Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 04, 1907, Image 12

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r < vAlien 4. i»rr. Want Ms 10 Cents a Line N« ad. taken tor looo than 34 canto. 81k word* of avaraga length make line. The tallowing rataa are tor con- aacutive maertione: 1 time 5 timoa 6 timao 26 timaa 10 canto a Una. 6 1-3 canto a line. 71-2 canto a line. 6 canta a lino. Wa will aand tor your ad WITH OUT CHARGE tar meeeenger aarvica. Call u» 4927 Main, ar 4401 Atlanta phona. Whan eending ada. pay tor at the rataa quoted above. Caoh with each order. Rataa for 3, 6 or 12 mantha' contract furniahaa on ap plication. Ada. for Situation* Wanted will b* Inaartad FREE. WANTED HELP—MALE. MAI.II FTK ». $::>. private » reporter. I $2S PER WEEK AM* TRAVELING EX |M-||**-<4 |a:l |a| NHlfPlUfMI t»* At* 11 IH f nw*rr dealer*; e»i»erb*nee nttneee»*ary Sirlly Company, Chicago WAsmeirwiifTK janitor iou man iifnctnrlug plant: mum be experienced and have r^ferem !••». State ivnci-i wanted Mun nfacturer. IV (» Itiu MT JSSSk learning. •»**«»»• If*»l 1907 jot* out. fall or write Moler llarber i#r*. Hunter 4i Mil t'orayth strict a. fiVrE competbnt remington Mart tort fnrnlahrd poeltlono. Ketnlogton Typewriter Co.. Ill Peachtree itr—l. cutters eaiin’Thom 'im to nsn a Wffk Iho art of garment rutting mh eemfullv- taught lit mall, or at my abop The only • ut'lng aebnol South I alan pelt pattern* of nil uea«*ii|dlon*. 4\*rlte or call WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER FOR 1*111 raft* iMtnrtlliuc hoii*c. Kcferenceaiictiulred. Ait'llr"* M II. lb. Drawer II. AtInittii. BIO BARGAIN—THREE BRICK HTOlIKH uleb hotel above; rout fttr $1" month: on If 9fi.WKt. I alao have oereral ulir home* for * onlP In Hit* f**i..*t growing town In north ! oast Georgia. A'lilrri* W. P. t'oiliurn, Stab | ham. tin. 1 IK YOI WISH Til ItKV TWO NT!llir o*lght room h«u*e from nitnet f nil <ou veil letter*; iir»Dil!iPiit if reef; term*; addr**aa owner 32. The Georgian /OR MALE -IA>TM. t.-i/k of i nr ami ronveiilenl lit M-b<»>t» out) ■ hur.-he*. I'rli o 8*"" ejipb Ad'lr*** |to\ 62 In• nt'ir. (in Hl lll JIHAN HOME IN oEt'ATI'B; MPA . ion* ground* uml hnuae; nour earn; every rimrin of eouutry nud advantage «f city. Addf ••** Opportunity. It"i 4_*»*• Atlanta. Gu FOR SALK—NEW HOME! SAME AS RENT! A rosy HOME. Ml lake. avi:m h. at t 'opfiililll; fiihliiM (Mantel* hihI 11 Uni; »lty water; tinted nail*, in'tt mr IIiipi; iwe/rc iiilnute* >H th* 4».|iti*r of clt v. Large. shady lot | In.- tiriulilMirliiHMl. i My «<-|i.Md*. on EAS4 pn» iin-nt* of $!.*• |mt mouth. WANTED—MONEY. FARM AN!) INVEST MENT OPPORTUNITIES cm the SEABOARD AIK LINE CONTRACTORS, NOTICE KttmilKU HTONK. -.and and maiiki.k for aal*. 1*. ll. Hot 34. Littioula. Ga. 718-W Fourth Itnuk Building TIIK KELLEY JKWKLItY COMPANY la arlllug 12 god l4-«lxe Elgin movement* In Fdby's JO year opru fm i* golil flllail t uaaa. 7Jawi»lotl. frfiO; 15-Jowrletl, |10.«; Ii-jetr* flail. ll.’.Vt. I.AKOF KITtl'M H OF EXTIIA FINE AP RAILWAY. "JiMv •S.Jt rfTXltf i'wS^tfa^Tg.-iiasafflrtg: i iLlrrjr'niann/.^Vinvr r i. , |inu«iulU7 , "t| l '‘*‘ r J .... .• yai ..... > IrotJ from iicarli.v ml!!