Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 15, 1907, Image 12

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. today, rnnvxnz u, uw. Want Ads Cent a Word Nn ad. taken far tot* than 25 aanta. •lx wart* of average length make line. The fellewing ratee are r oonaecutlve Ineertlenei • eente a line. 5 eente a line. 4'/j eente a line. 4 eente a line. 3Vi eente a line. 3 eente a line. We Will Wltheut Che far Your Ad. for Meaeenger Without Charge tor Meaeenger Service. Call Uo on Bell Phone 4327 Main, or 4401 Atlanta Phone. When Bending Ado. Pay far at Ratee quoted above. Ada. for Situation* Wanted Will be Inaerted Area. WANTED HELP POR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SAMS door bear door*. E MANGANESE SOLID Ik eofee, Smirouf eefee i South rimed etreet. R. SCREW end vault W. Rill*. DO TOF WANT TO RENT OR BfV A Mining machlm*. Th«v brat la the rhrap ret. Cell lb'll ‘pbooo DM, or Atlanta 'phone ISO. \VK RENT NEW MACHINES. WE REM. uiarbluv*. we deliver aewlnx meehluea In ant itart of lb" "Ity. end allow you a gnnd U 'fee for jrour itlil onee. fmnieetle Hewing arblne rnmpeny. 104 Norik I’ryor atreel. Call up Hi ll 'phone 3330, or Atlanta 'phor." 1»«. FOR BALE—MISCELLANEOUS. SACRIFICE SALE! $20,(XX) Stock of Furniture Thrown on the Market at Practicnllv Cost. IN ORDER TO MAKE INTERIOR IM 1'ltoVKMKNTH IN Ol It HTOllKH. EVERY AllTICLE GOKS ALMOST AT YOUR OWN PRICE. FOR 8A LE—CONTRACTORS OUTFIT. Hera pcs. idows. «*tc. AIm, large machinery ■gun. Mu *** iforron- Transfer Company. FOR SALE—•EID. N. ANl» FLOWER I GARDEN. FIELD AND FLOWER SEEPS, iwpft im-ss, now In order. Murk W. Joki •on Kr»»d Co.. 36 H. Fry or streot. BVKRVRODV BI’VH MY COUNTY LISTS; IWI . ... advertising sgen rj. Imm'u un4* they can mak** nmnpj. Ad dress W. J. Dibble. Fourth National Hank dress W. J. Dibble. Fourth Nnflonul Haul building. Atlanta, Ga. Itelr phone 1414. should roy have a cold and a cough, take ‘‘Dewberry's Delight. Noth* log hotter. Druggists Mil It ■ WANTED—OFFICE liOY. DE LOACH Mill Manufacturing Company. 4*> High land avenue. WANTED-GOOD HOOKKBEFKR. Wifi understands shorthand. Must b#* fast an accurate Youug man «tl*»»ut eighteen rear old preferred Address In own hsinlwrlt ing. f. o. iiox ns mr» WANTED—TEN OR FIFTEEN GOOD cabinet men. Apply to J. E. Hale, lU Edge m ood arenas. CUTTERS EARN FROM $M TO $140 week. The art of garment rutting a restful ly taught by mall, or at my shop The only rotting arhool South. I also sell Peachtree street. WANTS D—COMPETENT BBMINOTON apart fora furalabad positions. Hernia Typewriter Co.. HI PMcbtrw • treat. WANTfilA—MEN TO LEABN BARRKR trade; few weeks com pis tea; 10 p4»al(lnns for every graduate: $12 to $20 weekly paid; wages while learning; beantlfnl 1907 rata* Siege, Hunter and Forsytb streets. dress F. O. Hot O. WANTED—TWO LADY TYI’EWRITERS. not necessarily ateuographers. DeLnsrb Mill Manufacturing Company, 400 Highland avenue. WANTED HELD—Mala and Famala. THE EMFIRE BUSINESS BUREAU IN vltea the people that menus to uiuke b«mkI to call at 716 Century building aud register and we will endeavor to place you In g«ss| paying positions. We are upeu at all times. WANTED—OFFICE and DELIVERY HoYT working bookkeeper, etc. Baptist Tali •rnarle Employment Department. 8 to 11 n m. 7766 L. v » foue-iii-liatid wish ties, whites. polka dot, -light atrtpsa, llghL and dark golF colors. etc., for lie each or seven for $1 Sant free on receipt of same or e. o. d * Phone W0. mens furnishing department SITUATIONS WANTED. plmtogrnjdi out til nt hnlf orlg FOR RALE-SPLENDID SECOND-HAND piano, aa good •• new; w.»rth $3ftrt; will sell at n aarrlflre. Address M. E., rare The Georgian $50 Mission Oak Davenports $Tm Best leather Couches $25 Fantaaote Combe* $22 Imitation father Couehea .. $!