Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 02, 1907, Image 19

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$ THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. raturdat, rrnnuAUY 5. uor. M. L THROWER, Real Estate. afhkr hert farming land: »» acre* la one feld; 1H miles of (.ecshurg, La . I a* county, on Central railroad; all pluwi; thirty-two l«ln cottuu rent. pmld get forty. Tenant huuacs. Wall »a It.roil. Ukfen at price; 110 par acre; $3,0v) |,;<k!i. balance our ami two yearn, 1 per rent. •mid trade for Atlanta property. Ifl.m'-WEtT IIAKKR—TKNIIOOM; FUR- ware heat; cabinet mantels; two porcelain ' t.atbi. folding doora, stables, with aide ap rhea. Lot 40 by 100. The biggest l»ar I gain ever offered Itf Atlanta real estate. M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. 39 N. Forsyth St. PHONE MAIN 4234. r.7M KOU A KINK FARM. OVER IJ MIT E (rentage: on chert med; LMki fleet T,rl.- (I.-. ,.f p-nrb tr—«. good ill.', •uiiwth and healthy: ell (inmnl and In O. _K ebape for mmi; w , v.f»l aefoa nf rich market widening la lid I tar*, oak gror*. 6 nmin outage. fruit parkins honar. turn, ns M . atom so liouar; Mral rang- forjmol- lu'sa; chert road to rlly. Whoi. firm meluaed by Afoot rhlrk.n wire. Ball irruta. TUBEE BARGAIN*, .SEW. NORTH RIPE. f'ORNER. « «.uia. J atari,*, porcelain h,th. ra lavatory and toilet. rahlnat ntantcla. I hadrooau. Offered l» rrnt twice. ,VA RENT IS3.40; NEW. CLOSE IN. OS .rib able, white, evert convenience; — -—* sale from 16,ww. ii «t for Immediate mre nuff** bargain. J.YSM- FOR TWO NEW. MODERN 7 ROOM .• storr 4-nat front bmiarn: tinted walla, ••inplfte porcelain bath, cabinet niantela. get together mid . friend can have homes next-door to other and nave hundred* of dollara. Easy term*. "WE GET RESULT!*. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bonk. mertng fn fc.3»>.:$snu caati and $25 monthly. I'HHW HTHKKT CORNER. 60H6V-A ipietidra s-fftoia cdTrogervery large roonia. tastily papered, apacloua front and title at; built of A 1 material tor a home. crandaa; built of A 1 material ! BLOCK OF HIGHLAND AVENUE t yssh i Hi I'riea |1,7<X). Terms $450 cash and $20 •" AORE*. Mfl.E NORTH OK COURT at Decatur. About 15 arrea tn Will cut 499 tir 60) cords. which ear l*e marketed at Decatur tn advantage; 3 ' nm finished bouse. stable, etc. Kprlngi '■I bruuchea; would utake good truck, dairy or stork farm. I’rlee reduced foi SANDERS, SMITH & CONWAY PHONES 5488. 412 PETERS BLDG I.OT 45,w. KI.KVENTII BTBEET- hl|h and lotaly; If taken it anew w* tra Inutructed to aall this at tfo par front fool I.OT UllK-arilINU HTREKT; I.EVEI. and pretty aa a picture; in rhoK-vtt part nf alrret. at «0 per front foot. TbJa la worth MO today; will lirta| It lualdo uf M day*. IIARRIft RT,; T-ROOM HOl.BE M.4M-W. lot toiTDfl; level and niaka you an Ideal boa beat luratloaa la rlty. DoflV-KKI.LY hr.; BROOK HOEBE. OS uu tkla pretty llttl* al-eet. «" .