Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 02, 1907, Image 18

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Want Cent a Word No ad. taken for leee then 23 oente. itn make Six worda of everafe ten|t a line. The following re tee are far eoneecutlve ineertione: THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. •arokUAT. raracAKT a urn. Ads FOR 8RLE—MISCELLANEOUS. • eenta a line. 5 cente a line. 4>/g eenta a line. 4 eenta a line. S*/i eenta a line. $ eenta a line. GRANDMOTHER’S SALVE. far Your Ad. far Meeaeneer I an Bell Phene Atlanta Phene OOAKANTEBD TO CUM AMT CHRONIC core, carboecloe belle rate borne tet ter, er/alpelae chapped kaade end Uge pl lee ceterrb. Pare, clean a ad ha no Irma. Ilaa been gtren ewer far a boot elgbtr rente Reeeatlr placed aa the market If droiglet fella to turn lab It. aaed oa He la atampe a ad we will eend r«« a bee poet- age paid. Matleael Ointment Compear. Atlanta, tie. MISCELLANEOUS. Franklin Still Cleans Clean, SUITS AND 91.10, PANTS 60c. Mi WHITEHALL STREET, BELL PHONE 610. ARE Yor 8ICK7 .. _ . fried Dewberry's Delight. a medWlM* that ►ell? entirely iijMin Itm merits. Hold by druggists, fUUia quoted Adi. for Situations Wanted Will b* ln**rt*d Fr**. WAmn-Yrtl’Nfl WRITE MEN learo rftattrea* making; fair pur whip* liaralng; • few months «n»rk tnoiaJly klN one f« tiecoun* evnert nnd yarn . Apply In T. II. Renton. Mattress PL Riverside Mills. August*. G WANTER-SOI/THERN MEN FOR GOV eminent positions it Washington. and fur ill war nail eterk*. Good salaries. Write ►erlal Information. Inclose stamp. Wannamaker. Washington,.!). I*. ""WANTED—BRIGHT TotMf MAN MIX te*u to twenty, who ran keep aniall spt of tioafca and help Id the store; name — i required. Add •ry expected: references r Carriage, care Georgian. WASTE f>—COM PETHNT REMINGTON antra torn furnished positions. Remington Typawrltsr Co.. US Peochtroe atr**t. ant man and earning Im« thau fjod pr» nth. writ# to BlriMilr I’arlt Co., Way Oa. BALRftM K N—T11K ORMAN!) FOR of It 3 goods make* It nccraaary to Increase iUm force. If vnit have Hldllty and ile r»* best proposition rrer iiffprol. Call * to li a. tn.. 5lt Temple Court building. old aa at«*iiograplirr ami assistant e ast write good hand. Position i to begin. Address own baudsrltfug, I * ~ *“ * capali firVi of taking charge of any kind of jhMo <«» wtab»a change at one?, W. Iludgtns, MO Hecond street. Macon, Oa. YOUNG MAN WITH SLOW CAN MAKE rrry profitable business connection. Ad dress “Opportunity." this i*aprr. WANTED-A STENOGRAPHER. YOUNG alio la Indus irad#*: few Wwka ••oniphte*; pi |Mt«ltloiia for vt6*r> gvadnntc: fit tn tin weekly paid; «rng«*s whit** Irarnlug: lM*antlfiil 1!*C cats- FOR MALE -MANGANESE «HCK EW DOOM llank Hafes; rash paid for m-<mill baod safes. It. W. Ellis, A ft. Hroad atreet BIGGEST LOAD WOOD AND COAL. MONEY TO LOAN. MONET TO lAIAN-l HAVE NOME I'AflH to loan ou rlty real estate. Amoiiuta to aulf. Address Capital, ears tieorglm.. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- la aid others. American lovestmait paoy. 7<>4 Candler bntldlag pie Comp WETMAN A *t*ONNi?R8! , KQrrTABLE Mortgage loans on real estate. MONEY TO LOAN AT C. < AND 7 PER „ rout Interest, according to security of. fered; small expense and prompt attention. Oulr on real eatata In and oear Atlanta. 8. B. Turman. •FECIAL HOME PUNDB TO LEND: any amount. 41a. S and « per rent. Wrlta P esll H XX* d*aaaai. 