Atlanta Georgian and news. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1907-1912, October 01, 1907, Image 6

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inrj j\ 1 i7\ urAJimi ajn ai\U J\ Hi\v.'5. LflfA T, «M I mi i. Jmr. A Hold Stop. To overcome the *vr»ll-groun<Ird and reasonable objections of tho more Intel* ligent to tho use of secret, medicinal com pounds, Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. V., some time nro, d( cided to make a bold departure from the usual course pursued by tho makers of put-up medicines for do mestic use, unt^so has published broad cast and oarnTy to the whole world, a full and comprpio list of all tho Ingredients he composition of his widely . Thus ho has taken trons and patients .Into ncc. Thus too ho has ro- move^liis/faMIdlfics from among secret nostr/tps'of doubtful merits, and made medics of Known Composition. By this boM-sten Hr. Pierce has shown riTiublju^roI SUc1l-U.xreUcnf0 Not only doe* the wrapper of every bottle ; Of Dr. Fwn'i Golden Medical iMicovcry, the fan is medicine for weak stomach. pld brer or biliousness and ail catarrhal diseases ' or hlliousna-y wer located. have printed u noil ... ... I inn t noU*h. a full and complete list of alll the lncrodlcnts composing It, but a small t-. ic has been compiled from numeroua standard medical work*, of all tho different schools of practice, containing very numer ous extract* from the writings of leading practitioners of medicine, endorsing in th* *» V'*t poartM* X contained .. of these little nyone sending addn by letter, to I)r. H. V. PJ< BMl iir * • . book 1 * Idjkas « ;ach and every Ingrc- . Pierce’s medicines, r theao little book* will be mailed free to any one sending address on jxistal card or ' " Buffalo, N. Y.» rum this little . _ r. Pierce’s med- _ . ntain no alcohol, narcotics, mineral I agents or other poisonous or injurious agents 1 that they are made from native, mould- tter, to Dr. U. V. Pierctv 1 requesting the same, Fn it will b« learned that Dr. »contain no alcohol, narc years ago, by the Indians for slmll | affecting their anuaws. In fact, one of the most valuable medicinal plants entering Into the composition of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription was known to the Indians as • Sou aw-Weed." Our knowledge of the uses of not a few of our most valuable native, me dicinal plants was gained from the Indiana . As made ap by improved and exact pro cesses, tho "Favorite Prescription" Is a most ' efficient remedy for regulating all the wom anly functions, correcting displacement*, oi prolapsua, art#nrskai and retorveralon, ylrttK toning up the . a Dcrti’Ct Rtatoof ■' aJuNp In fr^dlciaea. THE ONLY Comfortable Way • to visit the • JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION is to stop at The ONLY HOTEL IN51DH The GROUNDS Why stay at Norfolk—ten miles uxvmy? Have your room within five minutes of any part of the Exposition at THE INSIDE EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day. Popular Priced Restaurant; Pergola Porch Cafe facing Historic lUaiptanRuad* Add $3.00 for AMERICAN PLAN. Rate provides for re-admlsslon to the grounds at any hour. Concerts by 33rd U. 5. Regiment (land. All Conveniences of a flrst-clnsa hotel, com bined with the utmost Comfort. Ateommo-'i datlons fur 1500 guests. Mar 1 _ _ not to Norfolk. BARRY WATCITAM, Manager. FROM THE CONTEST Quits Race Because of Bur den of Personal Duties. T REUNI i By the merest accident—the chance remark <jf a stranger—Major W. H. Bottle, of Judge Wilkinson's court, a wal-known Atlantan, was given a clew lag Wednesday that led to a meeting with hie sister, from whom he had been separated for forty-»l* yoars and whom he had thought dead. He also learned the whereaboute of hie two brother,, whom ha had not eeen for the eonie length of, time. At tho outbreak of the war Mr. Bet- tic, then a young man, parted from hi, I. ler In White county, Arkansas, and v. ilked to Prospect Bluff, where he en listed In the Confederate army. Lika many other soldier, In tho troubled times, he lost track of hi, family during 'the war. At Chlckamauga he lost a leg and was forced to put down his gun. He came down Into Georgia ahead of the army and settled here, Intending to Join his family later on. But his brothers and Bister, had moved away ■from their old homo and he could not (discover their whereabouts. At length after many years he thought them dead 'and gave up tho search, t Last Monday he left for Nashville to spend a week at the Tennessee home coming. While sitting In the lobby of tho Tulane Hotel he struck up an ac quaintanceship with a stranger from a ;near-by town. ■ "Bettle—Hettle," said the stranger, •■why. I knew some Betties—Wyatt nettle and Taylor Bettle and their sis ter, Mrs. Bodkin. They live some- iwhere near Humbolat, Tenn. You re semble them very much.” i •fWhat!" said Mr. Bettle. when he ■•rcoognlsed his brothers’ names. Then Ihel gathered all the Information he ’could from the stranger and the nest (morning sit off for Humboldt to search for hts missing brothers and sister. After a day of Investigation In Hum- •boklt. he found that hts sister lived about twenty miles In the country. By long-distance telephone he reached a 'neighbor of hers, whom he told to eend Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga., Oct. 1.