Newspaper Page Text
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Mrs. George C. Ball, Editor.
“ffl,) a-*—-
| And Womans Interests
Let no food impair the poweri ;
of the stomach. Eat
"I retard death as nothlnt but the
pAssing of the shadow on the flower."—
T. B. Aldrich.
When those who have loved Power de
From out a world of toll and stress.
Somewhere Is eaalns of the heart,
Somes here a load trows less.
When those who have loved Beauty
Who with £er praise .the world did
Around the earth there runs a sigh
Of tender loneliness.
Thou, latest-silenced of her cholrl
Hark to that long, long sigh, today:
The sunlight la a faded Are
Since thou art gone away!
Since thou art gone—where none may
Where Beauty knows no ebbing hour.
But there, the Flower remains, behind
.The Shadow of the Flower.
Thy mystic, floating, farewell word—
Oh, was It breathed In antiphon
To vatic song thy spirit heard
From all thy brothers gone!
—EL M. Thomas. In the May Atlantic.
Mrs. T. J. Ripley will entertain at a
series of bridge parties, the first to be
Thursday afternoon, at which Mrs. E.
Rivers wll be the guest of honor, and
the second to' be next Tuesday, the
22th, Mrs. W. E. Foster to be the honor
guest. The last bridge will be given
Wednesday afternoon, the 27th.
The announcement that on Thurs
day evening at the Woman's Club
rooms at the Grand Miss I.lily White
will appear In recital under the aus
pices of the Soroals Society of the
First Baptist church, brings pleasure
fo Miss White's many friends In At
Mfss White will be graduated this
week from Brenau College, and la es
pecially gifted In oratory. She wilt
give Thursday evening a clever read
ing from "The Lion and the Mouse."
Miss White will be assisted by Mrs.
AJIgood Holmes, who will give several
violin solos, Mr. (J’Donnelly playing
her accompaniments.
Captain and Mrs. William 9. Raoul
gave a pretty dinner Saturday evening
la honor of Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Cosgrove, the guests Including: Mr.
ahd Mrs. Cosgrove, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
uel M. Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
The table was artistically decorated
The following guests are now enjoy
Ing White Springs, Fla.: Mr. and Mrs.
John Willis. Cordele: J. N. O'Quinn.
Waycross; Dr. F. O. Morrison, Adel;
Judge Z. A. Littlejohn, Americas; R.
M. Patterson and son, Cordele; R. Z.
Kidd, Atlanta: F. Welts. Savannah;
Mr. McGuire, Savannah; H. H. Hunt.
Atlanta; C. L. Royal, Ashburn; Dr. and
Mrs. W. L. Story, Ashburn; J. W. Mc-
Crory and wife, Ashburn; C. C. Boggs,
Newton: Mrs. R. O. Pate, Hawklnsvlllo;
Mrs. J. Pope Brown, Hawklnsvllle;
Mrs. William Hooper, Savannah; Mrs.
O. T. McIntosh, Savannah; T. S. Jack-
son, Baconton.
The Bridge Luncheon Club, which
was to have been entertained on Tues
day by Mrs. John M. Cooper, will not
meet until a Inter dute, which will be
announced In due time.
Miss Irene I.upo will give an ana
gram party Thursday afternoon In
compliment to Miss Gertrude McXclly,
of Mineral Bluff.
Shield Your Baby
Mothers yon can shield yeor little ones from
oil tanking disorders-Stomach Ache. Dowel
Troubles flour Stomach. Diarrhoea. Cholera
Infantum and Cholare Morbua by giving the
children Pin'. Carmlnatlvs. Ira a simple
medicine that corracu •Uxnach troubles in in
fanta and bring* natural alarp and eomfortabla
rent without injury. Guaranteed under the
National Pure Food and Drugs Act* not to
contain any narcotic
or injurious drug#
PITS Pitt's Carmina
tive all thruush the
critical teething tana
and tbs cbUdwfll poos
this stags without
At AU DngtUtl
At Cecil
The Lamar & Rankin Drug Co.
AUinti, Georgia
Mrs. L. M. Williford announces ths
engagement of her daughter, Foele Lee,
to Mr. Marshall Hill Hurt, of Tusks-
gee. Ala- the wedding to take place tbs
latter part of June.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Herd Roberts,
of Lavonla, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Maude, to Mr. Henry
Thomas Long, of Atlanta, ths wedding
to take place at the bride's home late
In June.
