Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, August 26, 1907, Image 9

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN AMJ NEVVH. CABLE ADVICES NEWS AND GOSSIP of the Fleecy Staple. jj eW York Responded With a Sharp Advance at the Opening. TEXAS IS STILL DRY Caused a Further Advance in the Early Session. Trade Active. v>w York, Aug. 26.—Tbrtr cotton market opened active nud decidedly higher. Its ninln Influence wns a atrong set of cable*. CmnmlMlon houses were conanlcuoua buyere Lre l*oth on the call anrl afterward, lead ing to not advance^ of 13©14 m j>olntii. against 11.824 for the some day Inat ywr. Totnl since September 1, 1907, 9,856,926, Vrom the top prlcea of the morning there nan 1\ recession of 6 to 11 In the active po- •Ittone on proflt-taklng from satisfied small longs, the closlug being steady 7 to 9 points helow Snturdny's finals. SPOT COTTON MARKET. Liverpool, steady; middling 7.47. Atlanta, nominal; middling 131'$. New York, quiet; middling 13.50. New Orleans, quiec: minuting n Augusta, steady; middling 18%. Savannah, steady; middling 12%. Memphis. steady; middling 13%. Oalvcstou. Arm: middling 18%. Charleston, nominal: middling 18%. Wilmington, nominal: middling 13%. Norfolk, dull; middling 13%. St. I.ouls. stendy; middling 13%. Baltimore, nomlnnl; middling 13%. Itoston. (inlet; middling 13.40. Philadelphia, steady: middling 13.85. Molilte. steady; inlddllng 13c. Houston, steady; inlddllug 13%. Clnclmmtl, nominal. TODAY’8 PORT RECEIPT8. The following table shows receipts at the ports today, compared with the same day last year: ••New Orleans, •(ialveston. . . » Mobile •••Snvnnnnh. . . Charleston. . . . Norfolk. . . . Baltimore. . . . Totnl. 1907. 1906. 80 361 2,CoS 9,725 246 i.i ii ~~82 3.103 11.325 INTERIOR RECEIPTS. 1907. 1906. Houston Augusta Memphis St. Louis Cincinnati •1,698 18 156 83 102 6.204 441 12 "* 9 Totnl 1,967 6,666 •One thousand six hundred new bales. L. H. FAIRCHILD & CO.'S WEEKLY COTTON LETTER. oral bearish features of the past week, and the market not only held Its mvn bill scor ed n fair advance. There are «<*»d argu ments to be used en each side of the ques tion now. The boars olnlm that not enough attention Is being paid to Improvement In prospects In the Atlantic states, and call attention to the fact that foreign spinners are well supplied. They also predict that the strained financial eondltfons are obliged sooner or later to have an effect on prices. It will ho noticed, however, that almost everr bearish argument Is prefaced with “If * * * The I we have a late frost.” The hulls say that the Improvement In the Atlnntlcs Is more than offset hr continued deterioration In the western belt, wlmre rnlns have been deficient, and reports continue to point to n most gloomy outlook. They Insist that honvv early commitments are to he filled. Special to The Georgian. (From Hayward. Vick & Clark.) New York, Aug. 26.-Hartlott, Frasier & Carrington: Figuring from Friday 11 a. nt., quotations to Saturday’s close, Liver* P°°J due .% to 1 lower on near and 2% to 4 higher on late. At 12:15 p. in., steady * aftruuce. Spots steady, 12 points' higher; middling 7.47; sales 6,CwO; American 4,800; American 200. The strike of 2,500 Canadian cotton mill operatives has been settled, the company agreeing to grant a 10 per cent Increase to mule spinners nud operatives withdraw. Ing their demand of 10 per cent general rain in Texas. Norden, Mitchell, Van Dyke and Mike Thomas best buyers. Selling scattered. Looks like a purchase ou any little reac* wl__„ unry 12.26; March 12.39. New Orleans. Aug. 26.