Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, May 31, 1907, Image 10

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SOCIET [Z srft* I ... sTT*- . , Mrs. George C. Bill, Editor. gSTLSKS.) *-!«■»»• 1 And Womans Interests SLEEP, LITTLE ONE, SLEEP. (To little Julia France* Patton.) Shadows now are softly falling. Sand-man, too, will soon be calling— Close your little eyelids, dear; Don't be 'frald. for mother’s near— Drift away In slumber deep— Sleep, little one, sleepl Lay your head on mother's breaat— Tiny tired feet may rest: Old Bru' Rabbit says "Clood-nlghL" Mr. Owl Is now In sight— Float away to dreamland's keep, Sleep, little one, sleep! Lady moon so for up there. Smiling down on baby dear; Little bead la drooping low. Bending slowly, slower, slow! ! Gobbollns are soon to creep- sleep, little one, sleep! Fairy forms are gliding round thee, Angels watch In ecstacy; ■ Happy childhood Knows np sorrow— Thinks'not of . the coming morrow; Close your eyes, now don't you peep! Sleep, little one, sleep! —JULIA FOLSOM PATTON. MISS WOODWARD’8 BRIDGE. •Friday afternoon Miss Morion Wood, ward entertained at a small bridge tea at her home on Peachtree street In cbmpllment to Miss Blanche Carson and her bridesmaids. The house was prettily-decorated with sweet peas, and after the. game delicious refreshments were served. Miss Woodward wore an attractive gown of green silk mull, trimmed with lace. Mrs. Woodward was gowned In white mull. At each table there were prizes, and the occasion was most enjoyable. parke'r^green. A very romantic marriage took place at Whlgham Wednesday at IS:SO o'clock In the afternoon. The contract ing parties were Miss Pansy Green, of Pelham, Ga., who for the past two years has been a teacher In the Whlg ham High School, and Mr. W. L. Park er, a young business man of Whlgham. The wedding was to have taken place on June 26, In Camilla, Ga, at the home of the bride’s brother, Mr. J. L. Green, but as Mr. Parker Is now sick at typhoid fever. It was decided that the marriage should take place at once. Accordingly Miss Pansy Green, ac companied by her sister. Miss Edna Green, and her brother, Mr. J. L. Green, went down from Camilla to Whlgham and the marriage ceremony was per formed at the bedside of Mr. Parker, Rev. H. P. Stubbs officiating. buffetTupper. Miss Julia Meador was the hostess at a delightful buffet supper Thursday evening at her home on Linden street, 1 Splendid Thsater Party The employees of the great firm of Cbomberlln-Johnson-DuBoee Company will be given a theater party Friday night at the Grand, to enjoy the pre sentatlon of "The Henrietta" by the Fawcett Stock Company. Two hundred seat* have been reaenr ed and will be occupied by representa tives of Chamberlln-Johnson-DuBose Company as the guests of the Arm. The party will Include Miss Pearl White, Miss Julia Hoyt, Mr. C. J. Mc- Elheney,' Miss Olive Cheek, Mr. Paul Thrower, Mr. Ernest Allen, Mr. Edwin Wqpds, Mr. W. H. Scott, Mr. Claude Saye, Mr. Joe Farmer, Mr. Tom Bar ker, Mr. Ezra Whitmire, Mlrs Agnes Sims, Miss DeLatJey. Miss V. Jolly, Miss Myrtle Kline, Mr. A. K. Brldwell, Mr. J. B. Gentle, Mr. S. J. Bradford, Miss Lizzie Whltner, .Miss Wlllfo Smith, Miss Lillian rSaott, Miss Nell Brown, Miss Pauline Felker, Miss Mattie C. Cline, Mrs. B. Shaw, Mr. Glen High tower, Miss Farrow, Mr. F. E. Hunn. Mr. A. J. Miller, Mr. H. F. Halley, Mr. P. Walker, Mr. Walthour, Mr. Cardie, Mr. E. Winn, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Ma lone, Mr. Raisins, Mr. A. Hcstley, Mr. V. Fowler, Mr. W. Dodd, Mr. E. Miller, Mr. C. Ruttledge, Mr. C. Houston, Mr. Baldwin, Miss Virginia Snunlus, Miss Mabel Abbott, Miss Louise Sheard, Miss N'nnnle McAfee. Mlsa O'Toole, Miss Lillian Clarke, Miss Emmie ■ Al len, ■ Miss Mable Bernard, Miss Annie Lovelace. Miss Gallte, Miss A. M. Cain, Miss Stella Price. Miss B. S. Price, Mr, Roger 1 rarkeb, Mr. Henry Steele, Mr. Ernest McGIasson, Mr. E. L; Saye, Mr. W. T. Mills, Miss Marie Reddlgs, Mr. A. M. Langford, Miss McCord, Mr. M. E. 