Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 14, 1907, Image 15

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M. L. THROWER, REAL ESTATE. / $3,150/ jjOW, LISTEN—HERE IS , proposition in West fal A 6-room cottage in j^clier street, one block of Lee, lot 75x200, shade both front and rear, perfect ly situated, a very fine gar- with grapes and other (nuts. If there ever was a bargain in West End here is one. The owner must sell right now. Come in a hurry <f you like this. M. L. THROWER,. REAL ESTATE. 30 N. Forsyth. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. SICE EAST FROST LOT*. WITH PI.BN- i, ef * tint.'. 150 feet dm to in alley, for a ia«rt tint*' «t HO per front foot. They — iwtli $15 now. OS H AT SHOAL* HOAD. < MILK* trow renter of city. w« hey# ■ anlendld ftrtti rootalnlng 20 arm. 11 seres In hot- ua bad. atm. has oue of tb* brat orchard, tn Hr rountnr; Rood four-room honor and rat tmlldlw.. rtc. Tht. lets. rarr plica r • trfrtalilr farm: $2,100 caib. Tata la twrplu. IN NEST FART Or COLLEGE .PARK, arc mttif' ronatitlnjt of *to taro room a am hall, nl.-- porrboa. otc. Thla la one Mark o( car llnr. and Int la 100 by 1(B; (2,- »; I6» nth and balance monthly. GRANT PARK, BRAND- ttags; Id* NO by 160. tad I Vest,: wairr and [>a and ttla atdewilka: *i tar Una; pile* 0,83; |M ink ul KS far month. IT nth nnint ... par month. Wo cia aotl thla far _ , Hat <1 IWO. Yon aao yon CM miko n pad par .•ant on this, nnd y — * iita Int to build yon a homo on. mi HAVE A NICE FIVE-ROOM COT- haa aatr Georgia aronno; water. i»a and jib. with In rye lot. Thla la a atca placa. Otij Terms: Small bouse on W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate and Loans, 12 S. Broad. W Tboia am. A rUSTATION AND STOCK FARM OF ■7* A. II1IS IN MIDDLE GEORGIA. . c * MILES FROM A t $l».; tallet of rmllra He road frontage, LRN *• «ere% of rich bottfl •*«n.p bottoms I •if of wood and l Moat of til bilmw, loamy •koii. one mala « * ,k! « land. Two at: thirty tenant houeee oi ll ?'J dUuthuted. Cc •III, horv nnd mule ctirun lloUB0tt « 5 ojIIch of hog Htaoi be* aupplj Htt« «f the land. 8! ,h * Place School 1,1 Annual average US p fr nert. 1 Ultne# on or before Payment* tn unit purcl H dffF rr ^.j pn ymeoti the rhfltico of • P*jtuent nnd th »•»! In pay the l *** ("M health. U PEO > pnb- itlon; rra of lopod. i con- 1 nnd relay terra ■ and oomi, , taw 1 hoy condl- Clark ly aU track W.#». caahi nnnal r ton* main a tha ta tha water I and Ijjkp Fur furthtr Information, wrtto or *t«T Esn GORDON STREET-NO. «*- *•» it, (..on, rottayr; all ronreolrncra: 15 1 Price (4,004. Tarma. 1 K ¥ D > ONE BLOCK FROM la il 1 ?;■ "* Idla for B,I05~lt would pay iwSLl/ IM * I’roparty. atthrr for rant, e..m.n. homra. hwitm, *01111.1: three II' per oath. (jnlck uuy’rt; *?h. , i:? / hHOAL* .ROAD, EIGHT AT fea c,fj'* »" Sif.kio S.h" br “ 0,,0,, Jk." »!!«' /TIIF.RT. IN ONE RL *!U. i tbl ' J- NEAR CAB LINE: BEAD- r ' n 7 n ' ratlsgsi allay Jdr aad ' rlea (1,400. Xka homa .tki' 1 ' ■'jvR.ROOM cottage, in *4t„ u , VVJfih " f w *« Kad. forkooa. fair eaah aad HI par moath. vnjxinmt THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. THUUDAT, MAECH 14, 1»0T. 16 HENDRICK & CO., Real Estate and Loans, 23 1-2 Whitehall Street, Both Phones. avssiL taat at/l*. with setry modern conven- TsrAs^jrti k call at any offtea for par- H.«00 BUY* NEW MODERN RESIDENCE Sih YISmt ,ro “ C«ttd eel RAM BUYS 25 ACRE*. ( MILES FROM asta i: imsb« a suburban home. ILMO-ON HILL STREET, NEAR GRANT to^a?alley*' ,#qr ' r00 “ «•*!