Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, April 12, 1907, Image 14

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p 14 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. FRIDAY, APRIL Phone 4927 for payment. prompt aorvico. to bo inaortod tho same afternoon. Want Ad. Rates 1 tiffin 10 cents a lina. 3 time. 81-3 centi 6 limes 71-2 cent 28 timee 6 centi The above ratee are for consec utive insertions. No ad ta less than 30 cants. 8ix words of av- erags Isngth make a line. WANTED HELP—MALE. WANTED—1.000 MEN. DOTS AND GIRLS V HELP IN COMMERCIAL, MECHANICAL p, for a o : Assorts ood position. Natlonnl Kinn WANTED—STENOGRAPHERS, OFI boya, laborers. rlc. Tabernacle Em Blent Agency. 8 to 11 a. m. 2766 L. 128 MadJfton avenue. WANTED-MILKER. SEVERAL nornlnf and nlgbt. Will not conflh other occupation. City, north aide. 1107 Century building. WANTED—MEN TO LEARN HA III trade. The Moler ayatem la abort practical. Wagea Saturday a. Toola gl WANTED HELP—FEMALE. inexperienced operator* and flmla aktrta. Metropolitan Skirt Mnnnfi Company. 70*4 Edgewood avenue. WANTED-A GIRL OR WOMAN TO DO general houaework. light housekeeping, t two; fair wagea mid good home to tin* rlpl party. Apply to .102 Prudential llldg., elt Typewriter Co., Ilf Peachtree afreet. WANTED • HELP—Male and Female. Rf T - WANTED - TEACHERS New pU Moat I no reply. B. Dixon Hall, Macon, Un. daring the month of April for ten 1-cent stamps. After May I, registration fee la $1. Write for pamphlet and registration blank. WE WANT HELP IN ALI once. Call or write quick, ployment Agency, 1006 Fourth National Bonk Bldg. Telephone ESI? Main. Steno graphic work o specialty. WANTS D-r PST A IRS MAID; DOWN stairs maid; comp Ttt Peachtree street. THE SOUTHERN EM PLOYMENT BUREAU 511-2 S. Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga. We furnish reliable help for the employer, good position a for the employee. Chambermaids, Cooks, Nuraea, Waitress, Reamatreases. Carpenters, Coachmen, Por ters, Brick Masona, Walters, Butlers, Dray men, Painters. OUR MOTTO 18 TO PLEASE. Bell Phona 2616 Main. Standard Phone K. WM. J. KNOX, General Manager. WANTED—AGENT8. WASTED-AGENTS (MALE OR FEMALE) for great newspaper combination*; htg pay. Charles Barker, 8upt., 20 Petcra St., Atlanta. STOLEN FROM 211 WHITEHALL ■»reet Tbnraday evening, oue tan crave- oetta rain coat and one gray coat, from Imu. j. i'. Hrmv. 37 I’eacntree. LOST-FOX TERRI Elt. FEMALE DOC . white, with black head, abort tall; very stocky. Libera I reward for return or lu- formatlon of whereabouts. *Phoue 27 J. Dc catnr. LOST OR MISLAID—l*OLICY NO. Saa*. Issued by the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, ou the life of William i\ May- vine. The nnder will please return It to the underalgued. Application has been made for the Issuing of a duplicate. Wil liam C. Mnyvllle, 102 North Pryor street, Atlanta. Ga. THE CRAWFORD COAL AND ICE CO.. the cheapest place In town to buy cuai and wood. Biggest load for the money Phones 2228. FOR RENT—FARMS, —] WANTED—REAL ESTATE. I WANT TO BUY A FIVE OR BIX-ROOM cottage. In West End, with yaM enough for garden nml chicken*. Give Jocation and price. Addreaa Furcbaaer, care Georgian. I WOULD LIKE TO BUY A IIALF-ACHE lot In West End nr Oakland Cltr, Must lie well located nnd at right price. Ad el dress A. II. f\, care Georgian. O I HAVE $1,000 TO INVEST IN A SMALL • home on south aide, near car line. Ad dreaa Lula, care Georgian. * Dr. Lanier’s Dental Offices, 1 39H Whitehall atreet FOR SALE—RuAL ESTATE. LOVELY WE8T PEACHTREE HOMK-AH anon aa you see thla you will want lt;onlv $2,000 mail payment, halam’6 like rent. Au- dreas Home Bargain, enro Georgian. A NICE 7-ROOM COTTAGE ON ONE OF beat streets In Deeatur. Also large va cant lot. Addreaa Box «2, Decatur, Oa. SUBURBAN HOME IN DECATUR; SPA- cions grounds and house; near cars; every charm of country and advnutnge of city. Address Opportunity, Box 428, Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE—AT BEL- mont Station, on Marietta trolley. 