Mr. and Mrs. Osorge E. Argard en
tertained a number of friend* at their
lovely home, at Copenhlll, Friday
evening In honor of their twentieth
annlveraary- A delldou* aupper was
served, after which the guests repaired
to the porches, which were beautifully
Illuminated with Chinese lanterns and
decorated with ferne and potted flow-
era. The evening was spent In dancing.
Among the ladles present from out of
city who are visiting Mrs. Argard were:
Mrs. John A. Jobe, Mrs. Frank E. Bart
lett, Miss Marian Bartlett, from Knox
ville, Tenn., and Mrs. John W. Ivey, of
New York city.
The Atlanta friends of the young
couple will be Interested In the fol
lowing announcement from The Au
gusta Chronicle of Bunday, May 1>:
“News of the approaching marriage
of Mies Lucy Alexander Doughty and
Mr. Andrew Jefferaon Berry, which
will occur quietly at the home of the
brides mother, Mrs. William II.
Doughty, on the evening of June 4,
will be received with the most genuine
and widespread Interest and cordial
ity. Th* engagement of Miss Doughty
and Mr. Berry, while suspected for
some time, has never been announced
until yesterday, when the family con
nection* and close friends of the Berry
and Dought?- families were Informed
of the pleasant news.
"Barely has there been a marriage
In Augusta In which a more heartfelt
and sincere*Interest has been.felt.
"Miss Doughty Is the daughter of the
late distinguished Dr. William
Doughty, whoee memory will ever be
beloved and revered In Augusta. Bhe
Is a young woman of unusual charm of
personality and to the outward gift of
beauty odds the beauty of character
und natural sweetness and gentleness
of disposition which endears her to all
who know her and makes here the cen-
ter of n group of loyal and devoted
"In this marriage, which untlee two
of Augusta'a prominent and well-
known families, there centers n very
general Interest. Mr. Berry Is one of
Augusta's representative young busi
ness men, whose success Is due not only
to the advantage of his father’s, Mr.
Giles M. Berry's prominent plact in
the buslnesa life of Augusta, but to hla
own steady efTort and enterprise, and
to the sterling qualities of character
for which he la respected and Juatly
The Invited guests to Miss Nanelle
Crawford'# bridge party Thursday
morning In honor of Miss Lottie Aua-
tln Include: Miss Aline Patterson, Miss
Julia Meador, Mlsa Virginia Parks,
Mias Caro Hutchins, Miss Louise La
mar, Miss Marie Hclple, Miss Louise
Johnson, Mrs. George Kelly. Mrs. Hen
ry Williams. Mra. Norman Bharp, Mrs.
Guy Mitchell.
Mra. W. It. Polk will entertain twen
ty-four guests at bridge Tuesday after
noon at her home on Jackson street, In
compliment to her guest, Mlsa Virginia
Paul, of Williamsport. Pa.
Class '01 M. E. * E. E., Georgia Tech,
held a charming banquet and reunion
Saturday night at the Piedmont Hotel,
which was a success In every detail.
It was derided by those present to
make the class banquet nu annual
Those present were Messrs. Moore,
Gay, Holttclaw, Benjamin, Hallman
and Dougherty.
The member* of class '01 are scat
tered over various parts of ths coun
try. and many were unnble to nttend
the banquet Saturday night. A* the
clase reunion la to be an annual event,
It le expected that every man will be
present In the future.
The class had as Its -nest Professor
J. H. Coon, for whom every member
continues to have the most loyal re
spect and admiration.
Mr. Gay was elected president, Mr.
Merritt vice president. Mr. Dougherty
secretary snd treaeurer.
The class elected Professor Coon ns
class adviser.
All present then gathered around the
banquet board, when nn elaborate sup
per was served, and personal reminis
cences of former Tech days wer thor
oughly enjoyed.
One of the most elegant social func
tions given in Buena Vista In a long
time was the reception recently given
by Mr. and Mra E. B. Homady and
Mr. and Mra. J. W. Roberta at the
home of the former. In honor of Mra
DeWolf, of Mexico City. Tho home
was beautiful In Its appolntmenta car
nations, roses and popples being used
In profusion for decorations. About
ICO guest* were Invited.
