Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 23, 1907, Image 19

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. Saturday, rEBHT-enT a. hot. M. L. THROWER, 39 N. Forsyth St. Bell T*hone 1450. Standard Thone 164. IIDEi CIOWIJI 2 ib Thla tan meat tan at a treat laaa. on aiii gnjui; HENDRICK &CO., Real Estate and Loans, 23 1-2 Whitehall Street, Both Phones. Jim BiattsSs itarea. arekltactaral daalga aa i REAL ESTATE and I 7-721 UMPIRE BtJIt.DING^_ *—'■ PttfrrfT ;rfm i Ha*w..~waMwiCT iceitage; look* wall aa4 la worth loda! hmjw AWnm-wao •'.’ .i a rooms aa l'ark araoae. loan- tor saarTr 1 'New up-fo-iiATk 4 ItUM on bool port fitootti Boole It tfcm Htfd to ,, r .i taot SSL, ^ksesfpovssss: , 'f*Si,io!^ r rrolt traea In yard. ''Shade Id SmflL£!BL1FBg «. Lull •ap •* ftreet. Tile cottage propoottton and U UuUt.00 *. - —MoiieRK moon iioUK; *«nP&JSP B rf"iB 0 S& aaajr. B.WMIN ‘ilE*T SOUTH BIDE ire-room cottage, on coraar Idt. Tenaa. 57.MO-WBHT PEACHTREE lew --n. rnw-iliaan WT, HUM! tprtng >100 par fraaClbot. ttWO-CBHTBAI. AVENUE - BIX-ROOM cottage; a|f» lot. Terms, I*.2I*-N. JACKSON BTRBET; NEW AND ■adarm 3-atory a room konaa da 1st OzUl; on easy terms; wertk InTcstlgattag. I.OOO-LOT 100x100: 8LIOHTLY ELE rated: wall shaded; beat location la la taaa Park. *2460-WEST ' Ufa; oti S6.600-1NMAN PARK: 5-BTOBY BROOM hovaa; beautlfully designed; combination oleetrie and gas natures; splendid ^bath; ... _..J yaa Oxturea: anlei beautifully finished; well located lob Eaay tenaa. and atormbaalad. Lnok II want It. Eaxy tenna. 57,500—TWO-STORY 9 ROOM MODERN reetdence; beautifully abadad and alei it: naar Poaca DeLeon; ollty lido M. L. THROWER, Real Estate. * 39 N. Forsyth. K,ooo buy* Broom cottaoe; elb- rotod lot; eaay tertaa: Hill otreot. GLORE * JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. °il|MW8 5-- $ i Hi.- ill nt nalrfNd * with* itad*'tmi!' Will ««k«* bltne for anjr one. For special price, »ffloe. two blocks of Pencbtroe; per month, and will oeeer be Tacant; Idoal Investment. •4.710 BUTS. ..APABTMKNT .HOUS1 renting at $52.40 per month: In flrit-claaa condition; IS minutes* walk from the post- office. iitRUSSELL SHIRLEY OB L H. HEN- C. H. WELLS & CO. 1104 Fourth National Bank Building. STURGEON & LANE. 7X7-711 EMl'int ouii.L-i.™. Bell Phone <171—Standard «J». • «gfjpes TERRELL PARK. 185 CHOICE LOTS $150.00 EACH. • «».r°“ J?*^5P9ii. c i2Tf2f • Jd* A JS Term* Eu&WiL&iSL-- - END: FIVB-ROOk * lot. Terms east- House IS last OOP year ma. tSJOO-WEBT MNP — FlVB«BOOM fO OWMT-... ; at onc*'. Ten this at oat*. IL900-ONH BWCK OF P***™,? 1 Sr.-room; extra nice lot. Tnrsaa. rank: balance eaay. ■ , ^^r5o- ,N ci.u~ T .n°U«V^"' T^cS^SlItS^lk iTT™"' wniTK. KUite. show IN THESE 185 LOTS SOMEBODY WILL GET 62.606—KEXTKD FOR IU: iriTOIN « blocka of tha Terminal Hutloo. wa karo a broom cottayo, practledlly brood now; e legist manlela, boot of nlnmbUs. ate- ratod. Ural lab MX** think of R — that la a strictly wblta * ilJBT OFF CAPITOL , 8-room 2-storv house on lot 100x190 to alley. The house is worth $3,000; for $150.00. Large barn on lot 50x200. Value $1,000; for $150.00. 1-Room house on lot 50x200: Value $400; for $150.00. I Two - Cabins on lot" 50x190. SANDERS ft CONWAY Phones 5488,412 Peters Bid S2.2M—UMTKD FOR H9 PER MOTTO; Man within throe blocka of Tartnlnnl its lion; broom bouao on lot ttxlM, on a rta- dnet at root; good proporty-I should say It la. built for a btojp; built of toiy bast wasRtawsB&ffl SEHSYjrS3Tti.