Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 04, 1907, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. uoniuy. rrimr ary 4. nor. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER WILL CHANGE HOTELS JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, 'ho I* Bpandini at Augusta la a Groat I Multi-Millionaire Will Quit Bon Air and Golf “ LinksandMoveToSuite of Rooms at Hampton Terrace. Bpaelal to Tbo Georgian. Augusta, Oa„ Fob 4.—Aftrr oprnd- Ing two works In thr liuliny sunslilno around thr lion Air hotel and thr Country Club golf links, John D. Rocke feller will tomorrow movr his head-' quartrra to thr Hnmpton Trrrnrr ho- trl, In North Augusta. R. C. It Is ex- prrtrd that hr wilt rrmaln nt thr Hampton Trrrarr for two or morr fvaaka brforr going back to thr North. N*> rruson Is asslanrd by Mr. Kockr- feller or his slnglr attrndant for thr chunge In hotrls, although It Is not thought that hr has drrldrd to movs on ari-ount of any fault with the Bun Air miinugrmrnt. Repeatedly have Interviews been sought with the Htandard Oil magnats but enrh time hr has drrllnrd politely through his attendant to have anything to suy. Hr In leading thr simple Ilfs nnd Appears to enjoy himself much rid. Ing nnd playing golf. ROMANCE OF THE GRIDIRON ENDS IN DIVORCE COUR7 Das Moines, Iowa, Teh. 4 —Warren itkwlth has filed In the district court (W for the Stomach If Your Stomtcb U Luldng in Di- faative Power, Why Mot Help . the 8tomach Do Ite Work— When It Ooita Nothing to Try? ’ Not with drufft, but with a relnforce.- ment of digestive agents, such nn an* naturally at work In the stomach? Scientific analysis shown that digestion requires pepsin, nitrogenous ferments, and the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Whan your food fulls to digest. It Is proof positive that some of these agents are larking In your digestive apparatus. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets contain nothing but these natural elements necessary to digestion and when placed at work In the weak stomach nnd small tntaatlnes. aupply what these organs nsed. They stimulate the gastric glands and gradually bring the dtges- ties organs back to their normal condi tion. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets have been subjected to critical chemical teats at home and abroad and are found to con tain nothing but natural digestives Chemical Laboratory. Telegraphic address. "Plfllndo,” London Telephone No. 11029 Central. 20 Cullum street. Ftnrhurch street, K. V. London. 9th Aug.. 1905 a suit for a divorce from his wife,* Jessie Lincoln Beckwith, who Is the daughter of Robert T. Lincoln, of Chi cago, nnd, therefore, the grand-daugh ter of Abraham Lincoln. This Is the closing chapter In a ro mance which begun In 1197. when Jes sie Lincoln, while visiting her grand father. Justice Harbin, nt hie home In this city, first met Warren Keck with at u football game Heck with was then Playing right halfback on the Iowa Wesleyan team and was the hero ^f the game. With the two It was a case of love at first sight, and an elopement and marriage followed. The young couple lived together for three years. They have one child, n girl Then. In 1900, they separated ami have not ilvoj together since. DRESS SHIRTS Meet the highest expectations of the most critical dress era. In the best shops $1.50 and more. LITTLE GIRL’S BURRS CAUSED HER DEATH After suffering excruciating pain, caused by very severe burns sustuln- \ week ago, lUMe Ola Wood*, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Woods, 74 Jefferson slrei-t. died Sunday morning at 1 o’clock. The fq- neral was held Monday morning at 9:30 o’clock, the Interment being at t’asey’e cemetery. Last Monday Mrs. Woods left her little one In a room while she went out Ir-tii the yard. Shortly afterwards she heard screams and ran buck to And her little girl’s clothing <» muss of flames. The frahtlc mother wrapped her child In blankets and extinguished the flumes, but the bums proved fatal. PERSUED ROWDIES; MARSHAL IS SHOT AND LEFT IN ROAD Special to Tha Georgian. #• Winder. Oa., Feb. 4.