Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 05, 1907, Image 9

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JU ATLJLNTA UibDKOlAN AND NJ5WB. tubbday, nucm », wn. ^Halr mum Health OF MUMS' LKW NEVEK FAILS to gpjTenneBse Governor Urged STORE your HAIR t<^te! 40 ^ ew Anti-Saloon NATURAL COLOpT Meusure. «3»SSSl?StSrscat me. jWn* to young, jt almost killed me to h*ve my nair getting white long before hut thank# to HAIR HEALTH, no pray hair, m fci •(onebeta*." CUUKiKUOK, — Kettltborg-, w. V*. FREE £*** of HAR- aS finasoap with each bottle and p*te toL tor 10c. at the following druggists ; BROWN * ALLIN; BRANNIN A ANTHONY; TODD DRUG COieC KIN-WAT80N DRUO CO.; WHITA- KeR 4 COURSBY DRUO 00. 155" •* l •atni del Calhoun, aii ip.. &.TMJR: ftae. *** r "* w * 1 •» •*» of Mid | A.'frbat the aaara of oeld company shall !*•» (asth Mutual Life TaanwKJ! 4Q»«t».. o«... tSShI wuT*E “• capital stock of said cooimdv. im Jtlm end object of Mid coupany brine to 1,1 ll r ", d toutuel or cooperative Ilf* In OMynMo* to the terma of two charter and rulaa aad by-laws they .?/ *», cwffict with 11*1™!?** * ”°® >b4 taw * °* '*• ,u,# #t J. That they do. Innod faith. Intrad to do forward without delay to organise aald c;-atPany. with Its principal office In the tilLHf lL U i. c0 5 l/ •fTultdh. state of SBgVSfc 'ZS?f&&.T SSS •nw&ss sMfe-vg „ ' M'd petition In The Atlanta UeorsUo and nrtmemssl of ahld conn.. ... r ...uh. wee saW C p£tt«ioo ,<M ‘ r *"* U ' b * Xo " •** •» Whcrefore^oar nattUooera Ole this their petition sa peorMod by law Is nch cases, and pray that they bo Incorporated under •JM name, nader which they win hare the right and aothorlty to sue aad bo aned. contract and lie contracted wttk, to pur- cltaae. own and soli real estate aad other property that they stay tnd necessary or Proper for the conduct of their bnafa«ss and to do any aad an other acta aad propor for the conduct and m»»* efmM hootneia. They further pray that they hare the right to hare and sac eL aad to aaal •pedal to The floortion. Chattanooga, Tenn.. rob. I.—Tha Pendleton bin providing for tlw extension of tha Adams law la tha most Interest log subject that la being dis cussed by Cbattanoogans those days. Bo Interested are some of the unanufac- torero of this city that on yesterday It was stated a large concern cancelled an order for material amounting to 117.000 on account of tha uncertainty of tha Pendleton bill. It was also stat ed that the promoters of the 11,400,000 Hotel Patton had Issued orders to sus pend operations In the event the Adams law was applied to Chattanooga Former Senator J. Waiter Peak. cam. palgn manager of Oovernor Patterson, in Hamilton county, has wired the gov ernor to veto the Pendleton bill. His msaaege Is as follows: “Hon. 11. R. Patterson. Oovernor of — by-man _ and government of aald cotspauy as they may deem proper, not la conflict akith ihe.constitution and laws of tha said date of flcorgla. had year petitioners will ever i a V it. £ CG POLITCOB AND POLITICIANS. An.Interesting easiest is as llcpatilh-aw loaders of tha wwui «—p— •local district of Utrhlgea for the seat made vacant by the elevation of William Aides Builtb tu the ecantr. fleveraor Campbell, of Texas. In hla Ini list nieeseg. to the legtaUtnre. adeemed Iowa prohibiting tha lease ace of free passes nad nepotism In pobllc officer, aad urged ibo eaai-tweet of araastirea lu glop t 41 . If I wars tha govaraor of Tsnnaaaab I would vats tha Pendleton bill, be cause |t la wrong and because public opinion will not justify nor sustain It. It la a menice to the welfare of the Lata. “(Signed) J. WALTER PEAK." ATLANIIICC0U1TA1TS MEET EVERY WEEK The regular mettlug of the National Asso ciation of Accountants aad Bookkeepers was tka occasion for a reunion, collation aad general social tiara, aad was attended by a large gathering of the members. A short address by tka president, outlin ing the objects, alms sad progress of the association arse followed by a request that each member give a suggestion as to how a n boat Interests of the sssodatloa eodld sowed. ★ Locations of * Mints, U, 122 tacklra St Phase Sell SR. LElftr Fry, Lied Ip. DRAUGHONly PRACTICAL association to onattag by die ters ceoauatly Sp MISS GLADY MORRIS, OF IVY ST. SCHOOL, togs of the association are , c / ..i..