Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, July 24, 1907, Image 6

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- iiiiiOiv(jriAiS A.Ni> JSL VviS. THEGEORGW0i GQ YOURSELF AND IF YOU Have a Family Send Them to LOOKOUT INN The South's Greatest Health and Pleasure Resort Above the Clouds. Always Cool with Bracing Breezes. No Mosquitos. Service and Cuisine Unsurpassed. Rates by the day, week or month Very Reasonable. Daily Concerts. ADDRj&g LOOKOUT INN LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. TE.NN. THE SOUTH’S MOST SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED COLLEGE—PREPARATORY HOME SCHOOL. The Georgia Military Academy, College Park, Georgia. Special preparation for Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, Mercer, Emory, Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Our Certificate admits pupil without examination. Ten experienced teacher*, limit of 100 boardi tutorial plan. " i, limit of 100 bo'arding pupils, each teacher having in charge about 10 pupil* under our Every teacher a specialist. Individual need* of every pupil carefully considered. Beautiful, * xt ® r }*'v* i «* spcuiaim. inuivinuni nccus ui • w* a».*j - - .,7 . c —- campus, artistic buildings, perfect sanit tion, pure free*stone water, highest' monri and social suburb, select patronage. . Special gymnasium in the South. Prepara 1 manual training, musio, pecial physi cal development throu. tion for all colleges and na gh mil'ltary drill., athlotlca, bodybuilding In [argent prep itiona^^acactemiee^bookkeejring^etenograph^ UNIVERSITY SCHOOL FOR BOYS Certificates accepted at Tech, and Georgia colleges in lieu of regular examination. Nine teachers, limited to 76 boys—largest and best equipped preparatory gymnasium in the state. Climate unsur passed; not a serious case of illness since school was established, (seven years ago). WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. W. B. GRIFFIN, A. M., Principal. STONE MOUNTAIN, GA. [College S CONSERVATORY g/MUSICfor Women CHARLOTTE, N, Experienced teacher* from loading European and American Univer- end Conservatories. I Collesre plant. 1260,000.00; Park I N ®^ { Are-prooi 1 buildings. A. B. and Elective lie. ifreo Couraea. Schools of Muse \ Ati. Exprtssion. Climate, health I and thoroughness unsurpaised Interdenominational. Cost ?360 to $600per year. Open* Sept 18th. Catalogue on Application — 4S CHAS. B. KING, Preildent BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA The leading School of its kind in the South. The largest faculty. The most complete equip ment Bishop Candler: "Gordon Institute is the inveterate enemy of sham and humbug.” En dorsed by all the college presidents of the State. Unsurpassed climate. There has been but one death in the student body of Gordon in thirty- five yeaiB. Fall session begins September 5. For new Catalogue, address B. F. PICKETT, President UR IN THE OZONE “In the Land of the 8ky” KENILWORTH INN 8ltuated In a Private Park of 160 Acree, Blltmore, Near Asheville, N. C. 2,500 Feet Above the Sea Level. JUST THE PLACE TO 8PEND THE SUMMER. ,» Recognized aa the leading hotel In the mountains of Western North • Carolina. No scenery In the world will compare with tho view from thU hotei. Mount Mitchell and Pisgah In full view. Adjoins and over looks the Blltmore estate. Cool, Invigorating climate, magnificently furnished, cuisine unsurpassed. Pure water. All vegetables from our private garden gathered fresh every mornln. Orchestra, golf, pool, bll- lfkrds, tennis, livery, beautiful rides and drives. ' Coach meets all trains at Blltmore