Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, September 25, 1907, Image 9

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i L S 6 CIE TY JULIETT NIX W. c. T. U. Iten Seay. Mrs. A. C. McHan, Mrs. John The Jultett Nix W. C. T. U ? will hold Purcer. Mrs; IV. P. Anderson, M thrlr regular devotional service at Con-1 M’jlr, Mrs. Robert Saxon, M.e. federate Soldier.- Homo Thursday aft- J l rs - , Laut 'S2? S tc i‘ cmoon. Mr,. Ovasle toiddlebroolu. the i'riuhsrd Mre n- j* ! 1 / 1 ' Mrs. E. 2' *«*.., #gj ®2Sf*515SaS?. c »*-» r -. 2 Tonnl^ili: H. wllken Mrl Kom?r Dawson, Mrs. Claud Morris, Mrs. IV. A. Hartman, Mrs. T. N. Rags dale, Mrs. M. \V, Almand, Mrs. Ben Newman, Mrs. Will Spratt, .Mrs. N. T. Spratt, Mrs. Frasier Morgan, Mrs. George Dowinan. Mrs. will Fain, Mrs. AA alter Fuller. Mrs. Harry Ferguson, Mrs. Henry Hnralson. Mrs. J. ,T. Knott. Mrs. T. C. Jeffries, Mrs. F. 33. Law, Mrs. Byron King. .Airs. Fred Lambert, Mrs. J. T. Foster, Mrs. Fred Sunt, Miss Minnie Stockton. Miss Floy Al mand, Misses AA’IlIa, Adelaide am]-Leo na Helfner, Miss Redona Ragsdule, Miss Lurllo Ragsdale, Miss Blanche Harper, Miss I.uclle AVlthers, Miss Re becca Llpsou, Miss Corinne Anderson, Miss Fannie Mae Burks, Miss Annie Mae Hardin. Miss Inez Hardin, Miss Eddie Barton. Miss Rosalie Eubanks, Miss Llszle Henry, Miss .Mamie Daniel, Miss Cleona Crabb, Miss Sallle Shn- rnm, Miss Minnie Battle, MIsh Susie Hattie, Miss Willie Russell Law, Miss AVIlllo I.oyless, the Misses Guinn, Miss Irene Mitchell and Miss Harriet Lee Angler. rummagI sale. The Ladles' Mission Circle of 'the First Unlvcrsallst church will hold a rummage sale Friday and Saturday of this week at the corner of Rills and Butler streets. Those who have articles to donate for this sale are requested to send them to this address Thursday evening or Fri day morning. rer Marietta and Peachtree streets.' The nubile is Invited. MRS. D. L. BRADLEY, Prenldent. MRS. S'. KUEGLAR, Secretary. LADIES’ AUXILIARY. Ladles’ Auxiliary to the B. of L. E. will hold Its regular meeting Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, In the Kntg'nte of Pythias hall, Kiser building. ATLANTA WIJLlARD W. C. T. U. The Atlanta AVlllnrd Woman’s Christian Temperance Union wilt meet as usual In Trinity church house on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Superintendents of departments are rejuested to bring written reports of all work accomplished during the year. MRS. MARY L. .M'LE.N'DON, ' President. JlltS. JANE A. ADKINS, Recording Secretary, |N HONOR OF MISS ALMAND. JIrs. J. A, Carlisle entertained at an afternoon tea Tuesday In compliment io Miss Arlene Almand, whoso mar riage to Mr. Edward Foster takes placs In October, The house was elaborately decorated with rose*, pnlms and ferns, and sus pended from the arch between the drawing and dining robins was a huge hell made of bride roses. During the afternoon the bell was pulled and the bride-elect Was showed with dainty ar ticles at linen. Ices were served l>y Misses Adelaide Helfner and Jpt Hmrial Misses Floy Almand. aqd I.uclle Ragsdale served tea. Assisting In the entertain ment of the guests were: Mrs. W. M. Weathers, Mrs. J. Albert -Meador, Mrs. Emmett Collier and little Misses Emily Keen, Oraco Alinnml. Hlnjon Hooper, Anna Purser and Natalie Ragsdale. Mrs. Carlisle wore a becoming toilet of pale blue sl|k, trimmed In point lace, ami Miss Almapd was attractively gowned In cream batiste, embroidered sad lace trimmed. Invited to meet Mina Almand ware: JIrs. W, M. Weathers, Mrs. Emmett Collier, Mrs. C, H. .Matthews, Mrs. J. Albert Jleador, JIrs. l-'red Seay. Mrs. Francis Stozlcr, Mrs. Charles Jones, .Mrs. John Keeton. JIrs. W, H. Keen, Mrs. E. P. .Helfner. Mrs. Fred Wagneff Mrs. A. R, Colcord, JIrs. Roy Aber nathy. Mrs. Tni homos