*, ami a •' * * 4 k (Mil !y liullt. fkt trh- llglitn! lug. with ahlotra'k fafllUloa. urn If Iraaotl |iuii'lina«H| on a moat rmanuuhlr l»aal». Holm* local t-aiillal tan U* cnliatcil In tlila |iio|**tbltIon If ilaalriil. PI ANINO Mll.l. AM* LI MBKII YAIU#- Thk Io4tilIou rotihl not If 4*i4-4*llctl for the |nir|HHi«- ft la In the very heart of the pine iititl hnntmiMNl licit of the Ciirolluai. within reasonable ratllua of uiitueroua amall aaw mill*, lull no planing tullla or luuilier ynrtla to • oiit|M*fo with. I’lie town la growing rap- Idly, ami will apeml over n.Ont.IWU for Imlhl | ?** tfL ‘ g material* within the ne*t twelve Pnoitf W. r- - T •titlia. An .ore of ground aultalde for WK KENT NKW MAt lllNFh. HK HFI.L ItKItCILT HMITII PIIKMIKK. 4«J4M> CON «mit*». 940. Ilttfjer Ty 144*writing (V. ;iH IV Fourth National Bank Building. HO” VO it" WANT"toTIKKNTOlt HIV A aewlng machine. The )n*at la *be « lienp all Bell phooa 3836. or- Atlanta biahiiaittiient of plan* ami yard w III If loiiaied to the right |nirl|i*». A Hiluiiiiiiui >f $' 4-nplinl would In* r«|tllred to hau- •lie Ihu to the heat Jul\milage, and $H'.t») very fntudaome protlta. I WANT 1.0AN ON IIKAL KK'JATE worth If*."""; prefer private fuuda. Secure. ■ ,, M .| care Georgian , «nlll III MIIFH STONE PLANTS—CoNTltAC fora, (oilIdem and street pitting coueerin find It iflffh nil to we- ttre crtiahetl alone for oik MONEY TO LOAN. Viudm t place. Phot anil. Addresa Capital, cur* Georgian. money advanced salawkh pro- pie and other*, Atiierlmu Investment Company. 704 Candler Imllding KainhlUbed 1*9“ WEYMAN A CONSEItH. EgCITABLE. Mortgage hall* eu teal estate nlllng bit- tvhe-e crilahetl * e«lrel||#a|y pfollfrtMe ill the high prlei pre verul |o*atloii* h v n 11 it • Ilte plant a would prove iintf eh etc ft»«ijlll»»iia !<• Insure eeotioinlml and • , «u* htion. Lta ittlon* embrace either Imeatoue or irnp ita k. IIml pt mil*** from Atbinta IIIKMI.NO of e ENCEI.SKHt PI A NT—THE Iniui dl*triel no I letriiorv couautiif * Jiiinienae t|iinnflilea and f!«*• mark'd demand la n« no •••»•»•» g.Mwl «>iii - At lit nil*' and Birmingham dm- uloii from Coal City wv«t ln«" Blruilughiiin iM-iiidr.ifea <iml will tlerelop an abatdiilely virgin lerrltory lie tween Cool City and 1111 filing bant are enorni'Mla apuilltltle* tif idue. will' *4itue hnrdW'MMl. rnucliig from t to IJ In* Ilf" In ollauieler; all '*» K aultalde f..r e\. i i*|or oiiai. Timber rlghia can be pun hu«ed on h ni"«t attractive ba*l*. *»i ft* niiigeineiit* tan ia* made with owner* to cut MONEY TO LOAN AT 5. 6 ANO 7 PEB i (fM * vvt«a| to tiimeuMona dmdretl and ib llv. cent IntenMit. according to »ecur|fy of- Ip t ,, n,.. |dnni The mnnufa«-tnre of «tep ferevl; nuiuII expense and prompt attention. , imide'* Un lieu table* and «lmilar article Only on real estate lu .’Ul near Atluuta. | p, , ouloin il«»n would prove profitable. S. It. Turman. •— |\pi soltlAI. EAltTII HEPOSIT THIS IS SPECIAL HOME FI’NHS TO LKN1>; I h,,. i«rg,.«t .lugb- tlep"*H "f Infmmrlal Write },. Mr th I It live ever aeen It la banted or main line, near ftlr.nlligbnm. Tbla Hia any amount. 4V,. 