Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 28, 1907, Image 2

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l THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. ■ruinsdat. pebrcadt », urn shoots self isssks fflre lniunt wlief to Boor Scmnarfi, Heartburn, 5uim, alt diacomforta of liillinatinn and drapepai*. Plearant ■ and economical. Medium alw, 2Sc.; Larne, tl, bandiome alnminnm bonbonniei*, HHIilEiacC'&Sriw ; Relieve Natal Catarrh, : allay inflammation, aoothe and BY SEN. SAILEY ftotht Qui. Hammer nml Shot Discharged, Hit- # ° 8,w “• cjliSodmTuLn,ium. ting His Heart. Special In The Oeoralnn. Columbus. Oa.. Keb, —Herat Hen drick*, the lS-year-nld ion of Rev. M Hendrick*, a liaptlst mlnlaier, acci dentally *hnt lilmaelf In the heart late yeaterda)- afternoon. Hi Ratline throuah a wire fence ami pulllna hi* ahot- aun throuah after him. the hammer cauttht in the wire and the whole load of one barrel entered the boy'a heart, killing him Inatantly. He waa alone at the time, but the ac. rldent »** wllnetaed hy paaaereby, who ran to the boy'* aealatance, but he waa dead. HEADACHES AND NEURALGIA ■ FROM COLDS. LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, tke world- arid# Cold sod Grip remedy remoeee the reoee. Call for fall name, look for olfM- tun E. tv, GROVE. Sc, EXTRACTED ■ jtvs FOR YARD, POULTRY, LAWN, CEMETERY AND FARM—EREC TING PAGE FENCE OUR 8FE- IALTY. CHEAPER THAN WOOD. W,J. Dabney Implement Co., *1 So. Forayth St., AtlanU, Oa. HOWABOm "ORANGEDAY?" THIS IS THE L.AT ESI OU-T\ Friday l» "Orinre day." That a aew oa* oa yoof Well. It'a the lateat oat. Too know, laat Friday was "Cherry day," tareetod hy Gooryo Washington MrKln- ley'a birthday la "Ciraattoo day," became be loved the flower ted alwaya wore It. Than on other dayo- Bot "Oranae day" to the latett. It Is an annlveraary “for rarenno oaly." The California Fruit Orowera' Association created tt. The aeaoclatlen baa eeat out aft lorlta- tloa to all Ameriea to celebrate March 1 by ratine an oranac. They call It "Orange day.” The lavltatlon Is open erea to mem- ben of the A. O. ft.—If they care to sc There are of people In Und* HUin'n domain. At lessf. there were l« fore the Mock signals began working find Now, If every American olwrrres iifr dir" f ■ Pr#t. fo tin* main chance. Rut don’t lot anybody band you a lemon H SIDE HEARD Officers Likely to Testify ■When Committee Meets Again. Wamhlngton. KeK" S3—TTio nenATo Committer on military affalra bun con cluded Ita Investigation In the H row nt*- vllle matter ao far an the discharged negroes are concerned. — More than forty members of th® Twenty-fifth Infantry have been heard. The hearings ao far conducted hiiVfc ROT constituted a real Investigation, for —«!*#?-have been the presentation Of only one aide Of the case, that of th® soldiers —themselves- The fomrnittit adjourned to meet March 11. when the mailer will Ih« taken up again and ofllrera of the battalion heard. ‘ The statements of citizens before the courtmartlat who are Investigating certain phases may be presented. • EXTRA! BIG SCWL Held Mock Trial. Tne fipworth League of 8t. Paula Methodist church will hold a mock trial next Tuesday night, nt which number of young ladlea will bs Indicted and tried foi an offense to be revealed later. The entertainment la expected to draw a large number of friends. Cure Piles Before Too Late Pyramid Pile Cure Will Quickly Do It in the Privacy of Your Own Home. Free Trial Package To Prove It Piles sufferers In the past have look- ad upon an operation an the only rem edy. but they have not considered even an operation as a aure cure operating his not rooted out the disease, and suf ferer has looked forward with shrink ing to the sure day when the same hor rible ordeal must be passed through again. The Pyramid Pile Cure cures. Why? Because It gets down beneath the sur face. It helps nature, relieves the swell, tng. stops the congestion, heals the ul- , cers nnd fissures There Is none of the forms