Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 20, 1907, Image 14

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN ANT) NEWB. WKDMK8DAT. rEBIHAHY *». »'■ Want Ads Cent a Word Only I No ad. Ukati for laaa than 2S canto. Sis woaSa of avoraga langth maka a llna. Tha following rataa ara for seniaoutlva inaartlanai 1 tlma 3 timaa 6 timaa 26 timaa 62 timaa 76 timaa 6 aanta a llna. 6 canta a llna. 4>/g aanta a llna. 4 canta a lino. J'/i canta a lino. 3 aanta a llna. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. rtm.ra. 31 Hoiitb llroad street H. DO Yill* WANT TO RENT OB BUT •ewiug uiurhlne. The brat la the rsr run iirii 'phone am. or A 'phone IS'*'■ machine*. wo deliver sewing machines nor part of the rlty. ami allow you a pi nrlcr for four oW ones. DonMiii* fiswt Machine company, 10« .North Pryor strei ('itII up Hell phone 339t. or Atlanta 'pbo last. FOR MALE—< 'ONTBAtTOR'R Wa Will 8afld far Vaur Ad. Without Charge far Maaaangar Sarviaa. Call Ua an Sail Phono 4927 Main, ar 4401 Atlanta Phans. Whan Sanding Ada. Pay far at aaava. np-nt Slorrow Transfer ’'ompairy. WANTED HELP-MALE. KANTED-MEK TO LEARN ■ BARBER trade; few wrrka romplrtea; 10 position. —I to t*> *H" KVKRYBOItV BIIYH UY COUNTY 1.18T6 "uaror; iKMluSIrn; property;" tka atlrer tlaar, hrnauaa It pay.; tbr adrrrllalng a ran pays. — ry, nmna inry ran tuakr ntnaay- ■lraaa W. J. Itltdrir. Koortli Natloaal building, Atlanta, On. Bell 'pbsnr HIIOt’LD you IIAVB A COLO .AMD LIGHT HUNNING. THE RTAMIARO "I10TARY" BEI inarhln* aold and rented. OBIre H Broad atrael. All makea repaired, 'pbonea IKS. nnd ninaliout In good condition, .ell cheap, tlentle; driven l.v ladle ply |o IS Kqulial.le bulldlua. foe erary graduate; 112 to t*> weekly paid: wages while learning; baantlfnl IMf enta. Hunter and Koraytb atreeta. WANTS D—COMPETENT REMINGTON WANTED—MAN TO DO TRI CK FARM I lag : alien from College Park. J. Woodward, Collage Park. tia. WE IIAVB AND proven here la Atlanta that we bare beet money-making prapoaitloo In the Bomb, we ■uuat bare and need district agetita, alao locale. Call ar writs ill Templo Court Rldg. MALE STENOGRAPHER* 640.00 TO |».00 Yooug man for aierotlre and stenographic potdtloo, inn. Bellamy Boelaeea Agvney. IIP Candler Rldg. BY INVESTIGATING We buy. 11 and asehsug* evcrytl A tiff n tu Wreckage Co., am Weal lilt ■treat. Both 'puones. BUT TOUR FURN1TUBB From tha J. E. Turner Furniture C< Wa repair, pack and ship. MONEY SAVED. IB MONEY MADE BY BI'VINO Furniture Company, 23 nlture Company, 23 (Cast lluuter street. CUTTERS EARN FROM 160 TO $150 week. The art nf garment cutting sue reaafullr taught by mall, nr at my shop The only rutting arbool South. ! alao aall patterns of all aaacrlptlona. Write or rail WANTRD HELP—FEMALE. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED NURSE. white preferred, for 3-montha-old tiahy room on place. Phone am North or applj corner Peachtree and Setenteeth atrepta. WANTED—YOUNO LADY TOUCH OPER- •lor; no knoirledge nf shorthand required. Remington Typewriter Co. WANTED - SEVERAL EXPERIENCED waitresses: good pay. Apply nt once. Manhattan Cafe. ® Marietta street, licit door to HIJot* theater. TWO'YOUNO LADIES TO WORK IN 212 Whitehall afreet. WANTED- FIFTY WORKING HOUSE k6w*pern. delivery hoy a nn*l other belli. Tabernacle Employment Department, R (0 11 a. ni. I.. WANTED—8ALE8MBN. WANTED—AGENT* TO SELL WRAP SPECIAL CUT PRICES C Square*. Ruga and Mattlnga at ROBISON-MARTIN A $25.00 SALE TYPEWRITERS ONE UNIVERSAL IIAMMOND. ONE NO. 4 YOST. ONE HEM SHO. ONE NO. 6 NEW CENTURY. ONE NO. 4 RAUI.nCK. ONE NO. 2 WILLIAMS. ONE NO. 2 REM I NOTON. ONE NO. 1 SMITH PREMIER. ONE NEW NO. .1 CHICAGO. Moke selection 1 aiM»n In- Rone, xumluntlou. SOUTHERN STATES _ ‘territory every 60 or no days lire ferred; auinpleii enn t»e rarrtrti In Jwn-ket. A'Mre** Pii|»er Dept. The Kem|ier Thomas 1*0., w»a. If. Cincinnati, Ohio. FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOMS. WANTED BOARD. rniNiHHKD Room with rhkakfamt I. M. !