Stokes, Mrs. War- ERNEST MIXON GOES WITH MOON SHOE STORE *r and salesman for some .. house! In the city places him nt the head of his profession. Ills many friends trill * e Rind to lenrn that he bos again enter- il the retail shoe business. Mr. Mixon and Mr. Moon, formerly with the Daniel's shoe store, wilt make a strong 'cam nml sure to win. the pcunnnt ana nake the Moon shoe stdre a shining light n the shoo world. . "I lost tt gold bracelet out of a car win dow, I plnred a 90c want aarertlapmeot In The (leorglnn And got tt hack." A want ml and 40c Ih>x of Wiley’s candy, 30c, Friday and Saturday, It, ««•••••••••••••••••••»•••#••••••••••••• SSI PERSONAL MENTION Mias M. Frances Phillips will spend Blschoff, one of the best teachers from the winter In Birmingham. Europe. Mrs. Zac P. .Smith has returned from Europe. Traveling with her, this sum mer was a largo and charming party, who saw. Europe with one of the most brilliant and delightful chaperones.— Birmingham Age-IIerajd. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Walker have re turned from a visit to friends at Char- j lotte, N. C. Jlr. and JIrs. Rlx Stafford, who have been at the Aragonrarc nt home fortlio ulntorwlth Mr. nnrlMrs. Jno ltglne, op Juniper street. Mrs. Hal Walker, her mother, Mrs. Wore, and her daughter. Miss Bessie Walker, returned Monday to their home it Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Buford WJIklnson, of Hun Antonio, Texas, return to tholr home next week. Their three daugh ters, Misses Pearl, Inez and Evelyn Wilkinson, have entered Agnes Scott.' Mr. and JIrs. Ben Lee Crow are nt Battery I’ark Hotel, Ashovllle. Mrs. T. J, Simmons Is' the gue,t ot her daughter, Mrs. John W. Tomlinson, S'. Birmingham. Mrs. G. D. Hanna Is visiting friends at Chattanooga. Mrs. Frnnk Lester, who has spent two months In Rome, arrived In At lanta Tuesday morning to be the guest ot .Mrs, James T. .William*. The friends of Mr. Evan Howell will he glad to know that he Jiao recovered Iron, his recent Illness, Mrs. Bolling Jones hoa returned from . c ten deys' stay at Tallulah. Mr. and Mrs. James Williams will entertain a party, of friends St their country home, near Decatur, for the week-end. Miss Catslo Spain,' of Darlington. •S, C„ la tho guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spain. Miss Alllne Patterson was hostess Wednesday morning at a meeting of her bridge club. Dr. P, L. Moon has taken possession of an attractive homo at 3TD Central -venue. Judge and Mrs. Henry Tanner have ’' turned from a visit of several months to the Weal and liavo opened for the winter tholr home, on Peachtree street. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Woodruff and Mrs. Mury Wlnthlp are enjoying a two reeks' visit North and East. Miss Rosa Klngsbery Is the guest of h’r sister. Mrs. Rooert Harbin, at h 'me. Dr. und Mrs. Floyd M'.Rae have re turned from New York. Miss Ilertlm Smith has returned to the city. _ Jin. Fulton Colville has returned froifl New York. Miss Adair Wilkinson arrives tho last the week from WnyncsVlUe, N. C., to visit Mrs. O. A, Howell. MISS Harrle Fumade Is spending n week with Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Doxter. Mr. and JIrs. Richard Congdon are at present In Paris. Miss Jlary Wharton Thurston Is Mending a short time nt Paris. Mrs. Reble Lowe English Is visiting ■■•Use Ruth Hallman nt her home, on 'Vest Peachtree street. Mrs. English has roccntly returned from an txiended European trip. Jilts •treet. daughter lucliun.uii, left study tucsl 1: Bui hnnan, of 131 Ornnt .Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mrs. Cay McCall returns next Tues day to her heme In Jacksonville after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Logan. Mr. anH Mfk. LT. S. Hollingsworth announce the birth of a sop, H. S. Hoi .llngswortb, Jr. Mr.