—Alderman Jesse B. Hart has withdrawn from the race for alderman. Mr. Hart states that he has more business than he can at tend to, and he can not give the proper time to his work and to the city. Alderman Hart was one of Moore’s strongest men on the ticket. He has served the city for a number of years as an alderman and during that time has done splendid work. CAPTAIN BOB ANDER80N HAS NOT RECOVERED. Special to The Georgian. ( Macon, Ga., Oct. L—Although Cap' tain Bob Anderson was thrown from his horse three months ago, he Is still confined to his bed, suffering from the broken leg he received at that time. Captain Anderson was Injured during the Elks' parade several months ago, and on account of his advanced age, the bone I, taking a long time to knit together. However, he expects to be out before a great while, as he Is suf fering from no 111 effects from the broken limb. presbyterian'church WILL BE REPAIRED. Special to The Georgian. Macon, Ga., Oct. 1.—Work of repair Ing the Forest Presbyterian church, In Macon, will commence during tho next few days. At a meeting held Monday evening by tho building com mittee It was found that more than 14,000 of the IS,000 necessary had been raised for tho ropalrlng. A now roof and new heating apparatus will' bo among the largest Improvement besides the tall steeple will be reshingled. FUNERAL OF REV. BATTLE HELD AT VINEVILLE. Special to The 0 coral an. Macon, Ga., Oct. 1.—Funeral services of tho late Rev. A. J. Battlo were held Monday afternoon nt 4 o’clock, from tho Vlnevlllo Baptist church, conducted by Rev. W. H. Rich. Tho Interment was made In Riverside cemetery. Mem ber, of Mercer University faculty and also a great many students of the uni versity attended the services In a body. Dr. Rattlo was for seventeen years president of Mercer, and also president of several other colleges m the South. The following gentlemen, who attended Mercer when Dr. Battle wns at the head of that Institution, acted os pallbe ors: Dr. M. A. Clark. Messrs. E. J. V I Ingham, John T. Bolfeulllet, Broadus E. Willingham, Monroe Ogden and Fred Martin, [LAZY LIVER • ”1 Cn4 CMcarcta bo rood tfeftt I w««t4 not bt ' without th«u. I wu troubled ft r*»> deal with > torpid liver and kaadaeka. Now aine« taking t *,r»reu Candy Cathartic I feal very muth better 1 • Uall cartelnIf recommend them to my friends »rth'» beat medicine J have aver Been.” aloe Dailnet, Gabon Mm No. 2. fall Blnr. Unit. Best For The Bowels ineuoweis ^ .1 I. balk. The saaslae uklat .i.apcl COO. o .ar > ic' t to care or r»ar money back. ~ ~ftUng Remedy Co„ Chicago or N.Y. Cox [ FUNERAL OF MRS. CHEATHAM HELD AT RESIDENCE. Special to The Oeorglsn. Macon, Oa, Oct.' 1,—Tho funeral services of Mrs. Lain Cheatham, who was found dead In bed Monday morn ing by her husband, R. S. Cheatham, were held this morning nt 10 o'clock from tho family residence, on South College street, conducted by Rev. J. E. Seals. The Interment was made In Riverside cemetery. DR, ELDER RETURNS FROM TRIP IN NORTH. 8peelsl to The tieorglun.. • Macon, On., Oct. 1.—Dr. Eugene B. Elder, superintendent of the Macon hospital, returned home Monday, after three weeks’ trip through Caritda and other Northern points. While In the North Dr. Elder attended two large medlcnl meetings, one In Chicago and the other In Minnesota. Dr. Herbert Respcss has been acting In Dr. Elder's place at the hospital while he was away. Atlanta College of Phar macy, next to corner of But ler and Armstrong streets, 16 years’ remarkably suc cessful work. Greater de mand for our graduates than wo can supply. Eighth Col lege of Pharmacy in attend ance in the United States. 