28 acres Improved. $2,500. W-lll sell 5-nere tracts. Georgia Uenlty Company. 613 Temple Court. DR. LANIER’S DENTAL OFFICES Are the largest and l»eat equipped dental offices In Atlanta. Visit them before you have your teeth filled, crowned or bridged. 29ft Whitehall street. J FOR EXCHANGE. - MODERN FLAT BUILDING—WILL, PAY 12 per cent on the Investment. Will trade for Improved or vacant property. „ CORNER LOT-WEST END. 150x180: IT 8 la level and beautifully shaded. $1,800. * Trade for eottage and pay difference. FARM-COWETA COUNTY; 560 ACRES'; >. six tenant bouses. $16,tW0. Give or take difference. f 1 PEACHTREE CIRCLE LOT. $3,000. GIVE - or take difference for Improved property. \ CIIAS. P. GLOVER, ,, 6 Auburn Ave. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RBNT—THREE UNFURNISHED connecting rooms, 1 Angler avenue. Tele- phono N. 529-1.. HAVE YOUR TEETH FILLED, CROWN- ed, bridged or extracted at < DR. LANIER’S Dental Offlcf»s bv expert dentlata. Sped- , ; men gold and white crowns, $3. 39Vi White- ball street. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOM8. \ - - 1 e BEAUTIFUL. NEWLY FUBNIHHED a West Peachtree home; will least* ren*onn- t bly to right pentou. Address Peachtree ff l.» n*e, care Georgian. c FOR RENT-TWO OR THREE NICE 8 pleasant connecting furnished rooms for kVntlctuon. Very close In. but uelghlmrbood c select. Modern conveniences. Ucasonable. * Box 167, city. £ ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR P rent. Hot and cold bath. Apply 346 : North Boulevard. Bell 'phone 142X J North. ■ FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR WITH- } out board. 76 Walton street. Bell 'phone * 4766 J. ? NICELY FURNISHED, ALL CONVEN- f leiicca. rinse In. front room; $10 per month. {, 603 Piedmont, nvenue. (| FOR RENT—8TOR08. c ti Is m o PART OF STORE. 42 W. MITCHELL ST.. S for rent to acceptable party. Apply ou If premise*. ti tu ti tl e It WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. C IF YOU ARB GOING TO BUILD. 1 CAN JJ save you money. Will draw your plans . and specification* night* and furnish nu i n Itemized list of material. J. A. Wilson, 87 i n Walton street. u tl PART OF STORE. 42 W. MITCHELL ST., n for rent to acceptable parly, -\pply no premiers. MONEY TO LOAN. A MONEY WANTED. LOANS WANTED ON GOOD HEAL ES- U late, only prlncl|ial«. No agent*. Ad lire** M. !»., care Georgian. MONEY TO LOAN. W I HAVE HOME MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 * nml 6 |M*r reut on good real estate. Ad- *•' «lre*s Creacent, care Georgian. J*, u MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- IH pie and others. American Investment Company. 704 Candler building. ^ K.tabllshnl un Kr WEYMAN A CONNERS. EQUITABLE. Mortgage loans on real estate. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6. 6 AND 7 PER . 1 cent Interest, according to aecurity of- 'j 1 ' fered; Small expense and prompt etteutlon. A' Only on reel estate In ?■£ near Atlanta. — S. B. Turman. L> SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; G. any amount. 4H. 5 and 6 per cent. Write — or call S. W. Carson. 24 Mouth Broad street. W MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE era at vary lowest rates. No delays. Charles elt Herman, rooms 202-203 Temple court. Ad teud on monthly payment plan; no delay; W also money for purchase money notes. Straight loans made at 6 per cent and up- wards, according to desirability of loan. Ad W. A. Foster. 1? South Broad atreet. ^ PERSONAL. ,'ir'f TF PTII EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN FREE. Plates, crowns. Brldgework. $3.60 up and guarante«i:. All kinds of Hlllnfs 60c up. ATLANTA DEN- rn TAL PAItLORH, second door Stetner-Em- a ■ ery Bldg. Take elevator. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS TO order. I^t u* quote you price*. Tele- k Cabinet Manufarturlug Company. J. K. IIAl.K, .Managir, Corner llnmpbries and — Glenn streets. DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PliUMBEfi. n- Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St tot BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE TOUR vehicle re-rubber-tlred. Get oor prices and sare money. We use the best quality Hartford vehicle Urea. Material and work manship guaranteed. Telephone us your order and we will send after the wheels and return them promptly. Alexander-fclyea Company, % N. Pryor street. !ry nfs for Pierce. .. jlcyciea. Writs for our 1907 catalogue and price Hat. Alex- ander-Elyea Company. BOOKKEEPER WITH $2,000 CAS GET good onlury and Interest lu flue business. W. Jones A Co., 5 Viaduct place. INTELLIGENT YOUNG MAN WITH $1,000 get lutereat In pleasant, profitable ~* * ea A Co., busluess. W. Jonei , 5 Viaduct place. WANTED-BOOKKEBPBR FOR AFTER- noon dally and Job office. Good pay and chance for rapid promotion to experienced Grocery Stores—We hare aereral good ones. Young uinu with $260 for publishing bnal- MS. Man with $600, take Interest In real es tate business. W. JONES A CO., FARM AND INVEST MENT OPPORTUNITIES ou the SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. VERALL FACTORY IN A THRIVING little city Just a few miles from Atlan- L The opportunity for an overall 01 t>sl»ry manufacturer la unusually attrag- Ive. Ample white labor la available. --- - - * ora FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. Sherman Shingle Co., Blakely, Ga. BANK AND OFFICE FIXTURES, MIR- «nu 916. fiema ft Cabinet Maoufartur Is, Company. J. E. HALF.. Manager, cor ner Humphries aud Glenn streets sod Southern railroad. FOR HALE MANGANESE COLID SCREW door bank asff — * - door.. 26 South •trret. Speciul Sale Typewriters. ONE NEW NO. < REMINGTON TYPE- writcr; latest sorteo; all Improrrmnta; 865. I’NDERWOOD; FACTORT ONE ItRAND-NEW NO. 1 OLIVER. 865. SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO, TELEPHONE 1633. CI S CANDLER BLDO. At overalla or yarna for hosiery < 1 “— —im' — ■ ‘ purchased on i moot reasonable basis. and hardwood belt of the Carolines, within reasonable radius of numerous small saw Ilia, but uo planing mllla or lumber yards compete with. The town la growing rap- ly, and will spend over $2,000.5)0 for build- g materials within the next twelve until*. An acre of ground suitable for tnhlishment of plant and yard will be mated to the right parties. A minimum $5,000 capital would be required to han- CKU8IIED STONE PLANTS-CONTRAC- difficult to secure crushed stone for • work, eveu at tho high prices pre- ug. We have several locations avails- rnere crushed stoue plants would prove finely profitable, nnd where coudltioua such aa to Insure economical and coil- Mia operation, locations embrace either Ite. limestone or trap-rock, and oue Io-| m Is ouly 10 miles from Atlanta. ■ la at all times Our Atlantic and Birmingham divi nity west Into Birmingham rill develop an absolute Between Goal City ai _ enormous quantities __ tome hardwood, ranging from 4 — f It nnltable * i can be !a, or ar- igbai •Ine. wlli .. 