« home la n Vfsr'S!; I Value $400: for IT : tf-aSsr <&• HuSft* balaacc like real. _ FttOM rVMteball: ilrc TOun'<wti«-: all ■ menta; t;iuia. X900 enab, » par montb II,M FOR FIVE-ROOM POTTAGE, nice lot. Make your own terma. 11,175 FOR FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE ON laral lot. Terma ns* caak, SI0 month mo' FOR THREE-ROOM OOTTAOE. "t « by S». to lbfoot anejr. ptentr —. —■ ohoJo lVrme, 1100 ctfh aou i $150.00. One Cabin on lot 50x190. Value $250; for $150.00. SEE ME FOR PARTICU LARS AND PLAN OF SALE. LOOK AT ouit AD IN THE JOURNAL. <2.(00—INSIDE THE CITY LIMITS on the North Side nnd In a s«o<i white neighborhood, wo have an S-roont houae on a line abaded lot of one acre. There In room for four K°°d lot* here, and they ran be aold for enough to pay lor the whole thing. Liberal terma. LEES AVENUE. 200 KEET EAST OF Hemphill, we have lot of 50x130 for £«£ .J 1 * «2T« p d n, ii-.wo«‘h Y rh;"pr^: £»f£ M you !:;,n"rou nn a bot.*S!l. ’ r you h eo! , f biTt thla nliAM.NEW .SEVEN^OOM COTTAGE. ^■"fSSi: MdaT»»gj mrrmitided by nice komeb, ntcety BtHoaeJ? ■ .(bluet mantela; 12.000. WE HAVE A NEW 7-KOOM 2-STOHY hnuae In one rif the beat (action* of the North Hide that we .are Inntructed to aell for 10.000. nr exchange for a larger house on North Side and pay difference. —— This is absolutely the pret tiest sub-division of proper- tv in Fulton county. There is not a waste lot in the whole tract of 51 acres. Even* lot is List your vacant houses high and dry. Streets are ‘graded and sidewalks are with us. We will find you j a ij. VACANT HOUSE OWNERS. good tenants at once. LIEBMAN. IS ItKST PART OF COLLEGE PARK. ruttaye constating of . flTt and ball. td« P ore ^„.*u'l(n T hl 106- K. i.liek of ear line, and lot la W by 106. 52, THREE DOUBLE 6-ROOM NEGRO houses In good condition on -Vine St., renting for *453.60 per year. This will bear Investigation, Mark of car line, ana tor ■/i; goo emb auo balanco monthly. ,:. nooM HOUSE ON GLENN 8TRERT; iM Sa tVr lft “St. renting at M2 per month; 11.260. Terma. MCE LOTS ON GRIFFIN AND JETT ' (treeta; t» cash and 55 par montb. For |.ln t. call nt office. ONE OF THOSE LOTS AT THECEN- tral Rallrond new ahopa, yard* and round house, will make you a nice little profit Boon. It's a case of the supply not being equal to the demand. 5550. payable 5100 cash and S5 per month at 7 |«r cent. MoThIX ROOM HOUSE. BAST FRONT id large lot, on Hill, street; price 52.500, ,TAR WHITEHALL STREET.^ NICE l,' room cottags: all Improvements down, price *2.NO; terma JV5T WEST h?'lM R «d'5i ™ •**-"»? IWJ iSiwAio: dew Dli-room cotugi; i«w«7 w - l: |M<r mantlL ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 418 Fourth National Bank, Bell Phone 4399 Main. BARGAINS. HnltnMo for b«m<» or opurtmont hpuw. Tltl» 1a certainty dirt rfooup nt l!.w. Real Estate and Renting. 28 Peauhtree St. LOCATION. 110.000—WHITEHALL | to railroad. »xjq0; rvntlug tt nLout •$»■■ bEOOM aw. on level storm ebee ted. lot conld not ILo^iit’^.oSrTnd-it'n 'tv &S7. praePeally brand ,S»w. 15.500—JACKSON douhte-dnored, • alata-n he last lot to bn Rad anywbara In Ikla *•— •- ——•*- - foot todtjr. M'ction: It wortk 12.160—MENTINO FOR *»•; BRAND. NEW. elaae-lb north sMa I good Investment. property. Tbla Is a ttSO-NORTH ^AVENUE (JOTTAGB OF fire rau» «gd saltljjooO lot..«*140. the nouse naa own plumbing, la njnm-np llttla boms, -an anon yon easy terms. 52 500 GETS M5xI60 TO JOdTOOT ALLEY, ™ oaf straet Mar Ashby; kna aiTtm- prorementa daws; plsny ramn far tknaa idee boaasn that wen Id sell Ilka watar- melons at a nayro plcnle. "KrMSSP.TCvSjrJ'jK’g —— —r !- — «s v—Js; HFrraniR uuum 1 hi rr - two complete Isrilis. laryo rooms, unnstmlly well built, la Budonbteilly ana of Ike her* homes In Ibis choice aectlou. tan mska terms to tixht party. Mv referring fp the plat -• r 'iese 1c you will see that these lots lie between the C. R. R. & A. & W. P. R. R. and Half NOT EVERY DAY OF FERINGS, BUT RARE OPPORTUNITIES. 22-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. PAYING 15 PER CENT: NORTH SIDE, INVESTORS. We can offer a limited amount of Treasury stock in THE SILVER LAKE PARK COMPANY* proceeds derived from sale of this stock to be applied to completion of chert drives through the property. The building lots will not be of fered for sale until a large amount of money has been expended and the property greatly improved. Bear in mind this property covers an area of 500 acres, surround ing a beautiful lake of 80 acres, with a depth of 4 to 30 feet. This property has an elevation which exceeds that FORBAIX 15,006—DOUBLE HOUSE; NORTH nsar Fsacktnin attant; rant* 115. (5.H6-BBYEN COTTAGES ON COE**# lati north at An; naar Lnakta atnan* arid SUB-HOME ON NORTH Renting to gssd whHn Mw- sats at Hi par month. Bimetal knrgnlA. ewoi IWt/Wd ■Six* EM «* Naar Panehtraa atrest. ._ —„ Owaar laarlay city aad wants quick sale 12.350—STORE AND RKSIDENCE NEAR naw Atlantic aad Birmingham jard, m Rhodes atrant; good bnaiaaaa ■bs4 and n bargain at nor gales. M,505—VACANT IX>T ON FEATT I naar Armstrong. Can be Improved and made a paying largatataat. S. B. TURMAN & CO., FOR SALE. Capitol Avenue Home. LOT 50 BY 200 FF.ET TO ALLEY: UBS nlrrlv nml fn»n!n cant: n»«or Ofoma am imc: twostory el chi rmnii hunw: would cost B500 Id iTmrrtonro mo anme. The owner Is In itnlil nml wilt sell lb.; properly at a iiulck sale for 54.600. null will make res- winnhie terms, or will take meant lot, or renting property in pnrt payment for an«ie call nnd let us show you this. The bo Is In nrst-clsei eondltlon. i bout# WHY NOT? IT WILL DO MORE FOR i CORNER .LOT ON UONCB, DR LICOS *' nrontH*' ia"lijr IB: can Ih* aub-dlrkled nnjl • ‘ double Hold f»r douiue the nmouut now aakeil. Ileat car aertlce In the city. Price only |3 t - iou IN BUILDING UP TOUR NERVOUS SYS TEM AND REMOVING THE CAUSE OF THAT i OLD AND COUGH THAN ANYTHING YOU CAN GET. IT TURNS ON THE NERVE FORCE. THIS IS WHAT WE CLAIM FOR “DEWBER RY'S DELIGHT.” COSY SIN ROOM COTTAGE ON LOT 50 * l,r 100 feet. Just elf Capital avenue. Rent# «-■ >■» owner fnreeil In aell. **f very Deal iieijn»«*rii«w*, iiii«u»'-'a • Itnts- four bloeks from Araitmi. uenr Pencil "re" Rental vnlnn 570 per month. Crlci *5,000. SEVENTEEN-ACRE TRACT OF LAND: turn l-.SJ fi*i*L alrccl fr«.»nfng»l mrr,_Trmr itKiiii tutTARf. fltrfl enttre pl«»^ nnder f*ioe*; price only IJ.TLO; payed rood, frontlof on rnr line; neh.^U ami cbwrtlm comaleat: gooil neighborhood: plenty of .abide. BLOCK OF ELEVEN cJfft 'tXJ&SfcrfSTm 5eTc£i rimr protlt renllie-1 within six montha. Price fl.500- nRHT IsOCATION IN THIS CITY FOR in nparttnent liowae; within 3W feet of iwhtre" Street. Clone III. Now laying ivcrSber cent net. nnd wnuld pay 20 |»-r [ upon total Cist If present liniiroye- ments wire replaeed by aimrtment liousc. Price 510,000. l-CNTItAI. IO HINESH ritOPERTY PAY IW H tier rent net Prtee *100,000. No Imt terror **flner rommerdal building lu At lantn. FLNK8T .MIRTH RIDK IIOMK W Tig 1 city for the money: would Ik* cheai* at IT.S'W Terms. Suburban Home. Tenth Street Vacant Lots. NEAR TENTH STREET Si’IIOOIc-P|El> il.Alt I r..v I II rv» ikl.Se a mmit avenue and Myrtle street, and lo"k* • - *“ * city park; price $1,500 lug "into Hedmont ... , up to $1,800; newer nnd water. MONEY TO I.KND- TAI.I. FOR OUR RENT AND BVL- - letlu. S. B. TURMAN & CO., Cor. Broad and Ala. Streets. way between College Park and Uapevillc, and it has the distinction of being the high est point from Atlanta to .1 onesboro. 40 lots front on Virginia Avenue, which is a beautiful 60 foot driveway from llane- ville to College Park. This street has been passed by the County Commissioners Tor chert and work will com mence on same immediately. These lots are worth $300 each now. Terrell Park overlooks College Park, East Point and Hapcville, and there Is no section of the county where values have increas ed as they have on this side of Atlanta, and with proper ty enhancing in value as it is, purchasers may expert good profits on these investments. VER YCLOSE IN; TERMS. $9,000, Without this vitalising force in, I ilirccting intelligence, the in- irii-ute machinery of the human hotly would be $i incapable of car* rime on its various duties as wniiltl the engine without steam or electricity. This life-giving nnd life-sustRin- ini’ force in man resides in and op- •■r.rius through the great nervous *>'st pin, that nmrvelons net-work of noils nnd fibres, constituting the lirnin, spinal cord and nerves that bind the different organs and tis- Mi'-s into one harmonious whole, •nuking man a perfect dynamo of “ii'Tgv, strength and life. ' hie branch of thia intricate net "orU of wires leads to and con- irols th« action of the bowels, an- "tli.'r the bladder, still others lead to the life-giving forces, to the hi-iiri. to the lungs, to the stom- ■Hi. in the kidneys, to the liver, t» every arterj - and vein, every iniiside, tissue, and organ of the ONLY Xnw, in order to keep the nerves the liver, the bowels and the i'hn-ys all must net in perfect of property. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY. D. F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY, 20X CANDLER BUILDING. BELL BHONE 220—ATLANTA 864. MYRTLE STREET — MJVKLY EIGHT. room linuee; i vory Improreiiiont; largo rooms: high rollings; finished In white ATIIFR RAItGAINS IN VARIOUS KINDS m„l maboganr: iwrTsnt'g town In baeoniont °T!T:IIh! «K HANDLE BARGAINS ur^o well shaded lot. fronting oast 138 1-2X200. JUST THREE BLOCKS FROM KIMBALL HOUSE AND ONLY A FEW FEET OFF DECA TUR 8TREET; $145 PER FRONT FOOT. GOING UP ON PRICE APRIL 1. Houston ST., Near JACKSON, 11-ROOM, 2- STORY; TINTED WALLS THROUGHOUT; FINE HOME AND A SURE PICK-UP. $5,250. V. CHELENA, Real Estate, 7(Hi 4th Nat’l Bank Bldg. Bell Phone 3878. CHAS. M. feOBERTS, 12 Auburn Avenue. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. Bell Thone 2W7. ON HrWi of wny a •tibia an etc. All two. ——.