>., enm The Atlanta i BOARDERS WANTED. WASTED—BOARDER* AT M? GLENN —front room; modern homo; hot both: good tnblo faro: rate, ronaonablo. I'rltalo family. Boll 'phono 340 J mwV-A 1,1 WASiYffl>=A - ' Vfcw MoftK'Ht.AWtEltK good tahlo, nice rooms Cbrtatlan homo Btandard 'phono Mi. M Capitol arrnut. FOR RENT—OFFICES. iCTTrorf^TOTiyTEinr^ngBTTtxwLfc offices In Candler bolldlng at a reason- mmlm WANTED—REAL ESTATE. WASTFaD-OOOD NFaOItO PROPERTY To Improve. Investment. Address Plurk. rare Georgian. WANTED-GOOD NEGRO PROPERTY TO Improve. Inveatment. Addreaa Pluck. Georgian. FOR BALE—RCAL ESTATE. FORSALE-A 7 ROOM NEW HOUSE AND lot. 60x14*. Ilullt for a h«nie «.f l»e»t unite rial. Hell on easy terms. Bargain. Going to move to Alabama. J. C. IIAIIDIK. 220 KIKKlt ItliUHNG WANTEI^-FlltST CLASS GROCERY HI Ineaa In good ticlghborho4>d-. eurtier lot Will buy nr exchange for dwelling am store combined. Address Ibndnr**. Ge«>i glsn. WRITING MACHINE COMPANY. FOR SALK LARGE HERRING with roomy, burglar proof money i elera* cheat. Outfit large enough fo Du liking ImibIiio**. Cheap for eimh. a.I....... U' *r a'r.,.,.l,HU' Tail I I. . m.. TWELVE EXPERTS HANGING PAPER ALL TIIE TIME. WHITE WALL PAPER COMPANY. G9 North l'ryor Street. M. A. SHELTON. DON’T FORGET M. A. SIIELTON IS A practical stovo and range repairer; l*e*t work and material gunranteetl. ltoth plumes 6276. ul South Pryor street. SPRATLIN TOP AND CUSHION COMPANY 92 South Forsyth Nt„ Atlanta. Gu. MISCELLANEOUS. W- IF Yin- ARB GOI.NQ TO HFII.D, 1 CAN ■II ■?, you uoaay. .Will draw roar plan, la. aud .iiwISrailoa, alghta and rurnlM an — Itemised Hat of material. J- A. Hllaoa, W A Walton 404.1. fa II 1 IIKAUN. Aft.. I'OJSTBAITOB AND auctioneer, administrator. Two pbonea. j-j- Crew street, Atlanta. la FREE DENTISTRY AT BOFTHERN DEV od tal < oli-a-. Ilntl.r atnv*l. Iwcliiulua 6l4>». ag day affi*rnon4i; rold. altv.r and '.maat *4. dllloff, will 1- luarrl.-l for a f<*«- daya aa Wlihoni rny rbarav wbatarrr lo iiailmt. v Franklin Still Cleans Clean, r BU1TH 61.00 AND 11.60, PANTS 60c. 144 WHITEHALL STREET,. R; BELL PHONE 610. if. a* WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS. A I- wANTED - FI RUT rl.AK* I'REKRING " club. Taylor. Georglau. „ w- ANTE D-A <MNlt> AND-ITTO DATE J hearse. Itm 30. Gainesville. 4Ja. h DOBH YOUR MEWING MACHINE RUN hard or do poor work? If ao. call Bell i phone 3398. or Atlanta 'phono 130, and E hnv« It Bind rlahi J- WANTED—A KIRBT-4'I.AIM PRKBBINU dub. Taylor, Grarglau. * • i BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . | a BICYCLE SUNDRIES. J IllrYfLES .AND BUNDIIIER-I.ARGEHT I bicycle and sundry dlatrlbuiors lu tha Mouth. Mon them ngaota fur Pierce. Yale, « Hncli and Hudson bicycle* Write for our I 1906 catalogue and price Hit. Alexander* 1 Ely on Company. | t CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK. ( MODKI.H AND NOVEI.TIEP: l*ROMPT , aervb-c. Hell 'phone 2374. Atlanta Wood and Iron Novelty Works, JW Marietta alrwt. n • " MESSENGER SERVICE. 1 FOR PttUMI*T . AND KBLIABI.E MEB- , avus-ra. *^buua SI. J. A. Davlea aud J. i. C. Ilraaati. 