—Bartlett. Frailer A Carrington* No weather map yet. Private vnrnuM'ni, »*o wemuer limp yet, grn.nie reports say some good rains In northern Texas. Rest of Texas clear. Map shows generally fair western part of belt. Weather prospects Indicate rnln for Tex as by Wednesday. This may depress mar ket further, hut would buy on any good setback. While prospects of rain In Texas are likely to cause a dull and inn yin* some what lower market, futures are at too much discount under spots, uml would buy on depressions. October is getting hard to trade In. Monroe, La., wires: “J. II. J-Mwards, puldlc sinner nt Downsvllle. fnlon parish, ginned 810 Inst rear. Do not expect to gin hut llttlo over 400 this year.” COTTON YARNS ARE FIRM ON 8MALL BUSINESS. The New York Commercial: As the lines of spring of 1906 dress goods are opening at prices that are. In general, higher than those of last season, many sellers were tin easy In mind a# to how buyers would ac cept the situation. During the past few ifCerlngs and have placed Itliernl advance orders. No one now doubts that the dress goods mills will have ample work to keeh their organisation busy on lightweight lines. The plain staple fabrics are In strongest demand, followed closely by the worsted fancies. In tho cotton yarn Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Air. Lively's tweoty-flv* years* experience of ed iting market* la Atlanta and the South ha* made him a recognised au thority Id hie specialty. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS F5MIC OP bTOTK. Amnl. Copper Am. Ire Securities. .. Am. Sugar Iteflnery. . American Smelting. Am. Locomtlve. . . do. preferred. . . Am. Car Fouudry. . American Cotton Oil. Anaconda Atchison . do. preferred. . ., Atlantic t\ Line. . . Brooklyn Rapid T. . Baltimore X Ohio.' Cheja^eak^^Oblo Pacific. ateil (Ins. iirnrrreu, . , ,, Colorado Fuel A Iron. Com Produce. .... Colorado Southern. .. Delaware A Hudson. . Denver A ltto Grande. Distillers' Securities.. Brie. _ do. preferred. . i . General Electric. . . . Great Western Orest Northern pfd. . Illinois Central Interlioro do. preferred. . . . Kansas A Texas. . . . at & 23 KAMR OP STOCK. Kansas X Texas pfd. . Louisville A Nnshvlllo. Missouri Pacific. . . . Mexican Central. . . . New York Central. . . Northwestern. .... National Lead. .... Norfolk A Western. . . , Northern Pacific. , * . , Ontario & Western. , . Pennsylvania Hock Island. . . . . . do. preferred. . . . Republic Iron A Steel, do. preferred. . . . do. preferred. . St. Paul Ten It. Coal A Iron. Texas Pacific. . . • Union Pacific. . . • U. S. Rubber. . . « do. preferred. . U. S'. Steel do. preferred. . Western L’ulou. Wabash do. preferred. fit •Ex-dividend 2% per cent. NEWYORK. The following Is the range to cottoa fu tures in New York todays kets It Is reported that while the business being done Is of very meager proportions, the prices are being more firmly maintained. The Southern yam spinners are not ins anxious to close business this year ns the] have l»een daring other recent seasons, nn< this is hnvlng the effect of bringing it * ‘ hold f business that would otherwise hold fire. her*' carnival, for with buyers who are here to place business and sales are reaching high figures In all and sales are reaching blgh figures In all departments. Bs|ioctalTy In the white goods lines and linens buyer* arc taking ndvnh- attitude toward fall merchandise. omlng It Johhcn ght Itself. The silk trade Is active delivery goods and prices on all wide silks, whether In blacks or In color* and In nil grades are In short supply with prices firm and expected to advance. In tho men's wear woolens aro moving to some extent on repent orders tor fall delivery. The Print Cloth Sales Small. There can bo no appreciable change-In rlnt cloth market as long ns the aup ply Ys behind demand. Sellors hare run their prices up as high ns the cost of raw material will permit and aro standing fast on orders they have In hand. On the smnll amount of spot merchandise that Is In this market or In tho other print cloth centers, sellers are getting their rs are nel * nnui ccuuiip, full asking price. Tho regnlnrs i 5%c and wide atnnlnrds are on n n 7%c. 1’rlntora are for the time be! of the market and tho cuttlng-up t the only prominent buying factor being heard from. teld at ATLANTA MARKETS. belt, and that It Is prqjinblo