Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, July 13, 1907, Image 4

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HEADQUARTERS FOR SOUTH ERNERS. Ideal location near theater*, shops and Central Park. NEW, MODERN AND ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Coolest summer hotel in New York. All ontslde room*. Transient rate* 12.60 with bath, and up. Hpeclal rate* for summer month*. 8END FOR BOOKLET. HARRY P. STIMBON, Formerly with Hotel Imperial. ivlth Hotel Woodward. HOTEL #*ST. DENIS-. BROADWAY AND 11TH STREET £BW YORK*CITY, 4 ITltMt* Stay - A crew roffEwtr a Point*. of . lotvmt. Ililf Iilock from Wanimakvr'i, * 6 BlastM^walk of Sboppl** l)Utrict. v JfOTED roil11 E*cfHfnee of (M Oot& fort able Appointments, Coortcow 8«r»» Tie* and IIotacIlLo BurroaaOlogt, ROOMSTSCSOlPERiDAY AIIO OP EUROPEAN|PLAN,. Table d’Hotel Breakfast 50c. WM.TAYLOR & 80N, Inc. •pOTEMMAHTIXiarE. Pure water from a good spring is always good. Chick Springs Water is more than pure—it is a splendid medicinal water of tho highest quality. Chick Springs Water is used and recommended by good physicians from all of the Southern States. It is the best remedy for indigestion, kidney and liver complaints. It has been the means of restoring some to health who had given np all other means. Chick Springs is close by our hotel, it is free to our guests—The hotel is new, modern—you’ll liko it. Chick Springs Co., Chick Springs, S. C. HEALTH RE80RT GAMMON'S 8TR0NG EPSOM LITHIA 8PRING8. A aura chronic <1. connection* White mo whan for hack to moot you at Tata Spring* depot for Uamtnon'a Sprint*. J. W. Gammon. Prop., Tafo Sprints. Tctm. n. k. I). No. 16. Unto. II I ern Union i re euro for ladfteoffon and otfaor disease*. Telephone and tolctraph lona at Morristown. Dally mall. UP IN THE OZONE: "In the Land of tho 8ky” KENILWORTH INN Situated In a Private Park of 160 Acre*, Blltmore, Near Aehevllle, N. C. 2,500 Feet Above the 8ea Level. JUST THE PLACE TO SPEND THE SUMMER. Recognized a's tbe leading hotol In the mountains of Western North Carolina. So scenery In tho world will compare with tho view from this hotol. Mount Mitchell and Plsgnh In full view. Adjoins and over looks the Blltmoro estate. Cool, Invigorating cllmhte, magnificently furnished, cuisine unsurpassed. Pure water. All vegetables from our private garden gathered fresh every mornln. Orchestra, golf, pool, bil liards, tennis, livery, beautiful rides and drives. Coach meets all trains nt niltmoro station. Consumptives not ac commodated under any circumstances. Coach Is operated by manage ment, running every half hour between trolloy from Asheville and the hotel. Open all the year. Write or wire for booklet and rates. EDGAR U. MOORE, Proprietor. HOTEL WOODWARD, Broadway and Fifty-Fifth Street. NEW YORK CITY. A high class transient and residential hotel, catering only to a refined and exclusive clientele.' T. D. GREEN, Manager. WHITE SULPHUR SPHIH6S GREENBRIER WEST VIRGINIA (The "OLD WHITE” Sulphur.) New pun. Turnout tor Its sulphur bath*. Jodora tiaproTfin.ut., with private l«th.. Permanent>. Term., Ill to BS week, BO to »0 per month. Write tor booklet. Address, GEO. A. MILLS. Jr, Manager. Qroeahtlor White Sulphur Springe. W. Va. FOB PROHIBITION ALL OVER THE CITY Program For Week of Ral lies and Ward Com mittees. Prohibition meetings arranged by tbe Pulton County Anti-Saloon League am of two kinds, rallies and ward commit tee meetings. The following It the prohibition program for the next sev- < n days: ■ Sunday Morning—Rally at Wesley Memorial church. Mr*. Mary Harris Armor, speaker. Rally at Walker Street church. Prominent members of legislature will "*Bunday Night—Rally at Wesley Me- mortal church. Hon. Seab. Wright, epeaker. Rally at Baptist tabernacle. Addi son Roddenbery. epeaker. Rally at St. Paul’s church. Judge W. A. Covington, speaker. Rally at Walker Street church. Leaders of prohibition cause will ^khSnday Night—Third ward meeting at 8t. Paul's church. Fourth ward meeting at Jsclcson Hill church. Tuesday Night—First ward meeting at Temple Baptist church. Second ward meeting at Trinity church. Seventh ward meeting at West End Church. On Tueeday and Thursday rallies will be held, the arrangement* for r-v.l-'.i mill be announced Monday. Hotel Cumberland Cumberland Island, Ga. HOYT OPEN—Remodeled, refitted and ready for the big gest and best season in the history of this fa mous resort. For full particulars write L. A. MILLER, Cumberland Island, Ga. Daily side trips will be mado to Fornandina and other points along the line. Go to Brunswick and • take the Cumberland Route. WARM SPRINGS, GEORGIA. . The Resort for Health, Rest and Pleasure. Mountain Climate; better liathiug than the Surf; only 75 miles from Atlanta; morning and afternoon trains via Southern Railway. Board $2.00 to $2.50 per day, $12.00 to $14.00 per week. Four or more weeks $10.50 to $12.50 per week. Special family rates. CHARLES L. DAVIS, Proprietor. Colleg'e ® CONSERVATORY of MUSIC for Women CHARLOTTE.