••> Onk lied Boom Hulls $pk» Mahogany l*e«j Ibsuii Kulta .. Every bed n»oni suit 111 the hooi to $25 ii suit. IS) Mnhogany Dressers $40 Mnhogany Princes* Draaaara ID i cut $10 $£» KtDEROAKIiN. lllMSIi TABLES. HAM RACKS CHINA CLOSETS. ETC.. AT FACTORY PRICES. BIOS, MATTINGS IIEAI'KH THAN AND ART HUI'AIIKH CHKAI’KK THAN TIIKY CAN RE Rill OUT AT WHOLE HAI.R FIloM TIIB llll'DHTKR LIOHT RUNNING. TnE STANDARD “ROTARY” REWIND msrhlne sold and rented. Office II South Broad street. All makaa repaired. Both 'pbonea 2101. OAK PARTITION WITH GLASS TOF, three ruga, and two second-haad safes. R. W. Ellis, M S. llrond street. Will pay cash for second-blind aafea. BY INVESTIGATING OUR HTOCK AND PRICES YOU SAVE. We buy. aell and exchange everythin*. Atlanta Wreckage Co.. 37*» Weat Mitchell •treat* Roth 'phones. BUY YOUR FURNITURE he J. P Turner Furniture Co., W. Mitehell in. Bell i-hon* tig. M ‘ w NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE. We repair, pack and ship. At those prints i terms are cash, or 30 days -on approved eredit. All parties living witihin a radius of 10(1 miles of At- railroad fare to the city on cash purchases of $100.00 or R0BI80N-MARTIN FUR NITURE CO., 23 and 27 E. Hunter St. MONEY SAVED. IS MONEY MAKE 8Y BUYING YOUR Furniture, lings find Mattings from Robl aon-Martlu Furniture Company, ~ Hunter street. f East LOWERT PRICER ON FURNITURE AND house furnishing* nt Robison Martin Fur niture Company. 23 East Hunter street. Squares, Rugs and Matting* at R0BIN80N-MARTIN FURNITUR ECO. —A-$2£rOQ-SALE TYPEWRITERS ONK UNIYKHMAL HAMMOND. ONE NO. 4 YOST. tlNH REM Hllll. ONE NO. 6 NEW CENTURY. ONE NO. 4 RARLOCK. ONE NO. 2 WILLIAMS. ONE NO. 2 BBMINOTON. ONE NO. 1 HMITI1 PREMIER. ONE NEW NO. S CHICAGO. WANTED—POSITION BY YOUNG LADY •• assistant bookkeeper. llav»* had six months* prartleal cxt»erleuec In lMH»k work aud office work. Address Miss It. care Georgian. YOUNG MAN OF SEVERAL YEARS* EX perteneo In vehicle, bicycle hu<1 type writer bust ness. Isitli ns salesman and re imlrer, desires Immediate einploynu THERE TYPEWRITERS ARE IN GOOD u<|ltlon and great values at the price. Make ami order now, ns they will lie gone Will ship C. O. D. subject to examination. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OTTERS EARN FROM 96o TO IIWJ A week The art of garment cutting sue ceaafullv taught by mall, or nt tuy shop. The only cut Hug school South ‘ “ d< ______ 1 slso aell patterns of -ill descriptions Write or mil on Tom Weaver, tailor, 98 Peachtree street, Atlanta, Gi Two sell paying groceries. See them. Two hotels, dose In; real hargnlns. One fifteen-room t»onrdlng house; eleveu rooms furnished; $700 cash. Many others. W. JONES A CO.. 5 Viaduct 4 plan*. 'Phones 6560. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES on the SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. dress G. S J.. care Arlington hotel. MARRIED MAN. FULLY CAPABLE OF managln;; local busluesM or holding t*oi»l- tlon of ex|M>rt oulsble salesmanship, either FIRSTCLASS PAINTER AND FINISHER want* Job. Interior or rsr work prefer red. II. A. !»., rare Georgian. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER jibiye*! sll day ileslres small set to k»*ep evenings Rates ressoiiiible dress »*.. care Ororglnii. YOUNG BUSINESS WOMAN DESIRES |m*s|tlon In general »»fflee work. Fhe vesrik* egperlenee amt thoroughly «'oiii|h> teiit. Excellent references Atblress S., enre Gi'orgtsn. BOARDERS WANTED. HOARDERS WANTED N till*I men I’sn get first . Is*i S C. Webb s. 1.1 Capitol H\ FOR RENT—FURNISHED R00M8. I I R NISI I K Bell p ROOM. WITH DRESSING I lOrtiue. Reasonable relit .MTS I COMPANY, SPRATLIN TOP AND CUSHION COMPANY !