Little Mlsa Minnie Drone Homady
and Master Wick Roberta greeted the
G uests at the door. In the receiving
ne were: Mr. and Mra. Homady, Mra.
DeWolf, Mra. Drane, Mr. ana Mrs.
Roberta. In the dining room delicious
fruit nectar was served by Miss Sara
Lowe. Throughout the evening music
was furnished by Lily's band, of Co
lumbus. A delicious Ice course was
served by Mlssea Marguerite Drane,
Ruth Smith and Janie Bethune.
Musical Atlanta la anticipating with
pleasure the Shorter College concert to
be given Friday evening at the Grand.
The personnel of artists who will con
tribute to the program la a most charm
ing one. Including Madame Ellse Gra-
xlanl, Mr. Franklin Schuyler Sonna-
kolb. Mra. Ida Nevln Patton, Mlsa Pearl
Lund and Mrs. Melkelham. Madame
Grazlanl came to Shorter College from
Berlin last year, and her splendid con
tralto will be heard In Atlanta Friday
evening for the first time. She ha*
numbered among her students abroad
two famous singers whose namee are
dear to us—Geraldine Farrar and Annie
WorrllL Madame Graxlanl will go
abroad early In June, returning to
America In time to resume her vocal
teaching at the beginning of Shorter - *
fall term. Friday night her songs will
show the wonderful rango and sweet
ness of her voice, and she will give one
or two of the Brahms numbers Ir. which
she so excels.
Mr. Sonnakolb. whose piano number*
will be a charming feature of the pro
gram. la teaching till* year at Shorter
and Is a brilliant composer as well as
teacher. His "March Herolque," hla
"Ocean Lyrics.” and his "Fantasia on
Chopin Motives" rank with the works
of Jhe best composers.
Mr. Sonnakolb enjoys the distinction
of having studied under Auton Ruben-
steln, of Russia; Von Beulow, Joselfy,
Pychowaky, pupil of Chopin and
Schmids, pupil of Mendelssohn and
reading* with Newpeot, to whom Grieg
dedicated his concerts.
Mra. Ida Nevln Patton, who will give
several vocal numbers, has a charming
soprano, which has been cultivated to
the best advantage. Mrs. Patton Is a
Rome woman and has here many
friends who are deeply Interested In
her appearance. Miss Pearl Lund la u
young woman whose voice promises
great things, and under Madame Gra-
slnnl she has during the present year
made such progress that much Is ex
pected of her debut on Friday evening.
Mra. Melkelham, accompanist. Is a
highly accomplished woman. Bhe la
prominent socially In Rome and her
rare musical education has been always
source of greatest pleasure to her
friends. A number of th# girls and
teacher# from Shorter will come to At-
lnnta for the occasion, and In the au
dience will be many of the Atlanta
friends of the Institution.
which is the most perfect food
for the brain workers, clergy
men, lawyers, merchants, grow- I
ing children, and the muscle
working classes.
Fop oala by all Groooro
Mr. and Mr*. Edward E. Lowe will]
give a euchre party Friday evening at 8
o'clock at their home on Peachtree, the
occaelon to be a celebration of Mrs. |
Lowe's birthday.
Dr. J. Lewis Browne, conductor of the
May-June Music Festival, Monday an
nounced the Hat of the musicians who
will compose hla orchestra of fifty. Half
the number are local musicians, and the
rest have been taken from the big or
chestras In the East and West.
Following le the list:
Flutes—F. J. Gluffrlda, Frank Romar.
Oboes—W. G. Leas,- Wiliam Ross
(and English horn) Cincinnati.
Clarinets—J. Elliott, Cincinnati; M.
Conway, Carl Karston.
Bassoons—John Bchon, J. C. Schon
(Thomas orchestra). . ,
French Home—Albert Schfoeder
(Thomas), A. Schrlckel (Pittsburg), C.
Bernhardt (Cincinnati), R. Kuehne
Bernhardt (Cincinnati).
Trumpets—William Kopp (Cincin
nati), E. B. Gorham.
Trombones—H. Dailey, H. Hatton, B.
Quigley (Chicago).
Tuba—Joe M. WusthofT.
Tympanl—Leo Brand (Clnclnatl).
Drums and Traps—O. Parker.
Harp—Mme. M. Wundcrlo (Chicago
snd Plttnhurg).