-..nrenleare: la a sea of t bonne; wl I rent easily at CI.SO. Cab tasks teraja ran- 7* Af-RES—I'EArtllTREE ROAD. AT l*olnt where It I, moat valuable: aparlai reaaon for oBertng thla at a low (gara J»« BAPTIST Kjvu-witiiin Bi.nrK Tabernacle; the I ‘ aertlnn of the city. "" tn date and a beauty, on lot IhxUO; ' ’ dllv at £0. but ta room,; nn Wbtieford avenue: It condition: on lot u by IK: Has perfectly near car Hue and school; ran make taruta un Ibis to rlfbt part)-. Samo-hii.i, ht. home of hix room* anddtall: elevated, east front, lot 60*171 all In splendid home Ilk. . on.llil.m: heal ol mnniTitus and cabinet mantel., can make term* of SSM en.b mid halancr IS per month. Will rent easily for 133 per uionlb S7.M0- BLOCK ANI> HALF OK PEACH tree afreet: on one of the l„--r north aid. atreele we have a 12 room hem.' In pink of KOtV-OVkJltO RACK TO AI.I.EY: AT IN teraectlon Slmp-on street and ftunset sve lte. Thla Is level, pretty dirt. Several tieanllful naw eottsfea hare been nun re L-e McCRORY It. -M. JOHNSON McCRORY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, 503 Peters Building, Phone 4691. KOR EXCHANGE—NINE-ROOM RF.8I deuce un North Boulevsrd; all Improve menu; large shaded lot; side and rear driveway. Owner wants six or seven-room cottage in West End, elooe to school. This Is your chance to get a lovely home mi north aide. WE AL*n HAVE A NICE HOME Whitehall street; V) by 700; bark to railroad. Owner has been holding thla for He now wadta a Urge place with 6 acres tn Edge wood or Kirkwood. You-can get a good trade on. ihU valuable Mtalneea property by assuming a loan of about SXW. If you hare aometbtog good In either of the above locatfona. WE HAVE HEVERAL CURTOMERR wanting four or five room cottage easy payments. Mat them with aa. M’CRORY A JOHNSON. For S«lo On Easy Terms. NO 1—A FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. ONE block of car line; lot by 2«» to alley. East front; price I1.4W; *200 cash; balance M'llck sale to $2,900. -.1 ACItEH—GOOD, STRONG. I'RO tic land; 27 inllet weal of Atlaut RODUOT •'lit fur 2.000 |M>unda lint cotton Her me for full par ''IIAMIILKK. 12 MILES .NORTH OF AT Interaectcfl bv Southern - — road; offereil for tale for purpose of <ll\!»lf>n. I'rlce $6.9)0. Terms. HENDRICK & CO., Heal Estate and Loans, -■j 1-2 Whitehall Street, Both Phones. '•*•1 material, with eVery known enuvt c. incliifttng cnmblnatton ga« and elec- tlxtnrea. nr.blici turnl design na goed WFST I'KAt'IITIlRF, I.OT. 19lx.^: * tn rear: et htghmit point nnd «plen b*fiit|"|i. Thla property will bring tn *l»’Mlg $1*1 pt.|- front f4X»t. terma; worth luveatlgntlng. im>i»w ; HLDtHTI.Y Park. INMAN PARK; t-STORY 8 ROOM * . **eaut|fullv deulgnefl; if>mhlnntlini and cut fixture*; apl^mlbl bath; Pfullv flnlahcd; well liHDtett’on f«Hit terma. 2—FIVE-ROOM TOTTAGE; CORNER lot; car line In front; water, gas and bath; price $1,890; $?