Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, March 30, 1907, Image 2

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. SATURDAY, MARCH SO, HOT. No more Alcohol As now made, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla does not contain the least particle of alcohol in any form whatever. You get all the tonic and alterative effects, without stimulation. When a stimulant is needed, your doctor will know it, and will tell you of It. Consult him freely. WapublUhtliefbrmuUa J.t.Ayerc'o of our preparations. Lows if, Xui! t ......... BUY A !PHONOGRAPH Small Payments Weekly. c ! PHILLIPS & CREW CO.! 37-39 Peachtree St MASONIC HOSTS Tl IN HOME From Five States the Rep resentative Men of the Order Will Come. 8po«*fal to Tho Georgian. Rome, G.„ March 30.—On May 1 and 2, «*xt, Rome nil I be tbr accno of an extraor dinary Maaonlc celebration, one of the (reateat that has ever occurred 1u tlie South. IluwfreilB of dlatlngmshed Mnaoim tre expected to come from the atntea of (ieotxfn. Alabama, South Carolina, Tenuca aee and MlwiaHlppl. The wrenth district convention naaemhlea In Rome on May 1 for Ita tenth annual meeting. Tlier* are alxty thrce lodge* lu the (Uatrlct, and nU will he repfraented. The degree work will Im» exemplified tinder the direction of District Deputy I’nul V Akin. The nltht of Mny 1 will be Indies’ nlsht, and a magnificent program has been prepared for that oecnalon. The grand Masonic rally will lie held S i the alght of Mny 2. and representative asons are expected to be present from every section. Grand Master Max Mcyerhnrdt will pro aide and the third degree will be con ferred. All the railroads In Georgia and Alabama have granted special rates to Rome to this occasion. COMMISSIONER LANE Rumors Afloat That He May Become Referee in Bankruptcy. Augusta. q«u, March 30.—United To Owners of Bad Breath— Foul Odor of Indigestion, Smok ing, Eating or Drinking Stop ped at Once With Stu art's Charcoal Lozenges. Trill Package To Prova It 8ant Fraa. Billou, breathed, onion eatera, Indi gestion victim,, cabbage conaumera, ■mokers, drinker, and thoae with gas am thm stomach are In a class all by 1hT~t-*i— distinguished by a power ful bad breath. They all brsathe, and as they breathe they whiff out odor which makes those standing near turn their heads away in disgust. The pitiable part of it is that these victims do not reallzo what a sickening thing a bad, offensive breath la to others. charcoal Is a wonderful absorber of gases and odors. It absorbs 100 times Us own volume of gas. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges will put a stop to your bad. offensive breath, and to your belching*, whatever the causa or source, because the char coal quickly absorbs all noxious, un natural odors and gases. If you suffer from Indigestion and belch gas os a result. Stuart's Char coal Lounges will absorb all the gas and make you stop belching. If on getting up In the morning you have such a bad, bilious breath, that you can almost smell It yourself. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges will get rid of It for you quickly. If you have been smoking or chew ing. or have been eating onions or other odorous things, Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges will make your breath pure and sweet. Charcoal Is also the best laxative known. Tou can take a whole bozful and no harm will result. It Is a won derfully easy regulator. And then, too. It niters your blood,— every particle of poison and Impurity In your blood Is destroyed, and you be gin to notice the difference In your face first thing.—your clear complex ion. Stuart’s Charcoal Lounges are mode from pure willow charcoal, and just a little honey Is put In to make them pal atable. but not too sweet. They will work wonders In your stomach, and make you feel fine and fresh. Your Mood and breath will be purified. Tou will feel clean inside. We wont to prove all this to yon, so lust send for a free sample today. Then after you get It and use it, you will like them ao well that you will go to your druggist and get a 26c box of these Stuarts Charcoal Lounges. Send us your name and address to. da- and ws will at once send you by mail "X sample package free. Address A- Stuart Co„ 13 Stuart Bldg, Mar shall. Mich. 