•*•• 44 by 110, »2i(40—WOODWARD AVENUE: RIZ-BOOM i..^."wisih l5 .e^ir-,. t T . ii> u ■ tUOO-WOODWABD AVENUE; TBI* IS k.vsft m spat# sar-ttU peymrnts. CLT60—BRYAN STREET. THIS IB A beautiful little cottars; Or* rooms mad a reception ball. All mod era eoneenltore*, so titrated 1st. Barrs ot beat* la rear. $L(00—CENTRAL AVENUE—SEVEN-ROOM cottage, oa lot 10 by 120; (lightly elevated. Can bt bought on easy farms. (2.TOO—ON CRBW STREET, NEAR RICH- ardaon: six-room cottage; lot (0 by 161: oc cupied by owner. Let us shoq you thla. HER ( J. jkjRTAJiJ A. d'ANTIGNAC OB L C. McCRORY L. U. JOHNSON McCRORY & JOHNSON, Real Estate, $02 Patera Building—Phonos 4441. SPLENDID NINE-ROOM TWO-STORY retMtnce, star Jaekaon atreet; lovely neighborhood; on* block from now public school. All Impmeemeots. Just what you art looking for, and only 11.760; easily worth 11.(100. ON JACKSON STREET, WE HAVE AN •lfht-room residence; modem tod up to- Tltte, for only 96,500; 91.000 cash. 98.600 BUYS ONE or THE VERT LOVE* llett home* on Jurkeon, near North »re* dm. Every convenience. Built for a home. Large shaded lot Owner enxloua to tell for good reeson. Stay pay men te. Don’t delay. ON BOULEVARD. NEAR NORTH AVE- duo., ton rooms, wide holla, cabinet man tels, and all necessary conrenlsnces. -large ■haded lor, with side dries and 15-foot at. ley. Tbla will salt you. Tbs owner bee bran asking $1,500 and so anxious ta he to •ell. Instructs ua to offer It for 27.000. Tb* 1st at $00 par foot la worth $2,7(0. ElOnT-ROOM TWO-STORY ON TARK atreet,- West End; (0 by IM. Tbla la a paach. Only IS,000; 11,000 cash. Don't W. E. TREADWELL & CO. St SOUTH BROAD STREET. SOMETHING VERY CHOICE AND A ran opponsalty to purchase (0 acres of laud 2 miles from Ruckhead, fronting chert road, constating of four-room house sod out bulldligo. lands; three-quarters of a mils bsyoad this tnct Is selling for (110 por acn. Just this side of It Is being held for from 4300 to 4600 per sere. This tnct commands one of the Sneet locations la that section. If sold tn few days It can be bought for the low price of (111 per am. WELL-ESTABLISHED STEAM LAUNDRY buelnces la good town of (.000. Be* us for psrtlculsn sad price. \ AN IDEAL RITE FOR AN APARTMENT bouic. In three minutes of tho Grand opera house. We ora Inotracted to ooll. Cali and oee no fbr particulars and price. This property haa never been offered before for ule. 125 ACRES LAND ( SIII.ES FROM AT- lantu; *4.200. M ACRES LAND 2 MILES PROM DECA tur. 1 mUce from Atlanta; ata-room bouee, IS acres good bottom land. 7S ACRE* 1 Ml LB FROM COLLEGE Park. See us for partlculin and price If yoa want bargain. IS.0M BUYS ONE OF THE MOST BEAU- tlful ten-room houtee on the north side; new and hae carry modern Improvement; built for a bom*. 96,000 ntnra model home, corner lot* two-room servant’* house; other out buildings: Urge lot. near Forrest avenue. This beautiful home Is vreil located on North Jacksou street, near Donee DeT*on avenue. WE CAN BELL BEAUTIFUL ITOtTiE OF els rooms for the low pries of 95,000. EAST GEORGIA AVENUE-SEVEN ROOM house; up-todste In every psrtlculor; 000. EAST GEORGIA AVENUE-SIX ROOM house. This Is a bargain: NEAR CAPITOL AVENUE. FIVE ROOM new bon**; modern; H.(#>- NEAR WOODWARD AVENCI. TWO four»room n#w bouses; rent SM. 91180. no buys one tiirek roou and one tworoom bouoco; rent (10. VKAtl DAVIS t*Tnn»r.». E^m houara: rent for *10 aachi m» rich. DAVI* NTRKKT — EIOHT-HOOM TWO- atory honor; lar»r lot; cloar In; rrnt W; FOR RENT. DWELLINGS. Hr. h.. Follryr IJtrk. 