Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, February 28, 1907, Image 6

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND THCBUDAT. P**»rABT B. SOCIETY... Mr*. George C Bin, Editor. m£TU££«.) And Womans Interests THI SPOILER. (With opoloclea to "The Vampire.") A woman there waa and (he wrote for the peosa (An you or I might do). Tnr h ^^l»r.?ie‘o^« ; iShe Has a Word of Sound Advice For Several But ahe never had dona It hereelf, I (Which none of her read era know), Who Have Presented Problems. Oh. the hour we apent and the flour we epent. And the augar we wasted like aand .'.t the heat of n woman who never had cooked (And now we know that ahe never could cook) And did not underatand. A woman there waa and ahe wrote right fair TAe you nr I might do), How out of a barrel to moke a chair. To be covered with chlnta and stuffed with hair, Twould adorn any parlor and Rive It an alrl (And wa thought the tale waa true.) Oh. the daye wa worked and the waya we worked To hammer and aaw and hack. In making a chair In which no one would alt— A which no one could possibly alt Without a crick In hla bark. A woman there waa and ahe had her fun (Better than you or I): She wrote recipe* and ahe never tried one. She wrote about children—of rourae, ahe had none: She told us to do what ahe never had done (And never Intended to try). And It Isn't to toll and It Isn't to spoil That brtme the cup of 1 disgrace: "It's to'follow a wuniaii who "didn't know . beans (A woman who never had cooked any beans). Bui wrote and was paid to fill space. —The I'ongregatlonallat. PARTIES TO MRS. CATE8. lira. C. H. Catea. of New York city, the guest of Mias l^tltla Johnson, will be the guest of honor at a number of parties. Among those entertaining for her will be Mrs. Joseph Kalne, Mr*. Berman Hlrsch nntl Mrs. William Worth Mnrtln. MATINEE BOX PARTY. i. H. Catea and Miss l.elltli Johnson will be The 'gue.nruf honor at a box party Saturday afternoon nt the Grand. SMALL BRIDGE PARTY. Mrs. Edward Halle entertained "Twelve mends at an Informal bridge party Thursday morning nt the horn* of Mrs. John'”Oliver nn Peachtree. The uccaalon. though small, was most en joyable. dTopyrlgltt, I till 7. by Anierlcan-JoumaJ-Exnmlner.) S ORROW la always egotistical. A half dosen letters lie before me. each retailing it story of trouble, and each wrtter expects a column of advice und sympathy In reply. A paragraph will serve for most of them. A mother asks If It Is the duty of her daughter to remain with a drunken husband, who does not support.her. The husband Is never sober anti the health of tha wife la breaking. FAL8E HEROISM IN OUR DAILY LIFE There Is no duty which demands the sacrifice of health, hope and happiness. When a ship Is sinking there Is no heroism In slaving with It If the sfpire ran be reached. A man with a new woman for a wife asks nte to tell him how to keep hla wife home nights. Hhe Insists on going out and will not tell him where ahe has been. Such n woman Is tint worth a paragraph. A wife asks If ahe ought tn live with a husband who la promiscuously unfaithful and who makes no secret of the fact. Meanwhile he supports her well. The woman who remains with an unfaithful husband w hom ahe neither loves nor respects because lio support* her, should be cureful about condemning erring women who live In w*n for money considera tions. tine situation Is little belter than the other. DO NOT BECOME A PETTY TYRANT. . A young ntnn writes nte that his sweetheart has committed the awful crime of smoking n cigarette, and neks me If he ought to forgive her. Hhe hasjvept and begged hla pardon. Cigarette smoking la bad for the com plexion and for the digestion. It Is better (« leave lha vice