Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, May 07, 1907, Image 5

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\ The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over SO years, has borne the signature of /? rt , mm and has been made under his per- /7LjCJP7%2r&>, s ° nal supervision since its Infancy. /'CUc^Zi Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and << Just-as-good”are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aflnys Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and nntural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE, CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of TWO KILLED AND THREE HURTIN KENTUCKYFEUD Lexington, Kjr. t Mny 7.—A telegram at noon today *aya that Martin Howard and Martin Green were shot and lustantly kill ed: Eleanor Howard, George and James Green were fatally shot In a feud battle now eerrlng a life sentence for the auaiinnntlon of Governor) William Goebel, fa a member. ARGUMEN7 OF ROADS IS USED B\ GOVERNMEN1 FOR PHYSICAL VALUA JIONl The Kind You fee Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMK OSNTAUN COMPANY, TT MURRAY •TAUT, NEW YORK CITY. DRAGGED UNDER CAR HOLDINHO FENDER Birmingham Insurance Man Is Dangerously In jured in Street. Special to The Georgian. lilrmingham, Ala, May 7.—M. Porter Walker, a prominent Insurance man of Birmingham, was struck by a street CANADIAN MINERS GET NEW SCALE Femle, B. C, May 7.—A new wage scale has been signed by the coal oper ators with their employees and the men have returned to work, thus ending what threatened to be a coal (amine In the Canadian Northwest. Special Services at Moore Memorial, Special services are under way at Moore Memorial church, corner Luckie and Latimer streets, evenings at 8 o’clock. The public la cordially In vited to attend these services. Rev. H. M. Williams, pastor of Georgia Avenue Presbyterian church, will preach Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. oar at the corner of First avenue and JUDGE’S SPEECH MAY DISQUALIFY HIM Twentieth street this morning at o'clock and seriously hurt. Pres ence of mind saved his life. When the fender struck him he grabbed the front part of the car and held on until he became unconscious. The car was •topped before the wheels passed over him. At the hospital It was said he would recover. - r pa . T- - EXPOSITION BONDS NOT YET FLOATED Washington, May 7.—Thomas F. Ry- ih did not take up tho bonds for the 5100,000 wanted by the Jamestown Ex position Company, nor has the com- pany yet succeeded In securing *he money or floating the bonds, according to men In this city close to the capi talist. it is said Mr. Ryan merely promised to take up a part of them. Washington, May 7, Counsel for Mrs. Anna M. Bradley, Indicted for the murder of former Senator Arthur Brown, of Utah, will probably object to Jnatlce Stafford, of the supreme court, District of Columbia, presiding at her trial, becauae In bla recent address before the Vermont Stete Associa tion ha aasalled tho defense of "unwritten law” and temporary Insanity. FRENCHMEN FEAR GERMAN-AMERICAN PACT. Paris, May 7.—Frenchmen and states men here recognise In the approaching understanding between France and Ja pan the triumph of British diplomacy. The Gaul Is exercised lest the entente cordial create disquietude In America and facilitate an American-German rapproachment. Washington, May 7.—What the railroads spparently Intended as an argument against the government malting a physical valua tion of railroads Is being tnrnod Into the strongest argument In favor of government valuation. Recently the 11111 roada. In com batting the demnna of the city of Spokane for reduction of Its freight ratea, presented the Inter-state commerce commission a com plete expert valnatlon of their property, menta. When this valnatlon was laid before the commission the counsel for the city of Spoksne did not even attempt to cross- examine the witnesses or analyse the ralna- f complaining shippers to contro vert the railroad claim that rates sre rea sonable. MORE BROWN ..Voile Skirts.. BY TODAY’S EXPRESS Prices: $5, $7.50, $8.50, $10 and $15 GETS FEE FROM NEGROES TOR UNKNO WN PURPOSE I M A ihrewd, well-drewed white mao is traveling oyer the state apparently en gaged la a scheme interesting negroes, and particularly unsophisticated country darkles. Reports of his operations have come from various points. Recently he has been work ing around Winder, and on Saturday moved on to Gainesville. A letter from a reputable business man of Winder glres the schemo worked by this mnu: •A white man has been going through the country pretending to organise the ne groes into some kind of sn organisation. Tie is very abrupt in hla conduct towards white men, and when approached and asked his business will retort that It. Is nobody's business. He will not speak to a white man unless addressed by one. “The negroes are slow to tell anything of the fellow's aims. One old negro sub] the fellow spent the night at hla house and 0000000000000000000000000 a 0 0 0 REP. LONGWORTH O 0 SAY8 MR. ROOSEVELT 0 0 WONT ACCEPT THIRD TERM. 0 0 0 O Louisville, Ky., May 7.