Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 16, 1907, Image 16

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THE ATLANTA UJflOHGlAN AND i ^7T' , ;T5 T T' * kLi.i AKi m -**i. COTTOH WAS DULL Volume of Business Was Small and the Fluctu- * ations Narrow. BUYERS HOLD OFF Heavy Spinners* Takings * Bullish Feature in the \ Week-end Statistics. New Tofk. Feb. 1 S.-At the nattet. th* Mtton market made a poor response to rabies. opening 1(14 polnta lower. After ' the rail, there was farther pressure, under which tke loea waa Increased to about 4 potota all around. Itnmnra of a amalier rrnp In India bad little effect. The cotton eicbangea. both at borne and abroad, held abort aeaaloaa taturdey, Llrer. pool traaaactlng boalaeaa a few tnlnutee. aa In usual on Haturday. The English market la aomewbat better than expactod at the opealnc t int prtrea were dun to ahow 1 to lib polnta decline. Opened unchanged to 1 point lower and cloned steady 1 point lower to tt point higher. The following la the range la tke actlro mootb. in UrerpooL L«. 8S3air“..::::::::::18 IS duly-August I.U III I.K OctoborOforomlter ....1.44 MS Ml fipot sales were liberal for the abort sea- aloo, spinners taking 7.0m bales at nncbang- od prices; middling, 108. Futures trading waa dnll In New York, and on a few soiling orders around the opening prices were forced some I points below the cb-lug on Friday. The weekend statistics apparently In either direction, the Items about offsetting each other an to Influence. Hplnners' tak- Ingo were the bulllah features, other Itema leaning slightly In far or of the bear. Trade conditions still faror better prices for the raw material, though the heavy movement acta against an adraoco at pres ent. Rradatreet's weekly review of trade ears: “Textile mills contlaue well employed, with especial pressure for prompt dellrery of cotton goods. Prices are fully maintained, the moderate reaction In raw cottoa baring NEWS AND GOSSIP of ttitj TBeeoy Staple ■3&i _ Hew York. __ Liverpool cables Jgy^ f _ ; each, again* 116,006 for the corresponding Total apfnaera storks In Orest Britain dad on the continent hare increased 2X7,000 bales daring the month, and are sow OT.SS more than at the same date last season. The feature at the week-ead flgurea ie the eery heavy takings liy eplanera. 1* other directions, tbs figure* are not so bulk lab. bat the trend of the ‘general news affecting cottoa ta faroraMe. end than doe. I conslde/al ble raluctanca to decilna, icelpte et the thirty-three coasted Id- bo season aggro- 120 loot year. 7 eeek-end figure*. 1.366, against SA64.630 Cotton opened easier on we* Trade small sad without feature. ^^Mclntyre has been a good Sellor of March *t‘ollowVnf la the atatletlcel position at cotton on Friday. February IS. aa made ap by The New York Financial Chronicle: This Last mat Week. Week. Year. Visible.aoppty .....l.UO.tgl 6AM.I2I 4,446.4. American 442X462 4.244.K1 X740,4. Port rocelpla 304.144 S1.S0 131.3 Port stocks 1,112.000 2.M0.2M 024.41 Exports 210.040 22X110 *.744 ntertor receipts .. 171.201 170.XM 1IX~ Interior shipments. 104.112 JS4.S4* 141.: Ail: vision, manufacturers evincing tloo to consider bids, and a few small sales to India and China were effected, while more boslneaa le expected after the Chinese new year holiday. An advance In prices of outing cotton fa noted, sail the relatively gveater strength of licet grade# of raw rot- tow has supporting Influences on the more e(passive flnlahed products In the woolen goods section of the textile market then ta no rhangn to report." Tke two henrr trading dlncloeed nothing new In tbu situation, and the close waa ntaady and unchanged to 6 points lower. Compare tin receipts at all l'. 