8EWING MACHINES RE.NTEI>- TWO DOL1.AH8 PER MONTH; t either Klnger or Wbtwlcr 4k Wlleou. We a* rcnt only new machines with complete set P J of littai Uuifulfc. i'rompt deliver/. Ilotb la ;-plnmcji 1M9X Hlnncr Mewing MacLIm* Co.; in i 7?* W hitcbull street. t»I TALKING MACHINES. II | TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- il Wlmlcaule and retail distributor* of Vic* tl ' tor Talking Machines and Records. Just ik j i4*celvc«l l.irg" coiislffumcic of machines nod h otcr 10,490 rc<-ords. Immediate nttcntlon p nil talking lunclilito ilrab-ir In the South, ar Write for catalogue. Ab*xunder-Elyca Co. es PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. C CALL ME II’ YOU WANT WORK DONE try the month, week, day or piece. J. L. «n j Nash. 6 Viaduct place, llotb phones 6540. a] i" 1 TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. <> ; II. \V. KIlENTUKE A into. TRUNK AND ■ hag I'ltul'ANY. IXutall "i"l rcpalrlag. •* 73 WUlteUttU street. 'Phone 16*6. * LOOK AT YOUR HAT. « OI.D BTVLH KllFT AND STIFF I1AT8 dramd or 4|yed and ie*aliaped to late M tyle*. Domes! fc und foreign ordera by mail * u i nnd express given eai>eclal attention. Uus* '* s<*y. 2*4 Whitehall ^street, Atlanta. Ga. J'J TYPIWBffWH AT -K ! S5A’?. Y, ’P-'\!!?ttR EXCHANGE. 1* 11 N'Srth DI}»«1 AlinrI. Atlanta. Ua. Dtal.r, lu ittf uwkhptarit^rtD-ra. OLD HATS MADE NEW. dr OLD MO FT AND STIFF FELT HATS cleaned nod reshaped for 36c. Rands or 11 vwen'N 25** each extra. Out-of-town order* given prompt ami careful attentloo. Rest work, latest stylos. Acme Hatters, 6H — Whitehall street. T WANTED—MONEY. A 1 WANT |2.«W LOAN ON REAL ESTATE — worth Li.nov. prefer prhnte fumls. tbvure, ear- tieorglnn. MONEY TO LOAN. W INDIVIDUALS WITH MONEY TO LOAN •m Itnprovt'tl aubiirlMii pro|N>rty. eotnmmii n. i-itte with me. 1 hn\e many applications. II. F l>. No. W. A Hmdl»ny. LOAN ON REAL ES TATE AT LOWEST rate*. Call, write **i plume. W June* A Co., j Viaduct place Phone* 6660. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . on the SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. FII.I.KK 1*1-4NT - WB k*”;." wy tktenalva dapoatt of au <allat» anblta lifttraan Atlanta and Blrmlngkam, Mcb makaa a vary dun Ollrr far 1,'rtni- r. aad ran ba ndaiitml to utbtr .■ammrr- li Runwara aa wrll. Additional nttrn<- ■ <* Ipjan I hi a urnparty brennse rlnaa I2gr“- *" d • rnnld ba' nrodulad . w |K A Wiliams, on our main line. “ to 1.000 hales would he ison, and A ware house a would pay a lied liy the farmers. to approximately 2,000 > to tie operated In eon* md be lliiertlly patron* SANDERS & CONWAY Phones 5488, 412 Peters Bid . Filialnat Had-AUBI'BN b/’uf ta'aUay. wblck was bffn z is W..WHI .Indwt, aad only two Mocka °, f 'ba aadltorfsm alia, la mnroandad by •tans god factortaa. MMOmt RKVEN-KOOM COTTA UR rZ^K£zni.&rsn kj. s ,o ■4-WEKT BSD: BRAND-NEW COT •If of alt rooms on romer lot, M by I baa all >onvaalaa<WA In n gam of a bnaa. Can In- bad on stay urma. You will .harr to aomk quick, or rod will be too lot# ou ibfa. rjdO-WEKT I’DACHTREB HUVBU OF alao room, and aorrial'a room. Ilona* alnrni-skFFinl. doubU-goond, elegant man- tain, slaetrlc Itgbtn, largo, da.p east frost lot. fan innk* sttrarutro terms ou this as ewuar la laarlug idly, and vary aniloua MARIETTA ST. PROPERTY Factory Sites With Railroad Frontage. ‘ We are preparing to offer for sale a large tract o land on Marietta street with railroad frontage; suitabli for manufacturing enterprises or warehouses. • Our surveys are not yet* completed, but we are pro pared to give information and quote prices to prosjn p tive purchasers. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR. t» aall, »L With groat quantities* of hickory, maple, ash, dogwood ami prraltu: •qni* locust available, tributary lug town ou our Atlantic anil iau». the opportunity for a handle ... which ahonld combine other wood* • give additional data. Atlanta and lllrmlnfbani a * * . 7 «*•■■ i in,in BIIH Infuaorlal earth, crude allien and materials, and we would Im glatl view or correamnid with itsera of aterlnla. In addition to Its u to Almost nn.vthlug else for tillering pur* we are In toneli with experienced They will uot <*oiislder a If the amount la greater ■es, advise bow much could are riding around the city, or over date, or throughout the Mouth, ob the enormoui f|iiantltle« «»f sewer “1 conduit* uml drain tile, which trlbutefi and used. There are romtutty instinfm t urn I Month pip*, vltriflhd conduit: la helug dlatrlbutefl HD rtf rifled mndntTv ply Its own ref|ulreiiieuts. •ml Itlrmlngliain. -we have it lid shkles tinequali'd for of theae priNlm tN De- of Hits untur«* are scarce, might test hundreds of >w with sumrbut tatdial to a jdiuit. wt* will Ih* glad Inrorinnthm. m er Sl.Vi.0ilu ivlthln n rnillus There Is plenty spot* id pcnche*. thlF tulles •»f tlmlmr avail .he vicinity, and i make a crate mid Ihix iiiniuifarturc.* i attractive pro|*tM6itU>u. lt*K AND ROOFING TILE PLANT— ne location available which could not excelled. There Is 40 acres of material the nrotierty. and It nvcmgc* over ina In depth. {Spellings have been nifiile at |Hdnts. the material thormighty ntnplcs are on eshlbllh offlrea. The nro|H*rt> ntsa» contains ite- NORTH AVENUE j*«ic|»tree. of eleven rooma aad laundry; "tied up with two ronplste hath rooms, el •fiat mauteis, gas anu e lac trie lights: ele vated lot; 60 by 178. to another atreet. Built for a home. Is simply an Ideal Iocs I BUYM 129 BY 160 TO 30-FOOT ALLEY Improvements down. you don’t think so. bunt for vacant aloag near I'eeples street and see for your IH.MO-WmilN TWO UtlORT BUM'KK of P|e4biiont hotel, ou corner lot, 47 by KB, we have a twelve-room house lu splendid condition. Knitli*' for IN par month coolly offered 178 per month oil five years' lease for this for a musical conservatoryt. which pays nltoiit 6 per cent, and Is In line i*f de.ldeil cubaucemeut within the near fntnre. 64.000—elegant nine room home at Idtbla. Springs ou large lot. House has a ter it ml sewerage, servant's Ionise on premises. Owner dealres to gelt this ur exchange It (or Atlanta property. HAOQ—WEHT BAKER. NEAR PEAi'll tre<‘ str4*ct. we have one of the best bulU ten*r«MMii houses In the city, on lot 6- by to alley. House has two linth*. two* room servant's house. Entire premises lu $750.00 Cash and $45.00 per month buys a nine room, two-story house on Highland Avenue, right close to Jack- sou Street. On these terms it's a "very attractive propo sition The price is only R. M. JONES & CO., REAL ESTATE, 516 EMPIRE BUILDING "t™ fss*Ei“M'5r i a! KSWTffi*5.28u£F Ay.grcy. near ro„ rut .DbiDclng, C.7 «3krunaT $3,650 and it would be cheap at $4,000. It is worth your while to look this up. faultiest euudltiiiu. 1/ juu want glint «;lose_ In norths able .home, ibis fills Terms, 62.600 cash, baisucc i*asy. 68.GO0 - ELEGANT SPRING KTUKET home, near Baltimore block: ten r«Muu: lot 64 by IfiO to 20-fool alley, lions** Is ui'sleru ami n beauty. Always occupleil by oauer. Offered ISO |»er month rent. This Is «•****! Atlauta property. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., 308 PETERS BLDG. PHONE 2678-L Main. FOR RENT. £. L. MORSE. 1114 Fourth National Bank NO. 27 MOUTH FOB8YTII STREET. TII18 IS A HPLENDID NEW STORE riMim. Just eouipletetl.' with large plate- glass front, excellent light, and thoroughly «updp|uk.l with nil ncrusgnrr plumbing, light HILL STREET. TWO RLOt'KK *06 \V<NNlwaril avenue: C nsuii enttage Inune t .V»xl47. $2.601. lolNl 4*.ish, balrtllf*e nioiilh HUNTER 8TBEET, AND rLOME IN oruer: t-ihoni house ami apace for ter. $2.6^». additional Infermailon itment In our terrlt«*ry, call oil »r nd • II. n. HIGH AM. Assistant -4leneral Industrial Agcut. ek The art of garment noting filling sellin»| South. ( 1 all erlptl' Write i JI'HT OFF K. FORBrfl! MTRKET. SEVEN minutes' walk from center of city; 6-rdoni flintier Tot trim. t-rtsh ami e mortgage. By i rent for farm jrr SEVEN At'IIEM Ol'EN LAND; PRETTY IntHdlng olte; MelmiKiugU ruuil (EaaL Al Iniitnj. 3\% mlb*s from center. $700. $150 rash, baluiie** within 5 years. GREW MTRKET—A cottage home; all level lot. $2,700. FOR SALE! W. A. POSTER, j Real Estate and Louus, 12 S. Broad. i Bell 'Phone 2077. Atlanta 'Phone 1&S1. slslliig of wall cases, show nnd floot asea. A bargain for aomeb«:|v Till: BEST IMI'UoVbD I'l.ANTATIO.V IN middle Georgia, containing 2.0HD acres, at *<dd by March 1 to make room f.i lings n B in. mill anu ato._ md: terms, one third cash; • **imnt houaes. 1.300 ur Cl'S level : balance two to tan years, f per ceut Inter* eat; on or Iwforv. JAMES SHARP. Wo make the liost Tops you can buy for the money. Fill orders promptly. Can furnish instructions for measurements to tit all l»u«- gics. Our prices a re We want your orders. low. T WTl f EXTRA*'TED W * T II O V T I LM 11 ,. AIN nti:i: Plates, crowns. Itrldgework. $2 V 1 up .n.d ^.inrsnteeit lot. aav fi6\05 feet bv ;v« for SI2S per front font. Kniptr«*. A D. Adair. 1.773 FOH MALE-FOUR AURLS t llle, near new electric llm tl.Onn. Easiest terms. Janie- nI randier Itldg SITUATIONS WANTED. HIGH GRADE MAI.EKMAN WIMIII.: eniiiMfi with gnml hntlac nil • iMillii ban*; tvferencea eirltaugf] - .. 631 K. Ft. «*har kind „ TAI. UARl.tiH • r> Itblg Tak« ANY ONE INTEREMTED IN ORGAN!/. Ing chapter Mnim «*f Amerbnu RiM.dutlnii In Atlntitn. i*all nr write .*dS Ti building, win • •r write .*d«i Teiupb* Uutirt lufnruiatlnit will Ih* g|\eit DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MASTER PLUMBER. Phonei 1265. 20 E. Hunter St PALMISTRY. NO MISREPRESENTATION. iiik mm;i MINIM, illtef* toll (lint tier startling Ih.m liei rare Atlanta tburglan. IENTIST illngs are •rtlBlng. rorXTKSS MKLRA INSULTING MENTAL MTE\T!M PALM IS I MONEY TO LOAN I HAVE SOME CASH to loan ott City le.d ••■tuts. Amount* to •nit. Address, care Georgian, MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED UKO pie anil others American Investment Company. 704 Candler building. MONEY TO LOAN AT f*. C, AN!* 7 HER cent Inte-cst m-cordlng to aeeurlty of* * viI; small evpm.qe and prompt attention. ite lu .'nd near Atlanta. M'KCIAL DOME UUNDM TO LEND: uny niiuoint. 4*^. r. ami i; pot cent. Write or call S \V Cnrsoii, 24 Mouth IIroad street. LOAN ON REAL ESTATE ► i rules No delay* Cbnrles a 70S Temple court. FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan: no delay: also inotnx for nuTcbase money notea. Ktralght loans made at 6 per eeut aud up- W. A I os!,* •RNK \ND HUMONs COItSM. HARD md soft. biinloiiR. wans, ele. pttalilvol.v movml bv Never Fall Coin Cun' SViel r si bottle Prbv 25c Address |tox at Ion It. Atlanta, G*. , WEST END—GORDON MTRKET—NO. 3K- iicw Blx-mom cottage; all iMtiveuleucea; (lot jo by 160. Price 64.000. Term*. 