—Friday after noon the marshal, Jim Hammond, oi Statham. was shot nnd instantly killed Two men, will Bolton and John Har- »cr. were drinking and rowdying. They started down the railroad, when the marshal began his pursuit. Boon u pistol shot was fired and the marshal us found dead. John Harper has been arrested, but Bolton has escaped. A Hair Dressing 'i.’v.'is:®#?.Bp** Improved (ormuU, will rou. It keep* the tulraoftand *mooth, make* ItTooknch end luxuriant, pre vents splitting nt the ends.. And It keeps (be scalp free from dandruff. rsa: LOST IN FOG, SHIP WRECKS A SMALL BARK % Crew and Men of Wrecked Vessel Piekcd Up by Steamer Captain. SHOWING BOAT TO FRIEND ENGINE EXPLODED S,H'rlnl t„ Til,, (jmrttan. St. Auguatlne, Fla.. Fab. 4 — Captain <1. tl. tilenson, auperlntemlom u( tlu> Florida rnaai Lino Canal and Tran*- portallon Company, returned hero laal night rrnin thi> canal cut. aome thirty mlleo nouth or lien*, .anil reported the deetrucilnn or the canal launch Hel- ana. The captain la •ufTcrlng front ter- rlhlc hurna resulting front tha explo sion which de.troyod tha boat and haa been In the hand* of a physician alnre Ilia return. The boat wan at anchor eloao to the bank of the canal when the accident occurred, lie w ENTERTAINMENT AT HEBREW HOME Tht Date City Lodge of B'nal B'rtth will giro sn entertainment Tuesday «*T«*nlug st th* Hebrew Orphans' Home, to which tin pulillc Is Invited. Tha fotlowluf program ban been arranged: AddrcRu—llarnld lllrsch. vtutiu Bolo-Mr. Sam Bflvermnn. Jr ItecltutIiiii— Mr. Garfield Elcbliurg. Hong—Xllss Hophle Mnrgcusteln. Itidtutloii Mr. Hiiluer Jacobs... Two VIoIIiin unit n*nos—Messrs Ham Nil ▼ertnsn, lr., nnd Jos.*nu nud lieu 1‘nrfer. pianist. -— lllark Fare Monologue—Mr. H. Silverman, lit citation-Mr*. I. «\ Hmnllyan. Hub'll Monologue—Mr. Percy HtwiilnTger Address- Mr. Anron Hiihs. HERBERT BROWN • LEAVES ATLANTA Herbert II, Brown, a well-known At lantan and ous of the leading cotton men of Hits section, leave* this dt Tuesday for New York city, where he will make his home. Mr. Known has formed a connection with Carpenter. Buggot A- <’•».. one of the leading cotton nnd stock firm* of the metropolis. Mr. Krown'H family will Join him In about two months. Norfolk, Vo., Feb. 4.—The Old Do minion steamer. Heneca. Cuptuln O’Keefe In command, arrived here yes. terduy, after n thrlllinif experience off Heaglrt. N. J., when she ran down the bark, Charles Luring. CuptAln I»e- buess, rescued the ten men of the crew of the bark, together with the ship- reeked men. They were lost In the fog for two hours before the liner final ly picked thorn up. The fog blanket was so dense that the Btneca's look- mit did not discern the bark until the big steamer was upon her. There was a stiff wind blowing and a heavy sea on. The fog was ».» thick that the I wo vessels were rot seen by •h other until too late to avert the llslon. Captain Debuess hinnies the old Dominion for the sinking >f his raft, while the master of the Heneca puis the responsibility upon the shoulders of the luring'* skipper. Before leaving the wreck the Bene*’ placed a warning light on her. but she Is directly In the path of crest wise navigation and n dangermis derelict The Loring sailecFTroiii Havunnuh