8. ports Net receipts today 40,212 Bams day last yaar 21.412 Increase AIM Total receipts since September 1 7,1 game time last year 4,( I scranse XI Estimated receipt* Mumlxy:——— MOT. New Oritaot 4.000 to S.50# flalreston 11000 to 16,«k) Houston IttAOO to 12400 Movement at Atlanta: Receipts today "SS&Z™’"' nteetor stocks .... Mt.tfJ 4u.j» «7«M > as ament crop positions New crops steady. A cable hers saying;^ 'V— “ - Sr HESTER’S WEEKLY CROP STATEMENT Racretary Hester's weekly statement of - cotton shows an Increase late alght compared with the aeren days eadlaftals flats last yaar. In round figures 107,000, an Incraane over the earn* day* yaar before lint of 117,M0, and an Increase over the same tlma la UM of 102.000. For the flrtoen daya of February, the totals show an Incraane over last year of 200.000. an Increase orer tbs same period year before last of 404.000 and an ta. cwne orer tha am Umn la 1104 of 239,- 000. For lha 1M daya of tha season that hare elapsed the aggregate la ahead of lha 101 daya of last yaar 2.12XMO, aa In- JMW over the asms data year before lasl of I.2W.0OO, sedan lacraaes wee tlW of 2,000.000. Tha amount brought Into night daring tbs punt week ban been 224.431 hales, against 1M.S20 for the seven days ending this data last year. 100,077 year before last, and 131,410 tarns time la 004;,and for the fifteen daya of February It has been UhLSIT TSr movement" linen September 1 rhows receipts at all L'nlted Stake* ports 7,427.- 224, against 6.977,464 last year, 1,400,1X5 year before last and 4,2X4,713 same time In UM. Overland aeross the Mississippi. Ohio and I'otomic rlrera to Northeru mills and Can. ada 00.472. against 011.0041law yaar. «7X- 214 rear liefore last and 777.400 same tlma In 1X04: Interior storke ta excess of those held nt the close of.tbe commercial year 446,171, agaloat 614.776 last year: 4X2,143 year before taat and 14.010 same time In UM; 1.3B,3Mtaat yearT LUX32S yee and 1.111,622 name time In IM4. These nuke the total movement for the 101 days of the mason from Bcptamber 1 to date 1O.II7A07, S.3M.X24 ‘ ■ Increase Stork oa bend today Saasa day last year,... Increase 8POT COTTON MARKET. York, steady: middling Hr. Orleans, steady: middling 10,-14c. -eaten. steady; middling He. Atlanta, ateady; middling 12 New York, ateady; middling New Orient ttalreatoik, t'harteaton. nun; miuuiinx ivv*v. Wllmlngton, steady: middling l°',c. Norfolk, ateady; middling liftc.. Baltimore. nominal: middling lo a <-. Boston, ateady; middling lie. Philadelphia, steady: middling ll'»*. Memphis, steady; middling 10 7-14--. little Bock, steady; mlddlln- “* Edited by Joseph B. Lively Mr. UtflyslmatF-Irt yean’ expertstisi at ad- I dog aisrkatt MAtlaaU end tha Ssgth has made kirn a rerocalaed «r.- tbortty la bla specially RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS ■AMI OP ST3CK. a*-; w Padfle. ........ Iranla • • • :: StaaTr.:::: * * * ’ Southern Hi iJaaL.......,, Jailed fltajta tffiil *. do. preferred. ......... Ta.Car.Chemlcal 40. praferred Westers Union. W *Snfprafetwl' ‘ - ’ - - - - * LIVERPOOL. The following flgnrnn |l»e the opening * empered range sod clone, compared with yeawjjjg Clout. O less Jnno-Jnly 6-Wtt NEW ORLEANS. AngntbSeptember .