Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 02, 1907, Image 16
* I THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. BATtnwAT. rsaatrjkKT i vm. RES MARKET is Outsider* Mixed in Opinion jV as to Future Course of Prices. DO NOT ENTER MARK KT Raw Material Quoted Too High to induce Selling. Fear Heavy Crop- _ l market. was ateailt Following the p little retilliliitf hr twill trailer-. width h rlatird the advnwrn ami enii*e«l |Tl«**» t" mrl a few |hiI ill a NEWS AND GOSSIP of the Fleecy Staple. t'.-i. : Opell loaenl Map York, l.lvrr|MHi| ilqi .. . ml ban* If aiea«1) iti/ l«»wt*r, and v»*rr Mteiutv net higher mi near and *» hlgiirr in «* lower on ilUtant poaltlnna. Mjwii rottuii In uiiMlerate «b-m*ti<l. 3 higher; middling iiplitmla 5*n|. Milea MOO; Aiuerl ran *.«■»; *|m-< ulatbm and ri|»ort l.Ond; Ini- port* 29.0'»> lialea, Including 2u,000 Aiurri- arlM at ».«*>. than due. • farnrahle In fair «le- i In aeraral weak llool .... lM*eaiiae of It •elk end figure*. Pith I||*I Mml danger of <• fl.MU Ilf the trflt l\e rout lime lo faro .Is, inn a* th** market u a narrow one, lit 11 profit* should In* taken, fhe New York 1' "The eon ninthe ea|iaeltr of fhe dome*!|e goods irkei U a surprise to’ all In 'he trade, aerlnll) on hroP u eoiloiis and heavy id** good*, the sale* during llie paat ree mouths having Ih.u of a Hi*raeter irnrgrnrom unknown for this pertod of the The Jo Ho hi of ro prop. .ligallo (lemlml III Hie ll«M toelmle. all llie 4'Otlo. my wns fn* or-itdy follow lug |* i eoiion on Vrldn) I* the atatlath-al po*ltloii el.nmrr I. ms made I'l mi nr In I t'llionh'le. litrn«e*l. f o quotation n that the t •kart nraaloi prevailing at The follow Vhtle alM.ii^t M M * aging. Iter prlees Chlt.l'e‘supply Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Hr. Ueetye tweety-gra ran' experience •* m3 ' Mat atrkete la Aflame the tin * nrotalnd ae tborily la U» epeeUity RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS NAME Or 8T0CK. API alga mat. A Han tie <’« __ I Coppar . Allantle C'oaat Moo . Amerl«*au Mugar Hat . Au a run da American (.oroniutlto do preftrrnd uw, prrmrsu ...» Am. Bmeliliif Ref. . . do. preferred .... uo. prntrrN .... American Cotton Oil. . Am. Car foundry . . . Baltimore A Ohio . . . Brooklyn Rapid Trao.. Canadian I'artlle . . . Chicago and Nortkw'o. [. I-Vhrnarv Mm April May b Jane July i July August VHM.r Hale* f-’ Tlie %'••» \ i a little f*elt* IT K5? pa* ill—,-M E- market, trade hr Jug t SIwer f rr * "**"* n A private Plre etat « by Wall *tn*etlni^M the mu^* In tin .1 fiMlay ojMii - High 5 1?** siT-J 7*41111 art •r futures upennl L ure to rotfou market t«*dn.». tub*** a*.im* lllg happen* l*» atlmulate new luivlug. March liquid* tbm I* likely l«* carry lhai l This Mai Week. Week . ;..SUN.463|6.5u2.27n f..t|.i/rp* I Heneraf 4.365.463 5.410.270 I Illinois Central 294.162. I133 Am. Ire Berurltlea . . 1.157.771 l.xr.\4«» t 9I4.I-"! l.** ilavlHe a Nasbvlllo Meilraa Central . . . arn.iw 1.4. iot.itsi S0Lftl5| .13.913 UIJC 63&.mhI 441,ya*- ;ii.«4 HPINXKWN’ TAKINGS a m i:mcAN cotton Hecretary ll*»«twr gh Amei n mi cotton By tli world follow*: Thin week 344.000 till 213.0IHI lust year, 4o7.oo« i the inking* of epinni-rH of the below 9r nn the tlnnldatlmt by of March contract*: Hardly |m,« tbo following illde ••Notable eireiigih 1* till the feature *"•"*. ««*d P diet Ion a Of fliriber advanee* »r«* h.lug r* laeal eottatattll?. d«*aplie Mppareui pre lieu Is to Hie eontriirv A g'lierjil nun of the altuallou illm-h***-* n b’lel of |>rh mud a pmrrliy of auiitdle* Hint ha* oalateel alnre th** rl»H war, |p the additional factor of threatening weakness, alllouigli are poo****Oed to I*** abnormally with the production *»f mills ahoad. ther.