—Repre- O 0 sentatlve Nicholas Longworth, O 0 who, with his wife, came here 0 0 last evening to .attend the Derby, U 0 paid today: 0 "In my opinion no possible con- 0 0 tlngency could Induce the prcsl- 0 0 dent, to accept a third term. You 0 0 can say also that there Is abao- 0 0 lutely no truth In the story that I O 0 am to succeed Senator Foraker.” 0 OQ000000000000000000000000 PACIFIC LINER WRECKED AT TOKIO Liverpool, May 7*—A private cable gram received hero today say* that the Paclflc liner Dakota, which was wreck ed In Tokio Bay March 2, has been abandoned by the aalvagers. London underwriters will ose £760,000 as a result of the wreck. LINEMAN FALLS FROM POLE) IS INSTANTLY KILLED. told, him a lot about disfranchisement, and that ho was getting them ready to send n delegate to Atlanta, and there select one to represent them in Washington, D. C. | Another said he claimed he would make cltlxeus .of them. Still others say It Is a plan to go to Africa. “Whatever hla object, he manages to col- lect 60 cents from earn one. and gives u receipt (as he claims) worded as follows: | " ‘Atlanta, Go., April 30, 1907. Mr. John Staten and wife at sight pay to the order I of Agricultural Department fifty cents. I Value received and charge tame to Mr. I John - - * State ' Representative/ fellow c le received and charge tame to Mr. I i Slaton and wife, Washington. D. C. 38,608. Signed. Charles U. Medley, So. I Special to The Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenn., May 7.—J. B. Keech, a telephone lineman, fell from a pole this morning and was instantly killed. He was 23 years old and came hero three months ago from Greens boro, N. C. | RICH’S | IN THE NEW STORE | RICH’S CORSET COVER — SALE — Tomorrow, Wednesday, ONE DAY ONLY Seven lots of Women’s Corset Covers will be sac rificed in our Muslin Underwear Department,, on the second floor, tomorrow. They are nearly all fresh new goods from our regular stock and are fine values. COAST LINE MADE EIGHT MILLIONS NETI Files Returns But Protests Against High Assess ment. This morning’s New York express brought another batch beautiful Voile Skirts in brown, navy and black Voile. The smartest, J snappiest Skirts we’ve seen this season. These are the very newest pleated and trimmed models, the very latest “whisper” from fashion headquarters. The Skirts at $5.00 are priced sensationally low; the $7.50 and $8.75 Voiles are $10.00 qualities. ,Comc down early tomorrow and look these Skirts over. They are absolutely in a class by themselves. THE PRETTIEST, SMARTEST VOILE SKIRTS SHOWN THIS SEASON. On property In Georgia aggregating 678 mile, and valued at 112,867,688, the Atlantlo Coast Line shows on Increase In Its returns over last year of only 1147,992. Returns were filed with the comp troller general Tuesday morning t General Superintendent J. N. Bran The total mileage ofthe Atlantic Coast Lins Is 4,097 miles, of which over 30 per cent, or 878 miles. Is In Georgia. 1.887,598 Upon this a valuation of 312. Is placed, with the franchise fixed at 33,614,670. The gross Income of the rood was 325,949,280.69, with expenses of 317,830,303.13, leaving the handsome net profit of 38.118.977.68. This road Is considered one of the best paying and most valuable In the South. * In an appended statement Superin tendent Brand says that returns are made upon the basis of last year's arbi tration, but with a protest He claims that the property Is assessed higher proportionately than other roads in the state. Southern Express Company. The Southern Express Company makes total returns for Georgia of 3767,261. Of this '3158,637 Is tangible property, 3408,714 franchise, and 8200, 000 on Intangible property made by agreement with the city of Augusta. Just what this Is or what It means General Wright does not know. The statement, which was filed by Attorney R, C. Alston, failed to append any Itemised statement of expenses, etc., and the paper will go back for cor rection. The company's assets are named at 33.735,000. Women’s Tight-Fitting Cambric Covers, were 25c, now 11c Each. l!ig variety of our best 50c Corset < 'overs in many styles, •43c Each. v ‘ h- and 89c Covers iu Cambric or Nainsook, neatly trimmed, 59c Each. \ ery elaborate styles in our $3.00 and 33.50 Corset Covers, for Choice • • * $1.00 and $1.25 Covers, extra fine values and many styles for choice, 89c Each. $1.50 Corset Covers, mostly of fine Nainsook—dozens of dainty styles, 98c Each. $2.00 and $2.50 Covers- in pretty lace, trimmed and embroidered ef fects. $1.49 Each. GALUSHA GROW HAS LIVING DAUGHTER New York, May 7.