•••3-Mk Heplember-October ...4.49 Oetnhnr Morimber « Norcmber-Decembor . J O Cloned ateady. Close. 6.70 3.441k 6.44 6.6214 6.41 6.6*64 1.67 ,1“ b.u ftjft* ».«} M4 4 4164 NOTES ON GRAIN. Pointer* on Provigion*. and look for very light movement from first hands for aorno time to come, with a ateady Incraane In the demand. Bellere Ivoth of them n purchase and will tell , assmw oh DUCtl Qlfbir. Hall-Baker te 10,417.467, against 4.SJS.42S last year, year before last and 4,4ff7,7*l same Foreign porta tar the -tak hare Ime. & st against 4AU.44* last year, an Increase of 1.H4.711. Northern mill* takln** and Canada dnr- iff (he paat aanran daya ah«w an tocraaac ”<.«?■'aa eomparfd wltl» Hie eory—puuU- ini pffi°d laat rear, and their total (ak- lata tinea Beptanbf 1 hare tnermaed If7.« — — m.fl.a-m-j 0 f American mill*. nada. thna far for the aoABon hate l^an »,508.0Jt acalnat:.^.- 4*1 Inal year. Three Include _l.BR.ta by Northern aplnnera. Kgatnat 1.I2H.TM. Htorka at the nrahoard amt the twenty .. — -* — * i have bnloe. Havannah. quiet; mianiing in^ ▲utfuatk. qutet; middling 11*4? ’ TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. The following tab)# ahowa raaalpta at tha tawoa today, com Da rad with tha aama day laat year: Porta. New nrleaaa. rialreaton. • • Mobile. .... Karannah. • . I’harleaton. . . Wilmington. . Norfolk. . . . . Rot ton. . . • Philadelphia. . Jacheonvilla. . IVnMcola. . . Total. INTERIOR RECEIPTS Tha tallowing tabla ahowa racetpta at tha tl tartar towaa today* cam pa rad with tha ana* day teat yaar: Town* Itouaton. . Attjruafa. . Mruiphl*. . Mt. Igoula. Cincinnati. Total. agaln«t a decrease during tha rorraspotidlng perl oil laat aeaaon of lF.NJ, and are now lZlttl leaa thau at this date In 1W*;. InrlmUiig atocka laft over at |>«>ria nml Interior towns from the laat crop nml the number of Imlca brought Into Right thua fnr from the new erop. the supply to date In 10.ai5.737. against M40.0C* for the satuy period laat year. WORLD’S VISIBLE SUPPLY STATEMENT Special to The Georgian. (From Hayward. Tick A Clark.) •age, Feb, -It—Bartlett Frsil-r A ugton: Tn eplte ufftha .great weakneeo Car Iota are aUghtly over the eatlmates. Receipts of hogs 1X000. with 4.400 laft over, on aa estimate of 42,0)4; marks! steady. WeslL.. postures II warm by day and frosing by tdgbt Mrathsr can barn nothing but to Inlurloaa effect, and bellevn aertoun crop damage ta and tha J. Roeeabaom Grain .Company were credited tn the Kfpaas yesterday Recretary Ileati Feans Alton Exchange, ahowe nil In, rente for tha week lust closed of sgnluei a ilc-reeee of X& last yaar and a decrease of H» sa year bafon laat. The total Visible la 4.474.766. agolnat 6.94.1.- 1«1 laat waek. k,».S07 laat year nnd i.'.'M.m: rear before laat Of this the total of Auier- l,-nn cotton Is 4JJ7.74*. agnlnat t.OJ.lIl laat week, X744,407 last year and X274.422 year h. fore last, and of all other kind*. Including I'.avpt. lira all- India, etc.. L.'K.noO, nxuluat t, 17.1.000 last week, 1.461.00U laat ycoc and '.6.1.110 year liefore lasl. The total world's visible supply of eolion. as above, shows an Increase compared with Inal week of S6.678. on luereaae compared with laat year of 2.26.462 and an Im renae compared with year liefore laat of 1.342,767. of the world's 11st Ids supply of cdiun. aa shove, there la now afloat ami held In Great Britain and continental Kuni|H- p.iac.m. axalntt 2,676.MO laat year and 2.:2S.i»» yenr before last; In I'.aypt 242.000. SKUluat 114,000 last year and 197.000 year before laat; tn India 661.000. against 416.000 last yenr and on,<*>r vyar liefore last, and In the United srKt.'a 1,694,000. against 1,6X3.000 last year iin.l l.XS.OOO year before last SPINNERS’ TAKINGS -VMERK AX COTTON Sf^rctury llMt^r gltrM thr WEEKLY CHRONICLE'S REPORT ON WEATHER ; of American cotton"!! : tin* wprl<l follow Ntw York. Fd». 