January 17, with a cargo of yellow' pine, valued at SI8.000 and Insured All the way up the coast flic wa* buttered by gales. The captain and crew of the Loring were landed here and will rsturn to New York. CASTOR IA For TniWtitj and Children Hu Kind Yob Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of OHIO GOVERNOR .... INVITED TO <?ij Iii i-xplnliilng the working, of the en gine In a friend. Julian Dupont, nnd bnih were bending over when the floor »'«> hurled upward with terrlMc force and ihe canvaa aiding* of the launch i-ubln-nere blown In shred,. A sheet of flume fnlloweil Ihe explosion and tupped the fare* of Ihe two men, falr- . ly roosting 111, flesh. Their faces «ro ! h»vs analysed most carefully a puffed and swollen tu double thrlr ror. its nf illnurl'a Ul-aiuitik I >■ Tut.1.4. I ' ,l " " * * mal six* and their features etnor Harris, of Ohio, has been tnvttrd to come to AtlantH February- 19 to attend the banquet to be given by the members of the Ohio Society at the Piedmont lintel. An elaborate program and menu i\e been selected AIM! all arrange- menta have been perfected to make occasion one of the most success ful ever held H !>. Hlckok. 1«» White- hall street. Is In charge of titn ban quet tickets and requests thi**e deslr- engaged I Ing Information to apply te him. box of Htuart's Dyspepsia Tablet (which 1 bought myself at a city chetn- lat's shop for the purpose), manufac tured by* the F A. Stuart t’ontpany. Temple Chamber*. London. K. r . and have to report that 1 can not find any trace of vegetable or mineral poison* Knowing the Ingredients of the tablets. I am of opinion that they are admira bly adaptable for the purpose for which they are Intended. (Signed) JOHN R. BROOKE. F. I (\ F x\ s There Is no secret In the preparation of Htuart's Dyspepsia Tutdets Their composition Is commonly known among physicians, as Is shown by the recom mendations of 40.000 licensed physi cians In the United Ktates nnd t'anuda. They are the most popular of all rein**, dies for Indigestion. dyspepsia. water braah. Insomnia, loss of np|M>tlti>. mel ancholia. constipation, dysentery and kindred diseases originating from im- i w» proper dissolution and Hssltnllntlon t th foods, because they are thoroughly n>- ... liable and harmless to man or child Ul Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are at i once and a powerful remedy, one, grain of these tablets being Mtotig enough (by.test) to digest 3.00«» grains •f aleak, eggs and other foods pjq- art’a Dyspepsia Tablets will digest j,„j, food for you when your stomach can’t Ask your druggist* for a fifty-cent package or send to us direct for a fr< •> trial sample package and you will surprised st the result. F. A stuntt Company. €4 Stuart Building, Murshul' uniec Jury. |H»nt'i gnlxnble. Thel eenilngly by n miracle. Mr. Du- hands were uls.i severely burned. Suit for Damages. »'imrgtng that he r«celve«l Injuries mtau*e of the negligence >f the Goor- gbi Hallway and Klectrlc (Vunpany, s. M Huggins llled >ult in the cltj court nn S.iturd.n against that corporation for l.’.aiM) ||e claims that a cur was Jerked ahead suddenly and caused him to to the pavement. her Mrs. Nancy Spaar. funeral services of Mrs Nancy who died Sunday morning at sldence. 139 D’AlvIgny street. • inducted Monday afternoon at ddeiuc by Rev. T. U. Kendall. I the interment was In Holly- mm| cemrter Wait for Bormudo. i 1 >il,. ronvontloi, hnvtng • iwlu.t..t ticlwrrn thr t'nttrd inn! tlir llrlltrh r.ilony of Her- t.iktng rfftet February t. I>ar. st lutiknges nrr to Ing atlmltieU thr mulls doriturd for Itrrmuiln. Till' IfrnnuJu mn||, bring made ug .t New York. Stair l«.