'Nebraskan Gives His Views Regarding Ownership. New York, March 30.—At the stance of Henry M. Whitney, of fioe ton, tVlIllam J. Bryan recently wrote | out and sent to Mr. Whitney a detailed | statement of his views concerning rail road supervision with particular ref crence to the evils arising out of the present antl-rallroad leglsltalon. This statement, which was solicited by Mr. Whitney, represents a modlflca tlon of Mr. Bryan's original attitude toward government ownership. Air. Bryan says In part: "I am In favor of both national and state regulation of railroads, but 1 also believe that* public ownership Is the ultimate solution of the railroad ques tlon. In my discussion on the subject, I have pointed out that because of the danger of centralisation In ownership by the Federal government of all the lines, I prefer a system by which tho Federal government will be confined to tho necessary trunk lines, the owner ship of the rest of the lines to be left to the states. Will Gat Just Price. "This, however, Is not an Immediate question, at least I am not sure that the people are ready to consider the question of public ownership, and until they are ready to consider that ques tlon ths Interest Is centered In regula tlon. As an advocate of regulation of the strictest sort, I can say to you that there Is no danger whatever that this regulation will be carried to the point of preventing a reasonable return on money Invested In tho railroads of the country. "And I enn assure that whatever public ownership Is adopted by the states or by the nation, tho stockhotd ers mny expect to receive a price at least equal to tho value of the physical properties of the road. The trouble Is thnt the railroads hnve watered the stocks and have compelled the public to pay dividends and Interest upon fictitious capitalisation. This Is resent ed by the public and very properly so, but their resentment will not be car ried to the point of doing Injustice to the owners of tho stocks. No Danger To 8tot>Kholder*. "When the value of the roads Is as certalned, I am satisfied that public sentiment will Insist that the returns shall be sufficient to pay a reasonable dividend upon the money Invested. In caso the various states or the nation decide to enter upon public ownership of the mads, there wilt be no disposi tion to confiscate tho property. I am satisfied that In tho purchase of roads the public would bo much more spt to pay more than the roads orb worth, rather thnn less. There Is, therefore, no reason why n person having money to Invest In railroads should not be willing to Invest upon nti honest basis at this time for no future legislation would deny him a fair return. No railroad regulation will be sus- rained by the courts that doos Injus tice to the owner of the railroad and If public ownership Is decided upon the government cannot toko the roals without paying what the roads are worth. think I can speak for those who believe In regulation, and I know thnt there Is not and never has been danger of Injustice to the owner of the rail road, and If 1 can speak for those who believe that the ultimate solution of the railroad Is to be found In publlo ownership, I can say that there Is no disposition to confiscate railroad prop erly even If the courts would per mit It." GREAT CONFERENCE TO CLOSE S Thousands Drawn to Hear the Eloquent Evange lists. The Bible conference, which lias eon Unued for ten days at the Baptist Taberna cle, will close Hundav night, when "Gyp- ay" Smith, the English evangelist, will deliver the closing sermon. The conference has drawn thousands to the services and even the capacity of tho great tabernacle hat been insufficient to ac commodate the nudlenccs. It hns been the most successful of all religious meetings of receat years. The program at the tabernacle for Sun day follows: At 10 o'clock, i Dr. W. M. Bruce, ol Chicago. At tl o'clock, "Gvpey" Smith. At > o'clock. Miss E. Stafford Millar, tho Australian evangelist. At 4 o’clock. Dr. James M. Gray, of Chi cago. At TM