16.- H«*p6>rlR to u« by wire from tho R*»uih thl* i*\cnlng ilfii»ir that the waathrr ha* U-* u qulif generally Uurlug thr Mw>k, Itnln hn* fallen in but a fow dlRtrli’iR. niul the pn^lpl tatlon haa Iwco light, hr n rule In ton*.* quanre. farm work baa mini** prog- raaa lu many awttona. Th** nH<». uiei.t .»f cotton to market baa laru very free for tha acaaoo. «H*k’a taklnga RpiimerM throughout .. _ round number*: w«wk thlR year, ngnluat :iO.O» la%f roar, yonr beforo luat. Tntnl alnrr Heptembei 1 (hla y«H»r 7,0*5,OM, ncHhiat laat >«-ar nud «.461.«M the yenr lH»fon* Of thla Northern Rplnnera amt t nuada I.Mik l.iW.OO) hnlea tbu year, agnlnat laat jrrar HAYWARD, VICK & CLARK, COTTON. 8T0CK8. BONOS, COFFII, ORAIN ANO PROVISIONS. Carondalst arvd Q^^sr^ts, New Orlnann. led tn the Ktens City dlspatchex with being Urge buyers of lew- s^mSts M*jarl , v. 4 ttjssk ^ iX r &SSB mat The jrtaoa »aM »art. tohtew toafford any comfort td buyera of wbaat In Chicago at tho rtluen enrreot here. Home of the choice N« 3 hard won bought at *c undsr Kansas City Mar delivery. Lower gradw were aa.mnch aa lie under Kan we -Oly Mey, er raUUvely at the lowaat dlacoonta ° f lt la cWmedlhat ona of llw Urttatbolffi Inga of wheat futures Ip the CMtago mxtkgt le that of one uf the wedllhlent luraber- im‘it In the country, wbone operatlonn In the Intnler and' tlgiticr flald cover ? r * c ,VT! l , l Ju all »f the Important aectlona of the united Rtetce end » part of 6 a nada. The lumber man lu question le a stockholder lu one of the Iniiniriant griiln concerns here. Hie wltent holdings, although rant, ore conoied of the "shoestring variety as eompared with lame of bla previous dealt In lim ber lauds and lutulier. The Minora polls floor ontpntlaatwrak deer,'Idle,I 16.SW barrel; aeeitdltlg tn The Northwrateni Miller. That made It ahuor many amall. Bicept In thq week yf^lU; • onilH*r J9. tbt* flguro w«*n» stusilMt yn«« .1 uue 2 Uat. Of couree. the extreme short ago of enrt vorctiio «ho k’flSS.VSjtaiy-t.Tt aid « d*rau,e,l raSdluSS with the nSftixTStffVJKnw flour turn«*d out waa 190,445 barrrla, agaln«t ukok i n not. Though th® car altuttTun la atlil very Imd. mow mllla wm In opcm- turn today, and tha outlook Is for a heavier otitnut the prweenf week. Minneapolis mills experienced an Indifferent flour trade for the week. XVIth ntoet everybody sale; ware light. The advance In wheat Memed to hay* no effect with buyere. Export "'BS&W.TWfr.he supply Uat week fhowa the ft»lh*wliifi: c4»mig»*a: -Pecrcotca 1907. 1906. Whut- - K«at of llorklfa Europe auu nflont WHEAT 11 OPENING WAS A SHADE HIGHER Light Demand From and Commission Houses The Principal Cause. Minimum •"^«r'U)“ni |[ Tamperglure» Chicago, Feb. 1(.—Losse* of 1-MXU2C In wheat, l-*c In corn, 1-lOI-lc In oats and 2 1-SOlOc In provlalons was the result of thn market action today. Longs war* sellers of tha entire lint and abort linen wars put out In good ly amounts. It will taka good, atlR uylng or wlnat tu keep tko prto up ObnefT|t|o t , taken it around the present lev«L Primary re- celpta of wheat for the daya 640,000, corn 14,00 bushela compared with 4U,- 000 and 611,000 buthels respectively a year ago. Clearancas wore 467,000 wheat, 491.