First Violins—Hugo oik. concert-
meteter (Cincinnati), Henry Froelich
(Cincinnati). A. Schath (Cincinnati), A.
Loeb (Cincinnati), W. W. Hubner
(Pittsburg), C. E. Buchanan, E. Muel
ler, H. Crenshaw.
Second Violins—G. Peters, principal,
(Cincinnati), Th. Hahn (Cincinnati),
C. Melber (Cincinnati), L. T. Chase, G.
Collins, E. Barnhart, F. Forlsmeyer.
Violas—R. Schlleven. principal, (Cin
cinnati), M. Brand ((Cincinnati), W. F.
Clark. F. W. Goodrich. A. F. Dailey.
Cellos—J. Sturm, nrlnclpat, (Cincin
nati), H. Kopp (Cincinnati), A. Pauli,
A. 8. Governer.
Basses—J. Wulf (Clncinatl), A.
Wurm, A. Haines, E. M. Card.
The Women's Civic League of Rome,
of which Mrs. J. A. Rounsavllle Is pres
ident, Is accomplishing much toward
the beautifying of their already at
tractive and picturesque city.
In their laudable . efforts th* mem
bers of the Civic League are assisted
and encouraged by the mayor and
board of aldermen, and plans which
promise early consummation are being
Inaugurated with an enthusiastic Inter
est by the organisation and Its friends,
TWO $350.0'
In Even Exchange for the‘TWO OLDEST
PIANOS in the State of Georgia ......
We are desirous of obtaining the two oldest pianos that are in actual use
in Georgia for exhibition and advertising purposes, and in order to secure them
we make the above liberal offer.
There are hundreds of old pianos in actual use in the state and the owners
perhaps have no idea how old they are. This will be an opportunity to secure a
beautiful $350 Becht Piano.
It costs you absolutely nothing to enter your piano in this contest.
First —Any old Piano is eligible.
Jecond—But-it must be in actual use.
Third —No Piano that has been
stored away can be entered.
Fourth^—As Piano dealers we are in
possession of data that will enable us
to some extent to judge by the num
ber and name of each piano sent in
about how old it is, but in order to
be sure that no mistake will be made
we will send one of our experienced
representatives to examine each and
every Piano that in our estimation
appears to be the oldest.
Fifth —If the names of two or more
Pianos are sent in and each appears
to be very old, we will be the sole
judges as to who shall be awarded
the New Becht Piano.
Sixth —This contest closes at 6 p.
m., June 3d, 1907.
Mail ns this coupon for your answers.
What is the name of your Piano t
How long have you owned itT 7..
Where did you get it?
Is it a Square, Upright or Grand?
What is its number?
What is your name?...
What city? J
Street number?
Mr. and Mr*. William J. Hargrove,
cf Macon, announce the engagement of
their daughter. Miss Bertha Loutheria,
to Mr. Oeorge W. Grier, the marriage
to take place on the evening of June 6
at home.
... Wedding Presents...
The beat people In Ih* land, people of culture and refinement, are
the largeet users of our Jewelry, Silverware. Cut Gloss and Art Goods,
because of their reasonable prices, and because they are exactly suited
for their requirements.
Eugene V. Haynes Co*
Diamond Importers. 37 Whitehall Street.
Hagan’s Magnolia Balm,
Aliqmd preparation for face,Turk, arm* ami hands. Make* the akin like you w»nt it. Does it innmtv
•test. Not itkky or ffreij. It's harmless, clean. rrCrrehinjc Can’t be deter ted. Pseitmor .mi.imm
aidnifht,Winter,Spring,Summer,pall. Sample FREE. JLjuahtlg.Co 4JS l i/lbit.Brooklyn,N.K.
Mr. Houston Harper entertained
an Informal dinner Sunday evening In
honor of Mr. William Parkhurat. who
leaves this week for an Indefinite stay
In California.
The table was decorated with cut
flowers snd covers were laid for eight.
The guests Included: Mr. Russell
Compton. Mr. Ervin J. Dickey, Mr.
Clarence Hsverty. Mr. Lewis Gregg.
Mr. Eugene V. Haynes and Mr. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. C'olcord will en
tertsln the Matrons' Thursday After
noon Club at* domino party Tuesday
evening at their home, In West End,.