'Johnson, Mr.. A. W. Frohllek. Miss Kate Stringer, Mr. James Thomas, Mr. Henry Hood. Mr. George Coker. Mr. Claud Stanford. Mr. Alfred Anderson, Miss Maule Conley, Mrs. Floyd, Miss Agnes Harlrs, Miss Sallle Dobbs, Miss Nora Brown. Miss Cora Martin, Miss Agnes Strickland. Miss Eva Lawshe. Miss Ethel: Herring, Mr. Frank Pear son, Miss Gertrude Jeffries, Mrs. Jef fries, Miss Jetoell Holbrook, Miss Ruth Mitchell, Miss Florence Gray, Miss Nellie Grace. Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Evans, Miss Louise P. Moore, Miss Bertha Street, Mrs. W. J. Ivy. Mrs. E. D. White, 'Miss Willie Phillips, Miss Laura Wiggins, Mrs. M. Holbrook, Miss V. Mlsterfedt. Miss Annie Yarbrough. Miss Lizzie Reeves, Miss Fannie Ter rell, Miss A. Mlsterfedt. Miss Mary McKle, Mrs. A- B. Jay, Miss S. J. Tay lor, Mrs. S. E. Lynch, Miss Jano Far ley, Miss Addle Johnson, Miss Ella Lewis, Miss Bertha Price, Miss Till Mann, Mrs. S. S. E. Dozier. Miss Claudia Hart, Mrs. L. Gardiner. Miss Ella Milner. Mrs. A. D. Wright. Miss Gussle nandoll, Miss Kate Neal, Mrs. Wardlaw, Miss Lizzie Hanks, Miss Mary Lumpkin, Sirs. Willard, Mrs. A. Smith, Miss A. K. Clark. Miss Adelle Summers, Mrs. Busha, Mr. James Fitz patrick, Miss Seba Huff, Miss Bessie Allen. Mr. Charles Boss Berry, Miss Cecelia Keating, Miss Eleanor Dan fort!:, Mr. Ben Dorsey, Mr. Dan Ray. Mr. Milner Bishop, Mr. O. D. Lyle. Mr. JeBse Longlno, Mr. J. D. Newman, Mr. Homer Moulding, Mr. Frank HI1L Mr. Willie Kline, Mr. A. Saye, Mr. Gus Trammell, Mr. A. W. Hoslam, Miss Nelllo Austin. Miss Annie Jocks, Mr; Joo Lee, Miss .Alice Johnson, Miss Grace Austin, Sirs. K. P. Cantrell. Miss Mamlo Daniel, Mr. G. E. McTeer. Mr. C. O. Sheridan, Mr. Mark Shorldan, Mr, Walter Harris, Mr. Walcott Mc- Olasson, Mr. B. W. Smith, Mr. W. A. Relsse, Miss Stella Maler, Miss Sallle Maler, Misb M. Kelly,'Mr. S. S. Low er, Mr. A. L. Sweet, Mr. E. S. Kendrick, Mr. Philip McKinney. Mr. Will McKin ney, Miss Olivia Kennedy, Mr. W. L. Wilson, Mr. M. E. Jordan, Miss Kate Pruitt, Miss Mary Maher. Mr. Lane Lewis, Mr. Milton Hawthorne, Mr. L. W. Hollingsworth, Miss Pearl Jacks. the Piedmont Hotel, will also stop over to attend the opening of the Southern Golf Association, of which Mr. Smith Is president, and which will bo attended the hall and library daisies were ft J*"“V :Prominent men from all over You cannot have healthy chil dren by improper feeding. Let them be reared on good, healthy, nourishing food like Iff PRICE S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD to make them a nation of phys ical and mental workers. Its the best food for growing children, the feeble and the aged. » For sale Ijv all Grocore the occasion being a compliment to Miss Lottie Austin and Mr. Ernest Pat terson. whose marriage will take place June 6. In th. used In profusion, and In the dining room, where delicious refreshments were served, the table and buffet were decorated with red roses and ferns. • Miss Meador was gowned In white net. Miss Austin wore a toilet of pink flowered measallne silk. Mrs. Meador wore a pretty white mull trimmed with lace. MR. DRUKENmTlLER HONORED. Mr. Solon Drukenmlller has been engaged to alng the principal tenor parte at the commencement exercises of the Greenville Female College, In Greenville, S. <?:; on next Sunday. YOUNG