Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 23, 1907, Image 10

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mwwm' to GRAND Monday Night, February 25 MIME. EMMA EAMES of TM Uetropoltta Opera Ilona*. Now Tort. ■mot Emilia do Ooapna. BarUoz*."*|’** d Arthur Kaj«*«rl». fjfftfi; TMcw 1100, Jl.&t),few. Box Heat* CM. Sal* ooar oo. STKISWAT CIANO Wednesday, Thursday Evening, Thursday Matinee, February 27 and 28. “America’s Youngest Dramatic Star!” MAUDE FEALY Management JOHN CORT In the Title Roll of a New Modern Comedy The Illusion of Beatrice Jack Webater Maurice Coatallo Blanche Deuglaa By MARTHA MORTON THE COMPANY INCLUDES Harrington Roynolda Joaaph Coughlin Cora Chrlatenaen O. R. Young H. L. Morton And Others Prices—Night 25c to $1.50. Matinee 2tc to S1.00. Seats and boxoa ready now. ' THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWtt "T HATH! DAY. nOJBfAUY 3. M. t C. MeCaORT U M JOHNSON McCRORY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, (03 Peter* Building—Phones Ml. KAHT LINDEN—A SPLUNDIP..*HOOM rr*lileni , e; ha* lara* reveulton b*U, *tldlnz ilnur*. purretaln bath, rablnet inaatels, f*« ■ ud fleetrtrlty; In feet, ererrthln* ttal sues to BMke * eood. eomfnrt*l>(e homeaiid nil line Ilf the Heat •Irret* on the north able M.«». BRAtTIPt'l. CORNER LOT OS PONCE llelnnin Av.liur, ItSkfl*; Hire rlevitlou. sail I* dirt elieap at 33.140. PACINO GltAST PAN*—A M'I.ESDID nittagr of 6 rooms: Isrg# lot; for on £,•0 Hu re to be worth more. BN HILL KTUBBT-HPLKNDID EAhT ffftut (room cottage; $2.*»; *»*y par Bent*. IP YOf ARE THINKING ABOUT WKHT End. oee u*. ON JAt’KftoN—NKAft NORTH AVB.NI E Lorelj liono* of 10 room*. furnace heat mi and electricity: «1 feet front; side drive; birdwioil floor*; built for a home about two yeara ago. If you are looking far as Meal home on the l*e«t port of Jack aoa atraet. let u* ahnw thu $1600. Tan—. ON JACKBON-NKAR LINDEN-tdlVELV ••room residence; beautiful mantels and tiling III ‘ * 1b built anil occupied by the owner about ala month* ago. Kaat front. SOglfiO. bellere If a the h ‘ ‘ the price $7,600. .NORTH AVENUE-AN • ROOM HER I deuce: all amdern convenience*; large lot Thla will taahe you a inlendld home, and no lietter neighborhood Iji the city; will not depredate In value. The pr ce Is very moderate—£,®0. TWO ACRES—AT THE END OF C AR line on Highland avenue; a lovely build log site, or coabl subdivide and double your money. Bare to enhance*. Hpiendid Investment. Don’t mis* It. S1.7I0. MARIE CAHILL In Her Great New York Musical Success, “Marrying Mary” At the Grand Opera House Friday and Saturday and Saturday mati nee, March 1 and 2. with Eugene Cowlea. Roy Atwell. George ilackus, Annie Buckley and the original Daly's Theater product-ton complete, Including tho famous "long-skirted" chorus. Strongest Mimical Comedy Organization In the Country. Night, 25C te 52-00. Matinee, 25c to $1.50. Sale now on. * JOUI NEXT WEEK Ji Matinees: Tues., Thurs., Sat BILLY B. VAN IS 1118 LATEST MUSICAL SVCCIJW “PATSY IN POLITICS” 20 BIG SONG HITS— 20 The Itcst Laughing Show of the M*a*qti. Company of 4ff—Big Beauty Chorus. MiRAND MATINEE TODAY—TONIGHT. Chari** II. Yale Amusement Company Pre sents the New Musical Hurrah “PAJNTING THE TOWN” 5» MUSICAL HITH—THREE I1AI.1.ETH. (*-ri$Ol'|.K-*>-l!IO CHORUS «»per». Vaudeville ntul Mimical Comedy. Night, Sc to 11.60; Matinee, 25c to |1. —i——S&SLJttfiiihM—wamm ™e bijou TONIGHT—MATINEE TODAY. THE I1IG MUSICAL COMEDY, GAY NEW YORK WITH LILLIAN IIORRLRtS AN1) 11 ARK Y EMEHHON. rRF.TTT MUSIC. DAINTY COBTCMLS BIG rilORUR OF HIIOW GIRLS. Not Wash; BILLY B. VAN. El Dorado 3 BLUNXALL ATWOOD Co. Thursday, Friday mid Saturday Night*. Friday and Saturday Matinees “THE TIDE OF LIFE” Night prleea 15, 20, 30, 60r. Matinee prices 15, ft) lor. Naxt Week Tha Great Bocisty Drama. “CAPTAIN SWIFT.” Bargains In Real Estate. I.nok mt the** numbers for next week. They are the l>eat on the and uIIl_surely make you money: NO. H ON Ol’R LIST 18 A 6-ROOM cottage, close to Grant park. You can buy thla for $2,000. $150 cash and $2u per month. NO. •—ON SOUTH BOULEVARD. faring the park, nice 6-rontn cotta* \ lot Goxl60 feet, for only $3,160. $750 cash and balance monthly. NO. 10—BETWEEN HILL AND Grant on Haas, .t nice cottage of 6 rooms, all conveniences. Price $2.60". $$5Q anti $26 month. NO. 11—ORMOND STREET. UAH line and n corner lot. a 6-room cot tage with all convenience*. $1,800, $200 cash and $20 month. J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Main. COLLEGE PARK HOMES 3-STORY’ 8-ROOM, FRONTING R. It 33,500. Bargain. 