11-r. h.a S ■;f*T** •• 10 on ■•r. *.. «.» JOHN J. WOODSIDE. THE RENTINO AOBNT. 11 Auburn Avtsut, Boll) Pboneo CIS. MOSS & GIRARDEAU, Buy and Sell Real Estate on Commission. Office 501 Fourth National Bank Building. Bell Phone 4256. $2,000—Cash will buy a cozy new cottage; 6 rooms; modem improvements; on Crew street; convenient to car line. $2,250 will buy new 6-room cottage now nearing com- K 'on, No. 473 Hill, near ond, or will rent to an approved tenant $20 per month. $lj750—House and lot West Fair, near Bailey; large lot. $250—Vacant lots vicinity of Martin, Sylvan and Fairview within city limits. J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 Fourth National Bank. Bell Phone 1393 Maig. HILL BT- IN TWO BLOCKS OF Grant Park, a nice little (-room cot- *A*o with all eonvrnloncri for !2,t00. Ttrmn. OAKLAND AVENUE. A NEARLY now 4-room eottaco with watrr and ■rwrr ronnrettono, for only I1.N00; $150 eanh and »0 month. CENTRAL AVE.. NEAR GEORGIA avrnur. I have a modem up-to.dato (-room cottage with all conveniences for tha very low price of $2.7(0 on eaay term*. NEWTON S. THOMAS. i Real Estate. 422 Century BuHding, Bell Phone 4045. T. Y. BRENT. J. T. MANOUM, Salesmen. PEACHTREE CIRCLE LOT. CHEAPEST LOT ON THE CIRCLE-LIE* well; eeat front. This lot I ran offer con siderably Irak than anything also oat than, for a ftw day*. i I HAVE A MODERN APARTMENT hoaaa paying over 21,500 a yaar after dr- darting janitor and real bills. 1 can sell thla for (15,000, on splendid terms; the loan being at the very low rat* of 5Vk per cent. Thla property Is on one of the beat north aide atreeta and close In. and Is practically naw. 1 can axchanga thla line property for othsr suitable property. What hart yon to trad*? THAT 24 ACRES AT HAPEY1LLE AT llttl* over 1100 par acr* Is th* chaapaat pices of sertsgs in Fulton county. Is sob lly accessible to car Ua* and lla* baautl I’'!* ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 1507 Fourth National Bank, Bell Phono 250 Main. BARGAINS. UKAt TIFt'L CLOSE IN NORTH RIDE viiemit lot, W bT 165 feet; only ll.CTm. Term* Other lots In tbla neighborhood ran not be bought for Itaa than $60 per faont foot. FIVE PRBTTJT LOTS ON |K?NCE DE- OOLLKGE PARK. NEAR CAR LINE; WE CAN SHOW YOU WHERE YOU CAN Invest (•» In nice cottage- never vacant tear In; that will net you 20 per rent on your Investment. COST SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, JtiRT OFF Capitol avenue. Bent* (2240. Price 22.100. If you have 1000 In eaah. w* will loan you rilltEE BLOCKS t FROM ARAGON; north of Cain; one-half block of ear lino; ho..o.. It« maA aka* net I lie* as > WEST RNIV—HALF BLOCK FROM CAR Nl!hT.t««!S"llSU:".^h , S , tid.‘5SSS: • - forced bln to wove away. Itrni KVmtmth; ».»» cash and (25 p This la n antp at 14.000. This bouat was built for baalaroa has tad at (20 ontb. DELItinTFn. Rt nCBBAN HOME OS Sr line. Rti-room cottaget • acre# of gronnd; only »•«►. On eaay terma. The (and alqnc la worth more noaey. WERT K6li, wnaa. . «*<!