WOMAN'S CLASS. The subject to bo discussed before the Young Woman'* Claes of Trinity church next Sunday will be 'The Spirit of Christ." All young women will be welcomed. NASHVILLIANiTlN ATLANTA. Nashville society will be well repre sented next week at the marriage of Mias Blanche Carson and Mr. E. E. Dougherty'In Atlanta, Juno 5. Miss Elite Lipscomb, maid of honor In the marriage, left last night for Atlanta, and a private car party, which goes Sunday night, Includes In Its person nel: Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Smith, Misses Alice Gertrude and Alice R. Smith, who go to attend several of the prenuptial entertainments, Including ono given by Miss Martha Whitman, who, like Miss Carson, has visited Miss Lipscomb and bai many friends here. Mr. Smith's party, which will be at lanta Sunday night to remain Juno 6. Several other Nashvillians may also bo In attendance.—Nashville Banner. Baby's health and comfort come first. There Is as much depending on the bath and care of the tender little body as on the food. The best soap to use to Insure clean liness without Injury has ever been a question. Strong alkali soap causes Ir ritation and discomfort. A soap with poisonous fat may cause disease and even death. Krom soap has been made since 1876, and Is the only soap used for scalp and hair In many homes. Careful mothers use nothing else on the tender bodies of their babies. It* soothing effect proves Its purity and freedom from poisonous fats. Full directions for care of the skin, scalp and hair aro given with every cake of Krom soap. At drug stores or by mall 25c a cake. KROM SOAP CO., Atlanta, Ga. WOLF-RACHEL8. On Wednesday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Dunn, 107 Ivy street, occurred a ceremony which will be of Interest to a wide circle of friends throughout the state, when Miss Mnytne Rachels and Mr. Arthur M. Wolf, of Dalton, Ga.. were united In marriage. Rev. E. D. Ellenwood, pastor of the Unlveraallet church of this city. In the presence of a few very Intlmato friends, performed the ceremony. After' receiving the congratulations | Beautify the Complexion Nadinola CREAM, the un- equaled bcautifier it endorsed by thousands and guaranteed to remove freckle#, p j m p 1 e e. liver-spots, tan, eallowneaa, etc., the wo ret case in 20 days, and restore the beauty of youth. Price 50 cent# and $1.00, by leading druggist# or mail, Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO.. Parle. Tcaa. CHILDREN >EETHINq Mrs. Winslow's over FIFTyTkAk' Soothing Syrup iMijfeMrog “ ralU ® ^ F THEIRCHILDRKN WHILE TEETHING WITH PERFECT SUO- CESS. IT SOOTHES THE CHILD, SOFTENS THE GUMS, ALLAYS ALL PAIN, CURES WIND COLtc, and Is the BEST REMEDY FOR DIARRHOEA. • , „ Sold by druggist* In every part of the world. Twenty-five Cents a Bottle. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drug act, June 30. 1206. Serial sum her 1098. In Memory of Mrs. Lou C. Adler, Nee Jennie Lillienthal. Tho shadow of her 1onl*» like an eclipse, has cost n gloom over oar entire com munity. We have lost her —she Is gone—"but not for* gotten.” Though God Is wise In ordering our des tiny, lie has snatched tho cup of Joy from her lips, plucked from her bosom . and left tho heart of her dear ones torn and bleed* and loving. Though ab sent now and the grieving itb me. I of many warm friends In Atlanta, where the bride has often visited, the happy couple left Thursday morning for Dublin, Ga., where they will reside. What Is best for the baby is con. stantly In the mother's mind Chafing, Itching and blistered skin often worry babies until they are sick—and the cause of the trouble Is Impure