- 000 corn, no oale. Cash sales of grain at Chicago 25,- 000 buihete wheat. 100 buehele corn 76,000 buehele oats. Tha seaboard re ported 10 boat loads wheat, 3 loads corn and 100)00 oats. THE CHICAGO CRAIN MARKET. for today tallow: Open. WHEAT- May.... TMn July 746. Kept.... 776k COHN- 47 July.... 37 *-*=* May... 17.45 July... 17.40 ‘ AHI»- r... 10.(V> .Inly.., 10.410 Stilt 10.05 MDKH- May... 9.50 July... 9.55 4M, 224 R 44S ««•. ICS 40'* 476k X-6k THE WEATHER REPORT Fnn aSPWi,FORECAST. Valrt&iH,HSFA VICINITY, fair tonight and Bunday; warmer tunlgbt. WEATHER CONDITIONS. /'lear weather 7~ a falling at Lag ssrS The *ke last 24 hours .latlonS^??^ <, »ere«d e« nearly all "itwM 5hi VyMhhww^fntal at stations m,T the Mlaalulppl and Th# crater of lowest ba- wh/Te tha eSrJy^S.*. 0, . ,r N «* Rnglaod. from w*.yPlgrry.'.aa* Prraanre extends Texst “ * u * eoulhtaat Into northers tt!Al2SmE V ZI*}S rt X.tIZ2 ,!onl «i *1 most !g*.ghh fhM-Of t*a Mlaalaalppl end lu the JhUtiT^i. JEiufla." w “ ,w “« Ur} war^.r aSnd^ ,nd 8un **f; ATLANTA. Abilene. Amarillo. AtaetUie, JCvl/:; i Itlimarck BoatAn. . . , , , lli'ago. 17.224 1T274 17.37*; 17.35 17.40 17.5) 0.374 J).90 lo.OO LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Tot«l» Corn OiU •lucr®***’- MtnnmpotlR ulrf«l strong .flght .. CV2.000 , l.OMAW l.doi.O)!* J,001.010 blh.«>M ...a,... Mlllgm t»r* ranking ■»rone flgm to l»r*nk |»tt*»lum o« tiih whrnt by refusing t« buy whwi lu Grrnt Northern •:•<! N«»rthrm l*arldr r«f*. rl«lm- Inc tht*y ntn mu unh It unl®M In mr* whl«*h thry nn lund »»ut with flour n*aln. This form* tonic* Imutm to curry over « nuulirr of rnr* tttviM Mlllrr* At® c®tttng bl«l* from abroad f4»r Hour today clow? to thr mtrket. ’ COTTON MOVEMENT DURING PAST WEEK iiillrd by Huprrlfllcndrnt King of tht* New York Cotnm Fxchaugv, It a» follow*: Wttkly Movtmtnt, Tbit Ynr. l/itl Yetr. 130.602 Port rrc»*l|*tt Oforliml to mlllt tml « oii- Kiln 60.332 32.902 Southern mill* ttklngt irtU- luttcxl* — 53,0k) 51.000 Ia*MUM'R of stock tt Interior town* 10.216 21.931 Brought Into tight for the wok 237.436 J92.313 M« OrlMtt C«ttoD Ktcbtugt- Nmt OrlRAAA Pnturt Broktrt' AtMclttloa. Ntw UrlMM tnd ('hlrtgo BotMt of 9'rtdo. N#w York Coffto ExchAogo. AitocUtt Me tabor* Uvtrpool Cotton ANA MINING 8TOCK8. Bolton. Fob. 16.—Calumet And Arlxiinn 1914: Trinity 334; Shanno 224: Ttutnnn k 152; North Butte 1124; l*HaUe tf>\\ Frntik llu 264; Copper llauge ti; Daty West 19V CHICAGO CAR LOTE. MODERN MILLER CROP OUTLOOK. Sf I.oulc. Feb. 16.—MiNlern Milter emp outlook- Mott report! frmu tb«* winter whenr tttteo of the eentnil w.*Rt nnd Aimth c*Att Indlpgte tbtt the i*oodltlon of the crop generally It OAtltftctnrv. in the northern Reel lull* Aouie winter killing It report m|. nml then* |« Aliy It rtiullned to the aofl wlntc wheat RtAtev. No 4*uiitnktint from Kamu or NrbKAka. (TndnnAtf. . . t’orpUA Christ I. Davenport. . . srfc??-.-. Fort Smith. . . <4alre*tf)D. . . , Havre Huron Jaekwonville. . Jupiter Kaiiaaa City, . Key West. . . Knoxville. . . . Angeles. . Nashville. . . . New Orleans. New York. . Norfolk. . . . North Platte, utiiabn. . . . PaloAtlne. . . Portland. Me. M. Louis.’ . . . Nt. Paul. . . San Francisco. Snvaniuib. . . Hpokane. . . . 