to men. Smok ing. swearing nnd the wearing of trousers are ungraceful habits when at tempted by women. Meantime, ihe young man who writes me would better save his tragic airs for occasions where they will be more suitable. A girl ish prank duea not call for such an expenditure of emotion aa he la Indulg ing In He Is startlgg nut In a way tn make a full-fledged petty tyrant.', HAS HAD 8IXTY-PIVE LOVE AFFAIRS. A man who la 30 years old writes mo he lias made love more or less ardent to slxty-flve women. The majority he lias caressed. Now, lie has found a young woman who allows him no liberties, and he thlnka of nmk- her ill* wife and wants mv opinion as In whether I think ha, w ill he a good husband or not. 1 should think a man w ho had so thoroughly rehearertl a role ought to he able to play the pall for life to |terfectlun. He ought to be so grateful to TWO.NOTABLE WEODINGS. Special to The Georgian, Y . Asheville, N. C„ Fet. It.—Among tha marriages of lataragt to AahevJJM this winter was the pretty afternoon wadding last Wednesday, whan MJaa Lila Rector became tha bride of Mr. Willis Philip Abbey, which took plqce at the home pf the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rector, on South French Broad avenue, thla city. Tha house was decorated In tall palms, graceful feme and exqulaltd carnations, shaded from the dark eat rad to ths moat delicate pink. Just before the bridal party entered the drawing room Mlsa Hurt, of Lynchburg. Va., rendered Ihe solo, “O, Promise Me." In a moat pleasing mannar. Aa tha bridal party entered Mendelssohn's wedding march was rendered. The bride waa modish- ly gowned tn a gray broadcloth suit, with gloves and hat to match, and car, lied an exqulalte bouquet of parma t Inlets. Tha reramony was performed by Rev. Dr. Lunsford, pastor of the Flrnt Baptist church. A reception fol lowed, attended by a large number uf tlm friends of the young couple, dur ing which Icea and wedding cake were served. Mr. and Mrs. Abbey left on the evening train for Charleston, H. C. where they will visit Mrs. Abbey's rela. lions for a short lima, later returning to Asheville, where thay will make their future home. Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. H. R. James, of thla city, of tha marriage of their daughter, Mlaa Carrie James, to Mr. I. F. Thomas, of Cumberland. Md. The marriage took place at the home of Mr. Williamson, on Pine street. Rev. C. P. Moore olh Hating. Mr. Thomas at the time of Ills marriage contemplated a change hi business, and fur this reason no an nouncement was made. Mrs. Thomas left here Tuesday morning tn Join her huaband at Keyser. W. Va.. which place they will make their future home. Mrs. Thomas had lived In Asheville for a number of years, and had a large circle of friends In this city. heaven for giving him the love of a decent woman that he would fed like walking henceforth with uncovered heed In her presence. If the man has any ninrul character he must he utterly sick of Ills rehearsals and glad/of the thought that a pure, clean role I* to be granted him the rest of Ills life. Rut If his moral nature has become moth-eaten he will make Ills mar riage but one more episode In his career. If a man of this type Is not the victim of overwhelming vanity, lie makes | Tickets" may" be" eecu'rid‘it“Hold'mT- — —■ >— *— — | JestIc, Miller Book Btore. Phillips A j Crew. Cable Plano Company, or may be SHERIDAN RECITAL TONIGHT TO BE BRILLIANT EVENT. The event of Thursday evening will be the recital to be given by Mrs. Hheridan at the Marirf hall at 3:1 lock. The audience will be a bill llant one. nnd Inasmuch as this Is probably the last time Mrs. Hheridan will appear before an Atlanta audience liefore