Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 04, 1907, Image 13

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4.1MT. M. L. THROWER, Real Estate, $55 front foot—85x200 N. gier avenue. Why don’t Boulevard 3 doors of An- yon buy this magnificent lot at the price when others are refusing $70 per foot! M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank. WOOliWAlin AVE., NEAR CHEROKEE nveiitir; »p|rn<ll<Jlr l»ullt nearly new i- romii house; all ronreulenreii: lerel lot. 10x150. $3,890. The bouac would cost to Mill now 13,300. COTTAOK-SAME STREET ANO LOCAL- Ity; haa ft rooms and wide ball; elevated »t; rear alley, fj.lw; ftjiw caab, balance lout lily. •IKDMONT AYR.. BETWEEN FORREST avenue und Currier street: aultitnntlally iNillt ** r«sun house; prime cimilltlou; level lot. |5,n«. Terms 11.000 casli, balance to f FOR SALE High-Class Northside In vestments or Homes. $3,750—East Pine St. Resi dence, 8 rooms; gas, water and bath. $4,000—Third street, near Peachtree; 7 rooms, rents $37.50 on lease, $5,006—Piedmont Avenue, 8-room, 2-story mod ern residence; rents $40.00 on lease. $6,000—Spring street, near Third, 8-room resi dence; nice; owner. modem occupied and by CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Ave. BTOWNO. PHONE UAIN 4234. no.non down wiu. control a north able property nlwnya reut«l ao aa to give on 12.780 net alx>v* ever/ expenae-taxea, launince. Intereat. etc. Uu would not aak ***r 274 l»er cent on tnveatmeut. would yob? lOIlNftON AYR.. m.OCK OF HIGHLAND avenue; 6-room bmim*; recently n*j«ilnted 3ind oat; flue lot, iKxifid t«» nilcy: r umrliiff to another atrite. $2.2n0: i Don cnak and $25 per month, with 7 ■ cent on or Iteforc. Will rent $140 year. line: two mmrly new YS7S0—HI8T BEING FINISHED: NOHTH aide, excellent coruer. two atorle*, elghf rooms: eoiuplete poreelnln hath, with extra lavatory ami toilet; cabinet maiifela. Illiil heart ha. two lurches, extra hall, pantry. Rasy ternio. The lust chance—act quickly. $i800-rr.O8R IN 2 STORY EAST FRONT 7-room hoiia**; every convenience: tinted walla, etc. Uu h«»me to dinner every day. Kaay ternio. I l|W OFF FORSYTH ST.-SKVEN MIN 1 utea’ walk fr*M» ceuter; 6*room cottace; lot 17*W>: rental $18; $1,100. Terma $1,100 caab d assume mortgage. ANSLEY BROS., REAL ESTATE, Jflices 4 to 10 E. Ala. St. Phone 339 Bell. * PRYOR FT. HOME. CLOSE IN. NICE Imom bouse. this ilde of Illrbnrdson street; front. Mat with ■ good lot. Price 45.740. jdfttANT STREET HOME-ELEGANT room house on a bMutlful corner lot, 40 feet front. Built for a home. A place that will ault you. Trice 41.150. 41.000 caab, and Ua balance 450 per month. SOUTH SIDE HOME-NEAR IN. 8PLEN- ,11,It, located; nine room., two tinlh room*. (00,1 neighborhood; pl»co splendidly fur nished end will adl foroltoro and house for the price of the property, Price 47.600. CORNER LOT. NORTH MDE-IN SAME Mock with Mnjeatlc hotel. If Improved with two atorea and room, overhead will pay tremendoua intereat on the Investment price 412,000. 42.510—FINE NEW GRANT PARK COT-' itige lion,,*; .Is Inrge rooms .ml I,nth. with flu,- lot: two porch,*-, littil ciitronre.; easy tcema. See tld. nt once, gulok nctlon iiienua a bnrgnlu. ••WE GET fiESt.’LTA" D. F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY*. W. E. TREADWELL & CO, Real Estate and Renting^ Agents, 24 South Broad Street, Bell ’Phone 2644. Atlanta Thone 3803. BTRKKV—lfl-rooaa NORTH JACKSON bouac. 88x200. Tbla la a * *r ftooft itiirt maiieK'hot ^ud^ooid'wstir. xro, and hark pprrbea, front ahd hark stairway uuwi'. W«oW, t III! IS is msiri uuuir, •form sheeted, doable floored and paper be. I MBhilful 54-ROOM BRICK-CLOSE IN. RENTING for 4K4M on a laaae. Owner ban been of- farm! HIM' when praarat lease expire.. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE — 50 SHARES VERY CHOICE LOCAL STOCK. TIIE ATLANTA TITLE GUARANTY CO. baa luat cloaad a aurccaaful year #ltb net plant I* conceded to In* one of tba bant In tbn United Ntatea. Minl«*rn In every . dShRecretary. D I r # c t • r * : AHA O. CANDLER. joiin a. cakdlbIi, -*• FOItKKMT ADAIIt. MM FKKKTON U ARKWRIGHT. OPrORTUNITY-184 of obr beat liualneaa for oirtMlIviolou Into 22 atreeta noil anltalile for l to 2ft-faot lota fur banUeaa ftorra. lb. few day#; lift per foot b«ya It. THIS HANDSOME HOME OF 11 ROOMS, No. £3 North Jackooo atraet. Largo ‘ ‘ * and atom room, largo front ler'a pantry nod atom room, large front and ftff hssfe bSsvMiix asaa$ 4 Mtallo. etc. Ilat and cold water, all In terlor waUo tinted, three coate, ateoe etepa. Tbit la very anreli and nttractlve and will make aome one n nice.borne. AKGIRIl AVKNI'K—TIlfR IH A FINK. VV frMlate two-atory bonne, line 12 roonia. modern and*In apple ptc order; It !• at* tractive and will make eome one a nice e. Price, *.000. beautiful ‘bourn of $ rooms, new and up- j to-date In every piuinilif' iinrtn ah—tod, donhle floored and all other modern con* 98-ROOM APARTMENT. BRICK BUILD lug. done In. Now leaned at 84*0 annu |H -** uric wit alltlng on. this la a flue Inveatment at the low »f $33,SO. Theoc are brand new. No teller location than the groitud they are PIEDMONT AVENUE—THIS IB A NEW, to-datc 8-room bonne; bat hot and cohi water, otorui aheeti-d. double fl«»ored i hack mid front porches, tiandaume cabinet man- PEACHTREE CTIKT.E-12 ROOM. S-BTORY hiiuac. atoriu Wheeled. duntitc floored; mo* Id tuition fixture*, two hatha. Piped for ~* g 12 0r K fur usee. Lot 76x214. Price t _ JOHN H. MURPHY. CHARLES T. PAGE, W. 8. THOMSON. There is no company stock for sale on amount of other investments requiring imme diate attention. I AM AU THORIZED TO SELL A PART OF SOME INDI VIDUAL STOCK NOT EX CEEDING 50 SHARES, FOR FURTHER PARTIC ULARS, SEE CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Avenue. Doctors Warn Him Against Keeping Up Contest. FRANK C. DAVIS CO., Real Estate and Renting, W7 Gould Bldg. Bell 2895. 202 CANDLER BUILDING, BELL PHONE 220—ATLANTA 834 WILIiOW STREET—LOVELY 4-ROOM cottage, conveniently arranged, c-onve nieiitiy located to three car Ittica. i«al 1 lulls* from old <1c|»ot, one lilrn'k off reach tree, n nice lot and comfortable little home for $4,1^3 on easy terma. A DANDY ELEVATED CORNER LOT ON Ponce Del^Miu avenue that can be Imught no ii* to make you money. LAST LINDEN AVENUE, NICE 4 ROOM cottage, well built and newly (Minted, I In good repair, lot 44x125 feet. U ' II.6S0 on IIImtuI terma. FOWLER KTUEBT. NEAR PINE. FIRHT- ilnas 4-r«mui cottage, with cabinet man tel*. It haa a new r*»»f ami la newly painted and paperiNl: thla would make JUST THREE |KM)RH OFF WE.ST IVachtrec. one of the hlgheat (Mtluta around Atlanta, a dandy 8-room hottae, built, lonvcnlently nrrangeil with er«*ry miMlcrti cuuvenlence. walking distance «»f Whitehall street. The NurroumlluitN are goo»| and the plan* la it hurgulii nt $7.Mn. MILLEIM2E AVENUE—MODERN, 8-ROtlM ittuge, every eonveblebce. Inrg»* lot, well shaded. Prlii-. 