* I* m* lutereat nr " alrttr the y high. I sold •** tajL while wm l*e avallaltl. ]>un A Ci cotton mill* How many bal< tow mill* of th< nv department* no for tumie mouth* " ll U. Weekly Trade Review. a-than likely that. lato market, tint itf the etirrettf III. If the yield rraclte of the liNri. Ball mated recelpta l«*i To! it I aline September Isi thla y d.44a.ini. iiRiiltiMt 5.760.onu last year and r».nmu tin* year before. nr ihi.** Nnitberii f-pinnerg and can- iidn took 1.663."00 bale* thin y Hguln**! 1.621.ooii ii«*i inn and 1,396,000 the y**nr before; H*mtltern eplnnera I 269.00O, ugnlnNt 1.210.000 lust year and 1.1.t;..4mi«» the veai before, and foreign spinner- 3.;.I3.iioii. agnlnat S.oSO.Ooo loot \«*«r and 3.434,000 the year before. HESTER’S MONTHLY COTTON STATEMENT The statement nf tin* crop movement, l**ued on Friday by Serrelary Heater, rovers the month t*» January 31: Compared with last year It dhows an Im-reuse for the month In rottntl IlgureN of k7f».000 bales, compared with year tieforc last an Im ream* of H.'.S.Ooo, and u It'll 1 5m»4 an im-rease i»f 731,4100.’ Tin* total for January tutu I.KdR.768, igaltiMl 914.304 la*i jear. 955.623 year liefnr** last and 1,077,6ml name time In New Orleaas » Halve*!.mi * lluuaton * Movement at Atlanta Reeelpt* P*ln.y day- laei-iT Increase Rhlpntenta Imlny 1904. Missouri Fa tile RAMI oriTKI K. V.. oat trw. . . N'atloaal Lead. . . . Northern I*art0e. . « New York Central. . Norfvls A Western. , Fetmsylraala. . . . • People’s Has Pressed Mteel Car. . do. preferred. . . ! «*'• * ISIS; 135H !.•»*•* 1 1294! i.-' Pacific Mall. Readlua. . . . Republic Hteel Rock Island. 119 ! 1?*» 4 I’.* IMS as *4 t «s* “ y>Si 25S -Ml 2C 26 •I I7"S Ills' •'•*: .; 43'«. 44'* 4: . PAS 1"6S 1^ Western L'aloo. Wabash do. preferred. Wisconsin Central. ! .\| ! do. preferred M . -3$ - *H ""I *»n TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street Npc Ini to The lleorgjaii. tKroni Hayward.eVfek A-CA»rh.l New %'ork. Keb. 2.-J. H. Ilacla* A to.: Aitteriean* are «« t*» S lower. The reenvery yeeleribty In late trading was local short entering. Ilarrltuitii alorfca held steady, a* the illvldeml have I men held steady, a* tlie uivtuem iierhMl I* fast approaching and regular *11%I •lend* are «*it*e*-ted. I Iil.ui Peel fie ns n 10 per cent nt«*rk and Koutliern I’aclde as a 5 per cent at<**k with Rome pr*»*|HN-t of M higher rate, acta ns a deterrent from attack. Bears are giving more attention lo th*- more vulnerable ami rudestortug to unsettle Hie mnrket by de pressing *41111.* of the atamlard st.H-k*. am-li a* ivi.nsylvnnln. New York Central and l^iulatllh* and Naabtllle. The hank statement, on nceonnt of Ibjnl- datloti, should he f.norahle. Imt very lltUe dependence can be put oil It. The favorahh * * “ - mif STOCKS OPENEBTAT n*|M*.-l Is the acquiring of gold In l^ui.hui. ami more will mine, from all m-niuiila. Ir It la ::::i w ....; t'6S :::: " * NEW YORK. The following la tbs rang# la cotton fa* turaa In New Tork today: BT“ March. Ajirll. . May.. . June.. . July.. . Aug. . Hep!. . 1101 I'm. , „.|1Cuf35# aTipi . »•», ».1« 9.12; 9 12-11; 9.16*16 ' | 9.M22! 