* N. C. Experienced teacher.from ]ruling I EnropMn and American Unlrer- I cities and Conierratorlea College plant, $200,000.00; Perk I uunpus 20 acree. New, flro-proof I building.. A. D. and Elective De gree Course*, gcbool. at Muse. Art. Expression. Climate, health end thoroughness unsurpassed. Interdenominational. Coat MOO to MOO per year. Opens Sept, loth. Catalogue cn Application CMOS. B. KINO, Preildent THE SOUTH'S MOST SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED COLLEGE—PREPARATORY HOME SCHOOL The Georgia Military Academy, College Park, Georgia. Special preparation for Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, Mercer, Emory, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Our Certificate admits pupil without examination. Ten experienced teaohera, limit of 100 boarding pupils, each teacher having in chargo about 10 pupil* under our tutorial plan. Every teacher a specialist. Individual need* of every pupil carefully considered. Beautiful, extensive campus, artistic buildings, perfect sanitation, pure free-stone water, highest moral and social tone in refined collegs suburb, select patronage. Special physical development throug* ‘ “ ' * “ " ““ “ A gymnasium in the South. Preparation for all colleges and nati manual training, music. 9 water, highest moral ana social tone in rerined collegs ugh military drills,athletics, body-building in largest prep ational academies,bookkeeping, stenography, typewriting. COLONEL J. C. WOODWARD, A. M., President. JNIVEP.MTY IfHOOI FOR I10Y> Certificates accepted at Tech, and Georgia colleges in lieu of regular examination. Nine teachers, limited to 76 boys—largest and best equipped preparatory gymnasium in the state. Climate unsur passed; not a serious case of illness since school was established, (seven years ago). WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. W. B. GRIFFIN, A. M„ Principal. STONE MOUNTAIN, GA. *Ihe Georgia School qf Technology l> batter equipped end orfenlzed In ell depsrtments then ever before, end prepared (o do the beat work in its history. ' ' FREE SCHOLARSHIPS In order to afford the young men of Georgia hlgh-claii technical educetion, the legis lature has assigned fifteen free scholarships to eacb county in tbe state. Tike Immediate advantage of this opportunity ond write for latest catalog, containing all lnformaucn necessary for n prospective student, end setting forth the advantages of the Georgia Tech. Advanced courses in Mechanical, Electrical, Toxtlle, Mining, and Civil Engineering, Engi neering Chemistry, end Chemistry. Extensive and new equipment of Shop, M1U, Labora tories, etc. New Library and new Chemical Laboratory. Tho next session begins Sept 25, at which Ume prospective students are urged to report prompUy. for further InformaUon address „ _ ....... .. K. G. MATHESON, A. M., LL. D., President, ATLANTA. CA. Agnes Scott College FOR WOMEN DECATUR (Near Atlanta), GA. Offer* advantages equal to those of any educational Institution In the South. Elegant buildings, modern gymnasium, laboratories and fuU collegu equipment. Exceptional advantages in Music und Art. Ideal climate. Health record unsurpassed. Box It F. H. GAINES, D. D., President. WASHINGTON SEMINARY, NORTH AVENUE AND PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA. 30th year begin * September 12. Faculty of 18 specialist*. 238 students last session. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Small classes, averaging about ten, to secure personal Instruction: conservatory advantages in Music, Art, Elocution; three courses of study leading to full graduation; certificate admits to Vnssar, Wellesley, etc.; boarding students limited to 22 to pro vide refined home life; excellent primary department. Write for catalogue or phone 647-J North. L. D. SCOTT, EMMA SCOTT. Principals. AflBMIM BARNESVILLE, pvninm GEORGIA The leading: School of its kind in the South. The largest faculty. The most complete equip ment Bishop Candler: “Gordon Institute is the inveterate enemy of sham and humbug.” En dorsed by all the college presidents of the State. Unsurpassed climate. There has been but one death in the student body of Gordon in thirty- five years. Fall session begins September 