Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, May 17, 1907, Image 19

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\ THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AND NEWS. S1IIDAY, .MAY IT, 13IT. <9 jr. L. THROWER, REAL ESTATE. c ion—On Robbins street, one block of Whitehall street, we have a pretty lit tie 3-room cottage, south front with shade that can not be duplicated a t this price. This property is close in an d can bo had on easy terms. close in and can ry rately or smgly. tneui. uuvu .v. - or for investments. M. L. THROWER, 39 N. Forsyth St. GLORE & JUSTIN, 215 Peters Building. ON SIDNEY 6TIU5BT,\V£ HAVE A! flre-roora cottagt; lot 48 by 187, bac 10-foot alley: price $2,600. Terms. L< ■how you this. VlfE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ON WIND- lor afreet; all improvements down? lot and a nice borne; only $1,850. term*. _ INVESTMENTS. M.KO-ON SOUTH SIDE; NEW MIOOSI nouso; modern in every respect; made m?S„! bp 5 t ,>! n " te J' uli ,1,e lienrlh, cabinet mantel, folding doors to parlor and dining room; on double car line: two blocks from graded school; route for $32.50. 15,000 RUY8 8-ROOM NEW*HOUSE AT7m Waihlnjton itreet; go out and taka a look at this elegant home. 1! : n0 °M nOME ON NOUT1I *nd the lot "• can ,cl1 ln flT0 <>»y* * hono us at once, ns owner has Instructed us to sell. lot; we cen eell tMa place for *1.760. Terra'. jSwIcAiH AND $300.00 IN FIVE YEARS „t, one of the prettiest brand new cot tages la Western Heights: lot W by 170: lie ,‘ft7 by It. aide sold for 11,050.00. lou are next. 1100.00 CASH AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS Lflrcroom cottage neor WIIUmoo otreot school; rents for 112.60. Price 11,250.00. This Is close la. (300,03—THREE ROOilS AND HALL; nice lot near Hemphill arenue, wbero everybody want* property. This Is a cash bargain. (300.00 BUYS A LOT 45 FEET WIDE from Morgan arenue to Linden atreet. one and a half blocks east of North Boulevard. This Is two lota, and North Side property like this don't come often. moo CASH AND *700.00 IN FIVE YEARS will bay a splendid six-room cottage near North avenue. I ait 45 by 144 and rebta for 112.00 per month. JUST EAST OF GRANT PARK. 4eW modern cottaee, live rooms, nice mantels, bath, etc,; $2.5w; $250 cash, $25 per month. FOR SALE. •mu. viuao large corni-r 101; room neighborhood. Owner breaking up house keeping and prefers to sell rather than to rent so valuable a modern home. Cnn be bought for about whnt It would cost to build the bouse. Kindly roll at the office for particulars. Price $12,600. North Boulevard. $2,500—STORE AND RESIDENCE IN West End, on Gordon street, near Lee. Terms $500 cash, balance four or five annual payments, to suit purchaser. AT 45 NEWPORT STREET; PRICE RE (lured from $1,350 to 11.300 for a few dny«. " Easy payments can't beat tJ WILLIAM S. ANSLEY, Real Estate. 217 Century Building, Phones Bell 288, Atlanta 295 K0RT1T SIDE LOT-66 BY 286. THI8 LOT I, In Ansley park, and Is a beauty, and •l to the value of It, If you will sea th« location and coneldor tho alio you will resdlly tea that It Is cheaper than any thing yoa can buy. You didn't know that yoa coold get such a lot In this section for only $2,850, did you! DECATUR PROPERTY - SIX-ROOM home sad lot, 50 by 160; la half block of the court house. Four of thu room* are Jliiterea and tha other two ready for pln«- t*tthg. Thla pines la In half block of car line' also. Prlca 11,275. SHADED LOT—I HAVE A BEAUTY OUT ** CopanhUI, covered with lorely trees »aa In a Has neighborhood, and It Is a cor ner lot. Frost* 175 feet on on* (treet and ton* through to another. This can be bought for n,276. SltAR SOUTH BOULEVARD—NICE FIVE- room cottage, nearly new; nlcaly located, m utreet with pared aidewalki. Houee «u water and gaa. Lot 50 by 160, and tha owner la nniloua to nell It for 12,600. Washington strret-this bide of i-T”*'.