her return to Part* In the early spring. It Is expected that the seating opacity of the hall will be taxed to It* utmost. The program will be rendered Tn two parts, and offers both clasalcnl and folk songs, of the former. Ihe two arias, one from Moiart's "Tltue" and one from Bi. Hums' "Bamson and Delilah," are the ten especial features, while the charming folk songs and which will be given will he universal In their ap peal. The recital given by Mrs. Sheri dan at the. Marlat hull Just a year ago, under the auaplce* of the Atlanta Art Association. Is remembered as a charm- Ing occasion, and Ihe art association Is lo be congratulated upon the recital which will be given Thursday evening. nn excellent husband. Just as a gill who lies her (III of social pleasure* untl flirtation*. If she has a true wonian'e heart under her seeming frivolity, makes the moat devoted of wive*. Meantime It I* refreshing to receive a letter from a woman who has no grievance. A little lady writn me that the haa small respect for the hus bands and wives who pour their troubles Into thr public's ear. Hhe says: "My opinion le they had belter keep their family secrets to themeelvep: let them etraln their own nerves to make things pleasant hi home: trust .m.-h other love esch oilier, live for each other, and tile laud will guide them to happiness." This ls veiy semlhte advice, am) l Imps wlU be fui- lowetl by the unhappy people who have nddreseed letters to me. ~ INFORMAL DINNER. A party of friend* will give an In formal dinner Friday evening at Ma plewood In compliment to Mrs. Cates, the guest of Miss I.etltla Johnson. The party will go out In uutumoblle* and enjoy a delicious dinner at this pleatant resort. TOMPKINS-REESE. Special to The Oeorglan. Carrollton, Ga.. Feb. 33.—Miss Katherine Reese was married tn Mr. Joe Tompkins Wednesday at noon at I the home of the bride's mother. Mr*. I Mary F. Reeae, Rev. W. E. Doxler offi ciating. The bride waa becomingly at • tired In a golng-aw-ey ault of blue and taa. trimmed In Irish lace and velvet. Only a few Intimate friends were preaent. After the ceremony an elegant lunch eon was served. The happy couple left on the 1:10 o'clock train for Florida. DOZIER-81 MONTON. Mr. and Mra. A. A. Hlmnnton, of Carrolllon, have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Cora Xlnc, to Mr. Ernest Doxler, of Louisiana The marriage, a quiet home affair, will take place April :. A BRILLIANT PARTY. Special to The Georgian. Balnbrhlge, — GA, Feb. 7* -Mr. Charles Henry Caldwell will entertain Thursday evening. February 38, at a brilliant dance at Elk*' hall, llaln- hrldge. cnmpHmrntary to Mr. and Mra. Edward Jonathan Perry and to Mis* Daisy Llndley Catnii. noticing wttttip- gln nt 10 o'clock. Mr. Caldwell's cntertalnmenl will be one <>f the very notable and beautiful social event* of the winter. noon at 3 o'clock In their hall, cornet of Marietta street and Ponders ave nue, for the purpose of having Initia tion. Aaaeaments aredue and will bt accepted at thla meeting. All mem bers are requested to be present. WALTERS-HODGSON. The engagement of Mias Ethel Hodg son, of Mobiles Ala., to Mr. Julian A. Walter*, which has Just baen an nounced, la of more than ordinary In- | leiesi to Mends In many parta of the South. MI8s Hodgson's parents. Colonel nnd Mrs. Joseph Hodgson, of Mobile, have large and Influential connections In Georgia, as well as In Alabama. Iieing closely nllled lo Ihe Holt and Telfair rainllles of this slate, and Mlsa Hodg son herself Is one of the most attractive nnd accomplished young woman In heal social life of Hie South. Hhe Is one of the most admired belles In Ihe exclu sive circles of Mobile and New Orleans. Thr marrlnge will take place