9.22 24 i *-3*» 9 37, 9.2*. 9 31: S» 31 9 32 33 . , 9.35 *7 9.37 39 Hi 9.4*1 ».4rt 9.42, *9.42-4.1 9.11 44 , 9.471 9.47 9.41-43; 9 41 42 T'looed ateaiTy.'' LIVERPOOL. The following glvtt the opening fa ago and close, compared with yesterday. Pit I urea opcaod steady. Otienlng I'revlnua Range. Ch,«.. ci..*.* febrmsry . M .....5 M r ehrusry.March 6.47 March-Aprll 5.46 April May ».4&'/k Mm Jimp ......1.44 June July B.44Vfc July August 6.42 August >Be| 5 49W 5 494 6.4*4 f.504 6.464 3.42 r. 3*4 6 434 • t.»l*er-November .,..6.1_ ••veuilter l»e«-*>mtu*r ,4.23 cjoked steaitr. NEW ORLEANS. Tk, following I, th, rang. Is rottoo (a lor,, 10 N,w OrlMM totfot: RTT II 11 1 u \ i I lf 996 10.13 I" 13 10.97 10.10 10.Ofi-lOi 10.09 10 pm. . . ., I I P'10 12 pi.H» 12 lay ilO. 14 1" I7il0.12 10.14 |u.|3 14 1«.13 line. . . . n.|4 P IH10.16I10.16 10.14 16 lo.l.l ir, Illy l » l'» 23 |A. 17(10.19 10.19-211; 10.19 f t i 9 91 9 94:9.0319.94 9.94% 9.99 94 >e«' [... ■■■■( 1 ; 9,94 95; 9.93 94 Closed steady . ... slue. . .. _ lu*n|i *lf*-ks Plddl sleuild In* InMlgllt to the aimmiit **f f.H'.'lG is to In* eh grtgttl In I.«*u*l**n f«*r Atm-tlcH on Motnlay. H! Paul supiMirt la evmllent, ami we tin d-rilfllid 11 will In* made Mu- tender III .1 general reemery. Motitheru l*ncjtic ulx; should ib* much better. Which in Some of the Ac tive Issues Reached Over a Point. TRADE FAIRLY ACTIVE Bank Statement Was Not as Favorable as Had 1 Been Expected. NEW YORK BANK BTATEMENV. 973.5011. b*nn« K,nn |e ess«* t11.452.idn. r»*aa#* |2S7.b>' >reaoe PM>.700. itefeum* 69.7"6.4UI». Imcren*** 6356.300. BELL BROS.' FRUIT AND PRODUCE LETTER Atlanta. Tel* 2 - 1 ket. and cleaned up at nd JUig.-s of the kid glove vkrfef »e hn<l. and lllmrnl shipment \l*e<|, ordinary st**-k unnsii-illy *«-«rce. amt price* an* udvatn-lu* nt nil poluta of iblpntenf I'ineappb’N are less plentiful, and moving rapid 1 \ Straw herrlea more plentiful thl* iveek. and. owing to'Hie rainy weutlu-r. they are niovihg slow At a tlerllui* uf ublOc per NOTES ON GRAIN. Pointer* on Proviaiona. I’hleago Record Herald out Argentlm- e.i made by the Ar •nr eorre*|NMiib*nt Mch tin* ,* Pliaretilly unfa vora Ide. Hrought rontliiuea. I in in* j trreparalde We estimate esmirtnlde anf pin* at fitf.nn.0M hu*tiela.” Tin* Arg.-nlln. lent of th#* Armour Hraln C*.... pAtiy originally claimed that the crop could not eic«H*d over »•» |N*r cent of last year's. The |tr*Hunlutll enldes yesterdn: ie|Nirt**i| • her In Argentina dry mid In . ITe§* cablet JUinoiilin* that .luuranre. have he«*n made, by tin* i»eriiian government that It ha* radically changed Itw attitude to«nrd the ini|Hirliiil*ot of Chh-.igt lug lioiine pr«*lm*t* mul American r* *■ ‘ * uhj. pm-k rlih-li have her |llS|»ecflo kw <l»f '»•' Increase Work on h»>"l SPOT COTTON MARKET. I ltnnaol llrl-'r', oil.l.Hint iiplitol, * t «SS!r.s3>. Vow Tork. .trd'ir; II New. »12S7Vnn; n.i.l.iilt^ HUTr. H,Miiin«h. 'loll: Iiil.i'liing ton!-. Norfolk ■l.*,il,; oil.l'llli'B l n V- ?S2..,V , ulotY ml'MlIn* I'”.'' AUgORln. MUlol: todayT’port receipts. *n»a following tahlo «hows raealpta *t Jbe tawn* today. £>t9P*r*d with th* same day Isst yntr: New Orleans. Galveston. . YlnbNe. Ravaimsh ■ mr-Viirk llaatoii. PklVxl* jgekM INTERIOR RECEIPTS. fit* iNfirtfiy following table fihowaeecelpta el the av towns today* ceaipaml with tka day last year: WORLD'S VISIBLE SUPPLY STATEMENT The world's visible compiled In Hecri-tar Now Orleans *-«»tt«sii •n Inomtsc f«»r the ' gf ejS* against » d* lint year nn*l tin Id* J*mr before last The V»iiM visible • 1,102.064 loft * and 4.411.199 yen. b* f the total "f A merit **»' SSA.612. «g»Bi*t 4.36* 9.566.276 last year an before ln*«t. *»»»d “ eluding Hg.v|*». Ur.