*2 South Forsyth St. Atlanta, Ga. We make the best Tops you can buy for the money. Fill orders promptly. Cau furnish instruetions for measurements to fit nil bug gies. Our priees are low. We want voitr orders. FOR RENT—ROOMS. TWO LARGE AND bath e«Hine«Mlng; ii place. West End. »NF. SMALL ROOM; LOST A SOLITAIRE DIAMOND RING •ti viaduct, near P* •• litre.- entrance tu Ifea Kimball Imuse A\ w.v* M*en by rt byRtamb-r t*» step hi..I id. k it, bp; tv IMirted A reward will 1m |m|.| f,.i lm re turn to W. II. Jolime.n, I nli.d States «hal s nfflee |.«»ST-SILVER BRUSH AND t»n Peachtree «»r I’orrest n*»m If returmd t«* Ge«irglun office WANTED—H0U8E8. WANTED rti CASH TO OWNER 7 ro*mi house; must be cheap. Address U It FOR RENT—HOU8E8. loll RENT THREE ROOM COTTAGE In gis*.| -h ipe \t Bn* kli. ii.I *ii Aii uitn Heights M l. Bates, r»2f. Empire bunding FOR RENT—OFFICES. FOR RENT THREE VERY DESIRABLE office* lu Candler building nt « reason able figure. Apply Id On tidier Bldg., or BRICK AND ROOFING TILE PLANT-WE have nnr lomtl*»tt avgllaWc, which » jlo at ttadleve could l»e excrlled. The bed f material covers acres and averages ror lOn feet In depth. Property has been thorough!/ opened up. and testa of mnterlnl made ami the burned samples are now* on exhibition at our offices. Ample water.' white labor nod It perfectly level location for plant la available. NEWSPAPER AND JOB PRINT PI.ANT- A town of 2.60U people, with forty stores, 11114)1. large cotton mill and other Indus tries, Una no newspaper, aud Job worn Is sent to Atlanta am! Birmingham. This town Is developing rapidly Into one of In- liistrlal Importance and the opening for a newspaper man Is unusually attractive SUMMER RESORT HOTEL-PROPERTY embraces SO acres of land, three mineral springs, hotel of fifty rnouia. newly furnish plant, stables, one cottage and vineyard. Eight passenger trains dally. __AI*out SO miles from Atlauta and 80 FOR SALE Rents $1,400. Price $11,500. This is an exceptional bar gain in nine double houses in excellent repair, block of car line; lot is 200 by 200 and fronts three streets. Sidewalk, water and sewerage down. Robm on lot for four more double houses. This property is on the north side and only few blocks from West Peachtree street. See me for full par ticulars. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Avenue. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Birmingham TEXTILE MILLS FROM ONE-THIRD TO otir half tin* capital will Im» nubacribed hi rally, and laud f«*r Imimcs and plant e<L Best steam coni would cos* $1.60 per ton delivered lu tHiller room. Ample white female labor. A 10,000-horse power water power Is being developed along elec trical lines, ami will s.*on l»e available. Sub stautlal Inducements are offered for the location of n textile mill at this point. LIME QUARRY IT IS ADMITTED THAT > a number of gtasi of lime atone for manufacturing, ed atone tdiiut to be operated In conjunc tion would also prove profitable. FANTASIA SPRINGS SANATORIUM - This was one of the moat noted resorts of antebellum days. It embraces 12' acres of laud, thirty five bold springs, sol pbur. Iron. uat it . lime stone, etc convenient •• of l.icatlon. accessibility, ral beautle*. to|>ogrnphlral and otuer Hires, we belle*e "Fantasia" the most tractl\e undeveloped resort, or sauatorlui It tin 11 ii •roper ty In the - T .. deslgued apparently by nature for thin *.