- h.ii , Prices balldlag. w members, and Is at library, msgsslnes, assistance gad late fraternity. supplied with a reference ale., which may bt of laureat to the bookkeeping 0OOOCHXKK1OOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOO O O PLAYS AND PLAYERS. O— O DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOO William II. Thompson. Ihc famous char, aclcr actor, la one of the latest recruits In vaudeville. aa Viola Allan Is to add s new play lo her repertory by produclag an adapta tion of a French classic by Mira beau. Mias Victory Bateman baa I wen gaged by Charles K. Rlaney to play tha leading role la "Parted On Her Bridal Toar.” a dramatisation of oao of her owa novels, by Mlsa Inure jean Llhhey. GcrkanU Hauptmann, the celebrated one. ■a playwright, la expected to rams la msslqa within a few weeks to lecture on Ooraraa literary art before some of the TMfe Is S widespread speculation about Ihc subject of Pat Id Wafgikr»-«SxI~pBr7 bpt Mr. Belaerojs preserving hla usual sphlniltke alienee concerning tbs matter. Richard Mansdald will bogls hla New York engagement 0t the New Ameierdam theater on February %, opening with "Peer Oynt." itsd In six o5*fcw T tT-* ro fking d«y t “area, loft by dor.TSi •». HhjlA "*a baa jast istlrad attav tgvec terms as chief execatlva of dodging. A record of 1.771 years, or tin average r working day, r Darjg who hai eerelng Arkaoai Admirers af tailed Rtates Senator R. M. InFpUette among the atndoata of tbo ful veralty of Wlarenala have started n move, meat to secure his nomination for president next year. Two hundred thousand voters of Micbl o as t Islsllsa. The plan .. servatlrs forces In the wvMatar iwSSKtri: diSst*ftS bp tha can Jonathan Bonn#, Jr., who waa chaaen l tilted States sea SI or for the atxyaar term by the Oregon legislature, waa elected drat hv the vote of the people at tha last stale prloiary. The law Is an framed that the elertlnu practically Is binding on tbn lagte- latara and Is dsclstee. Former Oovernor W. O. Bradley, of Ken tucky. has announced (bat be will not. un der any drenmatancca, allow hla asms to be uawl as a caadldaio fee govaraor of bis oral*, but It la uudantood that be l«i aat a mac to having It so used as a candidate for tha L’atttd States waste. Among Ihc recommendations of (loeernor Martin Ansel to tht.JSu puaUhmont for criminal suanlt upon cn and liberal auppoet of the depahmi Immlfrattoa. i af the Delaware loglala- a MU brokers frwn aocopUng money loans any.wearln The r Tha loarar bouse of the Delaware legl.l tore has passed a Mil peohlbjUst pna brokers frsqt accepting as collatersl fi racy loans say wsnrltuf apiisrel or twin ir practice, which la said to work great nlwlp upon families and Inaoerst women Margaret llllnglon. who la private life Is Mrs Daniel Frnhmsa. and wbu Is now playing the leading fsatlaloe role with John Draw la "Hla Hoaw In Order.'' will lie placed at the bead of her own company next aeaaan. Baataa has been chaaen far the drat presentation of the dramatisation af 'Til- grim's Progress," In which Henrietta Croa nun Is to appoar at Christian. Tbo play la to be oao of tha biggest thlaga arar usdartakes In tha thsatrteal line. Thera will ba many scenic novelties and a sue. evasion af strtklwg egrets. Orwt straw will ba laid npan tha paetlc and artlatlc posit bllltles* Thera will be SOS persona In tha caat, Including players, singers.. dancers and nraalclaas. The summer will ha apaal In rvhwrwtls.aDd It will probably ba Ortw bar before tha production la raady. OYER $§5,000.00 paid anaunlly by Dga^hao'a Practical Btulsdss CoUafaa to btodhut. Tito ala All U at aU of Dtanghoa’s sS CnQagas gat flu baasdt af the valaabta aaggsMiiai ml Ora COMKmtD ISXAB e< this CKSA.T ASMT af tsadrar*. For when- ever a valuable suggestion U mads at one of Draaghea’a Collages it U pawed to the otbar twshly as eta- .an ad aw tags that CANNOT bo hai 0t any othogbmaiaasa callage WTH« WORLD, w DraugWa chain of rolldfoa is the ’ .ucst and strongaat in THH WOWS. NIGHT and DAY SfcMtons SUPREME JUDGES SAY ' It id conoedtd tor om io per osnt bf tho o0dU Court Reporter* oi the United Suing that bam cab, by the study of tbo system of Ohofthani taught by Draaghon'd CoHcgea, acquire at Uoat go par esat mors speed than can be aeqeisei tor any other system, and that it can be leaned aa quick ly eg any system worth learning. SEND FOR IT Dcengbon’s "Bye-Opener,'' a 4B-paga booklet, will open tha area of tha blind end unstop tha ears of the deaf—those who are not already con vinced that Drang bon gives the BEST eonrsss of iaatraetton in Bookkseping, Shorthand, etc. NIGHT School—Special Rates ptsinofts Drangben gives writtmi a goo4 potiHtm, with rsUsMe I all mmty paid far mdtiosk KNP rw CATALMW Cstsdogoa will convince yen that PraaeWd FractteaTBsmUemCellegae ere the beat. Writs, call, or tslsphems for it Addrsw Drsagboo's Practical —rin»n any pleee ghran en above map. DfFLOMA THAT HAB VALUE A dteleau Cram Dm nata CoUagan gepMpente Harvard's aad Yale’s rapt Draaghoo's baslaws ctrclaa what rspraaaat in Htarary circles. WRITES OF “OUR VISIT TO THE GEORGIAN’ The following account of the visit of the pupili of the leventh and eighth grades of Ivy itreet tchool to The Georgias on January 24, was written by Miu Horrii, of the eighth grade. The pu pils were aiked to write aa a composition an account of the viiit, and of all thoie submitted by mem- tienof the eighth grade, this one by Mias Gladys Horrie waa (elected by her teachers as decidedly the best. , On January 4. 1(07, tha seventh and eighth grades of Ivy Btreet school worn cordially Invited to visit tha latest and moat complete newspaper office In ihe city, The Georgian, Our teachers gladly accepted the In vitation, and our principal. Mrs. While tide, chaperoned a happy parly of girls and boys. We. met at the school at 2:15 o'clock and arrfved at The Geor gian office al -OtSO—o'clock. At the door we were met by Mr. Seely and Mr. Brooks, who conducted tu over Uw building. Wa Brat want Into the main sHlffi where all the advertisements of the city are taken. We were then taken up atatri to the reporters' room, where desks were arranged along the wall, elx In all, where men sat and tele phoned all over the city and Jotted down notes. At the end of the room a»-aHarg» deck, where men received telegrams from all over the world. From this office we wore taken Into the composing room, where we saw many wonderful eights and things we never dreamed of seeing before. We first saw eight machines, called lino types. They had keyboards like ■1 — portions la seme of the inrfer run-*. An latMobhflof bill of s most sweeping character has been Introduced In the Ala bemi legislature. The mrasuro require* all r eraona coming to the rapltol to a >rk for 01 salnst a hill to restater and hi site tlir nature of tbolr business, tugeiher with the 1. |f the (I lohh/tng p limit Iran; wortbli Some opposition to the re-election of Mr 11- tor Long in Kanina two years hence ap pears to lie cropping op. Anontlng to po- lltlrsl gossip lu Topeka, snots of the He pnhllcsn lenders la lbs we*tern part of the — rt— |n put forward Con- Murtlock aa a candidate agalnat Long- Tboaa who stand sponsor for tbs movement deelare that Murdock la growing constantly In popularity, amt la sure to lie advascnl lo Mghrr idarea. Friends of long, on the other Itaori. declare that Munloek will not enter agalni pooltli lime 1 typewriter Those machines maJts words and sentences as long as Ihe lit tle linos In the paper. These are taken by men who At the sentences to gether and form tlw columns. These columns are mind together and put In an Iron frame, called a printer’s chase, which In as large as one sheet of our dally newspaper. The steam table le a large table which has a large roller and preiser on It. Uttle tables on which tha typo forma are pul are rolled up to the steam table and put on it. A piece of damp material called a matrix Is placsd on the type. Thin Is covered with a cloth and the hot roller In rolled over It, making a faint Im pression on tho matrix, which Is not yet dry. It In then taken from under the roilor and put under Ihe presser, which Is very heavy; It In then screwed down and Ihe steam rises from under Hie table. It slays under the premier until It Is thoroughly dry. It Is then trimmed by hand with large sheara and In carried jo a chute, where It rattles down to Am stereotype room. While It wee going down this little passage, wo ran down the steps to beat It, but we failed, for “Jack" had alrsady re ceived It and had It ready for us to nsa him work tha machine. He Itrnt put tha matrix In a round half cylinder form and It was turned up to tho hot kettle ef leaf). Thin kei- tie contained neveral ions of lead, no Mr. Hcely told us. The hot lend wne poured or pumped on the matrix, j« the Inside of a pipe, arouad which waa tha form. ''Jack'' turned on tho water used only In holding It flrmly; artgas art-cut amoatli by hand cafow. ~ la ons corner of the room la Iron mold. Into which the hot poured. Water la than turnrd runs all undar the little Iron through pipes. These little molds then cool enough not to run togett and all the mdlda are turned over dropped In a little box under the chine. All this is done In the type room. We were told that ihe meul used In the linotype machines Is dlffarant from that used In tha stsmotype machlnaa. From tlw itaraotyjis room wa ware taken Into tha preaa room, where our eyes got aa large at moonn and wo stood with wlda-open mouths fusing at tha Immanse prana. Soon after reaching Ihe p.-esa room not mm came rubbing In with the plates or forma that wars not ya< cold. Thtse ware put on tha cylinders of tha press. The press was set In motion and four large rolls of paper wort started going round and round. There I are twelve cylinders en Ihe press, and the (apor goes round these cylinders and Hie print Is made on tho paper. At nie end ef the press'Is ihe Inkwell. It Is the full width of Ihe press. The Ink rollers STS’ made of a kind nf gum. and these rollers are trashed after each run of tha papor. There are three dosha to tho -pram and a platform axtands the length of tha preaa on tha back and front. It la vary Interesting to watcU tho Jump to thalr places aad oil the The preaa has a counter and attar •vary fifty It knocks one paper out fur. thsr than the others, Sad a boy stands and takas up the fifty papers and puts Yew ate hevn Med — whlrh yuii are one of the Ins to sell certalr Atlanta. In land I the aouth alii* of titnx hack, same ffysw* with a GLADY MORRIS. From a photo, taken in costume, ef the young lady af tha Eighth grads ef Ivy Street school, who, ef all her class, wrote (ha bast account of the visit of the pupils ef the aavanth and eighth grades te The Ooor- I ian. Mlsa Gladys Morris is the daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. MeClura Morris, 11 Courtland street. and the lint lend form wan then cooled. He-then took H out and pul It on the tail-cutter, where the end which la too long In cut off. It Is next put on a nhavlng machine, where the Inside of the form le shoved smooth, an an to tit llie t-yllndar on the premi. It la then pul on a trimming machine, which la ng In It about us. Wa wars also given a line of type with our names and school. We appreciated these souvenirs of our trip very much. From In# preaa room we were taken to the circulation department, where bora ware busy wrapping papari tc ba •tnl on cars and trains Then thank ing Meiers. Seely and Brooke for theli kindness,-we vent home. I think that wa will never forget out trip to the newepaper offlt-e. If any of you ever ractlve an InvUatlou to Visit an asubllahmsrt of ltd. kind be sure lo accept, for you certainly will appraclat > it. GLAOY MORRIS. I*/ at.-sst Behool, Eighth Ora le. TO ERECT BUILDINGS AT WOOLEN FACTORY. Special to The aeorglan. Chattanooga, Tenn- Feb. S.—linker. •>t Ute Peerless Woolen Mtlln. of Rose ville, Os. which I* capitalised at 1104,- 004. hava been elected an follows: W. P. Wilson, president; W. H. Redick, vice president: J. L. Hutche son. treasurer and general manager; F. T. Lewis, secretary. Several large buildings are being erected by the company and tbs mill* will lie ready for operation in four months. Mr. Hutcheson recently Sold hi. Intereel In.Ihe Park Woolen Mills, which have been acquired by Ihe American Textile Woolens Company which controls mills In Hwestwatsr. Atlanta and several othsr points. a noD-retl<! W|tesss ton. Judge Clerk Superior TO INSURANCE MBWt COD open. I both agent. licited. W. A. EINKER, Manager, Century Bldg. Atlanta, (to.* insured and tha Oorre*pond«noB a* COUNTY POLICEMEN NEWLY SWORN IN No little Interest Is being man (fasted 1 the meeting of the county commie- j •loners Wednesday and In whether or not they trill rales the salaries of Chief Turner and tha man of (ha county po lice force. At the meeting of the com missioners ihe chief and members of the force for tha next two years will be elected. Chief Turner has no opposi tion and will probably ba tinaalmewaty DRUMMER I OPINED FIRE ON BAND OF HOLD- UPB. Hperl.I to TM Georgian. Scottsboro. Ala- Feb. (.—An attempt was mads Sunday night by unknown parties to hokl up Cbartsy Maglll, a will-known Chattanooga drummer, while en route to hla hotel from lira home of a young lady whom he had escorted to church. Mr. Maglll obeyed p hi* hands $50 S&SS Y 11 You VU1 Fwmkfc a N Argument Than (be EuigwUf (ADaporitia BaakJ T w conva* that *»«*•*■*, dtpeektad fat this bask tot tvsalaa SMOffiB by DRAUOHON'B PRACTICAL NBS3 COLLEGE CO. as a guarantee af ga«l faith that It will make garni its jnjuffilM safe Usba4 la its booUat aatiUed M Dnmgbag'b Opener,” which proposition la la suMmmb m follow#: Two students may be ssleeiad to MBs bMfe keeping—one THRSB maatbs to swat IgMn on’s Colleges, and ana BIX mnatba la mt&mfim Map college in tbs Unfed Btatoa; serf at feg aad af THRU aad BCE gisfe mftdiM these students era to be wunsni by (M» Hitt practical bookkeepers—ema aad te feg •alcftod by tM mfictir# oottcftot tS® Rpt Judges to sslaat ibo tbisd oat, too asisdg to ntle, Md If Draughon’s THRBB-MOHfBViB» deet has not at good or BETTER knowledge bookkeeping fees too other ooUqgo's X- MONTHS’ student, Praugboa will par tato«« for tdi student aad all the xapadsaa af toa aaa^ I action; the anahsatioa to eoauial af awhiag onto oalrisa aa com up lu baajpiag ba«tb for mercantile homes* and basks, plain dsctfe> as try bookbeapiag for oopartaemMgs aad aim Moatoms, etc, changing books from aiagb to doaMo catty, opening aad clasiag basba ihc ts- " ruts aad ooswaiatioaa OTY EAVDMS BAMC Mr A. B. WZLLUM, FmaUaafo Nashville, Tana., October (, *••(. ~:1Z TELEGRAPHY THE ONLY SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY IN ATLANTA. Tha Morse School of Telegraphy. Atlan ta, has boon absorbed by Draughon's Col lege Company, and lx now being operated aa a department of Draughon's AUaata College, 131 Peachtree. Piedmont Hotel Block. A commercial and railway tste- xraph operator, train tllspatcber, aad teacher of twanty-flve years' ex perl earn gives his entire time to this department. The demand for good operators Is neat er than tho supply. 3 dty at took aa . and raa- Im"i^ X'iES Company wants aa agent in evenr . Good territory still endid contract with