231 Marietta Street. Phone 357. Till: SIX TIIKIIN ASI’IIAI.T COlll’ANV. a reiiucaaee eorporatlun. which holds u iiliu'fj nine year b'lisc on u de|M»slt of u*.- phali lirai Anlmore. Ind. T.. 9) feet In width. lo» feet lu depth, ami 2 miles in length, nnd Is offered $20 tier ton for the r »rodi|.-t lu New York, la dealrous of ral^ ng s'ltTIdcnt funds to erm-t the notes *nr> ninelilucry, etc., nnd Iiiik empl**\e<l the Soiitheestern Brokerage nml Inveatment Its broker* for Unit purj Ion EAST FAIR RTREKT—Jl.’MT ItEYOND the Moldlcrs* llmue Juurtton, a snug cot* 1 tnge home of four large rooms ami h.ilL On level lot, 50 by 140 feet. Intel; to the right of way of the Mouth Decatur line. Has stable mid buggy house, chicken house, i etc. All under idee terra. The house was ! built for n lioiue, out of good material. We consider It good vuluc for $l,6on on lenxoii* aide term*. NEAR MOUTH MORELAND AVENUE iiipl convenient to the Decatur ears nnd the rlinrche* and s«dns»t lu Inman Park, n si\ room cottage, which wna built bv a gen ibman for a* home. East from lot. *>• by feet— lla* nice ^ras* lawn, flower*. I fruits, grape*, etc. Now the officer* Brokerage ami liiwstmeut lent!• Atlanta Tuesday morning. luttrc, Ind. T . with a imrty of cigh nf making Good _ hlckeir lioiiae. etc. llna every K.ii.lh^it. r,; I (»>>.ll.l<. nllliniit Jll» (n, ui .imiwtiY will " ‘'W" f< " I-* 50 - leen for Hie purimse of making n per**: examination of this property and making a written report oil same. I am authorised to i ofle- I lie*** eighteen people groillld floor \ prlees nil to an amount not excelling $.Vi x'licli If you nn* dealroiiN of l»e«onilug one I "f the e|ghtc«*u. It will la* tieeeaanry foi ’ you t.i arrange to Im away from your busl j ness fiom Tuesday. the 5lh. »•• the fob low IMonday, and send to the Mouth- western Itiokorage and Investment Com- pau\ three lemdred anil fortv-three dollars nnd twenty ivnls t$54V2h. nhbli pnya for $3t"> worth of stock nt ground floor price* GENUINE BARGAIN—IN A SECTION vhere enhancement Is absolutely certain •I quick. A hrnt»d*nc*r_ five-room •oitagc a g«*Ml ing slons of the store are about 17 by 76 fact. 1 want a good tenant Immediately. T. B. FERRIS, :Is:i9 CENTURY BUILDING. I’lloNE OX MAIN. C. H. WELLS & CO., 1104 Fourth National Bank Building. 1460—NICE LITTLE LOT. RANKIN ■tr«At, 160 t„t rant of Boulevard. Water, saa. aewer and aldawalk. Ju*t the thine for n neat S or 6-room cot- lnB»*. 1250 caali ami >10 par month. ATK4DE: SLEOANT • rotw Boaw, with *v,ry roovralrnrr 11, l« near Juniper aad One uiiklwh.. houH la well built aad desirable him,. Term. WO c.,1 „ n '/£i $6.«0-WABHINGTON 8TRBBT: AN ELF , gaot i-foqm 2*atory foroace heated hnin. In beat raaldeoc* aectlon. IJaa every con vcnlcnce Md modern. 7 •2.«6^-HILL8THBET; NICE REMDENn aectloo; food 6-room eotUi H. C. PENDLETON. Real Estate, 614 Peters Building. CLARKBTON-HAVB FOB 8AI.E 8KYER- al vary ou motive homaa with mvr* — laaa ufiyaga- fhlt UpPUlar auhnrh th^r I steam bent fixtures. The dlmen rou l»a bought at aurprtalfly small cost. KIWKWOOrj-WITHIN TWO BIjOCKS OF North Kirkwood car line, I can tell *» ^AN^PAEK-QN .LABflB ELEVATRt» shaded, with aavau room t v _.„ and good gardan at 63,8 D. F. M’CLATCHEY RKAI ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY. 701 CANDLER BUILDING. RELL RHONE 210—ATLANTA SSL H. PRT0B-7 H: IT., LOT 161160. H>0 GAKDENAC.R. H.. LOT TOiHO. 