>') cash, balance inonth- NO. 3—FIVE-ROOM NEW COTTAGE. near Grant park; *1.700; $160 cash; balance monthly. t all at the office. J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Main. For Sale Real Estate W. JONES & CO., 5 Viaduct Place, Phuiies 5560. TII0S. W. JACKSON, Real Estate, 141,6 4th Natl Bank Bldg. Bell Phone 5214. NORTH SIDE. $10,300- inenta; fnrnare h»atedi tenant • houae aud •table la rear. CENTRAL PROPERTY. KOI (iOn_ , ' I,T ** BT KB NINRTK.6:n. nnj houae; aiier on twth WEST END. * 4(*> non TTII.I. HI V NCW KITE ROOM euitagt. all Itnpmvemeuta, near 60; one.half raab; ASHBY STREET. EDGEWOOD AVENUE. £1 lOfl WILL BUY HOUSE AND LOT near In; rented for $12 a month; room enough on lot to build store. GRANT STREET. dr* non new si.t r TO,uuu Urf# | 0t . a j, cash, balance 13 per m ROOM COTTAGE. " ImprovMMata; $90u par month. CREW STREET. menta; built for • home; beat tnaurlil STORE AND DWELLING. NEWTON S.'THOMAS. 422 Century Building, Bell Phone 2154 L., T. T. BHKNT. J. T. MANOIrM, BOUTH BIDE IIOmSTn’shORT WAI.K Ing distance; 12 rooms, lot 79x160; In Sue shape; coat $1,100 S year* ago; owner la go leave dig and Instructs us to tell A Imrgalu l UOMl; TO In here. VftllkftY.1 park krl •bow you In thla suburb; tbe plala are now* readv and we think we can show you some thing nice here. Tbe lota are. $160 each, and there are some feature* we can explain tn person better than tn print. iHivK.rUl. *MAl.l. KAUU*. KhR HAI.r.. •ultahle for. truck and poultry farina; one near llnpevllle for Icm Ilian $100 per gyre, and this Is a genuine bargain; only SI acres In tbe tract First come first nerved. J. C .BALDWIN & CO. Real Estate and invest ments. 501 Peters Building. CITT AND SUBURBAN PROPERTY. FARM. TIMBER AND MINERAL LANDS. PHONE: BELL hill: ATLANTA 3110 63.600—COOPER *T.: 16-ROOM* MlTORY bouse; this side Richardson; every reiilenre; rental $40 month. Lot 64x176 1 lllg bargain. ' . $.*. 260-RICH ARDRON BT.. JURT OFF OF Pryor; 9-room 2 story modern house; 2- rootn servants’ house: barn, carriage house and stables. Lot 5f»x!M feet. Easy terms. $6.990—B. HUNTER. JURT UNDER THE tllttdOW of th4* state enpltol; 12-room 2- story house; rental per annum $72t»; Inr 6d by l'«3 feet. If yi»u are looking for a private boarding house, this Is the place, bee us Monday. Terma. $1.609—WALNUT RT.; 6 ROOM COTTAGE inewi; lot 60x166 feet. Home cash, balance like rent. $3.600—LINDEN RT., NBAR JACKRON RT 7-rooni 2-atory houae and 6-room cottage; lot 60x160 feet. Easy terms. Bargain. build t per month. *9.090—ROCTH KIRKWOOD HOME; TEN- room 2-atory new residence; eleetrle lights, rat. hot and cold water. taThrHaere mtr Jn high state of mltlvatlon; surrounded bv four streets; one-hslf block car llus, postof- 9re aud stores. Terma. $1.50ft~RT. CHARLER AVB-; THE CHEAP- eat lot on the street. 60*200 feet; level and ahaded. Ree us about thla. £1 iHO CARII WILL BUY RTOKE AND TIbOIA/ dwelling combined; one three- room house and vacant lot; mow to build “ more bouses; rented for $15; pick up, 290 ACRES. pick up; act now If yon want It. G77 ACRES. 4-Q AA AN ACRE. 1 311LE RIVER FRONT «rre« In cultivation. 4*25 acre* In timber: rented thla rear for twelve l*lea of cotton; four itoiteee* «net*ir mite tw«. rallmada. on puNtc road; one-half cash: t*e- longs io loan entpany; must be sold; title g04*d. \ 1,305 ACRES. 