\T\\, 149,000. again-*' 1.142 2 990.000 last year nn«1 N fore last. L The total n*»rld« v cotton ns bletve pared with lost The movement from September 1 about* reoelptN at all Cnltetl Slatew ports *»f 7.31 S.599. ngalnat 5.7O2.H05 hist year. 6.67«.23fi year before lust and 5.- 9U7.54J mioie time lu _19u4; uveHuiul arrmnt tlie .Mlssiselppl. Ohio mal Po tomac t It era t*» Ntirthern inIHa a ltd t'auuda 776.050. ngulnst 654.151 Inst vear. 629.679 year before Inst ami 6I6.H6I Mania time In 19'i4; Hmitheni mill takings, exclusive of i|uatitlty ron* sumi-il at HoUthern out-ports. 1.241,ttmt, agiklnat 1 173.911 Inst year, 1.1'»6,*mmj \ eat before last and l.nl4.«0t» same tttne tn 19U4; and interior stocks tn excess *»f th«^»e held nt the eommencement «»f the sea mm, 495. to I. against 556.964 last veai. 5S2.44I year before Inst and 3H1. 2l9 mi tin* time ill. 1904. These make the total movement of the cotton crop brought Into sight dur ing the live months ending to January 9.M3o.75o. against 7.9H7.K31 last year. >.966,357 year before last and 6.- 009.622 same time tn 1904. Northern splutter* took during Jan uary 440.595 bales, against 211.229 last year amt 194.367 year before last, tn- i teasing their total for the live months t * 1.604.703. against 1,616.130 last year ami 1.363.7*4 I he year before. This makes their average weekly takings for the season 75.061, against 69.503 last vent and 63.306 thn year before. I'orelgu exports for the live nmnih** of tin* season have buen 6.411.576 shutting a decrease last season **i I - 695.156. and an increase the same |ic- Hod year before last of 976.196. Htoi ks at the seaboard and th** 2^am»th* leading Southern Interior mnikets onTr.’T.ll 1 ' .1.11t11.11 y .11 were t.615.637, against 1.- 569.024 the same date last year, and 1.473.393 the year before. I minding port and Interior town -t.., k* left over from the previous sea- son ami the number of hales of the «iii rent crop brought Into sight during the live months, the supply has been lo.l26.520. against S.432.362 last year, ami 9.15U.324 tlm year before. 1'p to January 31 last year 70 40 per ni of the cotton crop hud'been mat ted. amt for Hie same live month* in 05 the percentage of the crop brought to sight was 66 26. ami f r the same in* In 1904 the |H*rrcntuge marketed verity bate Tin 1 almost pro of the leelnred to official lulled Htates got |»t American aufTIcleut. „ nrrlwil nt Herman .1 aa In <-aune«| meati tti remain aarpryT" Hexcrii utr ♦neerns may receive another egulatto rtsnt c*tucc*«|en In the shape of n mnte Milt! WHEAT OPENED , FIRM AND HIGHER -News -From-the Start Was BuHrU—Corn Opened Sliglitly Easier. THE WEATHER REPORT LOCAL FORECAST. FOR ATLANTA AND VICINITY. Clearing and colder tonight; Huoday fair " \Vb lug their egetatde line I* l.rlnglng thing In th. Idle tN*a* continue plentiful, hut hold * while while *f«N*k l*f , .and uii the auv . Tin* demand for live and dressed poul try seems almost unlimited. e*|N*.-lall.T for the former. Dressed turkeys arc the only thing In the isiultrv line that Is onmlojc In anything like aiiflrlclciil quantity to sup ply the demand. 