6 and « per reut. r call S. W. Caratiti, Ct South Broad street : I I..11. ) | M uaeful In the IlliliillflielUre of |H»I MONEY TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATE i , N .n«|era and a- oinlng *on|»«.. but It* nt very lowest rate*. No dei ty*. CbniIra ■ ,.■*!.-naive ua** |« in ilte tiinnufncture Herman, rooma 202 !!03 Tantple <*ourt. . 4 , r dynamite, p.n klng for ladlera, gtenm - ■ ■ — — and *:ife*. and a* a baae for fire and FOUR PEU CENT HOME MONEY TO ; retiinllug cement a. It I* alao of value lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; • p, t| M . niNiiufiicture of fireproof leilldlug notea. j ,| in |,.i htl also money fi»r Straight ioan* innil rda, aecordlhg A. Fo*ter. 12 Smith Broad *trr*b tnouey - cent and tip- deni raid Illy of louu. SITUATIONS WANTED. mill J- iM-iUk- hilr-MhH‘*.tl into lh« if,,. iii,,' .if null,. ami for HI l.-rtuk iinriNU--.. In tin* linn,I- "f n ! ii.ill mini. Hi.- ■Iwvi.|«|iliiflil "f 'I' 1 * I0"P, jelly !«. uo'iiiK I" prove very profitable,, juijl , Hoynlty It Itiea, we ifelfver New fug marhfne* in any part of the city, and allow you it gootl price for your old ones Peuir*tlc Hewing Ms< blue Company. 194 North Pryor afreet. Call up‘Bell phone 8336. or Athiuta '.phone EVERYBODY BUYS MY COI’NTY LISTS; "nntne; poatoffiee; propertyfbe itliw llaer, because It pnya: tne advertising ngeii ey. Weguse they can make money. Ad dress W. J. Dibble. Fourth National Hank Inillillug. Atlanta, tJa. Uell phone 1414. A SALE OF $100.00 TYPE WRITERS AT $65.00. No. 4 l'nUerwuod. No. 3 Oliver No. 2 Smith Premier. No. • Remington. No. 8 William*. These machine* only slightly n*ed. Just as gootl as ever. All shipments C. O. D.* subject to examination. 4>rder totlay. Southern States Writing Machine Co., Telethon* 1SS3—424-25 Candler Bldg. FURNITURE BARGAINS SIOM Quartered link Stilt IK flftt Mahogany Mult 8s; W» Uunrtfi-I-I (Ink Hull w V* Quartered Oak Mldelatarda... *' 845 (Jitartereil Oak SldelMNinl*... 8V» ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. HOUSE AND LOT. NO. 58 EADS ST. Ou, Tuesday, March 5 ' (legal sale day), we will Kell No. 58 Eads*St. to tile highest bidder for cash, at the court house door. This place is just off McDaniel St., on lot 117x78 1-2. For plats and further information call at our office or at office of C. S. Winn, attorney, in the Century building. FORREST AND GEORGE ADAIR, JAMES L. LOGAN & CO. 308 Peters Building. PHONK I10J MAIN R. M. -JONES & CO., REAL ESTATE, m-li-i'ti'il from our 11,1 of aavi-nii ■ «*’"•* "vy 11 ".'ri tt'UOllSON HTItKET-KUCK ItCIOM .. r..„- .I»r. rnoy. nj-1 .oi;,,-,. tinli. mill, all <oDri.'tiloiic-a. we Im vi hundred .... _ Hat within t|tf nett, few ilaya. all great Istrgaln*. If you want home mi easy term*. Just mark th* 4in (lie Rat and aak us: Ihh»I» aye.—Modern. 2 stories. u.:a<» .tali... . nM,, Mrt.*• with all C4I place ^ w ino - Grant park. IJ" Oak Serving Tables.. If gnartered Oak llilffet*. SHOULD gOD IIA VC A COLD AND A cough, take "Pewberry'a Delight." Nath Ing better. Drugglat* tell It. roMM UNITIES ON WANTED HELf-»—Mala and Famala. WANTED IIY A mil "f nhiml. a Willing t-. begin [Au*wcr. Beginner, tore Georgia WANTED in AN E.\i*ERIK.> a p"*ltlnll a- gi'wciy eb*r|, Mtllng meat a!