Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, May 10, 1907, Image 14

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The following rates ore for con •ecutive insertions. Rates for 3» 6 or 12 months' contraot furnished on application. 1 time 10 cents a line. 3 times 81-3 cents a line. 6 times 71-2 cents a line. 26 times ...... 6 cents a line. Phone, Gelt 4929 or Atlanta 4401» ■ nd we will take your ad and charge it if your name is in either phone directory. Ads must be 'phoned by 12 o'clock to be Inserted tho same day. Ads for SITUATIONS WANTED will be inserted FREE ONE TIME. WANTED HELP—MALI. MEN trade. „ any other trade. Few weeks completes; splendid • fsellltle Boston 8boe Company, 3 Whitehall i WANTED - BTENO BOOKKEEPEIt. W lady stenographer and office . Bellamy Business Agency, bnlldlng. niibn i*^ or.r.i» or vunrniiviii or a good position, apply to the Tabe Cle Employment Department. 2766 I* WANTED. HELP—ONE FIR81 make up: one flrnt-rls** tabular compoal tor. Apply The Franklin-Turner Company. WANTED—GOOD CARPENTERS FOR IN- side work for few days. Apply The Geor gian office. STRUCTURAL IRON WORKERS WANT ed—Open shop Job. No strike. Mx months' work. First-class all around pien only. Wages 45 cents 'nn hour, nine hours a dny. Apply to Pittsburg Steel Construction Com pany. open Hearth Plant, No.. 2, T. C. I. A It. II. Company, Enslcy Plant, Hlrmlng- once: Serersl city talesmen, office boy, boy between sixteen and eighteen for geu- — *-- clerk for large ho- eral office work; night .. tel; good salary. and ierera! others. Call or write quick. Unique Employment Agen cy, 100G fourth National Bank building. MEN BETWEEN TWENTY-THREE AND forty years old, who hare l»een residents of city for two years, wanted for position on police force. Examinations will be about middle of May. 'For applications, at oCftcs chlsf of police. j AUCTION SALES. B. BERNARD. THE LIVE AUCTIONEER, at 20 8. I’ryor. will buy or sell you out. || 'Phone (Bell) 3336. AUCTION HALR8. BARGA1.N8 IN ALL K!Nf>8 UOCHRIIOLD II good* at the Auction Houae, 62 Marietta I atreet (opposite postoffice). Auction today H 10 -a. in. FOR LEASE—APARTMENT8. FOR LEASE—ONE BEAUTIFUL APART- meat, combining every attraction; beat reildence aectlon north aide. Telephone 667 north. 1 FOR LENT—FURNI8HED HOUSE8. * SWELL, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED W. Peachtree, new modern home. 'Phone 77 North, Wednesday night FOR RENT—HOUSES. FOR RENT-ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR; five rooma. Private bath. All modern convenlencei. Apply Owner. 60 Wlllluma •treat. FOR RENT—ROOMS. — .... . — FOR RUNT—THREE NICE CONNECTING rooma; suitable for light houtekeeplng; No. 166 Cherokee avenue, facing Grant park. Hell 'phone 4672 J. FOR RENT—TIinEH BEC'OND-FIAJOIt room* with all ronrenlenrea; bath, gna and water, nt >6.50 per month. Apply at 506 Pulliam atreet. FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT-ONE LARGE FURNISHED room for geutlemen at 267 Peacbtraa atreet. Thona 2480 main. FOR RENT-LARGE. WBLL-FURNIBHBD front room: heat section Lnello avenue, Went End. Apply II. I>. Ilolb-a. core Jobu I. Moore A Bon* 42 North Broad nthnet. FURNISHED ROOMS-397 PIEDMONT avenue; three nicely furnished rooms, bet- erencea required and given. FOR RENT—STORES. STORES FOR BENT—FOB RENT, SEC- aud Hoot nt 16 Eaat Mitchell, 86 by 118 feet: well lighted. Apply to Purae-wella I’oper Company, 16H Boat Mitchell atreet. I FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. « , 1 - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. YALE AND OTHER BICYCLES SOLD on easy psyments at cash prices. Alexsn- der-Elyea Co.. 36 N. Pryor St., Atlsnta, Ga. JtereatL business. place. ind good salary In prosperous W. Jones dc Comps uy, 6 Viaduct Farm and Investment Op portunities on the Sea board Air Line Railway. SOAP-STONE DEPOSITS—Embrac- Ins approximately forty acre*, with in thirty-eight mile, of Atlanta and very conveniently located with refer ence to transportation facilities. Theae deposit, will yield good-.tie block! or alaba. The material paws easily, which MICA DEPOSIT—Embracing about twenty acre*. The Indication* are exceptionally good, but It would be nec- eseary to make aome additional open ings before the full extent and value of FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE-CHEAP-FOUR OPES WAG . od«. four too wagon,, three wrreji, two calx. Central Carriage Company, 14 Piedmont avenne. FOR SALE-FINE. LARGE FRF.8H fern, of numeron, r.rletle. ,t from 25c to each. f. o. b. Glre me yonr order. for nil floral .took, hwisi iiifl.