that the dnm- age re|*orts from the west are somewhat exaggerated, there can be no doubt but that the crop ns n whole Is In a moat un satisfactory condition, and will be esjpe- even an average frost. Last year bales of new cotton had been ginned liefore September I. while prosjierrs are that by least where the yield will amount to sucl. figure. Bradstreot's Trade Review snya In pnrt: “In spite of high raw material the mills are prosperous and dividends large, surplus heavy and prices high. Mills are oversold and some manufacturers are re- fwdng orders." It Is entirely possible that ns soon n* the Inclined to fnvoF purchases except recessions, but we continue to warn onr friends against short selling, ns we believe contracts are obliged to work closer to spot HAYWARD, VICK A CLARK'$ DAILY COTTON LETTE* New Orleans, Ang. 26.—Considering that the mnrkct advanced on nulte general rea sons without the help of* some Inspiring siM-elnl occurrence. It Is doing pretty well. }Ve went a little fast Saturday, and a* Liverpool nnd New York did not follow this morning prices here fell back a little hood prosiHH* f* for rain In Texas by oeducsdiiy likewise Induced profit-taking, which contributed to tno decline. A cold wave Is approaching from the north, nnd mnch cooler weather nnd shower* aro prob able lu the west In a few days. The regu larity and predominance of these Arctic currents Is a typical feature of atmospheric conditions this summer. It 1* getting so [ate | n th e reason that chance* are that |hls cold wave will definitely break the beat spell In the west, with regard to market prospect*. should not make niueh difference, now too late far rnln to enauge yield pros- VlGl'tC l.i ni.lrt.UVI. PrtlllA pects iii Texas materially. While rain* may hare n temporary sentimental effect "u the mnrkct. they do not niter the fnet «bst futures are at ton much discount un der the spot values, which condition calls b>r adjustment gradually or by Jump* such fl * wo had on Saturday. The policy of buying on depressions sug gests Itself all around. Weather conditions in - i the eastern half of the licit were favora mo over Knndny. Generally fair prevailed nu*l Is indicated for the next two day*. The market at moment Is stendy with trading around 12.71 for October. KOOK—Active. 22e. LITE POULTRY—Ifens, active, 401145c: chickens (fresh), 16#30c. Duck* (l’eklri), Do each: pundit. 26c each. Turkeys, active, 1! i&^Mi(n"rbriTnv - "-re. drawn, nctlvc, II c«nt» pound: • active, Me L >ounds bona,15c |i«*r |h drawn. PlfooUcRird. IV «A tie, 10c poundahonhler. life 100III boner, bright, nettve. 10c pound: boner l-ponnd block, nctlrc. UHc pound. FRUITS— l.einons, fancy llmrai, 14.59; «He Ik; Pineapple,. Florid. stock, none: lime.. Florida atnek. per hundred. 60e; pennut. In .nek. nvcrnglng 100 pound, eori. owing to grade, wr pound. cantaloupes, .low mile. 11.60efnle: witermet on., 51,10c ench: Oeorgln peaches, 31.600 1.75 ernte: rhnhnrb. 75c ench. VEGETABLES— I'otntoen. new. 59.75 Imr- rel; per hnsh.l. 91.50. Dillon., Georgia. 11.60 per bushel: Kpnnl.h, 91.50 ernte: krnut, bnlf barrel, 93.75; rnblmge, 2c pound. Closed .tenilr. LIVERPOOL. Following Is the opening range, 2 p. m. and close, compared with yesterday's close. Futures opened barely steady. Opening ___ Preview* Range. 2 p.m. Close. August 7.07 -7.08 7.09 7.06% Aug.-Sept.... 6.96 -6.97% 6.97% 6.93% 97% 6.971 Sept.-Oct.... 6.83 -6.85 6.66 “ * “ 6.76 -6.77 f ‘ Oct.-Nov 6.76 4.77% Nov.-Dee.... 6.70 4.72% 6.72' Dec.-Jan.... 6.80 4.70 6.70i Jan.-Feli.... 6.68 4.69% 6.68' Fob..March.. r en.-.nnrcn.. Jlnreh-Aprll.. 9.70 -5.71 Aprll-Mny... 6.71 -0.7014 Cioaed barely ntendr. NEW ORLEANS. Ths following Is tha rang* Id cotton tn turss In Nsw Orleans todsy: hi i|s |!I 1 n Aug 1 Kept 12.95 Oct 12.72 Nov DSC 12.64 Jan 12.99 Feb March. . .12.74 12.96 ii!»5 *12.96 12.76! 