14 ——"— — game It la not a iiuestlou ««f prlre on gnm of all hind*, liut a qucgiiQU .uf.JuLlime It. Eggs are an vukimwu .piaiillty. and will STATE FORECASTS. t'hlmgo. Peh. 2 •Clnutug prter* for the buying. rellefit f u\(' hover, oats um-litiiigcd iiml proviHluna 12HH22He l»etter. The markets were strong under •»rk n*portr«l Jauiea A. Pal * 11 buyer, lie 1* on hi* way to th* mntry. Buying orders were recel\e«l Indiana on the rc|M»rt Hint the plant In Indiana hottoms Is ii'ml ’rlniary receipts of wheat 430.000 bu*helt •I corn I.'MI.'iom Imahcls, couiparc*! w'“ id fiOO,fiOO liuahela, reap*** tlxely, * leer***»M*.| .15.000 bnrrela," say* The North Mill. *.255 l*nrre|*. ngalu*t 263.130 lmm*U 111 >*» >5 **•♦ Itnrrrtw In A further "ii Is In pronpcci the jirearat week vperie e prei I mill* an* bib*. «*Mcnti*d to In» the w’orat Mlnneapoll* mill* eiirtalliaeiit This week III* approximate 23S.tW» barrel* Ru«iue«i tnst, w;.*.*k wtfli MluuenpolU mill* waa more .un*.htlWfR. f..1 v than ever. Flour sale* were le*a than th«* output and shipping dlrec lera usually ranie very alow •mi outside min* *hoxv that ■low In taking hold, at th Nothing doing abroad III It-pori* HAYWARD, VICK A CLARK'S DAILY COTTON LETTER «u!n!i prl.c. ; sales 4 up market chr short able. Ul t I I 111 I | . | sagging m ImllfT.- s^innc,*; of Amerlc: 1 In 19uT.. oidd hava * but for • hb-h u not h mo me| h-m if citlisidcrilHoii In i-y. New 1*.rk w* but futures here ly k«nn| Impilrx lu the »p* King i market. ostler t mid giadea os tier rrlngto l.lxcrponl S" 1 Tin cunt id 1.S21.I of the crop brought Into ,c monthH fiom Septcm. 1. Inclusive. |m 1,943.don 642.nan over vrnr bofm* • 1904. Iiidltlon to the tnonlllly llgures, aix llcstcr Issue*I t wlay a state- of the weekly pi tvetnetil f *f the •lavs ending J intiary 1. Hn lu- dmxxing total brought Into si V |u •ar 367.903. against 202.903 f.u the 11 a x s ending l-’ebruarv 1. last 2.19.432 year bef.oc last, and : Vaine time In l!»•»4 di-cllm* of t . I raxler i III tin betfe tnlx slice o higher < COTTON SEED OIL MARKET. s|i sih*i market was 3 tnjlnts le* ..f S.ftx* bales Probably the market xxa« rallied front tin* opening decline ef 1 to 3 le.lnts by a rather more farorabb* weekend showing than looked f.*r private • able* r**norted that sphnn-rs were buyer* of Imtli old and new <-rop« The l«H*al tnnr ket opened stendv ni an inlxan*.* of 3 to rt points, which waa a little bett.-i than due on the .-allies, ns a result of euxerlng Buy Weekly primary recelpta of wheat 2,21J.0n0 bushels and com 6.722.000 buihchu against 3.022.tf00 and 4,219,000 huahels. tespeetlvely. h**Ht. bushels oat*. The tee:i loud* wheat, six loads corn and 125.0J0 bushels oafs. The Rugllah vUllde a rreaaed ].4!6.ono bushel* ... _ partsl with 1.276,000 huahela a year ago. THE CHICAGO CRAIN MARKET. Hopt CO! May.. 76V '4r.S 46»* 46%, % 7*S 46*» 4**' • 46«, 17.46 THE LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. CHICAGO CAR LOTS. today and eatl Tomor Ing sagged '*rr 3 Iddb* of the morning tie of March from Wall sin. While the situation Is not wi ..Ail,llltles. owing to the’ til and. tin- steadlue** of tli- *>i nd Hu* probabllitr „f a r.itlli thing of t| dor ie late unfavorable we nl the condition of the Id to to* Satisfactory ' o!