o'clock, "Gypsy” Smith. States Commissioner Wilfred C. Lane, of the northeastern division of the southern district of Georgia, haa ten dered his resignation to Hon. T. F. Johnson, clerk of the United States court at Bavannah, the resignation to take effect at an early date. It Is not known who Mr. Lane's suc cessor wlli be. There are quite a num ber of applicants for the position. Mr. Lane has been holding the office In Au gusta for a term of two years. A well-defined rumor say* that Mr. Lane will be appointed by Judge Eineiy Speer, ss referee In bankruptcy at Val dosta, Us. What Do They Cure? The above Question is often asked con cerning Df< Pierce’s two leading medi cines, "Golden Medical Discovery" and •Favorite Prescription.” The answer Is that "Golden Medical Discovery ” Is a most potent alterative or blood-purlflcr, and tonic or Invlgorator and acts especially favorably in a cura tive way upon all the mucous lining sur faces, as of the nasal passages, throat, bronchial tubes, stomach, bowels and bladdcfc-curlnga large percent, of catar rhal cates whether *So disease affects the nasal parades, tho, larynx, bron chla, stomacir<at cata/Nt^l dyr bowels,(as m uterus or other p-lvlc orgSTj>i^ Even In nr nloaratlve Tfage, n? those : 'if -i'll it, ail.-.-t- 1 ,iv-.ritf- Pi rescript kin" I" advise^ LyuJiur w•tn-ihlnfo'-nierits a lyregulatoni!gideMt£'vulj'c.iuin/y.~ Is a powerful jet gently aciiug itivigori . , , _ Ing tonic and nervine. For weak worn- out, overworked Women—no matter what has caused tho break-down, "Favorite Prescription "will be found most effective In building np the strength, regulating the womanly functions, subduing pain and bringing about a healthy, vigorous condition of the whole system. A book of particulars wraps each bottle giving the formula: of both medicines and quoting what scores of eminent med ical authors, wlioao works are consulted by physicians of all tho schools of practice ■s guides In prescribing, say of each In- rntllnnt entering Into theso medicines. The words of praise bestowed ^on the several ingredients entering Into Doctor I’lerce’s medicines by such writers should lave more weight than any amount of non- professional testimonials, because such men are writing for the guidance of their medical brethren and know whereof they speak. Both medicines are non-alcoholic, non secret, and contain no harmful hablt- l ormlng drags, boing composed of glyceric extracts of Mi* roots of native, American medicinal forest plants They are both sold by dealers In medicine. You can’t afford to accept us a substitute for one of these medicine* of known composition, ecret nostrum. Pierce's Pellets, small, sugar-coated, easy to tako ss candy, regulate and In vigorate stomach, liver ana bowels. Seized By Bandits While Closing Bank In the Evening. TEETH EXTRACTED positively without yuln^ We each. Best Special to The Georgian. Adrian, Ca., March 30 —Cashier Car ter has recovered from the excitement and ah Investigation prove* that no money was lost. Rlx hundred dollars on the desk was not observed. The effort* to apprehend the robbers were unsuccessful. Adrian, Oa.. March 30.—At 6:30 o'clock yesterday evening Cashier M. C. Carter, of the Fanners' Bank of this place, was seised by three robber* as h* was closing the bank, chloroform was forced In his nostrils and he was severely beaten and robbed. Half re covering from udder the chloroform, Mr. Carter made a dash for liberty and escaped further Injuries. The robbers took fright and fled. A posse was quickly formed and pur sued the bandits. During the wild ex citement which followed It could not be learned what was the amount of the robbery. The robbery was made In the busiest section of the town and In the busiest hour of the day, creating wild excite ment when the news became known. Tho extent of Mr. Carter's physical injuries are not known. SA L VA 7ION A RM Y LEA DER GETS LIBERTY FOR “LIFER” This picturs Is from a snapshot of Jamco Flaherty and Mrs. Maud Bal- lington Booth, Isaving the Grand Central station in New York in a carriage following the release of the former from prison. Flaherty has boon in Sing Sing and Auburn prieons for twonty-fivo yoaro under a life sentence for wife murder when Mrs. Maud B, Booth secured hie roloaoo. IS CRITICALLY ILL Dublin, Ireland, March SQ.