41 al.mlk or call H. »■. e'eraou. If Hmitb Hr'iml afreet. MONEY TO 1.0AN ON IIEAI. EkTATE at rerr rut,a No A.lar* Cborleo Hermap. roonia 307 30) Temple court. IN TOWN KOR THE MONET. KOR ■Irr alota *o4 grate wood, cell Crawford Coni and lea Co. Both phone, 2231 Hrai oel f*»r lha prlca. enoi'LO rot; have a coi.d and a cough, lak. "Dcwlwrrr a Drllghl.” Noth In* bctier. Droggiaia aall It. LIGHT RUNNING. THE STANDARD “ROTART" HEWING mnrhine sold and reuted. oariee M Hf.utb tlroad street. All makes repaired. Bulb 'plumes 2im OAK PARTITION WITH GDAMN TOP. ■salj ftfr set-timl bund safes. BUT a'OPR FURNITURE Frotn fbe i. E Turner Furniture Co., 41*41 W* Mitchell St. Bell Pbooe 1751. NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE repair, pack and skip. BY INVESTIGATING out ATOCK ANT* ITIICEH TO|l HAVE. W. liny, .oil and .inhang. .v.r* thing. Atlanta «cohag. Co., 17U Veat Mllcball atrM-t. Both phonr. M. A. SHELTON. DON'T FORGET M. A KHELTON IH A prarflral stnn* sod range repairer: beat work and material guarnnteed. Botb phones JJ75. 11 Mouth Pryor street. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan: no delay; alio money for rajtht loana me irda, i purrbaae money — de «t I per reut s^ndjtp- jjarda, according to denlrnhlllty of W. A. Foster, 15 Mouth Broad street. SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNG MAN .WITH EXPERIENCE DE- alree a position ns snlesmsn In vbole. sale or retail hardware huslueaa. Address H XT, Georgian. \vANTED-POhITlOoN BY YOUNG MAN hr draughtsman; Iwst «f references far ulsbefl as to ability, eharacter and bahtta. Address L. fl. F.; care Georgian. IF Yol WANT ANY CARPENTER WORK doui*. call on W. F. Johnson. 3 Gartrell street. null h{ trill serve you at once. WANTED- A POSITION TO TEACH ONE or iso small children in a Christian home. Address Mias H., rare of The Georgian. -< WAM'KD-PoKITIO.N BY MARRIED man, 3 \ears of age. with good etltien ou. Jn any honorable busInesM. Will salary If In Hue of proiuo tlon. Address Worker. 6*are Ge<rrg1ao. WANTED—«ALt$M«N. days preferred: samples can lie rare packet; paper t*epf. The K Tbowaa Co., Hta. fC Clnclaatn, Ol WANTED—. ' FURNISHED ROOMS. TOI NC1 HIFINEU MAN WANTS TWO it .for hlmeclf and math er. In dnlrthle n.lghb<irUood; dlataiire drawhark: Immediate. Addrrae Retaemi •At* (ieor^au. FOR RENT—ROOMS. Tllltrr I.ABOR CONNIiCTINfl IldOMR, •Bite'll, fur light boaerkeedln*. with prl. ret. Iieth: up The north aide. He. * Baldarlg, Ml Cetera bulldlag. T11HKK CON.NECTINd r»EL'l}NI*HRn ruoiua: all mBrenlencea for light keeping. 1‘rlce lie. 44 Irwin gtreet. EDUCATIONAL. WEAI.RTAN FCMALB COIJ.ROB AND Conaerratorp of Muelr. Macon. Oa.-Old ant and heal. If jreu wlah to attend an) lima thla ecbool year, gat on the waiting Hat m. Catalogue, free. DnI’oat Uucrw, praaMawL WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—lfld TO lS HOHHEPnWEn EN gin.; elan 10 tu lytionu-pnn.-r t-naln. and ImTI.r . -mljIpIn.d, 17 t*i 74 pound, raTle Me- enn llrlch Co.. Marori. da. WANTED-A IIOOD MKDII'M HI/.K IRON aafo. with burglar rh.«t A<ldr.» A. 0. Ilbodea A Hon. nan Candl.r Bldg. WANTED Tdai^DiiB BI.BBKB- ltAUAr old fop., aacka, arrap nraae. ropier, Ii-.d. ~ aollcltcd. copi» I caal Atlanib- T'-t.ra and leeward atr.n.. OLD HATS MADE NEW. WANTED—In IHITION AH MANAIIEII, leKikkM*p.