6l.»m llll.L~r. IL II. LOT 46x(0. C.M0. GM5NWOOD—6-R. II., IX)T lOxlW. R.a». *1.130—NEW 6-ROOM COTTAXHi Rankin atreat, 1(0 font eaat of Boule vard. Watar. Baa. aewer and sidewalk. Ranted for *10; a choice little Inveat ment. *1S«—FINE LEVEL LOT AT CEN tral railroad new yarde and round liouer. *100 raih and *6 per month. Nothing nrnund Atlanta ao food for a email Inveatment. *1.600—LAKEWOOD HEIOHTH. 100 feet from cat line, new 6-room cot- tafe. Reception hall, cabinet mantele. etc., with fitod larite lot, i!uo large level lot adjoining, all for this price, only 1600 caeh and *10 |<e- month. ■ talnly your chance to get tt'nlce subur ban home. 11.000—160 ACRES, GOOD 6-ROOM haute anil two good tenant hutteca, on the W. & A. Railroad. Good land and heavy timber. 1.600 to ".000 cord* of very line pine wood on** mile from railroad tut Ion. It will pay you to *ee ua quick If you Want to buy ,t great big bargain In a farm. For Sate Real Estate. VACANT LOT BARGAINS. WE HAVE lir. FEET. EAST FRONT- ago on North Boulevard, Theae lota arc elevated and con eaally hold three houaes. Price only 170 per front foot. Lots Just opposite ure held at ISO per foot. THE ONLY VACANT LOT LEFT IN Spring street near Third, $2,760. ON WEST PEACHTREE, NEAR Eleventh, lot 100x250 feet to alley. $80. BETTER SEE THEBE QUICK. AS THEY ARK ALL BARGAINS. W. JONES & CO.. VIADUCT PLACE. Phonea 6500. * UiN within six months. irnei lot: 20(* frat from throe* gtNMl lotm covered with All for 62.200; W ra-li and |:7* III make you $60J profit uu ami : -omtiiodnrioii For further Information, ad iItvh-i .1 P. Parker, president, 4t F.nst Ala !*Uii.i Greet, Atlanta, Gil. FOR RENT. DWKI.I INGM 11V I .«sn •*; Pulimui Info nth. Id n.|tlr till relit. WANTED—A MUTATION AS MALI.MM AN lu n gem-mi me rlwimlM* stnn . I*nt.* |.i.| U years' .experience. I nui n »inxb* ni.m- •trirtly temiwrate. 1 it c.»i*., Hu,, w. vi Ilol ItM l » M DAILY. UF.FIN6:D AND K.NLBGFTI* I sky desires |mm*IIImii ms < ashler; I ““Te eanerieue**; v.ill work elil».*r m all u YOUNG «re U.6.1 |M»i biros* N«. .j, cat* Tie 113 1-2 N. I’RYOR ST.. Opposite Candler Huildinir. Note Ciist'Hiier* ib<e*|nr*> Cuiititess M»*l bu s eepisl has yet t.. t Ihit At l.»Util. Nnt i••**'!wIn sits Mel»BI I. Ike m*>»t rciua.k able nuuiob tu Atlanta. ' 34» |*e h . 117 North IL.nlev; h . 3CL Peitehtree* h . IM ILiiuptoii JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTINO AGENT. 12 Auburn Avenua. Both Pbutua 618. investigate tiikmi: at once. KeteTNi manufacturing lnterrat*-rt' |h rtunitle* Five g* *e *•! gns'crv store#-alee. Wi;Jr END. ONE IIUH'K FROM ■ar Hue. •!« lul, fer iz.iw. it troald imy Iniprote this propelty, elflirr for rent. 1 cdtuient »»r boraes. ANSLEY BROS., REAL ESTATE, Offices 4 to 10 E. Ala. St. Phone 339 Bell. lux iii.f. tiibee room norm: in third word; new, good condition: now rent cl for $1* per month. Quick buyer; $L- Urgc corner lot; 64.0P0. Me*' little furniture business-6JW. Tjt.. hotel** and one riMtiulug hous«> Mwell ••rife, hrarv of city: paying $•>* month $7.<“** Terms. Two cigar st.inds-wgtsNl |o,ntl*m«. Main other*. W. JONF.M A CO . 