of piles which these little pyra mids are not made to rectify. The Pyramid Pile fur** is rot a hos pital cure, but U to he used at home There is no losa of time or detent Ion from business. It has been used for years nnd has the .sanction of the pro- fem luii as a remedy for piles of all forms and no matter In wlmt stage of development. Thete Is no case of piles so severe that the Pyramid Pile Cure will not bring relief, and their Is no man oi woman t«»o poor to get this re lief. It Is for sale nt nil reliable druggists at 60c |ver box. or If you prefer a free trial package before put* busing It will be sent to you by return mall upon your -equest. The bona fide testimo nials of laments cured will show \ou what these little pyramids really do. *! Buffered untold misery for f »ur months, when my wife begged me to send for a 50c boa* When It was half gone I knew 1 was better and It didn’t taka any begging in get me to send for a second box. I think 1 am nhmit well now, but If I feel any symptoms of a return I will order at once Tell nil about this line remedy for pile-” Tours, J. J. Me El wee, Money drove. Texas. R. R. 9. *P. 8. I only used two boxes and don't think I nerd an> more. Piles of seven months' standing.” Pyramid Pile Pure just Uke the mini- pla. I» »#<• bo*, at all druagtata I'i ra- mM Drox Co., tl Pyramid UI<Jg., Mai - •ball. MICE. Havana Paper .Says United States Senators Got War Graft. Madrid. -Pel*- 2ft,—A-trowamlaa* scusalion. he* lieen caused here hy the publication of n story credited to the Htarto Reta Mnrltin, of Havens, which has published an article, based on documentary evidence, allowing that the congress of the I’nltcd fttntc* was bought by Thomas Rat rolls rnlinn In 1M to tnanre war betag declared *>mln*t The paper allege* that bonds to the value of tJ7,oot>.OQ0. redeemable when £ttta became independent, were issued lu *ew*itnrs lu Washington. According to Pel*Marina, a runt met exist# containing pliraaea min !df our to the terms of the joint resolution of April. 1 898, which was voted by rungress. Tne value of these bonds referred to fell heavily In tft». for which reason a new i on tract for t2ft.0Q0.nnn was made between Palms and the senators. The lilarlo declared Its Intention to ex pose the wrhole affair, so that the Autcrl cans will tie compelled to discus* It. II Is alleged that documents are now In the possession of a New York newspaper, which Is ahont to begin n etuMpalgl* with a view to ailing the affair. Inquiries made In tnlnlsferlnl mid dlplo- mnlle quarters regarding the at or* elicit ed professions of tgnorniiec of Aliy thing lie yond what Is contained lu The lAarlo’a ss rtcrtfont. lint In view of the gravity of the mailer. Count Knlnsnr. minister of foreign affairs, has telegraphed to the Hrmnlsh rep- rcNciitnttves nt Washington, asking for the fullest Information regarding the story men Honed In The 1 Marin. Denounces His Foes as* Rogues and Gamblers. Auafla, Tei*., Tat). 36.—Haring been rxonaratad by l he lower houee of the Itglalature, Senfttnr Bailey will leave at once for Waihlntton to lake the oath of office aft aenator <nj March I, bavins Been elected to that position by a vote of tha leElilature ca*t on January il and whlla lbs Invest If ftf Ion waa pro- frc.lnf. * f It la announced that the finding or (ho committee Ignored hy both theeen- ato and the house in their action* ex- oneratlnE Mr. Bailey, will be pubH.hrd In full as soon a* the stenographer* complete It. Benator Bailey waa exonerated last night by a vote of To to 40 out of a possible III vota*. 