Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 13, 1907, Image 7

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWE. WfDXSfiDAT, MAXCH It MR. CINNOT GET CITY WATER Will Make No Taps Unless Water Dept. Is Improved. So m»rr taps will be made by the nirranrk. department until the bond- election <»n April I. * few, if any. new water connection* etii b. made after the election, if the bonds fall to carry, This was decided upon by the finance (onmlttee of the water board at eefiins Tuesday afternoon, when sserrlilna Inveetlcatlon of the condition ef tbe department revealed tbc enforced esrfisity of such action. It found that the ayatem la al- nedv overtaxed. So much water goes dtlly 1 hi ouytli the Altera that the Ultra, lien plant can not do ita work tbor- Sergeant Deals Stag gering Blow to the Defense. stibhi)', uml the water le not aa pure aa It might lie. Kach tap mean* more wa ter to be furnished, and eo the commit tee found that. In order to retain the tpeesent quality of water, no more tap* could til made. Ultra l.e. It waa found that the main [ n ’ m tlle ^iofte^kaan the ^-eraervrdp full UIC[B woe nignijr impiooaoie uecauno «!th,hrlncreaaln**lem!u*dbSn?madlH tll * y cou '- d . not h -* v * •»«#».the .hell, span It down the line. ■ _ -The truth ot the whole sltuallo#' eiplalnrd t'olonel Park Woodward, general manager, Wednesday morning. q» (he proposed additional facilities are no longer merely Improvements—they sir absolute necessities. -The waterworks la making money, of course, but the receipts go Into the general treasury of the city and not to tbe department. Without additional ■sins ami niters and anotpsr pump, wa tie unable 10 cope with the situation. ■In the event of the failure of the bond elm Ion, and In caaa the city does tot make Other provisions for these ad ditions. (he department will be In dee- birate straits." The election for 1110,000 of bonds for the waterworks will be held April The registration books does on lurch SI Two-thirda of the register ed tot. Is necessary to carry bonds, and every man who regtatara and does •ot voir, voles as effectually against bonds ns If he had cast a contrary bal lot. WATER COMMISSIONER RESIGNS HIS POSITION. Rome. (la.. March II.—E. 1- Bos- vorth. who has been a member of the board of water commissioners for Washington, March IS.—Evidence shattering one line of defense of the negro troops accused of -shooting up Brownsville, Texas, waa given today before the senate committee on mili tary afTalre by Rowland Osborn, poet quartermaster sergeant ’at Fort Brown, Twenty-sixth Infantry, occupying the barrack* which were later occupied by the Twenty-fifth (colored). It baa been testified that the negro soldiers had no poaalbla way of secur ing extra ammunition without the knowledge of their superior officer*. Sergeant Osborn testified that It la the simplest thing In the world for soldiers to accumulate ammunition for their own use; that It can be done by the man saving ammunition they do not use on hunting trip* or at target prac tice. He said that this la often dona It had been contended that the ehoot, log up of the town by the negro sol dters was highly Improbable because and cartridges. 8ergeant Osborn's tea tlmony contradicts flatly such a d* tense. Special to The Georgian. Savannah, Os-, March II.—A novel advertisement In a haberdashery, sit uated at the Intersection of Bull and Broughton streets, caused mom than ordinary Interest here yesterday and ended In action by the mayor and chief Senegal remain Imprisoned In his show win- above them was a sign towing Inscription: “These two negro boys were car' * " " trying to burgl Letters Read to Jury. Washington. March II.—In the trial of former Representative Blnger Her man In criminal court No. 1 on the charge of destroying official records of the land office while he was commls. sloner. correspondence between J. H. Zabrlskle, an attorney, and J. H. Schneider, of Tucson, Aria, and Com missioner Herman relative to the land frauds In California and Oregon waa read to the Jury today. Correct Hats You can’t go wrong if you choose your new spring “lid” from our splendid collection of Stetsons. All styles and shapes and shades and sizes. Xo trouble to please your taste, suit your purse or fit your head. Come in and take a look. Glad to show Vou. $3.00 to $6.00 Other New Things Washable Vests in all the smart new styles—plain-colors and fancies— $1.00 to $5.00 MANYDEATHSTOFOLLOW EXPLOSION OF WARSHIP No Hope For Number of Wounded Memin the Hospitals of Toulon, France. Parts, March 11.