12 Inches In diameter; all of It ... excelsior stock. Timber rights purchased on a most attractive naeli ta can be made with owner to dimensions desired nnd deliver conjunction would prove profitable. the largest single deposit of Infusorial .jrtb 1 have ever Men. It la located on our main line, near Birmingham. This raa dvnamlte, packing for boilers, steam materials, and la being Introduced Into the terlng purposes. COMMUNITIES or investment opportunity available, which no one Is taking advantage of illy beetles of other Interests demand- all of their time and attention and cap- For additional Information concerning > above or a Hat of other Inviting op- tunities lu (he Seaboard’s territory, call or addreaa II. R. BIGIIAM. Aaslatnnt General Industrial Aaeni 1109-1111 EnglUb-Amertcan building. Atlas REMOVAL NOTICE. MOVED. . UTTERS HAVE MOVED TO lOW* Whitehall atreet. Old bats made new 36c GOOD TIME! FOR YOU. m Hamilton watrhea st tl down, a per O’—k. W. R. Edwards A Co.. 48ft Central avenue. Atlanta 'phono MM. KEEPS THEM RIGHT. "DEWBERRY'S DELIGHT" KEEPS THE liver, bowela. kidneys and the heart right. When one of the above organa falls to act, to help to thrpw off the waste matter, then la the time to aid nature, at the begin nlng, when two or three full doses of De light will remove the cause and tarn on the nerve force, nnd bring the determining to the surface, which will prevent cold and fermentation and ward off disease. Should any one buy a bottle of "Dewberry's De light" nnd use It strictly according'to direc tions for stomach and bowel trouble, which so ninny are suffering from at this season, nnd It falls to give perfect satlafactlou. you don't have to keep It, but return It and we will buy back what you have on hand. Sold by druggists. Buggies, Surreys, Runa bouts, Spring Wagons, Farm Wagons, Drdys, Lumber Wagons, Coal Wagons and Harness. Prices to suit all. Do not fail to see our line of vehicles' before buying. We have what you want as cheap and as good as you will find. Terms reasonable. SPRATLIN BUGGY AND WAGON COMPANY. SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTED—POSITION AH HOTEL CLERK, Marietta. Ga. JHITION AH ASHI8TANT TO PI1YH1 druggist; three years at medical ie year at pharmacy college; best icee. Asslataut, care Geiierut Dc BOOKKEEPER OF ABILITY DESIRES Ion with a wholesale tlrm In At st references furnished. Addrcoi •are Georgian. Address Expert, care rilling to make myself useful gen n office. Well acquainted with the . can offer excellent credentials, ilrea* D. It., 17 Fortress avenue, city. \ office assistant; bus some knowledge, bookkeeping nnd can use typewriter. Ires* IV. D. U.. 33 Cooper street. our years' experience. Best ref- Fan atari to w*»rk at once. Ad- •tig dork, care The Georgian. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOB E FAMOUS LLOYD ENGLISH LINE UN EQUALED ANYWHERE KITE WALL PAPER COMPANY, €3 North Pryor Street AT AUCTION! The Contents of a West Side Home at 20 S. Pryor, Sat urday, April 13, at 10 a. in. OX SATURDAY, COMMENCING AT 10 II. ID., abarji, we will sell tho contents or a west side home, rniialsttliir of so nl- moat mw quartern! .mk twit room ault, that —it ITS: u nli-.; round imloatal dining ta- >. dining, rhalra. Iron Iwdi. odd dromera I waab litaula, matting, hitched catilnet. iitciialla, Ei-llpao caa atovc, kitchen tnlilca, refrigerator*, rook stove, drop head now' ItiK machine, hall rack, tabourettea. cotton lunttreaa. a lot of Dm- rockcra, and many thing. too numerous to mention. Thcac trooda sre nil In good mndUlon, as they worn used hut a short time. THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SALVAGE COMPANY. 20 SOUTH PRYOR STREET. U. BERNARD, Auctioneer. N. B.—COMMENCING WITH THIS SALE. our sales Saturday will lie nt Itf a. m„ the same aa on Wednesday, ua II. Ih-r- narrt, our auctioneer. haa to ro anil root for the A tin tt tit tinirliall eluli Saturday afternoon. THE SOUTH r/tX AUCTION AND SALVAGE COMPANY. X 80UTIX PRYOR STREET. SANDERS & CONWAY Phone 5488. 