'ratlins Taylor. Vicksburg. . . Washington. . Wilmington . J. B. MAIflfTlf— Section Director. THE COFFEE MARKET. Now oYrk. Fob. 14,-Unffee cable,! Havre at 10 a. si, market ,inlet; |; uoo uiirlinnged; tales 6.0U0. Hamburg, at 10 a. m„ aalca 1X000; mar Ui nn,'hanged lo >4 pfennig off. in,. No 1 nock, 2.407,000; market Inactive; good aver nominal: Kao Paulo receipt, .160. Jundlahy receipt, TXOOo. Dally efllher In coffee belt, cloudy and rain* The following figures gtea tha op md clora of ttio Ntw York coffee for today: , Opening Rata*. 4.104.20 y 6,«04.7S 6.46-6.70 ..6.464.10 ..5.704.40 . .5.764.40 ..5,914.06 . .5.954.06 t 6.604.16 Mug tawni Dumber L1G4.I5 t’lntMsl steady; aalca 25,700 bags. May June July ... .. August .. . September October .. tnl»er . OlGte. 6.104. IS 6.60 5.65 6.f#5.6& 6.64.76 6.704.7S 5.754. tl 6.W-5RC 5A55J0 5.90-5.16 6.954.00 »:.U)-6 06 6.05 4.10 U H. Fairchild. L. H. FAIRCHILD & COMPANY. 8. J. Whit* New Tork and fhlcego Correspondent*. J. 8. BACHE A CO.. AND BARTLETT, FRAZIER MCipiR it| In uiIUr nml t ill j mlii Southern mill taking* te PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL POINT*. A CARRINGTON. Ijtal . i,42MH XOtUltj NEW ORLEANS. 170 cm a<i| . . _ Members: ~ i 5 r T^ .f olt S? Ekclianga, New York Coffee Exchang*. 1,406,00) 1.310,000 JJavr York Cotton Exchange, New Orlaana Board of Trod*, Now Orleana Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trtda. 166,257 493.933! LIVERPOOL COTTON ASSOCIATION. Prtvat* wire* lo NEW YORK anj CHICAGO. Order* aollcLod fag I ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO., tan delivery, oa above Exchanges. h PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Bell Phone. Main 8ti GEORGIA. COTTON. SEED OIL MARKET. Follow'iog «rw tha o quntstlont of the Kew Empire Building. ATLANTA. M. C COTUIUAN. W. J p!. I DIBBLE Accountant and Auditor, TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street ffpgrint lo The Geonpan. i From IlaywaroT Vick New York. Feb. 19.—J.fl. London market eery SEJSWVttS In oar aecurtllea hav lag a gaud effect lu l^dun . We ahould be aide lo aeetiro more grtil* ■* *-—*»“ The Aldrich Mil *111 l> . la Uardoti. Iur Iw takah up Mob day- and. there Is conalderahla eonfldeac. among Wall attoet peoMe that aatae goad will finally route of fiTjIsrliSf tipsetsd to ’’’SiiBk'ftalement an eaknown quantity, bat will not lie disturbing. Financial Hurra o' .PmtaaMapali evening np nnd Irregnlarlly t_o>lar. i lew „f the poaltlena should be watched *'Amalgamated merit stock every tlma It reaches alwve 116 at nrraeui. Needless to say. Infonaallou la -forty bullish. illaanurl I'aclflc la allll told by the iieariab iirofraalnnala on all flrui spot,, they expect- uc lower levels. • Tliew ,to<-ks show temporary strong *P nor,I irends. Imt will have moderate reae- tl„n, from time to time: Memnlila. kanaaa and Texas. I'heaapraka and tlhfo. Dlstlllera, Erie. Itepubllr Hterl. with Information tips bullliii from apeclalty aonrcea for the prea rm. I .on,Ion la baying flteel. I’nl,m I'aelfl,- atlll meet, atoek toward 177. offerings are note<l In Hmelilng toward 1« now ami In Heading toward IS. profea- rtonolwHtold I hem. .— Home apportion, says a aperlallft, haa developed to I’enotylraola; rally on alroeg ■iHila now. . . Atehlaon I* held between 103 and 1(6. pal flmora III and 117. Brooklyn Hapld Trenail 73 and 74. (',dorado Fnel ami Iron 44 and 6L Igiolarllle anil h'aabrlll* 132 aad 134. North ern I'aclflr 161 and IK Southern I'aclflc M nnd «. Iwlug lu Ibe trading range, with nd .96. being In tbe trading range, wita rofeaatonal liiterpretalloua near upper had near llralta. but wlthoot Initiative at — Hull tips are noted on St. Itnl and < odaniiu.mi u.