1.012 ACRES. I AN AFRK-KV) ACRES IN Ct'L more than enough tlmtier to pay for it. railroad runs through property. In 29n rnnls nf station: rented for twenty hales or cot ton; all cash 2,300 ACRES. £142 All AN AUBE. 3 MILKS OF RIVER TlO.tni front, a tulles public mad front 1.190 acres rich bottom land, clear of over flow, rocks and stumps. SViaere Bermuda pasture; bnlauce In timber: ten story elev U.ton—E. PAIR BT.: I-ROOM COTTAGE; watar, gaa aud bath: lot UilKI faat. K.aaj terms. $4.100—N. BOULEVARD PLACE; 7-R003I 2-story house, uew; all modern Improve ments; lot 60x150 feet. Terms. ANSLEYBROS., REAL ESTATE, Offices 4 to 10 E. Ala. St. Phone 339 Bell KICK Richardson H PRYOR HT. HOME. ('LORE IN Iroom house, this side street; fronts east with a good lot. Urlce *.750. UltANT STREET IIOtfK—ELEGANT 3- mom houat on a beautiful corner lot, 90 feet front. Built for a borne. A place that wll^ault you. I'rlce $4,769. fl.OUO cash, and the balance HO per month. SOUTH RIDS HOME-NEAR IN. RPLEN dldly located; a|ae rooms, two bath rooms, good neighborhood; place splendidly fur nlshetl and will aell furniture and house for tbe price of the property. Price $7.6*9. CORNER LOT. NORTH RIDE-IN -SAME block with Majeetlc hotel. If Iwprovsd with two atoree and rooms overhead wll pay tremendous interest on the investment Price $12,000. • . J. W. MATRON. II. L. COBBS AND PAUL V08E, Assistant Ralesineo. FOR RENT. STORKS. Hill _ West Georgia .. 1114 Marietta 499 Edge wood 22-24 2V39-32-S4 36-3* M Win Alatiema ... 66 West Mitchell ... 249 Decntnr 241 I'etera 871 Marietta 231 Edgewood 9 North Forayth M4 Decatur 549 Decatur $ 29.99 JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 13 Auburn Avanua. Both Phone* <11. WEST END COTTAGES. bath, hot and cold water; rooms all nicely tinted. Coal house: targe lot; east front, one half block car line. Price reduced to $3,160 WILL BUY A NEW R1X-HOOM COT block from Gordon street car line and one block from Ludle avenue car line; oue half cash; balance can ranged. 12.699 WILL ni Y TWO 4-ROOM COT tagee on Ira street; renta for $99 per jumth^JiimilL..—■.. M W. JONES & CO., 5 VIADUCT PLACE. PHONES 5560. VI HAVE 14-ROOM HOIKS. NORTH Boulevard, lot 69x137: every convenience fine neighborhood; $9,760. Terma to suit. Another tn tame locality. * rooms, water, gas, electricity. $9,790; on easy terms; lot 45x190. Rlx-room cottage. North avenue, 64x149; all convenience*; beautiful Interior finish. $4.W9; on easy terras. miUimiBmBBRiaB&waifimMmmmBBS residence, 1 occupied „ rented for sixty bnlea of cash, balance easy linnt-in ihibiiik, otton; on*.third ino ACRES. AFRK—OVER 5,.V« FKET KRONT 70 ACRES. ivr. IIAVF. FIVE IH'OM FHTTAGE IN West End. one tiler\ from Gordon street, that Is a tisrg.nln at tt.Ji". Easj; terms can he arranged A sTnIhiG'I ri.TTAGK IN FOUR htnrk* uf Aragon (or U.1.W oa»b A HEVF.N ROOM Hnl'RE. half Work, of For - * terms. ANY OF THESE ARE BARGAlNR the prices usmed. i show and con SUBURBAN HOME. t:OOI> NEW 6 ROOM COTTAGE AND H Irv.l, lliailT lot. vn fan from l.akoo.Mti! .*nr lino; lif oholoo ro.ldout goo TWO KTORV . ROOM modern tl 6". *5*5 down mid $15 |M*r month. "\\| OFFER for 21 RtM).\| lint ’HE. blocks of IVachtre**; will rent for r." •ontli, aud xs III uever If wnmii; blcul C II. WELLS & CO., sulk from the l»" »t it’ll I NATIONAL BANK. Milton . f. idm\t run i-esre wherm\ t.