6. For new Catalogue, address B. F. PICKETT, President SHORTER COLLEGE Education under ideal conditions is offered to girls and young women who can furnish satisfactory reference*. Session open* Sept. 12th. Requests for reservations will receive prompt and courteous attention. Interested persons are cautioned against delay in writing; but if the registration fee is received too Uts to secure tbe admission of the applicant, the money will be promptly re turned. If you would like to see the new 130-page catalogue, illustrated, write for It today. Address: T. 1. SIMMONS. LL D.. Prei. BOX 1005. ROME. GEORGIA. Endowed for the higher education of women Southern Female College, I , ^ _ Th. Second Oldo.t Callage 1 QUEEN OF THE MOUNTAINS, ■ Porter Springs, Ga. „ BELL PHONE. DAILY MAIL A moat delightful drive over aplendid country road from Gaintsvill*. Good hack aervlc*. No city's amoke tn mar the aky. NOW 6 P E N. No Bound of trattle alrlkea the ear; .jj„.. The hurt of nature give* the lie 22212^1"I To every thought of turmoil near. PORTER SPRINGS LAND CO., JOINT MEETING LED T( A peace conference between the board of health uml the board of edu cation Friday afternoon resulted In a war of warm word*, but no guna were Bred between the oppoalng armlca. It ull came about because of thoao Insanitary basement rooms of tho school houses which The Georgian showed up several months ago. The board of health look the matter In charge and Dr. Bernard Wolff wag ap pointed chairman of a committee to in vestigate the situation. He and tne committee found these room* poorly lighted and poorly ventilated and the board of health then asked the board of education to meet with the former In a conference. The board did nqt respond. Dr. Wolff addressed another letter to the presi dent of the board of education, which the president, Luther Z. Rosier, did not like. He told the board of health how little he liked It Friday afternoon. Dr. Wolff did not like the lone of Mr. Rosser's remarks. Mr. Rosser did not care. Dr. Wolff leaned forward. So did Mr. Rosser. Dr. C. F. Kenson, president of the bosrd of health, and Mayor Joyner, ex-officio member of both board*, got busy and soon the bet. Ilgerent* ceased tiring and hostilities ended. The matter of Insanitary base ments mad, Uttte progress. Appeal to Federal Court. Lorain, Ohio, July IS.—The American Shipbuilding Company has appealed to the FVderal court for protection against possible damage to property and vio lence against employees, aa a result of the second strike. JOHN A, BURGESS HAD ¥ FRIENDS HERE John A. Uurgess, of Toccoa, Go., who died last Monday night at his homo, after an acute attack of indigestion, was one of the most prominent citizens of Georgia, and the nows of his death was received in Atlanta with sorrow. Mr. llurgess was, born in Richmond, Va.. 59 years a*o, passing his early life and receiving his education in that city. He came to Toccoa about 1873, and was the first agent of the Southern railway, then known as the old Richmond and Danville road. He married Miss Texanna Davenport, ti e eldest daughter of.Colonel and Mrs. S. V. Davenport, of this city, moving back to Virginia, and spending most of his married life there, until recent years. It was a strange coincidence that the chamber that was hi* bridal chamber, after on Interval of several year* spent in another state, became the chamber of his death. Mr. Burges* was a loving, lovable man—a broad-minded, public-spirited citizen, associated with nearly all of Toccoa’* Industrie* and connected with many of, Its business enterprises. He was a prominent member of the Meth odist church. He was very talented In a literary way, and has left a book of unpublished verses and a volume or two of fiction. He was always sunny-hearted, cheerful and optimistic—a Christian whose soul ever bubbled over with music and in nocent good humor. A particularly noticeable side to his sunny disposition was bis great love of little children, and be was never quite so happy as when MEDICAL p.OLLEGE qf GEORGIA. rears' l , laboratories. Amnle facilities for clinical teaching. Two large hospitals and * patient clinic snu dispensary, under exclusive control of tbe faculty. For further Information, address Joseph E. Allen, M. D„ Dean, Augusta,Ga. THE ALABAMA BRENAU, eufavla. ala. A high-grade College-Conservatory for young ladles. Thorough count In Literary; special advantages In Music, Art, Oratory. Orchestra of fifteen Instruments. Beautiful new buildings located upon a magnificent ele vation. Ideal winter climate, splendid health record. Alabama Brenau Chautauqua takes place of usual commencement. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Reliable Indorsed by Boshes Fin. Incorporate!. $300,000.00 Capital ’ 29 Colleges b H States. Jno. F. Draughon. Pro. Sab PRACTICAL BUSINESS Known as tbe Up-to-Date Business Schools POSITIONS SECURED or MONEY REFUNDED lUMTUTtl CITHOGK FREE ippii-r by a coubsi ix nook* rKtt MAIL manihlp. Arithmetic, Telegraphy, Letter Writing, Law. Mechanical Drawing, Hull- ne„ English, or Illustrating FREE by HAIL to FIVE person. In each county, desiring to Shorthand, Pen- attend a business collaga, who will at once “ ‘ CLIP and send thla notice (mentioning this paper) to Draughon’s Practical Bus.Oolleg*; ATLANTA, 122 Peachtree, Piadmont Hotel Block) or Jacksonville or Mont gomery. Valet Posed as English Lord Negroes Would Become El\s LaGRANGE. GA. „ for Women In America. climate summer And winter. SUnd* 1th and MolUUoa. Fifteen •cbeota. Vor beautiful catalogue address M. W. HATTON, Pres,, La Grantee, Gcorglu. SUMMER SCHOOL. A. MICHAIiDSON, A. M. A WELL-ESTABLISHED SCHOOL. Ill utir own biilkllug nt our own home, and iu large, comfortable and well-ventilated - located at 800 ftpring street. Centra! yet retired and private. Common—■ “ nt rat Ion for any instlt ** * HONE NOUTU 597-J. Brenau Summer School and Chautauqua, SIMMER SCHOOL. JUNE 19-JULY 31— Chautauqua July. 18-31. Special noraml com sea for Music and Oratory teacher*. Courses In English, Mathematics, Ancient and Modern Languages. LorntIon among foothill* of lilue Ridge Mountain*, beauti ful sceuery, delightful summer climate, mineral waters. Doatiug, tiihlng, mouutulu excursion*. College dormitories open. Chautauqua held under cauvas tent near tbe short of take Warner. Camping outfit and privileges provided. Expcnso Very Moderate Write Per Prospectus IS YOUR BOY PREPARING FOR GEORGIA TECH? IF SO, SEND HIM TO DONALD FRASER SCHOOL f ?«boys WE REFER, BY PERMISSION. TO PRESIDENT K. O. MATHESON. OF THE GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY Far Catalog Write G. Hetman Gardner, Principal, Decatur, Ga. New York, July 15.—After posing for almost a year aa an English lord In whose family In reality he had once served ns valet, a man who boasted tbe aristocratic though self-bestowed name of Cecil W. do Moleyns, was ar rested here and started to Chicago to face the charge of wife abandonment. It Is said he also Is guilty of whole sale swindling In Western mining camps. The police are Ignorant of the man’s right name. The real Lord de Moleyns. or Lord Ventry, aa he Is more correctly stylo). Is now In Chicago, haring made the journey from Eng* land with the expressed purpose of helping the American police run down the adventurer. Frankfort. Ky., July IS.—Attorneys representing the secretary of state of Kentucky, the grand lodge Benevolent and Protective Order, has filed In tbe state tlscal court here an answer to a petition recently filed by the Falls City, lodge, No. 44. of the Improved Benevo lent and Protective Order of Elks of the World, an organisation of negroes, who are seeking to cugipel the secre tary of state to Issue to their organi zation a charter under the Kentucky laws. he had them romping about him. He leaves his wife and three children, Harry A Burgess, of New York; Karl Burgess, of Atlanta, and Mrs. W. IL Eckford. of Atlanta. He was very de voted to his family, which amounted to little less than Idolatry. PEONAGE FINES FOR LUMBER CO. harleston. W. Va.. July 15.—In the oral court here the Ritter Lumber Company, of Mebeu, Wyoming county, pleaded guilty to cliargee of conspiracy to hold employees In peonage. The In dictment contained twenty counts, the minimum One on eacb count being 91.0(H). ^ LUCY COBB INSTITUTE 1838 ATHENS, GA. ,908 The FIFTIETH session of the Lucy Cobb Institute will open Wed nesday, September 11. An Alumnae Reunion for semi-centennial year will be held June S and 4. Former teachers and pupils are expected. For catalogue, apply to M. RUTHERFORD, Principal. Alabama Polytechnic Institute ' “Auburn.” Oldest technological school tn tbe South. Courses (1) Civil, (2) Elec trical, (3) Mechanical, (4) Mining En- « glueering, (S) Architecture, (6) Metal lurgy, (7) Agriculture, Horticulture, and Veterinary Science, (8) Pharma- (9) Latin, Science. CHAS. T. THACH, M. A., LL.D„ President, GEM CITY Business College Quincy, DL RS3SS!1SmS.“5o'!o" KJiiSi**,jBSU. yng; waJaasss^ DR J. LEWI8 BROWN" WILL RE CEIVE PUPILS IN HIGHER PIANO AND ORGAN PLAYING, HARMONY, COUNTERPOINT AND COMPOSI TION, IN HI8 RESIDENCE STUDIOS, 271 IVY 8TREET. THREE MANUAL PIPE ORGANS FOR LESSONS AND PRACTICE.