* erenue la a two-story eight-room E, (anting coat. Thla place cen be f or 15,000, end you can pay $1,000 16 1,1,1 *«t terms on the balance. FOR RENT STORE8 AND OFFICES. Si ,D f, ' a tnr ""I""" “ieo IS I i ill § Kr nt Dfcntiir Marietta j JOHN J. WO'oDSIDE, THE RENTING AGENT. 1- Auburn Arenue, Both 'Phones—618. fr-M?.,?' 0 ? NORTH BIDE 6-ROOM HOME. .'“roer lot, two blocks from Peachtree, four blocks from Cendler building; elegant location for apartment. $3,200 WILL BUY TWO 4-ROOM COT- JSSXb , n * w *r5 a iP r A ent,n 9 for W4J also two * la t— • each, on which two other cottages can bo built This Is good property, i : EAGAN PARK LAND CO., ’Phone 4613,36 Inman Bldg. McCRORY & JOHNSON, REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. 502 PETERS BUILDING; 'PHONE 1891. *3,650—BUYS A SPLENDID 7-ROOM cottage on Cherokee avenue, built for a home. If you want something that willlplease your wife and mother- ln-Iaw be sure and let us show you this. *1,700—BUYS A NICE LITTLE COT- toge Just off of Whitehall streeb 12- mlnute walk to center of business. It's close and qheap. *400 caah and *JS per month. Don't miss It. This kind Is scarce. *4,250 — IT'S JUST EIMPLY A peach. In West End on splendid street, two stories, t rooms, water, bath, gas, electric lights, etc. On terms of *1,000 cash. Others are asking *5,000 for no better homes. Quick turn. *2,600—CASH AND NO LESS BUYS a G-room cottage on Ashby street, West End, lot Is 60x200, no plumbing In this home. Gas. water and sewerage down and If connected would bring easily *3,200. Stable and servant's house. It's a bargain. Let us show you. IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT Inman Park remember we have some lovely homes out there cheap and on easy terms. See us. ON JUNIPER STREET LOVELY 8- room residence, *7,000; terms. ON PONCE DELEON, 8-ROOM' house, 56,000. ON JACKSON SEVERAL LOVELY houses. Let u* show you. ON NORTH BOULEVARD VACANT lots and homes. , THREE DOUBLE NEORO HOUSES, ] new; rente *30 per month. Take ’em for *3,300. Quick. I CLIFF W. ANSLEY, Real Estate, BELL PHONE 611*. 221 CENTURY BLDG. *3,400 FOR NICE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, with water, cat anil Imth, on unimproved street, and not far from ponehtree. Rent ed st *25 per month nml paying 1214 per cent Interest. Cnn only offer It for short time at this pries. $*,000 FOR ELEGANT NORTH SIDE horns on One corner lot. In block of I’eacb- c tree. It bee nine rooms and bathe on ,. both floors. Special reduced price. *6600 FOB A TWO-STORY HOUSE OF j 1 nine rooms, with all modern conveniences „ and fumes heat. In elegant north aide 1 neighborhood, and with large beautiful lot. n FOR *2.600 I CAN SELL YOU THE BIO- £ grit bargain In a beautiful 100-foot lot. or J two 60-fool lota, that you ever looked et « on tbs north side. On one of the moat £ prominent north side streets, find In elegant neighborhood. They are fine depth, nnd you p can easily make three fine lots thit wilt sell n like hot rakes. But you II hare to l/e quick, t( as my time Is limited at this price, s ANSLEY PARK LOT8-A BEAUTY FOR J, 1900; another for $1,800* and s lovely one w on l-eachtree circle tot *3,750. Better «, * me about theae. There’s flae pradt In *11 of _ thro- „ $3 600 EACH FOR TWO BRAND NEW 2- story houses of * rooms each, with water, gas and elsctrlelty, and nice east front j fots; on Me* strest. In nice nelshborhood. and not too far oot. They will rent for _ $23 each, and pay 12 per cent Interest. fUOOO FOR AN ELEGANT, MODERN 0 hone on Piedmont evenne; 2-story house , of ten room, with all modern conveniences, tr furnace beat, electric