—Later official dll- patch*# to tha ministry of marine from Toulon, In contradiction of aartler statement that only about <1 men were seriously Injured In tbe Jena disaster, data that 111 membera of tha craw ware admitted to hospitals yesterday, and that but few ot those wilt Uv* through the day. R also says tha num ber of fatalities among tha Injured probably will ba heavy. 107 Answer Roll Call. Admiral Marqula late this afternoon made an official report to the ministry ot marines. In which he says the num ber of dtad among the officers, crew and laborers, resulting from the explo. •Ion on board tha armored battleship Jena yesterday, at Toulon, will approx Imata IPO. Four hundred and saven membera of the craw answered roll'call today. Ona hundred and aavtnty-flva are miss- Ing. Sixty-eight men are In hospital# but only six of thasa are believed to be faulty Injured. Fires on the Jena hare bean extln ... vessel can be saved, there will be considerable salvage from It. SPANISH IMMIGRANTS FOR SOUTHERN PORT Special to The Georgian. IJsw Orleans. La.. March II.—State Immigration Commissioner Charles Schuler has received A telegram from Washington signed by Senator Foster, raying that the president. Attorney General Bonaparte and Commissioner Straus, of the commerce end labor de partment. hare agreed that, both under tha old and new Immigration law, which goaa Into efTect July 1. Louis lana can continue to bring In Immi grants from Europe, tbe state pairing their heir passage money. This question waa recently brought up by Attorney General Bonaparte'* decision to the contrary. But yesterday's Whlta House conference seems to hev* an nulled that decision. There Is now enm- Ihg from tho Canary Islands a ship load of Spanish immlgranu on which Louisiana will pay the passage money. NEW WILL TURNS UP; A TLANTANSLEGA TEES Dramatic Feature Walton County Courts. sn The sudden appearance of a will, said to hava bean mad* over fifteen years ago and which waa unheard of until It mad* IU dramatic entrance Into tha case, may causa about 171.000 to 110#.- 000 worth of Walton county property to fall Into the hands of two Atlanta heirs and one In Nashville. The two Atlanta helra to this prop erty are Mrs. W. W. Austell and Mrs. Lula T. Lyon, mother of Mrs. C. P. Byrd. The one residing In Ntahrlll* la Mrs. Ada Scott Rice. All are sta ters, and are the daughters of the 1st* Colonel Lewis Tumtln, who dlad twenty ytara ago. When Colonel Tumlln died he left a second wife who later merited Mejor H. L. Spencer, of Boclal Circle. When she died her share of her first husband's property—the man who was tha father of the three helra now claiming the property—went to her second husband, Major Spencer. Major Spencer died a short time ago and his helra, one of whom reside* In Atlanta. Charlas H. Carter, began pro ceedings In the ordinary's court of Wat. ton county to hava an administrator appointed and the property taken charge of. Last Monday an administrator was appointed and was granted letters of administration. Then the mysterious will mad* Ita appearance and by Ite provisions the roperty was left to the three heir# I aught sand. the property back Into the family I which It came. MENINGITIS DISAPPEARS WITH COMING OF SPRING Dread Disease Not To Be Feared in Warm Weather. With the coming of warm weather, there Is no longer any need to fear meningitis." So stated Dr. Kennedy, city health officer, Wednesday morning, In discuss ing the widespread rear of tha malady. Meningitis. It seems," he continued, doe* not flourish In tropical countries. In werm weather there Is practically no danger of It. Last year In Atlanta there were about 110 deaths from men ingitis. This year than have been about 10 so far." What Is meningitis? Why Is menin gitis ? How can ons cure It?" These three questions were asked a prominent physician Wednesday morn ing, and thla was hla frank reply; "Meningitis Is an Inflammation of tha membranes of the brain or spinal chord. The spinal chord, In a way. la but a continuation of the brain. There art a number of kinds of meningitis, such an tubercular meningitis, hut what we call spinal or acute meningitis Is the kind that has been causing all tbs scare. ‘There la hardly any point in our science about which there Is more dis sension and leas known than the causa of meningitis. Most physicians seem to of meningitis. Most physicians seam to Incline to the Idea Inal It Is produced by atmospheric conditions. "Spinal meningitis causes a kind of contraction, which usually draws tha head and the feet 'back. A person seldom knows he has It until he Is un conscious and In the midst of It. Run- ‘The Daylight Cortar.’ “Style,” said Schopen hauer, “is the physiog nomy of the mind and a safer index to character than the face.” Now a word on the Spring style. The coat not so long, nor so full, not so many buttons; cuffs if vou wish, pockets curved or straight — lapels very long. The vest—four but tons or less, single breasted, long opening. Trousers—less full in cloth, but fuller in style. Suits $12.50 to $35. Trousers $3 to $10. Eisemar. & Weil, 1 Whitehall St JEROME DECLARES HE’LL DISCREDIT EVELYN’S STORY Centlnusd from Figs Ons. lawytr and spoks ta him about tha Thaw case. Ths nsxt day ha taw As slitant District Attorney Oarers# tha time of the ahootlng he mad* a statement to Mr. Blackwell, hla lawysr. Ha took that statement to Europe. On hie return he showed thla paper to Garvao. Smith was then excused, and Aba Hummel was called to tha stand to re sume hla examination. Did you. after the conversation with Miss Nesblt, dictate her statement?" asked Jerome. To Centradiet Her Story. Delmas objected on the ground that It was tasUmony. which. If admissible at all, should have been adduced on direct examination and not In rebuttal. Jerome argued that Mr# Thaw bad tes tified to that effect and ha had put the question only to direct Hummel's at tention to the period he Intended to In quire Into. "I Intend to contradict her story In atsrlfil WAVS " ruatplcl fa material ways," District Attorney Je rome said, “but I must first sat ths time." the body being protected by flannels, one remedy. Covering the patient with Ire Is another. "Thla asldom causes pain. Ths heat of the Iron Is a white heel end the K llent doesn't know what's happen- f- "There Is a strum which some phyal clans contend can cure meningitis.” MAY VOTE WHISKY OUT OF NASHVILLE gpsrial to The Georgies. Nashville, Ten#. March II.—The temperance wava which has been •weeping over the cities of Tennessa haa at last reached Nashville. En couraged by the elgnal victory of the temperance Interests In ths cities of I'larkavlllt. Bristol and Knoxville, members of ths Anti-Saloon I-eaglie Alliance have called a meeting for tha nurooaa of conelderlng tha proposition r m s.i— .lit, Iks nltiae tamnAranca of uniting with ths other temperance Ing to calling an election. It sasma to bt the general consensu* of opinion that should ths matttr be tested here the temperance people would carry tha day. I he best line of Shirts you 11 see anywhere—Manhattan and other .good kes— $1.00 to $3.50 New Neckwear, new Hosiery. iel Bros. Co., 45-47-49 Peachtree St.-Opp. Walton St. Clan Spanish War Veteran# A meeting ot Brumby camp. Spanish- American War Veterans, will be held Thursday night In Rad Men's hall In t'antral avanue. when a number of new membera will Join. There are between 100 and (00 Bpanlsh-Amorican war veterans In Atlanta, and It la desired that they Join the Bruml the promt time the membership Is Hose to 100. Bsv. Sam W. Small Is commander, end Captain Winfield Jones, adjutsnt. All soldiers, sailors, marine# both regulars sad volunteers, who ssrvsd tn ths United Ststa# Cub*. Porto Rico, tha Philippine# or the Chi na expedition, with honorable dis charges. are eligible. Those who have not Joined are cordially urged to be present at tbe meeting Thursday night. Os Weds OION IN CUBA. It I Ji >s s i«*V». of tu« (Vittoi o'rlorfc. MUM —lareiiy. AranwVsslUt eforVS. will sp«k -ar*U fines .eDdlilosiis. the/ sxlst oa the I steed r.f ralie lir. Briggs has Jest meetly re- tarred from rahs. where he sprat see* trjsS&x asB&acrai he res steer ran ere shd Intereette* iklsn te male la referees* le their prirtires sad relief*. MERCHANT CHARGED WITH VIOLATING BANKRUPTCY ACT August# Oa.. March II.—A warrant waa sworn out In the office of United States Commissioner Lane yesterday afternoon for J. Slidell Nison, president of the Nison Grocery Company of thla city, charged with-violating ths bank* ruptcy act. The case wll be heard to- morrow at 10 o’clock In the oJuice of Commissioner Lane. Assistant United States District Attorney Akerman Is In the city and will conduct the prose cution. Nixon waa arrested this morn ing by Deputy Marshal Murray and placed under a II,M0 bond for hla ap pearance at court tomorrow. Mlsi Ithsl QriRtth. Mis* Ethel Orilfelh, a trained nurse, died at her residence, fll South Pryor street, Wednesday morning after a long Illness. She wee a sister of Dr. J. O. funeral rervlies will Thursday afternoon. The will be there. - —i. Bracelets. No waning, but an in crease in the popularity of bracelets! Ours are, by all odds, the most attractive in Atlanta. We have everything that’s new. Maier & Berkele. Acted far White Only. The question was allowed and Mr. Hummel replied: "Tee, sir." q. At that conversation did Mrs. Thaw inform you that