5 .Viaduct Place. I'll mes 5: room cottage: lot 60 by 120 * feet. Good yalue for 11,490 cosli. l.GMT LEFT G\ PAPKIt IN d»HM*t at Piedmont hotel, t.i* |,ist oil Ltickle street. In-tween Pledllioni hotel and Mrdhitl college, on Bartow street, out* blin k Mil iMiek. al*»nt ■ IneUis long, •'ontnlulng between 6-*! and $)» in currency, and notes, roralpts nnd other paper* of no vglnc t.» any but the undersigned A reward will »*e chin for the rrtnrn of l**iok and enn l»t»i» to Di. b. IlsnsworiU, U Unix* *tnvt, rlty. ON A COIINKB I.OT. IN WEST END. com fort able six romu cottage, with I... additional rooms In the bstemeut, for ll.SOO, ON BYRRL MTRKET. NEAR STEWART avenue, where the new car Mr- la to tie run, n nice shady lot, 6) t>y 120 tu alley, for $26C. Only $13 cash and m per month. A SMOOTH LITTLE IN VESTMENT IN the fourth want, n double bouse renting to negroes for $14 per month. Prlco tl.So; Room on the lot WELL-LOCATED FIVE ROOM COT* tags In 'Veit End. with all the conven iences. New. Renting for 6S.60. Price, 62.260. Good home or Investment. A JAM UP FIVE ROOM COTTAGE. IN the beat section of West End. for 62,000. On terma of $600 cash and 620 per month. WE MLI.L DIRT CHEAP. HKItU UK YOUR PIlOOPM IN THU IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF new seined house on North avenue, w* •“y." !“'■ « by no. lo till nllrr. which >ou van Imy for n aliarl tlin- at |J,. ITS. TIIE No IIK1TKR invehtjirnt on WHIIb »l.l.. I linn thin iln’iltln honw "I**** o-ain to Ihf «lllr mi'l nil nnnU<rii Im jm.vrnionta l.m 40 l.y 140 fo#l. Uauw rrm. fur go l-'r monili, and you can buy r.l.KNU'OOD—6-B. n.. LOT 60x15). «»■ IHI.T^-6-R. IT. LOT62H6D. JT75n iwinnugB^ii trjf.; mihiTe^ flimfT.AVfi-Km H , IjVT 44x126 $l.«n -teoojjWAR.ff-tk tt.. L5t 40x160 >f En:tynKS'-uT.-tr. lot ioxw jl.. LOT 60x150. |4.rsil~ me SAt/rlUohe W. -4-h. M„ lot'.-hi;; <lRA>tT-4-B. H.. LOT 60x140. SV'JAI'jCHON—i-R. H.. Urr 61x111 1;.^' DHME-6-n. n.. t,6T Xtx'ioft. c.i'yr rtoRDON—h'-Il U.. IA7 kxioo I.IMUiXU-H, H., U1T tfxlB, KW kokrebt ave!-*-b. u., lot xibT g Ai.lsXASibrih-tin. H.. 16.000. WHlTBrtAt.1^10 h. B. Lrtr «o.iy~r^ HTTi^rti. It.. L6f 44xho. IH: B H . iKiSi— BaWMoW-T-Ii. K. .... 40x100. ~B.W QAK-Io-B. II.. LOT 40x5)0. *V7>~ j*IED5IOK*f—i-B. H.. I.OT 6fixl®. IT.tV" N - bbf'f.BvARt)-».h. tl ., LOT Gil'S I wl'KING-4-R. H„ U1T 66x1*. tt'i.o - LT.'RRiER-4 h. ii.. 1.6t tOll75. H "*' J. A. Dozier Builder . W. H. Gaunt Real Estate Formerly Dozier & Reams. 403 Peters Building. Phones t Bell 1799.. Atl. 12*'>2. FOR nril.DING NEW HOMES. BEE MU Doilel'. •OH HEADY.MADE OK i.lTrit"'H ttroiwtty. •.-<> Mr daunt. NOHTII HIDE HOME—HANK IN HTRKEI •ttnge; alx room* mid Istth. and all •u"’ • 6»livt njeiu es. Price $2.3«). INMAN PARK HOME—EIGHT house; lot 76 bv 3H9. Fine plat*’ f* 1 ’ stiiutiier home. |*Hn* 81.099. IIOMEM BUILT ON EASY TERMS It f*»r 15.25V PIEDMONT AVENUE, AND THE BEST part of It, I im). I*etween Fourth nnd Fifth DIRT t Dmihl nml Istth .. _ alley, reytt* heap? well, mown tiiik? tenement htmae of time rooma ii side ou lot 36 by fc7 feet .. ^ or 651.?' per month &*•' "V":, * 1,1 " fop only $..75'*. Nearly 13 |»er cent *>n your money. LOVEI.Y 1VAHIIINOTON HTBKKT HOME I’nrnar lot. Ymi want n nlre wron.rootn air, H'r.n rootn •oli«e* with all linprorompnta anil brrv'i and will cither make you a atdendld In ..^"'V'rl';: W U " "■">« ,or 7*.ur DM J. \V. MAYKON. II. L 4-uftHH AVIi PAUL YOKE. Assistant fclesuirm * U FIREPROOF. lo show von wlint the I" siirunee People ifnnk of oiii wai’ehouses they have give' us a rate on the slow-lmrn ing building of $1.00 pci hiuidrer, on the Fircpi"" 1 05 cents i»er hundred. !•> vestigate rates on < waronouses. »t In- Office 12 Auburn Avonue. Office ’Phone 3730. Warehouses 235-7-9 and 24, Edgewood Ave. Warehouse ’Phone 203f. THE JNO. J. WOODSIDI STORjVGE and trans fer COMPANY.