Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 01, 1907, Image 4

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r 81 DAT, MARCH 1, MW. THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. Atlanta School of Telegraphy. Thla Reboot In Admirably equipped and conducted, with Profeeeor F. B. Johnson, formAly of (he Southern Sfhool, of Telegraphy At Kearnan, as principal. . Mr. John* Eat More of the most nutritious of flour foods—Uneoda Biscuit—the only perfect soda cracker. Then you Mill be able to Earn More because a well-nourished body has greater productive capacity. Thus you will also be able to Save More because for value received there is no food so economical as Ifnasda Biscuit j moisture proof package. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY begin^prinS Considers the Southern an Excellent School J. L. Ritchie, Oa_: a a., writes: 1 consider your school sn excel lent one, And cheerfully recommend It to sny one who deelrei A thor ough buelneu training." Mi.. Olive Heed, stenographer for J*me. A fhAncey, Columbus, Oa., writes: J "I sincerely believe thnt no bet ter Instruction ran be obtained anywhere than In the Southern Hhorthund and Business Unlvsr- slty, of Atlanta, and that all who attend that achool and apply them selves ran obtain and hold the best positions to be had." President of Bank Writes J. T. Duncan. President Dougla.- vlUe Banking Company, writes: .‘‘We are delighted with Mies Ollle Mae Miller, one of your stu dents. whom you recommended as a suitable stenographer. She Is well qualified and Is one of the most accurate In typewriting we have ever had In uur employ. 1 have always held the Boutllcm Shorthand and Business I’nlvorslty very high In my estimation, and I am glad io say that I am more pleased than ever. "Beef wishes for your success In —ine grand work y<nr5re~aorarw the young ladles and young men of the South." ui A-'.nd Son has had !• years txpsrtenc. its. railroad and commercial telegraph ing, and la the only telegraph In structor In Ooorgta who .has sent students from the school‘room to positions as operator and agant. » A few days ago ws received an / application for Bve 110 a month operatore. Proud That He Attended the Southern The 70 Typewriting Machines Used by The Southern, a Spectacle Only to Be Witnessed at This Famous School. . . I O. L. Fulmer, with Carmichael . Buggy Company. Ja'ckson. (la., wrltee: “I appreciate the many courtesies extended, to me during my stay at the Hnuthern Shorthand and Buel- neae University, end thank you for the kind assistance rendered me In getting a position at the comple tion of my course." Parent Pleased With Son’s Success Mrs. Lula Bothwell. of Mllledge- vllle. Ua.. whose son has just ac cepted e position, writes: "I wish to thank you for the In terest you have ehnwn In my son's progress since he has been with you. You have a good achool. and one worthy of the greatest success and prosperity. You may rest a»- - mired that when occaalone arise 1— shall take pleasure In saying a good word for the ‘Southern.’ “ a. W. Ritchie, Oasis, Oa., writes: "It will give me great pleasure at any time to speak a kind word for your Inetltutlon. for. Indeed, I am proud that t attended ydur school, feeling that to have done so was one ■ of the most fortunate things I aver did. "Certainly It shall always be a pleasure to as. to-apeak-w-Mnd- word and as. my Influence In be half of your school." SPECIAL. FEATURES OF THE GREAT SCHOOL: Over 15,000 former students in positions. Strong faculty of nine teachers—three times as many as are employed by any other business college in Atlanta. Better faculty now than ever be fore. 70 typewriting machines—from three to five times as hinny as are used by any other business college of the state. 1,200 applications received last year for bookkeepers and stenogra phers. Teaches twentieth century bookkeeping and Graham Shorthand, the* best systems in the world. Students have been placed in positions after four weeks’ study, a record uuapproached ny any other sehool in the South. Under the same management 17 vears; founded 42 years. |DON'T FORGET, THE SPRING TERM OPENS MARCH 4th-15th CALL OR WRITE AT ONCE FOR INFORMATION. A. C. BRISCOE, Pres., L. W. ARNOLD, Vlce-Pres., Atlanta, Ga. 911 LEAPS Engineer. Burned To Death as People Look On. Oimn.UtvIUe, Pa. March 1.