The occasion la In celebration of the
third anniversary of the organisation
of the club and the guests will Include
the member* and their husbands: Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Bloodworth, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Dnwry. Mr. and Mra. W. B.
Dlsbro, Mr. an&e Mrs. F. T. Helfner,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hartman. Mr. and
Mrs. L. V. Kennedy, Mr. and Mra. O.
R. Law, Mr. and Mra. I,. D. Lowe, Mr.
and Mrs. A. C. McHan, Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Pitts, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Seay.
Mr. and Mra. T. L. Stokes, Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Triggs. Mr. and Mra. Leon
Walker. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. White, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Hynde, Mr. and Mra.
W. A. Foster. Mrs. J. B. Murrow, of
Tlfton, and Mr. Joseph II. Williams.
Thera will be a special meeting of
Atlanta Hive No. 14, Ladles of the
Maccabees, In th* Carnegie library
building, Tuesday, May 21. at 7:10 p. in.
Tuesday, May 21, the Ladles' Auxili
ary of ths Presbyterian Hospital will
give a beautiful be sear at the home of
Mrs. W. A. Moor*, on the corner of
Cone and Walton streets. The beauti
ful grounds surrounding ths house will
be used for booths In which articles of
lingerie and dainty negligee will be for
sale. Ice cream and rake will be
served during the day and evening.
The occasion will be art Interesting
and beautiful one. snd deserves the
patronage-of all who are Interested In
the great work being done by the Pres,
byterlsn Hospital. ,
Mrs. Stephen A. Ryan will entertain
at a spend-the-dsy party Thursday In
compliment to Mrs. John Ryan, the
S iesta to Include Jjie members of the
utterfly Club.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holley, of Miu-on.
announce the engament of their daugh
ter. Johnnie Nfllle tavett. to Mr. Hugh
Wtllet Norris, the wedding to lake
I lace June -t> at home.
Ths pupils ,of Mr. T, Fowler Rich'
ardaon and Miss Annie Hall will give
their closing recital Monday evening
at the Waehlngton Seminary. The re
cital will begin at 8 o'clock and the
prosram Is as follows:
Overture, from “Rosamund*," SchU'
bert—Misses Rennie, Landrum, Camp'
bell and Batty.
(a) "Because I’m Ten." Dorothy Ark
wright: (b) "The Pleasant Heroine,"
Annie Lou Jenkins.
Quartet by Chamlnade—Misses
Ware, Traynham, Jackson and Mad
(a) "How Girls Study,” Ruby Me-
Gnughey; (b) "I Ain’t Rolng to Cry No
More." borothy Davis.
Valse In D flat, Durant—Misses Irens
Bloomfield and Miss Evelyn Crawford.
"Bud Charge." Ndrman—Miss Eflle
"Hungarian Dance"—Misses Stoney
and Austin.
“Etude Mlgnon," Schutt—Mils Aus
"Uncle Remus’ Church Experience”—
Viola Barlll.
"La Fllense,” Raff—Miss Beth Lid
"Gavotte"—Mlsa Ruby Walts.
“A Garden Plot,” Bishop—Miss Inei
"Chopin Walts,” A flat—Mias Alethla
"To a Butterfly," Grelg—Miss Fran
ces McKay.
"Grand Polka de Concert”—Miss Le*
"'••Illnery Millie," Phelps—Miss Hat-
tie Hunter.
"Valse," by Mosskowskl—Misses
Wnlker, Liddell, Walts snd Austin.
Miss Adelaide Everhart will entertain
at bridge Tuesday afternoon at her
home. In Decatur, In compliment to
Misses Bernle and Maud Dugas.
The Invited guests are: Mrs. Eugene
Wilson, Mra. Henry Jewett. Mrs Hoop,
er Alexander, Mrs. Lewis Rstttsp-< k.
Mrs. Carrie Laird, Mra. Frank Ana ley.
Mrs. Manley Boykin, Mra. C. A. Lang,
ston, Misses Carrie snd Louise Sisson,
Louise Colvey, Bells Footman, Lucy
Durham. Kate Mllledge, Hazel Adkins.
Zulu Adkins, Clifford and Jule Hunter.
Miss Jennie English will entertain
the North Side Bridge Club Tuesday
The numbers of Square or Grand Pianos arc usually found under the strings on the sound
board. If an Upright Piano, raise the top lid and the number is usually on the pin block, in
case you cannot find a number we will send someone to look for it, on request.
