Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 02, 1907, Image 9

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. SATt'RDAY, rBBRUABT * JUT. SOUTHERN SOCIETY TOCCOA. Mr*. Harrlann Bu»h* hu returfieo from a r)«lt to Atlanta. Ml,«e* Martha and Car , . rter Schaefer hav* «on» for a fortnight's -Vlalt to Palm Batch. Hi. Mr. O. IV. Kdnards wa* called to At lanta on account of the critical lllnee, of Ilia dauchter. Mi*. George Carnea. Mr*. W. A. Willingham haa returned from a rislt to friend* at Xom-osa. Ml** Harriet Venter, of Wnlhnlla. H.C.. wa* a guent of the Mlaaea Payne laat neck. Mia* Uebble McCre*. of Hrenau College, naa a aueat of Mr*. J. Kimmnna *©v©rul »Imv«s r©r©ntlv 1 Mn. T. A. <*ftpps has returned from a visit to rtlHtivoM and frl«nda In ctarkesvlllr. Mr. Frank Fatmsr. of Anderson. H Cn spent a t-oupjfi of 4aya In Toccoa this week. Miss Minnie K.lmsey, of, OulnesvHI.% visited her sister. Miss Bertha Kiinsey rtcgmly. - - * Miss Annie Lu Kennedy spent last week ot Deercnurt, Miss Marcs ret and Ethel Cooper, of Avalon, are gu©»t» of Misses Payne. Mr. L. Myers. ..f Atlanta, spent Sun day In Toccoa. Mrs. B. B. Smith and little daughter. Louise, have gone to Comer, where Dr. R. B. Smith has located. Mr. Augustus W alters spent several days In Atlanta recently. Mrs. Brewer Starke has returned from a visit to ni.ulve* In Macon. Mrs: Stephen Whitmore and Mrs, John Carter are Malting In Bowman this week. Miss Lillie McCracken, of Atlanta. In visiting -Toccoa fri-nds. Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, of Martin, vl ited Mrs. H. P. Mmjsard recently. Miss Daisy Denton her returned from a vtstt to frfedds in tlreencBle. S. Mr. W. T. Qaator.. of Greenville. Os., haa located In Tocron. Mrs. W. A. Fowler and daughter. Marjorie, visited Atlanta recently. Mnster Clarence MrDornian gave a birthday patty on Saturday afternom to thirty-five of his little friends. Va rious games were played, delicious rs- freshments were served nnd a most pleasant afternoon was passed by all present. itl weeks In N0RCR088. Dr. T. T. Kea anti .Mr Daniel will spend seve Florida. Mrs. Penri Born Edward Is conva lescing from an attack of in grippe. Mrs. Clifford Jones, of Fortress Mon- roc. Va., Is the guest of Mrs. Homer net. After costume of brown broadoloth. The fura are of mink* the muff being edged with heavy Irieh lace. The hat ie of brown French felt with a large golden brown plume, PERSONAL MENTION Mle* Satnuelln Whitman will leave soon for a visit to relatives at Chat tanooga, Mrs, J, W, Oliver han returned from ChHttanooga, where she was the gueet of her sister, Mrs. L. W. Flemlster, Alls* Liar* Crawfonl. who haw !*ee» the guest of Miss Daisy Zacchery at Meet Point, Is visiting relatives'In At- “Tarifa Wfdrw Wiirtrif to hfrf hdhte in tftv rtrleuis, Mrs. A. W, Hill ami Mrs, John ftoin- inell nlU visit MVCm Willis Little at week, Went Point next > Alias Rosa Gertrude Brook, of Che- rau.-R.C-., Is spend I tig several weeks Mbs Mnry Llgnrr. of Greenville. Is In the city, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Neal Johnston. The Walking Club met with Mia* Daisy Tleknor Friday afternoon. Plans were made for a banquet to be given at an early date. Miss Leon Hmlth, of Atlanta. In the guest of Mrs. W. P. Walker. Mrs. W. A. Andrews and Miss Ger trude Andrews are visiting In flou»h Georgia. Mr. Kiser Webster Is attending school III Atlanta. Mr. William Fox Is visiting his old •me. In Mllledgevllle. Mrs. E. B. Davis, of South Carolina, Is the guest of Mrs. McCullough. The friends of Colonel George H. Jones will be Interested In his recovery from a surgical operation. He will soon leave the Presbyterian hospital !i Atlanta and return to White Springs. Fla., where he will be for the batanc of the winter. A CLUB IN PICKENS. k|M*. tal to Tlie Georgian. Pickens. 