412 Peters Big. $4,500—Renting for $43 per month on Pine street, near Piedmont. This is in pink of condition. House unusu ally well built on large level lot. Fourteenth Street lot, north front, shady; practically perfect lot; 50x200; at$75.00 per foot. $2,000—79 Davis street, rooms; lot 50x175 to wide alley; house in very good condition. This is on car line and within three blocks of new Terminal station, and we would consider cheap at $2,500. Terms $1,000 cash. 1,250—Baker street house of ten rooms and servant house on lot 52x150 to alley right at Spring street. Is worth $10,000 today; could not be duplicated for that amount. ANSLEYBROS., REAL ESTATE, Offices 4 to 10 E. Ala. St. * Phone 339 Bell BARGAINS! BUSINESS PROPERTY INVESTMENTS— On South Forsyth atreet, which la fast becoming a fine business street, wo have a house and lot which will prove a proflta ble Investment to anybody who now bays It. The lot Is 43 feet front bj can be obtained. Price $4,750. raontb, for $1S,000. —lot 70 by 175. In Coponblll, wli water; house baa cabinet mantels. $4,400. LINE-WELL MATTHEWS, HILL & WHITE, A FINE BARGAIN. NINE-ROOM SUBURBAN HOME. acre*, facing ear line, $60 feet; fine spring; good Investment. EIGHT ROOM TWO STOBY HOUSE. FRA- *er atreet. two blocks from state c*p|- tot; all conveniences; In line shape; $3,000. WITH 8TORE DR. LANIER’S ital Off res have l**en consolidated In big building, 39V* Whitehall street. $3 FOUR TWO-ROOM TENEMENT HOUSES, renting for $24 per month: $2,150. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR VA- cant lots at your own terms without In terest. T. J. LOCHRIDGE & CO., 416-17 Empire Building. Phones; Bell 243$; Atlsnta 1614. 613 EMPIRE BUILDING, Bell 'Phone 1748. Atlsnta 'Phone 172. This property Is new nml the ren amount* to $41 per nidnth. This la a «ph did Investment, or can be utilised aa o of the beat loeatlona for a well-kept gi eery for uny oue dealriug to purchase _ place of this kind. Reasonable terms cau be bad. Just off of Highland avenue. The surround ings *are good, the property la good, and the price Is right. To any oue desiring a * tun 11 home In this section we enu aell one the lota. This la worth Investigating. rooms, with every modem nixed lot; the price la reasonable. . con arrange to let na have $3.<W) ca will arrange the other satisfactorily. I _ _ taring the past thi-» days. These lota were pun-haited ut our nnctlon sale*, arid nave been n-sold at trdZ 26 to 50 per cent profit. At the first tale we predieted that these profits woulA i realized, but the public seemed a little alow to grasp the situation. u ”• Mr. Analey bn* expended over one hundred thom-nml dollars lu grading and n*« Ing the streets, laying cement sidewalks, patting down water mains, surface and ul' Itary sewerage, a perfect drainage syatem, and Is making this the choicest and nii.-i desirable section of Atlanta. The public la equally slow In resizing the fact that many handsome resident*, hove been finished and are now being erected at an aggregate cost of Komethlna . half million dollar.; .ml th. bull.liuB Is Just boglnnliiir. - #, -» Mr. Ansley la now finishing Westminster Drive, which leads from Ponce Circle Just beyoud Fifteenth street, »*ast to Piedmont avenue, nnd In about two we are going to have an auction sale, offering to the public every lot on this bea,»H ful drive. . v *’ The sale will be Juat like tbe others, without any price limit or by-btddlm: tk. lota will simply be sold to vou at your own price, in tbe plain, old-fashioned strip 9 In the meantime it might pay you to take a drive through the park and maud • note of tbe improvements that are going on. It does not make any difference u t... you pasr for a lot at this sale. In twelve months It will bring you a handsome DmaV There fa no other property like this, nnd there Is no limit to tbe demand. v nt ' “We Sell Lots" FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., Real Estate and Loans, 1 301 Peters Building. Phone 2102 Main. OAKLAND AVE. LOTS. We are authorized by the owner to sell at once three lots near Bass street at a price far 1 'below any sur rounding property. These lots are in the choice part of the Grant Park section, just two blocks from the park, and one .block from three car lines. This is your chance to buy a lot and build. A great deal cheaper than you can buy a house some one else has a profit in. Lots are 50 feet by 160, and almost as level as the floor of the houses you will put on them. v All improvements there. Come see us and get our price and terms. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., Real Estate. R. M. JONES & CO., REAL ESTATE, 516 EMPIRE BUILDING. Bell Phone 3453 J. W.MO-NORTH JACKSON. NEAR LtVDFV street, elegant borne ot eight room.- n._ sir! modern: lot 45 by 160 I'hni!;.' I; - nelghhorhoods. Best house on tho So. for the price. Term*. Ue " re « 14.500—GREENWOOD AVENUE VPn.7^.' Just oil; eight-room ,' home. Lot 15 by 150.' New.E» T t“n!, r " 13,600—BAST NORTH AVENUE." NFAn new school. \ T PU* 8 T.pnnm ».ts r -AR FOR RENT. NO. 653 PIEDMONT AVENUE-PRETTY modern !i*room residence, near Fifth street. $60.06. NO. 311 E! NORTH AVENUE-NEAR Jackson; handsome new home of eight rooms, with all modern conveniences; nretty yard nnd excellent surroundings. $45.00. I.F.GANT COLLEGE PARK HOME; handsomely furnished, nine rooms, bath room, electric light*, sewerage, large garden, etc.; Lot 48 by 106. away. 6S.1JXL-PIEDMONT PLACE. NEW HlTFsf roo . m,: ■" ,nod, ‘ rn Swwn inSS: Plnwt for furnace, ga. and elcrtrl.- lisbra! Ffns prospects boro for rich MhmSS —«ry nleo little cottaga; Keren ™ all conveniences. Lot 60 by 140. ' 64.000—WE8T HARRIS STREET: Cl OOP 140?* BKESSZ cm u A >5 62.SSO-PEEPLES STREET. WEST END- nleb flre-room cotta**: .11 modern ,'o D : enlrnces. Lot 60 by 177. Terms. 13.400—OAK STREET. WEST END. GOOD re" , All conveniences. u t 60 by 186. Terms. Near Culberson street H. C. PENDLETON. Real Estate, 614 Peters Building. IMAN PARK-1 HAVE FOR SALE AN elegant home of 8 rooms on large lot with ...t front, .ml In th, moat desTrshle pin of tho park for 68,0*. Tb.ra Is nothing In the park a. good a. this that can be hiO for this money. INMAN PARK-ON LARGE ELEVATED fronting Georgia railroad, and well •haded. I offer a 7-room eottag. with barn and .table nhd good garden for 83.000. CLARK8TON—11 ACRES OF LAND AND •mall cottage for 6900. Also beautlfnl ta- cant lot well ahaded, and fronting Georgia railroad close to station at 6600. Act qulch- ly or yon will lose good chances. T. B. PERRIS, Agent. 218-219 Century Bldg. Phone 438 M. LITTLE FARTHER UP FORREST avenue we have nuothcr *plendld two story frame. con»lstlng of eight rooms. The — —•— and I«j * * ‘ bouse I* modern located on the liest TIIRKK CAPITOL AVFNUK HOMKH-WK are offering here thri’e spelndld 6-rmmi cottages on lots 38x110 feet to au alley. The houses will tie completed within the next week, nnd they nre modern, new nud eoay. The location Is pretty ami these bonnes are going to sell, aa we have tH*en iustructeil to aell with small cash |*iymeut d«>wn and ihe Italance we will arrange to ault your conrenleace. Dtr Dt BUSINESS DIRECTORY. »• OLD HATS MADE NEW. ■ PANAMA HATS CLEANED AND RE- *’ shaped 50c nr Soft or stiff hats cleaned nnd re-abaped..35c k. Soft or stiff straw* cleaned and re-shsn- ’ ed. 35c to 50c Bauds, bindings or sweats, 25c each extra. Out-of-town ortlera given nrompt attention. Acme Ilattera, 100H Whitehall Street. E y MILLINERY. e, THE "GAGE," THE "CASTLE," TnE "Flskhnt" nre the reliable style*. We have them, na well an French model* and our own creatlous. Mrs. C, II. Smith, 180 Peachtree atreet Ostrich feathers cleaned, >. curled, dyed. il ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING. SHELDON AUDIT CO. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDIT- s ORS. 615-519 Temple Court. Atlanta, <3a. Phone 1196. Accounts In litigation audited and report ed on. InveHtlgatlon for lawyers, mer chants and corporations a specialty. High est testimonials. Correspondence Invited. ’ TIN REPAIRING. LEAKY KOOF8, GUTTER PIPE. ICE boxes and all kinds of Job tin work done by M. A. Shelton, The Stove Man, 61 South Pryor street. Both phones 6273. Second- hand gas aud coal stoves for sale. FURNACES. FURNACES FOR ANY KIND OF FUEL Installed In any kind of buildings. Guar- j anteed to beat. Plaua aud estimate fur nished ou application. Moncrlef Furnace Ca, 19 Trinity avenue. Both 'phones. * CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK- 8 MODELS AND NOVELTIES; PROMPT t wrvlc.. Bell 'pbon 2314. Atlanta Wood i ■nd Iron Navtlqr Work* 166 M.rl.tta ‘ •tract “ MESSENGER SERVICE. FOB I'ltOMPT AND RELIABLE MBS- t •cngcra, ‘pbonn 33. J. A. Davit, nnd J. - C. Branan. j SEWING MACHINES " BENTED-TWO DOLLARS PER MONTH; 1 either 81nger or Wheeler & Wilson. We rent only new machines with complete set £ or attachment.. Prompt delivery. Both 6 Jiboae. 1853. singer Serin* Machine Co., - TV Whitehall atrael ' 8 TALKING MACHINE8. n TALKINQ MACHINES AND RECORDS- 8 Wholeaale and retail distributors of Vic tor Talking Machines and Records. Just „ received large conalgnmen: of machine* and . over 10,<»J record*. Immediate attention o' (lain mall ordera. We want the name, of e all talking machine dealers In tho South. T Write for catalogue. Alexander-Elyea Ca * TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. I! H. W. ROUNTREE A I1RO. TRUNK AND y BAG COMPANY. Retail and repairing - 77 Whitehall atreet. ’Phone 1576. * 8 O LOOK AT VOUR HAT. til OLD 8TYLE .SOFT AND STIFF HATS 82 ,y!e* D ’*DomeaUc^nd* foreloiT or!iera h*J E snanu&sa.'K vassr-JF.. — . - y MOSS & GIRARDEAU, Office 501 Fourth National Bank Building, Bell Phone 4256. 63.660—THIS IS THE PRETTIEST COT- tage near Grant park; 647 Ormond street: unique, charming and comfortable. Just tbs kind of proposition that will attract sod wear well. Thla section haa just begna to ■how Its thrift and It will anbanca rapidly. 83,000—THIS WILL BUY A TWO-8TORT eight-room house that haa Just been pot In thorough order. It la (9 Fraser street, within two blocks of the slate canltol. Juat that kind ot solid proposition that li doing something every day In tbe year. It you ara a business man and your work requires yon to be near the renter, tbla will suit you. If you are a clerk and want to lay hr a little sum that will always 62,660—HERE IS FIVE-ROOM PROPOSI- tlon on Crew atreet, between two car lines. House practically new and lot ona of tbo beat on tbe atreet. TYPEWRITERS. ATLANTA TYPEWRITER KXCIIANGB, H North Pryor atreet. Atlanta, Ua. Dealers In ail nukes typewriters. 81,750—FOB ONE WEEK WE WILL OF- ler that nretty new cottage. 246 Magnolia street, 6500 cash, balance 630 per month, oung man would do well to put ey to work. Ho would soon bars fob Sale-nice, well built five- room cottage on lot 60 by 160, In Wet End, one block of two car lines. In section dvanclng rapidly. Built for a horns modern conrcnlrnroa. Price 62, CU8TIS N. ANDERSON. 637 Candler Building. S. B. TURMAN & CO., Corner Broad and Alabama Sts. 6,760 — EIGHT-ROOM COTTAOE: lot 80x140, on comer. Would you like 3.200—FIVE-ROOM HOUSE; AL- moat new. on McAfee St: modern: house; near Pina St., aawer, water nd gas. „ WO LOTS LEFT ON BEDFORD place; east front; sewer, water and aa; lots 37 1-2x150 to alley, for only St., five-room house and bath: new, 1,600—A SIX-ROOM HOUSE Al most new. on Dodd Ave.. near South ryor St. House is modern, ha* a 1.600—NICE LITTLE FIVE-ROOM house, on Chapel St.. No. 175. Buy ‘50—LAST CHANCE TO BUY A level lot. 60x150, on Gordon St., near rady place. The price will soon he a louaand dollars. If you want to make and Oglehtorpe Sts., where we hara B. TURMAN & CO.