12.66 12.97 ita# 1149 12!m 1165 1166 if.67 ii74ri2.67li2.67 life 12.93-97 12.66-67 1161 1160-61 12.66-67 12.60 12.63 66 12.96 12.96 12.72-73 12.67 12.66-67 12.61-62 12.66-67 12.70-72 Closed steady. NOTES ON GBAIN. Pointers on Provuion*. Specritl to The Georgian. iFroin liny ward, Mek ft Clnrk.) Ohlmgrt, Au*. 20.—Bartlett, Frailer ft Car- rlngton: Cable* on wheat Vi to Hd higher nnd corn V t« Id higher. The foreigner, .eein to evince eou.lderuble nmiety about future supplies of whent. The wenther In the mirtbwe.t I. bnd for hnrveflt nmi we would not lie .ttrprlsod to nee nn advance. ludtcntlonn point tow*nrd a decline in wheat reeelptn. While prlcea for corn hero nro above an export hunt., wo ate not very far out of line' even at thin edvnnee, but an our stock, her, are eilrmely low It la not ueccaory to hare an expert demand to maintain prlcea, a. our receipt, are not lnrge enough now to .npply dome.tlc demand. Receipts mint Increase here or we will we a further .ilrnnee In corn, anil there ore no liullen- ilons nt the moment of farmers being will- Oats receipts overrun estimates, but de mand Is extremely good, niul wc do not look for any recession In prices. Our Liverpool cable says: “Weather in England ha* been favorable recently, bnt harvesting prospects are indifferent. heat very firm with good continental demand. Supply not equal to demand. Corn higher on American advices." Budapest spot wheat closed l%c higher. of wheat by Bartlett, Frasier A Carrington caused sharp spurt. I*lt traders tailing i Chicago* Becord-IIernId: Roas T. Bmytb, of Liverpool, In a letter Written August 14, was prophetic. The grain markets and the eatner have closely followed his predlc- WHEAT, CORN, OATS ARE IN BRISK DEMAND WEATHER REPORT. Prices Ruled Strong and Sharp Advances Were Scored. ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. Wheat—No. 2 red winter , Corn—No. 2 Oats—No. 2 Chicago, Aug. 25.—There was a genuine boom lu cereals with tho .uppllea coming out only on the bnnl .pots. Whent closed Wheat .cored a good advance during the morning and trade re.iiondcd remarkably Id view or continued telegraphic restrictions. In wheat. Foreign wheat news wn. nil bul. Inh and Included oenaatlonal advance. In rye nt Berlin anil * ‘ — wage toward America. HBWmmz Irately ft Co.: "If ■ really had wenther were to sctHHMH khe remainder of August and early pafl of Septemlicr Kngllah wheat In nnnllty would not lie HI for using for months, ne* Ire.sltatlng nn urgent derannd for forelgm wheat. Under «urh condition, presenl price, would prove too low. and tbera would he a smart adrnnee In tho market. It I. quite evident that for the preaent nobody m America ban paid mnch attention lo the Manitoba crop report., hut If that, crop doe. not quickly Improve, nnd should be dnm.geil by fro.t next month, we take It GROCERIES ntrr-Jin MKHe; head Wc fancy head T(rme. according to tha grade. ChBBBB—Fancy full cream. IT centi; Georgia ean. »yrup 21 eeat. gallont anU, lOT-l-ound. «r: axl» greano M.7S: aoda eraek era. pound: lemon. «c: oyster, 7e: liar- rel eendv. pec pound. «4«; mixed, pet - — 5 pound. 95.W case: i. 92.25; Lima hean, DM, 91.65; macaroni nei. mustard. u.i rip iUon,< nnilim: inruian, nnninni, ms-. 8TTGAll—Standard granulated. 5iii N*K V c r oFFf. n B-RoV.^tr , A D rbuiki;. t «i5; bulk I. .. d?a *1-1 tipc. and lutrrela 12e: gre«n llOlle.l ■ Khrcdd*.! biscuit IS cue: No. 2 rolled ont, chocolate. *1; snuff, i lk Jar». «e: roast beef. IT.M ca«e: corned heef, 13.60 case: catnap. |L»0 cn.c; atrup. New Op lean.. Me Mb on: earn. Me gallon: Cuba potuh. 53.25431.50 l ply cotton, lie: PROVISIONS. pnnVISlONH-Mmreme ham. 1514c. hetllea 3C<!25 ponnd. arerage. 5.55: f.t back*. 9.31: Huprenra lard, Kk Furlty compound, 9% THE METAL MARKET. quiet. There wna nn changa noted In tho price, of copper nnd lead. Hpelter wo. down 5 point#. Tin wa, He higher. COTTON 8EED OIL MARKET. Following I, given tha opening and do* Ing quo ration, or the New York cotton iced air market. . , ..w Angnat. . Heptcmher. (tetoher. . November, ftecember, January. . . «*«« . 41 041' . 