8. C„ Frb. L-T*e "Agf Winter- acben Oteb" la It# name; Un> oieanlag of whiek la "Till we meet again?* It baa re- csnttjr been nrgautietl by the youwg people of I'lckena. The club meets un every Thurs day ulylit. The tlrat meeting waa at tlie home* of Mlsa Lucia Folger. oil Tburaday. January K/tud It waa a great sueoeas. Alloa lleleu Bogga waa elected president. Alias Hawyer drat vl©© prealdcnt, Hrure Boggs second rice preahleut. Bluest Folger tress urer. James I*, t'srey, Jr., recordtug sec retary. Tbe second meetlug was ut the home of the president, Alisa Helen Boggs. Every one Is pleased very much to have nor ss president 01 the nub, true believer lu the young |i a gtHHj time. The lio*pltul|t, friends at the meeting at her home was uiifxrelletl. On la«t Thursday tbe eluh luet with Allas Sarah Held, mid those who nt- teuded had n uioM delightful time. The object of the eluh Is to give the young people of the tonu o good time. Th«se who stteud the club play "Five Huudnii * ami other game* deemed suitable by tbe The meuilters are Alias Helen FASHIONS FOR MEN Spring Derby in Our Midst-It's Smaller Than Ever—What the Atlanta. Haberdashers Show. . . By HABEft DASH. Th* man who a«*ka* about for the newear ttltng-tnmen'a-wearing *|>p«r*l at thla aeaaon of the year li struck with the new hat. llnlf the Peachtree amt Whitehall street clothier* and hab- erila.her* are right now rushing their clearance sales through to get busy with the spring hats. I can’t say that I know for sure why they .tiring the hat flrat. It might All.. Kill* All'll.ulel. All.. Hara II-hi. : Alattlc Plaler. All.. Ilrtgbt. sail Ueu_ Kriic.t Kmger. Bruce llu.g. I■.•l.tlr Rah- lii-u.ii, Julius bogga. WIIIIh.*. tV ■ < Tiiomasnou, J. P. (Yrry. Jr., .ml Way ns Mnuldiu. Vhe next mccMng will ho h* flit* home of lie president ou uwxt Tlmrstlsy. EATONTON. The young ladles of the Just for Fun Club eutertalued the young uieu of the eluh In it delightful nay Friday night Isst at lb* home of Mrs. 4. j„ William*. A *MI©h»in Ind coy roe nn* served At n Isle lioyr by e young ladles, who wore tiny whit* aprons nnd ©np». Those present were Misses Mattie and Mara Hearn. Lily wil Ham* and Lnda Hutchinson, Aleanra. Paul Ballard. Frank liolt, Hob Dennis. Edwin Kelson and Joseph Williams. lance given by the young men of th< touu .\\ Hr*M pntnsiu th** wm»e nig s bright and Jolly oecjislon. The * m were Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wn Ioaw .Matter, Eunice Martin. Josle Aahurt_. Kuth Pnrfc. Alary Dennis. Ceclle Ingram. *■* Adams. Margery and Hannah Lucius Little. Edward Presley sud others Airs. \ ulentlne Taliaferro, Airs. A. 8. Kd lomlson nnd Mrs. I*. W. Walton. Jr., enter- ntottdsfi ... ... talued the Mystic Circle In a beautiful wa <n Thursday afternoon from SiW to 4:3* t the home of Mrs. Taliaferro. The lion, reea were Misses Ailldred Nolde nnd Kd- wine Behre. the charming guests of Mrs. Taliaferro. Retweeu seventy-live sud one hundred guest* called. 