Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, June 18, 1907, Image 12

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Want Ads. 10 c a Line. No ad. t.k.n for Ion than 30 oenta. Six word, of average length make a line. The following ratee are for eon eaeutivo ineertlona. Ratee for 3, 6 or 12 month.' eontraet furnithed on application. 1 time 10 cent, a line. 3 timee 81-3 cent, a line. 6 timea 71-2 eente a line. 28 timee 8 eente a line. Phone, Bell 4829 or Atlanta 4401, and wo will take your ad and charge it if your name ia in either phone directory. Ade muet be 'phoned by 12 o'clock to be ineerted the earn. day. Ade for SITUATIONS WANTED will be Ineerted FREE ONB TIME. (f \l BELL ... 4929 ATLANTA ... ... 4401 ^ ■ ^ PHONE YOUR WANTS AUCTION 8ALE8. B. BERNARD. THE LIVE AUCTIONEER, at 30 8. Pryor. will buy or fell jou oat Phone (Bell) 2901 WANTED HELP—MALE. HELP IS COMMERCIAL, MECHANICAL nation. 1022402$ Century building WANTED—SINGLE MAN OR ROY TO work on email farm; call between 0:30 and ft p. m. at 63 Cherry atreet, city. WANTED-OOOD A1 STENOGRAPHER. Tabernacle Emn‘ Tabernacle church WE WANT FIFTY MEN TO LEARN RAR her trade; few weeka complete#; little ei penae; positions for all wheu Through; tools given; wagea Saturdaya; diploma a granted* given; wagea Salt splendid chance. Moler Barter Coll WANTED-SEVERAL GOOD 80LICI tore. Mnat be steady and reliable, perlence preferred. Give referencee. dreaa In own writing, Solicitor, The Geor gian. CALL WHITE. OR ’PHONE FOR CATA logue and “Great Summer Placount” card, prangbon’a P. But. College. Piedmont Hoter block. WANTED - COMPETENT REMINGTON operatora fornlabed petition*. Remington Typewriter Co.. U8 Peachtree atreet. WANTED HELP—FEMALE. and reference#. P. WANTED—GOOD GIRLS FOR PASTING and folding paper dreaa Pnatlng, core • WANTED—SOME ONE TO DO EMBROID- err on aome aheeta and napkins. Address Embroidery, care Georgian. TE L EGRA Pi IY. BOOKK E E PI NO. SHORT- band. Poaltlona guaranteed. Latest equip- neat. _Rallroad _ fare paid. Notea taken. WE TEACH GIRLS OR WOMEN. To become expert operators on Overalls, Paota and Coats/ Where they ean earn S12 to SIS per woek. Plenty of work and good pay while learning. Electric fans. New end modem factory. Nunn ally bros. & Mc- CREA. 41 EAST MITCHELL ST. WANTED HELP—Mil. and F.mal.. WANTED-* GOOD FEEDER, PRINTING FOR RENT—FURNI8HED ROOMS. BOtilK FURNISHING# AND LEASE— Elegant 4 room flat; goo«l neighborhood: close In; very low rent; leaving city; will sacrifice; 3400. worth PM. A real bargain. Phone llell 4292 at night. AT AUCTION. THE CONTENTS OF A 5- ROOM APARTMENT AT 20 S. PRYOR, WEDNES DAY, JUNE 19, AT 10 A. M. _iegant pivot wood ebnlra, ladles' desk, lamp shades, mahogany rock* era, Ubourettea, hall racks and many things too numerous to mention. BERNARD, Auctioneer. dence of the pun tendonce, thereby tlon and thereby obtain The Southern Auction and Salvage Co., ' 20 S. Prvor St. FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE BU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES. TALE AND OTHER BICYCLES SOLD on easy payments at eaah prices. Alexin- der-Elyva Co., » N. Pryor 8t. Atlanta, Oa. $30,000 WILL BUY THE BAINBBIDGB telephone avatem w4th toll line*; every thing new; central energy plant; cabled throughout; permanent franchise; no com- K tltfon: the moat«up-to^late plant In the nth; halnbrldge baa 7.003 live people; In five years will have 15.000; the franchise alone la worth the money. Whoever burs the property will baTe a big Income the balance of his life. Telepbouea are a ue ceaalty. The revenue* certain. Exper