12.750; small rash payment and balance In monthly payiucuts ns you want them. J. w. MATRON, II. L. CORDS AND PAUL YOKE, Assistant Salesmen. -L. M- JOHNSON u. C. McCRORT MeCRORY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, | 50:1 Peters Building, Phone 4691. FOR RESI EXCHANGE-NINE ROOM , ou North Roulcvsrd; all linprov invnu; largo rta<lo>l lot: «l,la an,I roar driveway. Owner wanla alt or .even-room rotinge In Weal End. oloae l» Thla la your rhauee lo a*’l a lovely home ua north able. IRE ALSO HAVE A MCE HOME OX Whitehall alreel; 4*^t,y 2»; back hi railroad. Owner hn« l-vn holding thla for 110,000- He now want* a large with 5 neh'a In Edgewood or Klrkwoo.1, You van get a g"«3 loule on thla valuable bualnoaa pro|o*rlr by n.aumlng a loan of about 4>.«»- l» f'"' In either of the ah niuetbltig S'hmI locations. CUSTOMERS WE HAVE several wanting four -r *>*««« '»"«* ealy payjnenla- Lf< «■»» wl,b “* m'crory * juuswx, WILSON & NEAL. REAL ESTATE ANI) LOAN AGENTS. 215 EMPIRE BLDG. NOTICE. WE FURNISH MONEY TO BUILD HOUSES. IF YOUR LOT IS NOT QUITE PAID FOR, WE WILL TAKE UP THE NOTES AND BUILD YOU A HOUSE; THEN YOU CAN PAY US IN MONTH LY PAYMENTS LIKE RENT, OR WILL BUY YOU A LOT, BUILD A house ACCORDING TO your plans and sell TO YOU ON YOUR OWN TERMS. CALL; LET’S TALK IT OVER. 31.730—NEW 4-ROOM IIOL'SE AND HALL in tWtt blocks (irrtOf Park school; $4110 cash. 920 monthly. ftS.OOO—JUS? OFF JACKSON STREET W’E have modern 2-story. 9 r«*om house, barn, stalls, etc., ou lai^e lot; one half cash and $35 monthly. WE ARE DAILY HAVING CALLS FOR houses In West End. near Grant Park and I .ii ke wood, and are tumble to supply the de mand. If you have a house ami lot or de- nlrnhte vacant property In either of these MTtiotm. list It with ns avd w« can find a purchaser. nt. we would be pleased to Itave your pro|N>rty ou our iMMiks and jou rosy feel nsatin*l that your Interests will be carefully looked after. Give ua a call. WE HAVE A CUSTOMER WHO WANTS a few vacant lots cheap In nelghl»nrhood of Grant Park. If yon bars them, see w% A. H. NORMAN. SNOOK’S SENSATIONAL FURNITURE SALE. Wi.hlncton, Frb. 4.—United fliittna Senalnr John P. Dryden. of Naur Jer- hna withdrawn.hla name as a ran- dldalf for re-election to the United Stale., senate. Thla action was taken on the advice of the senator's physicians, who warn ed him of tho dancer to hla health If he persisted In attending tho public meeting arranged at hla request to be held In Trenton todav. It waa Senator Dryden'a Intention to address the Republican members of the legislature and art forth tho reason. In hla opinion, why he should be re elected to the senate. • — Senator-Dryden raid he had hoped at thla meeting to by able to convince the eight Republicans who refused to be bound by.the action of tba- party caucus that their opposition la baaed on unfounded grounds. Tha senator's private secretary rays Senator Dryden concluded that n con tinuance of the deadleeh will tend to Injure the party and the Atjtc. He Is nut dangerously III. ROOSEVELT IS ADVISED NOT TO PUT NEGRO IN WHITE MAN’S JOB Washington, Feb. 4.—After nil It nnd they advised him that public sen may be that a negro wjll not be ap pointed surveyor of customs at Cin cinnati to euccaod the present encum bent. wboee second term la about to expire. It la understood that the president haa hsard from bit friends in Ohio tlment la strongly Inimical to the se lection of a negro for that office. It view of thla development It wag learn ed last night he has practically to tha conclusion to name a negro for some other Federal offlee, although ' has not yet determined what It t be. A CKER T JOINS OLIVER TO DIG BIG DITCH -Tea rontractora bald Company; 11. A. Cheater, Aral vice preai- ht with W. J. Oliver, dent of the Commercial National think, of ■be construction work of the Panama canal. Tha imrseae of the eeafereare. It