1 Aliases Mary ami Margaret de Jarnctte of Kockrllle are the guests of Miss Lmise Xu.-; era I days In town this week. ... Itli her sweet soprano, assisted Alias Behre •ert Tm-mbty. In her • DAWSON. Miss Alary Wall was tbe charming host- « We«lnes<lny afternoon, from 4 to 6 i-ltM-k, iuterlnlttlotf the «'4wU t In honor of Airs. Alary lam Uolterts. of Lufaulu. Ala., the guest of Airs. t\ A. Wall. The re*M>pt|ou Intll and parlor were atrrartlvely d*H-«irate<| with |ialms. siullas and re«l lights. _ wsa the luteroafhig gnuie. each tali lug as Its centerpiece atbf Progressive trail ch table hobj. rratal candle- andles. itii<I Ihui Ism dishes hired D. Weaver won the first prise, a ml Airs. Itolierts waa presented with the cnusolntlon doxen games were played. A dell Mrs. Genie Thompson and Mrs. R B. Davis have returned to Covington, after visiting friends in Atlatitft.. THOM ASVILLE. Air*. J. \V. Builcr hn* relumed t I'amilla after *|>cnrtlng a fciv day* with r* S. A. Roddenbe.-ry. Ml** Daisy Kcklc I* \1*lttng tn <>c*la and Tampa. •Mr*. Tiller, nf I.oulsvllle, Ky.. i*'thft gucst df Mr?- J. \V, Ryrd, Mr* 0*»rgc Bclple left Saturday T- a vtet! to New York, before ratling for Europe. Mine Roberta Rurbrldge. of Jaek- Monvllle, PI*., will arrive next week lo vlalt Mr*. F. Van Renaaelaer. Roberta Burbrldg* he* jioat- poned her vlalt to Mr*. Van Ranaaalaar, ulili Air*. K, G, leigaii, at 35j illepn at Atlanta, until nfter the Catholic r j ROSENTHAL Uses the Weber T HE musical season of 1907 in the United States is made notable by the return, after eight years of ab sence, of that giant of the pianistic world, Moriz Rosenthal. The piano chosen by the great osenthal to be the medium of his onderful art is the IE'-ber. For this section, we hold the exclusive agency of the matchless Weber Piano. PHILLIPS & CREW CO., 37-39 PEACHTREE ST. Mr* Harry ~W.'Thame*:. •'< OanvIHc, * ** «. .0. <’*• Thomas, yif yal- A; f. Mac- and Mrs. . dost*. «r«* visiting M Tntyre. Mr. «’het Clark, nf EufauM. Ala.. the guest of Mr. James Hopkins. Mr. J. B. Pemlson leaves Monday for a week's hunt in Florida. Miss Katherine Hobson, «*f Memphis. Is the attractive guest of Mrs. Lea Wylly. Miss Miirv Csto Timmons. »>f Monroe, Is the guest of Miss Blanche Ains worth. Mrs. Lee Neel and son. Joseph, left Wednesday for a visit to Mr. and yfre. Flowers. In Blakely. Ga At the euchre parry given Friday hv Mrs. G. R Fox Miss Ella Mae Williams, of Macon, won prise, a gold belt buckle, and the consolation, a cut glass compote, fell to Mrs. Fred Distnuke. Mrs. I*ee Wylly complimented her guest. Miss Hobson, of Memphis, with an oyster roast Wednesdav evening. It was a Jolly occasion for the young people. Miss Jeanne Brown gave n delightful card party Thursday evening. T»\era were twenty-five guests Invited to play flve-hand euchre. Delicious refresh ments were served after the game. Mrs. K. M. Hmlth entertained Infor mally Friday morning In honor of Mlsa Ethel McDonald, of ftithbert, who It the attractive guest of Mrs. W. H Rockwell. The Bight Rev. Father Hcholley. of Saratoga. N. Y.. has been conducting a catholic mission here during the past week. ve«r llsd course. n;|fh Mrs. W. A. AIcCUhi AIrs. J. W."Glass. Aim. T. K. tiurr. Aim. Gary. Airs. J. D. Wester. Mr*. 