4-ROOM COTTAGE ON LOT 100x190. nil uniter nlr* fence. ICe » '-<«>• lit tle home, very cheap, ami un ea*y term*. 11.300. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE LOT. new ulul owner I* anxious to sell quick anu on rusy Terini: 3I.40U.—— 110-Af«E FARM. JEST 1-2 MILE from railroad, at Red Oak. Seventy- five acres In wood that will more than pay for the land. Thla Is u bargain right. 123 per uore. DON’T EVEN THINK OF HITTING anything nt nr near College Park without seeing me. I have been selling property there for 15 years. ’Phone* 4891. 503 Peters Building, T. C. McGRORY. ROOFING SLATE. WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF VIR-! GINIA SLATE IN STAND- ■ ARD SIZES-CAN FUR NISH ANY QUANTITY. ALSO NAILS. FELT. CE MENT AND METAL! TRIMMINGS. WE ARE! PREPARED TO PUT ON YOUR ROOF COMPLETE. DOWMAN-DOZIER MFG. COMPANY. LODOWICK J. HILL, $11 Century Bldg. Bell Phone M 1107. 1,17$ ACRES HIGH, DRY AND FER- ttie land on Wilmington Island, only tight mile* from Savannah. Go. Ideal location for truck-growing. Worth Investigate. Price light. HKTHKR YOU WISH To BUY OR •II. business or residence property, or mineral lands. It will pay call. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. E. L. MORSE, 1114 Fourth National Bank. rSYACHK FARM. 27 MILKS FROM AT Inntn; well Improved: three nettlciucuts; rented this year for 4.001 pound* 1$ Imlem rottort. $4.ow You 4-fln pay $3**» ett*h, b.vl nnee next fall. HILL STREET. TWO 111 OCKH Woodward avenue; »*ro<»n» rnttngr but lot 12.6*'*. |5*>0 unsli, balmier luoti >7- K III NTKIt STREET. corner; 5 room bouw other. $?.*»*. B. 1*. WILLINGHAM. H. H. TIFT, I ’resident. Vice Pr*a W. B. WILINGIIAM. Seeratary and Treasurer. WILLINQHAM-TIFT LUMBER COMPANY Rough and Dressed Lumber, Basil, Doors, minds. Builders* Hardware. 20) Murphy avenue. Toko Cast Point or College Park car and get off at McCall’* Crossing, on Lee street. Hell ’phone 16 ne*t; Atlanta ‘phone 711. JUST i»FF H KORSYTII STREET. SEVEN minute*' walk from renter of %-\ts : h room 1lon*e; lot 47»ic»‘. $l.'rt» fiirIi ;tu.| it* •nine nmrtgnge By mim-iisIIh^ fl6** In rvp.vlt* will rent fi*r $3»« year SEVEN ACRES nPKN I.AMf PRETTY bullillnt; site. McDonough rt»n«! lEist At iaiifni. i‘t mile* fn»m renter. ST*' $|50 •RP.XV STREP.T A SPLENDID • RiiOM ••oO-ge bom-. nU ».<u full me#, in: b 'e. | FUNERAL NOTICE. •Dl.F Tbe-frl. nd* of Mr nml Mr# Horn uni Cole, of Chlrngo. mel Mr*. II. A. IIiiiih<mIy and fitniRv nrr n-»|N>«’tfully in vitjsl to nt tend tin* fuuriiil m*n b e* «»f Rulb. Infant dvugbler of Mr uml Mr*. HoM.nnl Cole, nt the re*Men»e «*r Mr*. Duiin4*lr. If. i urrlei *tr«*et. on Sumtny morning ni t»-n • 1«*» o'rlwk. lutenuetit Mark tin. tin. A *|*- lnl . nr will romey tin- ftmernl .. .» HUT tie cbullle III,.’ t.1 Mnilelln. f»* n lug trom tie- itnuliiMl (rout >tf liu- tins uml Eb*. ir.c I »l'-l!ug ut 1! ... wi SILK JUMPER SUITS, 9.98 Monday Morning, 9 O’clock. And the Silk .Tumjier Suit is the style of the moment. One hundred and twent.v-Hve new arrivals in a list of shades that covers the full color card. Solid colors, black or white, and in neat checks: Idue, gray and browns. An excellent quality of Chiffon Taffeta. The picture, drawn from one of the suits, shows the neat style. Box plaited skirt and “Jumper," trimmed with fancy silk braid. A suit that would lie modestly pneed at 15.00—the skirts alone are worth the price we’ve set up on the suits for this sale.