-r or nffloe man with nmuufio- inrin* itrm. ol*h rlew of laklnf In Inter oat. c. II. W\. rare deorglnn. EXCl.fHIVE AOENTH FOR T11E FAMOUS LLOYD ENGLISH LINE „. ...CNEoCA I ,EI I A X V WIIKR E white Wall papkii compant. • North Pryor Mlreet ROHIN'SON-MARTIN FI RNI- TI'HK (ro. ol'lt ENTIRi: RT4H-K MARKED DOWN *13 dl AIITEHED IIAK' IIEIl IIIMIM OAK IIKD III HIM 1AI OrAIITEItED OAK IIKD IDIOM tills IIS gl ARTlIRUD OAK l»KD man: must write a good, plain hand: aalarv tn start with •&“ it month, with good chaurt of proinoUaii: state age sml give refer encea. Address Merchant Tniit.r, esfe At lasts Georgian. - WAKTWn fOU TQ CALL^ WRITE OB ...... — Faarhfree. At lania. II. Kdgar Fry. manager. Rell phone » 119. It will convince you that DruUahen B rea THK BEAT eonraea «*f Instruction; at Draiyrbon HKt'l'RT>H POHITIONK or •FUNDS MONEY. Night aud day sea* •Iona. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTRD-EXPKUIKNCED HELP I sewing, working hmwkeepcr*. etc. Ta •rnaele Empbiyinent Department, s to li tn. ’I’hone ?;« L. WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED YOUNG lady atcnoginplier at once. Aiblress G. M It., care thts p«|»er »» HOLID oak RED ROOM HUITH..954.I |4 t MUAIIT'EIIKD OAK CHINA Cl.t PIIETTY -CHINA CLORKTH. WORTH SOLID OAK RQI'ARE DINING TA COLON! A ItS * WA NTED-K X I'F.ltl ENCE D on tailor inaib* psuts: ««111 ami teach them, paying g*** learalug. Apply nt workroom avenue, T Ismren. The I aaes whli** r.dgewm*i| WANTED HELP—Male and Famalt. mrmnefiy k h ftw h ptt -u i■ mr fitrtilsh**R rt*llHi*l< n nanent i4..«ltl.*nn |: \\ *. iuux. 314 Mt»tt»li Rrthrtd mu td. Rell 'phone £»!*:. Atlnutn ID QUARTERED OAK HIDEROAIIDH $J9 TS |jf. QU AItTEItED OAK HI I tEItt A It I »Sfl7. bn LEATHER 5oX SEAT DININ' WANTED—SITUATION BY YOUNG MAN outd«M«r work preferreil; ran ei*|lect am • any kind of retail or whol«ksab* clerical »*rk. Address Paul W. Anderson, Mouth well ported routes nml stations, desires position with wholesale house im shipping rlerk. or tr keeper for cotiRtmcttmi company. Address ItRllra.M.I Pttr.1 «:.aa.rwl..a. f BU8INESS DIRECTORY. BICYCLE 8UNDRIE8. BICYCLER AND RUNDRIEH—LAKGRRT bicycle ami sundry distributors lu the Mouth. Mouthern agents for Pierce, Yale. ririLT, ■ sir, .. — Write-Tie one 1904 catalogue and pries Mat. Alexander* Kips t om pau> . CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK ERS. MODE!* AND NoVEl.TIER; PROMPT s«*rrli***. Hell 'jihoue 2574. Atlanta Wood OLD SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS cleaoed and re shaped for Jke. Banda or awaits »c each ettra. .Out-of-town orders Whitehall street. PALMISTRY. MADAME MELLIE. TUB NOTED EG1TPTIAN PALMIST. i all affalra of Ufa. feba * »PMy reunites the sen*? marrlagsTWIlh the < rated, cauaaa or no chargac. TubuTstenoohapherT CALL ME IF YOU WANT WORK DONE by the month, week, day or piece. J " Rath >1 Nash, S Viaduct place. LORT—TOP PART OF CUFF BUTTON gold rhcckercil enamel. Reward. D. N. Keefer. Ilf® Century Bldg. 115.00 REWARD FOR RETURN OF MALE I'erstau apatdcl; brown and white, small brown ear*: answer* by .name of Bonn!*. 440 ft. Boulevard. Phone 3317- Main. installs furnaces in «»ld Iiouncs, as wali aa new. Ur prepares a cellar If yon have tone Moncrlef Furnace Co. Roth ‘phonaa. MESSENGER SERVICE. FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE MBS* engers. 