tised. Profit# aure. Netting now $7,0® i year. Investigate at once. F. K. Grabs Box F 67, Hal abridge, Ga. close In; low rent: leaving city; will aacri e; tm worth $800. A bargain. Phone 11 4292 at night. FARM AND INVEST MENT OPPORTUNITIES ON -THE SEABOARD AHt LINE RAILWAY. SOAP-STONE DEPOSITS—Embroc- Ing approximately forty acres, with in thirty-eight miles of Atlanta and very conveniently located with refer ence to transportation facilities. These deposit* will yield good-alxe blocks or •labs. The material saws easily, which Insures minimum quarry expense. Sam ples can be seen at our office. MICA DEPOSIT—Embracing about twenty acres. The Indications are exceptionally good, but it would be nec essary to make aome additional open ings before the full extent and value of the deposits can be determined. Prop erty Is nicely located for shipping. Tne enormous demand for this material and the high prices prevailing for both the sheet and scrap should make this op portunity very Inviting. FOR SALE FOR $200. LARGE SUBURBAN LOT cherted jtrest and runs back 130 feet to an “ ‘ t for the above price dress XI. 11. D., care raLiuii* .’i» r.o—* rumibi 1 U call on IV. II. It.ip.ii, jog Brown A Randolph building, bill 'pbou, MO*, to And what you want In f.ctory ,lto, and rail road front* REVEN-ROOM RESIDENCE. WITH largo Torandoa, pnntry, rloirti and la rue banoraont; flno won on bock porch: splendid orchard; cbolco varlottoo poocn. apple, plum, nut and Af treat. grape., borrloo, otc. Two scroo under now fonco; good born, poul try houooo. otc. Root locotloll In Smyrna, right on cor lino; 13.000. Two-thlrdo ctoh. Apply to or wrlto Lorlng Brown, Smyrna, THE BEST TRACT OF timbeJr BETWEEN ATLANTA AND BHtMINOIIAM IS FOR SALE. ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED oerco of virgin plno and hnrdwood. i'lno predominate., but there to aloo a magnlA- cent growth of white oak and poplar, with irlnkllng of Ano hickory. The timber to . lone-bodled, and average. well In dlara- olor. On a little more than t acre wo counted 200 largo nine trace which would easily cut 25o.0w root. The property will overage between «,ooo end 7,000 feet to the acre, pine M0,000 oak rroeo lice. The lead lo perfectly level, end efter timber te re moved will mnhe one of the beet stock, lo and rollon farina In the entire vgl Additional timber adjoin, tbla, and ran atao be secured. There la no Blast manufacturing n,h. doom, bUmla. Bowing, etc,, between Attanfr and Birmingham. and thta timber should prove especially Inviting LOCATION FOR PHYSICIAN—In a middle Georgia town, the only phy sician and surgeon, on account of age, desires to retire from a practice which has required many years to build up. Ills homo conalfts of eighty acre, of fine land, with an eight-room, two etory residence, barn, atnblee, etc. The rvatdenco In practically now. Tltlen perfect Price 12.000. with reasonable tirmg. LOCATION FOR FARMER AND FRUIT GROWER—285 acre* 11-1 miles from our main line, and same dlatance from a good town; 40 acrea of beautiful valley land; 140 acres hi cultivation; balance pasture and tim ber; 2,000 peach trees; 10C pearn and other fruits. A first-class nine-room, two-etory dwelling. three tenant houaee, barn, store house, etc. Price 120 per acre. WE WANT TIMBER—A tract of sweet gum or red gum. on or within three miles of cur line, for a crate and box manufacturer, who would establish a very large plant employing hlgh-claas labor. This proposition should there fore Interest any community on the Seaboard where the materials can be secured. For additional Information concerning these or other profitable op portunities for Investment, and for lit erature and property lists, call on or address H. B. RIOHAM. Assistant General Industrial Agent. 