-n,,. !liM v . t boa* during tl - - illiutxv U*» L 11. IH.N ^nLA^Q^(OHI?TgAflb9r : i.ost- wtm 1: |:t.i: I tall. "Mb lor TERRIER. Ilnll railroad, five inliiutea' walk from stntl . gmkd ati-rootb house, large Iwrn. sen ant a hoiiRe. 20 acre IterinudA past ere, 49 arm In cultivation, balance w«um1s. on* half ensh. 715 ACRES. $!».00 laud tn cnltlvntloi tiMUNea. large iMirn, lien; ttir»H» puldlr roeda. uew lallyo-td sur\e>*i| tbrougli pinp 1 mile erty; all rash. 121 ACRES. AN ACRE—POULTRY AND ip.xo.Utl fruit farm; peer .Hntlon^ provemenb THOS. W. JACKSON, ROOFING SLATE. WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE STOCK -OF VIR GINIA SLATE IN STAND ARD SIZES—CAN FUR NISH ANY QUANTITY. ALSO NAILS; FELT, CE MENT AND METAL TRIMMINGS. WE ARE PREPARED TO PUT ON YOUR ROOF COMPLETE.. DOWMAN-DOZIER MFG. COMPANY. 17.000—ON OAK KTRRET, NEAR I.AW ton street, we have a good, well-built five room houae; all conveniences; large lot; $590 cash, balance $26 per month. FORMWALT AND COOP ER street" lots. ON THERE TWO RERIDENCE HTItEETS we have orvera 1 very desirable lets at re markably low prices; property Is 000 block from South Pryor street, and one Mock from Georgia avenue. We can give terms or arrange to build your house. Call and let ua show them to yon. Hewer, water and gaa NEW COTTAGE AT LAKEWOOD. AT I.AKEWOOD HEIGHT*. NEAR FAR line, we have a new four room cottage, nice grmej corner lot; price $!..““*' * $3U0 oath and balance easy terma WANTED 200 Honeysuckle Roots— as large as can be transplant ed. State price, set out and quality. F. L. SEELY, Brookwood. WOODWARD LUMBER COMPANY. HARDWOOD INTERIOR FINISH AND MANTELS, DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. SEND YOUR PLANS FOR ESTIMATES. ATLANTA - - GEORGIA. ESTES BROS., Real Estate 706 Peters Building, Atlanta Phone. >K WHITEHALL BTREET. WE HAVE A lot 60 hv 116: etore house. 26 by 69 feet. on lot. Thu bsa advantages tbnt can uot lie mentioned In this ad. If you want a bargain for <9,000, see us at once. ON WASHINGTON STREET, A TWELVE- room house In good condition: east front; on lot 6$ by 410. To an alley. Price $6,600. $3,960 WILL BUY ▲ TEN DOOM HOUSE on Cooper street; large lot; cioee tig mbs terms. Bee ua about this. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF BARGAINS D. F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, 303 CANDLER BUILDING. BELL PHONE J30—ATLANTA K5«. CANT AVE.. Jl'ST OFF BOULEVARD: itaalrabl* lot. with a .mail (nur-nmu Ihiu,.. that la row rooting for M P*r inoutli I'rlr* II,K0. WARE & HARPER, 734 S CENTURY BLDG., ATLANTA. OA. Ball rhon- 3311. Atlanta Phooi US. rrrani, rtgar and tobaooo I ii-**; uingnlBrmt n.w fount, fin* Iociimo. will mak- -tag t-rain on thla to n goad partg. K^-MOHT PjiPULM AND WELL BE- j worka. rl-orlag 31M to SM por month: boot _ -_ _ —- HI w. O- nni.j Mi. moon of nlfrr. can yon mak- -o ■mall .an toraotmant aad rac-lr- to larf* IlfOM-WILI. EBTAB1.IKHED. BEPUTA- hl* and pradtnbl- mnnufa-tnrtng hnaln-aa; bor-o aland, pnyln( wall and I •K—WELL LOCATED CIGAR AND TO- harro aland, paying anil and hualnra* In- rranatng. T KOO-A WELL EQFlri'KD BARBER *HOP —r-ry b-*t lorntton: clmrlng by railing unt aatuo 370 per month. A annrUcn. WE HAVE ulty In rlty: on- i ua ot onto. Will nail at o aarrMco ll Ukaa I K A MAGNIFICENT OPPORT1T. * Itrat rlaao rr.tanrant, hrart of ' ” f Jir.."’"