belli, etc., and two hath rooms- Nice servants' room, and P beautiful lot. In *teJ ) ty,£f, l | , ‘ ,,or ' In hoods In the city. It's s tins bargain. „ $1 000 EACH FOR TWO FINE LOTS VERY " near Grant park. They are flneslke, and ” very convenient to car lines. They are dsn* ^ dies to build on and sell to fine advantage. $2,100 FOR A BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE "Trams st Decatur. Large, beautiful lot. on ^ enr line, and In MjfJbgrhood. Can only offer at the pries for few days. ^ I HAVE A SPLENDID LIST OF HOUSES j” rify M SSu Mto 'tto r"* ^ pay'y*a 'to call and •» m. before baying. MOO-8IX.ROOM TENEMENT ON BUSn Street, between Mangum and Gray streets. Rents regularly at $8; with space for fur ther Improvements. $1,000 WILL BUY A FIVE-ROOM C % tag*. situated on McMillan street, i Marietta atreet. Terms very easy to food FOR RENT. $400—NICE LARGE VACANT LOT Mathews street. West End. Situated be- tween Lawton and Queen streets. Terms very etsy. CHAS. M. ROBERTS, 12 Auburn Ave. W. A. FOSTER, Real Estate aud Loans, 12 S. Broad. Ball Tbona 2027. Atlanta 'Pbona XSSI. AUCTION! AUCTION! WE WILL SELL AT AUCTION 5ATUR- day afternoon at 8 o'clock, Torty-etght iota and one flve-room cottage and lot. lir Battle Hill; property frouta ou Battlo Hill avenue West Hunter street). Joe Johnston and Re el ne streets. We will offer the extremely easy terras of $25 cash and $5 per month. Wv will sell the house ami lot on terras of $100 cash and $15 per month. All deferred payments will bear 7 per cent almplo Inter est nml bo payable on or before matnrlty. After the sale we will fire away $100 In fold, divided Into fifteen prices: Five of 10 each. and .ten of $5 each. For plats and $83 South Boulevard.... 47 Doans street.., 63 Doano atreet 366 South Pryor -S') E. Linden............. 61 Crew atreet 327 Spring street 661 Highland avenue...., 666 Highland arenue 126 Angler avenue 227 Angler avenue 63 Loomis avenue 230 E. Plue street 80 Simpson street 62 Johnson atreet 42 South McDaniel $40.09 36.00 30.00 46.00 40.00 42.60 20.00 20.00 *.00 26.00 5.00 26.00 22.60 13 rooms 11 rooms 9 rooms 9 rooms 8 rooms 8 rooms 8 rooms 7 rooms 7 rooms 6 rooms 6 rooms 6 rooms grooms 6 rooms ti rooms 6 rooms ROBSON & RIVERS. FOR SALE. 160 ACRES OF LAND. 200 ACRES GOOD creek bottom land, 6-room new house, one 3-room house, all new; two large barns; three miles from Acworth. $7,000. KIRKWOOD LOT, CITY OF KIRKWOOD. 100x200 feet; $700. $60 cash, bslance $10 per month. KIRKWOOD-BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM COT* tage; lot 80x200 feet. $3,700. L. A. WOODS, *818-819 Empire Bldg. Bell Phone 2099, Atlanta Phone 1771. I MAKE EASY TERMS. $700—FOR Tms SMALL AMOUNT WE afire a now 3-rooni cottage on river car line with lot 100 feet wide aud 2M feet deep. Thla la an extra large lot and It all cleared up and. ready for cultivation. This place la only about 100 yards from the car. Give ua .some caah aud let the rest go as $1.650—A SWELL LITTLE RUBniYnAN~4- room cottage, with one-balf acre lot. alt nicely Wred In. with poultry bounce, fruits of dlffereot kllid* and beautiful oak shade *» front. Thla Is a perfect little dreeip, and QUARREL IN EUROPE ENDS IN SEPARA 7ION A $5.200—GOOD NEW HOUSE WITH SIX acre, nice lard land, and also pretty oak f, fi l ? 0j ?* r trice. The owner wants fo tellthis place, and If you will drop by our office and let ua tell you about this 5 m And this Is Juat the place you have been looking for. Juat a little money and tha reit la eaay. WHAT ABOUT A 6-KOOM HOUSE WITH .