*. auuirig a. i proprietor, Flowerdal. Farm, Telb fOR BALE-STRONG OAK BARRELS, formerly containing Ink. Apply at The Georgian office. BARGAINS—ALL KINDS NEW AND SEC- ond-hand goods The Auction llouae, 52 Marietta^ afreet (opposite postoffice). Big auctloo Saturday the deposits can be determined. Prop- The erty I. nicely located for .hipping- enormous demand for this materia _ the high price, prevailing for both the middle Georgia town, the only phy- ildence, bam, .table., etc. The 9 I. practically new. Title. Price 22,600, with reasonable i. A nrat-clasa nine-room, dwelling, three tenant n, store house, etc. Price rhl. proposition should there- ere.t, any community, on tho & where the materials can be For additional Information FOR BALE—BY OWNER. CONVENIENT- ly urr.nitcd and .centrally located seven- .Oom i-uttagi-. 'on .nth of beat .treat. In Dci-utnr. Box 62, Decatur. Gn. WEST PEACHTREE HOME. NEW. MOD It |in.ruii-iil, Dull North, nt ulglit. YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN THE WORK OF WAITRESS — GOOD WAGES WITH BOARD AND LAUNDRY FREE. APPLY CANDLER RES TAURANT, CANDLER BUILDING. . man be sober. nnd bring references: aome expe rience desirable. Address Grocer, cart* Georgian. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. WANTED - COMPETENT REMINGTON operator* furnished positions. Remington Typewriter Co.. Ill Peachtree atraat. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—GET T1IE beat office apace lu city. Call 6 Viaduct place, 64 p. tu. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—GET THE beat office apace In city. Call 6 Viaduct place, 64 p. m. FOR HALE-FINK LOTH* OX LEE AND X.urhry atreeta. Went End. Call to nee tho owner and* get bottom price* without commission. J. F. Dunlal, 419 Klaer build- in*. Price* reaaonable. Terms easy, ilniniuond. owner, 913 Century Hell 'phone 373. m IH HIIrt.' IIUHD VI., •«> cleu, ground, and house: hear cars; ev .-harm ot country and ndvnntaga of cl Addreaa Opportunity, Box 426. Atlanta, i Plates, crown., Bridgsworh, I2.M np and guaranteed. All kinds of fillings 50c up. ATLANTA DEN- TAL PARLORS, .ccond floor Btalner-Bm- try Bldg. Taka elevator. IIP, IHP r IBK _ , We nave them, n* well as French models and our owu creation*. Mrs. C. II. Smith, 180 Peachtree street, corner Ellin. Ostrich feathers cleaned, curled, dyed. Phone 4S16-J. TEXAH; OR. THE BROKEN LINK," A romance of the Civil war, giving a vivid of Vicki * pen picture of the »lege of \lck*tiurg. Miss.. under Genernl Grant, In 1863; and demonstrating the heroism of the Houthcrn women, 1 which entitles the typical heroine to wear the title, "Texas, the !■«<* Htnr," by Fannie Eollne Helph, Nashville, Twin. Id real H. 11. BIGHAM, salntxnt Genernl Industrial Agent, 1109-11 English-Atncrlcun Bldg., At lanta. Ga. NOW IS THE TIME to take “Dewberry’s De light” as it acts on the liver, bowels and kidneys and re moves the waste matter from the system, and keeps the nerves free, so you can sleep and rest, which is the only way you can restore the nerve force, by sleep and rest. So you see liow essen tial it is to keep the liver, bowels and the kidneys right, which keeps the sys tem clear of waste matter and frees the nerves so you can sleep good and rest at night. Have your druggist to send you a bottle today. Nothing like it. FIXTURES. MIR* HANK AND OFFICE r. A *u«w»o. rors, plate glass and hardwood Interior woodwork. Send us your plaos for eo* tlmnte. Telephones: Bell 749 west. At your pis , Bell 749 — lanta 918. Hcreen A Cabinet Manufactur ing Company^ J. E. HALE, Manager, cor INTELLIGENT YOUNG MAN, WITH 91.000, can get Intereat In highly profitable luminous, \\. Jones A Company, 6 Viaduct place. DR. LANIER hna returned to hi. office., 391-2 Whitehall street, where he has consol idated all hla Atlanta office.. Now la the time to have your teeth filled, crowned or bridged by expert dentinta nt LIve-and-Letl.lve Prices. ’Phone 2562 for Dr. Lanier, over Emmons Co.'s Clothing store. FOR SALE—TYPE WRITERS. FOR OALE—REAL ESTATE. SANDERS & CONWAY, Phone 5488. 