1907-8 session begins Octo ber 1st. More eyes than there are In Atlanta read these pages every day. For SO rents you can place any want you may have before them In our want columns, and Friday and Saturday get a 40c box of Wiley’s Candy, Free. DR. 0. E. COLLUM HELD AT STATION Imagining that hts two brother, and one hundred other people were killed Sunday In a church riot at his home In Kennesaw, Dr. Owen E. Collum. whose home Is in that town and who had offices In the Lowndes building. Is be ing detained at police headquarters In sane until his family can make ar rangements to have him treated. He was taken from a Western and Atlantic train Sunday night by Policeman Harp er after suddenly developing Insanity while coming to Atlanta. He doe, not realise he Is locked up and believes his wife and child are with him. EVENTS THAT YOV SHOULD % Opens Thursday, October 10 ..ATLANTA. Closes Saturday, October 26 Those desiring to compete for premiums in the Woman’s Department, as well as the displays of Agricultural Machinery and Farm Implements, must make their entries this week. Prospective exhibitors are urged to communicate with the manage ment at once. LIVE STOCK ENTRIES CLOSE OCT. 7TH. POULTRY ENTRIES CLOSE OOT. 12TH. $10,000 IN PRIZES—FIFTEEN COUNTY DISPLAYS. This will bo the most'successful, entertaining and instruct ive fair ever held in Qeorgia. The management has secured an aggregation of exhibits in all lines which will far surpass any thing heretofore attempted. RANCH 101 WILD WEST. Beginning Thursday, October 17th, “Ranch 101,” the most famous Wild West Show in the world, will give free ex hibitions every afternoon. A'performance at night also—rain or shine. Real cowboys from the Western plains will give amazing feats of horsemanship, bronco busting, Indian fight ing, cattle round-up, lasso throwing, rifle and revolver shoot ing, and many other thrilling nhtl interesting scenes of camp and ranch life on the frontier. RUNNING RACES. . Five thrilling running races each day. Members of the best “horse families” in America will display speed, courage and endurance. MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS. The attractions in this department will be made up of be wildering and startling innovations; daring balloon ascen sions; dare-devil acrobatic feats; reproduction of a gold mill in operation. Tribe of the smallest people in the world—tho re. nowned Filipino midgets—will appear, baby incubators from the world-famed Luna Park at Coney Island. Trained wild and domestic animals. Rollins’ Great Trained Wild Animal Show will entertain and instruct grown people, and furnish unlimited amusement for the children. Mrs. Bodkin, now 71 years old, to Hum boldt on the first train that evening. She came and they met after forty- six years' separation. Bhe told him that hts brothers are now In Arkansas. Spec 1st to The Georgian. BumralL Miss, Oct 1.—Feeling against Italian, here has grown so strong that they are packing up and preparing to move from the neighbor hood. The trouble crew out of the complaint of an Italian that his chil dren were excluded from the public schools. He was taken Into the woods at night and given a severe whipping. The situation has been aggravated by tbe demand* of the employee, of the Newman Lumber Company for an In crease In wage*. The Italians and ne groes have been warned not to work there after today. Th* authorities of ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES £“£££? ,£“3. ’KSJF&Sjt# SPECIAL DAYS Children’s Day, Saturday, October 12. Fraternal Society Day, Thursday, October 17. Horse Show, October 15,16 and 17. Farmers’ Union Day, Wednesday, October 16. All-Day Singing, Friday, October 18. Wm. Jennings jjryan Day, Saturday, October 19. This great orator and statesman will deliver a public address at. the Fair Grounds. Fireman’s Day, Monday, October 21. Poultry Show opens Tuesday, October 22. Reduced Rates on All Railroads. FRANK WELDON, Secretary and Genl. Mgr. Atlanta, Ga. CHANLER MAY COME Two presidential possibilities gs at tractions at Atlanta's coming state fair on the same *ny—William Jenhltlg* Bryan and Lieutenant Governor Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler-ar* promised, ac. cording to a letter received by State Treasurer Park Monday. Miss Nannie Jones, niece of Dr. Amos Fpx. nnd daughter of Mra. Mattie Jones, died At Dr, Fox's'residence, 631 Wash ington street, at 1 o'clock Monday morning Mies Jones died very suden ly of heart trouble. She had been In til health, although her Illness was not Mr. Chanler wrote that he would be considered n serious one. In Atlanta on October 1# and would be pleased to see him. Now October 1» 1» the date set aside by the fair management for William Jennings Bryan, twice presidential can- dldate, and talked of with Mr. Chanler as a possibility in 1908. Efforts were made to get both these prominent mdi to visit tho fair. Both had the matter under consideration and a few days ago It was announced that Colonel Bryan would be here on Octo ber 1». Mr. Chanter'* letter saying he would be here on the aame date waf re ceived byCaptaln Park on Morfday. A similar letter wns received by Sec retary Frank Weldon and he announces that Mr. Chanler will try to arrange a later date If the date he has decided upon Is not satisfactory. With these two prominent figure. In the Democratic party tn Atlanta and at the fair at the eame time, all sorts of interest In the fair would be manifested by those keeping up with the political situation. W. L. Calhoun Improves. Hon. William Lowndes Calhoun, who has been 111 for the past two weeks at hts residence. !