waa said, waa to dlaraaa the fenaatlea at a Hon "MCbmmld beared lowsst bidder for Washington, D. C\, sod R. A. t\ flmltb, • corpora* • undo* take uiTHipan, _ - Ilrrouiu^Constroj^UjjCjjJijanjr,.. of Walk* Rassrfi. of. New York, , WltfiML Olivet lu msor euterprlsrs; W. II. Hajrrr, of the International, rantrsctlnv Company, of Nsw York; Charra# H. Arkrrt, vie# prosldeot and general managsr of tkt Boutksrn Railroad Mr. McDonald will. If the corporation lie formed Is awarded the canal coutract. hare general supervision of the construction Vice President Ackert, of the 8oulhei„ Ballway, will look after and have genera! charge of all transportation to tho canal, not only of. men employed, but of machinery used. B. A. 0. Smith, and Mr. Chester will bare charge *»f the financial end of the corpora* tlon. Mr. Smith la a director of the Metro* poiltau Street Hallway Company, and It atoo a dtrertot and officer lu many other banks and corporations. WITNESSES TELL OF KILLING OF ARCHITECT WHITE Continued from Page One. ilSHOP DONAHUE GUEST DE CHURCH The Right Rev. Patrick Donahue, of Wheeling. W. Va., one of the moat dlk- tlngulahed blshopM of the Catholic church In America. 1$ n guest of the Bacread Henri church Monday. Blah* op Donahue will leave .Monday night for New Orleans, where he goes to visit Archbishop RIenk. 300 BIBB CHILDREN KEPT OUT OF MILLS BY CHILD LABOR LAW HALE BEGAN AT OUR WARKROOMH. 66 North nrond street. Monday morning, Feb ruary 4. Don’t miss It. Every one of our DO iMNlroom. Ulnlug room nnd parlor anlta, tth 660 handsome odd pieces of furniture, will lie offered at sensationally low prices, Furniture for homes, furniture for hotels, furniture for offices will In* sold at prices never known In Atlanta. Fifty Brass aud Iron Beds, $!.tft up. $7.50 am Forty od«f Htiletioards In mahogany, golden .. * •*—-* “ *— with (fining Tn oak and weathered finish, with . . . _ _ hies, t’hlna Closets. Buffets and chairs t> match. The l»cst $26, $39. $49. $50 Parlor Suits ever j«iwn In Atlanta for the price. Twenty-five getiulm* 45-|h*uimI $10 Felt Mat .... -iNiund II all ilay Tues«lay for $7.6i>. Twenl> five genuine Blue KlhlH)ti Hnrlnga nt to $«. Ilat Useks. Hook Case*. •rs. Easy Chairs. Couches. K«»fas, at ••rifle* Irtsid strei-t Don't wait. Lstk for G6 N. P. II. SNOOK FURNI TURE COMPANY. W. JONES &--CO., 5 VIADUCT PLACE. WE PHONES 5560. HAVE 16 room house, north Boulevard, lot 60x137; every convenience; flue neighborhood; $4,759. Terms to suit. Abothcr In name locality, S room*, water, gas. rfertrtetfy. $8,708; on .easy terms; lot 4fcxlF. Six room cottage, K, Norib avenue, lot 54x110; all conveniences; beautiful Interior woiuSivq smog ojp aasqi uv ” **J*l/3fl** w : dot'll VI “> PRFSIDENT IS LATE FOR THE MEETING R|» *1 In The Georgias. Mttcon, On., Feb. 4.—So meeting of the director* of the Mueon, Dublin and Smunnuh was held today, because of the non-arrival of President Walters, of the Hcabourd. and the meeting will be held tomorrow. At that time the construction of n new line from Macon ti> Atlanta will be discussed. The (dun of linking Atlanta and Ma con by thraconst met Ion of a tltlril line h:»s been A^nerally Known since the Macon. Dwin nnd HHvannalt was sold to tin M#)nrd. Hlnce the Atlantic t’oust line secured this property many eonjecturea have been made us to what would become of It. and It Is now as* serted In railway circles that the orig inal plan w as to recure ismseiision for the Heaboard eo that a short line from Atlanta by way of ffneon to tbt sea could be finally worked oakr Whatever the real purpose#,, there la now much discussion of tha possible removal of tha terminal# of tha Macon, ftpe'd'i! to The Georglao. Macon, <3n., Feb. 4.