*ui CooKS. MAIDS. NI'RHES. WAITERS. WANTED A POSITION As Pll'l Itiitler*. iMirtera. Janitor*, laborer*, etc v s ,., t„ m | * ”* , ;b'„... A' -.. R W Itrowii. 117 NH*< BAPTIST TABERNACLE EMPLOYMENT j department Nccttre* hplP and sltuntbui* In want‘ED SITUA TION AS WATCHMAN j ail lnt»lne* Hite*. S to ll n in. L. „t tallrn.iil f|n-o»lug. IuhiIm i vard. fact.»ry. i t-p tabic. THE SEABOARD i-mititiunlcate with tuv go«M| ItiiliiMtrlttl. bmtl tit np|H»rtiiiilty nvalhible salary I «j,j, b I* taking advantage of I 1 i.M-allv Imt.iu-44- Of Other Interest* deimitnl *» — Ing nil "f their lime and nltentlon and t ap EH MAN;,,;, I the above or a list of other luTltlug . porttuiltle* In the SenltMird'* tenllnry. I 1 ' .... rol.lroom place requiring WANTED BOARD. TWO I.AHIS BUSINESS WOMEN. HE •ire Im''nl ;iimI r«*»ni In private family * Mti«t I** t'*it*onub|e and within vvalUluu j dlstaiice of eeuter of • Itr. Adilr-*** with term* and telephone number. II II C . i «nrv* TIm* Georgian Company. W K .lohnooti. WANTED POSITION l to do office vv • S Kelly, ts Woodwind . M 4 N I S Pi Have bad tw 11, grocer v «41 ciic* Addtc II. R HIGH AM. , Asdstnnt General ludjistrlal Agent. !V*9 1111 English American building. Atlanta Bargains for Sale Business Oppiirtiuiitic*. .1. ('. IIARDIE, 22U Kiser Building. I.11.HK in Lot us HY IkV TO ALLEY; REMINGTON. NO. 6. TAKEN AS PART payment for the New Visible Fox. altinmt brand neir. put. flutter TypeirrPer ('«>.. 7IN19 Fourth Natlonai Itnuk llldg. LIGHT RUNNING. THE STANDARD "ROTARY" HEWING machine aoltl and rented. Office IX South street. Alt niakra repaired. Both 'pboitea 2101. FOUND. WHERE EVERY MAN AND WOMAN f.V Atlanta emt buy Elgin or Wultltiiiii vvat.hcH, In lln»a or Cre*cent cnee*, for mic tbdlar down mid one dolalr imm' week. Re menil»er. you wear ilte watch while paying for It. Call on or phone W It EDWARDS A CO. JEWELERS. Atlanta Phone 38wi. ISS central Ate. BUY »OUR FDRN1TI7RB From the J. P Turner Furniture Co., 41-48 W Mitchell $»*L Bell Phone 1757. NEW AND MKCOND-HftND FURNiTURE. We repair, pack and ehlp. ONE NEW OAK PARTITION, WITH glitit top. R. W. EIIU. 26 S. Rrtad St. NO. 4 WILLIAMS. IN NICE SHAPE. 83>. Rutler Typewriter Co.. 718 18 Fourth Na tional Hunk Hu]Mine BY INVESTIGATING OUR STOCK AND PRICES YOU HAVE. We luiv. iudl and exchange everything. Atlanta Wreck are Co., 37 38 \Ve»t Mitchell street. Roth 'phoueo. A $25.00 SALE TYPEWRITERS O.VR I'.N'IVKHRAI. HAMMOND. ONE NO. 4 YOST. ONE HEM 8IIO. ONE NO. 5 NEW CENTURY. ONE NO « BARLOCK. ONE NO. 2 WILLIAMS. I)\K NO. ; IlKMINOTOV ' ONE NO. 1 SMITH PRKMIEIt. ONE NEW NO. 3 CHICAGO, BOARDERS WANTED. WANTED 4 FEW MORE HOARDERS AT 124 Capitol avenue lint and Atlanta photo- .Vd \oTNG MAN DESIRE: [WANTED PmSITJmN Entire line of Ilia** and Iron Red*. Ma Im/nny Dre**a-r*. litrkm, e|c.. retlm-cd dm Inc our March Clearance Sale. ROBISONMARTIN FUR NITURE CO., 23 and 27 E. Hunter Street. i»uii|i avr..-A n-iuaijt * 01 i«'ir.. ... — - •* .• fe. 'IK A AVB-A I ll.mtl TlorSiT: ,JT<0 V-n't"'. VorT'K blHit MONtlotl. ^ • CO.VNAI.LY ST. -ED.'IIT ROOMS AND — 1 hill. 12.710. AYE. a.Vd FIVE BOOMS bath. 8L8S9.. OAKLAND A VK.—SEVEN ROOMS AND itaiit. n.m.- IIASS ST.-SIX UOO.MS; MODERN. >2.500. HASS ST -Fol lt ROOMS. >1.800. PULLIAM ST.-SIX ROOMS AND veit|elu*e«. f.'.Ta 1. I'KNTIIAI. IttM iSis; SEW BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BICYCLE 8UNDRIE8. mi'YCl.bH AM, SL'.MlUIKS-I.AIlGKSr bietcie and sundry distributors lu ibr South. Kotitbern agents for Pierce. Yale. Snell and UuUkoii Idcycle*. Write for our 19uti cutulogtie nud price list Alexander Klyea Company. dNFEDKRATE AVF.-SIX-ROOM COT tnge. new. 8L7.V1. irnrrnr—xtb-ptyt—rmnrnr— hull 12.7 V* CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK- MODELS AND NOVELTIES; PROMPT service. Hell 'phone 2374. Atlanta Wood and Iron Novelty Works, AH Marietta street. ME88ENGER SERVICE. FOR PROMPT AND RELIABLE MES sengera. 'phone 33. J. A. Davies and J. 8EWIN0 MACHINE8 RENTED—TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH; cither Singer or Wheeler A Wilson. We rent only Uevv machine* with '-omplete set of ntnchuieutK Prompt deUvrrv. Both ? bones 1K33, Singer Sewing Machine Co.. Whitehall afreet. TALKING MACHINES. TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS- Wltclctalo mid retail dletrlbutore of Vic tor Talking Machine* and Kecords. Just recelvetl larg* cousigiimeti of utachlnea nud over 10,001 record*. Immediate attention given tuall orders. We want the names of all talking tmtebiue dealer* In the South. Write for catalogue. AleiuttUer-Elyea Co. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, CALL ME IF YOU WANT WORK DONE by the month, week, day or pi Nash. 6 Viaduct place. ■*' TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. . W. ROUNTREE A URO. TRUNK AND BAG COMPANY. Retail and repairing. 77 Whitehall street. ’I’bone 1876. LOOK AT YOUR HAT. OLD STYLE SOFT AND STIFF HATH cleaued or dyed and re-shaped to late tries Domestic and foreign orders by mull and expresw given especial attention. Ru»- aey. kUlfr Whitehall street. Atlanta, Ga. Tirrrr (lltSlTTXTi XT -KIVK llllll.Mk AX|I 1IATII. 43.0I.'. tt’KST A VhL-llllINKII I.AKKWOllll; t I'o'Uti*: bd 161x137. >1.200. ASHIIY >T —KKillT If"IMS; idNVC.V I'Uiee*. 82.10'. , — "tinge. ern liiiprorenieDta; 1 •loan In: btutae coat 91,• 700. Itargnlii for few Usya. ri.-Vw- EAST GEORGIA AVENUE-NICK *lx roviit nualertt rottnge. with lot M by M. to ■Her. Note this Is large lot and lb tVtio-COOPKR STREET; CLOSE IN. A bargain In g«**l eight rbom two atorv hou*e, that ha* oil eouvenleuees and easir ROOMS; CONVEN LOVEJOY HT.-FIVK ROOMS; MODERN, j 1 81.60I'. W. PINE ST.-FIVE ROOMS AND HATH 82.IJH. ; SEE US AHOUf 4. PLACE ON RIloDES I 80*M-NKAR GRANT PARK: NICE LEVEL ‘ * I'l by Rio. Thl* I* one of the Ih>*9 I* cheap. Jo pay 31 per cent FOR SALE. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY NoS I2J AND 124 MAGNOLIA STREET; lot 46- by 199. containing two *iun!t Uouae*. Right betweeu two rnllrmt'l*. In the block between Elliott mid Man gum Street*. Price >1.290. it will pay you to aee me alatut It T. B. FERRIS, ’'798-219 CENTURY BUILDING. 