>S Washington street. Is showing signs of Improvement. For a time hts condition wa* considered se rious and hi, many friends were anx- Inus. SICK HEADACHE CARTERS Kittle ¥iver I PIUS. msmm Postriviiv Cusio Dr THCSC LlTTlX Pill*. Dyspetla relieved. Constipation avoided, Don els regulated, no pain, no griping. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOS*. SMALL PRIOB. Miss Jones had been a teacher In the first grade In the Fraser Btteet school for 18 years, and was considered one of the best Aral grade teacher* In At lanta. The Fraser etreet school will dosed all day Tuesday Infirer memory. All the teachers will attend the funeral In a body tyi well as those pupil, who wish to pay thetr last respects. Miss Jones was a member of the Cen tral Avenue Presbyterian church and all of the officers of that Institution are requested to attend the funeral IS a body and to act as. pallbearers. The funeral services will be held from the residence, 533 Washington street, Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The Interment will be In Oakland cemctnry. CITY DRIVEWAY IS NOW PLANNED Alderman J. Sid Holland of the Third ward will otter a resolution In council next Monday looking tto the consbmma. lion of the plan for a driveway through the city across the Washington street viaduct and connecting. In this way, more closely the north and the south •kies of the city, , The driveway, by connecting the north and south sides, would also con nect Atlanta’s two targe porks. Pied mont and Grant. It Is argued Also that It would relieve the congestion on the Whitehall viaduct. The repaving of East Hunter street from Washington to Hill, and the re paving of either Ivy or Courtland, and possibly of a few other streets, would be required to carry this plan’ Into ef fect. and so considerable expense would be Involved. . Alderman Holland'* resolution will provide' for an Investigation of the plan by the streets committee and tbe city engineer. TRAINED TO STEAL, BOYS TELL OFFICERS Special to The Georgian. Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct. 1.—Accord. Ing to boys Arrested for stealing brass, J. A.* Connelly and William Satterlee, two men now under bond on the chargo of receiving stolen property, have been conducting a school for thieves like that run by Fogin, Charles Dickens’ noted character. Five boys, all un der 17 years of age. tell the same story. They say Connelly and Satter lee told them where and how to get the brass, at what hour to go for it and time. at what hour to deliver it. The boys were paid snpill sums, entirely out of proportion to the value of the property they brought In. Coses against thir teen men and boys, under charges of stealing and receiving brass, were called Tn criminal court here Monday. Armory Directors to Meet. A meeting of the directors of the Auditorium-Armory organisation will be held Wednesday at noon in the Chamber of Commerce assembly room. At this meeting a report on work al ready accomplished will be considered, which will be submitted to a meeting of the stockholders to be called at that More eyes than there are In Atlanta read these pages every day. For 30 cents you can place any want you may have before them in our want columns, and Friday and Saturday get a 40c box of Wiley's Candy, Free. WADDY ADMITTED TO FEDERAL BAR Louts R. Waddy, secretary to Attor ney General Hart and one of the moet popular officials In the capttol, was ad mitted to practice tn the federal court on Monday by Judge Newman. Mr. Waddy had already been admitted to the state court,. He begins his career In the federal court with a host of friends who wish him success. DRi PORTER, an Old Railroad Surgeon, spent several years of study and experi ment in getting up the preparation known as Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil, which is coming into universal use as the most conve nient and efficient application obtain able for wounds, burns, sores and skin diseases, whether slight or serious. It is a scientific combina tion of medicinal qualities which relieves pain, antiseptically cleanses and rapidly heals all injured or diseased parts. It has become a sort of “HOUSellOltl SlirgeOd.” All druggists sell it. 25c