-- •MttanM. of Atlanta more than 200 feet. 4 l* There is not a tract of land in the South which nature has more generously endow ed with natural beauties and advantages for an ideal re sort. Location, tcu miles north, of Atlanta, fronting Peach- SSSxZSWBW HILL STREET, NEAR C>R.’ STREET CAR FACIL ITIES. R. 0. MEDLOCK, 418 Empire Building Bell Phone 3794, Atlanta Phoue 4794. EAST LINDEN STREET. NEAR MED- mont seenne: eight b-etly roams; danlile SanmC. stnrm sheetnd: cvtrj lltfllllir'IMMimi, imrilcsMiTinM, k.v.j lem-e: rblna closets, bntlers pnntnr. large parches; :n order Ja “wkc^^qulck^eare. :'ad an.-c from the officials of the close In. too. ITlce 515.550. Term, to m,IL 1 A.I...,.a.Pa(nlina ronstrUP- BOTLDIXO. ^9*" BOTH PHONES 4254. —rtrJW^u a* edUt’KA ,,W " T " new nmt moitern p*r tnonlb PROMINENT ... 543 monthhr: Esn-NKW ...... nRIGIIT. MODRRNi WEI*L -Sron tbi entire nmnnnt. Sacb plsces SJ rn“ indeed. irniimy. That is what we claim '' IJewberry'a Delight,” it act* rcctly xipon the liver, bowels 11 1 the kidneya, nnd thereby 'I'ing the waste matter to be >'"'vn off and restores the nerve and uatuse perfect* a cure. | Ing |jn month: druggists sell rr.”itbb L -:""'' “"'-' ooc per Dorrr.f. W.655-S**,* *jjf l imf|V , iie!ro*S5» In ——.—Tjjnou I.AROK COTTAGE. Il MO- A kHOi M. d with eut frnnt ot: ten » f«f »>« " lon »u “»*• *«"„:! for railroad men. mu ■use ou earner, .a.''.* ... aicv s|i‘nt would make It bring llalt ca.b —-7....0. negro ritOPERTY. RENT PO' -M;. Ih ; ,laying 15 per i-eat. Doee cc I S FOB IIAIIGAINS. .-WE GET RESULTS. ' up nt M.00D. nn .n ontrr n> »**■■«' ■ ■ we am offering tbla tor 55.2M. which .. about wbnt the bonne emit. let nr ebow on Ibis. . WASHINGTON STREET - EIGHT BOOM hoiim. linl.licd In hardwood: rieaui benl ...I; all modern conyenlenenn; splswlid its- Mew,at iiniiast aii lh«) at fret am Thu new car line to Hape- ville will pass in 50 yards of North Avenue, and it is on- lv 2(H) yards to Bethmcmt Station, ou C. R. R. Five cents fare to Atlanta and one-half mile to College Park Line, which is double tracked to Atlanta. P\UK AV.—2-8.. I-R. MODERN hoim*; 40*110; 10-ft. «ll<*>*. Will uka other property In eschan«e in part pay ment. $4,160. , ALSO. We have positive assur- A* - A l... esite.hl.sln gk$ $tlg NOBtTi BOULEVARD - NINE-ROOM F ruvftneitt; rit'tt $7,600 ni.T lot; Am aorroandlaca Altti LOOKING FOB VACANT ‘ —i bull.' — U |ots on which to bnllil ... sell, wc have the very thing »" Piedmont Sice. They lie line nnd ore In that sec- lion that a *4,rm home will slwnye And a SSdy taker.. You «n_ buy .tbrnn.M nnjt} i»r. IUU mu wuy lunn •»» a* **» it tiig martin on tha lot, aa well linuae. Atlanta-Caroliua Construc tion Company that their line to West Point will run along Virginia Avenue fight through tile center of Ter rell Park. This will give •AH M H. FA It MN .AMJABJU 7»ur lHNiklet dwirrtptlTf of farma. We have every kind and h «wd ..a —.