—Since It went Into operation January 1. more than 800 homes in Bibb county have been affected by the child labor law % and several hundred children have been added to tho school enrollment of the county. Mill owners have given Instructions to their nuperfntendents to observe the law In the strictest form regarding the employment of children. That thay have determined not to violate the law ami undertake the operation of ma chinery in the mills by chirdren who should be In the schools Is everywhere apparent. In the Willingham cotton mill dis trict there are enough children for a large school who ar«* awaiting the erection of a building promised by (*. H. Willingham. He has a*lied that lllhh county employ the teacher#, nnd this course may he followed as soon a# the opportunity to act upon the propo sition Is afforded. In the other mill districts such steps have been taken an assure the children the school privileges. AQED VIRGINIAN DYING IN MACON HOSPITAL Dublin nnd Savannah from Macon. Sjx-clnl tn Tin 1 Georgian. Macon. *!n. Fcl». 4.—Professor Holi er! H. Ilall, the man who waxy-nt lo lllhb county Jail from tin- rcunty poor farm several nil Ills age a* an Insane prison, Imr hen rrmov 5il to tlir city hospital, whrrr hi la umlrr trraimrn:. Hla condition has not Improved, how. ever, and lie I* ateaillly growing weaker lie came from 'I rain la nnd traveled Belling hla hook entitled "l.lghta Hhln Ing In Darkneas." hla effort to show malice and premedi tation In the killing of Stanford White has successfully eluded a auhpena. This witness Is James C. Smith, brother of Mrs. Stanford White, widow of the man killed by Thaw. J Smith la In Faria, where ha lias been since a few weeks after the shooting of White. He haa ateadfaatly refused to return and take the stand.' There Is no way by which he can be com pelled to return, and his testimony will not be given at the trial. He le member of many prominent dubs and la wall known In Bohemian cfrfj«. Smith Is an acquaintance of Tha* and was Informsd of the feeling be tween him and White because of Eve lyn Neablt, now Mrs; Thaw. On the day of tha shooting he met Thaw. Where they met baa not been stated, hut It la allaged they discussed Justi fiable homicide by shooting and simi lar topics Thaw, It Is asserted, brought up a can which had recently sttractad attention, end. It le eaM. analysed the action of the jury la acquitting the defendant. - Three Alienists Arrive. Three alienists for the defenn have arrived from Pittsburg. Thay are; Dr. C. C. Wiley, for six years superintend ent of the Pennsylvania state hospital for the Insane; Dr. C. F. Bingham, for twelve years the Thaw family’s physi cian, and Henry A. Hutchinson, super intendent of the hospital for the Inaane nt Dismount, near Pittsburg. All tha witnesses aubpenaed by tha prosecution and defense were on hand when court opened today. The tales men who had not been examined last week also -were present In the expec tation that dismissals might require tha drawing of more jurors. RELATIVES OF HARTRIDQE RESIDENTS OF SAVANNAH Special to TheOeorglsn. Savannah. Oa.. Peb. 4.