station. Consumptives not ac commodated under any circumstances. Coach is operated by manage ment, running every half hour between trolley from Asheville and the hdtel. Open all the year. Write or wire for booklet and rates. EDGAR B. MOORE. Proprietor. Hotel Cumberland Cumberland Island, Ga. NOW OPEN—Remodeled, refitted and ready for the big gest and best season in the history of this fa mous resort. For full particulars write L. A. MILLER, Cumberland Island, Ga. Daily side trips will be made to Femandina and other points along the line. Go to Brunswick and take the Cumberland Route. WARM SPRINGS, GEORGIA. The Resort for Health, Rest qnd Pleasure. Mountain Climate; better bathing than the Surf; only 75 miles from Atlanta; morning and afternoon trains via Southern Railway. Board $2.00 to $2.50 per day, $12.00 to $14.00 per week. Four or more weeks $10.50 to $12.50 per week. Special family rates. CHARLES L. DAVIS, Proprietor. HOTEL CUMBERLAND, New York. Street Elevated. HEADQUARTERS FOR SOUTH ERNERS. Menl loentlon hear theater*, shop* and Central Park. NEW, MODERN AND ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Coolest summer hotel In New York. All outside room*. Transient rnto* $2.50 with hath, and up. Special rate* for summer month*. , SEND FOR BOOKLET. HARRY P. KTIM80N. Formerly with Hotel Imperial. R. J. DON'T GET LONESOME when aw my. Just order The Georgian and News sent to your new sddrsts daily. You'll have a real vacation if you do. 45 eonts a month, 10 cents a week. Phone 4928, or write circulation department, The Georgian and News. No troublo to chango address. HAVE A REAL VACATION and read The Georgian and Nswa ovary day while away. Sent everywhere 45 cents a month, 10 cents a week. Phono 4928 or writ# circulation department. The Georgian and Nows. No troublo to chongo address. HOTEL WOODWARD, Broadway and Fifty-Fifth Street. t NEW YORK CITY. A high class transient and residential hotel, catering only to a refined and exclusive clientele. T. D. GREEN, Manager. LUCY COBB INSTITUTE 18S8 ATHENS, GA. 1908 The FIFTIETH session of the Lucy Cobb Institute will open Wed nesday, September 11. An Alumnae Reunion for semi-centennial year will be held June 3 and 4. Former teachers and pupils are expected. For catalogue, apply to M. RUTHERFORD, Principal. Brenau Summer School and Chautauqua, CalNESVILUC. _ GEORGIA SUMMER SCHOOL. JUNE 19-JOLY 81-Chnnteuqiin July 18-M. Special noraml com... for Music end Oratory tonchere. Course. In EDslIsh. Msthsmstlcs, Ancient null Modern Ijmeuagee. Location among foothills of Blue Hides Mountains, beautl- fnl scenery, delightful summer climate, mineral waters. Boating, fishing, mountain excursions. College dormitories open. Chautancjnn held under canvas tent near ths short of Lake Warner. Comping outfit and prlrllegea provided. Expense Very Moderate Write For Prospectus THE ALABAMA BRENAU, eufaula,_ala. A hlRh-grade College-Conservatory for young ladles. Thorough course in Literary; special advantages In Music. Art, Oratory, Orchestra of fifteen Instrument*. Beautiful new buildings located upon a magnificent ele vation. Ideal winter climate, splendid health record. Alabama Brenau Chautauqua takes place of ubuaI commencement. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. 