("‘J-'roro lot on South Decatur car line! loti had better come up and aaa tbla place you'know* t0t pl,ce * ‘ lk * »M» don't last. CLEVELAND STREET, NEAR B. FAIR atreet; vacant lot, 217x500. *760 caah EDOEWOOD-NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, ON corner lot, 60x200. We are Instructed to sell this home at the low price of $3,100. Auction Sale of Suburban Home Tracts at Conway Springs In Cobb County, MAY 22ND AT 3 P. M. CONWAY 8PRINGS IS ON THE MARI W. JONES & CO., 5 VIADUCT PLACE. We have for quick aale a beautiful all- „ " cottage on East Georgia avenue, which It modern In every reapect. It la on I«m1 atacd lot with alley In rear and real, Er*3.00 per — Price $2,100.00-1600 cash. Salesmen—A. B. Duncan, J. W. Eobnnko, j. D. Yarbrough. ^ Both 'Phones—6505. non ale, your opportunity to buy ——gh for any gcntlomanV We are going to offer this very Uc property on the very attractive )( one-fourth cash, the balance In FOR SALE: BUILDING LOTS RIVERSIDE PARK, Waycross, Ga. ..aycrosa la tha magic city of South east Georgia! Three minions being spent In "oneral Improvements. The Atlantic Cooat .Ine railroad is completing two million* ollnr shop!. It la estimated that 4.009 to ... t "iUvsr ile Park” answer that question. We aro taring lota within the corporate limits Waycross on the muarkablo terms of to $30 cash, and $3 to $6 per month, taxes, no Interest. - consider these lots e money makers. You stand to make m 60 per cent to 100 per cent before you half through paylna for them. See or Ite for particulars and plati. NEAR GLENN WOOD AVENUE—ONE room and one 2-room bouse; rent for $10. $860. CENTRAL PIECE OF PROPERTY. HALF PETERS STREET, NEAR FOIISYTU—A 2- atory brick store. $16,000. $10 CASH AND $5 PER MONTH WILL bay * nice enat front oak grove lot Inside the city limits. How many do you want? J. A. BROOKS, Real Estate, 407 4th Nat’IBank Bldg. Bell Phone 1393-Main. WEST END. THAN ONE-HALF BLOCK OF LEE 'treat, new seven-room cottage; all city fot n ?. n sa 0< h! , J r *: t Improvofne'nt.. Tft lot la M by 200 feet to alley, level and pretty as a picture. Thla will make you a lovely home, and Is a Mg bargain for *8,100 street selling for $3,500 uot near so good. HOW M THIS! PRICE $1,500. BENTS for $16. Good clean white property, near Orant park. Sidewalk, water, 1 gas and sewer. Where can yon bent It! SOUTHERN RAILROAD FRONTS FOR SALE. WITHIN 1H-M1LE8 LIMIT, EAST 8triE of the city, on Southern railroad, 66,000 square feet, front* Southern railroad 200 feet and 300 feet on streets. Extra fine lo cation for a factory or warehouse. ALSO, W.000 SQUARE FEET WEST SIDE of the city, tronta the Southern railway 800 feet, with good street frontage, within lU-tnlles limit; a magnificent location for lumber, coal or factory. These are real bargains. See W. B. RESPES8, 203 Brown St Bandolph Building. Bell 'Phone 3808. MRS. TROWBRIDGE MARTIN AND FATHER-IN-LAW. Thia picture la from a snapshot of Mrs, L. Trowbridge Martin, who has separated from her husband. It It said Mr. and Mra. Martin had a quarrel while abroad, which is tho cause of the separation. To the left of tno picture ia Mr*. Martin's father-in*law» W. R. H. Martin. Mra. Mar tin's husband ia still in Europe. SNOT LIONS AND TIGERS WHILE ON HONEYMOON London. May 17.—Colonel and Mr*. Max Flefschmann, of Cincinnati, who Iasi year made a departure In the way of honeymoon toura, with a yachting trip to the arctic region*, have Juat ar rived In London from Eaat Africa, whom they explored the Jungle*, .hot big game and obtained a largo number of trophies with which to adorn their houae In Cincinnati. They camo direct to London from Genoa. They were In the Interior seven weeks, camping out and ln that time they killed three lions, three African bufTaloes, a rhinoceros and many antelopes, several of which last wero downed by Mrs. Fleischmann herself Colonel Fleischmann was especially anxious to bag an elephant, but In this he was disappointed. TWELVE ACRES MORE OR LESS, Ji mile from nuckbnul, fronting three Dubll.' roads. ThU la n choice opportunity for In vestment. It Is nn Idssl pises for n sum mer borne; beautiful grove; one acre of this tract Is well situated for n store. Wo are Instructed to sell tor $1,000. yulek sale. (SEE US FOR SOUTH SIDE PROPERTY VV. E. TREADWELL & CO., 24 S. Broad St. city limit., and fronting the new car line, n new alx-room cottage, with cabinet man tel., club bouse grates. Oeorgln wood fiber plastering, built of good material, on ele vated oak shaded lot; pleasing surround- A. GRAVES. Both Phones. 