1* member* being absent, by tbs lower house of the Texas leglslatura of any charges of Ir regular acta In public life, a* alleged bv Representative Cocke, of the lower house, on January 14 last. The acene marking Bvnator Hatley's entrance Into the houee laat night, after Ilia vindication by that body, was most dramatic. Ill* friend* rushed lu. •houtlng and shrieking down the renter aisle and carried him to the spraker'y aland. Bailey Delivers Address. Benator Halley, while bitterly abus ing those who opposed him. announced that he waa going to continue nr t'nlt- A SUPERIOR DRESS SHIRT In appearance and At tie equal of the production of the uhop. The SHIRT Bnctptlonally good value at $1.50 and more. CLUCTT. PEABODY A CO., ■Masse er ssasw muss. ed Etaisa ssnatui friiiu -Tex*~-for least Aire* term*. Continuing, he said. "You have just concluded the most remarkable campaign ever witnessed in any elate of the American Vnton, nnd be If said to your honor that you have concluded It In accordance with the will of the sovereign people. "The conspirators havo been given a wholes.,mu lesson. Never agnln will they attempt It within this generation. Never ageln will they wear the honors of Texne tiemorrary In their life, Hu<-li men would betray a republic If Hes- alans were for hlrr. The leader of th- contest was a man who has gambled with negroes, and If lie attempts to deny It. 1 will prove It on him. DISMISS CASE IN POLICE COURT By request of th® father. I.. Grot®. 1R5 Courtland at root, th® cases Against Mra. Ida Schmid nnd E. H. McOInty, charged with cntlcln* lfc- yaar-old Evn CJr«Ke away from home for Immqrnl purpoao*. were ritMmlxacd In the recorder’s court Wednesday aft ernoon. The father stated that Inasmuch na no harm had befallen hla daughter, and to avoid undue publicity In the mutter, lie would not prosecute the case* fur ther. I Miring the hearing Mlaa Cl loco waa present and cried pltcounlf. MANY FEVER CASES A BOA It I) BATT LESHIP New York. Feb. 2S —The battleship • ’onnectlcut, which waa raced from the South Atlantic coast with members «»f her crew Buffering from typhoid fever, reached quarantine today nnd waa hoarded by Health officer Doty. He auld he believed there were u score of CHiteK on board. Dr. Doty will Investi gate and ao«* If there are any fdher «lla- eaoea on board the <’onnectlcut. after which ehe will be allowed lo proceed to her destination. MUSICAL FAMILY LOOK FOR GHOST A Justice ment and r YVednesdny and seven ?■ if the peace, an attach- constable were Invoked >y Fred Beliner, hla wife na nntl tlaughtetH. In or der to get money alleged duo them from the Herring Show Company. Thu Relmer family In a tnu*iral one und doe* Hun** In the music Ifin get ting music out of an\thing from a gum allot* t«» a till pan. They allege }loo |* due them and an attachment for the property of the ahow was aworn out before Justice of the Peace KUlg« bo try und waa levied. ments. “Theae are hard words find 1 Intend them to be. I wish I had words of hBte wtTh-which to crtUeloe thorn. Bee what Cbey bavo done. They have ||ed about me. Their muster Is Hearst, who has led thl* fight against Texas. The tattler In tht* tight is the man who hud this telegram published lying the legislature, claiming that It was orruptml by wine, women xriB Ull|; llearst has hls emissaries and ngente In the Texas legislature. This llearst campaign means that they want '•» eliminate men like me and John Hharp William and place men like John Duncan. Daolares War on Enamioa* I* ! live not one of these men shall hold office In Texas again, aa I shall devote my time to see that they don't get In. This crowd voted today aa they did upon the first ballot against me. "How many of these men were llk»* Hawkins, who risked hls office on hls ronvietlon and he lost it? if theae others had the conviction* and courage of Hawkins there would not have been a single vote agalnat my vindication here today. "They Veek to destroy my usefulness, but thank God 1 am too fur above them to hurt It. "Not a sentenre Iti the whole record reflects against my personal or political Integrity. And yet they still vote against tne. "Out of the forty men who voted ST. SCHOOL COMES NtXT FHItlH I'tiftll* sud teachers of tie- sereutb ntnl eighth grade*. Darla street actiool. will Le the guests of The Atlanta (h*«irglaa Friday afternoon. Thin w|ll lie the eighth pulille school to lns|H*r( the plant of Tin* Georgian, mid hear explained the making of the dally newspaper In nil of lu various department* Till* ha* Immii In the nut tire of an edit rational work, and official* of the puidb " liwfta have m-ogidted it* value. ■ vlNltora will arrive n nt L'.rN o'eliM'k Frldn; mill Ik* shown through rverj FOR SERVICE PIECE OR ANEXPO,EXHIBIT Macon City Council Votes Down Resolution Of fered by Dure. kpeelal to The Georgian. Macon, On.. Kelt. 28.