—Because of the connection of Clifford W. Hart- rldge with the trial of Harry Thaw, In New York, Savannah people are par ticularly Intereeted In the case. Mr. Hartrldge la a former resident of Sa vannah. He haa brothera, alsters and numerous dose relatives here. Several weeks ago he waa here on a visit to hla brother. Hon. Walter C. Hartrldge. Saw Thaw All the Time. The witness was not crdae-examlned. The third wltnras, Mayer Cohen, was also questioned by Mr. Oarvan. told of seeing Thaw on the roof gar den ihe night of the tragedy. There appeared to be a man with Thaw. Q. Tell what Thaw did after you raw him. A. He walked forward, waa just saying to a friend of mlife, "There's your friend." when I heard three allots. Thaw had turned around and hla bark waa toward ua. I saw him hold up the revolver and the next moment the fireman grabbed hit arm and took the weapon away. Crora-examlned by Mr. Del mas. wit ness raid he kept hla eyes on Thaw front the moment he first saw him un, ttLhe heard the shots. Musical Director TaattBlg. Q. What la the name of the gentle man who was with you. A. Mr. Blaaco. Henry P. Blaaco, musical conductor, waa called and questioned by Mr. Oar- van. He said he raw Thaw the night of the tragedy. Thaw, he said, was moving about In the back. He aaw him the second act. Q. Tell the jury what you saw him do. A. He walked down the stale until he reached the spot where Mr. White waa Bitting and then fired the shots. Q. How long a time waa there be tween the shots? A. (Clapping hla handa three times at Intervals of second or two). About ao long. Q. Waa there any conversation be tween the men? A. Not that I heard Held Pistol In Air. Q. What did he do? A. He held the pistol up (indicating with right hand tn air). Cross-examined by Mr. Delmaa 4. Which hand was Mr. White lean Ing on? A. The right. Q. Where waa hla other hand? A Could not sea It. «. Waa ha- la such a position that Ua body was between jrpji and t)ls left arm? A, Tea. Q. How long did you keep your eye nn the pistol after you heard the shots? A. Aa long aa I could see the ptatol. He then walked to the alele.- Q. Did you keep your eye on him while he wax walking to the aisle? A. Tee. Q. Where was the pistol then* A. In the air. q. Then you did see the pistol for more than a second? A. Yee. q. And during oil that time the pla tot waa carried In the attitude you have described-elevated In the air? A. Yee. q. Were Thaw'* hands extended as haa been described? A. No. The prosecution rested Its case and court adjourned until 2 p. m. JUDGE PLEADED GUILTY; ACQUITTED BY COURT Special to Tbs Georgias Meridian. Mias., Fab. 4 —Judge Rob ert F. Cochran, of the tenth judicial district, plead guilty to assault and battery, In the police court this morn ing. The case le that of the horse whipping Judge Cochran gave It. T, Jenkins, a traveling man of Kpubuta, In tha lobby of tha (Irand Avenue Ho tel Hunday, January 1?. Hon. B. A. Witherspoon. C. C. »yi- ler and A. a. Dosseman addressed the court In behalf of Judge Cochran sad his act, which all three declared was the result of being "goaded to mad whose declaration, were absolutely false and without' the semblencs of foundation.” At the conclusion of thl addresses Mayor Rlveni discharged tha case, without Imposing a fine against Judge Cochran. No case wax called against R. L. Murray, the man who want to Judge Cochran's assistance and struck Jen kins. when he rays ha thought the 1st ter was going to pull a pistol and ■hoot the Judge. Murray, It will be re membered. struck al Jenkins with bis pistol an>l was about to strike a sec ond time when hla hrm was raught. Jenkins was In the courtroom this morning, but no evidence waa Intro duced In the case. The courtroom waa ness after being hounded by an enomy taxed to" lie utmost capaclti NO MORE SUN DA Y BASEBALL FOR SOLDIERS A 7 7HE FORI CHARGED WIT!* 8ELI.ING ANO? HER MAN’S DOG Special to The (leoritaa. Miu-on. Oa., Keb. 4.