*-* tloll egeept lu Hie 'heat have I** IM try the re Georgia -Rain tonight and on the roast Sunday; colder tonight In the northwest portion; colder Buuday with a cold wave in uorthwear portion. South Carolina—Rain tonight and 011 tin* Sunday; tuttrh colder Sunday, with fair xvlth cold WEATHER CONDITIONS. I eat|rely by the we*tlx next thr**e -ir four week*, they are holding up oil aeeount for POent IS. market*; othererlsc. would see very much lower prices, a* the home cou*iimption la nothing like sufficient to e*pe with the sup ply. Marqnetie, followed by ni| extensive of high pressure In the norHiw-e*t. ren* er M " r ' Montana, with Its « tral southeast Into Knosas mid Missouri ilvanee of the "low’' ha* caused unsettled entber with rain and higher temperature ghe . sat and south of Ita center, while high Is accompanied Ivy clear •Ider weather, fn the aouthweat the tern l*er«ture has risen n» a rule older weather In this section tonight; Sunday fair mid ••older; uiliiliiiuiu fetu|H*ia- lure almut 36 degree* tonight. Minimum nnd Maximum Tamparnturaa nnd Rninfnlt. tihaerratlona taken at 8 a. m . 75th inert- dinu Huie. ATLANTA Abilene. . . Amarillo. Aahevllb*. . Augusta Min. Mai. 1 Ratios Clark Goodman & Co. 20 Broad Street, New York. COTTON, 8T0CK8 AND GRAIN. Tnlngrnph your orders direct to our Now York office, which in nc- cording to law. Wo deal in frac tional lota on moderate marginn. Our information ia the boat and is telegraphed to those who open ac counts with ua. Correspondence in vited. Now- York. Feb. 2.—Prices opened doxvn pretty sharply this morning, fo|- loxvtng a lower l,»n«h»n market for American stocks. But In nearly every Instance, thn low point* were touched on this first decline, and the rent of the session wan given up to ao Irregu lar recovery, which left the list at the done about the asm# aa last night. The noteworthy features were a smaller vol ume of transaction* and the Increasing vigor with which prices came back aft er bearish attacks. From thla It was to be Inferred both the liquidation had slackened materially and that 'the same powerful support noted at the low levels of the previous days* waa ellll under the market. The hank state ment scarcely had much bearing on Utb speculative movement: T* showed a decrease of only $500,000 In cash, whera fully three Hines that amount had been looked for. But’, on the other hand, owing to the shifting of loans from outside Institutions to llie clearing house members, the credit Item In creased $11,800,000. and surplus reserve was thereby reduced nearly $3,000,000. New York. Feb. 2.—The stock market opened at general decline* which. In some ••lie* approximated a point, t'nnadlan l*n* elite opened |«. lower. Rending 1 per cent. Amalgamated !•*. I'eiinnylvnnln *' Amalgamated i<t, I'eiinnylvnnln J> 4 . Atchi son l. Ht. Paul S and Southern Pacific I |Nl|Ut. MINING 8TOCK8. floaton. Feb. 2 Arcadian 14V. Trinity 37\. Michigan 21. Isle of Rural 3«k 4 , Hmelt* Ing 63. t opper Range 91. ttrecne Potisoll* ilnted 30tk. Butte Coalition 3514. t'nluniet * ‘I. Heels ?46. .^ullicy 1344. Adventure " MOVEMENT OF COTTON DURING PA8T WEEK Th* movement of cotton for the xve<sc and season, as compiled by Buperlu- lenilent King, of the New York cotton exchnnge. is uh follows: WKEKLY .MOVEMENT. This I^ast year. year. Port receipts 304.860 132,863 Overland to milla and ^ Uanaila.,.. Southern mill takings cl mated) 1. (lain of stock In Inte rior towns r,404 35,27 T 62.000 Rj.00'1 21.544 11.061 Brought into sight for the week 393.740 211.684 TOTAL t'ROI* MOV KM ENT. Port receipts .. 