat son was defeated, was fraudulent. These business men realize that no city can prosper which admits such lawlessness as that engaged in to de feat Mr. Watson, aud they do uot want a repetition of the outrages of 1892. Just at present a great war is going on between Augustas business men and Augusta's politicians. The politicians say they must elect Black at any cost, —even at the cost of the business interests of the city. The business men demur, declaring that their business should not be made, to suffer and gu to rain in order to send Mr. B'ack to congress The petition was circulated by Mr. R. G. Tarver, the manager of the Great Eastern Shoe Company, and is as fol lows : The Petition. We the undersigned merchants aud citizens of Augusta. Richmond county, Ga.. being convinced that the alleged frauds in elections in this county, in the past, have greatly injured Augusta commercially. Respectfully petition Judge W. F. Eve and all other officers in authority to see to it that the coming Congres sional election be conducted honestly aud impartially and with such fairness that the cry of fraud cannot be used against Augusta's vital interests. We also ask the Augusta Chronicle, The Evening News and The Evening Herald to come out boldly and fear lessly for honest elections: L. L. Force. Field & Kelly, D. G. Hayes, David Slusk.y, J. M. Horsey, Coskery, Macau lay & Hunter, J. M. Richards, ,T. C. Ladvez.e, J, H. Feary, T. C. Bligh, Rev. N. G. .Tacks, Day. Tannahill & Co., W. D, Savage, A. W. Blanchard, Ar rington Bros. & Co., C. B. Vail, D. Saeken, H. F. Schneiker, A. B. Saxon & Bro.. E. Rubenstein, E. T. Murphey. H. Brooks. C. J. T. Balk, J. 11. Prontaut, D. L. Fulletin. George C. Fargo. E. D. Smythe, Thomas & Bar ton. J. B. White it Co., A. F. Pendle ton. L. Sylvester. Landram <t Butler, Rice-O’Connor Shoe Co., Wm. Mnl herin’s Sons it Co., Coskery it David son, L. F. Padgett, A. W. Stulb & Co., E. G. Rogers. P. D. Horkan & Co.. J. H. Hett, 11. G. Tarver, J. L, Bowles, D. C. Flynn,JH. H. Claussen, F. Tischer, D. Crouch. S. H. Myers. A. G. Collier, I. C. Levy & Co., E. W. Har ker, Geo. Tuukle. J no. B. Tischer. P. Hansberger, J. Rebenstein, I. Silver, J. .Godin, W. O. Buhler, J. F. it W. J. Cooney, W. A. Ramsey, B. C. Wall, T. T. Wingfield. «.—« Cobb County Alliance. Cobb County Alliance is called to meet bn Wednesday, November 7th, at Marietta, instead of Monday as hereto fore announced. Small Pictures copied and enlarged, India Ink. Crayon, or Water Colors, Best grade, large size, elegant new styles White and Gold Gilt Frames, price 87.00. Address. Southern Copying Co., 15 1-2 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga.