Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 04, 1907, Image 13

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THE A' iEORGI AN AND NEWS. MOXDAT, MARCH 4, HOT. M. L. THROWER, 39 N. Forsyth St., Bell ’Phono 1450. Standard Thone ici. $1,500. An elegant 4-room cottage at Wiutcr station on Georgia 1 / i. railroad and Decatur Car Line. Wc can sell you this little home on the easiest sort of payments. The lot is large enough for a garden and chicken yard. If you want this you must hurry. M. L. THROWER, 39 North Forsvth St. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Buitcting. IX COMING PAIIT OF*WEST END. Mi i: HAST FRONT I.OTd>WJTII VIES i% of Htmilf. 15*> f«*t tii mi alley, for n short time at ll'» per from f*Hit. They are worth $15 now. NICE I.OTH ON liltIFFIN AND JETT at reels. $25 raalt nml $5 per month, pint, mil at off lee. f'y. FLAT SHOALS ROAD, fi MILES 'r .in 4-enter of elty. we have u anletnlhl farm 31 fo-rea. II acre* In Im»|. tom Ui*4; alan ln»* one uf the InmU ntrhnnl* IN IlKST PART OF COLLftGC PARK, new cottage vonahMng of fire Inrffp room* hall, tilee poreliea. rtc. Thla la our •:ST WEST OF OnANT PARK, nRAND- »\v ala riMtin rnttnge; lot So l»jr ISO, nml n % runty: tenter ami ana nml tile *l<!e«r*lk«: , on riir' line: price $2,860; $210 cash ami , t!3 per month. the time nt $f per nio/ith. For a tew day* SPLENDID THREE ROOM COTTA HE, ON lot TJ l»y 13.*: Weatern Height*: rrut* $4.59 tier tnontli: St-io: room to Imild another InetM>. JW IIM quick Jriemt thla. $1.3"*: $P»» enah ami $15 tier month. Why NORTH SIDE IIIIMK OR INVEST- merit, s-room hmi*e. corner lot, clone In. All Improvement*. See me If you nant n «loae-ln North Side bargain Price $3,000. Terms. 15RANT STREET, CORNER EOT. r.ox 130. All Improvements and conven iences. Nearly new 6-room cottnue, wide hall, hullt for a Inline, $3,150— $7.*i0 rush and $25 a month. A bargain. J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Main. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. W. JONES & CO.. 5 VIADUCT PLACE. PHONES 55G0. A 6-room i-nttiiiii'. il»w* 14i North avenue vnril. 4<M feet Marietta *troel; large bit. barn nml a-muita* amt C4ial lumaea; muat !.*• miIiI tpib-kly. Price $.\o*<0. Terma. $^>i mah. $AW one vear at 6 |H»r eent and $1,009 In live year* at 5 per cent. fall nt office. Don't pho Roth phone* 5»V>\ LODOWICK J. HILL, 313 Century Rldg. Dell Phone M. 1807. FARM-NEW 7-ROOM RESIDENCE, In Maple Drove, 2 - room tenant hoiine. gi»<Kj atahle*. 3o7 acre*, nearly level, very productive, easily worked, nplen- •lldly watered, 7 mllen Rome, 2 mile* Ha a* Station. Terms liberal. Worth more than price nuked. I ARMIXROOM HOFSK. NK<*KS- aitry outbuilding*, 5 new tenant liouae*. 400 acre*, so bottom, 50 goo I timber, well watered and productive. 3 mile* Talbotton, close to churches anil ncuools. Price low, cany term*. O*»od. LV—TWO not)!) FRAME DWEL- ig*. 2 fine ham*, all outbuilding*, ■mint h mines, 482 ncre*. So gi>04| •er. 20,000 nve-year. one and year |>each tree*, 2 1-2 mile* Rey- s. tin.. on R. R.. fine *prlnga ami iche*. Term* liberal. Bargain. :.uoo ACRES. 125 CULTIVATED. BAL- nn«e timber, 3 settlement*, good n*ighhorh«>od. wealthy locality, two mile* Lumber City, 4 mile* Hn*lehur*t. 1-2 mile Maddox. A genuine pickup. The abova are all cholct proposition* and to insure immediate aale* can give very low price* and liberal terms. Call 1 in person or write. Acreage, ittldMcM or builnow prep- .rty that win **F you to lnve»llK»A«. HENDRICK & CO., Real Estate and Loans, 23 1-2 Whitehall Street, Both Phones. BKACTIELT. NINE-ROOM RESIDENCE on Jarltton street: flnUbed In the very latest atrle, irlfli every modern eonven $7,000 nt'YH NEW MODBItN RB8IDKNCK with furnnee, cleetrle and at* fixtures. One bloek from Peachtree, located on *• high iiolnt. $5,500 IIFVH Cf, ACKKM. f MILWI PROM Atlanta, on one of the finest pared road* In the county; eight-room boiiae; 200 fruit tree*; over nn acre In hlm*kl*errlea and raaptierrle*. This I* an Ideal location for n BUlmrlNin home. $1.250—ON RIM. HTIIKKT. NEAR CiRANT |>ark; new; tour ropm cottage; 43 by 110, to an alley. Uttle home, worth looidug Into. $1.10O-\Y(M)DWAltD AVENUE: THIH IH * *01*11 cottage, with three room* nnq a hnII. on n lot 33 by 115 Can l*e oold on- easy payment*. (2.7S0-UK1AN STRKE^-TIIIH IS lH*nutIful little cottage; five room* nml a dern «i $3.699-TENT UAL AVftNI'E—HBVEN-ROOM , cottage, on lot SO by 120: slightly elevated. Fan Ik* bought on easy term*. $2.700—ON f’REW 8TREET. NEAR RICH- nritson; atx room cottage; lot 50 by 1M; «c* cupled by owner. !<et u« ahow you thl*. HER J. J- F.VAN8, A. D'ANTIGNAC OR A. I.. HENDRICK. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 418 Fourth National Bank, Bell Phone 4399 Main. BARGAINS. three m.fii'KH prom An Anns. north of C*ln, oin* half block of car line: 2-*tory 10-nmiu liou*«*. In eoudltlon: now uae«l nn n first-r Inn* white iMMirdiug house. $»ino rn*h and $!•» jMT tnonth. Price only $4,500. Thl* property Indniig* to n non- reNldent who lian Instructed u» to sell. Thl* Is a ntinp. CLOHIMN NORTH SIDH GROOM COT tag**: got*! white uelght»nrhood: 60 feet from r*r line. Kentaf. 'value $22.M per month. $ cnah aud $2» per month. The price la $2,200. TWO STORY TEN-ROOM HOPRE. IN very bent welgbliorbood, arranged ns two flnta; four block* from Arngon, tienr Peneh WEST END-HALF BLOCK FROM CAR line; excellent ueighliorhood; 2 story 8- roiiui house; *tortn-*heet»Ml. double floored: Inrgt* lot. Thl* house was built for n home bv a gentleiiinti whose bunluesa hn* fnrr«M| him to move away. Rented nt $35 per month. $?.wo cash and $25 |»er month. Thl* In n simp at $4,000. other baroainr lv VARIOFR kinds nr property. WE HANDLE UMUMIXH ONLY ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY. \’. CHELENA, Real Estate, TOG 4th Nat’l Bank Bldg. Bell Phone 3878. NORTH SIDE. NORTH llori.EVAHD — NEAR IUNTE DeLeon hvenue, nine room modern limine; terms; $7.Joo. FAST LINDEN NINE It*HIM; NEW; IT'S :i benIII.I ; eorner lot; t»" by l”"!. Terinn; $7,600. WEST BARER—VERY close IN IMIX- room cottage In first cla** condition. Term*: $ WEST I'EACIiTIIEE PLACE CLOSE in. nine room two «torv. large i-oruer lot. It’* n bnrgnlu; $l.5'"t ea*h: bnlniiee $590 per year, ♦. per cent lntere*t: $5.75t». WEST CAIN FLORE IN. TWO FIVE* room tHittnge*; ou«* I* « ••orner; both are bargain*: easy term*: $3,D0n, and earner $3. SOUTH SIDE. WASH INilTON STREET—BERT RKITIOX twelve riNtm two *tory» en*t fronts mr ner lot; 3* by 150. Thl* pmperiy has!tiaen In-Id nt $6.250. and IF* worth It. For quick mile, will naerllli-y. Terms; $6,600. NEAR tlRORUIA AVENFE—NEW EIHIIT itmiiii twoHtorv; the prettiest aectlon on nth side. Easy terms: $4.;»*>. EAST FAIR - CLOSE IS TWO HTOHY briek: eorner store, In stdemlld condition: renteil now for $66: rotilil lie iiimle to pay nt least |7t». For quick *ule, $6.M». WEST END. maxt otiiku»-tik»nk nt. SUBURBAN" HOME. ONE OF THE PRETTIEST AROFND AT lantn on 5 nere* of Innd; Idg a**>irt- tuent of fruit tree*; over feet of *tOu»t T. U. GIDDK.NS. fill STURGEON & LANE, REAL EBTXTE And INVESTMENTS. 7IT-TJ* EMPIRE BUILDINO. Bell PltoM 4170—Sfondird U7I. tLOW-ON OXR OP TUB REST* NORTH •We .Ireel.; fl.e-rooin, wIJA large lot; mixbrn In every way. Ji place for' aiaall home. Term*. $?J0h—WERT END—RIX-ROOM; LARUE lot. A bargain at thla price. Tenot $2,500—ON HERT SOUTH RIDE BTREICT; ttve roojn cottage, on corner lot^ Tertaa. $2.760—CENTRAL AVENUE - SIX-ROOM cottage; nice lot. Tertne. $:.«»•) FOR HIX-ROOM COTTAGE, NEAR Grant park: ie*« than one year oja; on large ana^level lot. Tile tldewalk. Tenaa ea*y $2.350-WEST END; FIVE ROOM COT- tage; on large lot. Terma eaay. k.iso-mTiVtii hide five room cot- inge, with all modern imororementa. House I* Just one year old. Tenaa. ftOOfr-WERT END - FIVE-ROOM COT- tagv; all Improvement*. Oanir muat aell at once. Term* $300 ca*b. $20 month. »ee thl* at once. U.W0-OXE IimtK OK ORAXT PARE. five-room; extra nice lot. Terma, awl cash; Imlnnee eaay. tl.«n-('l.l)8E IX: JUST OFP WlllVE- hall; four-room cottage; nil Improvement*. Term* tSn i-a*b. $15 month; let m« now you title tomorrow $2,650—J CRT OFF CAPITOL AVENUE. OS W*t cro** street: modern alx-room ««*• tage; extra large Jot; ride *llcy. »'BJ rent $9. Kmnll cash payment and the balnneo like rent. * $2,260 - LEHR T|IAN BLOCK FROM Whltehnll: five room eottage; hll lnt|».o'»- ment*; turn*, low cash, $28 per monrn. Il.ioo FOn K! VE _ IffToil COTTAOE. ou nice lot. Make your own term*. MUO FOR THRKK HOOM rbtl-Ap*. «>N lot a hr TOO, to IS .ll.jr: otmlr of fruit and •Amt.'. T. roip, HO) ,'u.h mi! 11" month. l.ook AT Of It AD IN THE JOURNAL W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. Bell ’Phone 2027. Atlanta 'Phone 1*81. A PLANTATION AND RTOCR FARM OF 2,100 ACREB IN MIDDLE GEORGIA. 25 MILES FROM A CITY OF 40.000 PEO pie, 2 mile* of railroad frontage, also pub lie rand frontage. 1.20 acren In cultivation; 350 acre* of rich bottom land*; 300 acre* of fine swamp bottom* *tUI to lie developed. Plenty of wood nml timber for home con sumption. Most of the land Ilea level and Is a loose, dark, loamy soli, with strong clay subsoil. One mule can cultlvato 40 acres of thl* land. Two alx-ronm dwelling* and thirty tenant house* of two aud four room*, nicely distributed. Corn mill and gto. aaw mill, horae and mule bnrns. crib and hog and chicken houses, etc., all In good romll lion: 5 nilb*s of hog wire fencing. Creek and branches supply water In nearly all parta of the laud. Btatlon and aide track on the place. School and churchea conven ient. Annual average net Income $$,000. Price $15 per acre. Terms one-third cash; balance on or before ten year* In annual payment* to *u!t purchaser, with 6 per eent on deferred payment*. Thla Is « bargain and the chance 04 n lifetime. Make the down payment and the place will make the money to pay the balance. Good water and good health. Ubor I* plentiful and cheap. For further Information, write or see me. WEST END-GORDON STREET—NO. 382- m*w six room cottage: all convenleneo#; lot 5’* by 15L Price $4.«D. Term*. IN WEST END. ONE BLOCK FROM car Rue. si* lot* for $2,100. It would pay to Improve thl* property, either for tent. Investment or home*. IXHHLK THREE-ROOM HOUSE IN third ward: new. good cfimlltlnn; now muted for $IN per mouth. Quick buyer; $i, ON FLAT 81IOAI.H ROAD. RIGHT AT the Soldiers’ home Junction; n new five- room cottage; lot 'GO by 120 feet. Good value for $L4<iO cash. ON A CORNER LOT. IN WEST END, A comfortable six-room cottage, with two additional room* In the basement, for $l.snu, mi tern.* of $5<rt i-iihIi mid $15 per mouth, with »• pet* cent Interest. ON BERYL STREET. IN ONE BLOCK OF the new Stewart avenue ear line: lot 50 try 112. to alley; oak shade. Price $275. Terma $!«*> cash and $5 per month. I III .J.VFrKET, NEAR CAR LIN 5*7 BE AIL ((fit) four (•mud eottage: alley side and rear; large tot. Price $I.40U. Nice home or iavestment. A JA.M CP FIVE ROOM COTTAOIL IN the beat section of West End. for $2,000. On term* of $600 e**h and $2«) per mouth AKSLEY BROS., REAL ESTATE, Offices 4 to 10 E. Ala. St. Pholie 339 Bell. WATCII ont All* FOB IIAlHiAINK: NORTH HIDE LOT. NEAR TIIE IIOI I.E vanl, owneil by nun resident: 5n fo«it front, and can In* bought for $*>* Thl* Is t*ti* of the- laid chances yw will gat at anything like thl*. NORTH SIDE HOME ON JACKSON street. Tw»»ti»ry house of seven room*, .villi all modern Improvement*. I'rb-e $4.fA); $l.«x» ea*h. owner anxioii* p» *-ll Here** your opportunity’ ^.tlon I* building up faster than any idber In the city, and If yon want a bar- G in you bad I letter come quick. It’s a silty and no mistake. NOW’S THE TIME To IIE THINKING of a IbH-ntnr hoifte. ami here I* a litre cottage with cabinet mantel*. «rt lot over an acre, fronting ear Hue and near Ague* Scott college. Price $3,159. What almtit It? 4 L. A. WOODS, 818-819 Empire Bldg. BEU. PHONE 30M—ATLANTA PlfOXK 1771 I MAKE EASY TERMS. Mt D AAHIXQTOX AT.-WELL III II.T t- room cottage: nearly new; porcelain hath, cabinet mantels, nice reception hall and double entrance. Amt. aa you know, (hi* la the very beat south aide *treet aud front* one of the heat car llnea lu the city. Thla ran be tiought ob easy terms and 1* one of those rare chances to get a good home lu • first-class neighborhood at a very low price. Taklta look at thl* and tee ua for special price, 4M RAHH IT.—NEARLY NEW itlOOM cottage, overlooking Grant park; on nice elevated lot. This I* a nice home. <*au l»e bought on terma of $100 rath aud $25 per mouth. Bee us for price. room, porcelain hath, nicely tinted wall*, folding door*, and can l>e Imught at a very low price and on reasonable terms. 43 McDonald bt.-nearly new g room hou«e; always rented and bringing a good rental, (‘an lie Imiight on very easy term*. See ua for t|>ecial price. $74 ANIIBY NT.—NICE LITTLE 3 ROOM rnttnge. Will make you ...JI nice little home or n gootl Investment. Has nice lot. yM fiM*t deep. Muat lie sold nt onct*. (’an lie iMiught on easy terms. Bee u* at once for price. 526 B IIGF LEV AUD—NEARLY NEW 6- coiiiige for aale on reasonable terma and at a low prlee. «W H. ItoFLEVARDNEAlILY NEW $• room cottage, on nice clevnteil lot; $50t> cash aud $20 p»-r month will get It. $$ McDonald ht.-nife little in vestment; also suitable for a home, lias been renteil to anine people ever since It was built at $x tier month, uiul they would JONES AVE.-NEW 6 ROOM COT t*ge; water, gaa and *ewerage; nicely tinted wnlla; $500 caah nnd $20 |ht month. Thla will make n food born** for a railroad ntan. month. 75 ACRE FARM—LOCATED 65 Mtl.EB *4>itthwe*t of Atlautn. In tlie* bc*t farming Hf-ctbin of Georgia. l«nti«l lie* well, part In- timber, hnlnuce In cultlvattmi. nnd rent* for J.500 p4>ui)da of lint 1*011011 per year Can In* Iwmght nt the exceedingly low price of $12.50 per acre. See u* for full purlieu lara. MOSS & GIRARDEAU, Buy and Sell Real Estate on Commission. Office 501 Fourth National Bank Building. Bell Phone 4256. $2,000—Cash will buy a cozy new cottage; 6 rooms; modern improvements: on Crew street; convenient to car line. $2,250 will Ini}- now 6-room 1 eottage now nearing rom- 8 lotion. No. 473 Hill, near rmopd, or will rent to an approved tenant $20 per month. $1,750—House and lot West Fair, near Bailey; large lot. $250—Vacant lots vicinity of Martin. Sylvan and Fairview within city limits. CENTURY REALTY CO., 30$ Century Bldg. Phone 44#l. J. II. OARXER. C. HORACE McCALL. NORTH BIDE MODERN HOME; EASY walking distance; t-b-vafed i*orm»r b>»; p>. 000; all rush, or If dc*lred sninll rash pnv incut, balance easy. Hplendbl opimrtunlir to get a nice horn# for little more than ACREAGE-TWO ACRES ON CAR LINE, n»*nr city limits: *m*ll cottage; $i,»w. WADDELL HTRKET. INMAN DARK — ulce lot f«*r two houa«*s. $1,4*10. Term*. 1). F. M’CLATCHEY REAL ESTATE AND INVEST MENT COMPANY. 207 CANDLER Bl’tLDINO. BEU. BHONE 220—ATLANTA «54. NORTH SIDE. WE HAVE SEVERAL VERY ATTRAC U»e Iota on INuicc Ibd.eoii avenue. A %■>. (rt» liousc. In course of r4>imtruction on one i*f these, will Ih* sold nt cost, nml the lot * cheaper than tli««e surrounding It A NUMBER OF HOMES ON NORTH Ja« Wkoii nr»* offereil f«»r sale. Wltlumt ptlonjbese are up t«» date In every par EAST LINDEN. TWO BLOCKS IT l , esclitr«*c. nn eight room In>uim*; o ell built, with large DMnns nml nil •nlcltees; $d.’J5" WILLIAMS STREET; NEAR IN; WHITE proper!>. which pays II per cent on tin* price M*ked; $:..'••* JDBT ‘OFF WHBT PEACHTREE AND in, nn eight-room D'asounlile price; WEST END ON OAK STREET; A TEN ROOM IKH’SE eatrs large lot; cloNe to three mr ». Very attractive nt the prlrc naked; $3.78». ••II h*#4o4r‘■Ku- h $»>-). , Assist*at Baleamcu. 363 SANDERS A CONWAY Phones 5488, 412 Peters Bid $L^0-MGRRLAND AVENUE LOT. 60x11$; prettiest lot on this charming street.; has dense oaks, elevation Ideal, tile walk and all Improvements. Bpactal reason for selllog this; on very assy terma If desired. 84.KO-WITIIIN A BTONR'B THROW OF Baptist Tahernaele, and on the liest street out there, we hare a well built 7-rooiu 2-atory home on elevated level lot. 10x200. The beat location anywhere near here lor n alee home. Can make attractive terma to right party. $2.G06-WHiTKF<ilt!» A YEN IK COTTAGE of five room*; idee cabinet mantels, well built and In perfect condition: on lot 56xlt5. Right at car Hue and new school building, la undoubtedly one of the liest locations anywhere u«*ar the dty for auburlmu home. Can make terms of pZi) rush and balance $3) per month. R. NORTH AVENUE NEAR JACK m> . Dw ** have n Lively krooni home jut lot 60»J9n to alley. This koine la well built aud equipped with every modern con- venlpnce. Could not Ih* built on the lot today tor te»* than $5,509. Can make term* $»-A 5 IIOOM COTTAGE ON CAIN HT.. «;lo#e lu. if yqu want a «*lo*e-tn north «<le |Her4* of nro|»erty lu good londlilon and enhancing lu value nt rati* of at teaat 10 per cent, to say nothing of an * per rental, thla Is It. $4.750-PONCE DcLF.ON avenue LOT, M by 22t to alley; in the highest, prettiest part of this magnificent street. For a liba tion to build n swell home on in one of tin* most picturesque sections of the elty, right here In the Imiid of this «tr»*e| Is the plane. $3.500—CIIRROKEE AVENUE. OVF.IILOOK lug Grant |>nrk. nt the prettiest part of thl* re*ort. we have u 6 r«Mim rotuige - lot 60x150 that alnmlil pleaa«* the most thetle taste, f’ail nmke term*. $6.600-WASHINGTON KTHEET 9 ROOM liotne, right at Georgia avenue; house Is In A ! condition; built by n luiulier matt for n home; olegnot mantel* on both floors. If you want to got on Wn*hlugtou atreet ut a bargain this Is the place'. $2,750—CENTRAL AVENUE 3 ROOM COT tage, on large lot, near Ge«irgln avenue; hou*4* Is well hullt. finished with elegant mautels. In**t of plumbing, etc., and for linmedtnte oal** we sr»* offering this coxy little home for $25o enali. $25 month. $2.690—TWO ItOAIKM OF FIVE ROOMS each, within three block* of Terminal Sta- lion, on Iota 5tlxl75 nnd 5Ax2UO r«**peelively, for Investment* and enhancement we don't know of nnythlug to beat these two prorm sltious. 1 INVESTMENT SNAPS. NEAT FIVE ROOM next fine residence $1,500. FINK JACKBON HTRKET LOT. 50 ... to alley: close to I’olire ]H*|^»n. two Sold last week. This one left st $1.78). BRICK BTORK. LKABED THREE YE ARB nt $3i» tier year. Will lm worth $6.t)W at expiration of lease; $3,000. THEBE ARE A FEW FROM OUR f.iBT. Homes In nil sectlyna of dtv. Bee 11 you want to buy ( M. H. LUCAS & CO., 23 1-2 Whitehall. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—100- arre farm, on rnllrond near Atlanta, ronvralfnt to depot, churchaa and m-hool.’ Oond S-room dwolllnR nnd oth- rr Improvainpnta. Bnrxuln for quick rule or pxclianRp fur cltjr pmpprtv. 18.000 ACREB LONO LEAF PINE, <ut, 4,000 fact virgin Umber; eaay logging. E. A. NESBIT & CO., 514 Empire Building. BY BUILDINO. BOTH PHONES 4234. $10,000 PLACE ON WAHIUNGTOV HTRKET f«»r ST.Guu; oii4* third cash. If taken nt onee. Thl* I* n eorner property on the ln**t part 4if thl* beautiful iMiiilrvard. $*i. 2.V)- -1; i > lTDtT\ HTRKET EIGHT-ROOM two story house, with large halls, pan trie*. miNierii hath, fine cabinet mantel*, front lawn, on easy term*. Property I* In line repnlr. nnd I* a decided bargain. $3>H BRAND NEW rage on one of «trc«<t«; onbr one rn< Thl* I* a little drea >• l.v 16.1, nnd easy FIVE ROOM COT- lie best West Kiel not lot left on atre*»f. ii of a home on a lot $-.Yio WEST END. WELL-IIUII.T FIVE roctii met hall cottage, on s bunch of hit* bv 25o. fronting two No 1 streets; i nr .it door, l'srt of the ground can In> s«>l<l fthortlv for practlmll.v the full price «»f in.- - —■— fr.- ,-iiltrr plnrr. giving ‘ • bait blm-k from I'nik and ,-nr. tl.fcm A WKI.I. Ill II. I WELH-ONHI. ihiiiMi tlx n»m >-n«i front -otmg.- right North nvt'ttut* voril. >r n rt,llr,wi,l matt. ..-rllrnt llolnr • we <;bt uesi i.ts CIVIL CASES TO BE HEARD SECOND WEEK IN MARCH. Sprrlal to The Oaorglan. . Mnrnn. On.. Marrh 4.—In tlm , My rouri Waturday m-onltig.'dudgr llodgrt. -n( ,-lvll ,w»o« for «hn aaonltd «rrk of Hit. March term, which beglna Monday morning. 363 FOR SALE. $2,600—4 good 3-room cot* tagC8 on South Hide, n/?ar new public xchool and in good white neighborhood, renting to white tenants rcgukrlv .at $29.50 per month. Special quick sale bargain. $750—Northeast eorner Lit tle and Terry street, va cant lot 70x100 feet; three Rmall hmisefi can be put on tliis lot and will prove a paying investment. $300—Small negro house on McDaniel street; ear line in front; rents $3.50 per month. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Ave. - Bell Phone 4596. 363 WITH FAMILY DOCTOR ROCKEFELLER HASTENS BACK TO ILL DAUGHTER N>w York, March 4.—John D. Rocke feller departed today for Auguatn, Go.. In answer to a telegram advlalng him of the illness of Mrs. Harold F. Mc Cormick, his daughter. Mrs. McCormick ha* been III alnce the birth of her last child several months afro, and has spent much time lately at Hampton Terrace, u fashion able.hotel on the outskirts of lha Southern city. It was the Intention of Mrs. Rocke feller to accompany her husband, but she decided at the last moment not to go. Mr. Rockefeller said his wife had almost completely recovered front her recent nttnek of grip. The oil king was accompanied by Dr. Riggger, his Cleveland physician, who will prescribe for Mrs. McCormick. NOT 8ERIOU8LY ILL 18 BELIEF IN AUQU8TA, •portal to Th* Georgian. Augusta. Ga.. March 4.—The condi tion of Mrs. McCormick Is not thought to be serious. Neither her husband nor the people of the hotel will fflve out any statement MRS. JANE E. SGOTT IS CALLED BY DEATH .Mr*. Jane E. Broil, thr widow of the late I)r. Prenton B. Brott, of Doutavlllc, K>\, died Sunday afternoon at the real- dence of her eon-in-law. Krank L. Woodruff, manager of the Mutual l.lfe Inauranre Company, M Hint Linden avenue. Mre. Scott waa formerly Mil. Jane Campbell, of Tenneeiee. She wa* tho Miter or (leneral Campbell, and wn nlao related to Governor Campbell. Her huflbnnd died In Unlivlllt, Kv„ In 1900. lie win a prominent l.uuKvtlln phyal clan. During tho Civil war he wa« n doctor in the Confederate army and wne placed In charge of the military hoapltal* In Mlaalgalppl and Alabama. Mr». Scott la survived by three chil dren, Campbell Scott, of New York, who la at the head of the otla Elevator Company; Ilamaey L. Scott, who la an electrical engineer and la n!»o con nected with the Otla Elevator Com pany. anil Jlr*. Frank h. Woodruff, of Atlanta. The body will be sent to Ernnkfort, Ky.. for Interment. TIMBER LAND IS SOLD -- ji AND WILL BE DEVELOPED. Special to The Georgian. Aahevllle, N. <*., March 4.—John *'• Arbogaat. a wealthy lumhernjan of Lake Charlea, I.a . and Judge II. Ii. Slevena. of Aahevllle, have Juat re. turned from Knoxville, where they con- eluded the aale of 30.0(10 acre* of valu able timber land In l’olk eounty, Ten- neaaee, for a price which la aald to be over 1200.000. The purchaaera nre men Intereared In the Davldaon-Benedict Lumber Company, of Nashville, and a com|«iny h»« been formed, known aa I he Conaaauga Lumber Company, for the purpose of developing thla valuable tract. The land la conaldervd one of the tlneai tracts of timber land In Ten- neaaee. BLIND MUEICIAN RETURNS TO FIND WIFE A CORPSE. special to The OeurgUb. Macon, tla.. March 4,—Professor W. A. Chenthum, the blind musician. In company with Ills little aon. caine home from «.pe,"f hla periodical trlpa In the countrv. receive the aad Intelligence that hia wife had died the night be- fore. - — When Professor Cheatham and hla son left home Bitme days ago. every thing <<tut bright In Ibe household. Setting Bad Precedent. t'rom The Chicago Tribune. ••permit me to ask you. madam. ’ said the lawyer, who waa a friend of ho family, "your real reason for w'nnt- Ing a divorce from your husband." "lie Isn't the man I thought ( was mairvmg." explained the fair caller. "Me dear madam." rejoined Ibe law yer, "the application of that principle would break up every home In the luntry." Hia Superiority. rom The Houston Post. "She thinks her husband la a verita ble lion.” "How do you know?' "She aava ha la the king of beasts. emm RULED DPI BY UilUDCE George L. Bell Named to Hear More" Evidence. In an- opinion randerad Monday morn ing by Judge Newman, of thr United Staten court. In the caae of the Central . of Georgia Railroad Company against ’ the Georgia railroad commission, tho rourt appointed George L. Bell, stand ing master In chancery, to hear addt« j tlonal evidence concerning the propor* | Donate earnings by the company Ih Its Interstate and Oeorgla business. In the beginning of tba opinion tho court said that since the briefs veto tiled he had given ((very avallabla mo-1 ment to the consideration of tha caaa , that could be spared from other press-1 Ing business. Judge Newman urged thh],'., standing master In rhanrery to speaiT the matter as rapidly as possible con-j slstent with proper Investigation. In or-, dcr that the case may be decided at H| early date. The ruling. In part, followa: • Judge Newman’s Ruling. "The claim for the railway company Is that Ita earnings on local or Intra state business fall short 11(3,147 of tba f amount necessary to pay thr Interest ' nn Its bonds, eliminating entirely from consideration the 115,000,000 of Income bonds and 15,000.000 of stock. It claims that If this circular 311 goes Into effect It will Increase this deficit by 133,-j 718.22. making a total deficit of S1M,*< (65.22. "The bonds aa to which this claim Is made are not attacked In any way, i as I understand It. and the railway' company must pay the Interest on thoaa ' bonds, or become Insolvent. These bonds amount to 136,633,474. "This claim of the failure to earn on the local business Ita proportion of . actual nnd undisputed fixed chargan la based on a calculation mods on fha as- ' sumption that the.coat of local buslneag to Its bualness generally Is (5 (touts to 75 cents on the dollar earned. That la, that It costs thr company SI cents to earn every dollar It receives for Intrastate business, and 70 cent! tor every dollar earned on Its business gen erally. "It la claimed by the respondent, the railroad commission, that the Increased amount received for purely local or intrastate business Is an much In ex cess of that received for Interetnte business that It more than offsets any difference In cost of local aervtce. If such difference exists. Where Cate Turns. "This case turns largely—almost ena.. . ttrely. In my Judgment—on a proper solution ofjtbls matter. "If the complainant, the railway com- • pany. Is right. It makes a very aerfoua.. question, under the well recognised rule laid down oy the supreme court In sev eral cases, and especially In tha Ne braska case—Hinyth V. Ames, 171 U. 8. 