—Engi neer Wylie Irwin, of Pltleburg, wee caught under lUe engine and burned to death before the eyee of pateengere who were powerleee to liberate him, ae a raault of the wrecking of Baltimore and Ohio train No. 41. westbound, last nlgtat near Indian Creek, eeven mile* eaet of thle piece. Fireman T. D. Frederick, of Pitts burgh tree so badly Injured that H Is thought he will die, end B. O. Hull, of (Mrrettevtlle, Ohio, end Mrs. J. W. WHILE A WAITING ABSENTEES, STAID CONGRESSMEN WHISTLE POPULAR AIRS AND SING Washington, March I.—At « o'clock yesterday the house .took recess to 6 o'clock, at which tlms It was purposed to begin the passage of private bills. When the gavel fell at the latter hour, Mr. Mahon, of Pennsylvania, who had protested against holding a night session, demanded a roll call on the paaamre of each bill. Aa only sixty members responded to their names he made the point of order of no quorum. The apeaker thereupon ordered the doors closed and directed the aergeant- at-arms to bring In the absentees. To while away the time, Messrs. Ful kerson, of Missouri, and Fordney, of Michigan entertained the members mid the people,In the galleries, which were crowded, by a whistling duel, their repertoire Including nil the popular songs. Then Representative Hamilton, of Michigan, sang songs, mostly old ne gro melodies, and was assisted by tin Impromptu quartet and chorus. A diversion was alfordrd by mock proceedings bringing John Wesley Qalnes before the house for some In fraction of the rules, and he embraced the occasion to deliver u speech In a felleltous vein. With only one lacking to make n quorum, there was a further wall of an hour. Finally there wn* n great shout front the watchers outside the chamber as Representative J. Bloat Fassett'.i big touring cur was seen gliding tinder the portico. It contained eight repre sentatives and ns they entered the chumber attired lit evening dress they were greeted with tumultuous applause. Mr. Bennett, the first to -answer to his name, made up the quorum, and the business of the session proceeded. After passing a number of bills on the private calendar, the house ad journed at 11:56 o'clock. III LEGISLATURE Austin. Texas, March 1.—When tho house of the Texas legislature met yes* tenluy afternoon representative after i representative rose to denounce Sena tor Bailey for the language lie had used {station, who Is In the city making sev- FEARS PEACH CROP WILL BE DESTROYED BY LATE FREEZES Special to The Georgian. Athens. Ga., .March 1 .^-Professor H. N. Starnes, of the Georgia experimental Tissue, of Morgantown, W. Va., were seriously hurt. The train was 18 minutes behind Its schedule and was running at a a nee-I of about 40 miles nn hour. There were 41 passengers in the train. In cluding a party of Baltimore and Ohio railroad officers, who were on a tour of Inspection. The whole train left the track and plunged into a ditch. Panic-stricken, the passengers fought their way out of the wreckage, which caught tiro and was destroyed. Many rushed to where Irwin was being burned t«» death under his engine, be ing attracted by the man’s screams. Nothing could he done for him. how ever, and he died ofter suffering In tense agony. BELIEVED HIS IN DID THE SHOOT! T In addressing himself to the men who had voted against him. Senator Bai ley's assertions were denounced qs lies, his language aa Indecent and abusive, and his manner an insult to the houte of representatives of Texas. Represen tative Johnson, one of the minority, denounced Senator Bailey ns ”a wil ful. malicious and premeditated liar." Representative It. M. Brown used language to the same effect, and stated that if he had been present when the vote was taken to "vindicate the sena tor" he would have voted agulnst It. Representative Reedy vigorously as sailed Senator Bailey, and denounced his utterances against the minority as fulse. Representative Jenkins, author of th* minority report condemning Senator Halley, pleaded guilty to the charge of once having been a Populist, but said he became a Populist when the Demo cratic party bud violated the principles of the Democracy. Representative Beatty spared neither the senator's public nor private records. Beatty claimed that Senator Bailey had not been all thnt was good and noble, back In Mississippi, amf he offered to pay the ex(>ensen of any member of the | legislature who wanted to go to Missis- cml lectures'be fore the winter school of agriculture of the University of Geor gia, in u lecture on "Peach t’ulture In Georgia," stated that he has serious feara for the safety of the |>earh crop. He states thnt we are almost sure to have March or April, which, fol lowing the warm weather of the past weeks, may greatly endanger the crop. COLONEL LIVINGSTON ILL IN WASHINGTON FOR YARD, POULTRY. LAWN, CEMETERY AND FARM—EREC TING PAGE FENCE OUR SPE- IALTY. CHEAPER THAN WOOD. W.J, Dabney Implement Go,, 61 8o. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Oa. GEORGIA -FULTON COUNTY. To the Superior Court of Raid County: The petition of John B. Wheat, Ivsu E. Allen mill Walter 1*. Andrews, all of said state ami county, respectfully shows ss follows, to-wit: I. Thai they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and nssIgUN. to lie mid to iHH-ome a l»ody corporate uuder the name nud style of HOUT1IKRN EXPLORATION AND VKLOPMENT COMPANY. ?. The term /or which petitioners ask to lie Incorporated Is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the eud of that time, ns provided by law. 3. That tbs capital stock of ssh! corpora* be $15,000. divided Into shares of ik- ianiim WlfAIW MARIE CAHILL, In th. N.w Musical Play, "MARRYING MARY" Oriflu.l N.w York Cl* and Production Night. 26c to *2. Mat, 26c to *1.50. Sale now on. slppl In find out. Jn consequence df Benntor Bailey's speech of last night. Lieutenant Gov ernor Davidson and u majority of the , \ | minority membership of forty In tho i house have announced their candidacy San Antonio. Texns. March l—"Were (two yearn heme, and defy Senator Hal it not for the damaging evidence of the ,e > to defeat them. empty .Ml. tad Cl,PA 1 ** r .fl h. of the „ v . 'Sick the firm belief that none of m> men | lousp of representatives of Arkansas n ' was connected with the crime, but with Lresolution was Introduced yesterday “ ^ Washington, March 1.—Representa live Livingston, of Georgia, hns been suffering for several days with a severe Attack of the grip, which developed as an aftermath of a hard cold he con tracted several weeks ago. He was considerably better today, but his physician has ordered him to keep his room, fearing pneumonia may result from any exposure. Tutt’sPills r (alt* to ‘L „ , thin fact .,> painfully before me. I am [eulogizing Senator Bailey and provld- not only convinced II wan perpetrated h n g that a telegram of congraiulatloaa by men of till, command, but Hint It „p (U , |,|n complete vindication by the * —legislature be »ent declared out of order by Speaker Handler, who aalfl that the Arknnmui legislature had more Impor tant buHlneea to trammel than mixing with Tcxa. artalra NEW REAL ESTATE FIRM CHARTERED was carefully planned beforehand The above is nn extract of a letter written by Major Penrose, of the Twen ty.fifth Infantry. t«* the military secre- tury of tl»«* Department «>f Texas, on August 3&.»190fi. and Introduced ns evi dence by Judge Advocate Hay yester day In the Penrose rourtmnrtlnl pro ceedings. growing out of the ’’shooting up" of the town of Hrownavllle, Texas. In August Inst. "I tsdlcve from seven to ten men wen* Implicated In this matter." the writer continued. "Home one of them must have had a key to the gunrack. and after check roll cal I was taken— for all were reported present at 11 p. m. rollcall —they stepped out of the quarters, did the shooting, and returned when the companies wen* forming and \ y t VCWTDQ at some time during the early morning 1 IlU.MAn\0 houra. and cleaned ,heir rifle " , DIVORCE CHARGES John 8 Owens ami W. <\ Martin, through their attorneys, Candler. Thomson A lltrsrh. have applied for n charter for the -.Sort list,le Park.'* with a capital atoek of and tho privilege of Increasing It to Headacha, Biliousness And ALL DISEASES arising from a torpid Liver and Bad Digestion V The natural remit la good appetite aadaolidfleih. Doae entail; elegant ly eu gar coated and may to awaliow. Take No Substitute. TEETH EXTRACTED positively without I hi lii. 60c each. host tooth M. Uouejr enn not buy bettor.. I’llll. AIIKI.PIIIA DKNTAI. IIOttJIB. No. X Whitehall Ml. and WHMKgY HABITS cured at ho—a yrllN out paltbBoek^^H liar« fib M. WOOLLEY J V'niiK M, D iMIl.PrmFttci Preparing for Crops. Special to The Ueo.gli*. | | jj ro|rt . [il lJ i l|n , Huntsville, Ala., Marc h i.