Thaw wanted (o Injure White and put him In the penitentiary and that Thaw had com pelled her to meet him again to sign statements about Whlta an-1 that those documents charged White with having drugged Evelyn Nesblt when •ha wae about IS yean old, and that sha. Evelyn Neeblt, had told you that Thnw had beatsn her for not signing the papara?" Delmas objected and asked Hummel If he was acting as attornny for Kve- lyn Nesblt at ths tlms. Hummel said h* represented only Stanford White. Delmas Mskss Objection. "Then I shall objact on the ground that the matter Is not'materlal for re buttal. not having bren brought out on cross-examination.” said Delmas. At thla point Lawyer Hartridgs con ferred with Delmas for several mlnutoa and while they were holding a whim pered conversation, JRroine fished nut the photographic reproduction of the affidavit aa If making ready to submit It In evidence. Delmas resumed his questioning of Hummel. The lawyer said White brought Mias Nesblt to hla office: that he was retained by the year by White, ■ ibably received IIM for end that he prol thla particular cate. The trial waa adjourned at IS:43 erntne, who wished lime to frame hie hypothetical question. Hummel was on th* stand when adjournment was taken. Judge Fltsgereld haa n -t yet ruled on the admission of Hummer* testimony. Went Cell Hevssrd Nesblt. As wa* espaetsd, Howard Nesblt will not he called to the stand; neither will Mail* Follstts and th* nthsr former friends of Mias Nesblt. who have been assiduously supplying Information about th* young woman to tha prose cuting attorney. Neither will Mrs. Hol man be celled. The failure of Mr. Jerome to call Ma il* Foils!Ie was much commented pn. She waa In the criminal courts building with Miss Edna Jackson, th* latter, who Is bsltsvsd to hav* been present when Evelyn Nesblt was poked by Eckemeyer. The (allure of the district attorney to attack young Mrs. Thaw’s story through other witnesses proba bly accounts for hla failure to call the I wo young women. Defense (• Decide. Whether the defense will consume much time with their rebuttal Delmas •aid ha had not yat decided. A con ference of rouaeel will be held later to decide the question. But that the end la approaeblag la Indicated by the love feast Del mss and J trouts bad ovsc the matter of aunt- TAKES OWN LIFE AT COUNTRY HOM Horace McDowell Commits Suicide Wednesday By Shooting. Canton, Ohio. March II.—Horace McDowall, president of ths Farmers' Bank of Canto# shot and killed him ■elf at hla country horn# S mils* north of this city, today. Ha wgs known throughout Ohio as ■ breeder and buyer of Jilgh class sheep JOHN J, COGGINS DEAD AT EL PASO Life Insurance Manager Succumbs to Apoplectic Attack. John J. Coggins. Atlanta manager of tha Manhattan Life Insurance Com pany. dlsd Wednesday morning In j€I Paso, Taxa# of apoplexy, following An attack more than a weak ago while traveling In Mexico. Mr. Coggins was In Mexico la the Interests of a mining venture, and waa strlcksn whlla at Parrel. In Cblhuahu# He was removed W El Paso, and Mrs. Coggins Itft Atlanta at once to Join him. She reached El Paso last Sat UrdAJTe The body will be brought back to Georgia .nd will probably be burled at bis old home at Canto# O# Qua Cog. gtn# of Canton, a brother, waa at Mr. Coggins bedside and wilt accompany the body on Ite return to Georgia Mr. Coggins Is survived by his wlf* and two young daughters, who reside at «( North Boulevard. Hla father and motbar. Mr. and Mrs. Burton F. Coggins, three brothers. Ou# T. R, and Frsbk Coggins, and two sisters, Mrs. A. W -.? ob * rt *i Ball Ground, Oa. and of Canto# also Miss Margaret Coggins. irvtve him. . Hr. Coggins cam* to Atlanta about twenty years ago and was first con nected with Moore A Marsh, a whole- sal* dry goods firm. Hs afterward be- came associated with Inma# Smith A Co., and subsequently with the Draper Coggins Shoe company, then wtth Cog Hah tins A Brown. Hs became manager of the Manhattan Life Insurance com pany In 1M1, TEMPERANCE VICTORY CAUSES ENTHUSIASM. Special to The Georgia# Columbus. Os.. March II.—Tl)* pro hibitionists of this diy, who have been watching with eager Intereat'the eon- teat tn Knoxville, Ten#, were Jot here today over the result In that tn the prohibition election. Special telegrams were received last night, and read out tn ths various churches where meetings were being held. FOUND UNCONSCIOUS AFTER THREATENING TO TAKE HER LIFE Special to The Georgian. Athens. Oa. March II.