Tues day. AptII I*, at the home of the pros pective bride* |.aicm*, on Government street. Mobile. TO MISS BLOODWORTH. Mr*. Thornwell Gamble entertained et aord-pany -Thursday afttntn n n_at_ her home on Peachtree atreet in com pliment to Mlaa Harriet Hloodwnrth. of Forsyth, the guest of Miss Wll- lielinlna Drummond. The house wa* very attractive with Its decnratlonn of cut flowers, vases of roses and carnations being placed nn the mantels and cabinets. After the game a delicious salad course was The prises for Ihe game were silver toilette bottle nnd a box of note paper. The hostess received her guests In n gown of old rose voile fashioned with lace and gold braid. Miss Blnodworth was gowned In light blue silk and Mlsa Drummond ware a white cloth suit embroidered In silver. * purchased at Ihe door Thursday even ing. CLUB MEETINO POSTPONED. The meeting of the Domino Club, which waa to have been held on nexl Saturday with Mis* Agnes Louise Klein, will tut puxtpuiied until Ihe fol lowing Haturday. Yedda Hpjro. I. "Affection " "Simplicity. 1 ’ "Cheer fulness." Hplndler—Miss law la* Parker. 4. Garotte "L'Auaonlenne," Couperin —Mlaa Mildred Sake*. _*■ "Bong Without Words" and "The Flight," Goeixe—Miss Regina SIR man. *• “Rondo Brilliant," Weber—Mlaa Alllo Jo* Blgman. 7. "The Last Idea of Weber,” Cra mer—Mlaa Willi* Taylor. 3. "Transcription of a Quartet by BelllnL" Thalberg—Mias Ruth Rodgera "PWonalee," Chopin—Miss Willie Theo Haas. M- Violin. "Air Varlo," Dancla—Mas ter Donald Dudley. II. “Valee." Godard—Mies Jeantt Stirling. . 13. Nine Variations (theme by Pal- slello), Beethoven—Miss Lenoir Allen. It. BIx Variations on "B-A-C-H," Valae. Intermexso. Sc he no. Nocturne. Prelude, Fugue, Rimsky Korsakow— Mlsa Elisabeth Lee. 14. "Rhapsody," Brahma—Mr. Paul Donahoo. 13. (a) "Barcarolle." Rubtnaleln: (bl "Etude Maxrppa." Llaxt—Miss Hannah Spiro. CARMEN SYLVA'S WORK FOR THE BLIND Aa la well known, "Carmen Bylra." the good queen of Roumania, la In augurating a great work for the blind people of her country- She Is estab lishing a oily for the blind In Rou- mania, where every comfort and mod ern device for the amelioration of their condition will be provided for those af flicted with, blindness. A.few days ago •* Washington. D. C., Mra France* Fearn. of New Ydgk. a clo«e friend and co-worker uf the queen of Roumanla. Illustrated to a fashionable audience the work which the queen la now doing for the blind people of her country. In her lecture. Mra. Fearn used a number of Interesting and picturesque lantern elide* showing Roumanian scene*, the queen In various pursuit* and pictures uf the city "Carmen Hylva" I* planning for her blind people. ThU I* a tract of land which ha* been given the queen by a wealth)- woman and which I* designed to be the future home nr her afflicted people. The city will be equipped with Industries In which the blind people will be able to | participate. Mr*. Fearn told of the Interest w hich the queen has always maintained In the blind and of the Individual atten tion she show* to every case brought to her notice. Hhe pictured several of the mile waif* whom “Carmen Hylva" had taken under her Immediate pro tection nnd whom she |* helping to educate at her own expense. The peo ple, cuHtoine and life In Roumanla were ehown In the lantern elide?, nnd In this way Mr*. Fearn gave the au- ,lleni fi a oUar etui Intjresllng Idea of the country and Ita people. Mr*. Fearn showed a new printing GASTORIA Tat Infknts and Child ran The Kind You Hava Always Bought Thirty Years GASTORIA nent oui-nf-town guest* were also present for the happy occasion, and II wa? Indeed a pretty compliment to the lovely and popular guest of honor, Mlaa Nell Neal, ■ The