4‘hnrlea Lfmrey. nnd the uiemlMTa of the elub. MlNoea Janie Car- rswar. Alaggle Tweetly. Allee Aleltnn. Kiln Christie. Lynne Durham. Jewel Durham. the shoe. But anyway It la the hat You cun fairly tell when any season is within h month or so of turning by the display of new hats. The New Hat is Hsrs. The Kpting hat Is already In our midst And It's quite the fancy article- whet her It be h derby or h felt hat. This wIntar we have been wearing derbies with quite a considerable crowh and somewhat of a roll tn the brim. The tendency now Is toward a derby •»f somewhat atnalier dimensions—low er crown and narrower brim. Another s^ep In the present direction will have us back to the "dinky derbies’* of a few years pgo—the Happy Hooligan effect, plus a brim. But we are not there as yet nnd the new derby Is a handsome affnlr. of quite, distinctive style. The question of color Is not agitating the manly busont of the prospective derbv buyer to any noticeable extent. Almost everybody goes to black. But they nre offering some attractive col ors In spring hats. One Peschtraa hab erdasher tells me that outside nf blacks the reul thing' Is the new heath brown, with Havana brown trimmings. An other one, equally authentic In th© matter of styles, states with positive- ness that a grey, technically known as potush gray. Is quite the newest and gassiest of the spring offerings. This hat has a contrast trimming with steel gray band. Both colors are going to Be popular, and you will not be far wrong if you get a derby of any color offered A’ou. with a reasonably full, square crown, not too high, and with a reasonably loae rolled or flat brim. l-a»l# Kendrb kx. Father Hlade. Minnie l,<ni Martlu. Mamie laM-ke uuil Nettie I'leo-muti. The (»«w*«»n (’million (’lull entertained at it delightful cotillion laat Friday eioii- lug. given In honor of the visiting voting ladle* In thc.dty- music being furnished by the, orehogtrn here,,Ant'Mig ,thoM» ■ vrer* 1 itnnrtug "were Atliu inrry—rerv; Albany, ulth Air. Earle Oelae;' Alia* An- Fair, which promises to he a social event of great linpcrtunce..—Jackson ville Metropolis. Miss Marsella Griffith gave a small bridge party Friday afternoon at her home In Macon. In honor of MIss Fort. of Atlanta, und Mlts Uuerrard, of Co lumbus. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Miller are at ham# wuh. Mrs. -Hunter V. Cooper- . Miss Mary Deas Tupper Is the guest of Mt«s Josephine Jones, In Macon. Miss Rchofeld. who Is the guest of Mrs. O. H. Nunnally, will leave Hunday for her home In Macon. r. and Mrs. James T. 8wlft, of © Hill, near Middleton, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Connally. Mrs. Edgar Miller, of Augusta, Is •pending a few da>*s In Atlanta. NORTH AVENUK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH* Morning. Organ Voluntary, Andante Expres* v«>—Bhelnberger. Anthem, o. Come, Let Us Sing—Ar thur Finite. Offertory, alto solo. "There Is a Land of Pure Delight"—Horatio Parker, organ Postlude—Edmunston Duncan. Evening. Voluntary. Evening Song—Howard Anthem. ( Thr Day is Past and Over -J. Mqfrks offcitory, -only Waiting w. Bei* aid. organ PoetluUt—Selected. —— AUmnv. u itli Air. Earb> Urlw; Alla* ale Willis mo. uf IToddoCk. with Mr. 11 Paschal; Alisa Annie (’nudlcr. of Atlanta, with Air. ('til INgty: Allas All©© Williams, of MladdiM-k. with Mr. John lx AlH olhmt; Allas Hbtan lt*Hblhig. «*f (’nthlN<rt. with Mr. Roger Cnrv©r: Alls-* leda K«Midr|i-ks. «»f Lexington. Ky.. with Mr. Fngsin- Haiti, win; Airs. Gary, of Lexington, with Air, Tom Bright: Allas F.lla Ktevcns. of Grlfftu, with Air. H©.vwood Turner; XIIss Janie rarraway wtih Mrrrlvy Alelton: Alisa .Mag. gl© Tweedy with Air. It. L. Walls«v; Alias Alice Melton with Air. John Alorrls: Allas Pearl© Christ!