■:•» yy atory aem room rcaldcore In good nHjrb fmrhood. and In good condition, at tba rlalc aSSTprle? »f Nothing the nntter with thin, eicept the price. Kaay tern. T!R?SSS.T«fS BVJ JRB d ; "B.!:v , Ar^rprerrp <, :\'ir.i M M * Finest north wde home in the f rl,, for the money; (I.IM; would be cheap it (TA00. Terma ONLY. ATLANTA REAL ESTATE AGENCY. : - - L. A. WOODS, 818-819 Empire Bldg. BELL PHONE MW-ATLANTA PHONE 1771 I MAKE EAST TERMS. (-room cottage with all couvan lenroa. Thla plaeo was built for a bums aad la A-l tn ovary res pact. IL7S0-NEAH GRANT PARK: .OOOD 8 root* cottage. Terms ts sultN ■ WHAT ABOUT FIVE ACRES ON THE South Decatar Car Use. that list nice sad level, for 41.400! Any Mod of tsems. (475—VACANT LOT ON EAST LAKE CAR Mot; (10 cash aid * per month. You know this Is close to the Atlsnts Athletic Club, where there Is those#nds sf dollars being spent for 'Improvement*. The first msu In gsts this bargain. 11,160-A GOOD 6-llOOM HOUSE. WITH lot 7f feet front Olid M0 fert deep. Flu* "ff-btfsss svgfrnwa deep. Nleu outhouses, contesting of stablou. cow burns and poultry bonsai. Wa ran ■oaks you terms to suit. WHAT ABOUT A NICE LITTLE (ROOM boose, with bell, oa ■ -good-otoed lot; emsU cash psymaat sad tbo balance like (LMS-POUR ROOMS AND HALL; LABOR Hot la tbs Grant park setgbborbooS; about $404 rash, balance $16 per mouth. •1.(40—NBW (-ROOM HOUSE WITH HALL ua half-set* 1st; well fenced lu and de ^ P fe C, ^r^^' ,,C ’‘* r: ”” d#W ‘- $2,160—A 7-ROOM HOUSE IN GRANT pork vicinity; inter, gas sad all rouvsn- leoecs. Roe us right sway for this. (MOO—A 2 STORY 17(00M HOUSE. ON N. marketToo' U> * Won't be on tbo CAN MAKP YOU BABY TERMS OK cottage with lot (4x160 Id lumau I*ark. Good place for tbo mosey. BOTH PHONES (114. (14,049 DOWN AND 277.440 AT 4 PER cant will buy tha flnrtl paring aud beat conditioned renting propoaftlon on the north aide today. Thla property la eloae lo. and new; rautlng on Icaac and will pay you 13,099 per annum net above every ex- penae. Including Internal, taxea. Insurance, etc. If you know of anything twtter. we would gladly pay you for Information. (4 600—BRAND NEW WENT PEACHTREE Soma; very artistic Inalde and out: open brick fireplace, elegant mantels, and fcombl* nation fixtures, sliding doors, white enamel aud oak flnlab, double-floored and storm- sheeted throughout, and thoroughly up to data. A beautiful lot. CtxllO to an alley: barn and necessary outbuildings- Make ua an offer quickly, and maybe we can get price shaded. 97.500—RENT 950 NET; ONE-THIRD CASH. balance terma. You’ll nay thla can't be ao, hut It's an actual fact. Property built two years, with electric Mila. gas. porce lain botha, pantrlea. lu an excellent neigh borhood; rented on a yearly leaae to an ex cellent claaa of white tenants. The Im provement* would coat considerably more than th# entire price at wbtbh we aro of fering the property, to aay nothing of the fine lot. 9MOfr-KORTFI BOULEVARD. CORNER property; not far from North avenue-con taining i rooms; porcelain bath, cabinet man tala, sliding doors, white, enamel ma hogany flnlab, and lot nearly 60x200. Own- ar's obliged to sell at once. "WE GET RESULT*." K BO EASY TO FIX PUMPS. NO OLA8S. OUNN MACHINERY CO* *4 Marietta Street. Phones 17*1, Atlanta, Qa. TO FIGHT FOR CHAMPIONSHIP ABE ATTELL AND BENNIE SOLO MON MATCHED TO MEET IN MAY. Loa Angelas, Cal.. March 14.—Abo Attell and Bonnie Bolnmon have been matched to fight for the featherweight championship of the world. The mill will come off In Loa Angeles late In May. The articles-call for 122 bound* at ring side half an hour before the fight. Solomon haa quite a good rec ord, and a good light la looked for. MUST ADMIT DRIVERS INTO CENTRAL CITY PARK 8p4elal to Th* Georgian. Macon. G*.. March 14.