guwns worn hv the receiving ■pariy—were—penlcularlv pretty. ami . machine which has Juat been designed for ihe us* of the blind and with which they may readily print In their own fSHhlon. Hhe described the conditions under which the "Blind City" la to he established, saying that provision had been made by which th* blind with their famlllea could move Into the city from the various villages: house* ould be given them, employment furnished and everything done to make them underatand that they ar* equal In every way to the more fortunate. hnndaonte. Mr*. McCord received in a red crepo de chine, elaborately trimmed In lace and rare Persian trlmmlnga and car ried American Beauties. Ml** Neal wa* lovely In while silk net over pink chiffon. She carried la France rn»es. Music wa* furnished from the con- •ervatnry and punch was served by Ml** Ellae Harrison and Mis* Janette McClean. At a late hour a moat de licious buffet luncheon wa* served. CHRYSANTHEMUM CLUB. A meeting of the Inman Pork Chrys anthemum Club will be held Thursday afternoon at the home or Mrs. 8. C. Dobbs, at 3:10 nVtork. The meeting I* called for Ihe purpose of electing new officers, and ll I* hoped that every member will he present. The members Include: Mr*. J. n Wilkinson. Mr*. H. C. Dobbs, Mr*. Al- bs'l Herring, )|r«. Adam Jon**, Mr*. Alliert Andrew*. Mr*. S. r. Print. Mr*. Brooks. Mr*. Greenfield nnd Mrs. W. A. Candler. RECEPTION POSTPONED. On account of the Inclement weather the reception which wa* to have been given by Ihe Ladles' Auxiliary of ilic Railroad Y. M. C. A. haa been post poned. BRIDGE CLUB. Ml** Louise Johnson entertnlned her Bridge Club Thursday morning at her nine, on Spring street. After the game, a tunrhenn served.. The bridge prise wa* a pair of Milk hose. THE CARE OF THE HAIR ■boald he Of Interest in V \, rv woman. If Or»r nr lllearhH. i» can In* restored to Hr niitur n | color or made tit «ir< <i. Tie lipirial Hair Regenerator lew gnu i HAIR COLORING of the .... ,, la Mali? applied, oink** tin* h.ilr •oft nnd glossy. |« iili*.i|uti'!v harmless. Maniple* of tnir ml. ored free. Correi|Hiu«liMi-.• dentlai Will Glim. Mfg. Co.. 135 W. 23d St.. K. T. Sold by Jacobs' Pharmacy, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, do. Ml Austell Bldg. Office Hour*, t to !!:M—1:10 to l B. Phone Mein IMS. Beridenc* 33) Peachtree. B Male I'hose 4U8. U. D. C. MEETING POSTPONED. The meeting of the Atlanta chapter rf the C D. wilt be puatponfd un- til nexl Thursday afternoon, on account >f the Inclement weuther. TO MRS. M'CLUNG. Mr*. Julian Field will entertain at Imu-.hnnn Informally next week In bon- ... or of her sister, Mrs. MctTIung. wnof,,.,.",l will arrive from Knoxville for a visit' of several week*. GRAHAM-ELLISON. Mis* Resale Etll*nn nnd Mr. John D. Graham, otitontgonitry.jyerejnar- rlad Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock, at Ihe home of Ihe bride’s parents. Mr, and Mr*. Jnaeph \V. Ellison. The ceremony wa* performed by Rev. B»lk, of Hu Mark Methodist Tne bride was given In IWirr | rlage by her father, with whom *he MIS8 LYON HOSTESS Mlsa Agnes AT DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR.; CARD CLUBI TOBZ ENTERTAINED. ;ne. Lyon entertnlned Thur.