|M . Iftl purpose. This property Is nestled down la-tween picturesque mountain ranges, and It* natural beauties surpass ant tiling lu Western Uarollii.i. bet MUIIItlle the Atlanta rongenlkt fan property and they would not hat shall go" thl« summer VITRIUIED t’OXDUIT AND SEWER pipe Pin lit Tltefe are no \ Drifted eon •lults iniiiiilraetiire.l In the South, nor doe* the South snpplt its rctiulmiient thture itthllsM showing actual u»ersting n.phiiV liMiitlou available for Itis »*s The material has lieen testeil \perts and pn*m»iinee*l the finest ever omul In the South for conduits, sewer pipe ml other elnv j*r*slnets. Additional Inform.itlon concerning these r other op|tortiiiiitles for limfltable In estun nt In our territory will t*e supplle*! HIGH AM. BICYCLE SUNDRIES. BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES-LARGEST bicycle and auodry distributor* ta the South. Southern agent* for Pierce. Yale. Snell ood Iludeoo bicycle*. Write for our UM catalogue and prlea list. Alexander- Ely** Company. CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK ERS. MODELS AND NOVELTIES: PROMPT oanrlce. Bell 'phone 2371 Atlanta Wood and Iron Notch/ Work*, 3M Marietta •treat MESSENGER SERVICE. FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE ME8- C*Branao ' pkolM **• J- “• D * T '** tai J - SEWING MACHINES RENTED—TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH; either Singer or Wherier A Wltoon. We rent only new machine* with complete art of attachment*. Prompt delirery. Both 'ohooes MR Singer Hewing Machlo* Co., 8 Whitehall etreet. TALKING MACHINE8. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wholpsalc sod retell dlstribnlors of Vic tor Talking Machines sod Records. Just received large consignment of machines sod over 20,000 records. Immediate attention given mall orders. Ws want the names of all talking mscblns dealers In tho South. Write for catalogue. Alexander*Blyaa Co. PUBLIC 8TEN0QRAPHER. CALL ME IF YOU WANT WORK DONE by the month, week, day or piece. J. L. Nash, 5 Viaduct place, lloth phonei 5560. TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. H. W. ROUNTREE A IIRO. TRUNK AND BAG COMPANY. Retell aud repairing. 77 Whltahall street. 'Phone 1*73. LOOK AT VOUR HAT. OLD STYLE SOFT AND STIFF RATS cleaned or dyed and reshaped to lata tylea Dome*tic and foreign order* by mall and express given eopeclal attention. Bus sey, 2»H Whitehall (treet, Atlanta, Ga. TYPEWRITERS. ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, $1 North Pryor atreel. Atlanta, Go. Dealers In all makes typewriters. OLD MAT8 MADE NEW. OLD ROPT AND STIFF FELT HATS cleaned and re shaped for Me. Bands or sweats Xc each extra. Out-of-town orders given prompt and careful attention. Best work, latest styles. Acme flatters, Whitehall atreet. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. DOES YOUR REWIND MACHINE RUN hard or do poor work? If so, call (tell phone XEtti. or Atlanta 'phone 12>\ uud have It fixed right. WANTED - A GOOD UP-TO-DATE heerne. Box 3D3. <i*ln**vlllr. G*. WANTED-TO BUY OLD RUBBER. RAOS, old rope. uir h*. w-rap lira**, copper, lead, slue or any old thin,; hlgheat rr.*li price Corretpomlen"" aollerterl. Atlantic aletal Co., l’etefs uud leuuard at recti. MISCELLANEOUS. B. L. HEARN. Agt., CONTRACTOR AND auctioneer, mlinlnlatrator. Two phones. Cres* street. Atlanta. NOTICE! MR. JOHN J. lltLL, WHO HAH luit retired from the plumbing Brin of Illll A Sheppard, ha* reaumed management of the Union I'lunildug Company, 12 Au burn avenue. Mr. Hill 1* belter prepared than ever to properly serve tbs pupllr. Franklin Still Cleans Clean, SUITS *1.(10 AND 31.50, PANTS COc. 199 WHITEHALL STREET. BELL PHONE 520. M. A. SHELTON. DON'T FORGET M. A. SHELTON IS A prartlral alove and range repairer; heat work and material guaranteed. Doth pbouss 6275. 61 South l'ryor afreet. COLONIAL DESIGNS and PANEL EFFECTS, ENGLISH I1UNTINO SCENES IN PAN- "l« White Wall Paper Co., 69 N. Pryor atreet. SANDERS & CONWAY Phones 5488,412 Peters Bid JBJta-GOOD. SEW, CLOSE IS NORTH rid* tarwUMBt. renting far per ■Mtk. Van ronld not maka a alataka la tbl* a* tka loeallM and prlea «IU alwtj* rent It It,M0—WASHINGTON STREET HOKE OF rigkt room, os atoeatad a*at front lot; M by 170; built for , home; alwaya oeca plod 4t * home. Can make term* to nit. MARIETTA ST. PROPERTY Factory Sites With Railroad Frontage. We are preparing to^offer for sale a large tract f *3.714—EPRISG STREET LOT, ■ BT MO. to 33-foot aHry In boat bloek of tha alraot ■4 only lot toft that yen can bay at any tain* Ilk* lb. price. Thto I* SO oar foot, and It to worth MO today. 13,710-WEIIT END COTTAGE; BRAND naw; all rooms; alas lot: all eooTenlrnqr* and <*n maka term, of $400 rath; Ulan"" 13 per HMfc-WEET END SIX-ROOM COTTAG all luiproermenta; naar car Hoc. on lot 1 b£ J00; alley .1(1. and rear. H.ldoin proporiUon Uka tbl, tbit cau * bad on term*. 13,000—COLUMBIA AVENUE IA)T. 47 BY - part of thto MBIA AVE IM; hl^beat, Jtonttlaat ntraet. I'rop.rty u anbanetog a* rapidly aloo* here ■■ anywbera In th* city. Boon notbTat will bo for ule at alL 10.000—Jl.'ET OFF WEST PEACHTREE. IN a beautiful blork, w« bare one of th" beit flnlsbed bom** we know of — ule on e.y term*. Urge deep lot. Bee u* at onca If lotarcatad. 1600—LOT 434 BT 140 TO ALLEY; SIMP- •no afreet, at Robaat avenue; water and gaa: aldewalk down; four cottage* to be built here at once. Car Hoe will be built this aprlng. no tha authorities say. »3.ab-EABT HUNTER; SIX-ROOM COT *ige; lot 00 by 160. Lot alone nlmoat 'th th* prle*. and hooac I* In very fair dlUon. will rant "— In IL rant for 330. Owner lira* 94.30—CLOSE IN SOUTH RIDE HOME OF uln* rooms; good street; double ear trarka; large, level lot. Renta easily for ESTES BROS., 706 Peters Building, Atlanta Phone. M by 200 feet, to an alley. Trice $7,600. • Tfuur, u ontuiiiu by 160. Price $2,000. NEAR PIEDMONT PARK. ON THIB teentb street, an eleven-room two-atory ON LAWTOX STREET. IN "•CBj. a boat two mlwulse* w line, we have a six-room cottage, on baau 4.44V, wr unVr It ■lA-iU.IIII VUIUI|C, dprij- tlfnt level lot. Price $2,600. Onc-thlrd cash, balance to suit. Thla will make you a nice home. See ua atiout It now. NEAR SIMPSON STREET. ON MARIET ta, we have a seven-room house, on lot $0 by Price $4,500. If you have Idle monejr. this Is the place to yllt ttn» prop -te ndvneelwg rapidly. $750 CASH WILL BUY A THREE ROOM house on lot .Yl by 100. in white neigh borhood. Wfii easily reft I for more than JO per cent net on the Investment. RTt Ini in, 4V lUIIFq I r I'ul Aimnui, have a farm of 682H acres. In the high est state of cnltlvntlon. About one-half of this Is lu orlgnal forest, and will cut MONEY TO LOAN. •alt. Addreaa Capital, care Georgian. vbltniii tbpernl Imlmtrlsl Agent. II Kngllsh Aim rl. nil building, Atlauta, BIGGEST LOAD WOOD AND COAL. S TOWN FOR TnE MONEY. FOR dry stove and grate wood, call Crawford nnd Ice Co. Roth phones 2228. Rest Ml for the cheapoet price. MONET ADVANCED SALAR pie and others. American Company, 704 Candler building. Established 1890. Mortgage loans on real estate. also money for purchase money PALMISTRY. NO MISREPRESENTATION. THIS GIFTED MENTAL ercu more startling thnu her advertising. COUNTESS MELBA CONSULTING MENTAL SCIENTIST. PALMIST. Telia your name, whom and when you,.w marry. Information nml advice regardli„ huidnesH and domestic changes. Clear, cou Is** nnd to the point HOURS: l‘> A. M. TO 8 P. M. DAILY. CALL TODAY. 115 1-2 N. PRYOR ST., FOUND-A GOOD 2 GALLON COW. THE owner ean have same by railing nt 1**4 Orange street, pro* lug property and paying * barge*. PERSONAL. pi DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St FOR SALE—RLAL ESTATE. FOR HALF.- Rl.KVKN THOUSAND lull. Inrs buy* Impnncd central •*«.riier. Tu.. million* III Improieuiellt going ll|. In i.iii' mluute's walk. The Owner, can* G.-ergian WANTED—REAL E8TATE. WANTED TWO HUM building Bell 'I'liol.e l.-J, IU« to l ggj Kiser SITUATIONS WANTED INSERT nr> IN THE GEORGIAN FREE Tf you want a position there’s no reason why you-should be \ Bring your advertisement to The Georgian office. It will be inserted in these col umns without charge—and perhaps get you work at onee. advertisements are ONE CENT A WORD land on Marietta street with railroad frontage; suitabl for manufacturing enterprises or warehouses. J Our surveys are not yet completed, but we are t, rp pared to give information and quote prices to pros,)™ tive purchasers. r FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR $750.00 Cash and $45.00 per month buys a nine room, two-story house on Highland Avenue, right close to Jack son Street. On these terms it’s a verv attractive propo sition. The price is only $3,650 aud it would lie cheap at $4,000. It is worth your while to look this up. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., 308 PETERS BLDG. PHONE 2678-L Main. FOR SALE. TWO BARGAINS IN WEST END. ONE OP THE PRETTIEST. MOST COM- piste homes In oue of the finest blocks In west End. Eight rooms, excellent condl- lines. Price $8,760. -inf: two r« r VACANT leOT ON WELLBORN STREET, near West End avenue; ISO by 380, nr 1% acres, for $2,(00. Improvements on this lot will pay 20 per cent. T. B. FERRIS, 218219 CENTURY BUILDING. 'PHONE 438 MAIN. FOR RENT. STORES AND OFFICES. him South Forsytb . 346 Decatur 231 Kdgewood 261 Petera 86 West Alabama . 86 North Broad .... 236-B North Butler 138 Pcaehtr*} Hemphill 1124 BdgetvooU .... $ 20.00 . 10.00 , 80.60 . 150.00 . Iff* .00 . 80.00 , 35.00 200.00 R. M. JONES & to., ' REAL ESTATE, 516 EMPIRE BUILDING *¥Sr E - PH H T nba b hunt- two, 8-room 2-story hmuu-, wtih conveniences; lot .90,190. I. homo and In tha best of neighborhr-*^ rest; nice mue nome 4.f i r ,„ f as. water and sewer; beautiful 'in* . 1x172 to ollvy. Thto to i* fo*t "ohaoclog. Coo toak" term- ' “ " 19.000-E. NORTH AVENUE: n Foavt rnnm hnnit.. with ..... . ' ’""T room hotuv, with "y.rjf I* noor Juulper unit 9m. nc bouac to welt built and <H-wIniI.|- 93.900—E. GEORGIA AVENUE; : linnu •totr bouee, with *11 rnnv*m. * reddenec hectloo. Term, US') ciuh eilj u once monthly. J “I 95,000—WASHINGTON STREET AN P ,, nnr ft-mnni J-sIami Hus every venlence and modern. 33.K9-HILL STREET; NICE BESIDEM •eetloo; good 9-room rolm,.. win, ■■ modern coDTeoleoeei; lot SOxlt:; H. C. PENDLETON. Real Estate, 614 Peters Building. CLARKSTON—HAVE FOR SALE g*Y. *1 eery attractive borne* with mot* In tbl* popular Htiinirb, KIRK WOOD—WITHIN TWO IIMM'KB ( North Kirkwood cor lloe, I ,u „l! eight-room cottag* And 2 *crp> of Und i the bargain price of 32.600. INMAN TARK-ON LARGE Ft.FVAT rrai raiiu cottage, wtio l and good gordao ai 73,000. L C. McCRORT- McCRORY & JOHNSOI Real Estate. 503 Peters Building, Phones 4691. 401 Decatur JOHN J. WOODS IDE, THE RENTING AGENT, 13 Auburn Avenue. Both Phonei 618. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, ~ 12 S. Broad. H to Bell 'Phone 2027. Atlanta Thon* 1131. ?J THE BEST IMPROVED PLANTATION IN middle Georgia, containing 2,000 seres* nt _ only $16 per acre; railroad station on the place; two six-room dwellings aud thirty tennut houses, gin, mill and store house; 1.80) seres level land; terms, one-third cash; balance two to ten ysars, i per cent Inter, eat; on or before. B WEST END—GORDON STREET-NO. 312— (■ ala ruom cuttaae: all cunreulence*; n. lot 66 by 150. Price 34,000. Terms ON EAST FAIR STREET—JUST BEYOND — the Soldiers' Home Junetlou, a suug cot- tage home of four Isrge.rooms and hall. On ); level lot, M by 140 feeL- back to the rlghj te «»f way of the South Decatur line. Has t. stable nnd buggy huuis*. chicken house. — etc. All under ulce fence. The house was E built for a home, out of good material. We rt consider It good value for $1.6flU on reason able terms. 0 NEAR SOUTH MORELAND AVENUE .. and convenient to the Decatur ears and V the rhurchck and ik'IumiI Iii luman Park, u p . six room collage, which was built by a gen- 1 tlenisn fur a home East front lot, 60 by 27T* feet. Has ulee grass lawn, flowers, fruits, grapes, etc. Good servant's house. ■ Uhlekeu house, etc. ||ris every home feature possible without city gas and wa ter. It Is s Itsrgsln for $2,ffi0. - A GENUINE BARGAIN—IN A KEPT ION when* enhancement Is absolutely certain _ end quick. A brand new five room milage 1 on n gtHwl ••••rtier lot: 2ni» fi*et from «*er rc line. Also three g«MHl lots covered with oak shade. All for $2,200; $800 cash and 835 this within six mouths. IN WENT END. ONE BLOCK FROM II car line, six lute for $2,l(A). It would pay K to lmpro\e this property, either for rent, u. Investment or homes. DOUBLE" TIIKEE-ROOM HOUSE IN third want; m-w. good condition; now rented for $18 per mouth. Quick buyer; $1,- ; 780 cash. I WEST END—FURNACE-HEATED COT • tage of seven rooms aud reception ball; " large comer lot; $4.u<N. i ON FLAT SHOALS ROAD. RIGHT AT * the Soldiers' boiue Junction; ki new five- rinmi cottage; lot 60 by 120 feet. Good ■ value for $1,400 cash. ON A CORNER LOT. IN WEHT END, A comfortable six-room cottage, with two additional rooms in the ha§t*ment. for $1,800, on tortus of $5oi) cash nnd $15 per month, with 6 per cent Interest ON RYREL RTRRBT. NEAR RTEWART \ •venue, where the new oaf lln* Is to be run. a ul- e shady lot, 50 by 120 to alley, for $250. Only $10 cash nnd 95 per month. A HMOOTII LITTLE INVESTMENT IN the fourth ward, a double bouse renting to negroes for $14 per month. Price $1,250; $2U) cash. $15 per month. Room on the lot to build another hoobe. A WELI.JA)CATED FIVE ROOM COT- tage lu West End. with sll the conven- T lr,nces. New. Reuflng for $22.50. Prlco, i $2,260. Goo«l home or investment. A JAM Ul* FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, IN th" b.'.t wH-lliw of West End. lor 12,000. Ou term* "f 7." isati and 920 per mouth. ISO BY 229 FEET. OX FORRFST All uiie. through to E**t uremic TM‘ r your opimrtunlty. Mr. Bulld.-r, .1" pau you by. Hcc ua nnd we'll m j Owner nceda cuah. DON'T FOUGHT 9-ROOM 2-STORY KI.4 dcnc", mi" hlnck from W.-tic, Mcui'ilL church, Sure In enhance In tilg and that amui. tell you nlmnt It. CENTURY REALTY COl 306 Century Bldg. Phene HM. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTA*. I: HiU ~ chicken and servant's b«> worth much more than •oil this suburban home f'»r. I- reasonable. lmn*t *|»h«» STORAGE. Insurance is quite an itefl IfilOt rate is <>•'» I’cnts Office'12 Auburn A venue. | Office ’Phone 3,30. Edgcwood Avt\ Warehouse ’Phun. 1 - FER COMP AN Y.