—Word comw from Glenoalrtn, the hoifie of Richard Croker* that the foimer chief of Tatninncij Hall, has been seriously III, and two doc* tort and two nursea are still In attend* once. Mr. Croker Buffered a relapse of the kid- ney complaint, with which ho baa suffered for yeara, and has been warned by bU physicians against catching cold. TWO MEN SHOT AS THEY LEFT CAR Cumberland, Md., March JO.—Cleve- Hoffman, aged 22, one of the men mysteriously shot as they wefb lenv- a street car at Watson, near Fair mont, West Virginia, died at Cook Hospital, Fairmont. The other wound- man. Charles McCormick, .Is In a critical condition. They were fired upon by two men. IS TO BE A Break Down Took the Spring Medicine lust In Time What a wonderful change is wrought in the people who take Hood’s Sarsaparilla as their spring medicine! It makes the weak strong. It purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood. It creates a good appetite. It restores the nerves to their natural functions. Thousands to whom it has given per fect health tell from their own experience it cures when all else fails. # We give below a letter recently re ceived from Mrs. Tyler of Burlington, Vt. which is just in point. “C. I. HOOD CO., Lowell, Mass.— “Gentlemen:—I can never express too strongly and I can never be too thankful for the good Hood’s Sarsaparilla did me. “Living on a large farm, the responsibilities and cares, so much to be done and so little health to do it with, caused almost a complete break-down. My blood seemed thin, poor and without any sustain ing strength. I was all worn out. “Sleep did not seem healthful or restful, for in the morning I felt as tired as when I went to bed at night. “I soon felt I was taking the right medicine. It “It was in the spring season thnt I was led to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla by hearing it so well recom mended. i gave me tho strength nnd appetite I greatly needed. I relished my food, and it seemed to do me good. My sleep also became more natural and healthful. “I continued taking the Sarsaparilla with Hood's Pills occasionally, and was soon restored to perfect health. I have continued in this good condition ever since, and am able to do my work with nine in the family.” MRS. C. K. TYLER, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cures all Spring Humors, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Indigestion. F is the Best Spring Medicine Now is the time to take it, because now is the time it will do you the most good. Sarsatabn to meet the wishes of those who prefer 1 evaporation and distillation, and have Identically the tarn, medicine In tablet form, we are now I curative properties. Sold by druggists or sent promptly by putting up. Hood’s Sarsaparilla In chocolated tablet* called I mall on receipt of price. 100 doses one dollar. C. I. HOOD Snratabs as well as In the usual liquid form. Saratabs are I CO., Lowell, Mass. prepared from Hood’s Saraaparlla Itself by a process of | Guaranteed under tbs Food nnd Drugs Act, June 30, OM. So. XL MRS. C. K. TYLER. It is not what wo say, but what Hood's Sar saparilla docs, that has made it the Standard Spring medicine of the world. TEN BLOCKS LAID WASTE BY FLAMES IN NEWBERRY Sixty Acres Embraced in Fire Swept Territory. Women Aided Heroically In Battle To Check Onward Sweep of Destiuctive Blaze. Washington, March 30.—The Inves tigation of the Brownsville shooting nnd the discharge' of the three compa nies of the Twenty-fifth Infantry which has been carried on for six weeks by the senate committee on mili tary affairs, will be suspended for two weeks as soon ns the witnesses already summoned here have been heard. The recess Is taken to allow tho members of the committee to attend to some of their private affairs. The most important witness exam ined yesterday was Second Lieutenant Greer, who took temporary command of company C on the night of tbe shoot ing. He thought the shot* sounded like those from revolvers and shot guns, not rules. While acknowledging that soldiers might have done the shooting nnd reached the camp bar racks, he was of the opinion that they had not done so. Brains Repaired by eating Grape=Nuts 10 days’ trial shows •*Ther«*a a Reason.