4OH041 Swift ft Company'a salct of fresh lieef In Atlanta for the week curling Saturday, Angnat » average 0.17 per pound. HAYWARD, VICK & CLARK, an Important fact, and we . ace prune smart reaction. In American prlcea. Any Important cnrfatlment In the quantity of or depredation In the quality of Manitoba wheat la a ocrlou. thine fur nrltlsh miliar., because the experience of recent year. hn. proved that It la tin nor relying upon the state* for nny quantity of spring wh-nt. We must get It from Canada, llnriiui wheat la no use as u substitute for Manitoba, and the prices generally inked for Pulnth make basinets vary difficult anil spasmodic." _ ... Omaha retire.ted bts former estimate of 75 per cent of In.t year, anil Ferguson of IJncnln .aid tht tmrrllng man. Touched tor by Mr. Halley an well posted. Intelligent anil reliable, claimed In wrton.neea that Iowa's yield would not he over 55 per cent of last year. Tho Itgurea were of course too low, bat they were taken aa a fair Indication of a short crop of corn In that stats. Pm! S. Lewis la now vice-president of the ken Into the roniMtiy end elect new imalllon at lb* annual meeting a few days ago. He It well and favorably known oa the tmard of trade nnd has grown up In the hnalnesa. J. W. Gifford, oTMIuneapo- II* ban been made assistant seeretnry. I!. W. Mother retires nnd James U. 5lnrtln site, reeds Mm ss president. The Weyerliauser Interests In the company remain the same. Canadian north wet given Be . houses and hanks are had. Crop eattmnte 63,000,000 biith-ls at bent." Argentine shipments: Whet. Thin week taint week Cnr. week last year ; l.TOs.OOO Since January 1 94J54.0D0 Same time last year 77,993.000 Com, L874466 1.666.000 2,619.000 ratlforRla bams. TOci dry sail extra riba COTTON, 8TOCKS, BONOS, COFFEE, GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Carondelet and Ornviar 8ts„ Ntw Orlaan.. MEMBERS: Fsw Orleans Cotton Eiehnngc. New Orleans Future Brokers' Aseoctnttcn. NSW York Cotton ExofitoWi* New fjfleana and Cbjnf^doarda of rrsde, Os.r;:tan Cotton Exchange! Saw York Caff** FxrtitW. Houston Cotton Kxchangc. Associate Memliera Uvarpool Cotton Ass n. New York and Chicago Corrrapendentt: J. 8. BACHE A CO., AND BARTLETT, FRAZIER & CARRINGTON, PRIVATE WIRE8 TO ALL POINTS. FLOUR ANO GRAIN. F9.0UB—Highest patent, K.W; best pat. rrtt. |5»: staudnrd patent 14.76; hnlf pat* Sf. {4.66: tpriox wbent patent, 16.00. CbllH-Vto 2 whlt^ rbolce white, »0e* No. S yelloir^nc; mixed, i6o; cracked corn Tn’icKKN T F | ' : , RI lr£ l, %F? ,,n i "raks (LOO, Funln chick feel. 92.CM Mctor hed. 91.3P. OATB-No. 3 whlte.rciNo. 9 mlxeil, 43c| Golden oatn. «2r; wkltn clipped. 69c; fancy whjra^ellp^ei| n ^ j^ n(j jjpgj Tj,. , ul sacks. 79e: plain 24-ponnd sacks, iocj ^SaT—Tbnothr. choice hirco hnlea. 91.25; do choice aninll lialca. il.M: No. 1. one- third tuilea. 91.30: M. 2. one-third linlca, brown (SO to ino ponnds), 11.50: brand, $1.85. COTTON «RKI> MRAl^FHmo o*r ton, $26 60; No. t per ton, 124.00; bull* per ton, S13.60. Berlin and ffood jniln* lu wheat nn well at Liverpool. BudApest nud In Hngllsh mntry market*. World's shipments of wheat for tho week were ngnln small nt 7,600,0(X) liuahels. com* pared with 7,100.000 bushels n week ngo and 9,400,000 a year ago. Canadian crop newt was mainly bullish. There were re- •*t di rts of frost (lninage nnd severe losses in western Canada. Buying orders were numerous from Winnipeg. Northwestern re- eclpts 164 ears, and Chicago 207 cars, com pared with 172 and 266 cars, respectively, a year ago. Crop reports on corn were mainly bullish, nnd with smaller offerings, the price ad vanced without any effort ou the part of the bulls. Oats were Retire, with shorts soger buyer* of ftcptemlicr. Chicago, Ang. 20.