62 N. Forsyth St.,
Atlanta, 6a.
“Even better
than we say
It Is."
That is shst *ss ssM by ess or
Ibr tboMMMMMol women wk«at*
rrttwfnlforthraoiHtvrrul result* nbtaln«4
thouwwnf llm* KrtWaaalr**. Hair Dj*.
a quota bar atari word*.
-/ *<ir* sis,? the hotth Vf Mm*. Jfok'a-
a air*** ll*t r />** *oa *#*f m*. To *t|
•nrvrfM II Hi* J**f m**l atm aaa »f mill do.
ff i.JI it ar*w t«m it
Wtln, in BmrKtr t «**»<'*, (Mio.
Mme. Robinnaire’s
Walnut Hair Dye
aot oat i NdAfM faM nr ara* hair to Itsorfwl
ii«l color, but It |i««a Ufa and «t*or sad th*
SRKitea:«. u.,.
par. If you cannot buy It where ?on lire, wa
will *»w<t It. (matpaid, cw receipt of price
till."”.,’""'',';,.V.r7V~IU. SI*d7x?I
■i wain dUdfiMw IsbiulfsTO’st fwpantk m
U4eartoaauftnrihmtratod bw*.* rmotalClem”
Mm. tahiaaalraC*.. gWartitN Si.. Atlawta. Oa.
The member* of the League of Amer
ican Pen Women will meet at James
town June 10.
President Roosevelt la to deliver an
addr-^t to the Editorial Association,
which convenes at the same time at
The League members will have head
quarters at the Inside Inn. An Inter
esting program has been arranged, and
the meeting promises to be one of ab-
aorblng Interest, affording an opportu
nity for the members from all sections
of the country to form a personal ac
The Norfolk Landmark gives the fol
lowing Interesting account of the pre
sentation by the Colonial Dames of the
historic church at Jamestown to the
A. P. V. A.:
In the presence of nearly a thousand
Colonial Dames and visitors the old
Engllsh_church at_Jamestown Island,
recently"restored to Its original form,
was presented to the Association for
tho Preservation of Virginia Antiquities
by Mrs. William Rutfln Cox. on behalf
of the National Society of the Colonial
Dames of America.
The building wns accepted nn the
part of the association by Joseph Bry
an, of Richmond, In an eloquent speech,
who was followed by Thomas Nelson
Page, who delivered an address of deep
The deed of gift from the Colonial
Dames to the association was read by
Mrs. Barrett Wendell, chairman of the
national executive committee of the
Jamestown Memorial. Singing by a
vested choir from Richmond concluded
the presentation ceremonies.
Nearly 600 peraona attended the cere
monies from Richmond, and they were
accompanied by the Richmond Bluea,
who stacked their guna about the gates
recently presented the association by
the Colonial Dames of America.
Following the presentation ceremo
nies, the four tablets, which have been
placed upon the wall Inside the build
ing. were unveiled.
An especial feature of the event la
the tact that the reconstructed building
Is composed entirely of old English
bricks secured from ancient bultdlnga
und chtmneya In various parts of the
Old Dominion.
The program Included a nraver bv
so Remove FrccKIcs 'A Pimples
CREAM, s n««r dis
covery, Mild under r
1—'tor euersntMl.sat
meat r refunded if I. to reiser. freckle*,
p-iupi.., liter .pore
t.n, .allow new. colls*
discoloration., black
head. snd eruption, of
the .kin, no metier o:
how long atsadlag
Ordinary c*.e. In
d»y«, tiie w-.ret la S
’•JV. trace, th* vlrtn ,-le.r, -,-lt. brwltky an.
wn-itlfnl. No poulhln harm ran result from ll
—e. Ftidocs, *! by thousands of *r.t.-f-d lodlre
And by In-ling druggists or msi:
the Rt. Rev. A. H. Randolph, D. D„
bishop of the diocese.of Southern Vir
ginia, and the presentation by Mrs.
William Ruffin Cox, president of the
National and the Virginia societies of
Colonial Dames, of the memorial build
ing. Joseph Bryan represented the So
ciety for the Preservation of Virginia
Antiquities. Mrs. Barrett Wendell, the
chairman of the natlonol executive
committee of the Jamestown Memorial
Association, read the deed of gift from
the Dames to the association. Lunch
eon was served on the steamer Imme
diately *fter the re-embarkatlon for the
return trip from the Island.