— After a long de hate, the city council again failed to ap propria to any sum for Macon’s represents that at the Jamestown exposition although those who ndrocated tie- npproprtafkm uiade o valiant fight, and eatne near tear lag tlie geld vletorkaia. Hjr a vote of 8 to 5. the council derided to reeonahlrr It* former action on the subject, and Alderman Dure presented « (rtafe |j quo for n room resolution to appropriate 81,000 f III. ,fj)e Georgia build I or. and _ n nleeo Jt. fun silver aervlee for the tattle •hip Georgia. Aldermen Dure. Hart, ftloaa. McKenna siul Melton awoke lit favor of the re*4du i Ion, while Aldermen Ilnrnee. ('hostile?, ltowdre. Joiic* and tVIIIIntu* spoke dgnlnat It. Although Alderman Itrunner made in* ■pee«'h. It In known that be favors tin* resolution HEW PUfisMEIT FOB THE_Sfll)THERN kouthern railway offlctaia in Atlanta «*•««• appriRcd ThuiFilay of tin* ap|Mdntnieni of A. Gordon Jones, superintendent of the Chariest on division, hm punhJaltig agent of the entire system. Tin* appointment fill* the vacnucy c.iuatm l»y tin* recent death of Colonel J. r MIimi tree Mr. Jones will enter »i|mui hi# new dutic* March 1. with headquarter* In Wash lugtuu. TfiUSTOFGEQRGIA NAMESITS DIRECTORS RAISING ENDOWMENT FOR MIS8I8SIPPI COLLEGES. Special to The Georgian. —Jackson, Mia* . Feb. 28.—There great educational i»ctlvlt>~ln MIhnIx-- Ijipl. Nut unl.v ore the public schools »f the state being made better, but he coUcgea arc elvlng additional cn- (lowm.'ntK Mlssfs-ippl college hns just finished raising 8IQ0.000 additional for endowment, and now Mlllnapa (*ol- Dgo hns begun a campaign for 8100,000 additional. When this hundred thou- tnd lias been secured It will have an endowment of something like hall n million dollar*, most of which was giv en to It by Major It. W. JdHIsnps, the millionaire hanker of thla city. No More Alcohol As aow made, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla does not contain the least ptfrticle of alcohol in any , form whatever. You get all the tonic and alterative effects, without stimulation. Ayers Sarsaparilla NON-ALCOHOLIC When a stimulant is needed, your doctor will know it, and will tell you of it. Consult him freely about our remedies. The new kind contains no alcohol We have no secrets to hide! We pub lish the formulas of all our medicines. J* C. AVgR CO*, Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mm. The following directors of the Trust Company of Georgia were elected on Wednesday afternoon nt an adjourned meeting of the stockholders *»f the company: Clifford L. Anderson. Dr. A. \V. Calhoun. \V. E. Chapin. Charles \. Davis, Thomas K. Olenn. Hugh T. In- innn, Robert J. Lowry, Thomas II. Mor gan. J. H. Nunnally. Judge H. K. W. Palmer, J. Carroll Payne. Charles A. YVIckersham. Judge John R. Wilkinson und E. Woodruff. The officers of the company will ne i elected by the director* at the regular Wrttn* ^mmwaUon not more than mcftttaB th* flm Tuesday In Mart'll. not keep the Democratic command- ill be back here next one-half of them will be In the Desi cratlc ranks at that time. They will go hack to the Populist party, where they belong. 1 will never rest until 1 see the election laws so fixed that no man can have hls name put on the ticket a« a eARdUluU for the legislature unless ho records a solemn oath that ho will re spect Lhe_people's Instructions. "This legislature ought rtot to ad* Jour 11 until section 124 I* an irmmdet] Ultlt no nmn shall hold the people’s of- unless they shatFsuptn*rt the peu- ple’s nominee. "The Rogue*’ Gallery.