“t— of tkin am —■ — — terms. It would png yen to eee onr list. WBITE — me. We farm you could FOR SALE A ni\*e 5-room cottage not very far from Terminal Sta tion. The owner is going to leave the city. That is the reason for selling. This is a very nice cottage, close in; can make price very low and give easy terms. This is a real bargain for close-in home. INMAN PARK—ON KDGBWOOD nvo, 8-r.. 2-n. modem house; nne lot. *8.250. Terms er will erfehange fOt'RTLAND 8T — 2-8.. *-R. H. *4.500. . J ACKSON 8T - 15.600. -R, GOOD LOT. tree Roadi which thorough fare is to be widened to an 80-foot Boulevard, and ex tended through this proper ty to the beautifuMiOttel site, on the lake front. It is im possible to give full details through the press of the many advantages this enter prise offers to investors. GRANT HT-6-R. C.. LARGE LOT; . ISOQ cnah, balance <26 per month, I rpj )e ^ rea t possibilities of , JACKSON ST.. NEAR mVlN-l 6-r. c.; ntodarn. $260 ciih und $36 , . . ■ i pci month. *3.26#. | this enterprise cannot be ful- JOHNHON AVE—«-R 2-II 8ERV- , ant houn* In rear; ,0 I i^' 1 1 la. rent for *16 par month. Price 53.160. 11\ ANGIBR AVB-NBW 1-R. 3-8. H.; 51,500 cn«h, bnlnnco aa»y. *3,5.0. appreciated until you have had the details more 95x260. PONCE DELEON AVE., NEAR ( rS-S-STTS5rHBSSil«‘» ro "« w ' r explained,which, ‘place—4-r. h., food repair; nne loL $ 1 .**50. NORThTbIDR NEAR HOUSTON ST. —• negro houeee. $560 canh; renting w " i negro lltiunvn. |»ov two electric lines with 5c | [^j* 0 ?Mi ; <S?iy. m * *° d y ln fare to Atlanta. 1 ~~ TERMS.. 10 LOTS. M'DANtEL 8T—CAR LINE cheap nt >200 nnch. EXCHANGE FAR**—ISO ACRES: 4HI. h„ with outbulldlnst: l-r. h.. with a n.s will) OUiDUimmiB. Il.n W|»I* I autbulldlnfs; 40 acres In bottom land: Him linlf caili linlalice on K' ,m i 4-horne crop In cultivation. Bar* DllC-liail t ahll. imiltiHt u " | J Bln f or *1,000. Will exchange for At- or before November 1st next unta property, with 7 nor cent interest. You can make no mistake bv investing in this proper ty. For any information ap ply to CENTURY REALTY CO., *05 Century Btdff. Phone 44*5. H. GARNER. C. HORACE McCALL G. J. DALLAS, 318 4th Nat’l Bauk Bldg. NEWTON S. THOMAS. 422 Century Bldg. T. Y. Brent, Salesman in yfiarge of this property. NORTH HIDE—HOMES AND RENT rAV log Investment*, clone In. 13.600, 33,.j0. tT.nJJ. Knsy payments. WEST rEACHTBEK l'I-ACE-9 ROOM*. elevated comer lot, Iwnullful home, nr will rent for tU l»r inonlb. 13.560. only 51,250 rush, bnlnnco 5607 per eunuui together with the personal investigation, will conviucp the most conservative inves tor of the tremendous profit which may be expected with in twelve months. For full information or personal investigation of the pro|K*rty, cal’ on or address ROBSON & RIVERS, NEWTON S. THOMAS. 422 Century Building, | Bell Phone 2164 L. * T. Y. BRENT, J. T. UANCH7M. INVESTMENT—JUST OFF NORTH BOIL leeard on good croon street. We bare two negro-houses Is good 181*0: dty wntar and sewer; nlwmyn not nt BIB Foc_n few days only we can nail thin at-SUH; cash, balance tU per month. T per coat OAKLAND nrantkt. Now t. JMJ 'lM <» *»t tbeoe nt 5460 casta for the two lots. OOLKTHOBFB AVENPB—CLOKB.. TO *- » c^jasr ten naj* provrmen.s ’ n at 52,460. Esiy prises worth IneeotlfnUag, FOR RENT. l-Kj'^BCT . mpcKT- „..a,.r). Thin tml-Sonr. Vran brick Sat Is os «*• •£* ‘iifiaSLeT* Peachtree street brtwoen Alcssndjr llnnnlrstt itrreta Hu nk, hot aad 1 water, porcelalu bath, efcjrt. ilsk la ."'IL ACREAGE—TWO ACRES "NTII THREE- room cottage on cur Hue. II..-o. No. 8 W. Alabama St. Atlanta, Ga. . _ ,'y..iiib Will not rent to'parties wiltT'amstl rklldren. JOHN J. WOODSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. II Auburn AYonue. Both Pbonan CIS. ADDITIONAZa ESTATE ADS OH PAGE TEN.