-and. Mrs. Joe Ralne have moved In from their country place at East Lake and have taken possession of their home on Juniper street. Miss Thorn, who has been 111 for several weeks with typhoid fever at St Josephs Inllrtnary,. has sufficiently re covered to be removed in r few days (| the home of her parents, Mr. aao’iuK Charles Thorn, on North avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coleman, of Sheffield, Ala., are spending Wednesday In Atlanta cn route homo from an ex tended v(plt to New York. Miss Mnbelle Lawshe, who hns bean spending the summer visiting friends and relatives In Kentucky and Indlnnu, hns returned home, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. B. L, Van Dusen, " New York. Miss Anne Hammett, of Now York, Is tho attractive guest of Miss Gene Carson, Mrs. Alexander Houston has returned from a two months' stay In Notches, Miss. She wok accompanied home by her sister. Miss Ellxubcth Sawyer, who will reside here and will he n bright acquisition to Atlanta's younger set. Miss Jutlcn Perdue entertained very Informally Wednesday afternoon n lim ited number of Mtss tilirf Holllnsliend's friends in honor or JIlss Holllnshcad, whoso marriage to Mr. Frnnk Hughes will lake placs October t. Mrs. Harry SL George Tucker, wife of tho president ot (he Jamestown Ex position, who has ’spent her summer dispensing hospllollty at Jamestown. Norfolk and Old Point Comfort. Is enjoying a much-needed change and recreation ot JloncheBter-by-the-Sea, In Massachusetts.—Washington (D. C.) Times. Mr. T. U. Eilstt, of Richmond, Va., Is tho guest 'of hls daughter, Mrs. Dunbar Roy, on Peachtree street. Mrs. Edmund L. Tyler, of Annlaton, and her two young daughters. Lucy and Nellie, will spend the winter In At lanta They will arrive In the city early In October. Among those who will entertain next week for Miss Louise Todd nret Mr*. A. J. Smith. Mrs. Mary Burt Meador and JIrs. William Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Calhoun and their little son. James Trigg, will leave early n*xt week for Chattanoogu to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Trigg. "I lost a gold bracelet act of a car win- dew. 1 pieced \ 10c tvsnt advertisement In TIi" Georgian nnd got It bnck ” A want ad and tOo Bex uf Wiley's candy, Mr, Friday and Saturday. Increased Enrollment. Rpeclsl to The Oeorglnn. Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 25.—Tho University of Chattanooga began a new- term today with Increased nttortdanct In nil departments. The law depart, ment eaueclally shows a largo gain over last year. Southern College of Phan raacy» 93 Luclde street. Opens eighth session Octo ber 1. New building. Free books. Continuous sessions. Splendid attendance. Pros pective students invited to call. MI ©OS NEWS DEPARTMENT STORE FVRKIT'VRF. 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 September 25,1907.888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888: What’s to be Worn This Fall? Come and See. 190 1 Our $25 Suits Are the Talk of Atlanta. j At tiiia popular price there is a choice of styles to satisfy the • most captious, and values that amaze until one considers the J. M. | High Company’s resources. Fashion decrees both tight and semi- ! fitting Coats—three-quarter and hip length—single and double- [ breasted—and we have them in all the materials that best unite t service and dressiness. Among them are satin-lined Broadcloths j and panne Cheviots, in the popular shades, that look as if they cost j twice the money—and they would at some stores. Such a pleasing | lot of novel effects—olever collar and cuff conceits—refined use of | braids,straps and folds—and the i new sartorial features of many [ kinds—is unique at a $25 price. at $25.66 i*HHS**GM(M*HMlU|liM*«Sl Superfine Suits at $29.75 Adjectives cannot do justice to. these creations or refined richness. Some are form-fitting military effects, with velvet oollar and most recherche trimming of wide and narrow fancy silk braids, combined with panne velvet and silk frogs. There are high novelties in taffeta lined Chiffon Broadcloth, rich striped Worsteds and new blue and green mixed Serges, including 50-inch Long Coat Suits, suitable for dress wear, etc., etc. The models are charming—the materials exquisite. Other Tailored Suits and Costumes galore at $15.00 to $150 each superior to any offered elsewhere at the price Matchless Waists and Skirts, all newest models. / Exquisite Corset Covers Lace Trimmed and Em broidered Styles. Look like hand-made affairs. Tomorrow wc’U place on sale in Muslin Underwear Section on second floor, re cent shipment exquisite nainsook embroidered and lace trimmed Corset Covers, new fall modes in variety of most effective styles. Look like handmade. The most' exquisite Corset Covers you ever laid eyes on at snch low prices. They go on sale tomorrow at 75c, 89c y 98c, $1.25, $1.50 on up to $3.50 Sale of Beautiful Kimonos Manufacturer’s Samples of _ Regular $5 and $6.50 qual-$4 UK ity Kimonos for w7VJ The sale consists of 3 or 4 dozen real $5 and $6.50 qual ities long Silk Kimonos, made of beautiful quality China Silks In pretty Jap anese patterns; reds, greens, browns, blues, etc., choice*/) «« collection of styles. While 5 A UX they last VeJO EXTRA SPECIAL. Ladies’ long Kimonos of Cotton Crepe, large, loose sleeves, trimmed in border] of different material... BARGAINS Great Ribbon Special. Tomorrow, lbt of about 100 pieces 41-2-ineh wide Silk Taffeta Rib bon, in all tho leading shades nnd black and 4 Qa white I SJw Some Hosiery Specials. Ladles’ guaranteed fust; black lace lisle Hoso, all-over lnee and boot stylos i 35o pair, 4*4 flirt throo pairs for ^ I iWW Children’s School Hose. Children’s, boys’ nnd misses’ lxl ribbed guaranteed fast black school IIosc, double knees, heels, and toes, special 4 price I wl# New Flannelettes. Two cases beautiful new Outing Flannels and Flannelettes in love ly patterns, for kimonos and house dresses; great variety 4 of styles I UIf HIGH'S Comforts. Caso of new and pretty Silkolino covered Comforts, nicejN e J?rt patterns, special 9 • ewU Lovely quality of fine Comforts, filled with pure white cotton, cov ered with lovely qunl-S*i AA ity French sateen..,. 4***vU Good Values in Blankets. 11-4 size white and gray pure wool Blankets, CQ special ^Hawv Large size white wool Blankets, extra quality, special $5.00 11-4 size fine white Blankets, pure wool, $7.50 flIC Cff grade, special fVivU Regular $5.00 Plaid £0 AQ Blankets 4v>vO Regular $6.00 l’laid £4 QQ Blankets 9wiOw Regular $11.50 Plaid tfC OQ Blankets 4wiOv FURNITURE on easy terms, cash or credit. Guaranteed lowest prices in Southern States. Great stock. Popular kinds. Easy terms. China Closet, like cut, of Goldsn Oak, elegant con struction and finish, only $19.98 Splendid quality Iron Beds $4.50 Splendid quality Iron Beds $6.50 Splendid quality Iron Beds $8.00 Splendid quality Iron Bty^i ij>9.00 Splendid quality Iron IT, $10.00 Splendid quality Iron Beds $12.50 Splendid quality Iron Beds $15.00 Splendid quality Iron Beds $16.00 Splendid quality Iron Beds $17.50 Splendid quality Irou Beds .$20.00 $45.00 Bed Davenport for . $34.98 $-1.00 quality Oak < Ynter Tables for.... $1.98 $-1.00 qiialitv Oak Working (’hairs fur. . .$2.48 $20.00 Oak Chiffonier $13.50 $20.00 Oak Extension Table for $14.50 $35.00 Oak China Closet for $19.98 $40.00 Oak Sideboard for $29.00 $35.00 Combination Bookcase and Writ ing Desk $18.25 Good liuc Oak Hat RaYks ...... $10.48 and up HIGH’S HIGH’S HIGH’S HIGH’S