466. "In this caae also of Smyth v. Amaa the rule Is stated which should. In this matter of ascertaining tha reason ableness of rates prescribed by the leg islature, nr b.v the railroad coipmlsalon for railroads within the state, aa fol lows; "(The reasonableness or unreasona bleness of rates prescribed by • state for the transiarrtatlon of persons .and . property wholly within Its limits must be determined «Ithnut reference to tho ‘ Interstate business done by tha cturtar,. or to the profits derived from that business. The state ran not Justify; unreasonably low rates for domestlo transportation, considered alone, upon the ground that the carrier la earning large profits on Ita Interstate bus loss*, over which, au far aa rates an con cerned, the state has no control; nod ran the carrier Justify unreasonably high rales on domestic business upon the ground that It will be able only In that way to meet losses on Its Inter* slate business.) "The ralculntlnns made by tho rep*, resentntlvcn of the railway company^ and Indeed by both pnrtlea arc mad* la view of this rule. There Is really no, difference between counsel In discuss-1 ing this matter as to the percentage of Oeorgln business to all tho romps- > m s business, or to tho proportion of purely lorn I nr Intrastate bualntsa to Georgia business. The real contention, nnd the real trouble In the com Is the proportionate earnings and azpanao at between the company’s local business nnd Its business generally. With thla- ‘ solved, a conclusion ought to bo readily ■ lied. From Supreme Court. In giving these Intricate question* this direction, by reference to a master, nm following the suggestion of the supreme court of the (Tnlted State* tat the ruse of Railroad Co. v. Tompklna - 174 V. S. 167. Judge Ilrewar,. dgUveCa... Ing the opinion of the court, s*ye thl*: •\Vc think this Is one of thoee case* illicit It is csiiertnlly Important that there should In- n full and clear finding of the facts by the trial cdurt. The £ mentions are difficult, the Interests ara vast, and therefore the aid uf the trial i court should he had. The writer of thla pinion appreciates the difficulties which attend a trial court In a case like this. In Smyth V. Ames, supra, a similar case. hr. as circuit Judge pre siding In the circuit court of Nebraska, undertook the work of examining the testimony, making computations, and Uniting the facts. It was very laborious and took several weeks. It was a Work whtclf really ought to have been done by a master. Very likely Ihc pracllce pursued by him Induced the trial Judge 111 Ihls case to personally examine the testimony and make the findings. We air all of the opinion that the better practice Is to refer the teeCImony to some competent master, to make all needed computations, and And fully the farts. It Is hardly neoeaary to ob serve thst In view of the difficulties and the Importance of such a ease. It is Imperative that the most pom patent and reliable mailer, general of special. Should be selected, tor Ifcla not a light matter to InterfeP* with the legisla tion of a state I* teepee to the pre- scribing uf rales, nor a light mailer t# permit suck legislation to wtoecfe lens property Interests."