- j and Matron* I ard < lub. "pie. A number of Invited guest* were * present and Ihe evening wa* passed In I moat plrasanf manner. . Heveral inuel- j cal number* were rendered nnd game* j played, after which delightful refresh- j e u toilet of pink bouquet of white JENIFER HIVE. Jenifer Hive. No. 7. L. <>. T. M. will hold u special meeting Friday nfler- fliu A Mother Made H«ppy A mother writes: "The first food that my child haa basn able to uks for sons time without vomiting was DR. PRICE’S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD He eats the loud regularly and has improved aomttchl —ia at plump as a partridge and Retting so strong I am delighted that ha is again so well." l)r. Price'* Pood ia the ideal fond (or children: prevents sour stomach and constipation. Palatable Nutritious-Easy of mjeslloa and Ready lo Eat CasksMrwSkat. Fat It a tat ma far a (*• *U*atit: tr task Is HM« MU • paekige ▲II <ir*ern packmgm HANDSOME JEWELRY. The magnificent kind so extensively talked nliont, made to inert the demands of the most discriminating tastes If you are hard to please emuc in. A SOUTHERN WOMAN AT COURT. Mrs. Waldorf Astor. who a* Mis* Langliot-ne. of Virginia, was one of the beautiful and brilliant belle* of the South, tin* Juat been presented at the court of 8t. Jamw. H**r appearance nn thin notable occasion In described on a perfect embodiment of the elegante of the Empire period. Light* daubed upon her diamond crown, her deep collar and necklet of biasing Jewel*, which outshone <*\ci» those on the tjueen'e neck. Mm. Attoi'e empire drea» wne com- P«>»ed of net with embroidered *llk Napoleonic wreathe. \ flounce of *u- perb old Hruaael* luce, the gift of her father-in-law. fell to the edge of her akin, lo meet Ihe hem of rich ermine. Her blue velvet bolero waa worked "lib clone empire deelgn. A glorlou* buckle of ihe Maine period, formed %»f matchlean diamond*. fastened the drean nt the back. From thin contly ornament a blue velvet train fell out in brond folda; Ita "hole edge wan hemmed with royal miniver. The lining whn of cloth of silver. Mi>. A*tor carried H fun (tint war once the pro|M»rty of Ihe Ernprene Joae- Phlne. Her tdlver ahoea were powdered "Ith An«» dlnmonde. and. conahlerhig her rttaturej «he did not iippenr over weighted with gem». The diadem on her fnlr hair wan In clanalc ntyle, formed of wrfMhM of flne diamond*, with n large Imp pearl hanging in each. Her fanoun *nnd diamond ex cited the atieathm of e\erv pemon- «ge on the ro>Ml dla». \n Mm. Aator retreated from the royal prepence their majesties turned to follow her with their e>en. Mt*<. Aator wan one of the favored few who were commanded to Join thelt ntn Jest lea at nipper. At the com lualon of the reception the ipieen and royal prlnceeae* expreaaed themarhe* deeply Interepted In her preaentathin They did not conceal their etirtoaltv hp to her Jewel*, and freely expre»*ed their admiral ion for them They exlnced nlao much InterePt In their hletnrv n»ie | »ee re* exclaimed that .Mr* AM •li the living picture nf Joseph foe. * entered the drawing room *Mr. L. D. Baker acted aa beat man. „ i Mlsa Heaale Jttckaon waa maid of hon- duy night at her home In Simpson j "*** ^ntartAlned thla week by Mra. j or and Mlaa Katherine McKenalc was atreet tn honor of ■everal vlaltlng young OMne*. at Durand a In the on , v bridesmaid. i Bohemia. Bealdea the member* there 1 j will be preaent Mra. J. D. Frailer. Mr*. Zuber nnd gueata. Mr*. E. f\ Kinsey and Mr*. E. O. Wllaon. and other*. The prise* will be a 1 blind- painted dlah. a gold hut pin and a pnta"'w#*rc Merced*' The*hnatena'■oared I ^ an,| -P®lnted f*ln trav. A dellclou* . nta were aer\ed. i ne noateas aparcu | lunrh#on wUI , et v*d after the game. nnd the orchestra wll! render a bright program.* The color p« heme tlon will be green anil yell o gown wa* of blue flowei * were pink no effort to render the occasion thor- j •Highly enjoyable, and aucceedcd In her; uaiial charming manner. Among tlmae preaent were: Ml** Ag- | lie* L.von, Mia* May Htampe «»f Home. . MIsnc* Emma Davt* and Etfle Morrla of I Austell. Mtaae* Mattie Mattox. Eva j Slider, Elma t’liwthorn. Irene Davl*. ltlanche Wehh. Mlttle Itutflii nnd E*- : tiler Lyon. .