—About ton dayn ago a party of Macon men drove to the Central City park aad found th* got* toad- lug Into th* track securely locked, and they wer* obliged to return to tb# city. The discovery was reported to Aldorman Hurt, and Tuesday night h* Introduced a reoolu- lion calling upon the clerk ef council to tddr*** a letter to the keeper of th* park. Instructing him a* to the honrn. Th# lottsr provided for by the resolution which petard council U now In the band, of Park Keeper llalaay. ICE CREAM GOES UP IN CITY OP COLUMBUS. Special to The Georgian. Columbus, Ga., March 14—Hereafter soda water and all aott drinks sold at fountains In thla city will be live cents straight. Instead of six for a quarter, ae heretofore., when ticket* were pur chased. The price of Ice cream liaa been advanced to ten cents a plate, and the stools have been removed from nearly every fount In the city, the cuatomer haring to aland. INCENDIARY CHARGE A0AIN8T COLUMBUS NEORO. Special to The Georgian. Columbus, Ga., March 14—Dick Wads, a negro In Jail here, charged with burning the barn of H. H. Wool- folk. at the latter’s home, seven i.illa* south of th* city. The ham wa* burned Monday night with Ita contents, nnd ■ve mules In the etable were cremated. * TRIPLEX POWER PUMPS, DUNft MACHINERY CO. M Marietta Street Atlanta, Ga. i Personal Mention Mrs. A. W. Calhoun and Mrs. J. O. Oglesby, Jr, are In He* Braeae, Fla. Dr. Charles Wilkins, who haa been quit* IU, Is convalescing. from New York thU week . Dr. and Mrs. K. O. Matheson an nounce the birth of a daughter on Alarcb I. They have aajned her Mary. Dr. and Mrs Price E. Murray will leave In a few daya for Europe. They will upend aome time at Naples and will travel through Europe for Ova or all months. of Mrs. J. B. Par rent. In OainesvQ Mrs. Jackson, of Cambridge, who haa been the guost of Mr*. R. L. Cooney, left Thursdqy for Indianapolis Mrs. J. O. Hollenbeck left Thursday for a visit to her mother, Mrs. Brown. In Oh!6. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thornton and Mr. and Mrs. Austell Thornton are at home at the Ladeon place on Peach tree etreet. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Ladeon and fam ily have moved Into their home on Peachtree road, formerly owned by Colonel and Mrs. c. L. Anderson. Among the prominent Atlanta worn en who will attend ' the conference of Colonial Domes tn May and June at the Jameetown Mis* Junta McKinley, who will represent th* Co lonial Dames of Georgia at the brilliant entertainments to be given by the or ganisation at Jamestown. Friend* of Captain and Mr*. Yeandle who have been anxious during the ee- rious Illness of the former are glad to hear that he Is now able to alt up a little while each dav. Captain Yeandle haa been for many yaars chief clerk of the government railway postal service and Is a gentleman of ran scholarly attainment and culture, hav ing been educated .road and spent many yean In continental travels - Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chappells an nounce the birth of a daughter. Mrs. E. King, a popular young ma tron of Atlanta, Os. who haa been the guest of Mlaa Annie Gardner for the past week, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas. 24 East First street, returned last night to Atlanta. Mr*. King mad* a number of friend* while In Jackson ville. who wish her much happiness In home, as ahe will anon remove tn Terre Haute, Ind.