27re Georgia School of Technology Is better equipped and organized lo all departments than ever before, and prepared to do (he best work in tf i Its history. TREE SCHOLARSHIPS In order to afford the young men of Georgia hip-class technical education, the legit- leturo has assigned fifteen free scholarships to each county in tho state. Take immediate advantage of this opportunity end write for latest catalog, containing all Informt.llon necessary for a prospective student, and setting forth the advantages of the-Georgia tech. Advanced courses In Mechanical, Electrical, Textile, Mining, end Civil Engineering', Engi neering Chemistry, and Chemistry. Extensive end new equipment of Shop, Mill, Labora tories, etc. New Library and new Chemical Laboratory. Tbo next session begins Sept 25, at which time prospective students are urged to report promptly. For further Information address „ _ K. G. MATHESON, A. M., LL. D., President, ATLANTA. GA. Agnes Scott College FOR WOMEN DECATUR (Near Atlanta), GA. Offers advantages equal to those of any educational Institution In tho South. Elegant buildings, modern gymnasium,* laboratories and full college equipment. Exceptional advantages In Music and Art. Ideal climate. Health record unsurpassed. Box 16 F. H. GAINES, D. D„ President, LaGrange Female College High Grade Institution. Music, Art, Elocution, Litera ture—Excellent. Boarding room limited. Apply soon. RUFUS W. SMITH, President, LaGrange, Ga. IS YOUR BOY PREPARING FOR GEORGIA TECH? IF SO, SEND HIM TO DONALD FRASER FOR BOYS MILITARY SCHOOL NEAR ATLANTA. "MILITARY FEATURE.” WE REFER. BY PERMISSION, TO PRESIDENT K. G. MATHESON, OF THE GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY For Catalog Write G. Holman Gardner, Principal, Decatur, Ga. Indorsed by Business Hen. Incorporated. $300,000.00 Capital ‘ 29 Colleges In (( States. Jno. F. Dnnfhoc. Ftes. Reliable PRACTICAL BUSINESS Known as the Up-to-Date Business Schools POSITIONS SECURED or MONEY REFUNDED BY A COCItSE IK Book FREE mail . Shorthand. Pen manshlp, Arithmetic, Telegraphy, Latter Writing, Law, Mochantcal Drawing, Busl- , — ATLANTA, 122 Peachtree, Piedmont Hotel Block; or Jacksonville or Mont gomery, nest English, or Illustrating FREE by MAIL to FIVE persons In each county, desiring to attend n business college, who will at once CLIP and semi thla notice (mentioning this paper) to Draugbon'e Practical Bus. College! The Presbyterian College for Women CHARLOTTE, N. C. High-grade College for Women equipped with ovary modern convenience, hot and cold bathe, electric lights, steam heat and fire escapes. Faculty of trained specialists. Standard high and work thorough. For catalogue addrooa ' REV. J. R. BRIDGES, D. D. Peacock’s School for Boys 223 Peachtree Street. Limited number of boys to a teacher. Small classes, struction. Individual in- D. C. PEACOCK, Head Master. WHITE SULPHUR SPRIN6S GREENBRIER WEST VIRGINIA ITU. -OLD WHITE” Sulphur.) Now open. Famous for Its fulpbur baths. Modern Improvements, with Private laths. Permanent orchestra. Terms,Jll to 1:5 week. ISO to 190 per month. Writs for Illustrated booklet. Aditreae, GEO. A. MILLS, Jr.. Manager. CreenhrierWhile Sulphur Bprlngi. w. va. OFFERED WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE -yTO matter how limited 1\1 your means or educa **-' tion. It yoa wish a thorough business training and good position, write today for One Great Half-Rats Oder. Bueeesa. lnde- K ndonee and probable FORTLNE gusrar. id. Don't delay—write today. GA.-ALA. BUS. COLLEGK, MACON, 0A. THE GEORGIAN AND NEWS will bo aant to anybody anywhere for any length of time by notifying the clr-1 culation department. Phone 4928,! Standard 4401, 45 ctnta per month, 10' cento per week. HOTEL ^>ST. DENIS-\ BROADWAY AND 1ITH STREET ,HE\V YOWL-CITY. Noted for.. Ese.nriScfCai.iae. am fort able Appoint multi. Co*rt«*od*«»»' vice tad Homelike hummodl*it. ROOMS Si.5O'PER)MY AND UP EUROPEAN. PLAN.. Table d'Hote. Breakfast JOc. WNI.TAYLOR it SON, Inc; yi'tltVlMat E. A &3rd surer. WASHINGTON SEMINARY, NORTH AVENUE AND PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, 80th year begins September 12. Faculty of 18 specialism. 