1109-11 Engllsh-Amerlcan Bldg., At lanta, Ga. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. Address Safe, care Georgian. BUGGY FOR SALE-HIGH-GRADE sec ond-hand top buggy, rubber til _ Griffin'. sublet FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS. One nsw No. ft Oliver One practically new No. 10 Yoat.....’ will lose money to fall to let \ DO NOT FORGET! lanta 'phono 380). while paying for It. Georgian office. GOOD HEALTH AND MAL CONDITIONS. uiHiuriuiiii'fB nr ri>iisii|iiiiiiiii, juu run lit' easily and permanently cured by the proper use of ••Dewberry’# Delight,’’ n scientific preparation that la so well known for Its curative powers. It Induce# good, sound sleep and re hlcb la very essential In restoring ncr >rce, SOLD BY ALL DRUG GISTS. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS Springer, 230 Peters street. MONEY TO LOAN. Company, 704 Candler building. Established 183a WEYMAN & CONNERS, EQUITABLE. Mortgage loana on real estate. MONEY TO LOAN AT f, 6 AND 7 PER cent Interest, according to security of. fered; small expense and prompt attention. SPECIAL HOME FUNDS TO LEND; any amount, 4ft, ft and 6 per cent Write or call 8. W. Carson, 24 south Broad atreet. Douse and buggy fob itM keep during summer; responsible person: good — take ** L — **-*• —~ “*-*-*■ ,eu. l’hmie Hell 4292 at night. WANT AUTOMOBILE. MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE at very loweet ratee. No delay*. Charles Herman, rooms 202-203 Temple court. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED NEW WEST Peachtree 1ft-room residence; Immediate possession; $85 per month. Phone'Hell 4292 'Phone 2480 main. WANTED BOARD. WIDOW WITH TWO CHILDREN. 11 AND THE CRAWFORD COAL AND ICE CO.. the cheapest place lo town to buy coal end wood. Biggest load for the money. Phones 322ft. LOST—Four - months - old setter puppy, white with small tan spot's on head and small black spots on back. Return to 113 Capitol Square and get reward. removal notice. . MOVED. 8CUE HATTERS HAVE MOVED TO 19 Whitehall ttreet. Qld bats made new i H. B. BIGHAM, Assistant General Indus trial Agent Seaboard Air Line Railway, 1109 Eng- lish-American Building, Atlanta, Ga. LANGUAGES. Italian, Latin, Greek. English, Elocution. TPTTTtl EXTRACTED WITHOUT ilsfe J.11 pain FREE. Platte, crowna, Brldgework. 12.60 up and guaranteed. All kinds of fllllnfs 60c up. ATLANTA DEN TAL PARLORS, second floor Bteioer-Kn- ery Bldg. Take elevator. DAVID W. YARBROUGH. MA8TEP PLUMBER. Phones 1255. 20 E. Hunter St ACCOUNTING AND AUDITINO. SHELDON AUDIT CO. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDIT- OR8. 611-619 Temple Court. Atlanta, Ga. Phone 113ft. Account! In litigation audited and report- FOUR PER CENT HOME MONEY TO lend on monthly payment plan; no delay; also money for nurrhnse money notes. Straight loans mnne at 6 p~ _ Rtrnltjht loans mm per cent/ and up- rahlllty of I * South llrond street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. _ TYPEWRITERS. ATLANTA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGB, DON'T WEAR PANAMA HATS THAT ARE DIRTY AND SOILED AND unt of ettanc. Ilnaec.v cleans, anil re-nhniiea nil nlil ooft anil atm felt anil t’nnama hata In Intent alylca. 2tU White- lint) street, Atlanta, On. now (effing nt 17". .Marietta car line. he. tween Chattahoochee avenue anil Marietta roait, uear I'nney cemetery. W. A. Cool, sexton. 