—Jacksonville (Fla.) Metropolis. Mlaa Alice Montague Robinson, of Little Rock, who haa been on a visit relatives In North Carolina, am Thursday In Atlanta, and will be the guest of her cousins. Colonel nnd Mr*. Walter P. Andrews, at the Piedmont. Mrs. Mason and Miss Catherine Ma son. after spending some time In At lanta. have returned to Aehevllle, N. C. Mr. Harold McCormick Is visiting friends at Asheville. STATISTICS. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. $2,(00—A. O. Mlnhlnnctt to Julius W. Wray, lot on Park avenue. War ranty doed. _ IS—Mr*. T. C. Holmes to Mrs. C. C. IIroom, lot on Harvand avenue. $2.000—Kathryn Pate McCord to Jake H. Hlrach. lot on Lee street. Warranty deed. $4,500—John Carey and Peter F. Clarke to Air*. M. Brown, lot on North Jaekaon afreet. Warranty deed. $600—John J. Lynch to James L. Ri ley. lot on Randolph atreet. Warranty dri*d. US0—Mr*. Lula Landsdcll to J. M. T. Mayo, lot on Garibaldi street War ranty deed. 12,750—Kuxenla T. Candler to O. A. Nleolson, lot on Hprlng atreet. War ranty deed. $650—Frank Bonner to John H. Mc Cord. lot on Little street. Warranty deed. DEATHS. Mr*. Mattie A. McKown. ago 67 yean, died at 1? West Cain atreet. Mr*. Elisabeth Price, age (5 years, died at I2( Courtlond atreet. Pennle William*, colored, age 44 year*, died at *2 Weet Cain etreet. Mr*. M. J. McFarlane, age (2 years, died tn Birmingham. Ala. Mr*. M. A. Wethlngton, age (2 yean, died at East Point. Ga. Dr. J. B. Thompson, age 5f year*, died of pneumonia at iff Craw atreet BIRTHS. To Mr. nnd Mrs. R. T. Colls, at 111 Davis, etreet. a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Emery Ivle. at 6 Mollis stregt, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Mark Judaon Don aldson. on Aleaander street. To Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Anderson, at 200 Jackson atreet. a girl. To Mr. and Mr*. F. A. Doughmen. on Alexander atreet. To Mr. and Mr*. H. H. Pike, at 115 East Fair atreet, a boy. buildinoTpermits. 1600—J. J. Harwell, to build one-etory frame dwelling at (22 Vine atreet. (126—H. P. Richard*, to recover frame dwelling at 24 Oak etreet. S2.30O—II. B. Lowndes to build twn- etory frame dwelling at 224 Third street. Mrs. Martha MoKown, The funeral services of Mrs. Martin McKown, aged (2 years. Who died Wednesday morning, were conducted Thursday morning at her late resi dence. 244 Formwalt street. The body wes taken to Joneaboro, Ua., for Inter ment. Mrs. Elisabeth Pries. The funeral aervlres of Mrs. Elisa beth Price, who died Tuesday night at a private aanttarlum after a long Ill ness. were conducted Thursday morn- o*y AdalrsvMA Ok, (or IntermenL NEXT S.S. CONVENTION W1LLBE HELD IN A THENS Work About Com pleted—Meeting Adjourns. Special to The Oeorglan. Marietta, CkL. March 14.—The thirty- third. annual convention of tile Georgia Bunday School Association la the largest and beat *e*»lon In the lilatory of th* body. The sessions of Wednes day surpassed all expectations, both aa to the number In attendance and In the general enthusiasm manifested. The aft ernoon session waa devoted to the sub ject- of- “TedtW Training." First of all was an address of marked polish and power by Rev, J. W, Stokes, pas tor of the Presbyterian church. Dublin, on "The High (Jailing of the Teacher." Rev. Henry B. Maya, of Atlanta, waa 'on the program for an address on "The Legion of Honor Teaching Training Course,” but he waa too unwall to come to the convention, and the ever ready Mr*. Mary Foster liryner was asked to take his place. The closing address of the.afternoon waa by Mr. George P. Duller, a Sunday school superintendent of Augusta. He Insisted on