|K J)R. MAT1IES0N ONE OF SPEAKERS An Invitation has been accepted by Dr. K. G^ Mntheson. president of the Georgia School of Technology, to res|Htnd to the address of welcome it the opening of the Houthern Kducn- tlonal AssoctHtlon convention in Macon next April. This In expected to be one of the most important educational gatherings In the Houth this year At the meet ing will be gathered all the prominent educators of this section and many philanthropists who have contribute!* liberally to educational funds in ttu* South. FAILED TO GET DAMAGES FROM TELEGRAPH CO. Special to The Georgian t’huttunooga. Tenn., Feb 4 —In the suit against tha Western Union Tele graph Company for alleged failure to deliver a message In time for the ar rival at the deathbed. Judge Karlv de cided against the plaintiff Unlay on the ground that the dispatch Imd not been sent to a tdinnt relative, but wuk ad dressed to the husbond of the woman it was intended for, who could not reach the bedside on the alleged ac count of the delay caused by the hus band tedding the dispatch. W. C. T. U. INSTITUTE TO BE HELD HERE An institute for the Wontnu's Christian Teni|H*rnure I'tdoti will In* held la Atlanta ttcfiltinlng February 17. nud Mrs. Mary L .McLendon tins Issued the ftdlowlng an Ily nspiest of Mrs. Mary Harris Armor, president of the Georgia Woman’s Chris tian Temperance Union. I In-reby eordlully Invite every union lu the fifth congressional illstrlct of Georgia to send one delegate t«* Ihe W. C. T. 1'. Institute, to In* held In At- lentil, beginning Fcbrnnry 17, Slid closing February 19. The ntnte union has employed Mrs. Hill- look, of I'.lmlrn, N. \\. to isinduet six In Ntltiitc* In this stale during the present mouth for the purpose of Instructing the uioiiiltcr* of the W. C. T t . in all np-t«» •Ini** methods emplo.visl by the national union for the nroiisxi “ Go*l and I nud fn The eSBl.i rill l*o open to everybody. The program will Is* puMinhod Inter on. “ of deleguti * M * KILLS BROTHER IT WHOSE HOME HE WHS SPENDING MY Conflicting Stories, Told About Causes Which Led to Tragedy. *l>*wi*( to Tbs Orargb*. (Iklnesvllle, O*. Fob 4.—In the Fork dletrtct, several miles from town, Har ris HtriokJsnd. fifteen years old. shot end killed hie brother; Newton Strlck- land, with a single-barreled shotgun. The story as fold by the young fel low, who wee yesterday arrested and placed In the Mali county Jell,. Is that be and hie brother, Newton Strickland, were st the latter's house, Harris hav ing In charge a younger brother. New ton RtrirhUnd, according to Harris, wanted the little fellow to remain at hi* house for the night and a dispute arose over the matter. Harris alleges that Newton finally became eo angered that he started at him (Harris) with an open knife. Harris declares that he begged him not to come upon him, but that the latter dlii not heed him and to save himself he aimed hit gun at Newton. and fired, the load striking Newton In the leg above the knee. Be fore medleul eld tould be summoned Newton Strickland died front (he loss of blood. Another Story. Another story told about the affair t, that Newton Strickland upbraided Ills brother because he was so wild and that In reasoning with him Harris Strickland ht-ramr angered and shot him, the wound proving fatal In about nn hour. The shooting occurred late Heturday afternoon. The news of the tragedy did not reneh Oalm svlllr until Sun day. the killing occurring In the west ern part of the county. officers were sent out to aummon tht eye-witness to the tragedy nnd Judgt Klmsey has ord. ret: the grand Jury which ndlourned Friday, to re-anitein hie. Tuesday morning to Inquire Into the mntter. This will he th; flfth murder trial at ihla-tnrm of ranrt. PILES CURED IN S TO 14 DAYS. PAZP OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any cane of Itching. Blind. Bleed ing or I’rotrudlng Piles In 4 to 1* duy. or money refunded. (4c. 000000000000000000000000*0 ; o « 0 WAY TO PEACE MAY 0 j 0 BE THROUGH BLOOD. 