'Phone Bell 19*3, Standard 869. OLD HATS MADE NEW. PANAMA HATS CLEANED AND RE- shaped 50c Soft or stiff hata cleaned and re-shap*d..ttc Soft or stiff straws cleaned and reshap ed. 36c to s6c Banda, bindings or sweats, 25c each extra. Out of town order# given prompt mention. Acme Hatters. 100ft Whitehall "* I Street. FURNACE8. HOUSE WARMING. OUR FRONT BANK STEEL FURNACES for heating. No ete»l furnace ever brought to Atlanta cr.n equal It. Call at our •tore, 10 Trinity avenue, and see. and you CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAK- MODELS AND NOVELTIES; PROMPT service. Bell 'phone 374. Atlanta Wood •ad Iroa Novelty Works. SSI Marietta ttreet chants end corporations a specialty. High- BAG COMPANY. Retail* and repairing, eat testimonials. Correspondence Invited., 1 77 Whitehall atreet ’Phone 1571. BODY IMMATERIAL. IF MACHINE IS GOOD STATE CASH PRICE AGE, ETC. NATIONAL AUTO CO., Care Georgian. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SCHOOLBOOKS. WE PAY CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF SALABLE SCHOOL books, now or second-hand. In any quau- “ * ‘ * * ». *PS. •Iso medical and law books. hone, lty; , 89 Bell or 475 Atlanta. Call at store, or mall list. SOUTHERN BOOK CONCERN. 71 Whitehall Street. Ask for Xlr. Gavan. BUGGY, 6N UOKHk (GENTLE) ANl» , monthly payment#; aome cash down. AU dreaa P. O. Box 302, city. FOR SALE BY OWNER Three five-room cottages for sale by owner, never been occupied; Nos. 276, 287 and 299 Ashby St., uear comer West Hunter Street. Only $50 cash and balance like rent. Also two nice six- room cottages uear Grant Park on very easy terms. Apply to ' FRANK EDMONDSON, 14 S. BROAD ST. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. ST SANDERS & CONWAY, *v Phone 5488. 412 Peters Big. nt W.00A—SOUTH KIRKWOOD, ON CAB line; lovely ft-room cottage; large rooms — and hall with wide verandas; on level lot. C- covered with oska and hickory tree#; lw p. by 400. Thla la simply ideal. You could f a not bur the vacant lot and bnlld the house today for 66,000, and still It la Juat as good as new. 63.350—A LOVELY, UP-TO-DATE 6-ROOM cottage near Pryor atreet, thla aide of Georgia avenue, on nice level lot. Tbla cottage It practically brand new, and pos session can be had at once. Location and neighborhood are very attractive; can make easy terffia on this to right party. “ 318.000-216x100; WITHIN STONE’S THROW 00 of new poatofflce site we have the pret- oo tleat piece of property of so large a alxe oo that can be had lu the cloie-ln north elde oo section. If InterestM, call In person. on 32,100-OAK STREET. NEAR ASHBY. WE ur 6* re 100 feet frontage that can’t be bent; ad will sell half of it at same rate If taken at once. It la about all there Is left In thla lovely section. All Improvements down. \our last chance. $2,900—SOUTH BOULEVARD, SIX-ROOM cottage on cut front ahady lot, 50 by — 200. House la practically brand-new and In excellent condition, will make terms of $250, balance like rent to right party If taken at once. 4 38.000—FOR A FEW DATS WE WILL OF- t- fer at this figure one of the best built homes In the city on Baker street, near D Spring street; hast ten rooms and two-room h aervant’a house; lot 62 by 150 to wide al ley. Loan $6,000, ft per cent, c®n ruu; bal- 3, auce can be paid on easy plan. 36.000 - COSY EIOIIT ROOM GORDON atreet home, on corner; beautifully lo- 8. rated. Lot la 52 by 200; level, ebndy; Is an e Ideal home. Are you In the market for such a proposition? Terms. $2.500—ONE ACRE CLOSE TO ONE OF “ the beat car lines; has brnnd-n**w six- room cottage on It; well built; cabinet man tel#, verandas, level lot, etc. What more do you want? Don’t ask us If this Is close In on Peachtree! 