—Farmers xhonian. through hi* attorney. IUiIIshi ; ArriVc From — F l/qail'io- arr bcuttrring themselves throughout J Hell lie alleges ttoi between June and \ 8«inunaU .... ami Macon 11.40 p® i. ----- *--* baa unfaithful to hint. I Jar k too villa . i.MamiMacoa north Alabama, and If pretty weather holds out for a few days they will hav<* hundreds of plows turning earth fur the new y cur's iropo. lie twvs llmt the *e|M ttilsi Uacon lLtO^_, ■ cruel tv, j Bacon LlSpui IL asks Miron LSI pmjjacksoovtUe Macon •JOptulfcavsaaab irksoovllle . JO tc am • con ........ «.W pm iuooiSS. t. l'etitloners pray the right to Issue either roimunn or preferred »ttN*k. «»r both, with tho isiwer of untulng. detlnlng nud creating the utntus aud relative power*, privileges and liiiniunltles of each class of uhM-k. 6. The object of sithl proposed corfioratton In pecuniary gain aud profit to Its atoek uiliilug. improvement and development liusl ness, nud to «lo nny and nil things tu or U|k»u rent estate or in collection therewith, for the Improvement, development or lost* torment thereof, for tho uac. convenience nud enjoyment of purchasers, residents or tenants thereof; to buy, encumber, sell, have, hold, losae. option and otherwise deal and trade, either as vendors or vendees, lessors or lessees, optioners or optionees. In nil kinds nnd classes of renl estate, equi ties, mineral or other Interests, whether Improved or unimproved; to make all kluda ami classes of improvements in or u|ion real estate, and t“ -* “■*— necessary nnd pr Of this privilege; »«» r»rvme*, aril ■ mi ue liver tho stocks and bonds of aald corpora tion, with the right and authority to make aud deliver nil ne»*essary aud nppropriate Instruments In such trausacthma; to l«nu «r borrow money upou any and nil col laterals nud securities, whether real, per sonal or mixed, with the right to deliver, take or receive the proper Instruments lo witness amt execution thereof; to boy, sell, encumber, have, hold, prospect, mine or o|H*i-nte alt kinds or classes of mineral prop erties. with th** right nnd authority to do nil things luM-cMuiry nud proper to the execution of thnL class of Imslness; to art In nil matters or classes of business herein eiirtmerated either ss principal, agent or surely, with the right to receive, exact or give reasonable aud proper comm lesion a nnd rrtuutienilions therefor; In short, to frcct.v ns n natural person could do. with the right nail privilege to exercise all the usual powers ami to perform all the ueces* hereiniN'fore specified. S. Petitioners pray that the principal of fice and place of business of said proposed corpomtlon shall Ik* Iii Atlanta, said atatt and county, but they pray the right to es tablish and maintain branch office* any where lu the state of Georgia or the United States. They prey the right to make nnd adopt by laws for the regulation au«l gov ernment of said co»'poratluu in nil matters ami things s* a majority of sold stockhold ers easy determine; to have a cor|N»rnte ami. to sue aud be sued, and to plead aud lie Impleaded They furthermore pray the righl and privilege of veiling nuy portion or nil of the property of snbl corporatb»u, «*r of winding tip the latslncss of aald rorporatfou as a majority of the stockholders thereof may deem sin aud prvp-r, aud to the Monday and Tuesday. Hatlnee Tuesday. Th. IH.tlBgul.hMl finmantlr Actor. LESTER LONERGAN IN E. II. SOTHRKN'H BIO Rt'Cl'ESH, "IF I WERE KING," BY JtynN HtWLEY Mri'AUTItY. Night 26c to $1.60. Mntlnro Sc to II.IM. 8AI.K NOW ON. THE BIJOU Tonight—Matin*. Saturday. BILLY B. VAN In Hla Lataat Musical 8uccaaa "PATSY IN POLITICS" 40 Company of 40 Next Week: "The Curse of Drink" NEXT WEEK—USUAL MATINEES. F. AUG. ANDERSON In “THE CURSE OF DRINK” Blaney’e Great Moral Play. Splendid Caat and Production. BLUNKALL-ATWOOD Co. ALL THIS WEEK THE GREAT SOCIETY DRAMA "CAPTAIN SWIFT" 18a, SOe, Me. 60a. .... 18o, 20c, JOc. bnt lat.rrat. At all of the atockholil.ra of aalil corporation. Wherefore, petitioner, pray to bo ai.dr a _ Attanwya for PMltloeara. "* ° ln TD , ^tt;*»ro , ?r!WriN.rh. court of said county, do hereby i - • g is a true and « a linn for charter of _ rioti and Itevelmimeat fotu- jHtny. ns tho mote appears of file la thla uf* Witness my official signature and the arid af aald court this February *. If®?. AUNULIi IIROYI.Eff. Clerk Superior Court. Fqltoa Cnaaty. Ga.