*’ Only On« “BROMO QUININE** t Is LAXATIVE BROMO Onlnlne. 81m. imr.y tunned remedies sometimes deceive. The first and original Cold Tablet la u WHITE PACKAGE with black and red let- terliic. and beam tke signature of E. W. UKOVE. Sc. Dr. Ridley Appointed. Dr. F. 31. Ridley,- of LaGrange, has been appointed local surgeon for the Atlanta. Brunswick and Atlantic rail road at LaGrange. Dr. Ridley Is chief surgeon of the Atlanta and West Point, a member of state board of medical examiners and a former presi dent of the State Medical Society. Shot Dead by Fri*nd. Clifton Forge, Ve., March 30.—John Desper, a clerk In the commissary - of the Princess Iron Company at Uleti Wilton, was accidentally shot and killed last night by a friend named McNeer. Special to The Georgian. Newberry, S. C„ March 30.—New berry was yesterday vlslled by tho most destructive firs In Us history, en tailing a loss of 3300,000. Ten blocks of residences, covering an area of sixty acres, were raxed by the flames. Tho fire originated In the residence of R. C. Williams from a defective due at 11:30 o'clock, nnd In four hours about seventy-live buildings were de stroyed. The water pressure was very low and with a stiff west wind blowing the firemen found themselves unable to cope with the flames. The use of dynamite wob resorted to and many buildings were blown up in nn effort to stop the progress of the flames, but little wus accomplished. Business was entirely suspended dur ing the fire and every citizen turned out to render all asslztance In his pow er. In this work they were ulded -by the women of Newberry nnd there was not an Idle hand. Below Is a partial lilt of the fire losses: Losses Sustained. Cromer & McGrow, grocery; Paul Johnston, groceries; Copeland Broth ers, dry goods; Shelly & Summer, fur niture: R. C. Williams, furniture: Liv ingston, Lomlnlclc Company, grocer ies; H. J. Watts, racket store: A. Thomason, grocery; J, H. McCullough, pharmacy; Boozer Brothers, green grocery: E. C. Sonnenburg, bakery; Newberry steam laundry; R. C. Wil liams, three residences; James F. Todd, two residences: W. II. Day, two resi dences; E. H. Leslie, residence; Alex Singleton, residence; II. E. Todd, two frame stores; Associated Reform Pres byterian church; H. S. Paysenger, lumber; J. G. Brown. Hvery stables; Brense Hotel; Miss S. L. Holland, boarding house; B. L. Jones, residence; Von Smith, residence; G. F. Long, resi dence; O. L. Schumpert, two resi dences and six tenant houses; B. ft Gnggnns, residence; S. J. Wooten, resi dence: B. M. Dennis, residence; J. E. Norwood, residence; Avelelgh Presby terian church; Presbyterian parsonage; forty (estimated) tenant houses; In ad dition to this the loss to the cable", etc., of the Southern Bell Telephone Company, I* estimated at 35,000. It Is Impossible to obtain the Individ ual losses ond Insurance, as everything Is In a turmoil and every effort Is being made by those who suffered to collect what little was saved. This Is very little,. Indeed. In many Instances the household goods being burned after they Mod been taken from the burning buildings. There will be but little suf fering ns a result of the fire, ns the homo of every citizen hns been thrown open to those who lost their belonging! and all were sheltered last night. SAYS ROOSEVELT IS GOOD DEMOCRAT Washington, March 30.—"He's nil right; he's about a* good a Democrat ns there Is." This was the reference made to the president by James Watson Gerard, chairman of the Tammany Hall Demo cratic campaign committee, a* he Jen the white house office yesterday, after a brief call on Mr. Roosevelt. Every Family Medicine Shelf ought to contain “The Household Surgeon" Antiseptically Cleanses—Heals. which is a bottle of Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil A Household Surgical DressingJ oT cuts, burns, bruises, sores, skin dis eases, catarrh, or all wounds and exter nal affections, whether slight or serious, and *» I 11 *