'PHONE 43S MAIN. H. C. PENDLETON. Real Estate, 614 Peters Building. CI.Ai:K8TO.V-IIAVK FOR SALE SEVER nT very attractive hom«*« with more or le*a acreage, lu this popular suburb, that ,n>> ^ imught atasarprlalugly amall coat KIRKWOOD—WITHIN TWO BLOCKS OF North Kirkwood car line. 1 can sell aa eight room cottage nud 2 ncres of bind at the bargain price of 92.600. INMAN PARK^ON LAR<Ie"eLEVATKD• lot, frontbig Georgia railroad, and well shaded with t’eaufffut oak frees. I offer a seven room cottage, with barn and atabla and good garden at 83.000. THESE TYPEWRITERS ARE IN GOOD j •"indltion nml great valuea ut the price, j Make aeleetlou nn<l order now, at they trill TYPEWRITERS. ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 71 North Pryor afreet. Atlanta, Ga. Dealer* lu all uivket tynewrltrra. OLD HATS MADE NEW. Will ship C. O. D. subject to Of D SOFT AND STIFF FELT HATS I cleaned ami re shaped for 36c. Rands or * I * wen's 25e each extra. Out-of-town order* | given prompt and (-.ireful attention. Best work, latest styles. Acme Hatters. >4 | Whitehall street. SOUTHERN STATES FOR RENT—ROOMS. MISCELLANEOUS. FINE M-.W S lit'K GROCER IKS. STORE *1 bv (w. four iiMviii h"U«e: large i-or 11. r Ini. KlrkvvMtd avenue Mnrk«d. a*ala wilier f.nin 1 panic* going I" California Call f»e. « i*li price. PARTNER WANTED TO TAKE HALF Il)t.>i»t In tlin- vrnet-rv bu*llie**: g«M*t| Iim ii •Inn, tbdi.4 paying l*u*lne** WRITING MACHINE COMPANY, WANTED—MOU8E8. West End. 1: tvil.l. SKI.I, TIIK ! any tynewtlfer for} will deliver ail'l pm 1 1'MI. Butler Type | • b-nipat* M \ RhmM I i"I SE. I '»T EIGHT ROOM HvH SE LOT FOR RENT—OFFICES. FOR HEM THREE VERY DESIRABLE "/Lea-* tu t t ml It-1 l"il bllug nt a restviu able figure Apply IW Cm diet Hldg . or pliuae E.t. Mum WANTED—REAL ESTATE. mix 01: M \r\ n«"i\i ii"i <1 For s.\i 1; run «n 1 in. \t' 1 ill ||"IIV W.nnI • filia l* ' ' It .' taken at »*n • ll. tin n.v. -t-gni ^^■■■■■naanMnBbhnabaaaipaniaBaai III II.I». I t AN! iie'ii t It. L.J' ti\ I It A* Util ttel nliidiil" 1 Ibdli phvtlie* Franklin Still Cleans Clean,* SUITS Jl ".j AND $1.50. PANTS 50c. ICti WHITEHALL STREET. HELL PUdNK 52u* ;;;;; Ruggit’s. Surreys, Runa- . V' la nits, Sprintr Wurohs, Karin WAHI.IWIT.IN OTIIKKTJVVB UNK j WngUllH, i »f«> S. Luilll">l>| ■’ • l ',..*■'“’,‘t“.'.V'»., "".'.‘.'.’.V i Wagons. ('o»l Wagons uml II i.H'i'e lii'ii*' : I-''"' Term* a* al*me_ ! km.ui; Hunii'ss. IMii-'-s to suit all. cl ANiMij |)o not i'ail to see out-line of U'mmI 1 Im I wing liuvn J ... a . a • ,,, 1 '■-vde■- mo»t I V4»|llc||*S hutoiv hUVIlH?. \\ C t V V\ a-lI j • • I have wiiat you want as cheap! 1 ami as good as you will tiiitl. j JOHN J. W00DS1DE. FOR RENT. mvKi.i.lNos 1 b . '•* Eaal llarrl* $ C. r. Ii . :W Caidt'd .V» 1. b. wViteb.iM :;•* ' It . *• Ea*t Till'd 1. I, . :»d We*t l*e.l' lltree !•■» i_ || . :,'I x 1111li Ib.'llb v.lld 2a r ii . 4.:l l*b*t|uittiil . .1# It.. W'**t Ceil, lit lee s» , b.. '• Sollth Delta . . 15 r b . 77 Hrollt'-tt.iu .27 r' ft . !*7 W«-i Raker North ifuriil*ln-il» vt W. K. TREADWELL & 1’0. Real Estate and Ui-nting Agents. II Itllllil. SKW IIOt'MK. I.AHliK I.OT. built bv day 4alior. of the beat material; two liatli*. front and back; two atalrwnya; large front and back ,|»orelte*., i-leetrle light* CnM on owner nt So. 223 and they will alnnv you through the houae and give yon price. KANT GEORGIA A VENUE—WE HAVE for mile a most attractive home, large front and i»n«-k |Mirehe». Ivnelc und front * Htalrwnv*. 