** I had Intended at the end of this atortnl term t«» retire, for at the end this senatorial term I will hove served the people of Texas twenty-two ears, but now; this war hns made me hnnge my purpose. I will not have t • canvass nt the end of this!term. These men who have fought me have made this unnecessary. They have already won my campaign for me. They have made their grave and LEE IS ON TRIAL j FOB THE MURDER | OF WILL WHITE j Special t*> The Georgian. Jonesboro. Oa., Feb. JR.—There la j much Interest here tn the trial of It M ! fjrr—wb*^4vas-airnlKned yesterday on | the charge of murdering Will c. While, j The case Is being heard jn the superior; court. The prosecution Is being con ducted hy \V. M. Wright nnd Solicitor | W. S. Howard. The defendant Is rep- ] resented by Watterson & Illalock and John 8. Candler. It will he remembered that on Octo ber 14 H. M. Lee shot Will White, the day operator of the Central of Georgia railway. In the telegraph office, ami White died in a hospital in Atlanta the following Tuesday. White was lying In ... will proceed in hammock when Lee entered the office | ;«<» gently lay them In their new-made*and attempted to pull the operator out. tfcnvoM jinii iii'ii'o over their tombs the i htte asked Lee t*i leave tt\e office, !. , . , .v*'K. l n" : kn "" """ h01 ' lheS ' I "ovoW*r P TnTlhr*a l *n*d°m rn,K:!"^k“ •V want in s.iv n,v frU' tlml I ,nR ' Vh "'‘ lf 1,1,1 n " 1 •>■' JnwT W?n*h* m.vs? .nn dark n"r '-.ul.l . ,h«. th- tnftil ton Innelv fur me to eoinc ■ h* ( H<i not think Jjo^ould., u when you rail. I will Unfit for you a ■ on hnve founlii for me. knotvinn yo rlnht. In my home I will phu-e tw Have You Noticed The itreet ctr advertise ments of the Elkin-Wat- son Drag Company? Job Offices Using Label Huddleston S. Christian, 21 8. Forsyth 8yl. Lester A Cs 21-2 N. Broad Parham Ptg. Co 2 1-2 8. Brosd N. C. Tompkins 16 W. Alabama Telegram Pub. Co. 86 Central Avt. Franklin-Turner Co 65-71 Ivy Downs A 8Udtl..14 1-2 N. Forsyth LaHatt* Ptg. Co 20 8. Brosd Ward Printing Co 65 8. Pryor John Thomason Co..6 1-2 8. Brosd Blossor Ptg. Co 38-4j Walton Convsrso A Wing.... 104 Edgowood This Form* on important part of this well-known all-night drag firm's advertising. Atlanta Typographical Union 020 Candler Bldg. P.O.Box 268 Atlanta Phone 873. Bad Symptoms. Th® woman who ha« periodical head* tenea, backache. *»oes Imaginary dark kpots orauecks floating or dancing before her eyes, noMnuwing distress or heavy full feeling kytomarh, faint spells, drag* glng-dowi^Aling In lower abdominal or «. easily startled or excited, painful periods, with or with* “*|frh. Is suffering from lerangements that should ‘ntion. Not all of abova ikely to be present In any pictures of thl* convention. The will be my friends; 1 shall label this tIf 'Roll of Honor;' the other Shall he •*f those who have opfmaed me, nnd o\it this I shall write; ‘The Rogues' Gallery.* I shall tench my children t barged, stepped hack a few feet nnd tired upon White, the bail taking effect i tn the abdomen. t , ALL RECORDS BROKEN BY MACON FIRE DEPARTMENT. Special to The Georgia 11. Mncnn, Gn . Feb. 2S.—Up to date the f »rget the one nor forgive the i Macon fire department has made elgh- y-seven run* since the fir*! of the •car. * Lnst year at this date they had inly made thirty-five run*. Chief Jone* states that If the present ate of r;ms continue through » it the the Macon fire department will other I have letters from other state* Pay- Ink* that If Texas was tired of me I could cunc among them and they would send me to the senate, but there I* but on. state 1 love to represent, nnd that s the imperial state of Texas. I hav I her In the senate six years and Imve a report at the end of the AQED CONFEDERATE VETERAN S DIES AT D0UQLA8VILLE. her twelve years longer. • These men have betrayed the part on. c That Is their fault. If they eve hotr.iv tin* party the second time, th pan> will he nt fault. Will Teach a Lesson. "The next election