261-2 South Pryor Street. 5-Room Cottage on E. Fair street, modern conveniences, close to center of city; a good lot; excellent neighborhood. For a few days will offer it for $3,000—$700 cash, bal ance $300 per year or $25 per month. FOR SALE ANDERSON 527 CANDLER BLDG. PHONE 3161 POOTLIGHT FAIRY BEHINDJE BARS Her Companion Held on Suspicion After “Fake’ j Watches Were Found. RASDURY, Manager. INVESTMENTS ABOVE THE AVERAGE. 1LOOO CASH GETS A NEW THREE ROOM house on Fultou street; rents regularly for $10. Rememl>er this Is dose In. $2.630—$500 CAMI-OBTS FIVE TWO-BOOM houses on Dnvls atreet, near Mitchell; always rented at $6 each. This Is extra good. $8,800-11.100 CA8II-TAKER FOUR GOOD houses on Lundy lane, near flutler street; now rented for $24. Hnnt everywhere, you can't find better than this. afrW erst , Is sure to enhance inga nr*, planned for IN TEN MINUTES' WALK OF THE business center and located among good people, nn old-fashioned but well-built resi dence of nine rooms, with all the conven ience#. Eelevated, level and •bade lot “ by 149 to alley. A pick up for *4,690. six-room cottage bomtt on the eouth side. Everything complete *nd comfortable. Best neighborhood. Price *3,150, on terro% of *0W rstn* balance $26 per month; 7 per cent. This'place Is now rented to s good tenant $25 per month. McLENDON AVE.—ALMOST NEW FIV& room cottage; lot 60 by 2W to alley; food place to raise chickens and children. $1,500 -dead easy terms. , FINE LOT ON ORMOND 8TIIEET NEAR park. 60 by ISO; tile walks. Cbefip for $100. Sales Department: A. 8. HOOK. R. C. EVE. EXTRA BELL PHONE4238 WE CAN SELL YOU FOR $4*099. A NEW. nice two-story home. In the best pert of one of the north side streets; half cash; bnl- anoe fi per cent. This place could uot bo duplicated for $4,750. There Is at least $503 dear profit on this, the moment you get It. $2,800-9800 CA8II AND RALANCE MONTH- ly, for s brand-new six-room aud ht:l cottage, on devoted lot. This side of Grant nark. This house Is particularly Inviting. $4,600—BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE HOME, ON one of those nice side streets. In the IVnchtrce-IMedmont residence sections. This has tile hath, extra toilet, etc. Built for the right sort of folke, don't you know. $2,000-TWENTY-FOUR LOTS. AT THE terminus of the electric line at IlnpeviUe; beautiful and level, only $2,000 for all. .„..h side: 64 by 140, to alley; north front; dost to corner of North avenue and Jack* son. fare; house famished complete; also gar den, chlcktoe, —ven rooms. m WB GET RESULTS." WE HAVE SOME BEAUTIFUL BUILD lug lots all over the city, and near the Boulevard we have several which the own- - - joni er Is anxious to sell. You ran mnke price. THE EARTH ITSELF." VALUER ARE JUMPING ALONG TO TOP I notch prices, and It Is no easy matter to go out la tho market and pick up a pier* of FOR $22,000—WB HAVE A BIG CORNER semi-central lot that we believe can .be sold for $30,000 la th«* next six or twelve months. See this with us and maybe we can trade. The lot Is 100x160 to sa alley. GRANT & PETTY, 30-31 EAST ALABAMA 8T. Held prisoner In the woman's ward at the police station, a pretty and stylishly attired chorus girl, formerly a member of "Th# Beauty Doctor” com pany. who gives her name as Mrs. Alleen Hitting, declares she Is the wlfo of John Hitting, son of a well-known banker of Dalton. John Bitting, a boyish looking young fellow of 21 years, confined In the state ward directly underneath the chorus girl's quarters. Is equally as emphatlo In hla declaration that the young worn an is not hla wife. The couple arrived In Atlanta Sun day and have been stopping at Gelder* Hotel, at Marietta and Broad streets. They wero arrested Thursday night by Plain Clothes officers Dorsett and Doy- nl and Pollcemnn Bradley, and are being held on "suspicion.” Bitting Is said to have been trying to sell fake watches, a number of which were found In a box In his room. An opium smoking outfit was also seised by the officers. The chorus girl gives her age as 25 years. She appeared much provoked at her detention behind the bars. She wore a stunning automobile cloak and picture hut. She admitted that she had appeared In tho role of a footllght fairy for a number of years, but declares she has now abandoned the stage, and that her home Is In Detroit, where her family reside. She stated that she met yonug Bitting about three years ago In Den ver. where she was visiting relatives, and married him In that city. When asked what business her hus band Is In,'the young woman hesitated, then smiled, and replied: "He hasn't been doing anything much of late. He was formerly In the mov- Ing picture' thaw business. I guess he might be colled a goinbler." The chorus girl explained tho opium amoklng outfit by stating that her hus band Is an opium fiend. She .luted that he has been "hitting th# pipe” for long while, having acquired the habit in Denver. Bitting denied any knowledge of the F. J. COOLEDGE & SON HAVE 500 SAM- PLE CANS OF JAPA- LAC TO GIVE TO THE FIRST 600 AND CRAZED BY PAIN With both his hands eaten by some unknown poison, which has permeated his whole system and apparently af fected hlq brain, R. A. Poston, of Syl vester, Ga, a turpentlno worker, walked Into'the pollco station Friday morning, and, while talking to several of the officers, fainted and fell to the floor. It was later learned that Poston hod a similar attack and fell In Decatur street Thursday afternoon. He seemed to be suffering lntcn-n pain from tho poison, which has eaten hit bands and wrists until they are a mats ef raw and bleeding tores. Poston came to Atlanta with hi* wife to be treated, and Thursday afternoon, visited the Grady Hospital. Ills hsnda were dressed and bandaged, but na .i'li.-r bad ho left tho operating room than he tore the bandages from hi* hands and left the hospital. The phyel-' clans say he appeared to be crazed. Poston Informed the police that he, woe poisoned while In the woods neam Sylvester. By direction of Chief Jen nings, Captain Norman summoned Dr. \\ 11 a in-. Htxth ward city physician, to the pollco station to dress the man's' hands. Acting Probation Officer Chan-1 dlcr then procured a railroad ticket and: Poston will bt returned to his horns. Ml. POTTED PALMED DECLINESKINE'S OFFER News Leaked Out Today, and Caused Big Sen sation. Paris. May 17.—The fact that Mrs. rotter Palmer, of Chlesgo, had declined the otTvr of marriage by the king of Bervls leaked out today through the Indiscretion of a Kcrvlsn official. It crested a sensation. The offer w*i diplomatically made and declined In the same manner. Mrs. Palmer explained that her life and Its ohllgBtlona'nude It Im possible for her to accept. I ' opium outfit and declared he had never married the cborua girl. He also de nied that be was trying to sell fake watches. The couple Is being thoroughly In vestigated bythe police. They eny they came here from Virginia. YATCH THESE COLUMNS -A DAILY INDEX OF REALTY DARGAINS