\le*Nr*. Janie* Stai nes. Huy , StHinen and Tolman Veal of Auatell,: Lawrence Bradley, Charley Bradley, Lynmn Dnvl*. Enii Slider. Uruhntu. 1 Kidd. Daniel. Claude Nealy. .Mr*. Dora HeaiPt und Mr. and Mr*. A. A. Lyon. | TO MISS DELEON. Next Tuesday afternoon Mih. D. If. laoper. will entertnln about thirty of her fi lends Informally nt card* in hon- ot of her friend. Mr*. DeLeon, .f New York. Euchre will be played. Mi** Jack.sun w net and curried i carnation*. Ml** McKenzie** *llk mull and her carnation*/ The bride wore a handtmtne costume of white crepe de chine, and she car- f decora- j ried it bottom i of white rose*. j Klllson. mother of the bride, , w .»re h becoming gow n 4>f black lace. .* Isilng In the entertainment of the n " * l:! ‘ M. o. Jack son. who md In black hit guest* A BEAUTIFUL FACE montsl* the rrmrrly that remnvM skin ImpsrfMlI makrs n*w blood and Improve* health. If you take BEAVTYSKIN btneflcla! results are guaranteed c monev refunded. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO . Madlaon Place, Philadelphia. Pa. Offa-HCOKOO^-Gr-^HANWOfiL APARTMENT A. IHE FREDERICK, 352 Whitehall Street. Practice limited to women and children. silk. WHITE PLAIN8. A verv Intereating program. conni-N Ing of redtAtton*. ptnys nml nui-<\ wa* rendered at the achtMil audltotium on Februor>* 22. Mis* Lucy Jernigan. of Hrei-n^h••m. was the guest of her sister. Ml** l>*U Jernigan. for several day* recentl> Ml** I.ena Davidson. *)f Auvji- i. spent several day* recently In White Plain*. Mis* Mahel Jernigan. of At Ian*.> >■* spending «*ime time with hei ;•;«: nt* i*i friend* here. A delightful entertainment wn< cion nt the home of Mr. W. F. David- ’ii n Hnturdny afternoon In honor of f i ill** Lena Davidson, of Au- MRS. . lam Jftllie-! lonlnl gethe I. Y. SAGE’S WORK. Sage I* engaged In a most ind valuable work for tin* own Exposition, In securing co- •xhlblts, which will be placed In oe building with the rellca heln^ •d by the Daughters of an Revolution of (leorgia. To- tliese two twautlful collections — L'olunla I *ml revolutionary—will he among the most unique and attractive at the approaching exposition at Jumc-iown. and will represent very much that I* of social and patriotic Interest in the early history of Geor gia Mr- Sage is eminently .fitted In every wav f.n the duties appertaining t«* the work assigned her by the t'olonlal Daniel .»f Georgia, and with the Daugh ter* of the American Revolution I* making decided progress In securing valuable relic* for the Jamestown Ex position. IN HONOR OF Ml88 NEAL. The most elaborate reception given In Thomson thl* season was the one Mrs. McCord gave to her charming guest and cousin. .Ml** Nell Neal. j Du piece. Atlanta, st^s The Augusta ChronUIr " The elegant colonial home of Mrs. ** ,nk ' .McCord was most exoulHltety decorated ' ,,ll ‘ An elaborate supper wa* served In buffet fashion, only the bridal party be ing seated at n tab!* artistically dee- orated in pink and white, a bowl of white hyacinth* wa* the effective c»*n- placed on a minor, beneath * a hantlsom? piece, irnntlon* were scattered over and laco mats, sliver candei- bla k | dnught gust a. palm* and la pi tall 4* * make 'horac- ferns, narcissi he I France rosea, the charming h "..and Individuality which alwa>* i*. MtC.irdV “at homes'* wns * h rlxed In every detail. The married friend* were etitert nIng the hours of 4 to C. nnd in the enlng a cotillion was danced by the •img society set. A number of protul- bonbon dl*he* filled ALPHARETTA. Mr T. B. James died sudden! day afternoon. He leave four children, beside* a numhi friends and relative*, to muji death. wife BALLARD BIFOCAL •oin-1 ine*l I ahta und sllv ! *vlth Pink nml w iiite confection* pletril the pict'.ires(|ue effect.. The wedding music was played hv I Burkinan, of Minneapolis, u cousin j proven the most perfect and walking glass ever producr [the advertised Invisible bifocal! l)V of the brid At midnight l**ft for a vl which they Mtor.g-im i may with two pairs of glass*** t n an* real comfort t«» everv wt-.irt : ' ALTER BA!