we will line up Special *° Tlic Georgiau. from the governor down, not Including j Ibmgtasvllle, On., heb. 28. J the governor, hut beginning with the, Intyre. one of the oldest nnd most lieutenant governor and on down. We i hlgnly reepteted citizens of this will line these matters up ami will I nmnlty, died nt Ids home a few teat h them a lesson. > north of here on Tuesday at the age "They need It, anil we will attend y> their cane. A man who would glv Hotel Marlborough Broadway, 36th and 37th Sts., Herald Square, New York Most Centrally Located Hnttl nn Broadway. Only ten minute, walk to 2S leading theatres. Completely renovated and transformed in every department. Up-to^late in all re- apects. Ttlephone in. each room. Four Baatittful Dining Room, with Capacity of 1200. TheFamous German Restaurant Broadway's chief attraction for Spe cial Food Dishes and Popular Music. Enom flu. 4N Imw. * »■'*>• -WRITE FOR BOOKLET.- SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY E. M. TIERNEY, Ita-gsr STATE OF GEORGIA- FULTON COUNTY. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petltl4>u of E. II. Wtlaiin, J. J,. Greg ory nnd T. I'crklns, nil of said htnte nnd comity, respectfully shows, ns fob lows: 1. That they di‘*lre for theniselveR, tlieir clnte Dscatur D. A. R. The United Daughters of the Con federacy will entertain at the court house iu Decatur Friday night for tlie benefit of the !>®Kalh county monument fund An rending* been nrr Will pi»l resting )»n»gram. consisting of ' »I1EN iiiitl sfie11 talks. Tut : inuetl and the entertainment •bly be libctuily p.tti. nUcd. very kiMiwn to medical science for the cure of woman’s peculiar ailments enter Into Its composition. No alcohol, harmful, or hablt-formlng drug is to be found In the list of Its Ingredient* printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. In any condition of the female syatem. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can do only good—never harm, its whole effect If t° strengthen. Invigorate and regulate the Whole female system and especially the pelvic organ*. When these are de- ranged In fnncimn or aff(*cted bv disease, the stomach and other organs of’digestion becotno aymtuitlirtUally deranged, the nerve* are weakened, and a long list of bad. unpleasant symptoms follow. Too much must tint be expected of thi* "Fa vorite Proscription." It will not perform miracles* will not euro tumors—no med icine will, it will often pmvnt them. It taken In time, and thus the operating table and the Mirgcon'a knife may bo avfiided. Women suffering from diseases of long atanding. are Invited to consult Doctor Pierce by letter, tirr. All correspondence Is be d as strlctlv private and sacredly confidential. Address i>r. R. v. Pierce, Rnffalo. N. Y. Dr. Ptercc'a Medical AdxIserfMmnogns) '1‘lended t . hav.* the Is s-nt foe oa receipt «.f *1 one^nt | before »h Ing asked *tIfflps for pnn*T em-i'rr»j. nr .11 -tnmrs P^R^v * for 1 lolL-bound copy. Addn .<«» u* 4 uiu j forced a n minority of'the senate a majority of immlttee ought to bo attended to. The men who are opposing me ere men xvln* are nothing, while those who arc with me are the living, breathing ac tive Democracy of this state. I am go ing to publish 11 history of this cam paign. nnd some of the things In It will keep it whole lot of people from read ing. Kvery grafter of Texas 1* lined up uK0lr.Ni me. had Peter to deny Him and Judn> t * betray Him, and for m.v life I an not see but that Peter's crime wax not un nearly grave as tha; of Judas. I j would nearly as soon betray a friend ns deny him In the time of need." The action which resulted In the ex oneration of Seuator Hailey was pre cipitated after three days of private consultation between house member* and friends of Henator Halley, nnd con cludes some six weeks of Investigation that has occasioned Senator Halley’s constant attendance In this city, on Monday, hy a vote of 15 to II, the senate exonerated Senator Halley with out waiting to hear