soap. Krom soap Is absolutely free from poisonous fate or strong alkali, and Is unexcelled for the nursery. It effec tively cleans the soalp, skin and hair, and gives a beautiful complexion. At druggists or by mall 25c per cake. Shoe Sale Continues Good Assortments Still Left In The Daniel Shoe Store- Stock Which We Are Closing Out At I -3 to l -2 Off Selling in our shoe department for the past few weeks has been phenomenal, breaking all past records. Wise buyers who have attended the sale say that no such shoe bargains have ever been offered elsewhere and many have bought from two to a dozen pairs at a time. The sale will continue for a few days longer, including the balance of the Daniel Shoe Store stock, together with certain lines from our regular stock which we are willing to sacrifice for quick clearance. Nearly all sizes and widths are included in most styles aud you’ll have no trouble in being fitted. Plenty of the stylish browns and tans still left. Included in the Sale Are Queen Quality Shoes for Women and Stacy Adams & Co. Mens Shoes In New Styles The Women’s Shoes The Men’s Shoes $1.00 High and Low-Cut Shoes, 60c $1.50 High and Low-Cut Shoes, 76c $2.00 High and Low-Cut Shoes, $1.00 $2.50 High and Low-Cut Shoes, $1.25 $3.00 High and Low-Cut Shoes, $1.50 $3.50 Iligh.and Low-Cut Shoes, $1.76 $4.00 High and Low-Cut Shoes, $2.00 — - -- - - t> $2.50 Women’8 Women’s Women’s Women’s Women’s Women’s Women’s _ Women’s $5.00 High and Low-Cut Shoes, Men’s $2.00 Men’8 $2.50 Men’s $3.00 lien’s $3.50 Men’s $4.00 Men’s $5.00 Men’s $6.00 Men’s $6.50 High and High and High and High and High and High and High and High and Low-Cut Low-Cut Low-Cut Low-Cut Low-Cut Low-Cut Low-Cut Low-Cut Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at Shoes at $1.33 $1.67 $2.00 $2.33 $2.67 $3.33 $4.00 $4.33 INFANTS’ SOFT 80LE SHOES 25c to 21.00: WORTH DOUBLE Boys’ Shoes at One-Third Off Boys’ Shoes in best styles, black and tan, at 331-3 per cent off regular prices: $1.60 line at $1.00;.$2.00 line at $1.33; $2.60 line at $1.67; $3.00 line at $2.00; $3.50 line at $2.33. WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS $1.50 line, $1.00, $2.00 line, $1.33. Smith & Higgins V. ‘The Underselling Store.” Take Walker Street Cars. IN HONOR MI8S BEYMER. Mias Nelllo Stewart's euchre party Saturday morning will be a pretty com pliment to her guest. Miss Ruth Bey- mer, of Savannah. The Invited guests Include: MIsb Mary Haywood, Miss Aurelia Speer, Mies Harriett Calhoun, Miss Annie Sykes Rice, Miss Ethlyn Emmons, Miss Katherine Ellis, Miss Clifford West, Miss Elizabeth Morgan, Miss Passle May Ottley, Miss Mary Traylor, Miss Marjorie Brown, Miss'Hildreth Smith, Miss Marguerite Thomas, Miss Margue rite Hawkins, Miss Ruth Northcn, Miss Martha Francis. Miss Nora Bello Ros ser, Miss Sarah Rawson, Miss Elizabeth Rawson, Miss Sltvey Speer, Miss Julia Howell, Miss Mary Helen Moody, Miss M. A. Hunnlcutt, Miss Maggie Johfison, Miss Sallle Coles, Miss Betty Peabody, Miss Fannie Joseph. GAIETIES'AT ATHEN8. Special to The Georgian. ’ Athene, Go., May $1.—Athens has had a number of visitors this week and many charming entertainments have been given In their honor. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. William F. Dorsey was the hostess at a large reception, the wives of visiting mayors being the honoroes. The attractiveness of tho Dorsey homo was accentuated by beautiful decorations, bridesmaid roses, sweet peas and nasturtiums be ing tho flowers used. Over two hun dred ladles called during the receiving hours. Monday evening the Alumnae Asso ciation of the State Normal School held its annual banquet, two hundred and llfty graduates and members of the faculty being present. The dining hall was decorated In daisies and yellow and white bunting, these being the class flowers and colors of 1207. Mr. Fred J. Orr presided as toastmaster and the speakers were Mlsa Mary Dwells, Mr. Charles Calhoun, Miss Mary D. Lyndon and Mr. Harry Hodg son. A number 'of others made Im promptu speeches. SUBSCRIPTION DANCE. The chaperons for the subscription dance Friday evening at Segadlo’s Hall are: Mr. and Mrs. John Maddox, Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Valdemlr Gude, Judge and Mrs. Rsbert Wesscls. in honoTvisitors. Mrs. Preston Arkwright will enter tain at a luncheon Saturday In corfipli- ment to Miss Marian May and Mrs. William Tilt, both of MffW York, who are charming visitors In the city. OFFICERS FOrTtHENS CLUB. At a meeting of the Athene Woman’s Club, held Monday afternoon, the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year were elected: President. Mrs. H. C. White; vice president. Miss Wood berry: recording secretary, Mrs. J. Z. Hoke: correspond ing secretary, Mrs. J. J. Strickland; treasurer, Mrs. W. J. Peeples. CAKE SALE. The young ladles of the First Chris tian church will hold their rejnilar Sat urday sale at 168 Peachtree street. June 1. Home-made brown breads, cakes and i candy will be on sale. Benefit of tbe organ fund for the new church. 1 IN HONOR MISS VILLC. Mrs. St, Elmo Massengale cntertal at a charming bridge party Friday aft ernoon at her home In West End, in compliment to Miss Nettle Mills, one of tile Juno brides. The pretty decorations throughout the house were sweet peas and ferns. The bridge prizes were a set of gold pins and a fancy work apron. Miss .Mills was presented with a handsome pldbirs Mrs. Massengale received her guests In a becoming gown of white mull trim med with lace. Miss Mills was attractively gowned In cream batiste and lace. The refreshments, which followed the game, were delicious and carried out tho sweet pea decorations. Ices were served In the form of baskets filled with the flowers and In the cream were hid den thimble and bodkin. Invited to meet Miss Mills were Miss Mabel Loveless, Miss Lillian Harris, Miss Mildred Harris, Miss Mary How ell, Miss Nan Stephens. Miss Edith Cofleld, Miss Gertrude Brandon, .Miss Lee Brandon, Miss Alice May Maasen- nle, Mre. John Simpson. Mrs. W. E. Foster, Mrs. Marshall Eckford, Mrs. J, Myrick Beasley, Mrs. Howard Arnold, Mrs. McWhorter Milner and Mrs. Frank Baker, Every woman likes fine, glossy hair, the hall mark of birth and breeding. By the constant and careful use of Krom's soap, every woman can keep her hair clean and her scalp In a healthful condition; then by frequent and regular brushing, the hair becomes glossy, and after a time, finer In qual ity. Directions for use and best way to cars for the hair given with every cake of Krom's soap sold. Krom soap Is a perfect hygienic rem edy, unequalled' for nursery, toilet or bath. At druggists or by mall 26c per cake. KROM SOAP CO, Atlanta, Ga. TO MISS AUSTIN. Miss Lottie Austin was honor guest Friday afternoon at tho lovely /card party given by Mrs. Virginia Parks, and Miss Parks and assembling a con genial party of friends. . Those present were Mrs. W. F. Aus tin, Mrs. Henry Williams, Mrs. George Kelly, of Birmingham; Mrs. Joseph Regensteln, Mrs. Olln Pattlflo, Mrs. Guy Mitchell, Mrs. Joel Hunter, Mrs. Henry Leonard, Jr, Miss Aline Patterson, Miss Julia Meador, Miss Nanelle Craw ford, Miss Mabelle Alexander, Miss Louise Johnson, Miss Marjorie Pew, Miss Bessie Welslger. Miss Marie Sclple, Miss Florence Darling, Miss Haltlo Lee West, Miss Nora Brown, Miss