'phont 33. J. A. Davies and J. lira nan. SEWING MACHINES RESTED TWO DO LI.ARM PER MONTH; cither Mnger or Wheeler A Wilson. ~ rent only new machine* uith complete aet PS- hltchall afreet. TALKING MACHINES. TALKING .MACHINER AND RBCORDR- Wholcaale and retail dlattiluitora of Vic- •r I n Iking Machines and Recorda. Just ■cchwl large cotislfiiuien' of machine* and rer l»»,000 records. Imuieillata attention ten mall orders W. nxnt the names of I talking machine denier? In tha Mouth. Write for catalogue. Alexnnder Elyaw Co. Chair .I.’.: ALL HALL IIACKK GREATLY UEDI’f ItUGM AND ART MQI ARKS ■i:i» WE AUK. IN .NEED OF HI KNOCK A pliers, book keepers, lintel help. waltro««i*s rlintnlhcriiiablo. ihmim* gtrl<a. l.itHiri*r«. nm ridnlsts. c4M>ks. otYiie tm)* nml \srluiin mIIm i kinds • »f help. We are nlwnts In the mar bet for c**ui|*eteut help. Call 10. up miinl m Tift Century build ' y«oi Empire Bust \ KT.virr art hqi arkh TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. I! W ROUNTREE A HRo. TRUNK AND RAG COMPANY. RetnU nml repairing, Whitehall atreet. The LOOK AT YOUR HAT. irrvi i.* am.**r i vu u i il’C OLD 8TYI.E ftO!T AND STIFF HATH sued or dyed and ic shaped to late - h. ty!i*a. Domestb- and foreign order* by mall ami express given especial attention. Bus* 28th Whitehall street, Atlanta. Ua. tr. IIRI MKEI.M ART HQl ARKS, 9 l*y 8EWING MACHINES. WE RENT ENTIRELY NKW MACHINES > with la leal tmprmpd attachment* • Prompt dellyory. Courteous attention; f! | per month. itomcatic >i*ning Machine • nniNiny, 10| North Pryor street. ».*«• EXTRA IIEAt \ HIM SSKI.S 2244. or writ* tug and let lues Bureau. IF 1 N EMPLOYED. Baptist I athornacii* meuf No coat, b I.. It EG IM TER Willi BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IF \«il WANT A HA FIT INVKMTMENT. In Atlanta prop. ID IIRI SMEI.I L'4 IIKAV5 ANMINMITU III i Ills r AWIINS l KR Rl i • UNI o| INTERIOR IMIMti luxldc h»f Hr It.. .14. Alla vt*\Ti;‘ri rn hki.i. Tin: lin-alBg * 1"'* III ' I’o-sslng « lub, ..lie ttf.rBlli III Al. IIAlttfAl Ns D ntn nut. D" Me. !«• h «.f these ROHISOX-M ARTiN FUR NITURE CO., •j:> mul 27 K. lluntiT St. FOR SALE-RLAL ESTATE. I uni m i i i nit . m. it hi:\\ i ki r. VK IH H.l. Alt In 'ttV .V> CENTS I* Kill. til. |.|.* I.H .* || • lots W III. Il | *1,111 Pldb ailoii n* TYPEWRITERS. ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 71 North ITyor street, Atlanta, Oa. Itcalers In nil makes tynewrltera. accdu.ntTng aniT auditing. SHKU)OVe\ri)lT CO. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDIT MK319 Temple C».i Phone k-T-ounts In litlgatloi aaaaaa i HIgh iiisL WANTED—AGENTS. AGENTS MAKE L’. DAP V RKI free, •rtinp'i *,*. R \ \ KRI.ASTINta PERM ME maker f", ig<*u«« c.aia!>*gi:e and Fsmple ' *■- Iniamt Hupp; Mh Ht . Iudinua|tntts. Ind JAPANESE I'ol.lSII I Nii rit’ IOTH-WII.L ■ ml restaurant. Flaks A Co.. LOST OU MlftLA ID—POLICY I2KW2. laaueil by The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, on the life of Edward C. carttedge. The finder will pleaae return It tn the tintleralgned. Application baa ne Issuing or a dun" i duplicate. (Addresai DO NOT READ. IF YOV ARE N«rr HTrK. IT IH INTEND- cd for those who arc *trk and tired of oa- perinieuting. and want to enjoy good health, which should he appreciated above all things. If you are sick and not aura aa to the cause, go about It In a business-like wav and ace that the waste.gate* are open and all right aud the fool waste matter thrown off and not left In the system nntll It becomes poison and makes food for the germs. constipation la responsible for so many trouble*, aa It paves th? way for 80 per cent of all human Ills. When one suffers front chronic ronstlpatlou