( Sugar, itubtar, llrglola- Carolina Chemical. I'retard Htrel Car, and Hloaa-Hbeffleld. lu which pools, smalt one*, are active. Town Topics: While we do not look for anr Important general maveuteat lu the stork market today, we do expect conxldcr- nhly Iwtter prices for the good atocka dnr. ling *- ' '- * terial weak a The hank i . r rtlculariy strong for local out they will Md aggressively In thr open market and sbotjld get a ponton of the 49.000.000 gold due I here from South Africa during the next few wrekx while the Iran negotiated for the New York. New Haven and Hartford railroad la I’arla will he coo tlderably helpful ta anr eirhaage rata*. Memphis, Kansas aad Texaa will have a farther sharp advance soon, while Chesa peake and llbto. Big Four and Erie also should do holler. On ralllaa we atlll think cotlou a good Would udrlae baying whuut ou*ull dip*. HAVWARP, VICK A CLARK'S DAILY COTTON LETTER. New Orlaana, Feb- II.—'The attadlueat of Urerpool today In th* face at a disappoint ingly large visible supply statement for tha week le explained by the corerlog of Jobbers' accounts att he end at a I mar week. A cable wa, received wylng that than waa a possibility of an Important strike later on la Lancashire. Mill, are doing *0 well that operatives contemplate the request for higher wages. Aa the newa comes only from one source, and le proepective la character, net much Impor tance Is being so far attached to It here. Unr market opened 406 lower, and trading settled ,round opening price* for tho day. Tho amelia*** ofmlll taking! for the week la certainly a disappointment, bat of the carnival tha continent. Estimated receipts tar Mon day are rather heavy, and this cootrthated toward dallnras. Some people art buying th* summer months on the belief that tea- derable cotton will b* scares and lavlt* manipulation*. Haw crape are quiet and STOCKS II LSI NMmw French Investments i n Our Securities Have a Fa vorable Effect. NEW YORK WAS FIRM Bank Statement Very p a . vorable—Closed Firm at About Opening Level. New Tork, Feb. 16.—Today. „ ock Sj&WttS* wru; sSW&JSrais though the tendency waa liuju •ratair higher prices. Opening quota- Ilona as a rule allowed alight gains ami h , W.E* n !S!. n ? <1 <,ur,n * *he first half of the aeeelon when a reaction <x-. currud. moat of erhlch waa subsequent- ly regained. Tbe bank statement came about aa ax pact *d. Near the c|„« pricaa generally advanced ami the market clorad steady, at th* hlghesi prices of the session. , Governments unchanged. Other bonds steady. THE LONDON STOCK MARKET. STOCK*— Amalgamated Copper . Anaconda AtcMaos do, preferred Baltimore and Ohio .... Canadian I'aclflc Chesapeake and Ohio . llllnoCa Central Groat Western Louisville.nod Nashville ... Mexican CaatrXl do. preferred Norfolk and Western New York Central Kautaa and Texaa oaMTSUra-:::::: PwihwItmIi • q•••«#•••**•** I'hlladelphla aad Heading .. Hootheru Pacific '' niotT pact i e !: Called Bute* Steel do, preferred Wabsah do. preferred Denver and Bio Grand* .... iOpu clue | no, 294L 3.D*; ::::::: U4V115 IW4 63'i 'A \ 71V Tl** U ! 135*4 135*4 ........ 71*4 ...'132*4 1T.’>4 ..TT* 'T«$V ,.;i77*f 177 . . 