0. o o! 0 New York. Feb. 4.—The bishop 0 O of Brooklyn, the Rt. Rev. Charles O O Kriward McDonnell. In thanking O O Brooklyn Cat holies for the sym- O 0 pathy they extended to the French O 0 bishops and clergy, at a mass 0 O meeting last night, held In the 0 0 Grand Optra bouse, said he felt O 0 convinced of an amiot&le outcome 0 O of tht war of the French govern- 0 0 ment against the Catholic church, 0 0 but that ’’the way to peace may be 0 0 through blood Iteelf.” 0 »■■■-■ ■■ 00000000000000000000000000 Malaria Makes Pale 8ickly Children. The Old Standard. Drove’* Tasteless Chill Tonic,, drives m»t tt*i*lsiif) and builds up the system. Sold by dealers for 27 years. Price M) cents. ANNOUNCEMENT. ,V wish to thank nur many friends end the general public who have ao generously patronised ns at our old Stand. «1 IVachtfee street. We now extend a njoat cordial Invitation to visit us nt our new store. IS Peachtree street, where we have more room and manv Improvements added. We will strive harder than ever to offer optical service which few glass wearer* h»v* enjoyed. Otir entlr* time given to optic*. No- aide lln*». Th* only ex clusive manufacturing retail optical house In Atlanta. WALTER BALLARD A CO. FUNEDAL OF MRS. DARDEN HELD AT WASHINGTON Special to The Georgian. Washington, Ga., Feb. 4.—Sunday afternoon at X o’clock occurred the fu- OPTICAL COMPANY nernl services over the remain* of Mr*. O. It, Panicii, whose death occurred late Friday evening after a lingering Illness. The deceased wa* 4* year, old, a devout member of the Presbytertnn church and estimable woman. She wni a sister of Mrs. John It. Asbury. of I’rawtonlvllle. an., and Is survived by her husband and live children: Misses llirille anil Mary Darden, of thla city: Wallace Darden. W. E. Darden, of Gainesville. Ga, and Gordon Darden, of Nashville. Tenn. WALTER BALLARD have moved Into I heir new store, Peachtree afreet, where you can Unci everything carried In an *xrlualv«i opti cal houae. The Ballard Bifocal hua gained n reputation f-^r. tivi* firm In le*a than 2 year* no other houae haa made In a half century. Not how cheap, but how well we can serve you. WILL TAKE NO SIDE IN SENATORIAL PRIMARY Special to The Georgian I Juckaon. Mlsa., Feb. 4 —Legislative candldAtea all over ihe state are muk- ing haste to inform their constituent * ihnt they do not propone to lake nny part In the fight between William* and Ysrduman for the senate, t’andldatea for the leglfluturc are relieved front taking aides In this tight by reason of the fact that the tight la to be net tled before the |*eople at the primary. cure* coughs, colds, SO years gists 26c. Expcctora LuCIrippc i ppo and croup. 50 years on the market. All Drug- Catarrlets W «S5«- ibr»n*. iBNlen breath tttv* tttitaat r*lt*r fei Naeal Catarrh - alia? e UnomtiiatioB hoal BisroM membrane sweeten breath- t (argla fo? aura throsk. aw DracctataaesiaU ~ ‘ Malrklr tellew Sflfft glaromfnrte of laJIfeetlr a an«l Pfapepata Sugar- TO HOLD SECOND INQUEST OVER BODY OF NEORO. Special to The Georgian. Greenville. H tv. Feb. 4.—Coroner Joe Wooten will hold a second Inquest tn the case of n negro by the name of Cordnta William*, whose body was hipped here from < ’uncord several lays sgi*. with a certificate attesting thnt the man had tiled of heart failure. The negro wit* a member of n freight train crew anti when his body arrived here hi* family discovered that the man had tiled from some violent cause, A* his body showed unmistakable signs nt fi. Both leg* were broken .-the skuU freetmod und the abdomen crushed. Th* negro* family reported the mat ter to the coroner, who empaneled a Jury, and At the inquest It developed that the man had been killed by a lo comotlve. hating hud Ills foul caught in a switch. Mrs. Elissbsth 8imt. The funeral services of Mrs. Eliza beth 81ms, who died Bsturday night nt her residence In Hspcvllle, Ga.. were conducted Monday morning at the Mount Zion Methodist church. At the time of her death Mrs. Rims was 80 years of Age and Is survived by no less than right-one direct descendants. Rhc was tht mother of Mrs. Mary Southard, of t'srtersvllle, Os.; J. F. Sltns, of Irondsle. Ala.; Hon. J. L. Sims, mayor of liapevllle; Mrs. Jnn- rlo Ball, of Hsi>evlllt; Mrs. Mattie Orr. of VlrglnlA. and Mrs. Alice Nolan and Mrs. Bailie Thrsllklll. of Hs|h*- ville. Hhe Is also aurvlved by two sis ters. Mrs. W. A. Dodge, of East Point, and Mrs. J. M Johnson, of Atlanta, and one brother. J. J. Jones, of At- Innta. People Gain Strength and Economy Grape-Nuts •THERE’S A REASON.' On YOUR NEXT TRIP OO VIA THE Louisville & Nashville R. R THE NEW LINE TO Cincinnati SLonlsYille L N EUctrlritr Usv.s Cite* Stutioa Allaata 3:30 pm. Daily. Modara SlrapUfi Cars aad tha rural DUONG SERVICE Offend AaywW*. City Ticket Office, 4 Peachtree Street PHONES, MAIN 1088, ATLANTA 178 STATISTICS. PROPERTY TRAN8FER8. 51.200— Atlunta Real Estate Company to C. B. Alexander. 4’. T. Hcott and T. A. Knight, lot on Burcket street. War ranty deed. 3 7 30—J us e. phlne M. Wilson to J. L. Chapman, lot on Fulton avenue. War ranty deed. "7250—Mrs. Amanda E. Crawford to A. c. and H. C. Bucker. tot on Bish op street. Warranty deed. $2.7:.0—R. N. Walker to Mrs. 8. B. Hansen, lot on corner of spring and Linden street*. 32.500— Henrietta Herreck to J. W. Beaty, lot on St. Charles avenue. War ranty deed. 3510—W T. Mawry to J. H. Ewing and C. F. Bensen, lot on Jones avenue. 315.000—William Burckel to Mw, Anna D. Shewmnke. iot on West Peach tree street. 34.750—Charles I*. Glessner to Mrs. Louise Neuachulten. lot on East I*lne street. Warranty deed. 31.200— B. W. Crawford to L. Blalock, lot on Lawton street. Loan deed. 3576—8. U. Turman to 8. W. Craw ford, lot on l*awten street BUILDING PERMITS. 32.500— City of Atlanta, to install steam tubular tn Grady hospital. 395—Mrs. Joe Liver, to .re-cover frame dwelling nt 227 South Pryor street. 3155—R. M King, to re-cover frame dwelling at 25 Holcomb's alley. DEATH8. Jessl* May McGennt*. age I month, died at 94 Clara street. K. Anderson, colored. ag“ 7 months, •il at 28 Franer street. Kmma Merritt, colored, age 2S years, died 2 Wimpy avenue. K. J. Elliott, age 50 years, died at Grady hospltul. Nancy Andrews, color* 1, nge 2 years, died nt 189 Maple street. Andrew L. Mun>hv. colored, age V) years, died nt 403 Terry street. Miss Vonle Roberts, age 25 yam.*, died of consumption at 80 Uereun ave nue. Mrs. Isaiah Borwn. age 88 years, died 47 Crescent street. Moses H. Newsom, age f.7 years, died of apoplexy nt 111 Kirkwood »».’rnu. Z. T. Carr, nge 40 years, died ut 3tlo Decatur street. BIRTHS. nd Mrs. D. W. Bennett. ,i girl, at 184 Stewart avenue. To Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Parkins, a girl, st 110 Middle street. A BEAUTIFUL FACE Send stamp for particulars and testi monials of tha net ' “ * ' * * complexion, remove new blood f you taka BEAUTYgKIN guaranteed Chichester chemical co.. that clears tha Imperfect f Improves W. P. leathers, et at, deacons of West Atlanta Primitive llaptlat church, va. John