412 Peters Big, $3,000—South Boulevard, near Grant Park, cottage 5 rooms and hail, nearly new; on shady lot 49x200 to alley. For immediate sale we can make terms of $350 cash, balance $25 per month and assume loan. $2,250—St. Charles avenue, lot 60x200, near Boule vard. This is undoubtedly one of the prettiest lots in the city that can be had at any price. You can’t heat it. $8,250—Baker street home, 10 rooms and servant’s house, near Spring. Tile house would cost at least $6,500 to build it, and lot is 52x150 and worth $100 front foot. A loan of $5,000 at 6 per cent can run; balance be paid easy. ',250—Jackson street; 9 room house on nice shady lot. This is one of the very prettiest homes to be found in the city. Can make easy terms on this. We are * Southern dealers Williams Typewriter. We sell second-hand and rebuilt machines, all makes, cheaper than can be bought else where. All makes repaired, rented and exchanged. FURN1TURB AND I.EAHK NICELY FUR- nlshed flnt for sale: dost* In; good net ah- iNirhiMHi; low reut; bargalu. 'Phone 6640, 6 to 6 o'clock. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA HATH CLEANED AND BE- shnpM 60c Baft or .tiff bat, clrane.1 and rt-sbaped..86« Boft nr stiff straw, denned and re-abap. . ed. 35c to 5uc Band., binding, or .went., 25c each extra. Acui. Hatter*. M SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS order. Let us quote you prices. Tele- Bell 749 west. Atlanta 916. Screen LANGUAGES. ATLANTA ACADEMY OF LANGUAGES- 601413 Grand. French, Spanish. German. Italian, Latin, Greek. WE HAVE ON FILE A LARGE NUM- ber of blah salaried positions. Must have the following filled at*once: Pantry WANTED HELP—Male and Female. WANTED. >RTY YOUNG WOMEN TO OPERATE -Unger eewlng machine., run by vbx-trir Mudern. up-to-date pl«ut; the beat t and jfood wages to experts. Also young n and hoya who wish to learn one «.f the -i trades. Steady employment and plenty room at the top. Apply to Mr. Kenton. .. rin’. ndent. Bed Seal Hfcne factory. Mar.Nfrwatd avenue and Yonge street. •ItAlVFORD coal and ICE co DAVID W. YARBROUGH, MASTER PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED—ONE SECOND-HAND HALF or one-horsepower 220-volt motor, dress Atlanta Georgian. WANTED—PARTIES WANTING TO ■ell Mil neb* mill to write full description. R. A. Hudson. Imnalsonvllle, Gn. IF YOU ARK GOING TO BUILD. I CAN save yon money. Will draw your plans and specification* nights nnd furnish an Itemised list of material. J. A. Wilson. 47 Waltou street MISCELLANEOUS. Ladies and Gentlemen, STOP WORRYING YOUR FRIENDS by asking them fur the time. Huy a watch fruui W. R. EDWARDS & CO., 49 1-2 CENTRAL AVENUE. Elgin, Waltham or Hamilton Watcher one dollar per week. Remember, you wear the watch while paying for It. SPECIAL notice: Bring thin,notice to our parlors and we will make you a beautiful act of Teeth for $4 and a line gold crown for FURNACE8. Iint'HE WARMING, OUR FRONT BANK HTKKL FURNACES for hcntlng. No steel furnnee ever brought to Atlanta can equal It. Cell nt our store. 10 Trinity avenue, and see, and you I*ony. Both 'plumes. CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAX- ERE* MODEI.B AND NOVELTIES; PROMPT etrvlce. Bell ’phone at Atlanta Wood tad iron Novelty Work* «g Marietta street MESSENGER SERVICE. FOR PROMPT AND UE1.IA1II.E MES- C*-|>prjXj^'phone a. J. A. Davies tod 1. SEWING MACHINES RENTED—TWO. DOLLARS PER MONTH! either Singer or Wheeler A Wilson. We .nt nnl, n.w mtthltia. with ■ Wl I , ItllBVn. .. . rent only new machines with roomlet. eat " ichmant* Prompt dallvary. Both irui uuij u»x iiMhiiiurg nun roHUlVU* SCI of attackaeotih Prompt delivery. Both .sar s®** «*• TRUNK AND BAG REPAIRING. H. W. IIOI’NTIIKL A BRO. TRUNK AN) BAG COMPANY. Retail and repalrlns H Whitehall atraat. ’Phoa. 1576. * SOUTHERN STATES WRITING MACHINE CO., Candler Building. ATLANTA PHONE 2800. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES BOLD ON nay terms; II down and SI nth. the latest and beat record* J. C. & J, Erins, 72 Whitehall street. FURNITURE BARGAINS. The Atlanta pnbllc and all visitor! are Invited to participate In the unprecedented bargain, w. are offering thl, week In fnr- altar., rug., matting, and refrigerators. We will take mock *oon and until then evarytblng goe* at practically wholesale cost. Dining tabic* from 16.76 np. Quarters^ oak sideboard, from 817.80 up. Oak china etblaet. from 818.00 up. O.k bedroom .nits, from |2S up. Fine Davenport bed* 826.03 up. Cat price, oa rug* aod art square* ROBISOX-MARTIN FUR NITURE COMPANY, 23-27E .Hunter St. tyie*. Dome.t’lc'?nd*?oreUn onlTr. by mat* van awedsT attaattou. W •j?. swM msrJr ATLANTA Tk PEWRITEt^htCHAJHIB, D«uj"i?'..r2i r h. , . ,r sk.. A » °* ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING. SHELDON AUDIT CO. PUBLIC . accountants and audit- llgsa Tmrpt.. CourL Attaata, O*. I Broad nnd. eat tMtlmclaU. Correapondanc. InvItnL audited and report- BAROAINg IN ALL KINDS NEW AND •eeoo.l hand gnotla at the Auction llouae, 52 Marietta atreet topporit. poatofflcel. Auc tion 10 a. m. Friday. DR. LANIER’S DENTAL OFFICES 881-2 Whitehall .tract, over Emmons A Co.'s Clothing .tore. Special price, this week. Sample gold or white crowns only 82. Beautiful eet of teeth •Phone 2882 for Dr. Lanier, 881-2 Whitehall street. oud. All makes. Screw di»>r lank I xp-Tt safe repairing and ooealng Rohm IV Howard ante and Vault Comp. Marietta atreet, oppoylte noatofScm MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY WANTED, LOANS WANTED ON GOOD HEAL ES- tnic. Only principals. No agents. Ad* dress 11. J., care Georgian. MONEY TO LOAN. 1 HAVE 80MB MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 and 8 per, cent on good real aatnt* Ad dress Crescent, car. Georgian. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pi. and other* American Investment Company, 784 Candler bnlldlng. Established 1180. WBYMAN * CONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loaoa on real estate. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5, 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to aecorlty of. ferrd; small expense and prompt attention. Oulr on real estat* In and near Atlanta. 8. B. Turman. SPECIAL HOME FUND8 TO LEND; •ny amount. 44. 5 and 4 per cent Writ# or call 8. W. Carson, 24 ttontb Broad atraat. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at very lowest rate* No delaj* Charles Herman, rooma 282-288 Tempi# court. Four per cENt iTOmc money to lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; • lao money for purchase money note* Straight loans tnada at i per cent and up wards, according to desirability of loa* W. A. Poster. 18 South Broad atraat. SITUATIONS WANTED. WE SUPPLY COMPETENT HELP IN ALL Unea, without cost. I.'iiIquo Employment Agency, 1006 Fourth National Bank building. Tbon* SU7 main. WANTED—BY A LADY OF MX YEARS’ experience, n position for summer or nt once, to tench nmole on Ita* merit*. Ten [estlmonluln furiilnlied. Address Postoffice Box 470, Tnllndegn, Ala. REMOVAL NOTICE. MOVED. ACME HATTER8 HAVE MOVED TO 100M Whitehall itraet. Old bats mads new 33c ap. LOTS WANTED. Have customers for building lots in- all sections. If you ,’ish to sell yours to advan tage list with UEBMAN, Real Estate—Renting, 28 Peachtree St. Phones 1075. W. JONES & CO., 5 VIADUCT PLACE. W. hare for quirk sale -u beautiful alx- rnorn cottage on East Georgia avenue, which I. modern In every respect. It la on good Bleed lot with, alley la. rear and rent. for-SH.W per mouth. Price 13,636.08-8108 nth 1. D. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE. LOTS IN WESTERN HEIGHTS. We have for sale 15 lots fronting on Fox, Oliver, Lindsay, Herbert, Grafton and Echo streets, in West ern Heights. These are all big fine lots that lie well; prices run from $250 to $300. We want to sell them and will make easy terms. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR AUCTIONEERS. CLOSE - IN PROPERTY THAT MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. We have a place right near the comer of Ellis street, on Courtland, with seven large rooms, that must be sold at once. Place has every mod era convenience. Is worth $1,000 more than we can sell it for. We do not care to mention here the reasons for its having to be sold at once, but we mean just what we say, IT MUST BE SOLD. This property is located right in the heart of the city, just two blocks from the Aragon hotel and would al ways be occupied at a high rental; if you want it as an investment, you will find none better. Come see us about this at once and we will show you several hun dred dollars profit. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO., 301 Peters Building. Phones:. Bell 2102. Atlanta 676. COTTAGE HOME FOR SALE. A pretty cottage on one of the best streets on the south side; 5 rooms; large hall, hath, servant’s room, hot and cold water; large lot, 52x185; beautiful shade; cement walk; ev erything in good condi tion. Price $3,500. Terms if de- FOR SALE. CENTRAL PROPERTY. 100x101 Feet, Southeast Comer Cone and Poplar Streets. trlct, Mng In thn block next to the band- sonic office hulldltiff of the A.. B. and A. It. R.. on one able, nnd the government's magnificent neer custom bouse on the other. ling. with slate roof, furnaces nnd other modern conveniences, which Is rented for $1,440.00 per annum. This bouse occupies less than ~ fc *lf of the lot, leaving n frontage of mt»r«7 than fifty feet on Cone street, on which may be erected another building. There la nothing In Atlanta which ban n kl IUI, pfllllv? PIBt*. IP |li 81 Investment of this chnrac- , __ Jelay. Homebody Is going to buy while others sleep over It. sired. Address Cottage Home, care Georgian. CHAS. P. GLOVER, 6 Auburn Ave. FOR EXCHANGE. TEN-BOOM NORTH SIDE RESIDENCE. 15,000—Trade for lot In .Ixth ward. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN on North Bide, 18,008—Will exebange, give or take difference. T. B. FERRIS, Agent. 218-219 Century Bldg. Phone 438 M. WILLIAM S. ANSLEY, Real Estate. 217 Century Building, Phones Bell 288, Atlanta 295 RIDGE AVENUE, NEAR WASHINGTON •treat. Beautiful lot 108 feat front, 275 feet deep on one line. Lot front ear Utw. Price 81,630.08. DECATUR. OA-BEAUTIFUL SHADED ot on Cundler .treat, fronting East. Thl, a corner lot near nr Unr. Pile. 8650.08. LUCKIE STREET-COTTAGE OF BIX room* well located. Hu bath, ate. Can be bought for 82,750.00. SOUTH PRYOR. TEN-ROOM RESIDENCE. renting.fnr IX per month, 88,600-WIII Uko well Inca tail lot a, part payment FOUR LOTS IN SPLENDID LOCALITY to build house, for Investment. Will pay cash difference for North Bid. reildcnc* EDWIN P. ANSLEY, Real Estate, 10 East Alabama St. PH0NE8: BELL 839 & 863. ATLANTA 268. 15.508—TWO-STORY, EIGHT-ROOM house, on north aide, close to Peach tree etreet, and In best neighborhood. Houw new and strictly modern. If you want a nice home, see thl* GEORGIA AVENUE. NEAR GRANT Park—Splendid eight-room botue with all modern Improvements. Lot 68 by 165. Can bw bought for 82.888.00; only 1538.00 down and the balance eeay. WASHINGTON STREET, WASHINGTON Height.—Very desirable seven-room cot tag. on a corner lot. thet will make yon . lovely bom* Lot 50 by ISO. Price 88,800.03. FIFTH STREET HOME-NEW TWO- story houae, ■ Iieautlfally arranged, near \V»)*t I’Ml can l*t ma ■ ifci \ V Brice Easy 27.250—NO 81 NORTH AUGUSTA avenue. Ideal f-room home, hard wood finish, houw lust painted and put In nice condition. Within one block of car line. Lot 180x200. Beautiful shade. 18,000—PONCE DELEON AVENUE home, 7 rooms, with all modern Im provements. Lot 62x180 to 20-foot al ley. Owner anxious to wll; wanu cash. 88,000—FOR NEW 2-STORY S-ROOM home on Weat Fifth street. If you want a nice home In a nice locality, ace this before you buy. $5,500—BEAUTIFUL l-ROOM HOME on Juniper atreet. Houae would rent for 850 per month. Lot 82 feet front Terms. ., • • 8800—FOR NORTH BOULEVARD Lot elevated and ready for building. .