better trained teachers be ing provided for the Sunday school, and gave valuable hint* aa to how such teachers can be trained. He la the chairman for Georgia of the Interna tional Sunday School Association on that subject. Dr. Broughton's Choir Sings. Wednesday night Professor Davla came from Atlanta with a score of the Broughton Tabernacle choir and open ed the session with a song service, which waa much appreciated by the audience which crowded the spacious church to Its utmost capacity. Rev. J. W. Stoke* led a delightful devotional aervlce. Then Mrs liryner wa* again Introduced and addressed the convention on "Lines of Progress.” In hi* admirable address last night President Haines stated that there are 200,000 youth In Georgia without Bun- day school Influences. METHODIST CHURCH. MARIET+A- WHare the Oeerqia State Sunday School Convention lias been In session. plrmental work for the primary de partment, under direction of Mrs, Bry- ner. 1 Rev. J. W. Willard, of Atlanta, spoke on "How to Organise a Homa De partment.” Mr*. E. C. Crank, or Atlanta, spoke on ’The Relation of the Home Depart- ( ment to the Bunday School." Mrs. Crank took tht placa of bar husband.: the pastor of the Lutheran church, who; wae too Indisposed to attend. She made a line substitute. She also spoke later, on "The Bunday School and Missions.” i W. M. Davies, of Atlanta, chairman! of the home department for the state,; conducted an Interritlng round table, 1 many questions being asked and. an swered. The next annual aexslon of tho as sociation will be held In Athena. In April. 1«0«. The convention will adjourn this aft- 1 ernoon. SHOT MOTHER-IN-LAW, KILLED WIFE AND SELF Special to Tbs Georgian. Dallas, Tex.. Mitch 14.—Lata yesterday afternoon at Port Arthur, E. 61. McNsIr ■hot sad hilled ty* wife, wounded his mothrr-lo-law sod then tamed the pistol on himself and Bred flea ballets Into hi* own breast, McNair trill die. Thar* la a chance that hla tanther, Mrs. E. J. Coorsd. trill survive, ttome*tic trouble was (be cause of the tragedy. It I* Mated. BOY STRUCK BY BULLET INTENDED FOR BURGLAR A bullet Intended for an eseaptn* burglar lodged In tbo leg of Austin Dillon, a thirteen-year did tail Wed nesday night, and as a result he-1* laid up In th* Grady hospital. About ( o'clock Carson Campbell, who keep* a store on tbo Marietta road a mile beyond nowell'a Station, noticed the door of a store adjoining hi* own. and operated by Chambers ft Edwards, waa open, and that thare waa a light Inside. As the More had been closed for tho night, Mr. Campbell made an Investi gation and found a burglar at work. Mr. Campbell shut th* door and held RECEIPTS DOUBLED AT POSTOFFICE III PAST FIVE YEARS ••Wh**n ih«* flirat ytur «*nd« th<* grow rc- relpU of th* Atlmita pontornM will likely •how (hut tho rrrelplN have douMetl within the {mat jreara/* aaM l'oatmaatcr lllod- gelt Thurmlny morning. •The rccelpta for 190J worn 9415,393, amt the Indlratlona arc that 1907'a rwlnti will lie over 1*30.000. If thla rata were 97a.<ii9.7V. rma ratio or inrrenan naa lHs*n atcarir amt haa nerar Iwen apprnarhotl by any city In the t'nlfed Htatm em*vpt I.