46^ 44*- NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. Th* WMkbr tftttBMat of tl>« N#w York AaaocUtad Balks ahow* tho followiug uSSrE; lncroaao Il.665.17l Lom United Bute* deposits, Inc.... 1.631.C: -S r WlX 1A Loea*. decree** Bpecie, lacreaie Ldtal teodera. decrease decreae* ,as.4i' .... !.?»,♦>' .... 2.7MA« .... t,0l«,», .... 143.Hu etrady on the merit, of the general att- mtriow. which la not uollke the one In ML whrn the commodity, owing to trade ex- Baton, moved lata a higher uric* level. For thlx rraaon, new crops offer a safer chance tar profit. Bpot market quiet aad ateady. some business la lower grade*, bat only tentative. Outlook for next week depends mnch on the outlook for •pot*. Steady apota could again offaet the effect of preumlaarlra Int he fatatce the pending March liquidation. AYWARD, VICK A CLARK'S DAILY STOCK LETTER. New Tork. Feb. lk-J. 8. Bach* X Co Tbe London market rated higher, and our market opened fairly Arm tad quite acUir. Canadian Pacific waa a strong feature, while Anacohda waa a-featare of the trad lag la the -drat hoar. Amalgamated cop of the siwetaltlw- war*- Realty gained a point or two. Price* ruled qmet but firm uattl pearanee of th* hank statement. Although there wee a gala 7a reserve* of about !l.0U> 466. there wa, a lost la catk-flf •OO.MO „<< the banka lost yesterday In tbrtr operanm- with tbe eob-treasary over 3XI6O.0OO. The market became a Utile -more active lo lb- last half hoar, bat bald at about tbe tatt ler*) a* at opening. Tha close wa, qalrt bat firm. , WE HAVE FOR SALE $8,000 Battle Creek Coal and Coke f.’ompany. first mortgage 6 per cent bond*, due I43C. 110,060 Htale of Georgia 4 1-2 per cent coupon bond,, due 1616. 33.000 State of Georgia 3 1-2 per cent coupon bonds, due 1616. 316,000 City of Atlanta, (la.. 4 per cent coupon bonds, due 1633. $6,000 City of Atlanta, (la.. 3 1-2 per cent coupon bonds, due 1631. 12.000 Fulton Bag and Colton Mills general mortgage 6 per cent bonds, due 1617. 33.000 Constitution Publishing Com pany first mortgage 5 per cent bonds, tlue 16J0. $6,000 Atlanta Ice and Coal Company first mortgage 6 per cent bond>. due 1622. 60 Shares Atlanta Ice and Tori Company preferred 7 per cent stock. 7 Shares Atlanta Home Innuranc-’ Company stock. 60 Shares Constitution Pubhthlnr Company preferred 4 per cent stock. 36 Shares Georgia Railroad *n,1 Banking Company 11 per cert; stock. Pricaa and Full Particulars on Applica tion. Corraapondanca Invited. TRUST HD INVESTMERT DEPARTMENT CENTRAL BANK AND TRUST CORPORATION. ONE DOLLAR Starts an Account THE ORIGINAL BANK Money Draws Interest from Date Deposited UNION SAVINGS BANK Gould Building C«Bi<al S50.000 Osyotilt.. 100,ON Rmaftst 200,000 Deposits received lira'' m. t# 9 p.m. 9Dfl on H ? l L , r day, until 6 o'clock ,t nlfbf- Your patron*3* Is tall''ttcl nnd will ba apprerlalcl ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA, GA. A. E. THORNTON, Vle#-Pr6»lden*. C. E. CURRIER, President. H. T. INMAN, Vlea-Praaldent. GEO. R. DONOVAN, Ctlhler. JAMES 8. FLOYD, Assistant Cathlsr. Capital * Surplus and Undivided Profits We Solicit Your Patronage. 1,000.00 «7MM 4l^|6<; , l: tit; 1114 Fourth National Bank Building. ItnFKRENCK: L«U 1'kou* 1U4 ATT ADIT A AA Atiaata kaUeaal Uaak A-l J'AHTA, GA. Justin M. Williams, Manager. If. O. Jory, Cashier and Asst. ManafT AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT The Washington Life InsuranceCo. or NEW YOrtK. Liberal commltalon contracts will be made with desirable men Apply to H. O. Jory. Cashier and Assistant Manager, 9«1 Kasna* Amcrlcaa Uulldlns.