2 porcelain bath*, atatlotinry ! vva*h*faiid«. Intinltoine cabinet muniebt and ' everv oilier modern convenience to make | Koine one a beautiful home. Thl* Ik a bar- i guilt at 85.6ft'. S. B. TURMAN & C0. t FOR SALE. j -Capitol AveUUe Home. I.C'T M BY LV't I KKT TO AI.I.KY: [.IKS 1 nicely and front* cuat; near Georgia ave nue: two story eight-room hoti*e; would tAist L»,6ft) Jo dtiplleafe iht* mine. The owner I* ‘II *ell the proiNTty at a 84.6ft>. and will make rea- vr will take vacant lot.* or In |»art payment for intnte. •how you thl*. The house I* In first clan* condition. • \\ JACKSON STREET—A NEW h ROOM J house near En*t Linden, modern, every i Particular. If you want a model home nud 1 bargain see 11* it lam f thl* at (dice. PIEDMONT PLACE- LESS THAN ONE* j half block front Peachtree PnrtleN are | leaving the t |fy. and have lu»tnirlml us i to sell this IH*ttutifill home for |6.65*» Suburban Home. » SEVENTEEN ACRE TRACT OF LAND; ha* 1.25* feet street frotting'*; nice, four- tiMitn cottage, and entire place under fence; Tenth {Street Vacant Lots. NEAR TENTH STREET SCHOOL-PIED- itiont avenue and Myrtle atreet. and look ing luto Piedmont city park; price $1,500 up to J»I.S*n»; sewer Slid water. MONEY Ttl LEND. S. B. TUfiM&N & CO., Cor. Broad and Ala. Streets. Fo North • upitrtUP'iit' K.illt<>. d *1*1. bolle .11 f*n 51 l."-k WIM \ III oilier to sell tpliek Ii •'Mgl.t town I5.-IIH.MI for <4m|I b lirgei Ivu*Iii**hh tu Florid; I .Mill rill* in a KIM p. Cal • t•• parth t'laiK toil KI*C! Hnlldltig. PERSONA'* WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. \N \M ED HI III 4 M LAIN I III.i; 1 ED W I I 11 D I l Brldgvw.irk t MISS ALBERT 44 411"'S la making n i. oi »t ♦».. t.. p Is regard the I.".-* f • JL UllotTug Sli. will t.'i * 1. 11 ^ ■ first -eta *h ladb'H tai 1 .*lni ! Loutrac*.ors and Builders. All LI RSivN.h I'll \ r GUILD RE IN 1 1 i-i.-h11*«| in .1 i-a.iul.iiMtl t-i: .him* capable of t Vtirintii* ••«!t W. .tl-al A’ lip'll > CI'I'MI' b'llldiug b! •I 411. AM.4. NX \N I I I' I« ' M II ll I»• ! 44 NX | I D Sv lug !•'. nl I 1 all and .Inniblltiv id hand lute DAVID NV. YABBROl'GH. MASTER IM.UMKKR PUoik'* J-jj -0 E lluuter St *— — AUCTION SALES ACTION SI'KITAI. A1 I lA I !• nnethui sale* t.f ltiMiH.-Ui»|.l premise*, b.mkniot nud damag.-l *'■ Lfiolne*"'• "f all kltt'D b.Migiit . W. Jones .V IlfTl'-e 5,- Pbonr* 6>-'- lf»r>wMii« I Wall *1 363 k : NN AN rt'D >1* "ND HAND jolt PRESS. • %N L m.vkv . iiImviii p. l.v .*• Stale ImIcc. itp| .l.dHI.'ll Ibt-HH ITT (il-"lg an H IMTI' SECOND HAND SAM;. .* \"t 1: SINNING MACl.'INi: BIN .I .. do ,**•• work* If H>». «nl! Hell Ii- .. Atlanta phe »• 125*', ai-d ’ It f.w-l tight | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I air ; ; • Went Harris 2*. NVAREIDilSE. Norlli Houlevanl and ll"UHtoii 25 MARKET WANTED REAL ESTATE Mr : JMU-..NK .1 Boom IIoi sk ,\XI> oNK ( - I'Hjiti hmiHe. rent* $1" I'rliK* 8Kk>. ! TWO r. ROOM HOUSES. RENT value. $12. Terms reasonable. sip" \ti l\ nritcv \vi»i If v«m otvn nropertv tliatji. c. mccrort—l. m. joh.vso.y waoon comiwny. DM 