many fatal ■nit* arc sure to follow. It canaea serious kidney trouble and Irritates the nerves make* you dlssy. restless, sleepless, nnd bav to get up often at night. Now. to itvcrcome all thla trouble, get you a bottle of “DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT” ove the eauae-there “DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT’’ Natur** always cures moved. If tlie sick “DEWBERRY'S DELIGHT” would do for them, we are satisfied that we could not prepare It fast enough to meet the demand. Thousands of t»eople nil met the land arc suffering from chrnnle constl pntIon.laud thousand? of dollar* arc being spent fhi this one anise, as ft' per cent of tlie human Ilia are due to this. One dose of ‘DEWBERRY’S DELIGHT” iMiwels. and kldueya on golug to l*ed at night will Insure you against 9) per rent of all Ills likely to nrtaek the system. Whv i»t try n good thing, and tell your friends hat It does fin \ou We nre willing to Idde bv what »«mi tell them, after ghtng a thorough ttini. Mold by druggists. Prlec M cents. TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE. NO. 7 REMINGTON. WITH TARn.AfOR. NO. 4 WITH I'BEMIER. WITH TABU' lator. NO. I MONAR4 H. t>i:i> TEN MONTHS food ,a atw. NO. I W1LUAMR. RIGHT old; good aa in. NO. t WITH PREMIER, TWOCOIAIB rlhboa. WE PARRY A COMI I.BT1 RTOPK OF nor. than SS,4V> w.-rtb of tbe my beat tfpa.rll.ra on Iba niirtat. *• _ WE HAVE ROfcli I VPEWRITEnB AT «nr Iw-aUmi for Mn Iban right TMra. an<| nnml^ri onr agtlaiad cnalomara hy lb. thnnaandr ' IT WIM. PAT TO! TO REE OCR RTOPK. or writ, for raialogn. with aamplra of orb and aprrclal prlr. Hat Atlanta Typewriter Exchange, H. M. ASHE CO., Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE High-Class Xorthside In vestments or Homes. $3,750—East Pine St. Resi denoe. 8 rooms; gas, water and bath. $4,000—Third street, near Peachtree; 7 rooms, rents $37.50 on lease $5,000—Piedmont, Avenue, 8-room, 2-storj- mod em residence; rents $40.00 on lease. $6,000—Spring street, near Third, 8-room resi tk*nee,^modern—and nice; occupied by owner. CIIAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Ave. TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS TTPKWRITERR ROI.D; TYPEWRITERS prepared to serve .’or sale writer*. Wararry^ tbe largest atock In tha Mouth •*-*— * _ _.ry to Price* th* I SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE COMPANY. T.l.pbnn. mu.414 B c« VACANT HOUSE OWNERS. List your vacant ho with us. We will find good tenants at once. LIEBMAX, Real Estate and Renting. 28 Peachtree St. WILSON & NEAL. REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENTS. A COMFORTABLE AND .COMMODIOUS ; NORTH SIDE HOME AT A BARGAIN * LARGE., WEIX-BPILT It WELLIN'! HOl’RE ON A KICK PRO**'STREET, wlthla t«• of I*»orbliwi Mn.1 god wllblo lfta.o nlibatM* wrglb of pouoRIro. Oroand tour bti »«T Ur*. ..mod*, iwptloa _taR;_ta»ldo gtrtor^JIhntr. faulty convenient to all ? alsliedroama. tha family sitting room and llbrory can Roth ha. leaving reception hall, uir^e tfonMe parlors, dlula , reeantbni hall, double 04 »f tbr tmdrooma. If any , “ syr ' wfth t$7J FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. rooua. Two-au>ry arrvanfa bona- In hath Inf «1tbfa«r raoaaa; all ■mAmluprora uanta. Lot 4M6I11* fart. «1tb,l«o dlrya Prior 17A4*. T.rau 96,460 cub tad teluo lu anlc porrkaacr. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE AND BARN. TWO ACRES LAND. LIES BEAUTI FULLY. PAVED STREET IN FRONT. FINE, RICH SOIL. WILL MAKE NINE SPLENDID LOTS. ON ELEVATED CORNER OF MORELAND AVE. AND HARDEE STS; NEAR IN MAN PARK. EXCEL LENT LOCATION FOR A COSY HOME. FRONTS 400 FEET ON PAVED ST. IF YOU ARE HUNTING FOR A GREAT BIG LOT AND A BIO BARGAIN, SEE L T S ABOUT THIS. PRICE ONLY $3,950. IT IS WORTH $5,000. DON’T DELAY, AS YOU MAI MISS IT. JAMES K LOGAN & CO., 408 PETERS BUILDING. PHONE 2678-L. M* W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. B.II 'Phots. »tt. Atlanta Tbona lltl. THE REKT IMPROVED PLANTATION IN middle Georgia, containing 2.000 acres, at only 915 per acre; railroad station ou the *~ilare; two six-room dwellings and thirty lot 55 by J50. Price |f.6oo7"Tenui S6TW, lH’M.lAM HTREKT-FIVE mmM collage; elevated exit front lot; easy R. M. JONES & CO., 516 Empire Building. Bell 3453-J. $4,500—North Jackson st., brand new 7-room cottage that ran be painted and walls tinted to suit pur chaser. Has every modem convenience, and in the best section of the street. This house is elegantly finiedied, with large lot, and is a bar gain. Doh’t hesitate to ask about this, as you will be satisfied that it is just as we represent it. $2,250—Close in South Side pottage, easy walking dis tance, good 6-room house with every convenience, that we are offering ou very easv ry easy terms. A very small cash payment, and the rent on the place will pay for it in a few years. This is a fine neighborhood and only 140 feet from a car line. H. C. PENDLETON. Real Ejgfafe, 614 Peters •Building. al vary attractive horns acreage. In thla popt. I*c bought at aurprfsJnglj small North Kirkwood car Una. I rail gbt room cottage and f tha bargain price of 32.5 INMAN PARK-ON LARGE ELEVATED lot, fronting Georgia railroad, and wall •utlful ‘ * ' “ •haded, with 1^^11(11 oak trees, seven room cottage, and good garden at wej; arranged and convenient home with modern Improvemeuta, W* ran fix yon here, "rice $4,000. Terms. 314 EAST GEORGIA ATESPE-wVl.l, built and substantial five-room cottage; rlty conveniences; lot 4*' by 1W to alley; young fruit trees and good place for gar den. A genuine bargain for 32.350.' Mom* tsrma xiilMJIUBBL 215 EMPIRE BLDG. NOTICE. £ DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER Plrnm-s 1255. 20 K. Hunter St TO BUILD HOUSES. OUR LOT IS U1TE PAID FOR, , ILF, TAKE UP ’ NOTES AND BUILD YOU HOUSE: THEN YOl CAN PAY US IN MONTH PAYMENTS LIKE RENT. OR WILL BUY YOU A LOT. BUILD A HOUSE ACCORDING TO YOUR PLANS AND SELL TO YOU ON YOUR OWN- TERMS. CALL; LET’S TALK IT OYER.” «. XIAN WITH fl. ..r.»f|t N t.U Mew? -•>.' t)9 - • f ilea til Will it*...| A«t TUB CBLCBKATIEI) DAItUlfiTT BlOVEll AND MANUK* Are the nnly fttovea and Itangea on earth In Which tae heat PABMwtT RNIRRI.Y u Allot Nit TUX OVKN. Fully pr.fte. tad £ hy governmeat natvuta. tuauuracturad by .Atlanta fttnva \vorka. ** " N FOR RENT—OFFICES. I XR'.l I rsHfa ! h-.:-*. >.-• It ink btlll.lmg '••trili Natbrnal ^For mnt riiREi: ««8i?e» tu ratidGi '••ni • bli* flgn*. A|»pl> lu.4 those ITS Mxia. OOA'POERS WANTED. I Hi: I"'N AIR. tn IVn. hlr... n. Ibsprctivu. wuiparitvu aud pxttouage. SITUATIONS WANTED INSERT CD IN THE GEORGIAN FREE If you want b position there’s no reason why you should be without iL Bring your advertisement to The Georgian office. It will be inserted in thestcol- mnns without charge—aud perhaps get you work at once. All other Classified advertisements are ONE CENT A WORD 