—Urneat Kreeney haa been detained at police station on a charge of Iprceny because he and a companion look charge of a pet dog a few days ago. and, according to state ments, sold him. The purchaser happened lo be a next daer neighbor of tba original owner ot the snlmaL Sunday baseball al Fort McPherson la nt nn end. Thla forward Hep In the observance f the Habbath. so far as Port Mc- herson Is concerned, wae brought about by the committee on Sabbath ibscrvnnrc from the Evangelical Min isters' Association of which Dr. A. R. Hohlerby Is chairman. Some months ago a crusade agalast the Playing of baseball at the barracks .... the Habbath day was started by Dr. Ilnlderby and the other members of the committee. The matter waa taken up with President Roosevelt, who placed It In the hands of the Department of the aulf In Atlanta. From the Department of Ihe Oulf the matt ™ was referred to Attorney Gen- seat Taft f<4 a legal opinion ai toi whether the elate law. prohibiting Uun- Sav baseball, hod Jurisdiction over the army rraervatUin —* Attorney dent ml Taft raid It did not and that the sol diers could nlay Hunday h«*eball It they desired without fear of Georgia law. with the result that a tacit agreement was reached to the effect that Sunday baseball would be abandoned, the fort commandant stating that no baseball has been played ut the fort since the Fourth of July. This, In substance, waa Dr. lloldrrby'K report to the associa tion this morning. A unanimous vole of thnnks waa given Dr. Hohlerby and the committee for the good work accomplished dur ing Ihe past year. On motion of Rev. R. K, Hakes a committee was appointed to select sub jects for discussion at each regular monthly meeting and t» Invite one speaker, either a member of Ihe asso ciation or aome one outside, to dis cuss the topic. It was Included In the motion that Hon. t'harles T. Ilopklna should address the association ut the next meeting on mailers pertaining lu Ihe Civic League. The following committee waa ap. pointed to select subjects and apeak- ere for each meeting: Hav*. R. r. Rakes. J. W. Millard. U. P. Bmlth and U H Walker. President Oeorge H. Mack announced tha following committee tor tha ensu- inir vMr: , - / • . N.WdKCE It Fixes the Prices and Grades Cotton Washington, Feb. 4.—The committee authorised by the house last week to Investigate exchanges dealing In fu tures in cotton may gala infonnalkiA - from a' report made In the Fifty-third congress when tha senate > committee on agriculture and forestry mads aa investigation which answers the pur- pose of the resolution of Representa tives Livingston and Burleson. That Investigation covered the con dition of the cotton growers In tha United Htates In 1412, the price of cotton then obtaining and tha remedy, ' It was an exhaustive Investigation. Afttr a brief treatment ot the effect of the law of supply and demand oa tba price of cotton, the report of tha com mutes goes at great length Into tbs effect - or Tiituru (JU Ihuee -? conclusions redched throw consldtrabte light on the field to be covered tn the eomlng Investigation. “Futures Is another causa which has contributed to the low price of cotton,* says the report. "A great deal of valu able testimony has been taken on this point. While there Is a difference be- * tween commercial men as to the effect . of these dealings, yat we think tba arguments advanced by those wbo op pose these dealings catry the greater weight and are entitled to our appro bation. Reeeives Poor Quality. “The fact that those transactions are based on a certain grade of cotton as a basis for fixing