—Further develop, ments In the startling story of Galusha A. Grow's twenty-live years 1 struggle with a band of blackmailers occurred today, the revelations tending to con vince even the friends of the deceaeed Pennsylvania statesman that he pos sessed an affection for Mrs. Catherine Williams none but a blood relative could feel. George King Williams, husband of the young woman who fronj Infancy wns used to wring wealth from the father of the homestead act, today said with emphasis that he has long be lieved Galusha Grow was the father of his wife. Prices $5 to $25 J. M. High Company STATISTICS. COUNTY GIVES *5,000 FOR Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Special to The Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenn, May 7.—With eight days of the fifteen allowed Itself still remaining, the local Y. M. C. has secured 875,000. of the 3160,000 It Is seeking for a new building. An appropriation of ,5,iiou made by the Hamilton county coust has greatly encouraged the Y. M. C. A. people. $1.98 M. RICH & BROS. CO. | M. RICH & BROS. CO. To Entertain Veteran Employees. Special to The Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenn, May 7.—Chatta. noogu will have one representative at the reunton of N„ C. St St. L. veterans at Nashville next Thursday. Captain J. H. I-utItner, traveling passenger agent with headquarters at Chattanoo. go. Ims been with the road almost a half century. The twenty-one men who have been In the service since the Civil War arc to be elaborately entertained by President Thomas. Convicts Cltaring'8ehool Sits. Special to The Georgian. Brunswick, Ga„ May T.-'-The county rhalngang, which Is at work on St. Simons Island clearing away the trrour.d for the new Industrial school. Is progressing very rapidly. The con victs have been at work on the Island alsmt three weeks, and during that time have cleared over 60 acres. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. 33,376—A. R. Morgan to Southern Flour and Grain Co, lot In land lot No. 202; warranty deed. 31.800—Sarah J. Hicks to Miss Joe Lynan, lot on Twelfth street; warranty deed. 36—Edward H. Inman to S. Z. Ruff, lot In Ansley Park; quit claim deed. 36—Southern Real Estate Improve ment Co. to Edward H. Inman, lot In Ansley Park; quit claim deed. 35 and other considerations—H. L. Walker to Edward II. Inman, lot In Ansley Park; quit claim deed. 36—Mrs. Sarah R. Taylor to Edward II. Inman, lot In Ansley Park; quit claim deed. 36—J. O. Hendley to Edward H. In man, lot In Aneley Park; quit claim deed. 8250—Thomas M. Oliver to Mrs. Re becca B. Butt, lot on Lowe avenue; warranty deed to secure loan. BUILDING PERMITS. 8200—Atlanta Stove Works, to build addition to pattern room, at corner Ir win and King street. 31.600—L. P. Thomas, to build one- story frame dwelling at 87 Woodson street. 81.000— Fulton Realty and Improvo-1 ment Co, to build one-story frame dwelling at 392 Simpson street. 394—T. A. Perry, to recover two-story brick dwelling at 67 Walton street 36.000— B. Ehrlich, to build two-story frame dwelling at IS Fourteenth street. 36,000—B. It Spits, to build two-story frame dwelling at 79 Fo|irteenth street. DEATH 8. Allle Lee Barnes, age 2 months, died at 340 Mangum street Moso Lomax, colored, age 32 years, died at 17 Gumby street. Josephine Moultuce, colored, age 43 years, died at 111 Fort street. Morris James, colored, age 1 year, died at 110 Mildred avenue. Elizabeth Gattls, colored, age months, died at 227 Lambert street. BIRTH8—WHITE. To Dr. and Mrs. W. Troy ltlvlngs, at 289 North Jackson Street, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Swanson, at 186 Lee street a boy. To Mr. and Mre. George Ledley, at 31 Cooper street, a girl, UNION FOUNDRY COMPANY TAKES OVER PIPE WORK8. VIRGINIA RAILWAYS FIGHT LOWER RATES Washington, May 7.—The officials and counael of nil the railroads doing business In the state of Virginia who have been In session In this city today, have decided to fight the order of the Virginia corporation commission put ting down the . passenger rate on rall- rads from 3 cents to 2 cents a mile. It Is now believed that the Southern railway will fight the order before the courta on the ground that the Virginia corporation commission and Its orders ar» Invalid. SECRET SERVICE MEN WORKING ON SHIPP CASE. Special to The Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenn, May 7.—Two more secret service agents are In Chat tanooga, and It Is supposed that addi tional evidence Is being sought In the Shipp contempt case. Commissioner I). J. Maher Is expected to return to Chat: tanooga In June to resume the taking of testimony. , A. GRAVES. Both Phones. 