At the second annual meeting of the
Georgia Mothers' Congress, of which
Mrs. Robert Zahner Is president, pro
grams of especial interest will bo pre
On Wednesday afternoon at 2:20
o'clock the congress will convens at the
First Methodist church, when Mr*. W.
H. Felton, off Cartersvllle, will apeak.
Mrs. W. P. Pattlllo will also address
the congress Wednesday afternoon,
taking as her theme "Healthy Homes. 1 '
Arrangements ara being made for a
mass meeting to be held Wednesday
night at the First Methodist church, at
which time Dr. J. B. French will apeak
upon "Tho Child In the Church." snd
the religious aide of the child question
will be discussed.
The many friends of Mrs. St. Elmo
Massengsle will be glad to learn that
she la gome better. She has been 111
with appendicitis for several weeks.
Mr. J. R. Nutting left Sunday night
for Savannah, sailing on the "City of
Atlanta" Monday afternoon- for a
week’s visit to New York.
Mr. and Mr*. Nathaniel F. Jackson
are delightfully situated at Marietta,
where they will remain for several
weeks lonaer.
Mrs. Caroline 8. Whitmire, who has
charge of the social department of Th*
Rome Tribune, spent Monday in Atlan-
ta. returning to Rome In the after
noon. Mrs. Whitmire, who I* a woman
of unusual personal charm, will be con
nected wltn Shorter College in the au
tumn at the same time continuing cer.
tain phase* of journalistic work on The
Miss Emms Belle Lowndes la visit
ing In Greensbqro, x, C.
Mlsa Aline Bucftmsn. who has been
the guest of Mra. George Chapin, has
returned home.
Mr. and Mr*. William \fc. Austell,
have tv*en at the Aragon for »ev-
ernl weeks, will leave the first of June
for thnr country home at Austell, ta
ler they will visit the Jamestown Ex
Mr. and Mrs. George Boh on. of
Howardstyirg? Ky, are the guests of'
Mr. and Mrs. George Ralne, havln*
been called here by the critical illnesl
of George Ralne, the younger son ni
The many friends of Miss Annl|
Clare Hugueley will regret to lean
that she Is quite 111 at St. Joseph
Mr. Theodore Mast, secretary of tn
Atlanta Lodge of Elk* was a prominent
visitor to the . Elks' convention. Mr.
Mast Is ons of Atlanta’s most progrei-
■Ive citizens, and has a wide circle of
friends over the stats and a few mtrs
were adde to the list while in Rotneo-
Rome Tribune.
The friends of Miss Junta McKin
ley, who Is 111 at a private sanitarium,
will be gratified to learn that she «
progressing satisfactorily.
Mrs. Carrie Buckner, of Winchester,
Ky., who has been In Atlanta for ths
past month, is again the guest of rel
atives In Asheville. Mr*. Buckner Is
at present with Miss Alexander on Lib
erty street.—Asheville Citizen.
Miss Susie Johnson, of Asheville, wits
ha* spent the winter in Florida, Is nog
visiting friends In Atlanta.
Mrs. James Thomas la the guest if
her parents. Judge and Mra. Edmund
Baxter, at Nashville.
Mrs. J. B. S. Holmes, of Valdosta, is
the guest of Mra. Algood Holmes.
Mrs. J. M. Hamilton has recovereil
from her recent Illness.
Mrs. S. E. Gabbett leave* next week
for a visit to Richmond.
Mra. H. M. Patty and Miss Katha*.
rlne Patty have returned from Missis
Miss Aurelia Speer will visit her sis
ter. Mra. W. H. Huntley, In Buffalo.
Mr. Slg Leers has returned from *
visit to New York.
Mr*. J. B. Murrow^ of Tlfton. Is tbr
guest of her sister. Mrs. A. R. Coleorot
The Matrons’ Thursday Afternoon
Club will hold It* last meeting tout
week with Mrs. R. H. White.
Mrs. Winslow’s S&fclVv&I
Soothing Syrup
For diarrhcea* — rt of t>»
Sold by druggist* In mn F* rt 01
Twenty-five Cents a Bottle.
Ouanuurvu under ;n* C..te
Drug act. June 20. I»0«- Sel 41
tier lOii.