?.' Popnlnr In rlty. Ban ») PER MONTH WILL BEST 3 EOOM H.OOO WILL BUT ONE OK TIIE BEET »Mla watrr mill Irr rrram biialnroaao la rrry hrart of rlty; Itnrat location; ream blr rent, aoorl Irnor, m.»iio— r . tal ^,r, , i;;",k r y»^- Tl11 * MAON1KICENTLT furulahcl rooming honor, one block uf P-arhtr-r alrr-t. Clone in; bona- a I war jwarnir-- air— t. rioor In: honor a I war a nurd with very bear people, clearing R! per month. Karnlahlnga root 31.wo. SROOM I.ODOINII IIOt'SE. IS proAtnblr dab. poultry and meal market In th» rlty. Almoot In tho haart at rlty: tmt. *ty—t for bualnaoa; rlaartng ||R> to K00 pat month. IW'WH.L BUY ONE OK TIIE BEST LO- rated and imaalbly the moal prodtahlo horarahn-liia bnaln-oora In Atlanta. Th-ro la uolhliui To the rlty of Atlanta for thla Iirl—urhlrh I* clearing ibr pmdta that thla^ala. w. ran thoroughly aotlafy yoq •• to I ho rorr—to-ao of oar atatomtat lo any way you wlah. II BOO-TIIIRTY ROOM HOTEL OR LOW!- Inc honar newly fumlahed. o-wly paper- ACREAGE. FIFTBRN ACRES FRONTING WHITE- fowl avenue (Hell ftreet) on the Fair •treet and Deeatur rir line. Nlee running water. Laud lies beautifully for aub-divla Ion. MONEY TO LEND. WE IIAVK MIME LIONET TO LEND ON desirable property near the city, fall for our rent and tale bulletin. S. B. TURMAN & CO.. Cor. Broad & Ala. Sts. T WOOD FIBER WALL PLASTER. R L. WILLINGHAM. W. II. Wll.INGHAM. Secretary and Treasurer. WILLI NGHAM-TIFT LUMBER COMPANY Rough and Dressed l.utulier. Saab. Doors, llllnda. Builders' Hardware. 2U0 Murphy avenue. Take Knst I'olnt or THE ORIGINAL PROD UCT. AND N THE ONLY PLASTER M 4 \. N UFAC- TURED IN ATLANTA. CAN BE PUT ON AT AS LOW COST AS THE LOW ER GRADE SUBSTI TUTES THAT HAVE COME INTO THE MAR KET. WE CAN READI LY SHOW THIS. SO no NOT BE MISLED. IIII.I. RTRBRT. NEAR LOGAN—FIVE- rirnm houae, most modern and beet equt|B- * r on the street — hto. etc. ned house < hanging iljgh w\ iJtteral VACANT I AIT, ON I’RYOIl RTRKET. uear User eon; east front: the moat desira ble lot on the street end right In town, too; •lid at a reasonably price. the houae has every mnretrable eon ventence aud ean lie bought for $2,900, ou term* that anybody ean meet. heart of city. Pine location. 37» WILL BI T ONE or THE MOST Uf- to-dato and brut ruulppod mtoumata la Drro„ ,r at reel; clr-c In: food rtaaa patron. »**i jumloraa mntlutirlly lucrri.tng: clear ing I HO per month. Brut rroaou Unoo WILL BUT ONE OK THE BERT . tgjWIrtinl. ninat rrpntahl- and prodtahlo tailoring hw.lnr.ic. In Houlh Carolina, now rlnrlng $300 per month. TO- owner of thla baa luad* n nlr» fortun* unt of It, but bod hlo Birin, up th* b ‘ bout tbln propoallloa i PAETT OWNING Bt)X KACTOBT AND planing mill with KM.00, Inveat—t want! aa •rr-piablr partner with HO.OW, which will' go Inin Ibr bualnrao tn lormto output. Tblg la a magnldc-at propogltloo. OEMK BTREET, NEAR BAKER: GOOD drr-rtnmi h-«*r on good bd; a g'-al rritl- ln^ propusltlou. aa -clI a* a home, at 13. GOHIhiN OTIHtET—LOVELY ELEVEN room bona.