<• with Mr. Itnyumnd Doxler; Mlsa Julia Christie with Air. Hid ll.-iton; Alisa Al#nl Thornton with Air. II, (*. Pauhnl; Alls* D-e. of Ikiirott. with Mr. Tohe Wall Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wursbaui chst»eroue«l. Alls* ivurle M-ltoti has retnrn*H| to Bn* fatila. Ala., to resume her studios nt Drenau. Alloa©* Attnb* stol Alice Wllllnma. of lladdtx-k. tin., it ml Alias Aitnh* Cnudler. of Atiauta. th© •harming gnrsta nt the home of Air. J. H Darla for the past ton day*, nr© now lit Monroxunm. s|i«*ndlug a few days hefon* tcturnlug to tlndr resjsM-. tire hornet. Mis* r.lois© HinipBoti, of Fort Galm visiting her slatei. Mrs. J Al. < III I Granby H. Owens, a |»opulnr young At to th# 8«ft Hats. To get right on the soft-hat question for the early spring you must have a pearl gray, "done" telescope fashion. The crown will be rather high and the brim rather narrow. Whether you wear It up or-down In front or up on n© side will dpppn<t on ynur agr anrt taste. The 'varsity delegation Is still strong for the "down In front" effect, though It Is considered decidedly swag ger to have one side down and one up. at a rakish angle. Suit yourself about tills. Variations are both possible and permissible. Line Atlanta firm Is offering three separate shades of pearl—silver pearl Avlth pearL trimmings; brosa, a dark shade of pearl, with white trimmings, and ordinary pearl-pearl, with a black Probably other colors will be worn- black Is quite certain to be—but the early rush will be to pearls. Nsw Shirts and New Cuffs. Home of the Atlanta shqps are ,||- rearty showing a few new things In the wuV-Ot starts and shirting for the com ing spring. The, -Pleated affairs arc still running strong, nnd apparently we must have them, whether we want them or not. A novelty Is the reversed and exten sion pleat. The reverse gives a novel effect without being frilly and the ex tension guarantees plenty of room at the south end, where extra space Is worth having. Novelties in the way of cuffs may be OCHXHlHWiOOOOOOi^OOOtHtKKHlKiOOO O CORRECT DRESS O arnoon call or matin**! O', 0 The coat muat he a frock and O O the overcoat a l.-heaterfletd. Th* O O wiiletcoHt ehoptcl be double or O O Mnxlc breaated and either of the 6 O name material aa the coat or of 0 0 white Uiien duck. 0 O The trouaera ahould be atrlped O O ae to pattern, worsted or cheviot O O u to material and xray aa to 0 O color. O O The hat must be altk and hl(h O O and ahould hava a broad allk 0 0 band. 0 O The ehlrt ahautd be plain white O with ruffe attached and tbe oollar O The cravat ahould O or i>earl ascot or a once.over to O 0 match alovea. O O The (lovee must be prep aueda Q O or white kid to match cravat O O The boot* are patent leather or O O varnished calf-ekln with but- O O toned cloth or kid top. < O O The Jewelry permissible for stieh O O occaelon* la not eztenatvo. Gold O O link, and atuda and a cravat-pin *0 O are correct. ' O O O OOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOGGOOOOOa looked for on the hither trades of shirts, because there la a trnwlnx da sire for somethin! unusual In cuffs. One of th* new cuff* Is about 4 Inches wide at thr top of tha cuff. t 1-2 at the bottoms and cut on a curve between the