7.360.273 f.,762,900 Overland to mills nnd Canada ... 780.087 652,707 Southern mill takings (estimated) 1.291,000 1,206,00® Stock at Interior towns tn excess of Sept 1 .. 484,896 328.891 Brought Into sight thus far this sesson 9.916.266 8.060.665 47.3‘ k 4 ^leducted from receiftn of sea- Butr*b>. hnrlesb Imrletti hlcag*' Km. % 111*- ^ t M»*mi*hl« Meridian Mile* fltj Mobile Montiwm.* Nashville nrb* New Norfolk North Pint 1 iinnltn . . Plttslmrg Portland. Me Rapid fli>. Paul Savannah. Tampa. . Vfekaliurg. ihlngtm Wllmlngi.u "JTTl. MAIlBUHt. Melton Plnctof. ruing the mdned 1 bull Side for thy time being. ...... .. ....... « though We nvlylit II|MUI .« •-•ntimtstlei the opening and closing incVl-'Vh .b-vel.'pnirht« N\"h'll! l.vif isuid! New \>Mk oitton seed oil { «.btain In future imirk* Mggnu Opening rioalnc l*»hb ock **f •- iliipan-.l xvlth In-t »V:'. uml «n "" 'jT, 1 ' ’ Vi'ur li.fttl'- l'i»t "f 5 ."3".'-1 n( tin- wntM'K vl.lhl*- ***i«*l tmi n» above ttn-rr If now liclil u) iln'Ht Hrltnln uml y'HHt" Kumi—'ino. mrnlni'i yrnr and 2.361.0®" tar bi-fort- tout w. J. DIBBLE Accountant and Auditor, Frank Hawkins, President. Third National Bank, Capital, •••••,-■ Surplus, $200,000.00. $300,000.00. l>r, A. W. Calhoun. Mtfton Dargan. John W. Orant. H. Y. McCord. Jos. A. McCord, David Woodward. CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CORPORATION Capital $500,000.00 Cindlir Building. Branch Corner Mitchell and Foreyth Ste. Equipped with every modern facility for doing a general Banking, Tniet and Saving* llustneos. 4 Per Cent Interest Compounded On Savings Deposits INVESTMENT SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. Th® moet modern Safe Deposit Department In tlie 8outh especially prepared for storing small and large wares. » ■ " 1114 Fourth National Bank Building. ncrgRBM-K. Bell i’boa. me Amr A NT A fli Atlanta httloail U.ok A1JUAJX X A, UMX. L. H. Fairchild. L. H. FAIRCHILD & COMPANY. NEW ORLEANS. Mem bare i New Orteane Cotton Exchange, New Tork Coffer Exchange, New Tork Cotton Ktvhana*. New Orleane Board of Trade, New Orleans Stork Exrhnng*. Chicago Board ot Trad. LIVERPOOL COTTON ASSOCIATION. Private wtrX) to NEW TOftK an] CHICAGO. Ord.r, anllrcd for I turn Salivary, on nbov, Excbongen. B. C. COTliRAN. ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO., HAYWARD, VICK & CLARK, ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA. GA. C. E. CURRIER, President A. E. THORNTON, VlcePrealdent. H. T. INMAN, Vlce-Preeldent. CEO. R. DONOVAN, Caahler JAMES S. FLOYD, Aee't Ceehler. Capital .** $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. J) PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS COTTON, STOCKS, BONDS, COFFEE, DRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Carondelet and Qrevi.r Ste- New Orleane. M E 64 0 E B 3 • Now Ortoana 6‘uturo Rrokora' Atoorlttlon. N>w orie*au* ami Uhlragu Board* of Tra*lo. Saw \,*rk t’offa# Kxrh*tic* Aa«\*«*laVo M am bar* l.lvarinml Caltoti Alii tojpire Building. ATLANTA. Bell Phone. Main85& GEORGIA^ l tooml atvaUi . s a N**w York and r , h|rnf*» Corrv*pon«!onta J. S. BACHE 4 CO. AND BARTLETT. FRAZIER A CARRINGTON. e*iv*TJ W'REB to all POINTS. ONE DOLLAR Starts an Account THE ORIGINAL 4% BANK Money Draws Interest from Date Deposited [JNION SWIMS RANK Gould Building Ciptiil £50.000 Cepitiis.. 100.000 Riuvrui 100,000 D«’|tein|t* rvTVlXfvl fnuil 9