—The wheat market started firm nnd higher this morning, with prices aUvsnciug nearly lc liefore much wheat was found for anle. .Shorts and pri vate wire houses were buyer* st the open ing. Home realising on the advnnre caused a moderate reaction, but the undertone continued firm. WEATHER CONDSTIONS. Clear wenther prevails todsy over the en tire country and there lisa been very little precipitation east of the Mississippi. Showers have occurred In the Dakotas, Nebrnskn and portions of western Texas. IMn was falling this morning at St. i'aul, TIPS FLASHED From Wall Street Hheclal to The Georgian. 1 (From JJnywnnJ. Vick A Clark.) New York, Aug. 26.—Bartlett. Frasier A Carrington: Americans In London are gen erally above parity. Canadian raclflc, Northern Pacific nud Union Pacific aro the strongest. The action of the secretary of the treas ury Is flndlug more favorable comment nnd the process. It Is thought, will prove more beneficial If It was deposited In linlk. The bear crowd sold tl»e umrkot after the publication of the bnuk statement. There nro now two sides to tho market, nnd a very Interesting contest will lie wnged. On the weak spots tho market should lie purchased nnd advantage taken ■Tho controller „ Issued a call for a statement of the condM tlon of the national banks nt the dose of business Thursday. August 22. Tnere Is some selllug of stocks ou rumor that there will lie a failure auuouuccd to day. This Is gossip only. Tow n Topics: The absolute lock of con vincing support, even In the best stocks, shown that the more Important Interests are not Inclined nt this time to further ex tend themselves In nn effort to make the market look attractive to a thus far unap preciative public. We expect to aee a re newal of aggressive flourish aggression this week, based on the prospeet or further dlvl- dend redactions. A good deal of liquidation tho lowest prices of the year generally to lie recorded. New York Ceutrol will lie of the principal targets of the liear*. lero will be talk of reduction In *ie Indus- deed we do not expect to see a revival on this section of tbu list until the copper metal and pig Iron situation* are clearisl ter advantage, while the shrewd trader will lie able to turn some good profits on the short side during the week. w heat nnd cotton will be nff<»cted by tlio stock market’s reactionary tendency, liny them only on tho very sharp breaks for turns. New York Financial Bureau: Latest de velopments show nupoprt nt level limits up- .'upper 66 lo 66. Anaconda 42 to 43, Atehlfsui Facl/lc so, Htccl 29. Steel preferred 91. If these are removed professionals will at tack. If not they will have to cover nnd TRADE WAS LIGHT AT THE OPENING Prices in the Prominent Is sues Were Generally Higher. SAGGED OFF LATER Recovered the Loss During the Morning Session. London Higher. New York. Aug. 18.—The whole course of the market this morning wns calculated to lie wild to the sverngr observer. At times It had the eustomnrr Indication of a sold- out condition. At other times it manifested n considerable degree of sensltlreness. Fol lowing s rise In prices alirond the list had opened up sharply. Union 1‘aelflc, Heading and other representative Issue* sold within heavy selling then appeared low record. This Uenda on New York Central shares Is not very large and that if the mine conditions nil In the company ns have Induced Krle directors to withhold their divi dends a reduction In the New York Central dividend la entirely probable. FennsylvanU was conspicuously wens ru sympathy. —* however, so far ns the irenernf list xvai etllng — Jne than dn tlon. nnd when this ooserratlon been mu __ —e ■ gem concerned, as If short selling was IwvId; more to do with the decline tlinq real llqul nmntntakntiiy plain a quick recovery from the low point* set In. New York, Aug. 26.