point*. Even more attreaatvaly novel fa the‘folded back cuff. Thla ultra affair la not likely to oa Rnd at laaat one local Arm will recom mend thtm only with the pleated wblte Rhine to be worn with the dinner coat or on ,oft flannel and allk ihlrta for eummer wear. A Bteialno In Button#. * One novelty which promleea to be a blesaint I* the acheme of hnvlnt the butlona for the front of a ahlrt on a etrap. Thla la buttoned on the under- elde and then thrnuth the upper aide. When the ehlrt toee to th* laundry the etrap and the button* are removed. And thu* will the liundrymen with a fotidne** for collecting ahlrt- buttons oe foiled. There buttons are made with quite a atem and stand up and away from th* strap. Very- likely before the season la tar advanced wa ehall have buttons Alan knee drawers rial aa the ehlrt are an Impending event nnd will be worn by aome of the most careful dreaaera. AS TO FUGITIVE FADS AND FIXED FA8HI0N8. A man of unimpeachable social post, lion appeared not long ago tn a swag ger hotel In New York Attired In' ai aaiallowi.taIU/1 -» «- ' « swallow-tailed coat of dark blu* fab-i rlc. purple valvat collars, and turned! back cuffs of th*' asm* material. No man could hav* attempted that) outside of New York and escaped wlthi out an examlnmtlon Into bla aanlty. And yat they say that that ia l we are coming to. whgtl The popularity of the wasting coat, leera* to bo on fashion'* elevator and going up. It 1* an Informal garmantj *nd mad* of light colored malarial, with flap pockets at the waist llna. Don't oonfuae thla with the w» coat, which la quite strictly for raonloua wear. Thla nrsw*, ta black unflnlBhcd worsted or QMsrd Ilka the frock la poekatla named a "morning- coat far purposes only tt la qulto aa good for afternoon wear as at any of The morning coat atoms t planted th* frock for fomrug In the day time exo«pt for and at churob. Btrlpad It. ot w*U dreaeed men wUPaoon b* craat-' ad. i In England fanny twteg xmlatw coats are unknown. In Um United flutes, however, the fancy one* nre firmly estnhllshed nnd tb# "faocter" th* better. The limit has not yet been reached and something n*w 1* sprung •vary few days. Charvat H Place Vendoma. mm* to be setting the styles tn th* new din ner coat vest*. Atlanta clothier* are showing some thing new, after a Charvct model. It ta pocketlass, has throe button*, a vary Jong i ' -- “ and v*ry- wld* : and broad, pointed lapels, which an fastened with button* at th* point*. It ha* a V-.hap*d opening, and I* worn with a grey tie to match tho veei. Some - of these garment* are made of a mer cerised, washable fabric, while uthera, of a better quality, are of broadcloth. What do you think of leather sus penders and tartars? They have ar rived. leather sleeve band* an -ust tho way, Laother belts we have el- way* had with us Rather the newest thing In the way -one which ot evening overcoats la -one whtcl boasts a ellk collar having th* tarns surface as a allk hat. In addition to the "stovepipe-effect'' collar tba coat la alngle-breaatad. after the Chester field style, with a distinct Inward curve at the'waist. r, llarrl* Mr*. Harris formerly MIh Dell Heilman, waa tanrb admired when eh- iletted thla community n few year, *1lita. William Caldwell ami Mlaa lien rlcttn Awyaerl are rlaltlng Mr and Sira. <j||h©rf CaT*lw©l1. Ill HpiioIh. lira, ('aid- wall trill prolaabl? r©msln a**»»*riil wivka. (Ault© a niiiiiH©r of our ©Itlwus. In©lnd- liip Air. W O. H©riidon and Air. (.. ' llabnti In Atlanta laat a©©k tr©4*i su©> mm' th© CtPorKl* 1 vIk. ha ••iii|tnn.v f| will, mak© hla horn© In AI linn r aflrr Frlirunfjr L All»h th© ipi©it of her brother. Mr. W, B. Cos. HARALSON. Afr«. A. W. Katrl* haa r©(^n©t? from Zobuloo. wh©r© att©”W'(ks call©r .