4 t tl XV A VI A TYPEWRITER I V 1 '• I I" K,-V 11-* Hilt b 70 I** f "tu tIt .V.itl-MM 363 bargain pile . •.with us for tpni-k sale. Wt-| Real Instate, 1 liamllc bargains only and, s»3 c-iora tiuiwinit—Pimn . have eiistmuci-K waiting. ATLANTA- j REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 14IK Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 4:MH» Main. C. H. WELLS & CO. 1104 Fourth National Bank ' Building. YI.Vm J1..YO rASH. IIAI.ASI'K IX KIVK vi'iirs, will buy *lx Mew 2 r,M»m h"ii«e*. teitllug fi*r 84&.1.liD |M*r year, over 12 cent. Thl* la choice colored property, mi.I .It" lM"»t built Rtoitaea lu Ilte city. l'r.-*.-iit iiiiprovemeulK now Tinder way mat 1 til** pro|»er!y will advance the*rcntnl value very materially In the near future. If you are lu the market lor liive*itiient prn|terty von "Illy iteevl I" call rtltd let iih hIimw you till*. Don't ph«ftr it*.- plea*'*; sv«. want tu *h"W It to ><"i. t'.jfRG A 3 IDIOM COTTAtU: AND LARGE lot. Glenn wood avenue, within one iil'M k • if Ilte It'MiIevard M.-h""l $1."«» cn*l| atnl bnlanee $l rt per m-mth. without Interest. NX> want to *h«»vv you thl". too. DAM-GOOD LOT. PIEDMONT PLACE; Will ewhniigc for ."Mage lielween iv.ielt- tree mid Jnekaoit. north of North avenue, •1 tat pay different c. SOUTH SIDE HOMES CIIEROKL'K AVE.VUi:- LOVEf.V SKV-, 1 room cottage; euliluet ni.tlilel*; wide I : lot So by t>*. to Ju foot alley. Ait blent >-'.*>» BE SI HE AND LET I S SHOW vou a », < I •-■ it 11. | collage on Cherokee axe- kIx room*; tlirey IhhI iinhiik; arrmige.! * *“ |H*neh. Dn term*. faitillli * SITCATlbNS WANTED INSERTED IN THE (iEOUGIAN FREE ON PARK AVEM E WE HAVE A LOVE l.v home of nine room*; nil no*lrrn eonvi-n- leitee*: tot 5*t bv .U). In the very be*l pat I of iltl* > beaullful «trm-t. East front. 'obi 'testre In • tilde hnuirr ’only $6,210. On I number' i* 71 It. The I TIERS I AltV FROM 15 w.-K Th" i » "f garment . HKfu.’fv trfuiilit by •J $15» A •ting am- h.Mil S*mi 1 Ii I ills*, sell rlptlona Write W l'« « htrev M. A. SHELTON. t D#»N l FORGET >1 A SIIKI.TGN IS At, I pra. Ileal Move nud range repairer; beat | , |*"'k and material guaranteed. Both pbvnea I 1 ' IS75. 51 South Pryor atraet. 1 L. It you want a position there's no reason why you should Ik- without it. Bring your advertisement to The Georgian office. It will In* inserted in these eolunms without charge—and perhaps get you work at otu-e . All Other Classified Advertisements. . 10 CENTS A LINE j Large I Mini; .N'-Iim.i alley, if It s THE GRANT DARK SECTION you v*int. Im- certain to **-«• u*. a* He have a long list of h"ttic<t on the very ' ea»lc»t lerutK. »Ts»-on~kV:i.i.y "leruKiivr^'six uooTt I ectInge: waier, ga* mid Patti CIom- In ami on «ar line it* a luirgaln; 81,5'W i eaah. lutlaue<* to Ktrit (g'».l Investment. j X. BOULEVARD LOTS. For Sale—On the prettiest part of this beautiful thor oughfare two tine lots at very, low prices. See LIEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, * 28 Peachtree St. $2 73" SPLENDID SEVEN Rih»M UO| | tage. oil lllll street; $SA) i-anlt; vlo*e In 1 Thla will make you n g'K«l home mid aa vi va r fare. Sv^* u* qnlrk alrfuit tbla ■fiH 1 363