the price- only, and TbiirthF - ratter. may- deliver aa, of about 26 or 11 grades and bait grades- and of any staple at hla option con clusively shows that no man who wants real cotton, actually to be delivered, avor buys In these transactions. Tba - fact also remains Utat In New - Turk alone, which receives annually of actual cotton less than IOO.MO bales for all purposes, salsa of futures take place to tho amount of more than 40.oeo.oee of baits annually, conclusively showing that the party railing does not contem plate that he will be called on to make delivery. "In addition, It la shown, and ts claimed aa a merit, that Inferior and unsalable cotton Is shipped to New York, so as tn constitute a very large proportion of the actual recetpls,. for the express purpose ot being used Mr the buyer (ram demanding drill This Is conflrtnitlon. If any were need ed. of the mythical and unreal chariMS-' ' ter of these transactions. A consider-: able number of deliveries Is to be actually made. As thus de thee* dealings are purely gmirh* cording to well settled rules of ;onaiaar- detme# —5# escribed, ’ a Mtagaf~4 -mir. Hss Absolute Fewer. 'As to the Interference, both MM agree, as well ox thow who favor and thoxe who condemn these dealings. Tha former Insist that they sometimes raise, and usually maintain with more regularity, the price of cotton; the Ut. , ter claim they depress It. Whtthsr thg | one contention be true or the other, It • equally an Interference with thU; commerce. The legitimate Uw of the trade moans that the price of an tuft- ole shall be regulated and fixed by the law of supply and demand. •In the first place, let It he noted that only In and through and under the reflations ot ths two cotton ex changes In New York and New Or leans can this business ha Iran sorted. The cotton exchange at New York ta corporation under the laws of that state; It Is composed of Ma than- 60S members, and the number caimot be Increased beyond that number. The In itiation fee is tlO.ODO and the new members are elected by the old. No man can deal directly In futures unless he Is a member. Ths corporation haa absolute power over the deal tags Att disputes and controversies are rattled by a court, established by the corpo ration Itseif, In what la called arbitra tion proceedings. Neither party la 41; lowed to call In a federal or. ataM court. Fix#d Grad## and Charfta. i It fixes the grades of all cotton, dea- ates the warehouses In which It ...alt be stored, fixes the feta and charges fur storage, weighing and all other work done In reUtioa to cotton. It fixes the quotatlona of prices which are to be published to the world and' tgna ■hall .... rule* for months for whlcl was no actual sales. Its rrerilbera have such wealth that It Is claimed In a published letter of a member'made n response to arguments made on tha finor of thla body that the exchange can absolutely riomnate and fix prices ■s against all others by flooding the market with offers of an unlimited supply of futures when at other places prices are In Its opinion too hlght and thus break Ihe market; and. on the other hand, when It consMcre prices too bow at other placet, may buy all that can be offered." OSTOFFICE BECEIPTS SHOW HEAVY INCREASE The poaioRlce receipts for the month January amounted to I7l.tl7.78, ex ceeding the receipts for the >ntli of the previous year by It,858.28. Hut two cities aurpaaa Atlanta In postoffice receipts—Ianilsvllle and Nsw up with a— _ lad year: I ‘ { A. R. Holderby, W T. Hunnleutt, . Committee 00 Law and Order -Revs. e. Briess. E. C. Crank, P. A Jen