—The stock market opened nt v almost general advances over Saturday. Union Pacific was up a point. American Smelting nnd Anaconda opened higher. Pennsylvania and Baltimore nnd Ohio were up %, New York Central nnd Atchison %, Amalgamated and Interboro- London higher. Atchison up %. Bending - %. Union Pacific % higher. Pennsylvania Wp-“ "—* - r - • % higher, hleel preferred % up, 8t. Paul Vi up. MINING 8TOCK8. Copper Range 64%. nnd thu Dakotas, and Is nowkero above nor mal. The temperature la lower over the states east of tne Mississippi except along the COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For ths 14 benra ending nt 8 n. o., 75tb meridian time, August 26, STATIONS ATLANTA Atlanta Mfhatti 'Chattanooga, clear. . Columbus, clear. . . . •♦♦Gainesville •••Green vIHe Orlffln, clear ••Macon, clear •••Moutlccllo Borne. ....... Spartanburg, clear. . . . •••Tallapoosa •••Toccon. ~Weal Point. •Minimum Ttmptrahn. ill Um.1 Mis. 3 III K W 96 i .do .00 .00 si 6i .66 94 64 .00 83 60 .66 for 12 ••Received late, arerage*. '"Missing, hours ’NoMnciuded In district CHICAGO CLEARANCES. Chicago, Aug. 26.—Following wero the (hicago clearances today: Wheat, 181.000 bushels; com 90,000 bushels; oats, none; whent nnd flour equal 43,000 barrels. PRIMARY MOVEMENT. Following were the primary movements for today and last year: xx*». n .» n 1-,. *-.1-- 998.000 bushels, today, 416,000 bushels, against ►nr; shlpn 603,000 bui ...... ...celpU against 579.000 bushels last £enr;^shipments 441,000 bushels LIVERPOOL GRAIN. end of five minutes* trading the market wns quiet nnd ns a rule thero were recessions of %ff% from early high prices* ('losing blda follow: Railway Stocks. Atchison 85 5*8 Baltimore and Ohio 89 3*8 Canadian Pacific 166 1-2 Chicago and Northwestern .. ..1401-2 Denver and Rio Grande 21 3-& Louisville and Nashville .. . ..104 1-3 Mnnhttan "L" . ..113 Mexican Central . .. 17 7-8 Missouri Pnclflc . .. 65 3-4 New York Central . ..101 Pennsylvania . ..1171-2 Rending . .. 91 1-3 Rock Island . .. 181-2 do. pfd ,. . .. 42 St. Paul . ..120 Southern Pnclflc . .. 83 3-8 Southern Rallwny . .. 161-3 Union Pnclflc . . .125 7-8 Wabash . .. 11 Interboro-Motro ... 8 1-2 do. pfd . .. 32 3-4 Great Northern . ..1201-3 „ Corn opened Iffid higher and nt 1:30 p. m, !iGV4d Higher. Cloned %<ftl% higher. CHICAGO CAR LOT8. T ?8U' l 127 Oats 646 Hogs, bend 23000 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Following arc the Chicago grain anil pro- visions quotations (or loUujr, couiparad with fratorda/'a close: Previous Open. High. Low, Cloee. Close. Sept.... t9% Dec.... 68% May.... 69 OATS— Kept.... 62 Dec.... 43% May.... 49% FOHK- Hept.. 16.26 Jan.. 16.90 LARD— Kept... 9.10 Oct... 9.22% Jan... 9.90 BIBS— Kept... 8.75 Oet... 8.86 Jnu... 9.22% 92 91% 97% 103% 90 m 9.15 Y% 9.07% 9.15 9.06 !.’! !:fe* i:3 9.22% 9.22% LIVE 8T0CK MARKET. Chicago. Aug. 26. —flogs—Receipt# 21000. Market 6010c higher; mixed and Imtchera * ‘ 1606.25: rough heavy 00; pigs M.7506.66; P&i 1BT.V »' balk of Mies M.0 Cattle— Itnvlpis 23,OOP. Market the high er; rows and hclfrrs Jl.6005.40; stockrrs ami feeler. 12.6004.50; Ten,ns f3.K05.4O; eslve# 86.16491.69, • ,ron ‘ ! THE COFFEE MARKET. The following figures give the opening ..rage amt close lu the New York coffee market for today: January February ‘sr- v. ::t:*** iC:::::::: June July August September .. .. October November .. ,. „ Deeend»er .. .. rK .i«0: an« I'aTw tag,. Atlanta. Augusts Charleston. . •••Charleston. •••Little Bock. Memphis. rapbls , . _ jWle Montgomery. New Orleans, •••Oklahoma. Savannah. rwTimlinii. ....... Vlekslmrg Wilmington V. inaioates inappr DISTRICT AVER ACTS. es Inappreciable rainfall. (1) l*or w-- STL- v - - yesterday. (2) For 24 hours ending 6 a. tn., (Ith^^merldUu time. Remarks. The temperature remains about stationary In nil districts heard from. The rainfall has lieeu light, and ronflneil to the east and south roasts. Clear weather prevails this morulujt In neerfy all dlatrlcts. MAIlBURY, Meet Ion Director. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington. Ang. 26.