261-2 South Pryor Street. I6H ACRES BROADSIDE OF THE MA- rlettn car line, two public roads pass property; suitable for a suburban homo or truck farm. You can have It for $1,600. walks. A bargain *11 for $800. • TWO LOTS ON LESTER STREET, Kdgowood, Ga., $280 each. j ONK l.OT os wiiiteforKT AvEdUri.' i Edge wood, $>00. Deaths and Fuhsrals Special to The Georgian. Anniston, Ala, May 7.—The final transfer In the sale of the old Her cules Pipe Works has been made, and the smoke now Issues from the stacks of the Union Foundry Company, the new $100,000 corporation. The men be hind the new enterprise have made more rapid progress than wasantlclpat. ed, and within u week 100 men will be employed In the shops in the manu facture of cast Iron goods for plumb ers, gas and steam fitters, the first ship ment to he made this week. 2,000 Children in Panic. New York, May 7.—Two thousand children were driver, to the streets In excitement today by a fire In a public school. When the first excitement sub sided, however, they were formed In lino and marched In orderly manner to the street. Irma Lea Hart. Irma Lee Hart, the 2-year-old daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tyre Hart, died Monday night at the family residence, 192 Stewart avenue. The body will be cent to Dullae, Go, Tuesday afternoon for interment. Abble Lee Barnes. The funeral eervlces of Abble Lee Barnes, aged 2 months, who died Mon day night at the residence of her pa rent* Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Barnes, 340 Mangum street, ware conducted Tuea- day afternoon at 1 o'clock In the chapel of Greenberg, Bond & Bloomfield. The Interment woe In Hollywood ceme tery. Renfroe Amaaeon'. Renfros, the 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Amasson, died Tuesday •nosplng at the family residence on Richmond avenue, Lakewood Heights. The funeral services will be conducted Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Antioch Baptist cburch. The In terment will be In the church yard. William Ward. William Wnrd, aged 61 years, died Tuesday morning at his residence, 64 Weyinan street, after a long Illness. The funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. Bdsewooa. >■, at Viiti caM Fixn'most AXvrm.N'ii YutT' are looking for In the rent estate line I at my office. If you want to eoll, will be Bind to serve you. If you wish to buy I will endeavor to give you a "square deal.” I ... F. J. COOLEDGE & 80N HAVE 500 8AM-J PLE CANS OF JAPA- J LAC TO GIVE TO THE j FIRST 600 GROWN v PEOPLE TO CALL AT* THEIR HARDWARE! AND PAINT STORE, 3 150 PETERS STRET. 7 Mrs. Isaballa J. Pats. Mrs. Isabella J. Pate, aged 65 years, died Monday night at her reetdence, 524 Whitehall street. She Is survived by her husband, J. L. Pate, and seven children. II. L. and Jesse Pate, of At lanta; J. T. Pate, of Llthonla; C. Q. Pate, of Carteravllle, Oa.; Mrs. W. A. Bradford, of Carteravllle; Mrs. Jo seph Freeman, of Centeravllte, and Mrs. D. F. Jackson, of Baxley. The funeral services wilt be conducted Wednesday I.nwicncevHle, Ga. Crawford J. Lewie. The funeral services of Crawford J. Lewis, aged 13 years, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Lewis, who died Monday night at the family residence, 11 ljueen street, will he conducted on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Interment wilt be In Westview ceme tery. 00000O00000OO00O0000000000 0 0 0 AVERAGE ANNUAL RATE 0 0 CUT FROM *75 to *58. 0 O - 0j O Under the bid of the Georgia 04 0 Railway and Electric Company 01 0 for a five-year contract, tho aver- 0 0 ago annual rate for arc lights 0 0 will bo 368. 0 0 Tho city now pays for each aro 0 0 light 375. The average reduction 0 O amounts to 317 on each light, or O 0 22 2-3 per cent. o O Under the bid the average an- O 0 nual rate for Incandescent lights 0 O will bo $27. The present rate ls-0 0 313.75. The reduction Is 36.75 on 0 0 each Incandescent light, or 20 per o 0 cent. Oj 0000O000000000OO000000000OI ■ l 1,200 SUGAR MAKERS NOW ON STRIKE j New York. May 7.—The strike of em- i K oyecs of the Amerlrnn Refining Company J is almost crippled the big plant in WIN ' ii.m.K.... »~f n y a XlM hundred men went J the *» who went on strike i tho leaders declared that be- i they would have the plane WILL BONAPARTE RESIGN CABINET t Washington, May 7.—Intimation comes from a high sourcs that Attor ney General Bonaparte contemplates resigning from the cabinet. It Is re ported that he Is In 111 health and It Is feared he Is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. PROPERTY WAS DESTROYED BY HEAVY WIND STORM. Special to The Georgian. Rockmart, Ga, May 7.—Monday aft ernoon Rockmart was visited by a tre- mendous wind and rain storm. It came dangerously near being a cyclone. Out houses were blown away and timber was blown down by the storm. Murderer Won’t Talk. Middletown, N. Y., May 7.—The au thorities are today trying to induce Charles Rogers to tell who his accom- illces were in the murder of the ulmy rothera.