Juanita Tyler, Miss Cora Brown, Mrs. O. C. Fuller, Mrs. Cordelia At kinson, Miss Kate Peters, Mrs. Clar ence Everett and Mrs. John Mooro. The card tables were placed on the spacious-verandas, which are fitted up as ideal summer parlors, and which were made most bright and attractive by the use of many summer flowers. At the conclusion of the game a de licious course luncheon was served. Mrs. Parks received her guests In a gown of white mull, hand .embroidered In black. Miss Virginia Parks wore a white lingerie gown of softest mull trimmed with lace. :iss Lottie Austin wore a smart suit rhtte cloth trimmed with Cluny lace, her hat of brown straw, trimmed with brown plumes and tulle. The prises at bridge were silk hose and a piece of hand-embroidered lln- “Saturday Special. ” Cocoanut Candy Chocolate, White and Maple. 29 Cents Per Pound. The finest South American cocoanut—p ure sugar—a little rich cream. ‘ All blended in the most scientific manner into a perfect cocoanut candy. In half, one and two pound boxes; packed, wrapped and tied. The low price is for Saturday only. t| _ 34 Whitehall St. Retail Stores: 28 Marietta St. 103 Peachtree St. ... Wedding Presents... The best people In the land, people of culture and refinement, are the largest users of our Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass and Art Goods, because of their reasonable prices, and because they are exactly suited for their requirements. * Eugene V. Haynes* Co., Diamond Importers. 37 Whitehall Street. gerle. Miss Austin, the bride-elect, was giv en a linen shower, the, dainty articles falling from a beautiful parasol which was the gift of the hostess. IN HONOR~MISS MUSE. Miss Annie Muse, a bride-elect of June, was given a handkerchief shower Friday by her little kindergarten pu pils In West End. The handkerchiefs were very dainty and the occasion was much enjoyed. GEORGIA'S FAIR SPONSOR AND HER MAID OF HONOR amaaamnwi. Do you always buy Rich’s Dandy Candy? If not it’s because you haven’t tasted. EVERY SATURDAY—-just for a try. 29c a Box. Ready to serve! Just bits, then eat. It's Fresh. It's Nutritious. M. RICH 4. BROS. CO. CANDY CORNER. If IRKCALDIV iv GOWNS & Reflect Every Phase of Fashion. Exclusive and Original Designs. 731-2 Whitehall Street. ■ r-fi MISS JEANETTE SWIFT AND MRS. WILLIS JONES. Miss Swift has bsen appointed by General A. J. West as sponsor for tho Georgia veterans, and har sister, Mrs. Willis Jones, Is named as her maid of honor. They are sistors, the daughters of Mrs. Lena Swift Huntloy, of Peachtree Road. c arMINATIvi Protects Your Baby From ail Teething Troubles, Sour Stomach, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus or Cholera Infantum. PUT'S CARMINATIVE makes babies bright, happy and robust. rise* your confidence in this remedy! It Is worthy of It. Pitt's Carminative Is ns harmless n* your baby-^absolutely free of any trace of morphine or nnreotlo drucs, and Is so rnaranteed under the National Pure Pood and Drur Act. ALL DRUGGISTS 25 CENTS THE LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO. ATLANTA, GEORGIA Real RelieT To BabjyhoocI A&P Specials Ceylonia for Ice Tea, pound, 50c and 70c Our Special Blend Coffee, pound 25c Norwegian Smoked Sar dines, tin 10c Keiller’s Orange Marme lade, jar 20c Southwell’s Marmelade, jar 18c Miller’s Marmelade, jar 18c 'phones. Whitshill WE RENOVATE MATTRESSES New Material, New Machinery, New Factory We guarantee nbsolutc Sat isfaction in every instance. ACME MATTRESS CO. Cor. Erwin and Jackson Sta. Bell Phone 6338 J. ‘ Atlanta, 1948 Hagan s Magnolia Balm, Mdnight.Winter,spring,Summer,FsU. SsmpIsPUBB. £youMfg.Co.«aS^8L Bnek&K a mo- j