5 $2,000—CREW STREET HOME OF FIVE rooms, on lot 47 by 200, level and pretty. _ House Is only one year old; hna nice cab- Diet mantels, porcelain bath, sink In kitch en. Will make you a lovely home, and Is the cheapest place we know of for the v money. Terms. h «5.750-BETWEF.N THE I’BACIITREES c and close In we have a splendid 8-room house on level lot, 47x175. Tills Is undonbt- r edly one of the best bargains to be found c In the city. A loan of $2,500 nt 5ft per cent * can run. House rents to careful teuhut for $45 per month. • $2,700—RIGHT NEAR WEST PEACHTREE and close In we have a good 8-room 2- story house on nice lot. 50x100, renting for $25 per month. This will make you either a good close-ln homo or a capital Invest ment. SALESMEN—M’DONALD EUBANKS, I. W. HARRELL, A. L. BICKERS. NEWTON S. THOMAS, Real Estate. 422 Century Building, Phone Alain 2154-L. SOME LOTS IN INMAN PARK AND ELSEWHERE. AUGUSTA AVENUE (INMAN PARK); IDS by 210. Surrounded by lovely homes with magnificent grounds; the prettiest ground In Atlanta, and the price Is only $1,900, for a quick sale. MORELAND AVENUE (INMAN PARK); 73 by 175. Thla pretty level lot Is surround ed by homes of select folks; fronts the on- trnuco to Austin avenue, mid lies about half way between DeKnlh and Euclid ave nues. \ou can get no better location, aud the price is right; $1,500. CAPITOL AVENUE—A CORNER 160 FEET —running back 200 feet to an alley; five good lots, reasonably close in; the beat piece of ground I know of to build and make money off of. It Is fnlrly close iu. Price very reasonable. In fact, I know of noth ing ns cheap, considering location. Houses built here will sell quick, and without nny J trouble, for the location Is right. DELTA rLACE, INMAN PARK; 67 BY 200 to alley; price $1,500. Large oak trees on this lot, right at Edgewood avenue and car lines. I-ofc Is level, and tho neighbor hood can’t be bent. Why pay twice as much for a lot out In the woods, where you will have to wait five years to have a . uelghhor tn hailing distance? Thla la good 1 stuff, and the price la right. OAK STREET, WEST ESI), I HAVE 0 three level lots; well shaded with oaks, which I can sell for $600 each, except the c corner, which Is 1700. No better place In Atlnutn to plant your money for a sure and substantial increase, or to build you a home c in a first-class neighborhood. M III ex- _ change these lots f$r Income property. T WANTED—SITUATIONS. J WANTED-POSITION BY EXPERIENCED F lady stenographer; willing to assist In of fice work; no objection To leaving city. 8teno K„ 21 Washington street. v HIGH-GRADE CLOTHING AND FUR- m nlshlug goods salesman, accustomed to c with good hobao; small sninry to stn’rt; ref- ^ ereneea. Address G. A. T., care Georgian. Ir WANTED—A POSITION BY A GOOD, - steady young man, 18 year# old. as office helper or soda Jerker. Address It. II. R., care Georgian. BOY. 14 YEARS OLD, NOT AFRAID TO work, want# home with good family on the farm. Address nt once Francis Mood- ward. lift Weat Harris street, Atlanta, Ga. TRAVELING MAN WITH LONG ROAD experience In all Southern states Is open for engagement In any capacity In which his service# can be made useful. Address Capacity, care Georglau. FOR RENT—HOU3E8. P FOR RENT—SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE IN Decatur; on nice shaded lot; dote to car. Box 62. Decatur, Ga. FOR RENT. SALE OR EXCHANGE. AT Llthla Springs, a lovely furnished cottage by the month or year. Address Mra. W. R. Rurkert, Llthla