-; Iiriintlfiil lot: bwair.1 In the li#*t of nrtgtib.irh*NMia. I'rii-r S7.SW. A.NGIKII AVENUE—Jt *T OKK BoL'LE. (ini; kinnI bit aud a Imiias* that can l»c put In tony atylr at g little -un-inn'. l*rlra to ACHE* AT HAPEVILt.K. GA.. B In—n the two ilr|mta. Thl. will ninhr flu- irurb form or a nb-- borne. I’rlce , REAL ESTATE. City, Suburban or Farm Property. GEORGIA WOOD FIBER PLASTER COMPANY. WHITEHALL ST. & CEN TRAL R. R. PHONE 1152. Collage Park car W £ .. Itatt 11- J|rom , Jon „ 0ut At . jn AIUr „ lMM . t rosalng. en l^*e atiwt. Iieii pbs»uv ha. Colonel Jerome Jones, editor of Th* (rest; Atlanta ’pboua 111. | Journal of lAlbor. who has been iSiv tivofiWtt* —ra. Adarvt* a. i., my 4 t ij y a t'i Bauk Bldg. I I fined to his room at his home. : street, for the past week with • vara spell of grip, la out again. TIIORK WIK1IING TO BUY t»R HUM should call oil me For next few day- ran offer kuiic bargalua In Imprs*' . I 3i ih| pro'|»eCy the city su'd suburbs; al»i fnniis J. B. WEBB, COLLEGE PARK. GA. Bull Phono E. P. 326. Office Third Floor 12 Trin ity Avenue. Bell Phone- Main 1216. /‘"‘HV •9 WIMa BUT TIIB ONLY TAFB IN ONB of Kouth Carolina’s heat eltlea of 10.990 puiiulatlon, business now Hearing $126 to $1M per month Will give aouie time on i—* •n acceptable parly. part to S1.590-THIUTY IPHIM 1IOTBL OR I-ODO. Ing houae. uewly furnished, newly “ Fine location. $2.459—ONK OF TIIK HKRT ROUIPPKD In one of north Georgia’a I __ 99«. Only liualiieas In thla line In tla city. GH all tbe Imslncas In thla line; also all of the automobile repairing. “ > line In ilia city. holcaale brokeraga — 1h* Roati This amount i* larg* ston Ti states, located In Atlanta, gives you controlling Interest. W F. W A NT V VIR ATI'I.A** BUBIlisaS alilp "1 1 lln j one of the mast * reputable mar* 1 Atlanta In openlaff up aa entirely $3,990 Wtl.l. HUY ONB UF TIIB RB8T rqulpiie*!, moat up to date aud wall select, ed atoeka *»f staple and fancy groceries, to gether with first cists market. Nice larga ‘ >sew»T •tore room, very lieat bieattou. cheap real. This It certainly au opportunity la this Ra*. WE HAVE A WELL K*TABI.I*IIKD AND rllbnul drug-. enlarging Dixia Mill*. Bpedal lo The Gaorglan. laiOrnnge. Ua., K>b. 3 —Another ad dition -III b- mad. lo Dial, mill- In |*>at l.aOrnngr In lh« naar fulur*. Th- tuaddnary for the new addition. Juat rr.enllv Miade. I* twin* placed, and It bn.- tie-n found n-r-»nary tn -tin fur ther incrtaaa the faclllllea of thla mlU. IK.tin WllItTII UK *Tl* K IN A »ku«h . nri-traibm -bleb elear-il lant year Talma, will, mi at I he rljchl naUry In aa aecapln. f ■le man Inlying thla atiwk. Actual aaaala or your money. RKISlIINta AND $1,260 Wll.l. HUY ‘ m . your ehaaea May Bara Artaaian Wall. 8pedal to The Georgian. I AG range., Go., Kab. S.—Probably ijiGrunge will b, aupplled with arta- ainn water at aoma tlma In the future. George Motion, an expert from the geologlral deportment of the govern ment. h*a been In th- city for a f«nr the nurture formation* and Mrrania In thla rccllon to are If It would l>« poe.i. hie to nrcure ortealoa water for the clhr. iUa