—Mrs. Ed. L. Taylor, wife of Mr. K L.Taylor, of 701 South Lumpkin street, and mother of B. P. Taylor, attempted tujelda Jt la •tatad, yesterday morning, at her home. In (ha absence of the family. When hei? husband, accompanied by Dr. Fullllovs. reached the home In the middle of the morning they discovered dangerous condition. Th* physician could not determine Just whether she had taken poison Internally or Inhaled he fumes of a poisonous fluid. By terolc work shs was resuscitated, and last night waa out of-danger. Yesterday morning In an extremely nervous condition she Is said to have threatened to take her life. COL. REDDING ARRIVES TO OELIVER LECTURES. Special to Tha Oeorgts# Athene. Oa. March II.—Colonel R J. Redding, formerly of-the Georgia expe- rtmental station, arrived In the city yesterday to be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. White, during hla stay here for the purpose of delivering a serf before the winter agricul of Iscturaa tural school of the university. On account of the funeral of Major. Cobb yesterday aftemoo# the lecture that was to hav* been than delivered was postponed. FOUR MULES PERISHED IN FIRE NEAR EATONTON. Special to The Georgian. Katonto# Oa, March It.—J. A. Baugh, a farmer, living In tha aasttm pan of ths county, has sustained a loss by fire of |l,IDO or more. His bam with all his corn and fodder for the year, and four mule* were completely consumed by the damn. Thera was no Insurance. ESCAPING FROM CAMP CONVICT IS DROWNED. Special to The Georgian. Wllmlngto# N. C„ March 11.—While making a break for liberty from the •tale camp at the edge of tho city, a negro convict met a watery grave thla morning. He broke from the ranks of the convict workers and made for a nearby creek. He was fired upon end no doubt wounded while swimming th- creek. Hie sank In mld-etream waa drowned. inlng up. Bach slda Is to be permitted a day or a# Jerome said h* would take about four hour*. Dalmas mad* no re marks on Ih* length of lima hs will re quire to put hla argument before th* Jury. It was learned at Jerome's office that Freak Garva# hla assistant, le not seriously ill. Oei •reran know* the rase better than his chief. Upon his shoulders fell the weight In task of preparing It for trial. He has marshalled the witness*# presentation and while Gereran could go ahead end finlrh tha caaa aiona even at this stats# It would be IRON BEDS, $3.M to S25.W. BRASS BEDS, $25.00 to SN.M. Nothing will contribute bo much to the beauty and comfort of a bed room as tbc Bernstein, Original Three Piece Bed (no side rails). Hie Bernstein brass * and white enamel beds are masterpieces of Ameri can workman s hi p — strong, durable and fin ished in the finest possi ble manner. Thev are good to look at and good to sleep id; Bernstein Woven Wire Mattresses arc guaran teed for five years against sagging and breaking. We are sole agents. For everything good in Beds, Bedding, Fur niture and Floor cover- ingj come to us; we will divide the payments to suit your convenience. 1 Carmichael'Talman Furniture Co., "THE STORE THAT GAVE* YOU MONEY" 74-76 WhiteWl Street —n NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. . The construction ahd steam-beating of a new building tor Georgia Military ■ Academy *t College Park will ba Ut at an early data. Contractors are In vited to ■** me. -i J. C. WOODWARD. FINLEY DISCUSSES MORGAN'S PLANS! "Mr. Morgan's visit to Washington was an effort to bring about a better understanding between the railroads and tha government." said W. W. Fin ley. president or ths Southern railway, who was In Atlanta for a short white Wednesday. "This batter understanding Is w all of th* roodk want. It la the ld«# that I hava been working on for some time, and It ta In the Interest of the public as well aa the road# "No, we are not going to take oC any trains except those that are en gaged In tourial traffic to Florida that come ntt about this time every season. The Chicago train# the Palm Limited and such trains are those to come of. There will be no elimination of tretea I In n spirit of retaliation. The Idea te 1 wrong." SISTER OF PRESIDENT ARRIVES FROM CUM., New Tor# March II.—The steamship Havana Captain Stevens, arrived this morning from Havana a day late, ow ing lo the delay caused by faking on'#, large cargo of sugar. The steamship left Havana ten hours late and brought: 101 passengers. This Is said to be the largest number ever brought from thft port by a passenger vessel. Among those on board was Mrs. and slater of President Roosevelt. *r passengers were Frank Briscoe, commander Frederick Bowker. Mgr. M. Connary. Jamas C. Cogla# H. R Uraiit. John B. Rhodes. Georgs H. Weaver aqd Frederick Wlnthrop. difficult for Jerome to go on without Garva# who, in the closing stags# at the trial, has fallen beneath tho weight he Is carrying. - -