*LABD OPTICAL Peachtree Ht. Everything optical; no side lines. Mr t visit I’tnl Mrs. Graham t4» Nashville, aft**-! to thelt Inane, ct 1 YOUNG WOMEN’S CLA8S. At the Bunday meeting *»f the Yfiung Women* Class of Tilnlty Sunday school the subject «*f the lectute will lie •.'optimism or Pessimism.” based upon a t omparlson **f th** philosophy of omnr Khayyam's Rubaiyat with that f IlolM it Blow tiing MR. AND MRS. CHAMBERLIN AT HOME INFORMALLY. Thui'day evening Mi. and Mrs. Ed ward t hiiinberlln will be at home In formal^ to their friends, the occasion giving i n opportunity to say gooUbv to thelt guaat. Mima Mary McCarthy^ w In*, after several months spent here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chamber- lln. will leave Fridav for Mobile. SICK HEADACHE .'nil* 8'iolpty nun hp|,i 1'hurmlny morn- * r " m B '*»•* >° Mhcnn. •* 1 IHK lit the larneql" llhniry f,„ i hr . Mf Roy Hlx. of Maemv SHELTERING ARMS. in.i'iliiE "I lln' Bliellc DUNBAR. Ir. Tmn Dpnt. of Mnonn. ».i« hi of Sir. \Y. W. Slminoii' .in I Sunday. I is. W. \V. Taylor, of Abbeti:: led the Wat*on«HIII wnldlm-* Siillie Slmmona CARTERS ■uB By apeal a, relieved, foiwtJpai Ion avoWri], Itowds regulated, no pain, no griping. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSK. SMALL PRIOE. lectures or given Intel organ I in tint "pic *Tl I D.ime HpP«*nVN In David * fasno •nution b> Napole a* Notr EUGENE V. High-Class Jewelers. HAYNES CO. 37 Whitehall Street. INFORMAL LUNCHEON. MD* I.etltia Johnson entertain* m he *n Tursda;. and \Y«w|nisd.' of New Y. rk. KLINDWORTH RECITAL. Thursday evening. "February 2 i. the following excellent program will be -tendered «t the Klimlworth Conserva tory ef Mush, or Peachtree slicet. nt x o'clock I ”TI •• Mill ' Jcn*i*n Mis* Mary Mullins. J. "tSt'imw Kajaiiu*—Att>s A utfitiiu rtntmtir to Wk'tkif. 0ptim, Hh- . , ■*<««. Cecafa*. CA/araf. ! ln 1,11 rR fdato ad fft»;a«fla. a/a ar Karra (ilaiitfiv j U« Onlj Iceltr Inttt- RUMMAGE SALE. j t 'oiitniltto.H X*m. ; nn.l 3 [ P.qice D.l,(nn Atrnue n.iptlst util hiivp ii runtimiKP -:i!r Mnr. li nt 1 th*' «'«>iner <’f t'mtirr »ir,q unit Pint ■ niunt a\run,. Mr?. Uuliiorf'ir.l i nqnb nnd Mr?. W. j. Nnrthi'n i I (Ihv with Mr. R. D. Aullmiin \ Mr**. Alice Dennis, *.f Fb*r. i V , M , won ' Durward Dennis, 1 ; ,n •r that j n ,e visiting the family of •'*' " : i Kltnmons. i Mr. r. .K. Watson, of Wil^n . 1 Mis* Faille V. Hill, of Dunbm ; r the . united In marriage at the h*»Mt" • 'hunt bride'* parent*. Rov. and M’ Hill. Wednesday; the 2»th ln>t W. Childress. «»f Byron. •••»' 1 Llp»* ill ho ELECTA CHAPTER. hiptt Man 229 WoodnrJ A»J.,-ATiANTA, 6.1 till) i3 Cf!f|il i Mil. iipll *1 lift.- Mil 3" | rniq Fm... tti Friday. Mai ling member Invited.* .Veoib» i ( (Tf 'JTiJipui" j promptly. By children "teething d t Mrs. Winslow’s S^fnVg*! OSTEO A Ryou STS of the worthy matt SARAH J. HANNA, Secret 1 j Soothing Syrup «ry. SARAh M'INT08H CHAPTER. , fill? Plllll! "f III, tin E. E. Brat PHYSICIAN AN BL ‘S THKIKt WHILE TEETHING WIIII.iA'n m,)Tt! CKn8. IT WHJThBMTHK» HI 'I • .'I 1 ii THK ol'll", AI.I.ATH >1.1. I'A'Ylmi WIND xml U tbo Bk."* I.) "m- FnRtUABKHUfA. . , „| | SoM by druxxUtx In ««ry r»” u ‘ irorU. ■q ii.> iipi.t i'ii,:,, Twenty-five Cents a Rottl*- Olficti: 774-375 CtntuHy Old] Cell Phone 3)31 •vtt ragi.and : qi.linii Roretu: Imirnnl*rtl nn,!rr titp Pure Drug m t. June 30. luutl. * ber i'K'S.