*> ill© ID• n©*a of lirr alat©r Th© Alias©*..J’"w©ll had n* su©ata laat Hunday and ^Alouday. Air. uinl Airs. Al. 8ANDER8VILLE. Mr*. J. B Wllk©r*on I* on©© ngutn at h©r h©m©. Korsst 4in»T©. h©r long stay at Hal© Hurliic.-. Tenn.. ©«n*lng *0111© of liar U© Hurlus.-. Tenn.. eao*lng *©ni© of J,©r l©iid* to aiinpos© ah© had changni h©r |»la©© of roaldsnc©. . , * Mia* Anna J.»n#s Is making a visit nf aomi l©ugth to li©r oou»Iu. Mra. Floyd Hrlni fleld. of Ala. on Mrs. Jama* Kvsrott. n©© Alla* B©*«li lltdiioHi. T©nnHl©. nft©r *©f©rat w©.ki ap©nr (n Harrd©rsrtll«». bsa rotnrnnl lo b©i lug In J t.rt Vallsy. Air*. T M Fox. **f Klat©*Wro. I* ap©ml •w with her niotli©r. Mrs. Arm \Y©at End. Mias Nan and Alastsr H©rth*l \Whlts- th©lr mot her. Airs. C. Whltnhurst. who la quit© III at Or. Ilawllng's sanatorlnm. *- Grorgs 8. Mrt'srty, of Atlanta, Mr. and tfrs. William McCarty. . Mm. Ckirlls Hodgson and llttls son. of Athsoa. («■., srs ths guests of Mrs. "l)r!*Ht* *©* M• Ion© Is visiting Albany nnd other points of south Goorgls. .. -a • « DCS iby, th© sngsgsmsnt of »h©lr daughtsr, to Air. L E. l’ol©v. of Atlanta. Tns mar- rlag© rsrsmony wilt uks pltcs on Ftbru- Mia* Plclc Ktlchans Is vlsltlmr hsr brother, Air. Carlton Kltrbsns, In Wrights* Till©. _ t v , Mra. l.tirjL C. Rogers, who haa b©©n ths gisat of ttfr ton. Dr. O. L Rogsrs, rs- tiirn©d to h©r homo In Mlllsdgsvllls on W. rnl»e .ntmalned et die- uer mi Tueolay. la honor of bar father. Hr. Williford: th. gneata ware Dr. and Mr*, li. f~ Cheatham. Dr. and Mra. O. .. Boger. and Mra. Banna Ainsworth. MARTIN. a. M. Cms*. of Comatrc*. was la towb a faw days recently on bnalaeoe. end*j! r V T WeUUMMwJnt th* gusst of Miss day. StffiSdS Friday oo boaine 5fef*H C S* 4 'KTSSSk1?& W^WcheU.* ‘ CaatoovfUo. —.— •W Dyee. Of tadfua ^TMtWery. ] apandlng aome ttme with JfcBoth, of one day last watk on but WRITE US FREELY and frankly, In ttrktnt confidence, teOfng tD your troubles, and stating your ago. We wflt send yoa Fin ADVICE, In plain seeled etr^lept, and * vat- uabte 64-page Beok on "HoweTraatattatforWeaen." Address: Ladtea' Advtsory Dcpartaact, Th* Chattanooga Medfdn* Go., Chattanooga, Tone. Female Discord that Is, discord In a woman's organs or functions, is simply another name for disease, but It expre-ses what perhaps you have never thought of, and that is, the Jangling Irritation of your nerves, whan your, organs are out of tune. Health*ls harmony. Every organ must do Its work; every function must be natural, otherwise you need WINE OF CARDUI Woman’s Ralief to tune you up again, and bring harmony Into your discordant tystem. Cardiff does this In a natural manner, because It It a natural remedy, (or diseases peculiar to women. It acts directly on your organs, heals and cures them, regulates the (unctions, helps to make you well Mrs. James Johnson, of Mt Olivo, Ark., writes: “I suffered groat pain In my head and bade from female trouble, and could not sit up, but one bottle of Cardul brought mo precious relief." Try It. At Every Drag Store In $1.00 Bottles * mykiditfiMiwriiHgiitaiiaa H 1v I'lin .• j .is, i