--Weother conditions and general forecast* ‘ depress! [epresston of consldernblo extent over lies tho Dakotas this morning, while s ridge of high pressure extends In u northern and southern d free ft on from the east gulf state* to Lake Ifnroti. There has lieen very lit tle precipitation In the last twenty-four Increase In cloudiness with local rains the Ohio valley and the lower lake region Tuesday. The temperature will change but little. Forecast until 8 p. tn. Tuesday: Virginia: Fair tonight; warmer In west ern portion; Tuesday partly cloudy; possi bly showers In mountain districts; light TJortll rarollna: m Fair tonight snfi Tues- light variable wtnda. Hotllh ,'a roll it:,. Georgia and Ba start, Flor ida: Fair tonight and Tuesday: light varla- Fair to ol* hi and Tuesday; wanner In northeastern Alabama tonight: light rartabta winds, ^klr^'tonlght and Tn.sdnyj light «i»t to southeast wind*. 5.60-5.65 r^jsr IFBwhiuiti »*I ern end central portions; Tuesday showers. Kaatoekj: Unir and warmer tonight; T £euf«iaM: K*tr tonight; Tuesday fair. except showers In southeast portion; T to fresh easterly winds on the coast. Rnntern Texas: Fair tonight and Tuca- dny; light to frealt southeasterly winds ou the coast. Western Texas: Showers toulgkt and Tuesday. Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Arkan sas: Fair tonight nnd Tuesday. 4% UNTON 4% SAVINGS BANK . Gould tlulldlng OAPITAL STOCK . . . S100.000.00 -JT— RESOURCES j-T^r 4 /0 S1S0.000.00 4 /o Mlscellanooui. Amnlgnmat.d Copper ., .. - American Car nnd Foundry... American Locomotive .. ,. . American Cotton Oil American Smelting and Refg do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. . Colorado Fuel nnd Iron .. .. , Notional Lead Pressed Steel, Cnr Sloss-Shefn.ld Steel Sugar .. United Stntes Steel do preferred Western 1 Union Virglnla-Carollna Chemical.. 70 1-8 87 5-8 El 1-2 81 05 1-8 95 1-3 (2 3-8 .. 24 .. 45 .. 27 1-8 .. 48 ..113 7-8 .. 31 .. 03 1-4 .. 75 3-4 .. 19 1-3 MONEY AND EXCHANGE. Kow Y'ork. Ang. *1.—Money nn rail, 2'.i83* dn-' 50514; six mouths. 6WB7. Sterling rxrhnnge, 34.*404AS, with nrtunl liusineju. In Isinkera 1 kills at 34.K7O604.871O for drinnnd uml nt 34.827504>;7S) fur May hills. Prime merrantlle |,n|>er tin,-bunged, iamilon Imr silver 1-IM lower at 31 ?,16d. New York Imr sliver, (314e. Mexican dollars, 12%. BANK STOCKS. Central Bank •& Trust Union Savings, Lowry National. Prices on ap- ’ plication. HILLYER INVESTMENT 00, Bond Dop’t. Englith-Amoricen Bldg. THE AMERICAN AUDIT COMPANY Home Ofllce, 10C Broadway, Now York City. F. W. LAFRENTZ, 0. P. A., President C. E. Manuring, Vie, Prexldant, Thoo. Cocheu, Jr, C. P. A, Src. and Trtat, BRANCHES ATLANTA—Fourth Nnfl Bant: Bid# CHICAGO—Marquette Building. rillLADELI :|A—Bell.rue-Stratfort, SAN Fr.YNCISCO—Belien Building. NEW YORK—Waldorf.A.torllL BOSTON—Exchange Building. WASHINOTON—Colorado Building. NEW ORLEANS—H.nn.n Building. BALTIMORE—Fidelity Building. LONDON. ENGLAND—4 King Street. Cheapsld*. AT-ANTA BRANCH 1015-18 Fourth National Bank Building. 0. B. BIOWELL, Besident Manager. Telephone. Main 872. /' Cable Address. Amdlt. N. V< L. H. Fairchild. Eetabllxhed 1885. 8. J. Whitt, L. H. FAIRCHILD & COMPANY, NEW ORLEANS. Member*! New Orleans Cotron Ktehaoge. New York Coffee Exckeega. In Ter* Cotton Imuol New Orleans Board of Trada. vew Orieoes Rtaek nxehange. chlengn Iiniml of Trade. LIVERPOOL COTTON ASSOCIATION. Private Wire, to NEW YOBK and CBICAOO. Order* solicited JUr^fatm. ja«» sit on ahov. Biehanara COTURAM ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO. Public Accountants, Auditors and Bank Examiners. pomps no, 20c pound: nudUfri, 12%c pound; lulrtfl fish. 6c nonml: frssh wntor trout. 6a Audit*. Special Examination*. Coitlng and System.tiring, EMPIRE BUILDING. ATLANTA, GA. FRANK HAWKINS, President. ^ XL ATKINSON,_V!ce-l'resld«nt. JH9. Uj 5a..C,..RRWI!4. Ca« * ■. M. A A 5* I •- 4Jv4*i w ■ XW a a di-m. u.. JOSEPH A. M'CORD, Ylc^Prvsldeat iwaanji v, Rlinin, LlgMB, W. IIYEIIS, Asalataot Cashlst. Third National Bank Capital ■ • •• $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits $400,000.00 DR. A. W. CALflOUN* MILTON D ARO AN. FRANK HAWKINS* II. M. ATKINSON. . A. M'CORD, I. B. NUMHAIXT. i %f n iokil^ xkK PAVID WOODWARD. raaikwrt I 8 MH i imp I _