W. Green. Mrs Martha J. Naaca Mrs. Mary L. Whitaker. Mrs. ilsllle E. Brown. Mrs. Daisy Green Rogers. Laura A. Green. Samuel Green, Alpha Green, Willie Bernice Green, Alfred Green, Julia Green, Ruth Green, Annie Kate Green, Willie P. Green. Lucy Elmlha Green. Ben* ry *1. Green, Jr. No. 14846. Petition In Fulton saperlor court to sell church property and re-In* vest proceeds In other property. To the defendant. H. H. Green, Jr.: You are hereby notified that a petition has lieen filed fn Fulton superior court In which you are one of the defendants, seeking to sell certain property In tha city of Atlanta in land lot 32. fronting 6* feet on the smith aide of Kennedy street, and running back, same width as front, pin fret; said property having bean deed ed by li. H. Green to plaintiffs in the aboye stated case, with a reversion to the defendants In case aald property should Is* abandoned as church property. You are further commanded to be and appear at the session of thla oourt to he held on the flrat Monday In March. 1907. then nnd there to make answer to Raid petition; this notice being given to you nn a non-resident of said state of Georgia. Witness the Honorable John T. Pen* dlcton. Judge of sehl court ARNOLD RROYtaiM. rierk Superior Court. Fulton County. Candlers. Thomson and Hlrsch, attor* n*ys. at 110 Rockwell street. To Mr. and Mrs. Looney Mllum, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pnttllla, a bof, 36 Bender street. New Route to Cuba. The •t#*m*hlp “BruiMwtck,* of lh« Rrunawlrk Btramahlp Company, will ■all (ram Drunawlck. Os., for Havana, Cubs on th* following icj»dul«. until further notice; Leave Brun,wick noon. February 1th, February lath, March (th, March ltfh. April 2il, and every other Tuwday thereafter, arriving at Havana ev*ry following Thuraday 111p.m. Returning. I.e*ve Havana noon February (th. t.. ...I , February JJd. March (th. March SJd. 1 Aprl1 ll,h ' * n ' 1 ,ver v °<her Saturday IJ9 Hampton atreeh _ thereafter, arriving Brunanick every following Monday at I a. m. Rafaa Brunawiek fa Havana. one way. flrat cabin t!(.0( One way. aecond cabin 111.(4 Round trip, flrat cabin I44.M Including mania and berth on Tit amir For atute room reaervatlon* and fur ther Information, apply to H. C. M'FADDE.N, Oon ra,,. Agent A. B. & A. B. R., Bell Phon* 04* Atlants Georgls Living in Glaaa Homes I lie ilnniind for hollow Prick, and balld- lux l.ltM'k, for Ivmtw ..nmni. tp.o haa In- dioed xlae- iiMmifiP-turvr, tu lot hollow gU— PrP ke on the tnorkei, awl they a rout it* Ih> iimnI (*\tfiii(|vflv for aovei and fulfil'; drool*. Tho *r.t glow Prtrk. l” log -old. pro....t t i folitiro on anotant of Jbrir coal. imt the Imllotv gtau brirk* ra* 1*4* lOflilt* Mt IIIII,-Il Inaa .,** “* light** To Mr. and Mrs. Y. T. Edwards, girl, at 208 Greensferrv avenue. To Mr. und Mrs. F. J. Wtlborn, o tv. at 34 Hbtnehsri .iv *nu«‘. To Mr. and Mrs. I. XI. Sm'lh, a hoy, nt 140 Rockwell street. To Mr. and "Mrs. John Vick *r-. a girl, nt 18 <trine street. To Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McDtvitt, j girl, at 82 Dodd avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John F Floyd, a boy. at loo Bouth I>eitn street. T«> Mr. and Mrs. I*. M Toney, a boy, 395 Frasier street. To Mr. and Mrs. t\ II. Bright, a boy, at 87 West t’nln street. nod Mrs. Jacob Hetman, a girl, nt 355 Whitehall street. and Mrs John H. Hailey, .1 girl. 3 Highland nvfnur. To Mr. and Mrs. Joecph B. Overton, a girl, at 5k Went -nrhtree ntrect. To Mr. and Mrs. J N. Martin, u bny, at 57 Oglethot |>e uvenue To Mr. and Mr*. X i*. Cochran, a bnvA •m h« ' •li nt nun-coadwrtors that walla ‘\mnt sgslURt dampneiM, t.—-BniMtng Magnstaa.