the report of the investigating committee, nnd the house took like action, without the submission of the evidence. The opponents of Senator Halley haviMhr evident® submitted \ otc. but the n old (.’on fed .'rate veteran nd h:*d been n consistent member Im Methodist chinch all of Ms Mfe. He leaves :t wife and four children WILL HOLD NEXT 8E88ION IN NEW COURT HOU8E. SjMvlnl to The Georgian. llaxlehurst, On.. Feb. 28 —Judge T. A Parker convened Jeff Davis superior « nirt this morning and adjourned until the fifth Monday tn April, at which time the new court house will be com pleted. In the mnlority. When Coffee disagrees WISE PEOPLE USE POSTUM FOR A REASON. Get iho little book. "The Road to Wellvllle,’’ lit pkgs with the Isw* of Gforgiu iiudi'i th«> inline nnd Ntvli* of I'llK WATKINS HAY PRESS'COMPANY, for the term of twenty yours, with tin* privilege «*f renewal. 2. That tin* piirtliMilnr l*n««liii'i*<4 which they propshm* to einrngi* In und carry on Is the tiiniiiifncturc nnd sale of liny pren*M*n. Ironing l»*;iid*>. step Indders. Invin NwincE ntnl such other similar nnd like for itgrli-ulfnrnl, lndii»trl:il. coniine domestic tine* us the Itu rcnm* of their tie-48 mny witrrnnt nnd their trade require. .1. That tie* object of ttn*lr mmim intIon In pceunlnry profit ntnl gnlu to the iuciiiIkts thereof. 4. Hint the mnIn office mid plan* of loud ties* of paid nstMM'littloii will he In the city f Atlum.1, mhl Ntntc nnd county, hut copy of the application for chi Warxins liny Press Comiutuy. i aprK*ara of file in this office. WltncNM my official hand nn the It th dny of February. 1W7. ARNOf.D IGI Herk Superior fotirl, Fulto >unt» r.ty: hramdi offices, factories and wiles ng< lu otln*r cities in thin stnte und other states. 5. The cnpitnl stock of wiht nssoclntl hundred i$|U0| dolln ifc.Wi didlars of which |h to nctuallr Ih* pnhl In lH*fon* the eotiiuiencement of htnd nenn; hut |»ctitlouet*• itnty the prUileM* of Increnslng the cnidtnf nIin k nt nay time within tie* life of ltn charter to twciity-fhc thousatnl ifJi.osn tiidlnrn upon the tote of holders of two-thirds of the capital 8TATK OF OEORGIA—Fulto Fulton Superior Court. Marru «««•» 1!»07. No. Mins A. V. Donnelly vs. Mary A cr et al. to R. D. Badger nnd James A Badger, meeting: By order of court, ''’u are hereby untitled that on the of April. 190ft, Miss A. V iVno-Ov • stilt against you for recovery of 1 • and hy onter of court continuing r . l-tl ntnl | u in returnable to the March t»*rni. ' ' ^ ' of wild court. You ntv hereby require* to he end /ippe.vr nt the March '• -m. • ‘ of toihl court. Tn he held on » y J Monday In March. HOT. thm .m.l thrt to unsw-er the plaintiff's compl-Gr ’ Witness the Honorable J. T. Id court, thin Jnnuor> ARNOLD BROYl.KH. t l^rk 'll! IH* lislllllg » k nlrei ty |««u>m| mid ontst-indlng. icreron*. your |N*tltlom*rH prn> thnt mny lo InnirtNirnti d nn nforcMiid. with |H»wer lo nniulrc, hy lease, purcliise ..r olherwUe, Indh real nnd personal pnqwrty; thnt they may sell, lenw. rent und other wiw transfer, convey ami dlsposi* of mn h property: thnt they ninv sue and Im* muni tinder their ci»ri«or.ite mum* nml Iti their •ty. hstxe nnd use a eouiumii mpow oi ml to do nut nnd all other thlng4 nml enjoy ni;v ;md nil other piivlleccs gheii and' gnuited stn-b cor|mrntlons under the Inws mnl ov the * 1 ws of the slate 4if G«*orgln. This the llth day of Februnry. 190, Judge of : CITY TAX NOTICE Please make your city tax returns; now. J. L. HARRISON, J. H. EWING, 0. D. MEADOR, Assessors. mm SBBCSE oSc* mg *104N.fnror*»Jtr* LKK I I.ANGI.KY. Filed In thU offl- ctltlo At to lierk Sit|M*rlo CENTRAL OF OEORQIA WAIUW^V; Arrive Frinu — 1 Depart 1 ran loth Felmtnry II. urPn 1 ,',',:.,IOnr-uunh .... "rt. Iiiltini tuuuty. <>*. lackmiwilr . T.M*ai|Ma«<n — t I MArmi 11.40 am jartumavl . i-„i. "( r'M'yrh'r |HU Maroll .. t Hthnn ■" | :i'ty. On ln-rrl.r ivriliy I llamn .-. 4.61 IU;;, tut* foreg'ilug’ is a tnu* and correct Msrpn n ]n pin|S>^raunaU Arno!.| Broyles, clei k