(»• AngHm, rat. Atlanta rank* third lit THE REPRESENTATIVE OPTICAL HOUSE SOUTH. That's what $6 year* ae opticians to the Southern people has done for ua Why? Hlmply because we have always given the very beet In everything opti cal. The beet and moat exhaustive eye examinations; the heat tenses and mountings, and tha beat service. Let us last your eyes today ami lit you l a pair of our new Torlc lenses ... :he Kaml-lnvlslhle Bifocal*. A. K. llawke* Co., opticians, 14 Whitehall street and 125 Peachtree etreet. Dan Bowdan. Newt of the death of Dan Bowden, a former Atlantan, who died In Plant- Ingaburg. Ky., Tuesday, was received In Atlanta Wednesday. Mr. Bowden wa* formerly connected w Ith an under taking establishment In Atlaqta. going tn Ftemlngshurg three yeere ago tor his health. He has a brother. M. A. Ilowden, and a nephew, John O'Meara, both of Atlanta The funeral service* were conducted In Part* Ky., Wednes day morning. PETITION DISMISSED IN SUIT A0AIN8T THOMAS. Special to The Georgian. Columbus, Ga. March 14.—The pe titioners In th* bankruptcy case of the A. P. Thomas Drug Company, asked that the president of the company, A. P Thomas, be compelled to show whether he had concealed $6,600 of the assets of the company from the sched ule presented by him. nnd Refers# Garrard heard the rase today. He dis missed the petition, the evidence not being sufficient to sustain tha charge. It from tha outalda. but tba bursar, after extinguishing - the light, pushed— the door open and dashed out of, tba u Store. Mr. Campbell tired three shots at the' '. burglar aa he dashed down the road and It wna one of these that hit young Dillon. He wee walking along the road with bl* father at tha time. Hla In- r pocket knives, tl nothing, although r had been piled preparatory _ County Policemen Pope and Whit field were Immediately notified and spent the night seeking the burglar, but eo far he haa not been captured. PARTY OF SENATORS GOTO Bperial to Tb* Oeorglan. . Charleston, ft. C„ March 14.—decretory Metcalfe, Henator Flint, of California, and | C. C. Glover, a banker, of Washington, sr-1 rived here this morning at It o'doek, I They Inspeeted the nsvy yards ted will uicct the Dulpln today and embark for 1 Guantanamo. Gn Imird th* Dolphin ire Henator Hal*, of Maine: Henator Penrose, of PennsyL Tsnls, and Heusisr Carter, of Montana. RESIQN8 PASTORATE TO ENTER THE SEMINARY. Bpeclal to The Oeorgtan. Pelham. Ga,. March 14.—Rev. H. P., Jackson, pastor of the Flret Baptist church here, tendered hla resignation ’ as pastor last Bunday morning at tha i conclusion of the 11 o'clock service. ' IDs restsnnlton waa a great surprint, j Rev. Jackson explained that an op- portunlty had arisen whereby he waa offered the pastorate of one of th* Louisville. Ky., churches, and at tha J * same time take a poat-graduato court* at the Baptist Hemlnary. H* wlU leave Pelham about the 1st ot April. MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF CONFERENCE TO MKT. Bpeclal to The Georgian. Meridian, Mies.. March 14.—Tha an- ' nual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Mississippi ' Methodist conference will be convened In this city March il. Inclusive, In a- four days’ session. A meeting will be held this afternoon at the home of Mr*. J. W. Groan to • perfect arrangymsnlo for the mealing. NO CLEvTis'POUND ■TO CITY HALL VANDAL. Special to The Georgian. Savannah, Ga.. March 14.—Th* greatest Indignation haa been ex- ; pressed everywhere as a result of the vandalism perpetrated on tbo 1*1 por- I trait of ex-Mayor Myars In th* council chamber at th* city h*IL . Tfrea.frr. there has bean no claw to ths Identity 1 of the perpetrator, although a reward of $100 has been offered. It le be lieved that the picture can bo repaired so that the place will not be easily die. rentable. 1