6 WEST RXI>—FCRNACE-IIEATED COT- ■ tags of ssvon rooms and reception ball; large corner lot; 34,000. OX FLAT MIIOALH ROAD. KIGHT AT the oftoldlera* home junctbui; n new five- room cottage;, lot 80 by 120 feet. Good value for 91.400 cash. UN A CORNER l*OT. IN WK81 RKD. A comfortable six room cottnge, with two additional rooms lo the basement, for 31.800, on terms of 3500 cash and 915 per mouth, with « per cent lutereat. CREW STREET, COTTAGE OF FIVE rooms, with nil convenience*: fronting the car Rue. Hpleadfd lot. 50 by C'W, to 20- foot alley. Cow barn, chicken house, fruits and garden spot. Good value for 32,500. Thla la not new. but la all tbe better, as It has home features. ON ENGLISH AVENUE. IN WESTERN Heights, a new four-room cottngc. nlib city water: on lot 41 br 177 to alley; for 11.• SO. Ou term* of ISO cash and 315 per month. ON BYREL STREET. NEAR STEWART avenue, where the new car lire |* to |>e run. a ub-e shady lot, 50 ny 150 to alley, for 9250. Only 910 cash nnd IS per month. A R3IOOTH LITTLE INVESTMENT IN the fourth ward, a double bouse renting to negroe* for 314 per month. Price 11,250; 9200 cask, 315 per month. Room ou the lot A WELL LOCATED FIVE ROOM COT- tage In West End. with all the cooven- lenca*. New. Renting for 322.50. Price, 32,250. Good home or Tnvestmeut. UN A GOOD CROSS STREET. NEAR Whitehall atreet, and on the corner of another street; all Improvement* down on both streets. A house of sixteen rooms, renting to several tenants for 341 per mouth. Price I3.5». One tenant for past live years. Three dollars more annually would be 15 |>*r cent. Look Into thla. Only need St.250 cash. A JAM UP FIVE ROOM COTTAGE. IN the beat section of West End. for 12,090. On terms of 9500 cask and $20 per month. SALES DEPARTMENT: A. 8. HOOK. IT C. EVE. HOMES AT COLLEGE PARK. NINE ROOM RESIDENCE; LARGE RE rcptlon halt, wide \eramtn. lovely shaded enrner lot. p« by 20u; built for a home four years ngo. Death lu fanillr canted on net to lea»e. it would ••oat H.w to build this home 14*.lav. and. the lot 1? worth ll..v*V Yon sec. thl* 1* a bargain ilch'. lor mill $4,150 tin ear line. Tvrnta. tr de»|reil. No lei»s price. wAm:T»1 Re ♦on*Mer***l EIGHT ROOM TWiiSTOm RKHIDEWK. Iwd btiN-k* from car line; •••ruer t bd; t>i 19" Mh* barn: stream through rear of lot. It's a stiltp. HIM. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE: NEW AND well-built: shad'd lot; 31.750; atso one for ll.35o; fcw cash aud 32' |*er month. HK.VLltAl. oTIirn NII’K roTTAOKB ON .na, Irrun »ml \ll'-out tula, l"i hy ISO. (nr Du m 6Vrj. ski: mi: run cdi.i.rhr i-akk dikip. any. I. C. M’CHOKY, 503 Petri's Building. I’bouos 4691. , FOR SALE CENTRAL PROPERTY 100x100 Feet, Southeast Corner Cone- and Poplar. THE. PRICE AX WHICH I^iJI XOW ur frrlng thla cxr.ll.nt glrr. of r*gtr*l ml -•fai.' nmk.a an opportanltr far tb. In. rpaiar irhlrb br flnrta In Atlanta. It I. anlr an. Work rrmor.d from Uirlftt* Jtrwt. on. of onr grratrat trad# tborongh farm, and I. a llttl. nror. than on. boadr-d f—t from th. alt. wb.r. tb. tor.rnm.nt anhata-. morp raptr T. B. FERRIS, 218-219 Century Building, Phone 438-Main. VANS. Our vans are the largest nnd best equipped in the city. They have roller bear ing axles which protect the goods hauled. Office 12 Auburn Avenue. Office ’Phone 3730. Warehouses 235-7-9 and 241 Edgewood Ave. Warehouse ’Phone 2037. STORAGE AND TRANS FER COMPANY. WANTED. Six good, live men to can- luoruing. r