230 sludfnli last session. DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Small classes, averaging about ten, to secure personal Instruction; conservatory advantages in Music, Art, Elocution: three courses of study leading to full graduation; ceriillcau admits to Vassar, Wellesley, etc.; boarding students limited to t- to pro- vide refined home life; excellent primary department. Write for catalogs, or phone 647-J North. L. D. SCOTT. EMMA SCOTT. Principals. J* oft, n I*] THIS! Ril 1 4 ’J} fil x'AmuiL Mnilc. Art and El Kalian Sixty-nub Seision Itgbu Srptembrr 10th. For Ialomullon AddKW, HIE SECRET AX?* - ■ ^ Founded Alfred Shorter 1877 SHORTER COLLEGE Education under Ideal condition* I* offered to girls and young women who can furnish satisfactory reference*. Session open* Sept. 12th. Requests for reservation* will receive prompt and courteous attention. Interested persona are cautioned against delay In writing; but it the registration fee is received too Jate to sacure the admission of the applicant, the money will be promptly re turned. If you would like to aee the new 130-pege catalogue, Illustrated, write for It today. Addrett: T. I. SIMMONS. LL D.. Pres. BOX 1006. ROME. OEOIOIA- Endowed for the friqher edorotion of irome* BINGHAM SCHOOL 1790 1908 FOR US YSARS boys hive been prepared tor COLLEGE and for LIFE. a^ been trained to be MIN et the IINCUAN SCHOOL. Ideally location Fl*t«iu. Organization MILITARY for dlidpltne, control and carrUse. MUed from other MkocU m* received. Victoee boya ezprll d d.*^**"* iu,i„ »«. ATLANTA KINDERGARTEN NOR- MAL and ELEMENTARY 8CH00L, Profitable and Delightful Two-Year*' Court* of Study. For particular*, address WILLETTE A. ALLEN, Principal, 639 Peachtree, Atlanta, Ga. DON'T GET LONESOME : when away. Juat order The Georgian | and Nowe. Sant to your new addreet daily. You wilt have a real vacation if ' you do. 45 cent* a month, 10 eente a week. Phone 4928 or writ* circulation 'department, The Georgian and News. No troublo to change address. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, Macon, Georgia. Fir.t Matriculation Day, September 16th. Catalogue* Free. DuPont Guerry, President. GEO. C. LOWNEY’S . MILITARY INSTITUTE DR J. LEWIS BROWN- WILL RE. CEIVE PUPILS IN HIGHER PIANO AND ORGAN PLAYING, HARMONY, COUNTERPOINT AND COMPOSI TION, IN HIS RESIDENCE STUDIOS. 271 IVY 8TREET. THREE MANUAL PIPE ORGANS FOR LESSONS AND PRACTICE. 97 Washington Streetl, Atlanta, Ga The most practical and th 'rou^h. F well as the best disciplined the city. The military depwtinent "J be In charge of one of the il”> • ' officers and best disciplinarians " of our regular army, late arris-am quartermaster and drlllm*-*‘ fr j ■ rious bodies of excellent irer-i i Literary Faculty: FtroOmn. a n“■ T G. C. Looney, Mr*. Sarah Lo ,,n •, 1 rick, Mrs. Juliette Brown l>arm<-» :|f This school of pupils is ■" .i-.a*- children of best family . r 'f '.hni, less rudeness or bad conduct. I - than In any school In the *o‘ ■ boys are refined, and our gin- ■ dies. The few rude pupils *' . , .jt, last term will not be recelv- . . and new pupils must bring " - l( 0 ; of good social standing, an 1 financial ability by bringing ly pay and term Incidental ■ Ttt j, entering. Boy* and girls adinl « arrangement will eecureom. tion of teachers to our deeerMns j dent*. No boarders. Address for catalogue. f GEORGE C. LOONEY, 97 Washington St., Atlanta, u