Springs, Ga. u FOR RENT-NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE; IT IS \\ thoroughly modern; poreelalu bath, mirror * mantels; elevated corner lot; one block from Forrest avenue. Address Owner, care h Georgian. ° FOR RENT. i e Parties looking for houses n or flats ean obtain a com- . plete lisf of all property for S1 rent in the city by calling at tl J. M. High Co.’8, in Furai- al ture Department. No charge for information. FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR 8ALE—REAL ESTATE No. 238 Washtingon Street • Here is a beautiful residence in one of the choice blocks on Washington street offered at $7,500. It’s a chance for some one to get a desirable home at less than value. Terms can be arranged. FORREST & GEORGE ADAIR. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. $3,500—NORTH SIDE HOME. No. 249 E. Pine—an at tractive six - room cottage with all the conveniences on slightly elevated lot 50x140.- Can be bought for $1,200 cash, rest $35.00 per month. It is a choice neighborhood, the best part of Pine. We recommend this proposition to any investor or to any one wanting a cottage home on North Side. JAMES L. LOGAN & CO. Bell Phone 2102. Atlanta Phone 676. 301 Peters Building. FOR RENT. Elegant Apartments, THE AVALON. VEST TEACHTREE STREET AND North avenue; handsomest apartment T. B. FERRIS, 218-219 Century Building, Phone 438 Main. FOR 8ALE—MISCELLANEOUS. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK OF FURNITURE AT PRACTICALLY COST <p<ptp'Ptp<p<p<+l$ T. Y. BRENT A, CO., Oakland City, Ga. Bell Phone 279 West. At lanta 1590. IE FARM. 5 MILES FROM Atlanta, with timber enough to pay e. Oak, hickory and pine of growth. Only 335 per acre. ter of town. Vacant lot 115 by 350, rented at 311 per month, a bargain RENT—ONE tage, 115.00. 6-ROOM COT RENT—ONE tage, 323.60. 7-ROOM COT and Lawton street, Oakland. Have to build tome nice cottage, for you EDWQJ P. ANSLEY, Real Estate, 4-6-8-10 East Alabama St. PHONES: BELL 339 A 3*3. ATLANTA 2*0. Do you want a permanent $20,000. SACRIFICE SALE AT ROBISON- MARTIN FURNITURE COMPANY. 320.000 8TOCK OF FURNITURE THROWN on the market at practically coat. Hav- lng made some changes In onr bu#!ne#i, we are dealroua of converting the greater por tion of our Immense stock Into caab. To do - . , COM your own price: Here’s only a sample: $6ft Mahogany Davenports $50 Mission Oak Davenport Beds $35 Mahogany Davenport Beds .13 $45 Beat No. 1 Leather Conches ..$31 322 Imitation Leather Couch'*] ..IIS $20 Cedar Lined Box Couches ..US $100 Quartered Oak Bed Room Suita ... ..$» $80 Quartered Oak Bed Room Suits ... $50 Quartered Oak Bed Room Suite ... ..13 $75 Mahogany Bed Room Aults ..BO Every Bed Room Suit In the House $10 to $25 a suit. Cut $50 Genuine Mahogany Dressers .139 $50 Mahogany Chiffoniers to match .... •IS 3*9 Genuine Mahogany Prlnreie Drener, 13 $25 Veneered Mahogany Dresser# .W $40 All Brass Beds .83 Prices on Iron Beds cbt almest in half. A Beautiful Lot of Framed Pictures go st leas than the price of the frame. Sideboards. Dining Tablet, China Cloxets, Hall Racka and Rocking Chair# at ’ He- tory Price*.” Bugs, Mattings and Art Square* chynper than they can be bought at wholesils from the Importer. At the«e jprlcea our terme will have t. practically ca«h. be All partlea living within a nrtlna of W miles of Atlanta will be refunded their railroad fare to tho city on ceeh purehiie* of $100 or more. Now la the Golden Opportunity to pt your Furniture, Buga* ft* J° ur 0 price. ROBISON- MARTIN FURNITURE COMPANY, 23-27 EAST HUNTER STREET. $ 8 $$$$$$*